fl^rag ' ^ g$> ' A,'' j V r ... . .. ' 1 CS'PK Mr. Wllmer Car-Skaden of Ohid, Owner aigi Manager. Decided Improve/ meats Made. | IASHNE STOCK FBR , BRBEDUK nimSES tHas Educated and CondiI tloncd Horses 86 Years. I' Ready Now to Receive Colts for Training. Washington people probably know that w'lthln cloee proximity to the. city li e model race treck end ekil promisee to be eat up-to-date ever sad tinlne ell dsns tell the venture elll cerry with It eaeceee An umdertaking ot thte chrecter le e new one for thle Action. Mr. Wllmer Cer-Skeden of ffrie County. OMo, le the maneser and proprietor. The opportunity wee afforded e Defly . New* repreeentetlre a tew daye ago to Alt the farm and -to ear that he wee egreeebly surprised U needless to state. A halt mile race track, ready lor use. a modern eenltary atpck ham. Ins stock, modern tannins utensils and a farm inviting in appearance greeted the aye of the "K?u?nr?. ' v " the State of Ohio March 1?? and 1 rune to thlc section, purchasing the | . Hpward ,W. Bwren farm lying an the '' rleer shore about two and .one half miles from . Washington. He eatr what an Maul location It waa for tin raiting and education of honaa and the poaelhllltlea In atora for anch an ' undertaking- 80 Impreaaod waa ha Kg' 1 that ha daaldad to caat hi. future II , here aad the reauH la that Waah\ n Ington la to hire another enterprlae 'forward bar ibtomt. ' 1 ' . ' <* ?nrm. "-.'njli J1 The Bow en tract purchased by Mr. . * Car-Skaden has about SOO^cres. .70 I ot ?b b is cleared and more being " Vlearffa dally. The owner is to c,u|* tlvate only thoao essentials needful V for hk stock and* what Is left will be for V " - S>'X * ?* Or^Umg; Tot the pant W ream Mr. Cat Skaden haa bwn engaged In breeding standard-bred horses. The first **&; horse he lire** ? when he was otv ,ly 1-years of age. 8lnco quite a bpy he has been brdedlSg. edbcatlng and training horses In his native state, ''vi For the past seventeen years he has I f been conditioning horses tor racing. Y One racer that he trained made a record of 1:1* 1-4. Mr. Car-3kad?i now haa an animal with a record of \V 2:17 1-4. ' i?-;' -uVf Modern Block llarn. a j One of the attractions to ba seen Is the modern stock barn. The building is two stories and is 60*32 feet. It contains five box stalls and aoven 1*" single stalls.; The box stalls are 10* Li.. -10. They are modern In constructB | ion and sanitary.' Rvery late derlca j Is to be seen for the encceeefal care of horseflesh. To Inspect this stock I i, bara is to convince one Immediately that Mr. Car-8kaden knows his buslF sees aad Is abreast with the times. I-,'i- The Rki Track. r-v ' situated Ja the centre of the farm to the race courao. This le conetructed of dirt and lei a eooree certainly attractive to the eye. The trade le ideal and Inciting. The Wwk le one half mile la length and U-feet la width. To harrow the etpreeelon ol Mr. Car-Shaden* -Three green drlrH , em ran ride abreaet with eaee and I without fear of colliding." along the ' Oie^ rfrltwwar abutting^the^ t^k the . : KA Track and St. New Washing used for matinee purpose?. If thl# Is done a club wUl have to be formed, which will carry with it & moderate The stock aeon, on the farm is Certainly much te be admired At present the owner has three One standard Stallone; two browd mares two 1-yearWdd colta and one year ling. All ceem to be in excellent ?>ndltion. Not only does Mr. CarBkaden work them daily on his track ' hut th?7 serve regular time tin. the farm. Will Cultivate SoU i. th addition to taedidg horses Hi Car-Skaden wUl also farm and Later on engage in trqckldg. He is now'' | engaged in breaking up hie land for [the spring planting. Instead of using the North Carolina six to eight inch plow for this purpose he is breaking his soil with a thirteen inch plow which la pulled by two horses. It is claimed that his plow doea more eight Inch odh. "la the fell of tbo year," said Iff; Cnr-Skaden, "I brook up my lud bp o depth of from 10 to 13 aehea bat tbte time p( tbo year1. go from 5 Ao 7 looboo. dop'.t burn anything at ? AM .on my form goes under." Standard Brod Hog.. Wltkln ? abort whUf ft to the, Intootlon of Mr Cor-Skoden to raise tort dor d bred hogs pad oogage la the poultry bpalnoag. ; . . All Year Crop. A email part of tbe farm >M own In wbaat needed wltft timothy loot fall and alace that time tbe stock haa been grastaa upon It and tbe stand now la a good ope. mtarafad Polls. . ,i t . , Mr Car-Bkaden pays that he is Bow ready to . take in codta for tke purpoee of educating and that his stallions are reedy tar publo nse- . Mear. the.edge of . the farm la located the aeelne beach. Here large Quantities of horrtng?.ohod.rock etc.. are caught dally and told in this city. ; ' j, Vi( Mhns Coontry. It When naked by the paper man bow ha Uked Eastern north Carolina, with a merry twinkle IrHs tN^r. Car-Skaden replied "1 wouldn't learn lor the world. Why I was la bathlnrf last Chrlstmaa day. This is a great country and l am inat tickled to death with It. No more phlo for me X oaa aaaaip yow1;. ' i.-wjfoh,!. !, Is a Vetemery. .as:;,.j. able experience In horee deni.try and la ready td'.eerre tie public at any-| ;m -i Sbaald VUlt hw ' '-'111 lt would pay any ettlzea tcf idi|t tbla atock farm and aee tie Improaomenla made to the orlgnal place aad alao to aee what Mr.Car-Skadea baa already done and what the propoeea hi do. Tbla laid yentnre mean, for thla aeelton and Ib&^ltipana ofjtho city ?>?uld faeter and encourage it. There la nd better place for eettlement than right here, " I nine citizen of wasbm "making m" IN HER FBOFESSIQN Miss 1.UC11 Pugh. several years ago a resident ot Wasblngton, being first employed as stenographer (or the late W. P. Baugham and Bubaequently by i?e N. 8. Fulford Hardware Co . and who la now a practicing lawyer Is New Vork City, la the Bret woman attorney to be wlgnud by e> Judge In the Court o( General Sessions to dgfesd a man charged with m order Aceordlnm to a. Mew York newspapel Hlsa Po'gh la aboat 11years old. rather good looking and dreesee InVmsanlsh wij^Wleo she ,HHlN<,TON, MIRTH C AIIOLINA . MO IU TONIGHT AND TPK8DAY. 1<IG Dck |j *> ? -t?.. ?? { '6- r I [ton Industry GOVAYGOCK FUNERAL SUNDAY 4 P. M. f ' K:;? j P j V--; * Mr. Joseph F. Tay'oe returned last j, evening from Raleigh where he attended the funeral of the late BxQovernor Charlea B. Aycocfc Mr. I Tayloe says that for the profusion I of flowers, the multitude Hi attendance and the stncereaess of the tributes paid the occasion Was unparalleled in the history of the State. People wore present from all sections I of North "Carolina. Hours before the funeral the hotels m Raleigh and the streets were crowded with people who had dome to add their aitent tribute to the dead. The serYicee were conducted by Rer. Dr. T. . W. O'Kelly of Raleigh. Eldet P. D. ' Qold of Wilson snd Bishop Jno. C. ? Kilgo of Durham. . \ f t __ . , Special Services 'P*m Baptist Church There will fee a special service at Ins this week except Saturday, at 7:46, P. M., preparatory to the series to commence. Sunday April 14tb. All members of the church are urged to be present, * . .. It U the d?hre that all christians, regardless of their denominational af filiation, who are Interested in tho salvation of the lost eoula of the town and community, come anil unite with an earnest prayer tor Odd's power and^fToesTngs on the coming revivThese prayer services are not only open to all christians, but to every one that may desire to attend. ; : If you are a christian come and pray for the toet. If yon are. not a christian come. SBH^bsBIHIBBB & is' - * ki-, ' I'"."- -:t " w ? Tile follow tag announcement will Wore of Internet la the ctty. and elaeWhore. Him. Robert Bonner Bhaw aaaonaoes the marriage of her M-M:' , danghter r ' Mary Elizabeth ^ i to- rJ - . ' '1 fHr , l Xr. Rlchazd Held Qlbba on Sunday tho thLrty-flrmt toy of !' ? - Match t *&**??.> I* one teorutond nine hundred mad ft.-ft.iHTK'- -..:. Itntoa hjunr -W f 'if Watolnatod. -Hortn Caroline .. ..lull 'IM tl'-t. ..lui I HtftJ, li-. M- MEMORIAL DAy 1 ; - Propafenone ere tnow In MOgtoto tor tin tfMflat celebration of Memorial day. May .10,'In Weahln*t?fn.' Thta day I. alw.ya'Attlntfy celebrated .(M -*? >?*? trtidT-n atdf 1 , fty.>U^'fO<l-A?. '! ' *-1 Inn HOniOOEO 16&ine'to the Coqrthqusa she wore a derby bat, a cutaway coat, cut man'* fashon, a tight fitting black aklrt ana a tarn-down collar and red four-inhand acaif. LeRoy Polndustcr is the prisoner who haa f1*en hta life I into the hands of this brown-haired, | bright-eyed little woman. He plead- I cd that ahe might do si^ " She I known all my folk down in North Carolina and she'll he vory careful for me." The trial will take placo in I April. Mlaa Past la a native of Bertie County and fraduttad from the University of New York Law School to l?Ot and haa practiced coaalderably .luce that time. This Ja the drat time aha haa been aaalntd to appear la a aaardar caae. Her frlenda la Waahlastoa am Had to know aha la "Mahias Qood." r 1 ... ?0 <11VK HPItlN<J DANCE '... On tho evening oC tha lWf, toat. tha Halycoa Clnb. of tola city, will: (laa thalr aaaaal aprtad Saftaan. lt T?" )ellvers Fourth in "Sev- fj en Deadly Sins" Sta- j| day Evening. . VAS THOUGHTPUL ' / 'astor Will Preach on Education NextSgbbath.^ ax me First miojHiMii unurcn ut evening, Re*. H. B. Sebright. the 8t mstor, delivered the fourth eermon er it a eerlee on the Seven I>?Adly alms. th "Avarice" being the s?4*ect of the tU regie story of *Achau. A abort oh i ketch ?u given pf tile'conquest of Hi 3anahn by the Urmetitee uadbr Jwh- br :a. When they roachmf Jericho he <ras given direction* fbr bulging til he city by the greet commander be Hmself with orders that (til the VI ipoilb are to come into the Lord's la reaaury. With sweh temptations tor be oo^Jng before It, the discipline of ch be army la proved by t^e Opt that in n only one instance iraa the order pi Holated A smaller force wa? sent ?nt against the next ctty and repnl- in ted. When Joahna lnonlree t>f the eo Lord ^e is told that hU men have ed urned their back* to thm enemy as >rder was disobeyed., Search was Sc undo for the guilty. ICbjh tribe and in smlly was brought before the gen- T1 Jral and finally the lot tell on Achan th who confessed that ho daw and cov- Ih J tod thegoodly garment gad that he of lad hid Jt la his tent The discourse pr as intareetlng and instructive and 1" baa listened to with profit sad,not- _ withstanding the Inclement waether ~~ many were present. The nsfir by T the chol<;waa a fttM* IS , On next Sunday Mr. BaaifchrbnUL iellVer * sermon ou education. . FIRST METHODIST CJUJRGH b< NEWS FOR THE WEEK2 fo The Ladiee Aid Society met thie ? afternoon at 4 o'clock with Mra. John c< Dudley on Woot Seoend Stmt ' ' Prayer Meeting will be held at ? f( EM. Wednesday, led by Mr. W, V. , Kear, aaetotwd by Mr. C.G.Morrla and K others. a The Woman's Minion Society Circle will meet Friday afternoon at c A o'fclock with Mra. I K. Leggett on J Wtwf Second stmt. NJcidWrlUe prayermeetlng may 3 be' expected Friday evening at 1 o clock with Mre. Nannie Dally on East Fifth Street Mr A. W. Thomne win conduct the rb;eetlW.'; . a V ; .?irim >r t I +>*gf *? .:%pac t; '* One of the strongest feature* and r most pleasant programmes at the II tr nlght Friday. si '-..TO* artists piayod to capacity * bouaS! t'i'to#: ' i'svery - J nfcinber si on tho- bill-wis1 s^ven a welcome a band. ;The,llrst prixo was won by Mr. Pat tlpcfut by an applaunei#_?8 a seconds: ihc second prize by. MLis cJ Mary Thomas Stewart. 88 naeontls U applause; and the third by Kits tl Gladys Alllgood 18 seconds applause, tl The other number on tbs bill was d Mr. Edmund Hearn and'Mr. Pool of T Now York. . a A good bit of credit la due each la number on the bill and the audience pronounced It to be one o.' the hast attractions of the season. For next Friday night tbs maaager has booked/ double the amount |, of tbs proceeding night, and from all it indications It will-bo far bettor than a tbs pentng nlgbt of amateurs. s For tonight tbs manager raeelraa c Information from Mr. Pool that bo a will be bero to slag daring the tram- t Ing bill. Mr. Pool needs an Intro- ? duotion hare be la unanfcMWsddy ? Rev. J T. Olbjl^ D. De gmtaldlng I Elder of th? Washington iIMalrlct, U -.-I U V'! -. 1 : naiPKRATCRE WKHT PORTION. Robert St Is Fox* Coror ASTER DAY AT 31 WAS Fit DEATH IS SWALLOWED UP IN VICTORV" RECTOR'S TiEME. Yesterday wu a Joyous day at . Peter's Episcopal Church. Eaatgladn^as permeated every niche in e historic edifice and the celebra>n of the risen Lord was fittingly served as Is usual. Rev. Nathaniel irdtng. the beloved Rector celeated his 88th Easter as the unr shepherd and preached a beauul and touching sermon, his theme 1 lug, "Death Is 8wallowed up in 1 ctory." -It was pronounced bf the * rge congregation to bo one of the 1 at heard br him in jrura. The : ancel wee attractively decorated Baater llMies, carnations. hot house J ante and evergreena. I The mnalc by the veatal choir waa ' keeping with Its reputation. Many I mpllments today have been beatow < 1 upon them and deeervedly. ? In the afternoon the 8undey ' hool had Ita usual celebration and : im one of the prettieet yet given. ? ?e children marched aa usual and ' e ?ol lection, a mounted to IT67.48. a ring the year several prizes were fered to-.the pupils end they were < Mated >7 Mayor CplliR JH. Hard- . ?. A (old *l*oe waa prmented to . WO \ There. were only two cases tried ifore Recorder W. D. Grimes at the fttin? of his court in the City Hall lis morning. ? - - ' Spencer Reddltt, colored, was iund guilty of an affray. Judgment as suspended upon the payment of ?t. Jule Foy. colored, was Indicted ir violating the city ordinance usig boisterous and profane language & the streets. He was found guilty ad fined f8 and cost. wi : toddard Lectures A Valuable Work ? "U n*dm sj iftv* : V4 9 1 . i''I take pleasure in RecommodTng to ll'-thoafchtftil' readers Stoddard's .eottfres. ,'l liave wned a set of these ooks for several years and have ead many of .the Lectures. I can nd more-information in a smaller isrgin in these. Lectures, than in ay other book with which- I am acuainted. They are written with a tylo of diction hardly surpassed by ny writer after whom I have read. I highly recommend fhe works to ny one who is fond of good style, laaslcal reading, historical instruct- j m and a minute detail narrative of j re things and places of interest in ie oast and present. His dowera of f 58tription and potralture are great, lie ornate hand of some passages re hardly surpassed In the English nguage. Youra truly. E. A. DANIEL, JR. I take pleasure In saying the j Stoddard l^ectnrea" form one of Uerasting and valuable works of m kind ever put upon the market nd next to a personal visit to the averal countries described It la the tiost delightful means of obtaining py accurate information and snterpiinlng decripUoif of aaaay of tfcfe post beautiful end iatsreetlag retons and cities of the wor*?. jvtii-'j lbs. Blount Cheshire. Bishop of North Carolina fch, ?th. x i.jtAmuLi, WXIP8K OF mam'., ^ *m to i Of W w v evensons aid N 1 j' ' ter to f. PETERS mmwm daster Elmer Credle for making a ecord of 100 per cent both In atendance and lessons during the 'ear, being the highest average in he achool. The Camilla C. Rodman wise offered by Mtas Lida T. Rodnan to the girl In school for both ^tendance and lessons was awarded misses Annie rowie ana l>lla HOper loth of these young ladies made anj tverage of 100. The prize was a prayer book and hymnal. 8pec!al airardfl were given to Elmer Credle iy Miss Warren for improvement, Mian Brag aw to Margaret Handy for general average; Miss Haughton to Hilton Satterthwaite for general food average; Miss Fannie Whitney ;o Charles Tayloe Bowers for general food average; m(bs Fowle to Marlorle Hoyt for perfect attendance. During the year the school has t>een using an attendance chart firing each class each Sunday that reported perfect attendance a gold itar. Miss Josephine Whitney's ;laaa led with 43 stars out of a poailble 49; Miss Ollvs Gallaghers class eras second with 38 stars; and Miss Msry Belle Small third with 34 stars, dr. E. K. Willis is the efficient Superintendent. The annual address to the school was made by Rev. C. D. Malone, of Chocowlnlty, and was mucb Enjoyed. The day will long be remembered. Free Trip to Shelby - ^ffifigSachem Tau Tribe No. 18, Improved Order of Red Men, this city, one year ago offered a free trip to the meetins of the State Grand Lflri## which meets at Shelby next month, to those past sachems who attended the most meetings during the year and who on this evening At the regular meeting exemplified the work best. The contest comes ott tonight and it is expected that several past sachemee will compete. No doubt the contest will be lively. The one winning is to have the trip. W. C. DeMiUc Noted Playwright Here Mr. William C. DeMille and wife ,of New York city are in the city being the guests of Captain J. G. Bragaw on Bast Main Street, Mr.-De Utile Is a son of the late Mr. Henrj C. DeMille a citizen of Washington many years ago. Like his distingulshsd father Mr. William DeMllU has and Is making a national reputation as a playwright. He .Is th< author of "Strong Heart" now being played by stock companies all ovei tbe/country with great success. An other play of merit and success li "The Worrena of Virginia" "The Woman" la Mr. DeMllle's latest wort and Is pronounced one of tho succesj es of the season. Mr. DeMille hat aiso written a Vaudeville act entitle* "In 1999" which la destined to be como very popular. * Uplifting Services In the Churches in the Baptist. Christian ant Methodist Churches yesterday tb? ?rrlosa were in keeping with U> day. Not only was the sermons 01 the Resurrection uplifting but th musk was ef hi?h order add treaty enjoyed. ^ ; ' The preacher ' at the Christlai Church was JUt. Joseph Swain o the MMntle Christian Oellege. Wll eht,rch th rs ' . ? : 7 - ' M Body 1 Royai; d Inquest MS LYl NEAR TRACK OF * 1 IJYIB. A Opinion Divided as to the , Cause of His Death. Wr J? Beaten and Thrown I ^ Creeh by Comrades. ,1 ENGAGED IN CRAP J GAIE^ YESTERDAY One Leg Was Severed From Body and Other Mangled Last Seen Alive Late Sunday Afternoon. Robert Stevenson, colored a realdent of Aurora this county was found lyitig on the Washington and Vacdemere railroad track near Royal early this morning with one leg severed from his body and the other leg mangled. When the body woe dlscovered it Abused considerable exciteraent and quite a crowd gathered to view the remains. As to the csuse of his death opinion seems to be di- 1 vided. Some of the residents of that - rtwtx ??? Stevenson was the victim of foul play while others dispute this claim and claim that the dead man was runover by the Waahington and Van dense re engine Last night while on her way to Vandemere from Rocky Mt. where she was repaired yesterday. The finding of the body was communicated to. Dr. Jack Nicholson, the county coroner this morning and h? 1 left for the scene of the tragedy and' will hold an inquest sometime today It seems that Stevenson, according to reports, went to Royal yesterday and while there engaged in. 'jl crap game wtfh several of his colored comrades. Stevenson was unlucky, the resqlt being that he lost , all his money and then pawned his watch to keep in the game. Stevenson claimed that he had been robi bed and demanded his money and watch-which was refused. A quarrel . enBucd and 8tevenson again came t out second best. Not only was he severely beaten but treated to a bath ^ t tin South Creek. This was more than ^tevenson could stand bo he deteri mined to go to his home in Aurora and 'get his gun and Beek revenge. > ' It Is said that he stated to Mr. ; Bonner Thompson, of Aurora, the above facts and then added. "I am . going back to Royal and 1 am either I going to have tho money and watch . they robbed of back or I am going to f ing to hare me a negro.". I This was late Sunday afternoon i and was the I oat seen of Stevenson alive. His body was found early this morning as above stated. Steveson it is stated had been drinking some daring the morning part of the day. ' OFFICE HOC lis ij The offlce hours of the Postal Tele-;- v Wm graph Company have been changed as follows: Week days the oftee 1 will open at 8 a. m. and close at 8 y p. m. Sundays open from 9 to 10 OFFICIAL lEEIKff BOARD OF STEWARDS ... ,.| I ?w-J Ui \ 1

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