ft wv a. v ^ J;:': ^7???*-r nHo ilnnRN /iFiil P i im niii M i Ep I Bl f L111 ,9V 1 f JBIUI IQllll III I m * iiiiiAiiiii Ha II* VflUQIIflll V. . B Topic* of Interest Ware Dto! -ctMsed In an Informal but m SptritadWay *' * j | iB|i"wia i He Urged a Better Attendance i Upon the Public School* . ' of the County L On Saturday. the tailort CoulJ laKllln of School Committeemen A mot to the Coiff. Home bye at It o'rlook ' Tfela Association waa or-. K gaalaaf Ml tall by Sapt. *U Vaugbaa and Prof. U C. Brodgen, W and at that Urn, It waa decided to S Mid two waotlag. during the aebeol year for Ikt dtocaaaion of aach taroat) a* fk? County at large The wan tag waa called to order V] hr the PI Ml U B. D. Rowe Roll \ call by tka Seoretary. Sdp. t?. U v Vaagban Mowed a good number of the dp?rlete repreoented Mr. B D. Rowe. who Ian farmer tram the BaaaU eaheol dlatrlct and K ^ &E dMatBar Wttb their dntto. and ha tbatr | d at tea. Ma emphfelaed the | aaad at better echoola tt the country dWtrteta, and loogw MM. thua glylag the oonntr* Child an equal admta|? wfth the elty child. The b fetor* ef the Uuu ud Btete reeta L ape* the ahooldera of the father end A mothdre and teacher. of thl. generaL tJex. iknentuu worth while muat Jrn ehlldrea UraiUm they muet pay "T 9* l>M hie Temarka by making \ e pie* tor better attendance, and add e. 4 * meg wUl not hare their children ei'Jbnttead the regular public achoAl ther ahoald he farced hr the law. TP. "lolloping tuplca were dlecuaae? la an Informal hat aplrlted war. ' l.'T^.kl^l pf teach.t d?~ tar , dlatnet need dorlng the not ae-lon ? ,t When and how . am I to had a teacher, aad how ean I learn of her V ' a. What ean I do tS prepare the ( ' war tar a better aehool next seaaton? I J 1. What deflnlte beneau hare been I' gained tar the ehlldrea of your dla. trtat, aa well U? the community at Hafa*, through the voting Joeat tax? hutting the commltteamen taking part la the rilacuealon were: Or "It Oka, f. r. Peed, W. W. Bo wen, -J, "1,4 W. Chopin, C. r. Sawyer, J. O. Hod. seal L. A. Harris, J. Hardlaon. ~vnhae. R. emir. T. h. waters. J. w. I IMtebell. Ju M Kirmen. I f la wnclualon the President made a !? Tftwri,|hi for the emptojlna of the ' hafc~ tfaehers avaUable la easb dlsIrfa? alttvout favoritism, th* coopera L tloa aad leadership of coramKesto.il In all batters regarding a better F^leeel eehool. aad th, voting of special I tax la srverp dtetrict la the Conntj. ' I salad aaaalnraoalr to call another I eeetlaj ta the eertr fall, thteSbr I abasing the gasp tetereet, and their 1, hUMat the asod to ha aecompflrted \jkf theb seeetlng. H - ' r-L - r': ''j I ; '? IP \ '<. , rgt-X-'- & ' 83 <?_ i, ... ' WERE MARRIED AT RAUfAX YESTERD AT?THEIR MAR. T RIAGB MURMUBE TO *<& THEIR F1UKKDH Mr. Richard P. Olbbe mod Mlaa Mary Elisabeth Shaw, both ol this city, wert marrled.at the-Hotel Roanoke. Halites. N. Ci yesterday at noon, llattstimts Penser ?( that hewn performed the ceremony. The newa that the shoes popular couple had left on the^norntnc Atlantic Const Line yesterday to be mad* man and wife came as a rreat I BUrprtt* ntttan.. apraod rapidly. Beth the oontraettas partiee are wary popular tn the rttr ni taH In tha hisbea^ aataam. The tatentkm of tba coupl* waa only kDowa bra taw bf their moat latlmatc frtenda. . Mr- Caret Jh-ater at thta cltr. bin tbe hnaara aa boat man and Mlaa Catherine TUIery of. Scotland Nock waa tba brfda-a maid of bonor Mr. Leeter Cherry of Scotland nark, attended thi wadding Tba trlde la a daughter of Mm. Robert B. Shaw and -a young lady of attract!*, peraonallty. She la a Tarorlta with a tarda nam bar and ereryona wtabaa bar atary happlnaaa Bba la antBMyad an alanatiajbaa la tha Pint MaUanal Bank. , t-4 ...... .Mr. Ofbbe la a aan of Baa. 3. T. Olbbe, D DC. draaldlag aldaf.ot tba Waabiacton dlatrlct Of th. M B. Church. Ha haa aaly baau a raaldaat far As cm! wvwnl u-TSTs ta tba diarmaay of Dr. John a. Bloaut. Dqatas bla abort reaidanoa ha baa calami *Ma oataem wad oamaqjjdee lot tba cttlaana. He baa a" bricbt land promlainc future^ -.. u tiiSs r .Mr. MM. nrt hi. truant, uremia ocoueoo we gueets og Mrs. pibb. sister Mrs. CSeries Dewrenew They Wiu return to the elty either ?Ws erenins or tomorrow. . >,j jj&j The entire olty wlgbee thfmntl the hepplneto esrth csn bestow. J ' " - ' RECORI OF WFQg . luwMiw VI mUmmj RECORDED LAST WEEI ' 1|he . tpltowlug Seeds mt trsnster were recoMeg ti the Rector's ofJ. R. Deris end wife to "W. T. Wlostead Jb Bro. -iM. P. Outhrip and wife tq W. T. C Jones. ; Bin wood Reeltr Company So 8S1Ue L. Hoes. I B. Whltibrd end wtte et <1 so W. R. Arthur St el DSnnlss O'Netn to ?. 11. Arthur end et si. Albemarle Peretopeenent On. to Frank Hughes. *5. , Jno. H. Bonner to. Herbert Bonwor. A. M. Dumey trustee to J. *. Alleu. ' .A. M. Dumey trustee to E. H. Moore. M. B. Respess st el to W. A. Herrtmjfiiaat ,y" J. L Warren and wife to Ward * Grimes. Dennis Roberaon to John Roberaon James Linton to W.~L. Oden. Bon]. Spencer and wife to En*ane and A. W. K. Boomer, W. L. Meyo et el to Kureke Lumb r Company 1 T. H. Rollins to Ooy Harding. RoUnd Morris to J. W Stswsrt Albsmarls Dsvslopsmsnt Company tii W c. Booster. J. H. 8 Hodgad to A. 1. Mapping M. W moot to Harold Barter and Wits FVi| IIHIMR|||. r'' * - . i i WAMNfNGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 'I 1 1 ^ = SHO^KHS TONIGHT AND TITCHI) BEPHESENTSlERi ll^F -3 B*n , i m "I" Wm A. Hmt, minister from Peru, to the diplomatic colony la Waablngtor ihUMjr popoier tbere. - " u= Bridge Keeper of Esoms . ?|-' T/ijilff iri 'V ' *t. Berni. Hicks who UUjMfe-J for the Washington and VudflMH | KsllrosH which eroMe* Tir Rlrsr loot .bore th. city, ohm. n~r- MM, drowned ostly this aooiu. Uf whs ssrsd from s wstory grsv. by I th. nulch snd thonshtful work-of Captain David Hill, Jr. Captain Hill wan towing a barge np tan river tor the Cooperate Company and whan oearlnc the draw el the brittle h? noticed that * Wake waa in the' net of getting in Ma bant (root the draw which had been-opened for 10, Parnate of bo eta. CaptainHill hailed Mm with the caution not to attempt to paaa the barge while be waa paaaliy through the draw. Either HtvTtlcha tailed to hear blm ST7D WAS IJUSED m BAPTIST CHURCH ?. -??e hundred and aerentj dollar, waa raised yesterday afternoon it tba Man's meeting held at Chocowlnlty toward, the completion of the Baptist Church gt chat place now snder construction Oultc a number from this city were M attendance and the meeting wee much ehjpyed. The speaker of th? afternoon wan. Mr., W; C. MlUer o' this city whose theme wen ' tilting." HIa address waa timely and thought fnl. The raueic was furnished by the dials quartet ol the prat Baptist Church, this city. Bright prospects are In store lor the Baptist at that place. Res. R. H. Hoffmen 1i the eiOtty Election tn Chicago. Special to too Daily Nam. - . Chicago, III., April l.i?The polio will open at t o'clock tomorrow morning tor whot Is lookad'apoa as one ot tho nloot Important alderaiBW10 olocUona hold la Chtoaao isr mat* roars. Korn Intorost la displayed In many ot the thlrtr-flee wards, sank Ot which win alas* a mombor of tho BOW city coand], Ratoraa ? sanies tlona are patting lorth tholrosonl rotors will ban an opportunity to paaa on a M.Wd.Oo boEd rni*. asSfe5*** STSt? *' IWTLE AY. (XX)LKH IN WBB9 PORTION. ^HSt v J 1 ? I 1 t fe mm t ^Hr [ and Male. Feeet ere reoeet eddittoci l Already they here made Vbeakeelyea w.& y.R.iu = I a Watery Grave staff Biowirf Early This byCapt BavtlftB. fe tatatta^Draw !' > > |q or did not lead the warning. Ai the barge prtbal through the draw Mr. Rlcka in hia^oat was struck by tbaf" barge. Immediately both he and boat sank x and ware . sucked unde the.* bdrge. In a abort wllHe. not over a * minute Mr. Rlcis succeeded in free Ins himself frnfm ynds.r the barge and CAptaln Hnl w<Jh difficulty aye- * ceeded in thro wins him a line and bringing him to safety. It was a 1 narrow escape and Captain Hill la * receiving high pralae for his quick' work al rescuing Mr. Ricks. Several years ago Mr. Rlcka met y with the misfortune to loae one of his lhrnbs by falling from -the Atlantic Coast Line train. 1 * i? ' \ ? WAS HIS CQKSTANT TRAVELING COMMON p u Mr. John* L. Stoddard, who for a ^ number of years was the most oml-j! nent platform' lecturer In America, j haa lately expreaaed his Intention to I return to his native land to spend; his remaning years;, He has lived! for several years on Lake Como, a ? -beautiful, historic body of water la Italy, where he prepared a number Of his lectures. Hia lectures are now , issued in * sat of fifteen volumes. Mr. ^ K. J. Morris la now In Washington representng t?ls great work. Read the following: "I am glad to recommend Stodderd'a Lectures to every home. On a Journey Irti^lhfe ffef EaJt they1 wei* and proved themselves of lncalcul- * able value In picturing the places of Inter*at and dscrlblng them n Stod- cl dard's inevetable atyla. 1 have? J placed these books in every Unlvera-1 Ity with which I have been connected and also recommend** them to nam- *j toan private individual* a man ~J cannot pot a batter Mt of books in * kjf library for bU children to browse ^ W *uem i. ALDf^MAH- ? mat. o?tr.nHj or vir*i*i^ % tt/rhday. mookkatk winds. ?-e_ 01 moo film a roe odmbibatioii heard ret. h. p. dai.ton at first baftlttt shlthch V,. Jv&r * ?RYICES:iIERE ; MICH ENJOYED for hl^ jjgr^stflwbctof The Slifffi ittbsr In.th? Hrln ol ermbas or ttcatlon to be preachd la WMW BEDS dnrtni the snonth t April srfOb nliversd by Ref. H. P lalton At a First Baptist Church lit night. The bonds of worship was crowd d with a c acregatlon roprtwenta Iss nl 4ka isslo?. AV?wekw> I. (We Itfy. A mafyrty of the teachers and lanj children were present to heai he discourse'. Mr. Dalton chose as his subject, Education d' Preparation for Series. "* and' for thirty minute* b? leaded for a more progressive atItude toward' education. He delared education was the forerunner f religion And he was thsgkful hat moral-v Instruction held a high lace In the curriculum &f the local chools. Edocation and religion hav lways gone hand la hand and roader education makes ? broadei eligion and a mote useful education more useful religion. The revival f education and the revival of rellg?n were contemporary; the Reavlsance and the Reformation were ooral. , The aarter thought of M. Dalton i of the heS? f a life or servloe, sf ? comae unit) r into eat fl# landed the pabllcpirlted man and Raid our aehooh iust teach ub to help one another, ubaervin#^i>ur -interests to the welwe of thd4|haoes. Education is tc e the preparation for this life ol ervice and the beginning of the' detructlon of selftthixesa. Education ix hS preparation for service; cooperslon must. h? the-conaummation ol Sc.- a wholesomensss aboul he' sermon that commended il trongly to the' congregation. Th a ferest manifested by the large conrogation was very gratifying. Next Sunday being Easter, thfert riil be no sermon on Education. . 1IRD SERMON TO - THEYOUKC MEN A large congregation heard with ileaaure and profit the third sermon a the series Rev. R. H. Broom pas?r of th? Fsrst Methodist ^hurcb i now preaching to young men Sunay evening. The subject was "Triangular Life" ad was taken from the life of Noab, e being a Just man, perfect In his alterations and walked with Qod. t was one of the strongest sermons st delivered l)y. Mr. Bfoom. Ou.nxt unday, Easter, the congreg^Jpn is Kpected to mske a liberal offering (wards the claims of the church. The ) How tog announcements were made >r the coming week. The ladies Id society met with Mrs J. W. Dally a East Second Street at 4 o'clock. IMilght the Home Missionary Society 111 meet with Mrs. D. if. Carter on fridge Street. The Bright Jewel Solatia will meet Thursday afternoon 1th Miss Wanlta O^rien on East oarth 8treeet. Friday afternoon It Eomss'i Foreign Mtaeionary SoIsty will meet at the residence of ft*F. Cewell on Weet Mala Maat. Ikrtkarr*. SMk Blrihdt|. MmiforteTHL, *?.. April 1.?At j* oo.Uit old loc kooa. tt Olon ur m ik* dnu M**r. e<*fat imim to** ?k* <dt*._0*? a/no. rawrir o?T?M, oj^entoo?r Ud iw tK? oaijr rtriflvaf oorpi comMater of tko-Ooolli.!.!. tnfiT. rf IM tttej mu ( Mi -motii r riHH?l*li kM Tltitort wltt old mk*, I* kM tmti ka??7 ttrtk ~ * : ' NWVv -WHa-'" " - W<8?:\ ?' " -y- ' \ ". v ' . - ' * ===================== Can Enter State N Withou PESACfl, OLDEST FEAST c OF JEWISH CALENDAR i BBGtKS THIS EVBNIHU AT 81TNtoOWN. LASTS ONK WEEK u . Beginning this evening St sundown jg and lasting for one week, Pesach, the ti annual feast of the Passover, or of 0 the Unleavened Bread, will be cele- ig I bra ted in Jewish homes of this city, p as iu other cities and countries where f, the Jewish faith s known. U The history of this Jewish holiday it dates back three thousand three hundred years. The awakening of spring c< has its normal appeal and its pract- 8 leal symbolism to every primitive g m?Dvu. iuc muLunui?i Hpec; 01 this holiday is 9000 in the phrase, xa "That ft is to be kept in the season a of- the Month of Ripenings," when tl the barley sown in winter has become Qi ripe and when an offering consisting of an omer (one?half gallon) of bar- tl ley was brought in gartitude to the ft Giver of all good. o The historical significance of the K festival has overshadowed its agricul- * toraj aspect. As The Fesat of Free- b dom it commemorates the emancipation of Israel from Egyptian bondage and his entrance Into the dignity and T destiny-.of national iife. It thus U marks the birth of the Hebrew people and the A * commonwealth. Here two million people waiaed forth as free citisens without a drop of blood haymg-^heeg-split or a sword unehettheST ~?he main characteristic n of its celebration has always been st domestic; in the homes the families c< gad the invited friends gather on the is first and second evenings to recount p In song and story and amid appropri- T; ate symbolism the deliverance of Is- ot reel. - gt scut cum *. " ffmmm: $ The Public School of Chocowlnity 9 will their ckwinE exercises to-1 a morrow morning and tomorrow night fc at the school house. At 11 o'clock n A. M. Mr. H. E. Austin of the East 8 'Carolina Training School, Greenville t and Mr. E. A. Daniel of this city, will n make addresses. At night at 8 o'- c f (Hock the cojnmsncement exercises proper are to take place. A pleasing - program naa oeen arranged. several I from Washington will be present. I 1 - " : --*> : II THE WETS AND DRYS MEASURE STRENGTH . .. o e Special to the Dally Newi. C j Detroit. Mich.. April 1.?-The 'wets' c f and 'drya' measured strength in ? Michigan today, when the voters of u twenty-five counties of the lower pen- ei i insula wont to#the polls to cast their a! ' votes for or against the saloon under el the county'option law. Interest can- t? ters largely in theN^ighteen counties & that have been "dry" for two years ti and are now having the question sub- ai mltted again. They are: Kalkaska, Rt Shiawassee. Isabella, St. Joseph, Ing- fl, 1 ham, Preaque Isle, Charlevoix, Otsego q Cass. Oscela, Branch, Omegaw. Are- Ct nac, Oceana, Autrim, Missaukee, Al- n< cona and Lapeer. The opponents of h the prohibition movement believe pl that a change of sentiment will result gi In swinging several of the counties m that voted out! the saloon two years jf ago back into the 'wet' column. The anti-saloon campaign managers, on the other hand. nrediCt that the num. I ber of ''wet" counties will be materially cut down as a result of today's p lection. ' ' C i F Moo. to bo Eclipwd. '< L Spoolal to tko Dally Nova. Waahlnglon, D. C , April 1.?The u lr?t of tear ecllpeea ecbednled to ^ UM place during the preaaat mr, . will otscor tonitht tt will bo a par- tlal aclipa. of tho moon, tr-talble la the United State. bat tWbla la Baropo. Aaia aad AMoa UN <a a (art ! at tba aorthaaetarn Up ot North ? portioa and la tba agitata part of ? Aaatraila. ' " ?? 1. ... a Tko Board at Ooaaty t n.nialaMoa- L era are ta aaaatao at tba Ooortbaaan i today Tboy win Boat again tomor- at raw. m ';*? v . ' f * I MO. ?' ii ' ? V " ormal t an Examination :ity Public Schools Placed on Accredited List of State ~ Normal College at Greensboro Hereafter graduates of the Washigton Public Schools can matrlcuite at th? State Normal and Indu lal College, Greensboro, N. C., wlthut Btandlng an examination. This A i the Boat, time in the history of the 0 ubli^fffrools of thla city fttch good / >ttp& hma been afforded them and Ie^-Schools here are to be congratuiuiL ' Superintendent New bold Is in re- yUmf elpt of the following letter from ' upenntenaeni a. i. roust OI tfte '" PT tate Normal which explains itself: "I write to Inform you that at a lectins of our accredited school oomlittee on the evening of March 2 8, le Washington School was placed a our list of accredited schools. "This means that the graduates of le Washington Schools can enter the reshman class of this college witbut standing examination. I am very lad that we are able to place your hool (n our accredited list. With est wishes and regards." APT. C. J. STUDDERT IS COMPLIMENTED Captain George J. Studdert who Is ^presenting the Equitable Life Inirance Society is spoken of in most >mpllmentary terms in the recent sue of the Agency Items, a weekly ftmphlet published by the society, he notice follows and shows that au:her citizen of Washington has made >od: Geo. J. Studdrt, a new member of ie Raleigh Agency, has dohe some again cent work since his identifiLUULJsritA. the .Society on February st. His first application received j n Mkrch 7th, was for a 930,000 alley, with an annual premium of 1,660. Since then he has written 26,000 In conjunction with another gent, and on the 10th Instant sent i 926.000 additional personal buai ess. ai tnia rate Mr. studdert win urely Qualify for the Southern Canary Club, with a long reach toward nembership in the Quarter Million Hub. Items oxtends congratulations. NTEREST COTTERS II ELECTION TOMORROW Milwaukee, Wis.. April 1.?After ne of the most strenuous and spirit d campaigns In the history of the ity the voters pf Milwaukee will deIde at the election tomorrow whethr the "Cream City" shall continue nder the Socialist regime or be govrned by a non-partlslan set of officiIs. The Interest in tomorrow's lection naturally centers In the cousst for th^ mayoralty, Mayor finiil sldel. Socialist, who was elected^, vo yoars ago, 1b again candidate, iking for hiB reelection upon the rengtb of his adralnstration's ofclal record. His opponeut is Dr. erhard A. Hading, former health immiaaioner of Milwaukee, who was Dinlnated on a non-partisan ticket, avlng the support of both the Reubllcan and Democratic party orintzations. The non-partislans pros lse a strictly business admlnstratlon elected to office. Fifth Trial for Mnrder. San Francisco. Calif., April t? or tbe fifth time, Michael Joseph onboy, former chief of police of San ranclsco, will go to trial tomorrow r the alleged .morder of Bernard J. i agan. The trial of a defendant fire mes will be a record without pa rail in the courts of California and atrneya believe It will be the first *e In American jurisprudence of a ifendarit facing a fifth trial on a urder charge. Hew deleeatee than tar elected are sUucted .tor President- Up to date. Till statu in the National Repubcan convention 1.071. \ Delecatea in the national Democrae conrrntion 1.W4. , nMiailna: Mr Watt 1M; Mr qiirult II; Mr CnmrlH,, $i Mr . Fonatta. 1*. taMHU: Mr Clark f? Mr WUm. 10; Mr Marahall, It; Mr Bar?a. r." c v .ak-vjH-a v A "i . r

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