ll v?fc. ?. ? piih f-'. ,-pf m> w mff Elaborate Eas In Comme Held m RESURRECTION r v i mm f OfPRSTORS St. Peters end ttrittian , Will have usual Cele- ' > K*V v ' * * 4 bratlon i SIIRAOIVE SUStC r IN KU CBURCBES: || I at tb* mill nniili ?*t for tbe joyous nwusyi of <j tWHIrktorr but ulso because | U ? Muoratea tbe gnat hisf (eric (set sad III! !!!< L . Mb eu which the whole etracK . m of the Christina reUfkm MIL *tr Chrbt hath wot rteen ] year Ufth la hi vah" The rises Christ la the Marie of the ae? ttfe of the believeKawd the Wat ef bower. For death and hem wcramwuid thoee la Christ eau share hi tbe fruits of g ; that iliiyyb ' f Great preparations are in progrress ( ? In Iks Waahington rt?aeehea,,M? the observance of the Reewrrectfeu day, mAj.- " ,M?ilbriaay maple, aach aa the reI m Ifliilt' ul u?Uttta? Mrrlew ln?? ar??>?4? tori' church (Watt*. Th? Maater influence J 3b feele the agell of t gjoj. The * charchee ta^nrrow will he'thronged u on no other day In the year and n thrill of Joy and glade III -I - Win aronao the deyout nnfl chreUna If alike. N ^srssas^; day and the choice hive preyed R epecial mnnlc. The following In. the HL program for the day: 1 -M T ,-,7i " ) The Kly CoihntMrion wilt be cdi^ hr?ted at t?. months nmtfgn.-;, r.M l At the evening iervicea the paaLOr. \ RWV H. B. Searlght, will continue I ( hta 'eerlee of aermona on the Seven A Deadly rfina. The anbjnet will be 1 i kr "Avarice." The eholr of thla ebnrch jr haa arranged apeclal rnualc for the nleht services.. The following compona the cbotr: ' I Organlet Mra n. A. O. Barnes, 8oV Wl tffn- Mlaene ttattle* Hirrla. Mary t Kllaabeth TSOtnaa Olive Borbankr, 1 Alton. Mra. EHDabeth Hardy. Mra. j? ' fl R. Olbbe; "Slanora: toe" (Itweart, V. 1 U. Potta, J. w." Smith; /Bgeaon, nt*h. " .V-: Stewart. J. 8 Forhea L. Y Shaw. ?a- - - mat-nfc ,. al, , g-m ,f w fa fi?i* , H A| fewh ' I v 11A.M. Dl At the 11 o'clock aervlce the Holy ! HMTComainnlon will be admlnlatarad by the pastor Rev R. H. Broom He y will speak op the articles of .felJslon. Pm &.., *>. At eight th. putor Till preach on th. BwurrMtkm and bla tham. wUI ' figtoorntag and nulu MCTlwi Md to ' fly th. Initf School at? o'clock an f ?7>M.ila? TMI to tahto tor th? rwpntf In #n?rttoto. At night th. chair 1 twin xr V Smith. Th. choir la compaato of hta | '"hopnioa. Mm D. M. Carter, Mlaa I 1 ASHL " ?<;? ? Ht * v,..,., >. -. , , ter Services S moration of B i The Resf>ect W. Peter's BfiMopal Church .1 A.M. The following is the musical pro- ] tram to be rendered by the choir of his church tomorrow morning: Processional Hymn 115. Christ Oar PSssorer. Read. Gloria Patri. Kevin. Te Deum. Jackson. Jubilate. Frey. ? ' - /} * Hymn 111. Recessional Hymn 115. -JTUe following compose the chojr: Sopranos, Mrs. J. O. Blount, Mrs. Elisabeth Wind ley. Miss Laugtalnglouse, Miss Brsgaw, Miss Robena barter. Miss Elisabeth Simmons, diss Carrow. Miss BUsnbetfc Carrow, a Utos: Mrs. W. D. Grimes, Mrs. C. i. Lmm, Mr*. W. W. Mcllhenny d JMMi: W. B. Harding. Henry B id*- b nan. Tenons: Mr. McDonald. Mr. V? Itnamons. Cbrnetlst: P. H? Foreman f, >rganlst: Edwin Harding. ? d 8. 8. Celeb ration. v In the afternoon at ? o'clock the lunday School wt( hare ita usual eel- d bratfon. The following will be ren- r. lered* fj Bong. O Voice of the Beloved. Prayer. -? Anthem. ei Hymn, The Stone la Rolled Away, w A poet lee Creed and ReaponalTe ,U leading. Hymn, Ah Barter Litany. o Prayer. tl Addreea by Rer. C. D. Malone. p Presentation of prlaee by Mayor 4 H. Harding. U Otfretory, Uft Dp Thy Voice With d tinging. Prayer. u Hymn, Oh. The Marrel, Oh, The b I lory. jj Hciasdkltmi - ; . w There will be no evening service. ^ HH>sHI7"*T A h I iHlH* >. " Invocation. M ' J. Anthem-fcyCfcbir (Welcome.) * 4. Reading. ?, 5, Prayer. M ?. AnnouiMmont.. # I. ?m> ?r ; * u : J*..8ttmoa: R?r. JowpS Swain. .. it. Hrmn OT7. ;* (h - Doxology. ai IVJtMadlcUoa ? i ? - ' w , , , *.*. -< !n,4Mr. *i ... ... - - ' i, r.A, yMuurrr *?V t ?. a rCboree. ."8rt.r Mn.ln Rim- .w 3. Scripture Re'adln* " "It 4. Prefer by Rev. Mr OMInr ? y ! 6. ReWeHea 'Whea Me iM?" T *ralae." I. Recitation by lour (Iris 'tie It (j *>MUm to To?.t| . : }!? ?** ? 8. Sons by. children: "Speed the ? ' Our Someet-Song. .140. Banner Drill ' V *.- m II. Exercise by thirteen boya: ? jir&FZZu* Offering. jlC. Anthem. , ? Son. Chriat la Rlben. A 16. Benediction, - #] T - " A First llaptiat Church ? r~ i The pastor Ray. H. P. Dai ton will c lei Iyer tfitfiuon on the Resurrecttoii jf Jeena. Bunday School will meet }: it 9:46 A. M. Mr. S. P| Willie la g Superintednet. ^ a p. m. d ?v , TIM Pttbject of the paotor for the p night eel-rice will be "Soul Winning." at the elope of the eerrlce the , Lord * guypor will b? admlalatered J rh?ro will ? apodal Enter mttaic rendered br tka ckolr wMoll I* on* of 0? M la tb? city. Mle* Oltdn J f* *!-, . - ' 3 fe'i. y#3*38pi i .3 ' El dor P. D. Oold, ( WUaon. N. C.. , will preach at th|p ehcrch oo Market Street icoder .renin, at I o'clock. Mr OcU la a apaakar ot dorce and M| mm AUlanud wbaar Mat, j VALUABLE HOR8E DEAD ^ ^ MN5.BP'.; 'J. r!r. N GTC WASHINGTON, NORTH CI i FAIR TONIGH wdayf;;r T . lisen Lord ive Churches 2 Wt IIWEO 11 mom me is tin mi mi i M The Woman'l Christian Temper- V nc? Union mot Thursday afternoon 11 t the usual time ahd place, in adltlon.to the work that had already eon undertaken. It was decided to r( rganlze three new depratmanta as =HSw.: . First: The evangelistic work un- ^ er the management of Mrs. W. D. /oOlard. . . Second: The Alasa house work un- (e er management of Miss Bottle Par- yj ? ??" ?? -~]f0 tittsfully for this Institution. w Third: The flower mission wsrt w ith Mrs. T. 3. Hording manager, a*- ^ toted by Mrs. D. C. Ross. Flowers Jt ill be taken by this committee to p| le sick and sorrowing in the homes, d( > those in the jails and hospitals o1 f the city. Anyone baring flowers t}. ist they would like to gire for this th orposc can send them on Thors- to i?~ afternoons to the residence of to [re. O. B. Carmalt and they will be ai Istributed by those in charge of ai his work. It is only a small thing no > do and yet how much cheer and 31 lightness may be brought into other ei hieh has long been needed, has re- th Mktly been Installed In the County ch lorae nnder the leadership or Miss n arrow,- Wtree |l ae?af "*rW. It We Simmons to (hd Oommleeionore hi l ttil ?l ll It, W. O. T. V. end te 01 w to operation. Thee It will he te m that these ~bnsy hop lee" ere ? aiti along e great many llnea ot xi work aa well ae for the ettpree- th en of the Uqoor traffic This anion of anda mm a unit to faror the eteres- tt< one of Mre. Armoe. one of the most lie rtHtont national speakers, who said gl let alto had sworn Mernal regence ns telnet the Honor trafflc end Intend- th 1 to light It to Its death until them ed a*' not a drop of It Ip America; er Id tlett aha would cross the ocean nl ad eontdae the flgh;l untl there st ee not' n drop sold on the known frtlt 'end then she said she' wenid ?n IB? a nying macnine ana visit Mart n id continue the crusade ul??l thete |i aa not a drop left In the universe. U bus stands the union pledged? >vlng the sinner but hating the sin. | 7. C. T. V.: *- .--ii?iiirar i . TUB RBSPHRBCROM I In the-out otrtko MkMoth, m H ' im U dawn toward the Int 'day r' the week oarae Mary Mugdelepe hi' the other Mary" to see the Seulchre And behold, there was a great irthquake; for tha Angel of the ord descended from heaven and inifl and rolled back tbe stone from le door and sat upon it. His countenance was like lightIbg end his raiments white as snow p| ,nd for fear of him the heepers did ' jakc sod became as dead tnen. . ad the angel answered and said ? nto the women. Fear pot ye: for f< know that ye seek Jesus, which was w rueffled; _ . it He ie not heje: for He le risen, as , Ie Mid. Come, eee the place where Lord lay. n And co quickly ^and tell Hie dl- E clpies that ha U risen from the K ad: and heboid He coeth before x> ou into Galilee; there ye shall see tr lim: to 1 hare told yon! And they departed quickly from In 8amlehra with Irn tad graat ?T: tad did ran to bring Hit dltcl- f itt word. * And tt th.j went to ttu Hit dl- , elplto. bohold Jtttt tatt tbtm. tar- ? ag: All Hall. Aad tbty cam* tnd p old Bin br lb. mat tnd worthlp- ? ?d Him Than laid Ittaa . onto * l^m.??atymld: *> tall mrbratb ?a that thtr ca Into oallaat tad 0 h?.4nl|-tharaM*f V 1 -: IT BXCBPT 8KOWKM ?.ATE TOM (By HON. H. t Just about one thotgjkad elgh hund orrow, as nearly as calculation by any le pivotal, eternal truth of Christianity carnate. being three 4h*n)n be grave >ide its cerements aad.st?od before the ttle faith and. the wondsr^strlcken 'ga: tat had hung upon the try, a living, t the resurrection of the body--a prof glee saw Him as they had neen Him b >mmunton In flesh and spirit. Thoraai alieve. Natural maal "I cannot bellov y own hand.'' Timidly pushing forw iclalms?"My Lord and my Ood." The religion of the Jewish covenai ational festival of die Passover Just abc debrated this, not national; but univor een-expressly con*H ?*?-.'Its pTaceTI on-observanre penalfgloal. /"Most natu new covenant, succeeding fjo an actual tat for two thousand years' Had reste< ystlc prophecy, band clapped its bands ad, and held in yearly ?omgiemoratlon THIS WA8 EA8TBR. All It mean rAfl BNOUOH. No coanylment of needed none. But so eager wai the \ 'red from persecution and je*al re?tr mely observance that the bext scrloi . Jerusalem of U? queetioa or the re corded In the annals of the church, iracy of the date of -thfe groft annual ayer. Schlastic disquisition comment ho ut at the feet of 1?*ul Mid learned at appearance on the jouraerto Demas i about the 110th year of hp long nd uurs of his decroptitude lOOfcmlles or ' it with the Bishop of the^ietropoli as many years a co-laborer With Polyc hom tradition says had pat as a child trooted .question; bat early as it start* was never settled that may particular esent the anniversary of the resurrect >ne up o the year 336 . IXf when,Con ' the Eastern and Western churches st was agreed that one and the same t is world and that Sunday should he th the determination in advabce of the * be calculated at Alexandria, the hon tnounced by the Bishop of that see. ose as to the cycle by which the ca strom, the golden-mouthed, the patrio f? wrote: "The whole of ttdte is a feet oellency of the good things which hoi ittud UAcriauy the clash f.opinions si rough which it has come,^ongrtgat lurches barq refused to the tbeek. Hob ' a monopoly of the divine right to "so it was"their day; now it, is everyhi hrjMlluitWnt'ii t Sunday after "the furteenth. day ol renty-flrst f tfanoh as EASTER BUND tromss were leup than. 30 years apart Certain It is thai the Resurrection fulfillment of God's universal time when the? grand orchestra of th< m over the graTqf of.all buried ttHng iwer, calling them forth and thqy, c orined, Uacklng lb? la?pr*Mlbl?, Ike J and natural life?no lees to the op? e earth has btffled no treasure it will. I to shed its leaves by the death of w ed boughs again; o'the other, that in ght of winter looks over the grmVs of ar whose rising la the certain sign that This, only this and all of thisrrfs ough. 'i mini ELKS1 mm m, OFFICERS 1~ Tim ; ol Washington lodge Benevolent and * rotcctive order of Elks installed Bcera night at their home in the. ol angham building, for the ensuing 'pi jar. About forty of the membefs 61 itnessed the solem and impressive 111 ire monies. Kl . * ti Those installed were; ^ B. W. Taylor, Exalted Ruler, W. | Ellison, Esteemed Leading Knight L. Archbel, Esteemed Royal P night. J. H. Bonder. Esteemed M seturlng Knight. 0. B. Sterling, assurer. J. M. Hodges, Tiler. The Exalted Ruler made the fol- ' wing appointment!: P. W A yen, saulrer. J. c Meekina.Jr , Chap-' In, R. 8 Naal. Inner 0uard. Kin- C ana Committee: C. M. Little Jr., airman, J. W Smith and W. J. Pip- t In. House Committee, F. J. Berry ? hnirmac A. L. Bowers la made II legate to the grand ledge which tl ineta In Portland In Jnly. Captain a eorge T. Leach la aaaaad aa alter- n ate. T. T. Tayloe Trustee T T., r - i I Iflsa I.lllle Pieman, has returned , r j? it. 1 :^^~z^r 'r A1LY '". - + _' .' ? '-.^- "- f UHT OR SUNDAY. i ? BAT IT MEANS kWAID) red and seventy nine years ago, todata or method left to us can attest, wis demonstrated. Jeans our God. bursted the rock-sealed vaults, laid tear-dlmmed eyes of loving onea of ;e of nnbelievers In the same flesh breathing:, speaking demonstration ound and solstn actuality. Te Dlsefore and heard Him talk and held i saw and heard and still would ont e unless I feel the nail prints with srd he touches the scars as he had it had commemorated annually the >ut aa long as Christendom has since sal tact. That commemoration had *c3, its method prescribed and its rally therefore should the faith of Ity, given In place of an expectancy 1 only on the support of faint and , shouted the glad tidings and made aa the recuring season came, t was?CHRIST 18 RI8BN. THAT national celebration attached to it. otariee of Christianity when unfetaint to make sure of its due and is disputation after the settlement julrement of circumcision which Is arose over the exactness and ac'eaat of thanksgiving, rejoicing and :ed leas than 160 years after "the r more than 800 yearq. Polycarp, I of him the beautiful truth of the icus and preached It 100 years later t consecrated life, journeyed in the more to &>me to have a sttlement tan see. No donbt Ignatius, who inrp and some years his senior and on Jeeus' lap, entered the eagerly id and sealously as it was pursued, day of he calendar year shuld reIon and nothing mroe definite was istantlne the First, called a council Nlcea, where after long discussion lay-should be keqt throughout alV ' e day. Nothing was fixed upon as particular 8unday. this being left le of Astromlcal science and to be Difficulties and differences then Iculatlon should be made. Clery- 1 t of Constantinople, about the year ival unto Christiana because of the ' re j>een_giv.en." and this sentiment 1 id strengthened with the centuries ' lonal worship and non-llturglcal 1 nan, English and Lutheran cbUrch- , toice end be glad in It." Original* < >dy's day. Accurate astronomical Id Roman clergy, agrees upon the the calendar moon next after the AT. In all he clash however, the i was in the beginning of spring? ( and eternal harmonies. The hour i Bun squads the note of resurrec- ; s, of root and grass and herb and iomp?always come?opening and unmistakable lesson to both spirit- i .than the other. To the one, that ] not give back, that no tree is call- -j inter but shall lift up its leaf-cov- t i.wiMwii?upn mat in tne irosty , time and human labors, there is a there is life even in death. I i all there is in EASTER. It is , ?S. K. B. BONIER (IF ~: ? .BH? PUSSES AWAY , V \ News was received here this morng announcing the death of Mrs. J. , Bonner, of Bath^N. C. The end une this morning at 9 o'clock after lingering and continued illness om Tuberculosis. The deceased was 28-years of age id a consistent member of the Epistpal church. She was the datigther ' the late Mr. H. A. Windley end as a lady held in the highest esteem V all her neighbors and friends. She as a sister in law f Mr. J. E. Bonner ( this city. The funeral will take lace from the residence Suuday aftrnoon at 4 o'clock and the inter tent will be in the family burying ffiund near Hunter's Bridge Shcr iaveB a large host of relatives and lends to mourn their loss. gf; X; FECIAL TRAIN FOR AYCOCK FUNERAL The remains of Ex-Governor harles B. Ay cock, who pawed away ttddendly at Birmingham, Ala., fcUo de'irerlag an address on addition, arrived to Raleigh this morntg. The funeral will be held from He Pint Baptist Church Sunday Pternoon at t o'clock and the-lnterlent will be In Oakwood cemetery, he Norfolk Southern will ran a sleigh so m to give all who wieh i attend the fnneral an opportunity. . Mr. lames B. Cordon was the M* of hie mother Mrs. Mattle Corlfiss Alice Moore leers# this etenNk for Ore?nr1li?? fn 1 NEW ? SUB no muci Question Has Been In Die " Commissioners Met In And Tuesday. Dr. C. I pert Thanked. The Board of County Commissioners met in regular monthly session at the Court Hou&e on Monday and Tuesday last. The following business was transacted for the preceding month. Ordered that Maraiha Tayloe's poor allowance be increased front $3 to $4 per month. (Blind.) Ordered that Jesse Moore, col., of , Chocowlnity Township be- allowed to list his poll tax for the year 1911. Amount of t** 12 Ordered that H. C. Brown of Long Acre Township be relieved of poll tax for the year 1911. Amount of relte f$S. Ordered that C. E. Jackson be allowed 12 per month regular. (Physlcal disability.) It appearing that J. W. Mayo has 1 heretofore assumed the keepers place of the Aurora bridge aa bondsman for T. A. Barber. It Is now ordered on motion of Commissioner Wynn, seconded by Commissioner Gaylord, ' be and he is hereby directed to con- ' tlnue as?, provided under said bond. 1 It appearing to the board that 32 r acrao^ff land in Edward school dla- * (ftct was listed for the year 1911 1 both by Hester Miner and Alex Miner ' and it fourther appearing that the I^nd belongs to Alex Miner, it is or- ? dered that Hester Miner be relieved t of the same. Amount okrelief $2:20. C It appearing to the board that t there is an error in the valuation of c for. mother of $512. it is ordered that t she be relieved of the coonty and < school tax on ihc same amount 9t relief - ' j It appearing to the board that W. 1 H. Lewis Is charged with tax on two I lots in Chocowlnlty and it appearing t that he doeB not own but one It is 1 ordered that he be relieved of tax on * }ame. Amount of relief 10c. c It appearing to the board that W. H Whirlov t. ?a ?i.v ? 150 acres of Bergeron land in Pres- , cott school district, valued at $4.00 -x and it further appearing that the j land is listed in the township at larg? t it is ordered that he be relieved of t '.he tax in Prescott school district. c Amount of relief $4.40. ? . Ordered that Donnus Moore bo relieved nf poll tax in Edward school a listrict. Amount of relief $2.90. ,3 ( Physical disability T ' ' t ' Ordered that Churcu Willis be r$- t; lleved of Poll ,'tivx in Richland Town- ; ship. Amount or relief $2. (Physical c disability). _Jt apearing tp the board that Jesse t B. Tripp of Richland Township was listed twico for poll tax for the year 1911 it Is4 ordered that he be rejtev-j* ed of one tax. Amount of relief $2. * It appearing to the board that < Noah Edwards poll lax listed both in < the township at large and Edward < echol district it is ordered lhat be re- ? lieved of the tax in the Edward ' school district. Amount of relief $2. i 90. ? Ordered that the Woman's Bettor-! mcnt Association be allowed to do! what ever they think best with the 1 old cistern in the Courthouse yard. 1 Whereas Dr. C. I>. Prigden was' appointed by the State Hookworm [ commission for the work i Beaufort} i County, North Carolina, and where-.1 as,'It appears from his report that he has uxautlned "over 4000 patients oh which Bixty per cent were infected j' with the diseas, and whereas, both! ho and his assistant have been dell-u gent, faithful and eoscientious iuji said work and hare rendered their i time and attention and efforts un- i sparingly for the benefit of the citizens of eBaufort County, and, whereas the work performed by them has i been exceedingly economical for the said county of Beaufort, they hare in return a large portion of the appropriation made by this county. Now therefore be It reeotved by the Board of County Commiaalonera In meeting aaeembted, that thin board aayreae ita thanka to Dr. and Mre. C. L. Prigden for their uniform courteay and kindneaa and for the good wart, done by them ha the county. Resolved further that thia resolution ha inscribed upon the mlnutea of Bo^afort coeaty M tkat a toff tfcanof to m* to Br. C. L Prlcdaa *7 tka M to tto board ud tint tka hm'M attodtod to kta ofncial J. B. Tntoit Bead CoweiMfoa. ui...vi x. ; .. fEER BEAUFORT 1 nmfflw 1 ipQte For Years. County ' Regular Session Monday j. Prldgen, Hookworm ExOrdered that John H. Dudley aud tuiuuy oe auawea > ' > ror the month Jd* of April. (Quarantined) Oredered that F. B. Sattertlyvaite be allowed $3 per month i t Physical disability.) : Ordered that ComasispC^-^-siiberitelo and *'e h$#</Jpj^\Jb?nted a ??? committee to have 7 placed in the County Homc.. -_j^ It appearing jfk v* board that Bhade Adaqtf&;?^ .urged with poll tax both ip dt?^vlty of Washington and in Wasltoi&ton Township and it further appearing that he is a resident of the City of Washington, it is ordered that he be relieved of said mount of relief |2. Ordered that H. Moore Jr., of Rich land Township be relieved of poll tax for the year 1911. Amount of relief $2 (Physical disability) ,It appearing to the board that WJlItam Blount's property and poll C.X was listed for the year 1911 both n Richland Township at large and dalin schol district and it further tppearlng that he resides in the town ihip at large, it is ordered that he je relieved of the tax in the srool listrict. Amount of relief $3.01. It appearing to the board that (esse Jones Is charged with poll tax ioth.in South Creek School District nd Royal School District and it furher appearing that he is a resident irdered that he be relieved of theax in Royal School District. Amount if relief $2.96. It appearing to the board that J. d. ^Taylor is taxed both in Richland tLja Township at large and Royal School listrict and it further apearlng that le is a resident of the township It oraerea mat ne ue relieved or the ax 5n Royal 9chool District. Amount f relief $4.16. It appearing to the board that Mrs. larah P. Mayo guardian, is charged eith the tax on 100 acres of land n South Creek School District and t further appearing that she does tot own but acres in said Dis- 1 rict, it is ordered thai he be rellevd of the tax on 40 acres valued at i3.20. Amount of relief $3.52. It appearing to the board that* 10 icres 'of land in Washington Townhip valued at $100 was listed , wlce by l&iah Keys agent. It is orlered that he be relieved of ne tax. tmount of relief dOc. hate of North Carolina. Counties .of Washington and Bentiort. This agreement made and entered ? nto this the tlft'u day of Marth 11*12 ?5* and_ between Lewis W. Guy lord c rrnnissloner. upon the part of the .'ouutv of Washington, hereinafter lesignated as part of the lirst part, ind Wiley C. Rodman. commissioner vlpon the part of the County or Heauort, hereinafter designated as party ti the second port Wltncsseth Whereas the dividing lines between the 4'oui'ti' i; of Washington snd Beaufort has heretofore been in ontrovorsy. and. v.-Ik-re as the General Assembly "f North Carolina in Its session of Hi 11. passed an act entitled To list and settle the dividing line between the Counties of ftjjshington and Beaufort, and. whereas thereafter the County of Washington duly appointed the said ^ewis \V. Gylord its Commissioner and the County of Beaufort appointed Wiley C. Rodman as Its com missioner by and with the consent of lieir respective boards of commissioners have agreed to a atettlement o fall of the matters in controversy between said counties, and. whereas they wish to reduce the same to writing to avoid further controversy: Now therefore It Is agreed by and between the said commissioners as follows: First: The county line between the aid counties Bhall be and the same la hereby fixed fallow* to-wit: Beginning at the head of .^Veleh's Creek u the eaeie was fixed and defined by the Commleaioners from the County Of Wmklnfton. Coontr Of Mnrtlo tad Ooonty of Boaufort In Uo r*r HOT. tbo fooort of wtjck t? dnlr rocordcd In tiro o?ce of Urn JUataOr ofIWO? of Boaufort County In Mlanto Book for lMt >t Bit 10 aa* la th? oftoo of tho R*f later of Doodo ... - ?--? _ ^

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