4 J h . n TV MHttH ^Ton SunDlscourae Heard by Large Congregation and Was Highly Complimented. t ' '" K guBdW uTenlnx Rer. H. II. Uroora. pastor of tie First M- E. Church daEft llvcrcd a special sermon on education Ills theme was "The Prepared f"I ?'~*1 Premattag tbla *e?k?r 1*7 ,h?< <b? ?ral" ~?J?t ?ld. * flfo/ lit ? * nontuoal rtleflp <!???!? th.^I " ??.| the Idea la which,..! ch*r?t?r of Ud the dear*. the ana-1 PrnJ^?'^'*'rUU,n,or trtogjc an(j Boelat ItM in. I ? LZ:r."" "* ? " **? > man "I wla/ ??K' la d^.t^Tn than ??e| |" the baalc nruZj, aw" "ULl ?w? ii?jr f *" *" jl*"1*1" ' not I ?<??> aad 2.^ t"B,a ?oatal I Hou gaint., *}???? ' ?? bp th,| rri I **' " to ti^^cJwllICeU00 01 thai I P*^2? "tnjarfo, ?$JL? wb0" wnn?,r ^ _ f^^J^otti U t!?j I the h^g?.y >??iS place aS2 thorough ^o for .gootU .o* vl??M. lit* and ooaktnc pccfflcal* ly to be fitted for a trade. Sifch pctwonh arthll/ divot. .11 tt.tr tin* . V firl. should b* taught that reel 1 pleasure consist* "In doing whfit ft ,s a noble life, like the Kingdom God, die within !*.'? 1 Training Is , - everything. The pe^ch was once a bitter almond; the cauliflower is nothing but a cnjt^nge with a collect y education. A teacher's value don: II'V..,. /gftitB in what he to rathfcr than what ~ b? kaotre and the scholar Is Ju^the *iu *r , > h. "BMt bmlHihli hwlth ot h.irt ter ^ wSch In body wbrie'tff This Is the soul of life-*<-thta makes IJ, mftn' - V- -ff p And gives to all his being a Godff" ward trend." 114 "To wrw with lofty sift. l,h? lowly .wd. gj&pvY Of the poor no. for which the Effi Vt ; I'-f And do it all for love??, this <| EKf #**rv Th.41.couri.WM hoard by l.rgo Mr. J. Qmittni of mi? city. 1 \ * ! -. - G* Better Roads Needed, But Best Way to Secure them is Present Problem. fSSuc, The Forest Protection Is as Important as Good Roads. - North Chrotlna i. thoroo?h)7 lao?ul?U4 ,wuh-.jh? food roodo wrhh We are all agreed that we mu.t have batter road., and the only diBereoce Of opinion la aa to the beet ?ey' to aeon re them. Lent fear Norh Carolina autbortaed the eapendlture of tore money for good roade than any other itate la the Booth with the eiceptlon of Texae.. The North Carolina county that la doing nothing to Improve fta road a la now away behind 'the thnea end win be left on, In the fttenahh4ifct eeh'*et nenon^M - . v.t [IWWWl Mlpre?rwf. > I The lirtt effect of tmprored roods la to lnctehaa the nine of the ampere timber jdkoreut product* from to be merknted orer county roeda' becauee enough timber end nop he eeenred in one |hn to Justify the vCpenne of conitrnctlntr ? leaning railroad of if flume. deed rbedaareatly reduce the roe, of hnallna tn-onihe, the lumber, tire, dad ether theterlala, end thle eertng le added directly to the relne of 111 n nfajifll timber tfto tdtl meted that tnoeerlr every county in the atete thle tlm? berwould be doubled In mine If the main roeda warn Improved, end thle hea aojeaBy happened In thee. cenn\iea that hate aeeered Improved have the imount of timber that we bugtrt to hare by the time the food 1-0*4* reach dS. The movements for forret protection and for the good roadl abould no hand In hand ao [that the grealeat adrantagea would lyeaul, frori both, ha twelr. or oftfd? time wenhhil bare lltftlo timber, to market unlaoa the forest. are lived averg opportunity <f> preduoe e aeeond crop, perdu dree ?llnu*l? destroy Moroouiamounts S?t?;5t^?ecVm6ra'rt*i?ro than those thef srVnowdisappeartng. ; I Let us f?t .good roads In every I county In fie state, but 1st us not I fill to ttfatmssurM.fD Secure ma- I <0(1*1 to A?*l.jjrtjstr those road*, so I 10*1, *0 stall reap the largest bene8U from thorn. Lforest protection Is I as Important for North Carolina as I a(?,?t>fd "-?*( ail all rrpreMntsUvea, who are ient to the XeKWaturo from the bartons j^nUsa of the tfate should be deflultaly.|h .favor of those I MISS ANNA WILUS fl ;' mm i , Mr. Frank R. Kohn one af the efficient engineers on the Norfolk Southern Railway and Miss Anna Willis, daughter of Mrs. V. fe. Wfllls. ware happily married at the parsonate of the First Baptist Oburch on West Second Street last night at *:S0 o'clock. The ceremony waa UppresslTsly performed by Rev.-If. P. Dalton In the presence of a few friends. Immediately after the marriage finflalght Norfolk Southern train for E 'J' jf . J "jjL ' jffillfl'- n. ' 'J j~ * ! IjOC^I R\JN8 TO^IGH' p6r week %?Mi0iw. April 16 ? WMther prorian ( !? omUM thle w?k. The weather bureau'* weekly buUrtla pre^I that ? ertpprive Urpmetrtc deprepdo# (Me ?* oowr. the Middle We* wffl move alowly eutwint ud ?e?oe uaeettW ahowerj weather the ft ret luUf of the week Id the AUmutJc states end the region of the creat Uke?, ami rata ud poa *17 local ?nr> to the Northtreatarn Htatea nd the citreme upper Mlaelaelppl Valley. e I **? * >*? ?m paaa dtprn the m_ VawrCnce Valley today win b? follow* by coot, or litalhn over the Middle Weee I aad the Kaaten. Htatee. . I The aext dietnrbnnc at Importance <a vrocl the country ?U1 op? * l? UK IM Watt Wednesday ar Wuradaj aad prevail aver the middle Weat near the cloae ot the wcefci It will be attended by loealv I rtee la temperature aad' be fob lowed by rounlderahly colder weather, which will make Me appeftranco it* tlie *ortJ*xr??tern atatea Tbumday or FMday. Ml 1 Delightful Dance Given at Aurora ;-w One of the moat delightful dancee if the aeaaoa area gfren Friday nl(ht April 10th hy the reenyr men of . Aurora. Maalc was furolihed hy tha ] Aurora Concert Band. The following J oonploa were preaent: ^C. 8. Dixon J*, with Mian Una V. 4. Guilford erH* Mine' Annie gtUu; 'S iy. . R. H, Thompson with Minn Clartoe Bonner. ^ . ij . R. R. Bonnor with Mlu Clara Lltcbaeld. * ' ' >' ? *.. I R. Fleldi with Him Jernet Bonner. ' i "it I J. Y,'' Bonner with Mlu Nannie Oroh. F. J. Guilford with Mlu Annie Fprebee. H. I*. Thompeon with Mlu Lola Thompson. O. I. Bonner with Mlu Susie Moore Mr. end Mrs, C. H. Roberson. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Mc-Wllllams. Mr. and Mrs. P Sparrow. Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Mldjette Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Mldrette. Mr. and Mrs. H. Jones. Mr.'end M?e. W a Booker i Mr and Mrs. V M. Douph. |.v: Mr. and Mia. ?.*T. liooher. Mr. and Mrs. A. enthrall. u Br. and Ida. O. O, Kafor. an ? arm re ? - a . ?. xi.eawi nWsnufl MuOrcu a u! 0OCO| la AOlOl Holftid&l, Cecil Jones. Mae Jonee. Kathleen Bryan Bright. Emma Hooker, Mattie Hooker. Minnie Bonner Ella Bonner. Stage: H. B. Quilford. H. B. Utch| field. H. Shaban, T. B. Dixon. > Chape ronoa: Meedamea Harding. Ferobee, Hollidat, Lupton, Guilford, I Moore-. Hodgbe. Dumay. ' f;*'' Jjf ; . ft ML SERVICES 5 ARE WEIL ATTEKREH ? A Urge congregation attended , the I bervlcee st the PI ret Beptlet Church I feet evening end the peetor Rev. H.l P. bnlton, who le conducting e 1 flee of meet Inge thie week. preached^ eerejon of power. Already coneldkr.bl. Interest I, being collected end much good ae a reeult of the meeting le looked for. The MM le one of the feeturee There wl? be kecordfr^ Court^ LWDAY AFTKRNCHiK, APRiL i* r AMD WEDNESDAY. ; MODEKAT ^kil^sVA^I Specie! to the Dolly N?W(^Salem, Ore.. April ffJ-NatlonaJ political Interest will t^oMlo Ore*on at-the end of this weekTh view of the State-wide primary flection to be held Friday with the Oregon presidential preference reatuee added to the primary law that Mid been In elf act for the peat six xtars The primaries ere open Co Aepuhllcmne and Demooratot no othor snlliieal or-, fetal ration harlot the trdp-lrn per tnte It a "pArty'' eedi^g^ law. of the fact that primary rlectiona are an eatabllehed factahere. It la hollered there will be no occasion for confusion such as marked the raeen* r~rr .TTo-r*r> -rsr TK^JW7 New York primaries, and since the primaries are contacted by"the State in the same manner that the general elections are there is no reason to bhlleve there , will be a truly representative robs of the adherents of all the candidates. In addition to expressing preference for President, each Oregon voter will be entitled to Tote for one of the ten delegates which his party is to have in the national Convention. Of the ten receiving the highest vote each will receive *200 front the state to pay for bis ^cpenses at the convention. Voters also express a choice for presidential electors, each voter n>Ung <or one. and the fly., hl?h^.t being nominees for the November election. Delegates tde .n.Uona! IRS.lElUKlE ii:i; ATTRACTION TONOT : T^e reserved seat sale of tickets tor the entertainment to be:given in the auditorium of the Publte School, this evening,, went on sale at Hardy'i Drug Store yesterday afternoon The genotal admission will be 25c. Reserved seats, first six rows, Parget and the first three rows* baiconj v?iil be ?5o. V... The following program has beer arranged for the evening' and it promises to be one of inter tot and en tert&tamcnt. The object of tho at ran'llAB U <Ma nrn.M. ? ? f *-^ for the Public School of the city this being Its object it should redeiv< ft generous patronage. It'is not now known what readings Mrs. Kelloj will sire. > :.? PROQHAM ? ? Quartat: Anaia Lorta, High Sehoo Mn. Kallog: aalaeUoB. f ,y: *"*' HlMm. Kfllog: Selection. Hi*. ttaUvg: Ratoetlth. -r ft u. Oram Bo cat a Op llii Vaibnm- Selection w-T. Selection. .1. I. I J: . .. * VAfUABUC WHOM. kP YEAR REGON ' LY IS GROWING .conventions will be obligated to siip port U>e candidates of tfceir patty receiving the majority In the prefer- ( enoe primary 80 far aa the state la concerned In- , terest centers largely in the advisory rote on United States Senator. It being expected that as In the past the ! legislative assembly wijl almply register the selection of the people for this office. hard fight to displace (Jonathan Doume, Jr., la being made iby Ben Belong, a prominent Portland merchant wfe was president of the t state senate two years ago. The chief vial tod Oregon bat three Umesln the past six years. Mr. Selling stands among the progressives of the Republicans and apparently will.make a Strong run for the place. There are ! two other candidates for the senstorshlp, bat the contest la believed ( to be.between Bourne and Selling. Bourne created tome little stir at the outset of the r^ce fcy announcfng that he would not spend a cent to secure re-election. The Democrats, too, encouraged by the election of George Chimberlaln Democrat, as Bourne's colleague two years ago, are takiiig strong interest in the senatorial. primary vote and likewise have four candladtea. There ia no governor to be elect> ed this year, and aside from president and senator the interest in the [ primaries will be ceqtered -In local contests fn the various counties of the state. >. OEEBS OF TRANSFER FORLAST WEEK i . The following deeds have been recorded in the .Register of Deed's office for the past week, i ' B. B. Thompson to Daniel Dixon. W. W. Hooker to B. B. Thompson. Mary R. Brothers to A. C. Averett. -k. W. Lucas and wife to H. G. r PbopviUe. . . j ^ C. H. Richardson and wife to R. E. ] . Hodges. * i . J.'H. Bond And wife to Thomas j - Murray. ! W. F. Liuwra to A. <j5. Lamm. I Carolina Improvement to L. For? tiseue. r Walter Hodges and wife to R. W. I Lucas. T,f If, Gray to R. W. Luc**. EphlUm Howard to W. L. Hodpea R W Luca* and wife to W. L. Hodge*. and wife. 1 0. W. Bowen and wife to 1mm oil 4 ' . ;> ; > ,,. s: ; , Jaa t Skepherd to 1mm Co*. W. naotpaad wlla to JOaaph - *0#e. W. H. Bowen and wife to T. W. Clark. i *ad L^^r"0t*J(>R ' Talcing It T o Rais For Tift Convened This Morning in Court Hou&e. Several Lawyers Sworn in. "hie April term of the United States District court tor the Eastern district of North Carolina convened tn the County Court Houm this morning at 11 o'clock with His HonOf Judge H. Q. Connor Of Wilson, N. C., presiding and District AttornH. P. Sew ell and ^alstant District attorney I. M. Meekins of Elisabeth City prosecuting the docket for the government. - There -age tour criminal 1 cases en docket for trial and five cum on the civil docket. The first case disposed of was that of- ths < United States vs J. P. Lewis who was I charged for blockading. He was ! dismissed . Mr. ?. L Stewart way ' his counsel United States vs Richard T. Johnston tor retailing Is now I hi progress. The defendant is re- ( presented by Mr. A D. Mac Lean. The following lawyers were sworn In to practice: B. L. Stewart, W. B. Hodman, Jr., John Tooley, of Bel* haven, W. A. Thompson, of Aurora. 1 and Lawrence Scott of Edward. ' MSSJOSIESMN : EMMS FRIENDS: Sweet little Miss Josle Lewis 8ns- 1 (nan the 6-year-old daughter of Mr. 1 and Mrs. 9. L. 8unman who reside 1 on East Fourth Street, was at home 1 the oceawlon being the celebration of ' her natal day. She proved to he a charming little hostess and ail her numerous playmates and, friends en- 1 Joyed the afternoon Immensely. De- 1 Ucious refreshments were served..All 1 kinds of games were indulged in. MHMftre itrmcc mnnainuL biuiiiuju) FBR^PST WEEK Register of Deeds". Mr. Gilbert Rumley. haa ' issued the following marriage licenses for the past week. 1 J^hn Gray to Busle Armstrong. < M. B. Wilkinson to Marian McLean ' ; .Tfcopia* C. Everett to Emma E. Waters. W. &. Ange to Mabel Wallace. F. R. Kuhn to Anna Willis. tf K. P. Lewis to Lottie H. Sharp. Alex C. Gaskill to Christine E. Singleton. Thos. V. Hawkins to Mattle JohnMob. v * v " a Passenger Train Delayed 2 Hours The South bound Norfolk Southern train No. 5 was delayed In arriving herft^ this morning over two hours being occasioned by derailment of a freight car at Westover. N. C. The south bound train la due to arrive here at 2:8b a. m. but did not roach Washington until 4:30. No one was hurt. 9 EPISCOPAL CHURCH CONGRESS Special to the Daily News. St. Louis. Mo.. April 16.?With many of the leading bishops, rectors ana layman m tn? fc>pnK*ojj*j church yNMBt from at) parts of the country, the annnal aaltonal Episcopal Cbareh Coapryaa gjfa o??a?d ta city today warn union Th* Concrcw will he la m ton fonr day, Tha enpai, which ha* aa Mi* lalatlva taaedoa. l? h?id prhKiaally to^ provide Jtaa ^a rs utial Step e Funds itone. - -.1 To Place Monument toBrave Souls who Pell on Gettysburg Battlefield MSSL. T. RODMAN B?CDIHTTEE North Carolina's Opportunity to Keep History Acts Straight The North Corolla* Division Daughters of the Confederr -j? *dWJiUL tho * !* of Hoo Ac?? den, .of Salisbury, uoanimc^y paavBd. the resolution at the fifteenth annua! convention held in WinstonBelem to place a suitable monument to the memory of North Carolina's brave souls, who tell on the battleground of Gettysburg in defense of ^ the Confederacy, and that the future work of the North Carolina Division bo directed to this achievement. The initial step in thta work for raising funds for the Gettysburg monument will be to make the Veteran's Reunion, or Veterana' Day, when the veterans' dinner Is served throughout the State. "Gettysburg Day." On this occasion, Gettysburg should be the subject tor the address, and a general collection be taken. The president t>f each chapter then should ask the public schools of the 8tate to solicit contributions from the school children. to impress upon them the true itrength of their land in Its fighting ind dying; the truth of what North Carolina did for the honor of American arms and tbe glory of this great commonwealth. Each chapter president is instructed to receive all -conand coiopei-ate with {he Gettysburg monument committee. It ia North Carolina's opportunity to keep history acts straight, and tell unborn generations of her magnificent services during the war for Southern independence: Mrs. Edwin R. Overman, chairman. Salisbury; Miss Mary Ferrand Henderson, Salisbury; Miss Julia Alexander, Charlotte; Mrs. Junius Davis, Wilmington; Mrs. M. E. Child Aahoville; Mrs. Josephus Daniels. Raleigh; Mrs. CM. Vanstory, Greens: boro; Mrs. M. O. Winstead. Rocky Mount; Mrs. B. L. Tyree, Durham; Mrs. James K. Norfleet, WInston-Sa ?cm, misa i-iaa lunetau uoarnap. Washington; Mrs. Elizabeth Outlav.QIcQueen. Elizabeth City; Mrs. Geo. Williams, Elizabeth City. . , vuimr fair m m mic this evening Tonight's program at the Lyric promisee to he one of the greatest features that has ever been released. "'Vanity Fair" Vltagraphs greatest masterpiece in three reels is highlit featured on the bill and It has I been extensively advertised previous* j'lo exhibition date. Th;a picture Is considered by mojtion picture critics jfl be one of thegreatest lessons In photography thai j has ever been sent out on the roads. _ | and judging from press comments I that have been previously made still retainn the same reputation where|ever shown. This main feature picture will be here for one day only and it is well worth your time to' witness a high _ class -picture of this nature. The manager states ' that these feature refejfc were obtained at an - -"jSj lernomous expense in order to show ~ HI It. ud tbmfon the iridH lor toll 1Kb t will he Adults ? Children 10. 2 Toklot Into sowllmtlw the n- jj fedee reeulred It <MMr to produce J ? picture (of tilt lotiotollus those prlcso seem too smell et thet to see, it. mi'i . a. ?<!, *r It Mo7 iisU

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