| ' > Of Her Sons 1 WAS CANDIDATE flp FOR 0.1S. SENATE r " T0m IpssKhig on "Untver sal Education, its Ne ?owity And Bene M" when stack 9BfcVV:v4 ^ Bm-OoTeroor CkiriM fl Arcockj uropaed deed tt tae Jefferson Theater USrmtagham, Ala.. last night while f deliseslag en address to the Alabama t* ??; Educptlaffal Assoclatloa. A taleSTSja to this effect was reeslred In thin mty eartr "this Morning sad occmstoaad tmlrerss) sorrow lor no man ~ the Sovt Xhass on the stage wars naahle to aid hlai In tlfas before bis - fan. He mmfaad wtttla a Terr few >? tnfhnSas. The,remains were .carried to kb mdntiktog establishment and Ht ' - . *r. Editor:- f*2 : , < 4 wae'beading bran mr desk Ave B,v ' mHelli aio writing sad thinking p/c Twfth soma dmcoltT and; St; uggle f orbr th? aMfWtMMhr I fonnd that I dU wadiir ageht of the Postal TeicII rung to* un to I.. *e Oounty Nona Graduated from I M?tH. (ifKil* by trfwllr There will to .pec11 Mtotew. at the rim PreaynerUc Church toBUht at I4? ?*clock, preparatory to Ike Ohtorraace or tto qncemneot at (to Lord*. Supper on Santos Memtor. are urged to attend and other, are cordially Inrlted. TM* '""-'.Bin The telephone girl .11. ? And 1 tatena to aoicod ;V she known all n? yoar 1 '' 3Bew Bh* know, eretw alt} a y;. saassacr: 8>l? h?F?UMULJi ^ 5* iaoiiI? m9?oMi : . ShaJu^Mig^.'Ail^ Ia toct (kcre to ?mwit 4)?. Of thjtt.qolto.lemuvkt jpV'V^: If ** t^?Pboa*i?tol toll ' 11 vcn>M^nraItotf.oar l '??.* \ pajA**m > > - w-jrsrs,^ -. 8k* CO old act all Bur cb 6f4* V t Mian all our dan t ' In fact ahe could beep I If ado would tan a tantl aySt . Oly brother, not* dona* Si *v I &i When you think of hoe ?d[ .'-. 1IRQRS BRAWH A MAY SUPERIOR Cllif The following peraons 'were drawn by lh* Board of county Cotnmlaalohera to aerve at the May term of Beaufort County Superior Court. IFor term beginning Monday lf*r JfjfflMd Jamaa T. Breraon. Doaaan H. *heppard. J If. Paul. Jesae R JonCa, Sr. Bamnel Hawklna. 8. W. fltyron. O. M. g|?K 4 H. Allen, a C. Auatin, W.U San. lola. J. K. Hoyt. C. Howard Bataman, *jr. uraawwii, si. i. Am via, s>. n: Bro??. J. R. Smith. Looln H. Mann U a Tan.toll. V. C^HirdJ. J, F [ WhRlw, J. F. Bishop. I. A. W.rrtn O E. J? v; -A^ - ? ~:.r' K< 'H ABLY FA IK TONIGHT AND BATIS yiv 1 iSON IENDLY 1! /' - " 1 1 ?. AYOIICK. y il-rf I. IK.T8. Wa.S?7 ??:?w la the ton- I . . I8 MSTRICT MEETING ! 3 OF OBI) FELLOWS ? ? The District Meeting of the 044 " Fellows was held at Roberaonvilio yesterday aftd proved to be one of the boat and moat Interesting meetings In the history of the order heat evening the local lodge gave a banquet jn honor of the visitors- V ONE emtio? *'f Id her chair ?' torn everywhere. . * . V she hears an the aewa. , , , r and who has the bines. ? m* chasing the hers. ' - u oubles. A UK., " rho talks mean to kla wife. ',,/ i , K re are out with the bore, ' . ,, , 7. 5 e* follow employ beneath each aaucy curl. frrssr"" Mends Into bitterest foes,'} V .'. ,? ,| rlnd that woald noon be a (ale which (alklitf In force. v tree to cue lor*dlrorce. 8' ."Sara ra'bt Lhe wtyolo town In a iUw, ? part of the thine* the knew. H t It make your head whirl ?... A r mnch you owe the talephone jjjj jj ..... i- . i DAILY SEWS AOVRRTISERN ?, . - ' I Special attention la directed to the adrertlB?nlent? In today's laane of thla.paper. The merchants are oSer|ng many bargains afd those wlahlag to pro ride themselves with neceaaarlee for Easter would do well to poroae the eoiums of this paper. ' ?' j.1 1?? . F TO INSTALL OKF1CURS I, -'^rO.twrthSU.y-', , Hallrvatl.lr Rate fear* K 55% ?5," ' | 1 ' Washington. April 5.? The battle I ortr State railroad rates for freight 1 and passenger boatman began today , ' before torn Supreme Court of the ' ' United State.. The lb Missouri rate . eases were taken up Mr considers' J lion first. Time for argument waa eg; tended uattl next Thoraday - , ?rmak Hagarasn. of Kansas city . Mo., fleet addressed the coart He t laid the ground work for an extend' ed argument that both the maximum freight rataa af Missouri, and IU two dent pekaenger law meant condaea- . tlon at tin property of tS railroads within the'Skate. , . Briefs similar to that presented by | ma and by Use raliroad oo his ilsslitns ( Itoshlncton Masters New I Bern By a Score of ! 9 to 7. Many W^t- I new ConteM? I i Y Tho Washington High School open- 'I i lu bMBball kmoi onjifc, V>n^ I [ntnond ve.terdsj ot I to T em u>. Now B*n| High I ?*U. Th. game ? oaHfJat 4: L&r h" t ""II Tboi?b tooMfkune it^o"?? treating contest thro 13pit opt. A xtb Inning which marred thefcama lightly trom the spectators rftandotnt. On a close dads km at home late. In which a matt wis called out lew Bern protaafced. All of the N.w leri boy* except twh nceiceil *ui?ed. bat New Bern'* captain boeainc tubborn and refused ha play. After Ion* wrangle the Near Bern toy* at In two nmbwattXm and though andicapped slightly by the lose of leir captain, they contested tamely, 3rough the remaining three lain**. ? - Washington tost sevaraj good kaaeea tto woo re thiuagti pot^> ha scanning. The work of Scale* beInd the hat was Trrtunaaflty #od W WH .track on tie U* hi| . batMr. coot, of the department or Hi. irr Id ,the New Dm H?h Sdtwol eeomtpfkM the t?ani. , The hope ?t thle> moraine on the ?:50 Mori =t?, ^=^1 Fred Moore. er to correct some misleading state menta. made by Mr. Swain/ In ray *! Irst article, I wrote trying to show tbo damage done by worthless dogs e md time lost with guns. Mr. Swain b well knows that I reXrred to tenants * laving a? many dogs and so few hags h md not a word said about landownsrs baring more dogs than hogs. The p second article 1 wrote was to show .] that stock tow territory raised larg- o er bop than elsewhere. < b H* malraa Ma oulxulaMnn aarf un. tl ire have 600 hogs and 3000 dogs in ? :his townsMp. 1 say we do not have 81 1000 docs out have too many of the ? quality we have and to few hogs. Bmaays the stock law waa not in oon- 11 troversy but says the reason we have r so Jew stocks Is because we charge l'> 12.60 per acre for piney land to pas- 11 Lure on like they do In Halifax Co. I don't know what they do Hut we do d lot want your supposition unless it r Is tor something good.. T I have never stated that there ti waa six r dogs to each hog and yon a tcnow It. You are an expert on cal- ? mlatlon in regard to dogs and hogs 8 to l^win give you a chance. On two * miles of road where my farm Is lo- a :ated we killed 201 hogs, on one mile a ?f road where most darky tenants n ive they have 61 hogs, and we have 141 miles of road in this township. 8 low I don't say our township win turn in this proportion bat only ?se ll his a# an illustration for your bene- u It; bYou say of (he $100,000 Beaufort ? ndehledneas that Long ?Acre never re ? solved One dollar of It, if I underUK it $15,000.00 bu bMD HPMt 1 iPti convict*. re pa# doe U >tfeer.bcAdgea,poor allowance*, court U sost etc. 1 know a great many men Q n your towhahip and know them to ?e perfect gentlemen, 11 know the D1 So A p ft of naminlulnnan Af nw ;y nnd know them to be the same and at ;o say that they would hare discrlm- h oated. bo much can not be true. ft You state you hope that we will be w ready to pay our part of the bond lima and to not put the Sheriff to ae much trouble as we bare heretofore, * we are always ready to do our part, * but don't know what kipd of statement the Sheriff has made to you but doubt If any at all. Mr. C. H. Rob- si arson our D. S. Says he has less txtotfble collecting taxes of ahy other I! deputy and we hare the- largest town- 1 ship except city of Washington. v One of the County Commissioners & told me that the Insolvent list for d Richland "Township Ihst year was lose * than $140.00. t . - . C How do88 this compare with your C township? * .Yours very truly, * . B. H. THOMPSON. April 1, 1111 c e ' ... i QUARTERLY CONFERENCE d Rev. J. T? Qibbs. D. D.. presiding J elder of the Washington district will bold Quarterly conference at Ware's ? Chapel Saturday and Sunday. He will preach Saturday and Sunday at t 11 o'clock. All cordially invited to I be present. ? j ? c LYRIC ( d No doubt bat what the many patmnq f}t T.yHads. Said committee was instruct1 to report at our neat meeting. The tact number and location" of the tad boles giving diameter cirenroirooce, Ami kole. For , lis work we wpjyropvlpf? 'Ttrxf * ulres of legal-cap paper, thirty 'feet r tape measure, and three sounding l)l?a. . , Some of the bridges In this section re breaking down and others have i oles in tbem large enough for a oad Commissioner to fsTl into edgd ays. ,, 1 ' e 1 ' ZION ITKMS Everygody seems to be glad that pring is here. ' Ifr. T. E. Smav and Mr. Frank larvey were the guests of Mr. hoinak H. Harvey Sunday. Mr. Howard Alligood will have ervicef at Zlon church Easter Sunay. Everybody will rfe welcome. Misses Margaret Harvey and Olive Sutler were the guests of Miss Cora Jutler Sunday. M.r. Henry .Harvey spent Sunday rlth Mr. Arthur Cutler.' **'* * There wilt be an Easter picnic and gg hunt at Zion church Monday iprll the eight. Everybody is corllally Invited. C.C.N. Cutler was the' guest Ire. M. H. Cutler Sunday. Mr. Crawford Little of River Road ras In our midst Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Cutler made a lying trip to Broad Creek Sunday ?. M. Messrs David, Abhle aud Howard Sutler also Misses Marcla Stella Cora Sutler of Jesrama were at Zion Sunlay night. Glad to" see Mr. tlouse Cutler in mr midst again. Jcsama let us hear from you igain. r ' ? ' - a a 1 R. F. D. XO. 4. The farmers Are making fine prorreea in this vicinity at this writing. If. mm* U? Patu. .Mt.4 tr: BUO Jmnic nratr-tramn ? 1* mother Mr*. Kraaoe. Cutler ?t ise.eia Bunday. HIM Alice Braddr wee e meet of ke mull Ptakhani Tuesday eight. HIM Mlrtle Ptkham .pent Therelay night with the Hleeee Coacleon at Oak .Ortrae Center Hleeee Btetle and Aaale Ooeglene ween nueata Ol HIm Larry Woolird Saturday eight and Bandar. Mn- Harriet Latham, of Ptaetewa, tailed Mends at Banyoe last week. Mleeee Dore Oongleton and Alto. NMNr.fr'- ,.1 Htae una hlMmeiid 1 wee la ear Didst Sunday tftgWWtt. . ' {y/ ^ wo. iPiimii 1 -?-? M actions (\^ ,ie County. This DeParer On A Boom Larcy Woolard and Annie Conglnton wore guests of Mine Cora Baynor _ .. ? Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Cutler were Washington visitors Saturday. .;A Rev. Robert Lee held divine services at Piny Grove School house Sunday night. PRKSTT ' The farmera are taking advantage v of tbla flne weather. Some have planted some corn and others are almost ready to plant. Measrs. B. G. Preston and J. W. Hunnlngs attended the Union at: Friendship. Jones. County, last Frl any ana saturany. roey report a fine time. x Misses Lucy Winfield and Hattle _ ' i Lee were the guests of Misses Nona ? ;JsS and Myrtle Walker Saturday night. Mr. J. F. Peed made a business trip to Washington Saturday returning Monday. Mr. Thad Smith wick has moved, back to his former residence near the school building. Mr. ,C. W. Holldla was a Prescott visitor last Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Mathew Cayton of Washington was visiting his parents and friends at Prescott Saturday and 8unday. Mr. R. L. M. Bonner of Aurora was in the vldlnity purchasing eggs last ; week. Mr. Wallas Price was the guest or Mr. J. W. Hunnings Sunday. Mr. Henry Rowe, was a Prescott, visitor Saturday and 8unday. > - - * J*'. r *1uwun 8CHOLL HOTHK Mr. D. A. Holtsacheiter of Andrew 9. C., was in our midst one nlgbt last, week.'"?-:, jji Miss Mattie P. Woolard who has bden teaching at Boydvllle for the past *oir -mbnih'a returned home last Wednesday...' . Mrs. H. D. Potter and children'of t Washington were the guests of herparents Mr. and Mrs. Lemon WallaceSaturday and Sunday. Mr. John Hawkins was a visitor to? Duck Creek last Tuesday. .Mrs. O. JL. Sparrow and Miss Jen- # v, ; > nie Woolard spent Thursday in?k Pinetown. ' * ' ,. MisakChrl8sy Hawkins is spending ; a few days in your city. ^!r. and Mra. P. S. Waters and children of Pinetown were, here Sunday. . # ; J Mr. aud Mra. H. T. Hawkins and children ^attended church at Asbury Snnday. ^ . \ 7$ Missee Stella and Annie Cnitfeton of Bunyon were the guests of iiftde f-arcy Woolard Saturday night and ?'7> Sunday. \ , T\Sj Mrs. Qeorge Jefferson spent Wed-- VV .;2 nesday with Mrs. Charlie Baynor. On Friday afternoon while engag- .7^7 ed in helping his father and others > put up wire fence, Lawrence. the 'youngest sen of Mr. and Mrs. Lemon Wallace was seriously hurt about v^Zj the head and face, by a blow received from the wire stretcher. I>r. H. H. Hunter, ,of Pinetown. was summoned and rendered the necessary medical aid. While the wound is serious, yet we hope he will soon be "Msg on the road to recovery. Miss. Lucy Sullivan spent Saturday eight and Sunday with Miss Jennie Woolard. C. F. Wallace of Richmond, Va.. is home again having been called to the beside of his brother. Lawrence, who was severely injured in a wire fence accident i**t TTrirt&v Some of the youjcn people of Blate tone were in our midst Sunday. i PUNGO ? ? ? ? ? -'-^9 The farmer* eeem to appreciate- * the nice aprtac that we Hm- ' tea hMrlnf. 8am. of Mr Mrmrto ' " .8 n moat rood? tor otaoUng .. A S tfj Quito ? crow* at Iliac n?|l? ororo to tk? komo o< Mr. T. 1. tkM> ' ' $5 Tbttrodoy OK* to ttllWI t>0 OMt- . - ?$& ln( of .Mr.^BtoMrt BMrtfclMo jg-' ^ R'vtmoo'* Qxuirtrr ' ^ ^ ;