- n v Tflfflt1 - > ?- .. \ ; v * ?% K WtfA >! ~ y*\)Uy ?^.. ?fc w i urn. Um rrpiwK Hit i ii U???M lie ikmdt(ta^?A....2ki? lie ttwfcp ktolN Sui^:i:::'^r:!H U?H T?. IIKO^xr* 4 c to it | ?*?* ilmD a?? ?" ! lunl l I Me ? ILII fcMfctatlae *?T?fc wmt Ffarida Sperirf ** iWatliliiiliiiim mTM Mi Imi r *t t Am Iwwihrilf ItaMnlMi * Mi eon ?i mJLOUH, T. C. WHTTR. *. at the hall gaa Jot. be departed with a mocking laugh. ItOTiWtoamrMtaitaab MlVkohlBbL bUk m ** " *1 m-smtkeni xailroai Route of the Night Express Scbedake to offect Marck ?, HIS A EL?Tie Ibllovtng arkedaJo fl| zrm mm Information snl] and an wt piTiitMl T1LUMS.UCAVX WASHINGTON. lr* to. Dally?NI?kt Kxyrea Pullman rinpfn can tor Norfolk M:U a. - Daily?For Norfolk f?M. Parkn ear *rrk*. I.? p. ?a- Daily except SundayFor Belkavoo. I M a. ?- Daily except BandarFor Greearilln. VDaoa and Ralefek Connects north. soath ? d wast wltl Mil tinea. 4:95 p. m.~DaOy?FOf Greenville Wilson and BaMcfc. Broiler parlo car. Ml a. a Dally?Pullman sleep and Ralefek. Connects sortk. scat1 and west. l:XQ a. m. Dally?For New Bern Klaetoa a ad Ooldsboro. Pullru&j keeping cam. 11:17 a. ra. Dally except 3noui ?War New Bccm. !:? p. m. Daily?For New Ben Goldetaeo ?i Wwfcrt. For farther tafaneeUoa ifid ee. pace apply tar T. H. Myen. Wul ( (tew. N. C. W. B. W. ?. Or^M O. P. To. Do Yob how That we carry one of the Fmteat lines of Groceries, Flour and Feed *hea? ' 'em^rder J. P. JACKSON main street 11 1 ' I ?M 11 v l-I fl 1L \I \ I I L v I tli I j Iv 'mlr^^ir--i '1-iH WMMHHMwaaaaMlM m?mmmmmmmmmmammmmmmmrn ... .== The Children _____ I At Nanlea tarn tramarav workara had truck; there wis a Ian* row of empty auw In the Riviera Chials. while on the Pltua dl Trlomfo a crowd of driven and conductors bad aipemWed. It wee a holey, bolsteroua crowd eC Neapolitans, aa lively and mobile aa Quicksilver. Higher than their heads, behind the garden fence, the glistening jet of a fountain bong la the air like a sword. The tramway workers were surrounded by a larger crowd who wanted to ge by tram car to the vmrloaa parts of Urn town. All these, decks, artisans, petty traders, seamstresses, denounced I the strikdhi in a loud and angry toae. % The strikers looked gloomy, and prmeiid against each other, hardly re- I ponding to the angry shouts of the crowd. They climbed upon the rafltngs and cast restless glances Into the 1 streets over the head of the people. The strikers resembled a peck of wolves surrounded by dogs. It was 1 dear to everybody that these peoplm 1 wearing the same uniform, were bound i together by a firm resolve not to give : |a; and this Infuriated the crowd still mere. There were, however, phlloeo' phers In Its midst who, while smoking away at their pipes, tried to pacify the more violent opponents . at the strike. "Eh, Signor! What Is to be done If there la not enough money to boy mocartmi for the children?" Wrangling, jeers, reproaches annd admonition were suddenly cat short*, a new current swept the crowd as it reconciling It; t)? strikers looked , gloomier still, and pressed closer together. Voices in the crowd called , eat: "Soldiers!" With ^.nolnr Wan fi-nm tW - Santa Lucia Quay caina Utile gray sol diers, stamping their feet regularly, i and mechanically swinging their left am. They seemed to. he made -of. tin, and aa frail as factory-made toys. " The crowd drew hack from the care, I the soldi era, like gray beads, became I scattered alongside the cars; the strikers remained on the platforms. The man in the silk hat fcnd some otfcera who eq^founded him swung their arms wildly and shouted: "The last time Ultima Volts'! TT you hear?" V The officer, twisted his mustache* - hie head drooping. man wared Ms r silk hat and ran up to him, saying something In a hoarse voice. The officer looked, st him askance, standing erect, and gave the word of command In a loud tone. 1 The soldiers In twos and threes be can to lump on the platforms of the can. At the* same time the drivers and conductors Were pushed oft. This seemed to amuie the onlookers, who broke out Into laughter and whistling, which, however, only lasted _ for a moment People drew hack frhtn the cars, * theli faces wearing a longer and older expression and. their ey^ wide open with astonishment They all pressed forward toward the frost of the car. r Within a yard or two of the wheels a gray-haired driver with the taoe of . a soldier could be seen, his cap off, a lying on the rails. He lay on his back, his long mustache shooting upward. An adroit youth, with the movements of a monkey, laid himself down ^ by his side; a^number of others foV3 lowed their example. The man Id tho silk bat cried out ; | something, the afflow looked at him and1 shrugged his shoulders. He must L | replace me tramway drivers uy_. boidJers, but he hae no orders to wrestle with the' strikers. Then the owner of (he silk bet, surJ rounded by people willing to please, 1 rushed toward the fusiliers. The letter set off, approached those lying on k (he yells and attempted to lift them. A struggle ensued. All the dusty crowd of spectators made a lurch and, howling, rushed to the rails. The matt ' In the Panama hat palled it off his heed, threw it up In the air, and waa the first to lie-down by the side of a atrfher; he patted him on Ike hack, and shoelad something atpunlngfy light fa his fees. After htm some gay, noisy people H began to throw themselves down upon the mile. lW lay down laughing, ?king faces at each other and ehoutMg agmsthfng at the offloer who. waving Ms gloves above the head of the man In the ellk hat ?ae telling ter wmethlns. ehsktng bis hand/ 4 We await your Inspection. fife h u 'The Home of Good Clothes." orer mkJ cvttlns dirty in thw Owe Fire aoldlem looked at the heapa ot bodies under the wbeela from the plat- , form of the front ear, then laughed coBToWeely aa ther elutohed the mil- , bag* and threw their heeda op In the air. Ther were now quite unlike the < tin. lactory-made torn. < a*tt an boar iu*r tnunn ran natal- ' IT along tbe itraaU of Napiaa; tba l rlctora atood on tho platforma, grin- , nlng; aome of tbam panned along tba ' P?u?*r: Tba pgaaengcra wbo handed than ' red and yellow slips winked lhair 1 ?rn amdlng and grumbling la a good- < sutured War. i ~ : ; QUEEREST PRISON IN WORLD , Arizona County Jail la Bloated Out of Mountain of Solid Quartz Rook. Whan the autbotides-af Graham county, Arizona, decided to look about for a place in which to confine crlmi- ] nala, they found a natural depression , In the tide of a hill. This was enlarged Into what might be called an artificial cave, divided Into four compartment*. The cave wae excavated parallel to the ' Bide of the mountain in which it waa > made, and daylight admitted by bolee < blown out of the wall with explosives, the windows being guarded by a network of heavy steel bar#. The entrances to. the depression was also " closed In the same manner, and a , vestibule or porch of masonry built out from It to provide quarters for the sheriff and hie assistants. This vestibule te also divided into compartments, which are connected by gates of steel bars. The only way of enterteg the prison irthrough the vestibule of masonry, and In- order to escape the buna tea would have to cut their way through three sets of bera which are an lnqh In thickness, as the windows are eo high up above the rock formlnn the floor of the cells that they could not ssacb them. It is necessary, however, to hay* a Tory secure place, as the crtfntnsls la this part of the country see of a meet desperate class, and the Inmates frequently Include murder era. and highwaymen. The mountainjsrhlch has thus been turned Into a prison Is composed of soUd quartz rook, and the excavation was made priafepaUy by the use of explosives. The Jail Is located in the town of Clifton* the county seat.?Wide Work I Msfatlne. Lessens Danger From Disease oerma The use of muslin .a dairy windows instead of (lass Is sail to jissea the dsncer frOm llsease serins. Home Endorsement Hundred* of Washington (HUzens Can SMI You All About IC ? Home endorsement, the public expression of . Washington people, should be evidence beyond dispute for e\cry;Washlngton reader. Surely the experience of friends and neighbors. cheerfully given by them, will carry more weight than the utterances of strangers residing in ,faraway places.* Read the following: R. ' 8. Butler, 31* Harvey 8t., Washington, N. C., says: "I suffered from dull pains in my back and Anally I procured Doan's Kidney Pills from the Hoyt Drug Co. They certainly gave great relief and after taking them my condition was much batter in every way. I publicly'endorsed Doan's Kidney PJlls at that time and now I am leased to say that the benefit 1 received has been permanent." For uale by all dealers. Pries SO cents. Foster^Mllburn Co., Buffalo, New Tori, aale agents for the United 8tates. Kemeipber the name?Doan's? and taka no other. ber we an Ftnnl idbtfan . v.? g. I R o i e Bushes, E^ergreees! I WOOPROW musos IN GEORGIA Special to the Daily Neva Atlanta, Oa, April. 11.?The leorgta admirer* of Wood row WUion are preparing an entlru*laatlc ro:ept!on for the New Jereey Oovernor hen he vl.it* thl* atate thl* week. Uovernor Wilson will begin hie ipeech making tour in thl* city tomorrow night and during the remainder of the week he wlM ho heard In Albany, Savannah, Jacksonville, ria.. and several other places. Qov ernor Wilson lived Jn Georgia tor eome time and. hie wife la a Georgia" woman. Bis campaign managersrlalm he I* certain to have the rapport 3f the Georgia delegation at the Baltimore convention. NXWARH TO HAVK BOXING AGAIN '?h. Newark, N. J? April IS.?The holing game is to redlved la Newark tomorrow night, after a lapse of several years. Arrsagsineots have been nude to give the Initial show In the open air *t the Newark baseball ground*. 'The feature event of tha waning will being together Yoeng Hurts of this city and Hike Glover of Baeton. * TO THK DEMOCRATIC VOTERS OF BEAUFORT COUNT* I hereby announce myself as a candidate for Register of Deada tit nominate and elected, will serve tha people at all times to Mat of my ability. The support of. every democrat la earnestly aollelted. . ' > Very respeetfutly, t' S WILBUR H. ROSS. Aurora. N. C. ir??e. ; . v JfS United Confederate Veterans Reunion, MACON, GA., May 7lfc, 8& and 9ttt 1912 Very Low Rooad Trip Fares ttU'r . 'SOUTHERN RAILWAY Account the above occaalon the Southern Railway atU Bail eery low round trip ttcketa to Macon, Ga., and retgni *g follows: ,. -> . * , HnNi V>; r> 'Vf ' Round Trip Goldlboro $9.25 Salem $S.?B ITaiiieh..aaisa Durham $(.50 Benderaaa ,u $9.15 Oxford $V1& Chapel Hill $1.50 Burlington $$ 50 Ratea In aame proportion (roin all Other etxtlona. n.1. Tick eta n!#n ? tl . j i .Mk Gore Favorable Qrooud. . ? 1 When oor aoh waa a boy or tour n family of chlldrrn moved neat tp na . Who wane Xmplj lnconttlblr Of eourae their doings were much com- ' minted on ln'our family, and many a I lime' 1 talked about 'thoee dreadful I Smith children." ' I One day I had ooeaalon to correct ] toy Utile roa. talking to htm rerioenlr , Ho Untened quietly for awhile, than . looted op at ma and uuld with tha ' > ika Smith children." 1 . Advlea From Kindly Sony Body. ' f "Oh. ntyi Your bouse kaa an odoi ofhnrolng milk. Don*t you know bow I to avoid thatr naked tka K, Bf B. "I didn't think It waa ? torrible. , I'm earn. Everybody baa aeeldenta of , that kind." raid tha woman aha waa rioltlng rather Irritably. ' "Now It'a all rlsht, of courae, I dont ' mlotrn. my dear, but next lime Juat sprinkle soma rait on the rtove rt onoa after the milk It apllled and yoa will amid that onplearaot odor." I LYRIC T I I toni ^ PICTURE 1 MKjfu .-."'''T.It TAWIWt J 11 THE TWO BPH^**AB KXC UB| "4 w* 'V*vj XOT1CB OF SALE (1 ? | Br virtue of a docrao of ttie Buporlr Court of Ueaufort COonlr tui. irrsi entitled j'Frsn)t CJuth1 comlLlon.rs will Mil. St public, uctlon, for euh. to Ow highest bldsr, At the Court House door In Bean- '<>- J9 >rt County. on TUMdsr. the JJrd - ? it Of April. HI}, at Kaon, for portion anions several tenants In comion. those three certain tracts or areola of land whereof Alex Co thill died Mixed and poeeeeeed, iltuted In Richland Township. Beaufort ouuty, and deeerlhed an follows: " 1. All of that entry or grant to 1 lex ctthrall adjoining ths Bteafort / nd Pamlico COtttlp .Ms, coitalnlng f 11.11 aerwr. the name being grant p o. It<11. dated January itnd HOI I ad dlly recorded to the Register's \ HUM of Beaufort County In Book 14. Page 187, which la hereby r?- ' irred to. 't.rfljl 1. All that tract of land contain- f It ahoat 7? acres, known M the / . D. Pnreer tract, conveyed by J. D. ! *rssr to Alax enthrall by deed dat- | ? February Had. UM, aad reoordd la the Reglatar'e Ofdce of Beau- I art County In Book Id*. Page StO. . rhioh ieed la hereby re tarred to. i. All that tract of land cootalnII ahont 78 acrea whereon Alax 'nthrell resided at the tine of hlx Mth aad known an the Alax Cuth>11 Home Plans, on the Saad Hfflx. nd being the saaM tracts oca rayed , JLl. > the said Alex CathreU by B. F. ZH 'ffttch And ?lf? JMan Ids enH Balsni term and wit.. Sana. B. W. Boraron and vita and w. B. Rodman ' a< otbara, the said Uuaa tracts conUtutlnf tha Ate CathraU Horns M. exception ten anna of whieh TcS rn coarayed by Ate CathraU and rift t? J.Banjamln 8mtthwlck..V. , Wt reaerr. tha n?ht to taU ths . " aid lands either aaawhala or la roala n mar ba daamad boat on tha ay of tola.v* Tbla tha JOth day of Ma?h. HI*. ' . . 7, HA&RY MoMUlXAN, * V . - W. A. THOMPSON, -11 4vko-C Commissioners. ' * ? n JNITBD COItFBDERATH VJCTKRAK8 REOTMON. ( I : ' MAOOIf. OBORUIA. I - KXTREMELY LOW VARUS hitS ' ?la 2 iORFOLR SOUTHERN RAILROAD Tickets oa aata Mar 5. ?. T aad i?t*. ' v- 'Cs. Jorfolk tll.lt Elisabeth City ...,....... ll.?? Icrtfordy./.- ?"- 11,0 Cdenton ................. XI.Id Plymouth XO.tB taw Barn lo.ddlaaafort 11 >0 t Inst on .. ,/i ' JreenrUle lO.Wb it ? ? Rates In tarns proportion from Je? Ithar stations .;!. , ... . fl Pinal limit May 1*. 1?1?. onlaaa ticket Is deposited with S portal treat and upon payment of fifty xota-nrhee extension to Jane l.\Wlll ~v je granted ' Stepoeers allowed. Ask agents for detailed ." inform- ' J a?L. DVOO, W..W, CBOTOS. Traffic Mir. Osa-Pass Ait. Moefnll. Xr*-ard-*W - - ' 3-1 tf-O - ? HEATREII ^ GHT II II %'' .. (, ? ,! ' yi :"?' "'" - EjKg-y*s9^ t' T8?Y<\ tmamvt 1 I