m?-V MSHOR DAHY NEWS ?t?B?TSH4T> ITViIR* ATTEftNOON ' BXCRPT SUNDAY. No. 109 Cut Wataf BUMt. . Entered aa Mcond-cUn matter I * A US UK 5. 1909, at tho ptatofflca at Waahlacton. N. C.. under the act of March S, 1970. ? I. * i. K One Month 9 .95 Four Months .....100 Six Months 1.50 On? Year * ^.1.00 Subscribers desiring the paper discontinued will please notify this ot**ca on date of dbtplratlon, otherwise " ""il be continued at regular sub\ * -*ription rates until notice ta stop : . ? is received. ; / If you do not get the D%lly News promptly telephone or write the manw a aKor and tho complaint will receive Immediate attention. It la our desire to please you. ' ^ ? Ail articles sent to the Dally News for publication must- be signed by the writer, otherwise they will nor he published. THURSDAY. APRIL 18. 1?12. .1 SIX YEAR I What* i-i reported to l** u stronglv derTiiken T?? proenre the ;i*l<>ptioii l?v ti??n :t plunk advivHtiiur u series o lIn- l*residonev. The-e are to W* ii t. The term of office, is. extended t , N'? person-who has liecu 1'rcsi No nomination for I'resul/hit prior to the VI ret ion of members of 4. Presidential electors arc to lie e . v ...... ". .... I'..-r... " . The IViiidenl of the Sonato s ti^K "f opening and counting the vol ^ main features of tlie propose Fr?^u tile very birth of the Conatir t!uI r*-fWrioii of a President has l> M-<;v -ver. the opposition has never Pn-bi?'iiT- ! aekson and Cleveland It and Presidents Hayes and Harris* adv.unite*I it in the North, Jefferson hi tunes pa?t the discussion ha* never pressed urgently upon the p iK-eiiriiig ten*I to make it an importu uiuttial erituinations and reeriminat of tin Republican party afford impr * *1 procuring Prcsidciifial uotnit erniucur. LOWER POM ? The National One Cent Letter 1 i/.ed a i r ii diaries \Y. Pur rows, of ( paring for a vigorous campaign an: _ try 5&V lower postage rate*. : 1 As a result of the campaign beii hill ha? hccn introduced in Congrc; *?f Ohio, and Representative John one cent letter postage rate to take movement hip U?eu cordially indora (ten*TiiI Hitchcock and other goveri t*en??riw !a,.1. liritt. third mmpiIt'll same. Statistics that arc not only intei point, hut which se*ve to show the lower postage. ^ Nearly nine hill ion pieces of firs post othco department for the tisieal total over seven billion pieces were I were post eards. The grand total w One of the interesting deduction that over eighteen million dollars weight of which was a little over amount was just over double the tot ooO pounds of second class mail n ninety-tire times as much in weight h SOlTIfERX ( OTTOS Aivofdiug to the best opinion in as the New York CYunmerciul hear: himself la-hind in his Spring work P "The South." argues our business Icrop of corn next Septenil?er. ami tl go Jas? Wednesday was 73 3-8 cent: as?o. On" the same day Septembei as 4-ompnrcd with 13.8 cents'a yea ^ agiMh?t hi* orop now. o.rn Won hi x The ( ' lumereial u!-?? points out risk j eliminated ijnd many ad van o-iiioii are enjoyed. I tupie.-tion than iN.tTnn. even f'r* ?n the speculu in cotton growing which goes wr growing, within any ?rt ?f rcdV all hut tlie avoidance thereof. THE HliEMEST Of Ti: hopeful expectation* anot-.fi colli.-';. 11 with :?it irelN-rg,otT ('ape I and the initial celebration of mai construetion lias lx?en turned into Xothinft-'foiild rxcowl in ^ensati phov pniclaiiiiwl as the last in i lion of this giant vessel throws ns ation of first principles. A11 the l>on*tod and wonderfu' * guards alx>ut ocean travel seems ".Water-tight compartntents as an t have become fallible. * Wireless against the failure of a ship to kf bulk of hull raises greater force which may overcome its safeguard! But the world leanrs?onlv frorr / from this that the way of safety m[ A along the *ace course for size in v ^ . ,JT treasure as well aa life may bette P The rivalry of the great transatl Et tion has received a fearful check.? ' ? The Health and Vigor ol Depend Much Upon 1 Nature k?ms taa>Wa?hfrngtea Park | ew from dust rtrenxllKU the ritflhj Kuch condition* allow you to lire a hlj your health. u ::: FLOWERS::: Wtyeo you want the bestjemember we are at your service. Choice Roses, Carnations, Violets & Wedding Outfits in the latest styles. Floral offerings artistically 'arranged at short notice. When in need of Pot Plants, Rose Bushes, E- erg teens. Shrubbery, Hedge Plants and Shade Trees, null, telegraoh or telephone your orders toJ. L. O'QUINN ?S CO.. RALEIGH, N. C. Phonos 149 >i:esidexcy supported movement has been unthe Republican National C'ouvent' constitutional changes concerning ve in number: o six years. dent shall l?e again elected to that or Vice-President shall be made the Electoral College, hoscn one from each Congressional kail exercise the ministerial fnnces of the College. 1 programme present nothing new. ution the avisabilitv of permitting eeu doubted, debated and opposed, been either partisian or sectional, lave sustained it among Democrats, >11 among Republicans. Webster in tlg? South. Ckay in the West. * lioon mainly academic, the issue eople for solution. Events now lit feature of the campaign. The * ions between the contending wings ossive proof that the existing mcthhi I ions is an obstacle to good govVAL RATES. ['ostal Association has been organMeveland. as president, and is prelong the business men of the coming conducted by this association a is by Senator Theodore E. Burton, W. Weeks, of Massachusetts, for a effect July 1st of this year. The od by President Taft. Post Master uiient officials. assistant postmaster general, has esting from a general news stand reasonableness of the demand for it class matter were carried by the year ending June 30, 1911, of this otters and nearly two billion pieces as 8,843,571,754 individual pieces. 1 > made by General T3ritt is the fact was collected on post cards, the I ten million pounds only. This tal revenue received from 951,000,natter produced. This latter was and furnished less than $9,000,000 <, CROrS THIS YEAR. New York-cotton and grain circles, * ir. the Southern fanner who finds will prefer corn for late planting, eontomnnrnrw "can deliver \r* nnwl ic price of September c6rn in Chica* as compared with 51 cents a year r cotton was quoted'at 11:40 cents, r ago. If a planter wishes to sell pay him much l>cttor than cotton." that with the corn the boll weevil tapes over cotton as a farming propahly corn is now ,n hotter prospect itivc standpoint. And a speculation ong does serious hurt, while corn liable limits, is not speculation at or HAS 1) WASTE US il by the early news of the Titanic's | lace have I seen blasted bv the event, I it's greatest achievement in marine the greatest of ocean disasters, onal character this apalling caatro- | nodeni building for sea transports-1 back violently again to a consider- j 1 progress made in throwing safeto have been turned into mockery, mfailing protection against sinking telegraphy has proved inadequate ep afloat. The great and greater s in collision and creates'dangers, i sore expierenee, and it will learn in ocean navigation does not lie easel building, and that economy of r be Jound in lesa ambitions ways, antic companies in giant construe-New York World. - I II I rnrnmm*?? ? II I |I|J YwWifea** Children v 'heir Surroundings. ^ [lw rmV) the nenm Its free, upbuilding the- Mtlre ij?em. a gtt quality llfe> Come build for, U * 1 \ ' - ?' ^ VI 8 A. C HATHAWAY. ^ - - ' ?* PI KDPCATWG HENS Genius Secures Patent Out. fc rivaling Edison. i ai Lenoir. April 18.?Inventive gqjk i? us In Caldsrell county has been rec>gni*ed by the patent office of the Jnited States several times within he past months. The latest indention is an improved hen nest vhich was gotten up by B. S. Cloer Sl >f Hudson, this county. In operatng the nest it has a contrivance by ^ vhich the hen can go into the nest, a :!ose the door, and remain undisturbyf until she wants to come off tile w ?est again , then she can open the loor from the inside and come- ont at ^ >er pleasure. Mr. Cloer has applied ** or a patent and when this new In- ^ rentlou Is put on the market 11 wtll w loubtless find a ready Sale. '? If""-"stubtori "I was under the treatrae Mrs. R. L. Phillips, ot Indian J nounced my case a very stubtx ness. I was not able to sit take CarduL I used it about one week. Now, the severe pain, that had has gone, and I don't suffer at in a long time, and cannot spe /V TAKE CARDUh if you are one of those ailing v of the troubles so common to v Cardui is a builder of wc of purely vegetable ingredient womanly system, building up \ the womanly nerves, and regul. Cardui has been in successful i Thousands of ladies have writte received from it Try it for yoi Vrttt fc: ijdlCT' Mttorr Do*. Cto? In ISxinf kill iMkibook. "Ho : sio. Confederate Macon, Georgia M ? ATLANTIC COAST J The Standard Railrc SELLING v % May 5fh, 6th, 7th May 15tli. 1912, unless ticket dep< FINAL L To reach original starting po purchaser with Joe. Richardson, ! Street, Macrin Ga., not later than of 50 cents, limit may be extended 1 For information with referen call on local ticket agent, or addres: * \ General Passei I ifl] | {The Bi? or L 5 fc^Kirsi j # =^^=^=a== Both are entitled to the sa 1 J a mechanical standpoint c J J down here. Oui\ leadt , j, The very latest and best r 4$ by Art Craftsmen. ' ? A Request for prices and >? ~ | DAILY | JOB P] , J Special Offer Absolutely Pure 1 GALLON FOR $2.00 This Is not a blend, lmitatlo gallon absolutely guaranti 2 Gallons CoAper's Specu 2 Gallons Wooley's Best 2 Gallons Laurel Valley V Add 26c to above prices ed. Express Prepaid to any press Company, for offices 1 for each package. Address J. c. c< ?oxlll2 -y / IIUilM.% LKAGtB GETS 4*ARTKI>' AT LAflue lal to the Daily Nm. Richmond. Va.. April 18.?Aft* series of trouble* that at on* tlm reateped the disruption of the 01 inisatlon, the Virginia Baseba eagut? has smoothed out all It rinklee and today IU season hnds -otnlslng auspices Was opened up. Today they played the openin imes Portsmouth appeared at Noi Ik, Dantille a^ Newport News, R< loke at Lynchburg and Petarsbur Richmond .. ",v ?-?\ ' * , o V" EN STEALS EWE IX bale OP BA jeclal to the Daily News. Winsted. Conn., 'A/rU 18.?1 lomaston, a grain dealer, receive car load of baled bay from Canad lis week, and when the shlpmei as being qnloaded a white Leghor ;n was^djBcovered between the ha era. -Biddy had laid several egf hile In transit. ThP carl contain in e hay and hen left Canada tw eeks previous atjd Biddy bad 1 n od or water during that time. :nt of two doctors/* writes Valley, Va., "and they pro)rn on? oi womanly weakup, whea I commenced to before I saw much change, been hi my side for years, alL I am feeling better than ak too highly of Cardui." v The Yomans Tonic /omen who suffer from any /omen. manly strength. Composed s, It actf quickly on the yomanly strength, toning up sting the womanly system, use for more than 50 years, n to tell of the benefit they ar troubles. Begin today. 40 ^ 1 |pe faces are employed 2 samples brings a smile |j = J i^JZj W ^ m LANT For 90 Day Corn Whiskey 2 GALLONSFOR $3.75 n or compound, but evei eed or your money back. ri Corn $4.00 New Corn $4.50 lye $6.00 if only one gallon Is war r office of the Southern fl oi o' her companies add (X all orders ' 30 PER, " take notice that an action entitled a* t above bas been commenced In .the 01 * Superior Court'of Beaufort Countj to I secure an abaolhte dhrorce from the defendant Tbe *aid defendant will * further take notice that she Is re- 4 quired to appear at the neat term of the Superior Court of Beaufort 8 County to be held on the 10th Monday after tbe first Monday in Majch, 410 East Main St I ' t ? -m - W- W .MI.1 linuFR AII UILI1 I ILL The Hot Wat ! I the Humphrey ^ \ j ter Heater exti ; j room requirin >: i; This iron serva J [ back, takes a he t-1 i dissatisfied. ?1! Not a luxury, ] mmm tSuJuWe' {w/iertMoi. Meets In Tayloe's Hall ever j Tuer^ AU TRIBE. >fo. lft. I.O.K. M. Meets tit Tayloe's Hail every Mobay 'a Sleep 8th Run. PHALANX LODGE, No. 1ft. LO.O.P. Meeta every Thursday evening la ayloo'a Hail at 8 o'clock. fAOMI KBBEKAH LODGE, No. Oft. L Oj O. F. Meets ia Tayloe'a Hall seconxt and ourtli Friday each month at 8 p. in I?AMB|fDO LODGH, NovvTS. K. of P. > Meeta In their hall, npatalre. cor er Union allay and Main street, very Thursday evening at ft o'clock. ORR IiOPfll, No. 104. A. F. and A. M. Meets In their hall, corner Bonner nd Third streets, first and third 'uesdays each month at 8 p. m. MOYF CHAPTER. No. ft? Royal Arch Manias Meets in Masonic Hall sseoad and ourth Tuesdays each month at 8 I I WASHINGTON IX) 1X3B No. 8S2. & P. O. B. building, every Fl ff Sy ft 1 'clock. NOTICE . avinia . Padgett n. leo. W. Padgett. Beaufort County Superior Court. The defendant above named will notice than an action entitled I is above baa commenced In the Superior Court of Beaufort County, N. 3., Involving the title to reel estate n Beaufort County, N. C., In wbftch be defendant baa an Interest, to wit: be recovery of a certain tract of and as described in the Complaint by be plalntm from the above defend int. And the said defendant will urther take notice that be la reuulr?d to appear at the term of the Superior Court of said County to bo neld on the 10th Monday after tbe tret Monday in March, it being May 11th lilt, at tbe Court House of mid County in Washington. N. C.. in daneweror demur to^be complaint In said action, or the plaintiff will tpply to tbe Court for tbe relief demanded In said Complaint. This March leth. 1912. % GEO. A. PAUL ' C. 8. C. NOTICE OP SALE UNDER MORTGAGE. Under and by virtue of a power ale contained In a mortgage from Samuel Lenear dated October 10th, 1108 to P. P. Latham and recorded In Book 100 page 882 of the Regietry of Beaufort County, which aald mortgage waa to secure the bond therein recited, and default having been made In the payment of said bond. I will sell for oaah to the high at bidder at the Court House door In Beaufort County at Washington N. C.. on the fourth day of May ltlt at 12 o'clock M. the following deecribed tract of land: ; "My Interest consorting, of 5 % acres In Jams Lenear deceased estate as plotted by Jas. P. Latham la a survey for division. It being designated on plot as lot No. .8" Terms of sale,'cash. / - | This April Srtf. 1818. P. P. LATHAM, Mortgagee. By WvD. Grimes, attorney. 4-4 lawk 4wk c. A man learns so much about raising children from his first that he doesn't know anything at all abot t it by the time tbe seventh comes. lbert/^J - - Norfolk, yarj Tiir iinur % inunimi < i :er Service of < [ JVutomatic wa- 1! ends to every \ \ g Hot Water. J ? lit iiv? v ci tauvd & >liday, or grows 2 i xfe.f 'X-^m but a necessity. | ipilj Professional and [ Business Cards \ MOT. BOBTKKSE LITTUKB - ^ ^ ULLLXER. ? W. V-om.l 81. A V H. W. CARTER, M.n I Practice limitto dtapasoo OS I the Eye. Ear, Nose and Throat*. Hours: 9-12 a. m.; 2-S n. m. *v A ' Except Mondays. - Corner Main and Mark* Bta. < J Over Brown's Drug Store. f Washington, If. C. , 0 M je ' _e e, e E. A. Danfal Jr. . Lindsay C. Warren DAM EL A WARREN Attorneys at Low Washington, North Carolina *r" ! We practice In all the court* - ' ' - w w. e 0 : : i Wiley C. Rodman. M ! Wm. B. Rodman. Jr. 1 RODMAN A RODMAN 1 '' Attorneya-at^Law. a* a. 8. Ward Jnntoe D. Grtaaaa 1 WARD i GRIMES f Attorney at llaw f k VmUbiMl N. C. f We practice la the Court of the - I First Judicial District and the V Federal'Cofcrta. A ;;;; v;;;;; juaoi & Bomnm AttOCMfatrUw e : v , i' j WASHINGTON, V. G. ' ?! a A. PHIL, UPS A DBOw FIRJD INSmiCK . WASHINGTON, H. O. . e e e . 'e e ? A ? ? o ? W. D. GRIMRS AtWaAeg-oa-Iuy _ Practices ta aU the Courts. * / '? . ;i ? * John H. 8mall A. D. Mail, a? " Harry lfcMuflaa * B4"n, Marlinaa A if>ia?w?? rj Attorney at law m 4 Washington, North Carollus Edward L. Stewart, Washington, N. C. W. A. Thompson* Anon, Nl C. STEWART A THOMPSO* Attorneys at Lav. a Washington and Aurora* N. C. p i 0 a, ^ WasHftigtaa* N. & .v: * m a ? NORWOOD L IHMOW i ' Attorasr at Law J J To the Farmers | We have a few more bags of Maine grown, I^ish Cobblers Seed Potatoes, which 1 we can save [you money I on. Also, a full supply of choice onion sets and garden seeds; Give urynu* business and we will prove to you it is to your interest \ * ?? iw uuy irum tne Pamlico Grocery Co. I When cleaning or pressing is ~j V ' ? To please he or she I work irom sun to'sun j My years" of experience I places me in the brant ranks of Perfection for , Cleaning and Pressing . jyglso Tailoring. 1 USE N<3 I GASOLINE i CLUB {(AXES f 1 Per Month Rooms over Western I 'Union * UNA RICE _ r. I * V 1% urn J ??T LI ... . . .. ,