PUBLISHED BViJRY AFTERNOON ' EXCEPT SUNDAY. No. 10% Bast Water Street. ' Tutored u second-class setter P- A'oguet 6, 1909, at the poetofflce at , Washington. N. G.. under the act Of K ' March 3. 1870. x HE. , One Month f .15 Foar Mouths 1.00 Stx Months 1.60 One Year ... .N. 8.00 Subscribers desiring the paper die continued will please notify this ofhca on date of expiration, otherwise It will be oontlnued at regular sub> ecriptlon rates until notice to atop la reoslred. If you do not let the Dally News promptly telephone or write the manajrer and the complniut will receive Immediate attention. It la oar doelre to please you. Ail articles sent to the Daily News for publication'must be signed by the writer, otherwise they will not be published. Street Springers are made for ornaments and not for service. The merchants would not have so many damaged goods if the street sprinkler was used on windy days as was Tuesday. To end a young white man on the ruads for 00 days because ho has kept 'a mean dog. he having agreed id *eaa lae aog away is rather severe j l>i:nishment. is i( not? The Citizens pay taxes to buy a street sprinkler, to feed horses, to pay salaries of laborers and a salary '0 the Street. Commissioner. Why are they not entitled to some consideration at least occasionally? WHICH THK OREATER KV1L One tnau fined $80 for retailing, another is sentenced to the roadB for 80 days for keeping a vicious dog, which is th?' greater offense? SAI \KIF~s FOR ALL OFFICERS This paper has consistently and persistently advocated the puyment <it' salaries to all public officers in iieu of fees and this should apply to Stat.* Officers as well as County Offi -*als. An interview with Mr. A. D. Mar I yean on the Recorder's Court of Peaufort County (which is published in today's Issue of the News) still further confirms our opinion on the question of fees and salaries. Pay all officers fair compensation for the service rendered. Every Recorder in Beaufort County should be paid a salary and no man on trial before thorn should be denied a trjial by jury, I WOULD EMPHASISE THE FACT 1 that t am particularly strong oc Men's. Youth's and Boy's suits. Come in and look them over. J, K. Hoyt. If a girl really wants aman's lore *h?? returns it. I. O. U. arc vowels that have caused many a man's downfall. Always 'remember to be a gentleman -unless you are a woman. Ambition is a good thing, but don't fly higher than you can roost. What the world needs Is leas good advice and more good examples. All things are for the beat?and every one of us imagine he's the best. Many n man is dissatisfied with his lot because it is too near his neighbor's. After a sympathizing with his people who are in trouble many a man begins to feel like a hypocrite. A young widow has one Important maid?she can act as her own chaperon It doesn't seem right that a woman should have two ears for heating gossip and only one tongue for repeating it. A new pitcher, "Lefty"" Kellogg, has joined-the Pittsburg Pirates. Keljogg is six feet three inches tall and built in proportion, weighing now 208 pounds. He has been pitching in the Panama Canal Zone for <?')oui a year and a half. During the recent damp spell the youngsters with the Cubs, "with noiking to rto till tomorrow." rolled .-o many cigarettes, according to .Manager Chance, that he was compelled to "call" them. The Peerless -.^Racr allows the veterans to do as ihey please, but ?.hi> infants have to ft i_ behave. Buffalo has ntade toe White Sox fan offer for 'Lena" niacV.burne. but jf he goes oat of the big league the 'h&ncaB are thf?( he will land with Hugh Duffy's Milwaukee team. Blackburnc cost the White So * $11,<'00 two years ago. but has never hecu able to o.itfh the step wittf the t'oniisky crew. I ~~ ~ < Beet Seed Industry of Poland. Sfcti * The growing of beets for seed 1n Poland was started 30 years ago and ha? been brought to a certain. perfection. so that tho locaJ seed qufta equals that of tho foreign, and to many cases It has turned oat muc* |;v better. . i ? Blind Inference. Doctor?"Thomas, did Mrs. Popjoy Br get the medicine I ordered jesterday r Thomas?"1 h-Were so. sir. I IS an the Mlads dowrn this mors The breeze so bracing buoys Where dust they bite, and stil Here scenery bright and bold "Come brother, sister, cousin RECORDERS COURT j Continued from Page 1 ' Recorder himself and to tl)e "defend- Jl and. but a chorus will -at once ac- 1 claim there would be few convict- I ions under that arrangement. The a argument for taxing the fee only in jj case of acquittal is as broad as U is J long for taxing it only in case of con- j iction, but if the man whose liberty ] Is at stake, to-wit, the man indicted, I were permitted to say how it should 1 be taxed, his answer would not he J in doubt?because he is Interested, m Ofcourse a stipulated salary is the " only proper and wise method of compensation. In addition, the costs In the Ro- . corder's Court are too high. He re- * celres, as I understand. $3 for each j conviction, which is more than the , fee taxed for the Judgment of any court. In the Superior Court there is a jury tax of |3 which goes to ? lthe County, and $1 for the judgment, together with a fee to the Solicitor 8 if he convicts, while the officers in f the Superior Court receive substan- j tlally the same foes for service of , process and the like as in the Re-1 ^ corder's Court, but in the Superior L Court it takes fifteen to twenty men, i a outside of the Grand Jury, to trans- j act the business, while only two or j three are required in the Recorder's j Court. Without exact information. 1 venture the statement. Judging from such as 1 have seen, that the . cost bills in the Recorder's Court ( amount to more than half those in the Superior Court in the same class , of coscb and treble the cost in , that class of cases which . magistrates could try. Why should a Recorder be paid more than twice j what a magistrate receives for the , same kind of case? Why should he j receive more in proportion than the costs of the Superior Court? Why should ho be vested with more au- , thority than any other court ant' t paid only in case of conviction? I refer particularly to the Recorder's Court of Washington because I am | more familiar with it, but as applied j to them all I shy that no spasmodic , sentiment for enforcement of statutes or conviction of criminals should!, bo tolerated to undermine those j, ' safe guards of individual right and ' personal liberty which are essential , to the preservation of law itself. j TO THE DEMOCRATIC VOTERS OF , ; BEAUFORT COUNTY I hereby announce tnyBelf au a candidate for Register of Deeds. If nominated and elected, will serve the , people at all times to the best of my ,! ocrat is earnestly solicited. Very respectfully. WILBUR H ROSS Aurora. N. C. 4-4 tfc. FOR FEVERISH NESS AND ACH1NO Whether from Malarious conditions. Colds or overheating, try Hicks CAPUDINE. It reduces tho fever and relieves the aching. It's Liquid Downward Course. Washington Readers Can No Longer Doabt the Evidence. This grateful citizen testlfled-long ago. Told of quick relief?of lasting benefit. The facta are now confirmed. Such testimony is complete?the evidence conclusive. It forms convincing proof of merit. Mrs. C. Pennington, 27 E. Front St., New Bern, N. C., says: '-'I suf- i fered intensely from backache and sharp, shooting pains acroBs my loins. Often I was so lame that I could hardly straighten after stooping. I j i knew that my kidneys were dls-'i ordered for the kidney secretions I; wore unnatural. I used just one box ; i of I>oan's Kidney Pilla and this was' i sufficient to dispose of my aches and ! pa ids" (Statement given January ! 24. 1908. t RE-ENDORSEMENT, j Mrs. Pennington was Interviewed ion November 28, 1910, and she said: j"l can still recommend Doan's Kidj ney Pills, for they gave mo pcrrnanient relief." For aalo by all dealers. Price 50 Icenta. Foster-Mllbum Co.. Buffalo, j New York, sole agents for the United states. Remember the name?Doan's? and take no other. / ^ The Debutante. "What could you do to support yoorself if your father lost his fortune? You society butterflies know nothing about earning money." "There's where you do us an injustice. Didn't I oarn $2* selling Red Cross stamps Christmas week?" Theatrical. Mrs. Willis?There seems to be a big crowd over at Mrs. Wayuppfls wedding Strange, too! She has been mauled nine thnsss plrsedj. Mr*, aaam-mr* nf tm. ??> gTM? MMkMit ' .y , ?V. ; one up when they come froi Qing hot no comfort there is !; so grand, it weds ypu so y. , aunt, come live here in the ~r ' / ! Feel That Thu] I A Headache Remedy th r contains no heart depressai 5 chloral, or morphine. IBROMA SAt Soda Fountains 6c. FOR SALE BY TAYL< ^ V ^ Woman's "Ssrfdom." A hall grown raan Is. of course, a tyrant And so It - has come about i that the rule of man to tho worth has < tor many'ages moant tho serrdom#ot woman.?Edward Carpenter. i iOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE. Under and by virtue of the powerof * ale contained In a certain mortga-. < ;e deed executed on tho 20th day of < February. 1912, by and between J. A. 1 Vltkinson, S. W. Wilkinson and i Vlf? Pattle S. Wilkinson to W. B. doses & Sons, a corporation, which ] laid instrument Is recordod in Book t 170, page 489 of Beaufort County j Records, which is hereby referred to | tor Its terms; default having boon t nade in the payment of the lndebt- 1 HlnesB secured by the said mortgage ] :he undersigned Till .on the 1st day , )f May, 1912 sell to tfie hlghost bid- i ler for cash at 12 o'clock noon at ; :he Court House door of Beaufort | County td satisfy the indebtedness secured by said mortgage tbe follow- , ing described tracts or parcels of i land, lying and being In the County of Beaufort, State of North Carolina, Pantego Township and described as follows, to-wit: FIRST TRACT: A portion of the "Pantego Swamp" contained within the boundaries of th? Ann Blount deed, lying west of the Norfolk-Southern Railroad, and on the South side of said swamp and adjacent to the Long Southern Collins line, which Is thoSouthern boundary line of the Ann Blount deed and containing, by calculation, Five Hundred and fifty one ind one half acres, to-wlt: Beginning, at the point in the Long Collins line above referred to and West from said Norfolk-Southern Railroad, as measured along said line a distance of Five- Hundred' and Ninety Two poles, and running thence, North 32.5 East 67 poles to a corner in the swamp; thenc? North 50 West 373 poles to another corner; thence South 40 west 39 7 polos to a corner in the Collins line North 89 East 502 poles to the lino s^ove referred to; .thence along said Collins line North 89 East 502 poles to the beginning. It being the second of two tracts of land described and conveyed in a deed from John L. Roper Lumber Company to said parties of the first part dated March 15th., 1905 and duly recorded In tbe Register's Office of Beaufort County, In Book 131, Page 527 530, to which deed referenc? is hereby made. SECOND TRACT: Beginning at a post oak, tbe North East corner of the tract of land conveyed by Gnllford H. Waters and wife to J. A. & a. w. wiiKinson, ana mnnmg North 55 Ea^ *'lth a line of marked trees 81 poles to a corner; thence North 59 West 142 poles with a line of marked trees to a wire fence; thence wlffi Bald wire fence South 68 Weet 15 1-4 poles to the corner of aald wire fence at a ditch; thence North 58 West with said ditch and fence 30 poles; thence North 64 West.with Bald wire fence ip poles; thence north 69 1-2 West with said wire fence 32 poles; thenc? North 68 1-2 West with a dicth and line of marked trees 27 1-8 poles to a lightwood jK>st; thence south 64 1-2 West 37 1-4 poles with sqid Sine ofraarked trees to the North Weet corner of said | tract of land conveyed by-Qullford H. Waters and wife to said J. . & 3: W. Wilkinson; thence with said line of marked treos South 62 1-2 East 233 poles to the beginning. Containing 85.8 acreB more or less, as surveyed ^and platted by John~T. Wind ley, on or about February 16th, 1907, the courses above given being the magnetic courses on that date; and said tract of land being the same conveyed to J.. A. Wilkinson by L. F. Houston, as Guardian, and yLEON W( BANKERS and . ^^^otton, Grain mUm M lw Tarfc at C*. Chicago Board of lal Aooooniro^Yea Cai \ " . ' Ap-^k,; found. ':: , &?ou'U talk, 5 . A [ V A. O. HATHAWAY f i t mp-ety-thump ?! ? at'a quick, pleasant, and J it. no acetanllld. cocaine, J ,*v >' V J * i"-?j " ' C L G I'isi E!| 10c, 26c and 50c Bottles. t i 2 9 >E"S DRUG STORE. J j P * ' ' l^tl ? . .. t 1? ' c Lc?t for Qood. ' , . ^ Redd?-"VA>t you bur about my * neighbor losing control of bis motor c car?~ Greene?"No. I didn't*" Redd? I "Well, be did. The sheriff's got It j now!" I { A. D. MacLp&a, as Commissioner, by ieed datofl Ap*l 16th, 1907, and iuly recorded in said Register's Office f 3f Beaufort County, in Book 147, ^ Page 71, to which reference to hereby ^ made. : ? *, - -1 THIRD TRACT: Beginning in the t Line between Lot no 1 and Lot no 2 it a post oak, and thence running l South 53 1-2 West 70 poles to a stake j Ln Honnock's most Sonthardly line; ^ thence with said line Nortl} 48 1-4 B West 230 poles tc the most westerly . line of Joseph Hancock, \ red bay; thence North 54 1-4 East it poles; thence South 02 1-2 East 233 poles to the beginning, containing 8T 3-4 acres, as surveyed by John *\ T. Wndley on March 5th, 1&06. the courses belug the magnetic courses on that date; and said land being the same conveyed to said parties of the first part by Guilford H. Waters and wife by deed dated November 3rd 1906, and duly recorded In said Register's Office of Beaufort County, in Book 142, Tnge 339, to which reference Is hereby made. FOURTH TRACT: Beginning at the North East corngy of Ransom W. Harris' entry or patent a stake in the West moBt line of the Loyd and Allen patent and running thence with said patent line North 45 East 18 poles to the corner of s&ld patent thence North 2*8 East 100 poles to a patent granted* to W. R. Wright and John Whitley; thence with the line of said patent North 56 Weet 155 poles to & patent granted to Ruel Wlndley and Thomas Boyd; thence with the line of said patent South 45 East 20 Doles to a corner: thence with the line of patent South ] 46 West 97 1-2 poles to the North j Weet corner of Ransom W. Harris' j aforesaid entry or patent; thence ] with t?e eald patent South 68 Bast 1 166 polee to the beginning. It being 4 known as the Ransom W. Harris J grant for One Hundred acres, and be- ] ing tho same conveyed by B. B. ] Nicholson,'Commissioner, to said J. 1 A. Wilkinson by deed dated Fet>ru- j ary 2nd, 1$06. and duly recorded in 1 said Regster's Office of Beaufort County, In Book 138, Page 190, to < which roference is hereby made. I FIFTH TRACT: Beginning at a gum the South East corner of a patent granted to Ruel Windley and Thomas Boyd for 642 acres, dated December 31st, 1818, and running thence with said patent line North 45 East 102 1-2 poles; thence South 68 East 156 polee to a stake In one of the West most lines of the Loyd j and Allen patent; thence - with the t said patent South 45 West 102 1-2 < poles to Retake, the Westmost comer of said patent; thence north 68 West 56 poles to the beginning, containing One Hundred acres and ' being the same tract of land conveyed to said parties of the first, part by \ W. J. Bullock and wife by deed dated February 19th, 1906 and duly record- , ed in said Register's Office'of Beaufort County, In Book 188, Pago 247, to whch reference Is hereby made. I All of the aforesaid five tracts ofi| land being the same Conveyed to said T A il a nr nriii.i.?.n v- tdhiu? I1 H. Schuette and Wife Cora Elizabeth Schuette by deed dated Decern- ' bor 1st, 1911, and duly recorded in said P.cglstfifrf. Office of BeaufortCounty, in Book 170, Page fc?, to which reference la hereby made. Terms of sale caah. This March 28th, 1912. ' W. B. M08BS & SONS, By J. A. Leigh, atty. 3 29 4wks la wk. * Cotton Fxrhaage?JAMESJW. COLE. ) )0D & CO. I BROKERS.) ? ( "J I'rorUMa, 7? Plume At., S Mt Rtch.Mll, IW Vork Cot- f Trode end other (looncloj ceo- \ cited. ^ Imreetmeot ud Mae- ? ^x/v? y?>/ws/v*V Ii The defendant above named will ike notice that an action entitled as *1 bove has been commenced In, the pperior Court of Beaufort County to cure an absolute divorce from the efendant The said defendant will urther take notice .that she la re- & uired to appear at Ue next term of be superior Court of Beaufort Sonaty to be held on the 10th Money after Ike first Monday la March, d) I being May 11. 19i2, at the court ouae of said county, la Washington, I. C., and answer or demur to the omplalut In said action, or the plain- ^ Iff will apply to the court for the relef asked. s -his March 16, 1?1S. GEO. A. PAUL, -IS 4w-C C. S. C. f< NOTICE. By virtue of Power of Bale conallied in a Deed of Trust executed by ( leo. B. White and Wife. Lucy White Q_ the undersigned trustee, dated (2nd day of December, 1910 and reorded la the Register's Office of lean fort County In Book 164, page T 10. 1 will offer for sale, for CABH to he highest bidder on April 15tb. .912, at, 12 o'clock. Noon, at the !onrt House Door in Beaufort Couny, the following described land: p In the town of Aurora," being lots foe. 27. 28 and 29, |S are especially leseribed on a xaAp of said town, rhlcb map is recorded In the Records b if Beaufort County in Book 162, ? .age 367. ' - Default having been mado In the tayment of the debt secured by aald >eed of Trust, sale Is made at the relueet of the owner of the debt to attafy same. W. A. THOMPSON. J TruaUe. J * JVHAVEN8. Owner o( Defct. . J Stewart A Thompson. Attorneys, rhla March 14th, 1912. S-16 Uwk 4vks * C NOTICE OP SALE. - U By virtud of the power of sale, 4 rl assail vs Samuel R. Carrow et ale/' 0 :ourt In a proceeding entitled "J. L?. r lerslgned In an order of the Superior q virtue of the power given to the un^ounty in Book 83. page 347; and by p :he Register of Deeds of Beaufort j ren. Trustee, recorded In the office of q lei R. Carrow et als. to Chan. P. s contained In a Deed of Trust dated he 5th day of May, 1893 frem 8am0 which referenoe Is hereby made, he undersign eC will as substitute rrustee on Monday the 22nd day of hprll, 1912, offer for sale at public 7 tuctfcn at Noon at the Court House loor of Beaufort County, all that cer aln tract of land conveyed by aald Deed of Trust and described i as folow8, to-wit: situate lying and being * n State of North Carolina, County of Beaufort, and Town Of Washington, ind in that part of said Town known is Bonner's Old Part, and being a * part of Lota Numbers 1 and 8, and j which part la bounded and described ii is follows: On the South by Main 11 Street, on the Bast by the lot of Wm " I. Morton Sr., on the North by the ^ lands'owned by the late Tboe. Tuten t ind wife, now owned by 0. B. Wahab, e ind the land of the late Robt. Man- J roe. and on the West by the lot of D. j V. Warren, and being the same piece t or'parcel upon which stands the Cape Pear Bank Building. a TERMS OF 8ALE?CA8H. 1 This 18th day of March, 1818. \ W. B. RODMAN. JIL. c 8-21 4wks-C Trustee. Hicks' CAPCDDnD Cores ttefc ! Headache, klso Nercous Headache. Traveller* Headache and aches from OHp, Stemich Troubles or Female trouble*. Tr, ^apudlne?It's liquid?effects tm mediately. Bold by druggists. c WTHTA 1 410 East Main St 1 OVER ALL J The Hot Wat S the Humphrey j [ ter Heater eictc | room requlrin, > This iron servai J hack, takes a ho! | dissatisfied. | Not a luxury, 1 Mwti in Tayi??Riai ant ani ilrd Friday evenlaaa web moctk t I o'clock. Meet, in TayW. Hall otmt Too ay area till at 1 o'clock. TAC TR1BB. No. IS. L O. k k Meet* to Tajloo'e lull every Hoc ay'a 'Sleep 8tb Run. PHALANX LODGE, No. 10. 1. O. 0. F. Meota every Thureday erenlni la ayloe'a Ball at a o'clock. AOla RKBEKAH LODGE, No. 08 L O. 0. F. . Meet, in Teyloe'a Hall accond anc >urth Friday each month at 1 p. m PAMLICO LODGB, No. T?. \ L n( P. Meets in their hall, upstairs, cor er Union alley and Main street rery Thursday evening at t o'clock ORB LODGB, No. IOC A. P. ud A M. Meets In their hall, corner Bonnet nd Third streets, first and third 'nesdaya each month at S p. m. MOVE i rfAlTKR, Jto. O-. Ho rid Arch Masoau. Meets In Masonic Hall ssoond and aurth Tuesdays each month at I . m. WASHINGTON LODGB No. 8B8. B. P. a B. uiiaing, every *r "?y ?r r? ? 'clock NOTICB. By virtue of * Power of Sele ronUned in a Deed of Trust executed by ohn P. Honker to the undersigned ruetee, dated' 22nd day of December, lb, and recorded In the Register's fflce of Beehfert County In Book 4, page 9, 1 will offer for sale, for ASH to the highest bidder on April 6th, It It 1 a* 12 o'clock, Noon, at tie Court House Door to Beaufort Ounty, the following described u>d: In the town of Aurora being lots 2 and 42, as are especially described a map of said town, which map is ecorded In the Records of Beaufort !ouhty In Book 1?S, page 207. Default having been made in the ayment of the debt secured by said >eed of Trust, sale Is made at the reiueet of the owner of'the debt to satisfy same. W. A. THOMPSON, Trustee. J. HAVENS. " Owner of Debt. Stewart A Thompson, Attorneys. :hls March 14th, 1912. . < 3-15 1-awk 4wks iOTICE OP SALE UNDER MORTGAGE. Under and by virtue of a power of ale contained In a mortgage from iamuel Lenear dated October 10th, 908 to P. P. Latham and recorded 11 Book 166 page 285 of the Regis ry of Beaufort County, which said sort gage waa to secure the bond herein recited, and default baring >eea made In the payment of said end, I will pell for caah to the hlghat bidder at the Cehtt House door a Beaufort County at Washington N. on the fourth day of May Itlt at 1 o'clock M. the following described ract of land: "My Interest consisting of &U ores In ' Jame Lenear deecased seats as plotted by Jaa F. Latham in t surrey for division. It being deign ated on plot as lot No. .1" Terms f sale, canhv. j. r This Aprtf 3rd. I*l?. * r. P. LATHAM, Mortgagee. 5y W. D. Orlmee. attorney. 1-4 lawk 4wk c. i Better a Smile Than a Frown. The. saint who smiles does a great leal more good la the world than the taint with n long face f 1 - Norfolk, Va i '' I -? -1 -1 -W fWQTQFQvWvV WWw THE HOME I er Service of J Automatic wa- 4 ;nds to every} g Hot Water. J| it never talks 2 liddy, or grows % >ut a necessity. 2 ujim A | luUflAAMULiAS ISi'" ' m * ? i ? MHK BB ? I ? :V:?S5'r'-r/'" : - * uHji.reicR ? .^^'fe.^gBIKBpy 1 > IBM W. Seooad St. . LDIM1I O. ?AUn ttornsy-st-Uv jKJM ' Office Opposite Out Heap*. Washington' N. C. ; ? ' , H ' " . . ?i 1 . * r'OH 1r ? . m -rJ MS Wiley C. Rodman, vJ 3?g| Wm. B. Rodman, JiY * RODMAN * RODMAN ttorneye-at-Law. . Waehtngtm, North Cardites. " I P > H- 8. Ward Junius D. Grimes WARD A GRIMES Attorneye-ah-Law B* Waehlnrton. N. C. Wo practice In the Court of tha First Judicial District and the * j . \ ? ?* I V / H. W. CARTER. M. ? Practice limited to dlsiasss ftl 9 I tlie Bye. Bar, Nom mad Throat. Honrs: a, m.; 2-i o. m. Except Mondays. Corner Main and Market Sta. Orer Brown's Drug Store. i Washington, N. C. *-.'i H e JOHN H. BONNER Atiorney-aULaw - v.1 WA HHINGTON, N. a # t s" 9 '>* 1 . ? ., . 1 * A A. nilLLira d BRO^ - FIRE INSURANCE. ' 0 WASHINGTON, N. C. \ e' -*a. e> e . \ X . . . . . ?e e . m W. D. GRIMES Attomey-at-Law Washington, North Cm nlies, v Practices In all the Courts. * a e s eeoM John H. Small A. D. Mrft? u Harry McMollan > Small, MacLeaa A M eMail** v Attorneys-at-Law ^ Washington, North Carolina " ? ? ? K. A. DAJtlKL. * AUorneys-at-Law * Practice in all- Courts * Market Street. ? * Washington, N. C. ' a N a I I * Edward L. Stewart, ' Waahlntton. I*, c. a * W. A. Thompeoa. . Aurora, tf. 0. iiawABI * THOMPSON * Attoroen at Law. a ' y*"*'"*' ? and Aurora, N. O. ' a. . . .... * ~ . ?*: f * * COLLIN IL HARDINO * ! __ _ Attomap-At-Law a * Office Barton * Truat Oa Btla. a Room. Iu4 I, a !* Waahlnftoa, K. (J. * * * "a a. a a I NORWOOD L. SIMMONS Attorney-at-Law ^ * Washington, N. C. * * * To the Farmers v . We have a few more bags of Maine grown, Irish Cobblers Seed Potatoes, which we can save you money on. Also, a full supply of .-?jj choice onion sets and gar den seeds. Give us your business and we will prove to you it is to your interest to buy from the Pamlico Grocery Co. 11 f i ,'i ^ 1,'jpfji^i When cleaning or pressing is I . to be done My' work I guarantee To plesfce he or she 1 work from sun to sun My years of experience places me In the 'front . yanks of Perfection for SgjMj .SSK55 CLUB RATES SI P? Month Rooms over Western Union LINA RICE; ,? .

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