IS I The DayWiU || Be Fittingly Observed f Exercises Witt Take Place In Public School Audi tor turn. Dinner In HPk* ... the Armory. ' TE UHES HUE 1 y| jlffi CMffllTTEES | t r^-w^lng It R ?? 0?W. of Raleigh. N.C. . n niton of tha Literary and Hl.tor teal AeeedaUoa Of North Carolina, Rfc la M> he th? ant Memorial dag or I ??> to Weehington Mr. Connor has anaptoO modi to tho gertlflratlon - and llmuo not only or the Indian ;^the entire eity nnd oosnty. A rich - treat te In etore toy all thoee who 1 IS ?H?t to hepreeent on that day. At the next meeting of the Datwht. ere e> the Confederacy April It. full f ft nnd eon plate arrangementa will pa mm M IK proper celebration or ills day. Miss Annie Panic who le [4, tbe bead of the Children of the [ Confederacy.* le arranalng for them . to take pert. Mien Mae Ajera will be in chart# of the mnelc. V . An oeoel the exercleee will take .^pleee. ha the Public Saheol endltorlem end the dinner will be eemd In ? the armory to the veterans -o rtendii ,i 11. The Miowlnc eommltteee hare been appointed for the occasion. Z~, . __ J. Mrs^gagwulel Hardlas. Mr*. W. , B. Morton. Mr* W. H. Call, Mr*. W. D. Crime.. Mine Annie Jart In Minn Olive Oallacher. Mine. P. A. Pillion Mm. R. A O. Barnee. Mm Barnee T, will announce the remainder of the - ' Area being Andltofinm Mrs. Stephen C. Brngnw. Mrs. John F Blount. Mm Beverly Mooa Mre. J. D. Qrjnee, Mine Rachel ftnmley. Mine Jg Tannic Batchwell, Minn Wlnnlfred t Fowle, Mian Mae Ayere, Hlee Olive BurDank, Mine Mary Simmons Jones. Mrs. Bdary Blount. Mrs. 8. F. Alf Br,: . Serrlns Dfaner , . . ; Mrs. Charles C. Thomss. She is i to select the remainder of the comt;-* .... y'. BALL SEASON BEGINS IN EARNEST Special to the Dally Newe. ' Mew York. April 11 ?After a month pt practice work and exhlSjitlon games the two major loagnee start today on -. the ebamplonnhlp \ gfcjfon of ltll. The indications I point to aggressive and well contestI >9ed campaigns In both organisations. 11-1 Tfegls teen team* start the race m i^I.wJfe^: Philadelphia at Boston f Vork at Brooklyn. Chicago at ^"Cincinnati and Pittsburg at 6t Louis B^'ptroli at Cleveland, Washington at | Bishops Desired Asm - ' i tin II 11. UK 111 Will Grave Marking of Jos. Guilford Friday at Ileum. n r p D ? 1 . - n I"? jf. V. avu/urriu/t, jrr?o i N. p. Society. Sons of the American Revolution, the Orator. The lest reeling piece of Joseph Qullford Minute men, will be marked tomorrow by the North Csrollnh society, Sou of the American Berolutlon. The following le the program arranged for the day: The exeTrSeea will take place at 11 o'clock. Or. John Groom Rodman, Preal dent of the N. C. Society Sou Of the Ameftean ReeoltiUon. presiding. Sow: Old NoHh State ' ~ Ss> Invocation by Rar. H. B. Sea right Songl America. >?: ..v .,.110; Address: Dr. John Croom Rodman "Joeeph Qnllford, patriot, minute iSpTAc . - ? > /,< Music: ^nra Concert Band. Mrs. L. L?- Knight entertained the Bridge CUD yesterday afternoon from three to Ave at her residence on West Mala Street. . Those present were: Usedamee d. T Tayioe, H, M. Jenkina, J. C_ Rodman. J. B. Moore. J. K. Hoyt. M. Ce Carter, y. H Bmall. C. F. Warren. O. T. beach, Fredrlch Pratt Justin Randolph, C. H. Harding. C. H. Richardson. B. O. Moee, J. D. Orimes. Mleeee Katharine Kuglar, Frencle Leech, Helen Kngler, Catharine Small, Fannlo SatchweU. Jose pninc niiHHBj, vsuic bishop mcgovkbv s . - consecrated Spoctal to t*o ttaOftMkm; .'fji'jH'1 i Omaha. Nab. April 1?In the pr?enc? of a ml gaUarlpg of prcUta* | and prtaau from a doaas BtaM And at rha Catholic tatty of thla jalty and Tloinlty the h>t p,a, ITrQoTern .an tody eonaoeratad blapop ot Chaynno. Wyo., la sncdts^on to the Moot R^f. jumo 1. Kcana. orb* rahoatly t*; ctnw arcbbiahup ol Dubcaoe The caromony. took place ihla piornlnd Jolua'a Oburcb. Tbo oonaccrotkm prelate kaa Archbtabop Keaaa. He waa aaalatcd by filahop Acannell of Omaha and alabop Carrie* o of Btoui City. fflahop Tlhon of Lincoln preached the consecration sermon. "? iis. s.w. stftley Hhams club Tuesday evening, ApmL^jh, Mrs. S. W. Staler, moet charmingly entertalned tbe Le Utrt Club, of Aurora. Every member waa present. A sketch ot the life Shakespeare waa read by Mra. C. H. Roberson and Mrs. |Staley read a selection from Shakespeare. . Mrs. W. A. Thompson also rssd sn Interesting' paper The literary program being concluded the members engaged lu a flower con- ( teat in which Miss Mfnta Bonn?r won the first Pr'ze? a lovely basket of won the booby, a package of flower seed. Delicious refreshments were then served after which the guests departed voting Mrs. Btaley a fetlftbt ftil hostess. MAKING GOOD M, A. MUo. Wwm to the Cttj Vertex NGU .* ' -> -*?-> ? - _ ===== .j. aiHiiMU/( rAii r.yyh .V1..T. - JT' THE HARM0NC1 \ j/1^. "'UlAlitWl 1 ' iimm ran ! ' ? fWIPOECC IrihtlDM Subject VTm "Mortsg the Agricultural College to the Farm." Large Attendance. Among the npeakan before the Southern Commorient Congrme, now In eeamoa la Urn city or Noehnile. Bean., won Hon. John 3. ef thin city ud t member ot conereea from (be ant rnnnmeelnn.l dlotnct. The eaa|e(c Of M* tans'* ?NnM lit* to thn-Farei.'* Hon* of lha noted ipeeken li ot the country on'tat attendance, among them belnr Governor Judaon Harmon, of Ohio. ' f "" i*** ">* e>1 i : t: IJIlKN'M MAID OP ! '. f -f :d ' V HONOR A BRIDE . r ?- ?i' Special to the Dally New*. ' " London. April 11?*ith the Kins and Queen Moiling VMmf, Lady Eileen Betldr. thaOneont moat beautlfnl maid of hoabr today became He bride of tie flare?t (it Stafford. It |h*' moat brfilliat -frfa London Okpaota to eeef tfild aaaaon The brtde 'H:tho daughter of Lord and Lady '6tnaobhfo??b.' while tie bridegroom la the eon add boir of the Do*a of BtrtbWIatid: ; * *651 y+p. Vit. Peter'a tealh the ecAh~ofHtei We?tfp' LalbMo'uy."' Thebrfdo. who woo (Iran away by lw father, had no-fewer than fourteen brtdaamaldl The bridal jtOvrn uraa of rleli broaatkila. patterned with a large deelptn In gold. It area (n the form of a Vanetloan robe, cut aqnare to Outline a yoke of Old frlatr tace '.The wedding reception area bald at Groaveoor Houae.-lent for tie occasion by the Dnke and Dnebaaa of WeatmfnUter. It hrooght together virtually all of the mambara of London'a hlghaat aodal aat. and araa aa brilliant aa the marriage ceremony. CIRCUS ARRIVES IBIS MORNING _ Do#tJ* and Wheeler Railroad ho-wa'arrt v&4 here early this log from Now Born and thla afternoon and tonight will giro exhibition Under their tent at the Fleming Pari on Weet Third Street. The large parade waa wttaeeaed bjr a large number of people thla morning. It was xery creditable. The show goea from here to Belhaxen tomorrow ' ; >? - 4 Swimmers the Prey M (eta A remarkable etorj of the aelxore yi > fororitf btlria# plirx b?ctuM L>JS ''J THURSDAY AFTKRlfOOX. APRIL II. u ' .,.'j..:: ==? R TOMIiHT AJPJ PRUXAV. UafTT LARKUNDERHEAR / BCT-re^ thah iMf* 1 \ ?? 55Se#wSlt?',Nwit y $125,000 Letters of IncorporatloiKjheVebeen granted to another enterprise for 1 PeMfrfri County. TM Becretary-of I State. J. Bryan Grlmes baa granted < a charter'to The Beaufort Couhty faWlfflTT ?if I Cfr Ctocorrlalty. They will Conduct i the general business of flutters. The l authorised capital stoclc Is $125000 i with $140 paid In. The stockhold-. 1 ere are sech well known men as W. ? B. F. Patrick. J. N. Hill. Milton Hill. ' C. R. Elks and others. The new in- a duatry is wished every success. 1 : 1 ? .; .:-japcioa?s good ? j | Captain J. W. Latham, ot Blounta 1 Creek, who is in the ctty today, re- 1 ports business good. The captain has to make dally tripe- fn his boat to Washington in order to keep . tin with ?h? frolvht traffic 4 r., - ? \ . -^fTUDY CIRCLE 1 Vyill Meet WitfjMrm. V. H. Cell Fri- | ., day Afternoon J ' ' ' . The WonAS'fl Foreign Mission 1 Study Circle will meet with Mm W. < Street- tomoYVdvr afternoon at four ^ o'clock- A full attendance of the j PRJtipbl SBRVICB AT ! Pj J?!) it JHCHOLSONVILB I Her II. U. Searlght will conduct 1 devotional exercises at Payne Memorial Church tonight at 8:00 o'clock'1 AU who" lfre in that vicinity ' : '' - K. , ' . FLVSG * j Pv Theao daya mark the dawn of t 1 Advice indicates that an occasional ^ Swat him. and do it now. Kemcnil ; corned, n swat -in time save- nine. has figured out for iu?, that laborin( k Fly will lay 120 eggs, which mature days. Mltur. I Uese 111 lump to fifteen days later. Steal them. reaches the enormous number of 48: , untH by full or late 'summer our t grand total number of -descendant amount some 1,000,181,240.810,721 iug a cubical edntentgrcatolr than th iphcin mote or'lei fedvely -few, desecndUitB ffom each P5C^S?SRT i Whs dm, and abolish their breeding flL miior ' " . , -A [ It has been wen said that "A We ana fast leaning that SgeeaunKy ia an excellent bsde^te mneea of that house or oommuiity. (* aa much, a disgrace i 1 the bedbug. In fact, it is already, 1 Lajy 1918. MODKKATE WINDH.. I St minstrels. Gttrof us . - I ? . ^ l?i v Pfw ? Hv&SS?J\W&& est] y l Br LOOK'HO" / Oo*?t?v^rpvc/ 1 lir*w ^ |Eg^ft jHMh , jjtpyH^jp|rW|l|wy mi) I %nr Several Physicians From Hare Attended. Dr. P. A. Nicholson Was Made Vice President. 1& :D. T. Tayloe, H. W- Carter 5. M. Brown. John O. Blount. John . M. Hard;, 1. U Nicholson Mill 3. H?di?an. P. A. Nicholson, Ul 1 lack'Nicholson Of Bath, rethrow! j WUlUmaton, vherG they attended the dletrict meet] ag of the'lod*] mtflcal aocfety laet tight. The doctor* report a -very llnnaan and nmlUhla m?Atl?tr A ft ir the business meeting & banquet ras served the visiting physicians it the betel. The next meeting of be Society will be held in the town ?f Greenville. Dr.' W. L. Warren, of Williamston | va8 made president and Dr. P. A. Nicholson-of this city secretary for be ensuing term, i; .*? Reinforced Concrete of Old Rome. - Although concrete has been used tor many centuries, it is generally supposed that reinforced concrete is a |nod< rn invention. This, however, has keen disproved, according to Popular Mechanics by the finding of bro ^ze reinforcing rods in the concrete oof lit an ancient Roman tomb, and In the iiscovery of reinforced concrete 'In the-construction of one of the walla if the old palace of the Louvre. Paris. The reinforced concrete in the 1st Hr'daffes bach otrty S1HPoi"400 years, cheated much comma-it because the Walla, were thought ty consist cnflrei/of ashlar and < rhrry stone. The Iiscovery that the stone caajng conrealed a core composed in imrt of reinforced concrete was made while aorhmen were piercing the wall for ui elevator Installation. Good morals- are nobler than good manners but not so popular. A80Xt mother fly season. . In fact, recent Iy has been* sighted here uud there. .L. a.. ?er,?o inr as iue uy ijiksuuh *-? ?; under perfect conditions, a Mrs. into flies in-from twelve to fifteen roduce 7,200 grandchildren twelve Tjhe next generation, we are told 2,000,. to be batted. And ao ou, nalibmnatieiaii estimates that tl?e ft.of thift one original Mrs. Fly, >,^0.000,000,000, or a mass ha*afc&'itsctf TOO U4KY TO ?* rtfcannothujg to us. Such figI t,-simply emphasizes the fast that Vs a msffer'of fact, oomparsncoeaaivc generation of Sea ever A vary few withstand the rigor of t we can successfully combat these places, our lot for the summer will man's tUea are they of his houaeths number of Sea in a house or 1 the sanitary conditions or cleanSome day, soon, we aril] consider in our home as are consider ~ . ' ' I A NEV* Wm. J. 1 WasAr Va.1 Escaped From County C Convicted of Retailli Sentenced to Count W. J.- Floyd who escape') from the County Chain Gang in the month ol February' while the convicts were working the roads about threo milei irum [aw cuj, uub own locaieu ai Lynchburg. Virginia and arrested bj authorities there yesterday. Sheriff Geo. R. Ricks leaves this afternoon for Lynchbnrg to bring Floyd back to this county. Yesterdays Sheriff Ricks received a wfrb from the Chief of police of Lynchburg stating "Do you want W, J. Floyd tor shooting roan, If so answer quick.'* Sheriff Ricks at once held a conference with the chairman of the board of county commissioners ifcr. F.*H. v.onBbsrstein and the county attorney-Mr. Wiley C. Rodman They advised that in as much as the county had been notified of his arrest he must he brought hack. In consequence Sheriff Ricks wired in [return to arrest and hold Floyd until he could reach Lynchburg. [A second telegram was received Company "G" to be Represented On next Sunday Company "0" will send a rifle tearo to Goldsboro where they are to Are on the range there next week and compete for the respective prises offered. The squad | will be in charge o{ Captain R. B. jcowell. Bevery one wishes the boys at The Ltiae . The main feature picture of the p?culufi 10 iuu[ yivuuvsu oj LUC ijimx 'Company and has been pronounced by the best critics to be one of th? best pictures ever been released. Brutus will be exhibited this evening and those who have never had the opportunity of witnessing this production should take advantage ol the opportunity. The Lyric is fast gaining a repu tation of exhibiting some of the best pictures that can be witnessed anywhere. -and this main feature 1b o sample of the photoplays. For Friday night the local Amateurs will hold the boards and fron all Indications this week will far surpass that of the previous one for a nrusement. Some of 'the best local players of the city have consented to be billed and It is looked forward o with much interest from the theat(fa goers. ; The admission prices for tonlghi 'will be children 10c. adults 15c. Thii picture has a world wide reputatlpt and we take pleasure in endorsing 'its qualities. . 7 That WooinayHam. Ham, It has nhptfs seemed to u?. varied moreUyra any other articles over whiclrTJlessings are mumbled in degree to palatAbleness, fragrance and invitation. The variation is due to the manner of approach. If a per son is off his appetite, ham dees th* best when served as an Arizona break fast?something elsn for the man ant! i_uf iiuui iur inc uog. But supposing you have been hun: ing, rising early and Btaying late Yon have loat ymir lunch. You hav< to trudge home over a hard rood. Yo: ptfss a farmhouse, and ft -.a Its ope: door thero comes the sound of si/, sling ham and the heaven's breath ol Its perfume. It matters not If that ham sprang from a razorback hog ir '.ho wilds of Arkansas, you recognize that that ham is the most glorious flower that grows, the world's desire the inner fountain of Eden, the pillar of flre*1>y night, the sweet influences of the Pleiades and the deliverance from envy, hatred and malice and all unchirltablenoss. For the next three milsd' yoe can't say a word to yooi !?<**,? * 6rrn"* of *wmt#rtBi - a , VK a. jmmci HDOHE8 an YRAR8 OU Aeeh ?lUi-sidS^ w.- .1 9 pec la) to the Dally Wewh. Waahtagton, d|rtl H.?Th aeiaon of birthday* la on la the Bp preme Court of the Today la the Both afcntvetaary of th birth ?t Justice Heche*.- Aimmt ;*o Ing on business. 1 Mr. T. O. pparrow returned yester; day afternoon from Norfolk. Mr J. C. Meektns Jr.. 1s home , . | from a business trip to Elizabeth i 'city. Mr. F. J. Morgan one of the city free delivery carriers. left this morning for Norfolk where he will spend 1 several days. | . Miaa Mary Ruse, of Kinston N C . , to the gue?t of friends. Wttoy C. Rodman returned ^ ykaisiday from a professional trip to mltorw. *y * , ,v . ' Mr. David T. Taylor, of Bingham > school. Mobaac. N. C . la apendlox " a ifi* dayoXth hla paronta Dr. and Mra. 0. T. Tayloe. c Captain J . H- Horrerlb, at Lor> - la**. H. C.,'la In the city. >. ? '