r t Hi I iMaaur. Apr If 17th Is to hs p obserrsd u HMlth Day IB o?r city I ll.Hfc schools. Dr. W. 8. Rankin. 1 HSjMBrtUry at ths Htnto Board ot 1 Hen US I. coming to Washington on > that .dor to help tho public schools I tho Wtorasn's Betterment Asoocis. W tics Ut tho Medical Society ot this < 1 clti and tomnly In s public dsmon stmt ton In behalf of good health and 1 hotter oaaltatloo. Tho prhaeilt plan >1 It tar Dr. Rankin to make an add res. I In the public school auditorium at , I 11a. m. nsnt Wednesday on Public Health and Citlsontblp. ImmedlaleI ly following hit addrits prlas ettayg ha rood by students In tho pnb- , Tc school on tho following subjects: talari*. Hat Tuberculosis and ty- , m phtld fuetr. Prises will be swarded M to the winners-by Dr. Rankin or some M qn the afternoon, the dednlte boor / to be announced Inter. Rr. Rankin I will delleer an llluetrated lecture on I "Pftrwntnble Illeeeeee." This wlH I be jhOtted ly a confereuce to be l&uflMphMd M by any petmona who I Ml he interested In any plane of I th?)pnb?lc health or In any matter I pertaining to sanitation in town, city I ?e statement above Is a general I El r Btheicltr. The Woman'* Bettamsent AaMxtatlon and .Ue publh school* ^rare'^aU back of t?is movemmt. ?nd IW <8#t our entire community lu bo vJtjrl and definite manner. ll&aSrrrc I, ENTEBTAINS AT CARDS I carde at bar homo oif Market 3treet WMm from 8.30 toll, Mia I Oltfa* Mod res being the honor g?st. I TbX*? preeet-t were: Mrs J. H. Hed*. mount. Mrs. I Mrs" Jas. Ellison. Mrs Wolfe, Mr*. k Cox. Mrs.' Elisabeth Wind e^lar and Mimes Peart Campbell. Mar^^ielj, JSnrr Ioulee Arohbell. flHEheilsabetb and Julia Mara! Bnl? and Ar.nio Cox, Ellen Parker. ^MVttle laaugblnghouee, Maud Ud windier. ??r*?**rd. u?nSIomh Jones, Men Aran Malays V and Olive Rurbank. Mm. O. V. "Leach | jltKHOUL ROAM HK/OUNU :ML? ,.~C. ail .. -a ? kearlac eta given by the Rules Conof Reprc^nta^ - . hools to lealth Day f w HT1U Take PUtce at Hither Gala Day Expected. I ? TIM ChartlAhlo Brooth.rhood ori I?r will bare JU unstl lluli tomorrow attbahoma of the motb?i otlao, Banyan N. C*A?rU II. Km >era of th? order from all rvartw nf Mr B. b. Stewart wtll be tke orItOr Bis arepnrattone are betas nnde for tke day This order la Mas a rait amount >( cood IB BeeeNrt Ootmty. It kaa Man tke meaaa at helping mast men aad orphans and the good sort In etui gotnt on- Some ot Senator! Ceeaty'a beat clttiena art nam ben. Qetts * number from tbi? Sty will attend. SZ '..V ; SPOUTING NEWS Joe Delebaaty. who Vie with Tor into last season, has tlsned with th? htlanta Southern Leatne Cl?b. ' The yUsbnrg Club haa rileaaiil Pitcher C. rover to the Hertford (Oonn.) Club, and Pitcher Ereretl tad OntSeUer brio to Mae treat I Hoot be aomethlns to this young Mr. Ruaaell, the Baltimore pitcher when he can make the Phllndephli Nationals tar doern and play dead. '. Pitcher Bawl Nortborp, champ lea ?p?er of A* Tri-Btate League looks Bond month to haooma a real uadr wMh the Chtcaso Cabs. " State VerhCB may land a ret dial |ob at second bene tor the Boats! Bed Boa. Ha has been eorertnt th< bat this Bprmg and doing th* worl IB My term, gv j, Sh. two home run B^mr of the Athletic, mid Frtnl Sholte 0t the Cuba Beem to bun found their batting lamps right d thm starc of the training Beaaon flit yenr. I The New Torit Olante played u the largest- crowd on their trtlnim trip at Tetarhana. It wan the Org visit of a major, leatno tenia In (? history of the Taxu-Arhaataa cH] n,d MeOraw mid the fwmbd^ol. rurely be bark next year. 1 *hlle a slouch hat apd a soft colla Is Wafer's swslleet makeup ml the Firing Dutchman Is there whe It comes to sport Be 7? ] 10TBD READER IS EXPECTED, LOCAL TALENT WILL ALSO ASSIST INTEBSTLNG PBOORAM BEING ARRANGED 1 Some years a*o the publlo Mfeaala 1 which were loud to be ( pot .aloe eapectally to alum Id Ototrpet of fifteen TOlumee, and expMh to Bare them within the next tea dam We are to p*> for the hooka en the Inatallment plan. - to aid ua In paying for thaea hooka to eetabliah a fund for purchaalhg other needed reference bookaaad to rente a lecture fund, we are te hnre m entertainment In the auditorium next Tueaday craning, April lgth, at I 1:30. The principal part of the program will ha glren by In. Jeannette Jewell Kellog, of BnBalo, ??. who Baa an unnaually flu reputatloa u b reader. 8he cornea recommended hy many of the hem aathorltlu la the , coentry. Her repertoire la remarl^ ( ahly lntereatlna end aomolete. hu permit. mentioning only a samll part J Dyke. "The Lend of the Blue-newer." , by French* Hodgson Bunrcll . "The Winning of Bur here Worth." by Harold Bell Wright ;*? ' V j ,'lttaeenen.ou. program consisting I ( of selections- from eLiir "frallace^ Trowbridge, Mark Twafnr Ralph O'- { Connor and many others. In addition to Mrs. Kellogg's port i of the program the following nam- , bersby local talent "will hi render- . ed: 1. Chorus: Morning Song. High j School Girls ?. Seitett: Annie Laurie, High School Boys. 3. Piano Solo: Grand Souta Op it I by Uchobert Mia. Penny, a 4. Sestett: Aunt tMnab's Quilting Party. Hl^b ScbooJ. Boys. Admission fees and fuller details a ll! be announced In due time. Our Met*. are oofdlally Inrlted to aid lis In this undertaking. Ulna Katie I Moore' Is treannrer for all fnnds rained for theee special purposes, and all moneys received and paid out by her are given In detail In the annual school report*. ' -< ' A N. C. NKWBOLD. '% I"krboxai?S Mint Wlnntfred Nicholson left thin morning for Chapel Hill to attend the spring dances. Prom there she goes to Greensboro to attend a" Oance and also to witness a tame of. baseball. Dr. William Warren, of Willaimatou. was the gifeat of his sister Mrs. B. B. Moore yesterday [ * ' ' ' ' ' ' * 1 Mr. Norman Cordon la In the cltjr ! Mr. W. H. Staactll, of Plnevllle. ;vn on oar Btreets this morning. Mr.CUyton Moor. ? rbtai Toon* I ? ? UwiMt Copula Wwl.r PMbtw of Ooylord t; - iV r.j'- J I Mr. J. T. Linton, of 81dn?y, Is hers O, ltu 1KKAT OATHKKINQ OP SOUTHERN WOKEN AT WASHINGTON Cm TODAY vomrs ' - V*t' 'HESIDEWT T4PT WILJL RECEIVE DKI.RGATB8 AT THE WHITE HOUSE Wuhlnsto*. 0. C.. April I#.? lererel hundred women. dlreetlr or ndlrcctly connected with the mle10n work oiNhe Southern Methodist fswyai MIMVKI BWWHH u voa fount Vum Place Church In this Itr today to *ttend tha opening anion of the eeeond annual meeting >r the Southern Method let Ketecooal Vomen'e Htfalonary Ocuncll. The irganlxatto* la the woman** depart neht of thotgenerat hoard of- mla* lone of the If. B. Church South and he meeting, which will occupy a full reek, will hejmatnly devofed to the ecelvlns of reports from the rartoue nlaefon field* and the planning of lie . women's, mleelonary work for he coming year. Ulna Bella H. Benlett, of Richmond. Kg., la the preeldng officer. ' ^kere Will be three senium daily and an the lent day of the tteeting Praafdrnt and lira. Taft will recite delegates at the White lonae. - . hisses nm ENTEBTAIN At cards Mlaeea Joeephlne Whitney enteralned nt carda that night compllmenarj to Mra. c. H. Puller and her meet*. Mm. e^amee Blake and lira. Page, of liaaa^kuetu. Oltty of_theee .popular ladlea were: Mre. D. T. Tayioe. Mra A. id. Daway, Mra. 1. D. Grlmee, Mre J. C. Rodman, Mra. J, H. Small. Mra. C. H. Harding. Mra. J. B. Moore. M leans Marc la Mycra Mnrmle Bur bank. Bettie Harvey. Isabella Carter and Katberine Small. Delicious refreshments were servbd. Mr?. Small won 'first prise and presented lt to Mrs. Fuller Miss Isabella Carter In cutting won the consolation prise. Thd booby fell to Mias .(Catherine Small. MIC CLUB 10 CHE DANCE T0HK8T ^.The;' Hedonte CMib - will glve4i dance at the Elks Home this evening from 9:30 to 12:30". The music will.be furnished bfr Forboft Orchestra. a number of yonng ladles and gentlemen are expected to be present. A most enjoyable evening 1? Wtclpated. ? f.EGAL HOLIDAY Deferent Banks In tho City Will he Closed on Friday. The different banks of the city will have holiday on next Friday April IS find will he closed. The holiday a > commemoration of'the Halifax Resolution which has been made a State Jioliday. < 1 ? SCHOONER VAR1NA HERE ? The? schooner Varlna, Captain *nj%d Btowu In command, arrived 4a sort last night from Swan Quartet if. v., HMea wun cnicKens. < **?. hogl **' - ANNIE WAH1B IN PORT Ths Khoour Aunts Wnhnb. Cup tuts Osswsll Will turns in eommnnd Osrsnoks brlugtn* ssms of lbs lussl oysisrs ssss fcsrs Is ran. ' COMCIUm FBNCB, Mr. A. D. MneLssn Is WMU? ss uttrsetfvs oonersts fsmss Is front c QLA8H FRONT. j'/J Tbs llsss front U bstns plncsd as lbs bnlldlnc ownsd bj Mr. Bnwsrt WtsSsld sofssr Mnrkst ill Tbtn -J' ' <, rT ' ? "V" ;? - /' -.V Tfo EJJb Ord Social ai Afemb' MCOfisflF mux am raic OF tip Matters of Importance Dls ciiAsea--3ometning Doing in Near Future. The Washington Chamber o( Commerce held Its regular monthly Marion at the rooma of the organise- ( tion last evening at 8:80 o'clock. Quite a number of the members and those ncft members were present. The meeting wee a moot satisfactory one. Several matters of vita) import to the welfare of the city were dlscuee ed end acted u*k>d Borne of the oommltteee appointed at a previous \neeting for special work reported i and were continued. Unleoa some- , thing unforseen happens this paper brill be enabled to give publicity to certain things the chamber is now at ] work upon which will prove of great interest to the entire city. Rest as- 1 sured the chamber la not aaleep but ' work is being done the fruits of Which will eoon be made known. TITANIC MAILS ON HRK MAIDEN TRIP ' Southampton, April 10.?Carrying a full complement of passengers, the , gigantic new White Star line steam- . ship. Titanic sailed out of thla port today on her maiden voyage to New , 'York. Thousands of spectators gathered to witness the departure, which wag marked by the firing of salutes and the dipping of flags by all the ehlf'mnllMhrhUh? uw , The Titanic is a sister ship to the Olympic, placed in commission last yesr. She is 840 feet in length and 'has a displacement of 80,000 tolls. She is literally a floating hotel provided with dancing rooms, smoking Yooms. cafes, a library a garden, of Oriental nalms and heda of roaea and carnations. A swimming tank and a takatlug rink are among her other features. She hac accomodations for 5 000 passengers and carries a crew of 60 0 men. On her maiden 'trip the Titanic Is in command oft Captain Smith, formerly of the Olyra-I Pic. LIST OF LETTERS Remaining Uncalled for in this office for the week ending April 6. Bryant Mr. Wm. A Blount. Mr. J. T. Bethme, Mr. O. R. Clearwater, Iran. KUdlngton, William. Gaskell. Mr. J. W. Hilt, Marion M. . Magan, Frank M. Harding Howard. Inter 8tate Supply Corporation. Lang, Mr. J. J. Wallace Mr Chae. S. Wilson. Moses. Wilson Mr. Jkmos. White, Mr.- George. Whltaker. Mr. John Henry. Ladies Boyd. Jane N. Cradle, Miss Lfdta. Gibbs, Jane. --Hunter", Miss Carrie. Hardee, Miss Qunle. Mary. Mlsa. Alndely, Miss Melviny. I nwuuuww, mm. juaic. Saaw, Mrs. Surah i Sawyer, Mrs. sPsrl. Wllllstfts, Mrs. Cherrl. Willi, Miss Laura. Walters, Mrs. Annie These letters will be seat to the , dead letter office April Iftnd. 1*11 i it not delivered before, la callint i 'tor the abose, please eaj, "Adsertlsed" elTlna data of llat. HUGH PAUL, F.'H. m , MB. C. a THOMAS U Tho uu MM of Mr. C. C. Th.niat will racist to hOW at hi* arttlcU lllMoa. H. lo m ot Wuk lotto.', hlcklr to tout oMoou. t , ' i I miore DroBWmt to Or wttk * I TOBSC BOO It to -BO to . tin to uchurtf.Br. - - = ' &>: \ W5 h ''"" ' *v ?.-; . " '-;..*;T T >jj9| $9 ? / : Home to and Guests 1 Sill 1 (is inn I un Tcnmip ' 1 flIUI \hM\m MORE THAN ONE HTIiDBRD PRESENT. OCCASION WAS A MOST ENJOYABLE AND PLEASANT ONE MANY RESPONSES MADE TO TOASTS ONE OP THE FEATURES WAS THE DELIGHTFUL MIW RENDERED "A feast fit for a king:" was the - Vm Spread given by the Washington lodge No. 821, Denevolent and Protective Order of Elka. last night tothe members and invited guests. Dood feeling and merriment prevailed and every fellow present, no matter whether he was acquainted with the mysteries of Elkdom or not, had * "Jolly good tlzne." More than one hundred feasted on the good things at the festive bourd. The committee of arrangements are to be congratulated for the conspicuous success of the occasion. They performed their difficult task well. Nothing was left undone. Whenever such well known citltens as Captain George T. Leach. Edward L. Archbell. P. 8. Worthy. W. J. Pippin and Samuel R. Carrow hre named to prepare a luncheon, such as was served last evening no one need apprehend the out come for Its success Is assured In advance Their well-earned reputation in this and praise was theirs from every one- ^ present Every one nrtfc perfectly at home. Hospitality, for which this order is notlfl, was- again demonstrated lu *"^1 more ways than one and all left for their respective homes with word6 of" 'praise upon their lips for the order: Several times during the year the local lodge gives these socials and* they are looked forward to by evtrytnember with fonndeBt expectation. The social of last evening was iu honor.of the recent installed officers. To show bow this order Ingoing forward in the city one instance might be mentioned; On the first day of April of this year not a member or the lodge was in aVrears?every one had paid up in full. This is a record tb be proud of and no lodge out side of Washington cau make as good a showing. .-"The toastmaater 6f the evening was Dr. Jno. C. Rodman who is always moe^ happy In this role. He presided with ease and made all feet "nj good and jolly with bte witty sayings and the unique way In which ho presented each speaker. All the speeches were impromptu and spoken 1n a way to please and attract. -The following gentlemen responded to toasts: Harry McMullen, W. B. | Rodman Jr.. J. F. Tayloe, H. C. CarItfvr, Edward L. Stewart, B. W. Tay lor Norwood I-. Simmons, J. P. Cowell," Dr. D. T. Tayloe, Fred W. Ayers. W. C. Ayers, C. L. Morton. .J Dr. L. H. Mann, Dr. Jack Nicholson, . Bath, N. C., Mr, Kesslnjor, Captain Ellsworth and others. Thoee present were treated to some excellent music ' <% rendered by Mr. James Poole, of ^ Richmond and the Elk Quartet. Bach: selection was much enjoyed and appreciated. ' t the hour of Eleven Mr. B. W. Taylor aroae and announced that a< . kllent toast be drunk to the memory of the departed Elks after which theoCcaaion came to an end by the sine- fk lac of the ode of the order w hie In toMtollow.: fa Omt Bator of the Baiters*. Week down opon and bleee oar ' rrork Bad be ail tier* Thine; Bad tot thla he oar elan, O Klk?. Bad tot this be oar ilea, . ' jj The Baldin Reto oar motto tree. . <*??' ?B*e of "Baid Lent Brae." - -i, >3 After the bantaPt eette ? her,her 9 tone tar* eveet mastc rendered br 'home of the ho*e of lose ate