| Classified Advertisements.' -ROBERT MITCHELL WHO HA? I proved to b? about one ot th. j cruateat to mm too ralaara In tho ^ ? south has been known to have ** ripe tomatoes by the sixteenth 16 J of April. Has on hand now plants Ljfaf of various kinds. Those desiring 1 i n to purchase plants call at No. 321 1 E Van Norden St. or No 540 Biounts < Read. Shop No. 111. Gladden St. T f 7 Washington. C- * ?!' ' & . ' ' ^ ' , 0 *ik)LD MEDAL FLOUR JUST RE- d ceved at prices of inferior grades. J ?4-11 1 wc. J | ' -SINGLE COMB REDS (TOMPKINS) 1 5 50c. Setting. Mrs. F. H. Parker ? ? Washington. " Phone No. 1051. , e 4-6 Wed and Mori Sw. FOR SALE t BED ROOM BOTE 1 1 Couch. 1 H?U Rack. 1 Library d Table. 1 Refrigerator.*. The above J v are dll new..'For description and ? price addresa BoxTSl. City. * ^ 4-9 tfc. . t! ' E WANTED OUT OF TOWN CORRES- c pdndents in every town and vil- a L lage in Beaufort and Hyde County. a I For particulars write' the Dally a s News. Washington. N. C. _ u FOR SALE: GAS BOAT BUILT FOR F towing purposes and light draft. * E&f-l Engine almost new, 10 horsepower Apply to Walter A. Green. Phones 6 or 395 J. 4-15 tfc J WANTED: POSITION BY YOUNG 11 lady stenographer, graduate Kings ? Business College. Good reference. /' Address "L" care Daily News. g BB f< 4-18 lwc. 1 , ? I ,* FOR SALE FRBBH LKTl't'CR AND * Red dishes. Apply to lira. W. P. t] | Randolph, 323 E. Second 8treof. * HOUSE AND IX>T FOB BALE. AP- * .ply to 323 W.' Second Street. Martha Moore. p 4-1. p. I FOR HAtE: 8WICJ&T PEAS 20c. " dozen. Apply to Mrs. J. C. Rod- * man. v , ! 4-18 2tc. " 6 . n WANTED TO BUY: A MILCH COW * 1 freah to pall. Must be part Jereey. "W" care Dally News. 4-17 lwc. I 1 . a CEMXP PER COPT WILL BE PAID * ^ for eue copy of .the Dally News J of each of the following dates: ' Feharary 1812, 18, 22, 24 27; March: 8, 7, and 12. Send them e te the Dally News Office. p ALL IOT ROLLS EVERY AFTER- * ik u at 4:20 at Hoghead SUtlon ' *IJ7 la front of A. C. L. depot. VOR BALE CHEAP: SAFE, BOLL 'J top desk and chair. See Mrs. W. L *t Jnghlnflinnafl 4-it" 1 wc. " - PONDKROSA TOMATO PLANTS 10c ' - per doten delivered. Apply to Mrs. J. C. Rodmso. i ^I \ . 8KB THOSE LADIES' SPRING A cloth cost suits being offered at 15 & '? psr cent off at J. K. Hoyt's. o CAPODINE foe -THATHKADAOnR" ? Oat last nlchtr HaaOaeho and MrrocMiU morning? Hicks Capu- ? l dine Jna: the thins to At yon for 11 k business. Try It. At drug stores, a It 10e.. iBe. and fOe at drug stores, g * li f NOTICE tj f ^ The Democrats In the several p Counties composing the First Judlct- . al District of North Carolina, are J hereby notified that the Democratic s Executive Committee of- this Dlstrlct 6 has called the Judicial Convention g to be held at j Elisabeth City on u Thursday the Wth day of May. l>lt " * 1 at 1:30 o'clock P. M., for the pur- T . pose of nominating the Judge for the ct X?, First Judicial District. o The several counties composing lbla District are notified to send deleI gates to the said Convention for said 11 if purpose and such, other business as a 7 may come before the Convention. I ~ E. F. AYDLETT, u ^ Chairman Democratic Executive,Com ? mlt^ee. First Judicial District. B 4-17 to 6 28c. ' ? Do You Know Jj f That we carry one of * \ the Freshest lines of * Groceries, ? Flour and Feed J V In Washington. It is a p fact and wo ,can easily , Kj. prove it if you will but e give us a trial order i J. P. JACKSON ; MAIN STRKFTT j ctrul oct Results ' fOTICK OF PORrfCLOSURE SALB Under and by virtue of the power >f sale contained In a certain mortg.are deed executed on the 20tl> day of c?br?aty. 1911. by and between J. AVTlklnaon, B. W. Wilkinson and frits Pattle 8. Wilkinson to W. B. <oee? ft Sons, a corporation, which aid instrument la recorded In Book 70. page 46b of Beaufort County' lecords, which la hereby referred to or Its terms; default having been oade in the payment of the indebtdnese secured by the said mortgage he undersigned will on the 1st day ? May 1912. toll to the ht{hest bid-, ter for cash at; 11 o'clock noon at; he Cpurt House door of,Beaufort! bounty to satisfy the Indebtedness; ecured by said mortgage the followng described tracts or parcels of and. lying and b.eing In the County if Beaufort. State of North CaroIns, P&ntego Township and deecrlbd as follows, to-wlt: FIRST TRACT: A portioA^of the Pantego Swamp" contained within ho boundaries of the Ann Blount eed, lying west of the Norfolk-Souhern Railroad, and on the South side f^sald swamp and adjacent to the x>ng Southern Collins line, .which Is he Southern boundary line of the Ann llount deed and containing, by calulatlon.-Flve Hundred and fifty one nd one half .acres, to-wlt: Beginning t the point in the Long Collins line bove referred to and West from said rortolk-Southern Railroaders moosred along salJT line a distance of Ive Hundred and Ninety Two poles. nd running thence, North* 32^ East 7 pole* to a corner in the swamp; hence North 50 West '873 pole* to nother cornerrthence south 40 west ff pole* to a corner In the Collins Ine North 89 East 602 poles to the Ine above referred to; thence along aid Collins line north 89 last 602 pole* tp( the beInntng. It being the second of wo tracts of land described and coneyed in a deed from John L. Roper inmber Comaphy to said parties of lie first part dated March 16th., 1906 nd duly recorded In the Register's ifflce of Beanfort County, in Book 31, Page 527 530, to which deed aference is hereby made. 8ECOND TRACT: Beginning at a ost oak, the North East corner of tie tract of land conyeyed by Guil>rd H Waters and wife'to J. A. A . W. Wilkinson, 'and running North 5 East with a line of marked trees 1 poles to a corner; thence North 9 Wett 142 poles wltl^ a line of larked trees to a wire fence; thence dth said wire fence ^South 68 West 5 1-4 poles to the corner of said ire fence at a ditch: thence North 8 West with said <ntch and fence 0 poles; thence North $4 West with aid wire fence 10 poles; thence orth <9 1-2 West with said wire Mice 32 poles; thence North 58 1-2 Test with a ditch and line of markd trees 27 1-8 poles to a llghtwood oat; thence sauth 54 1-2 West 27 1-4 oldb with said line of marked trees } the North West corner of said ract of land conveyed by Gnilford [. Waters and wife to said J. A. A . '-W. Wllkldaon; thence with said ne of marked trees South 62 1-2 last 288 poles to the beginning va?.uui| oo.o acres more or lees, I surveyed end platted by John T. ETindley, on or about February 16th, | 607, the courses above given being lie magnetic courses on that date; nd said tract of land being the same froVeyed* to J. A. Wilkinson b T, Houston, as guardian and - D. MacLean, as Commissioner, by eed dated April 16th. 1607, and uly recorded In said Register's Office r Beaufort County, In Book 147, age 71, to which reference Is hereby lade. THIRD TRACT: Beginning In the ne between Dot no 1 and-Dot no 2 t a poet oak, and thence running outh 66 1-2 West 70 poles to a stake 1 Hannock's most^Bouthardly line; lence with said line North 48 1-4 Feat ISO. poles to the most westerr line of Joseph Hancock, red bay; thence North 64 1-4 Bast 2 poles; thence South 62 1-2 East 33 poles to the beginning, contalnig 86 6-4 acres, as surveyed by John . Wndley on March 6th, 1906, the juraea being the magnetic courses a that date; and said land being le same conveyed to said parties of te first part *7 Guilford p. Waters ad wife by deed dated November 3rd 906, and dhly recorded In said Regiter's Office of Beaufort County, In ook 148^ Page"389, to which referace Is hereby made. .FOURTH "rttACT: Beginning at *e North East corner of Ransom W. [arris' entry or patent a* a stake In le West most line of the Loyd and lien patent and running thence ltb said patent Hue North 46 Bast 8 poles to the corner of said patent jenoe North 28 East 100 poles to a atont granted to W. R. Wright dtid r>hn WhlHsv- wltfc tin t brId patent North 56 West 155 ries to a patent granted to^Ruel /ipdley a?d Thomas Boyd; thence 1th the line of aaid patent South 45 ast 20 polea to a corner; thence 1th (hemline of aaid patent South 5 Weet 97 1-1 polee to the Iforth feat, corner of Ran bo m W. Haftls' foresaid entry or patent; tXiahce Ith the aaid patent South 6? Rut l( polee to the beftnolng It being Down u the Ranaom w. Herrle reet for One Hundred eeree, end belt the lame eonrered br & B. kholaoo, ComtnlMtoDer, to said J. Wilkinson by deed dated Bebru Crystal Ice It U better to get your refrigerator ready now while It Is pleasant than to wait until the hot days come. Crystal Ice Co. 126 WATER STREET Washington, N. C. Phono 83 FIFTH TRACT: Beginning at % gum the South East corner of a pat-j ent granted/to Rue! Wlndley and Thomaa*Jtf>yd for 64^ acres, dated December Slat, 1818, and running thence with said 'patent line .North 45 East 102 1-2 poles; thence South 58 East 156 poles to a stake In onp of the Westtnost lines'pf the Loyd and Allen patent; thence with the Bald patent South 45 West 102 1-2 poles to a stake, the Westmost corner of said patent; thence north 58 West 56 poles to the beginning, containing One Hundred acres and being the same tract of land conreyed to said parties of the first part by W. J. Bullock and wife by deed dated February 19th, 1906 and duly recorded in aaid Register's Office of Beaufort County, <i?4ook 138, Page 247, jto wheh reference Is hereby made. | All of the aforeeaid five tracts of land being tbe same conveyed to said j. a. ? s. w. Wilkinson by William H. Schuette and Wife Cora Elizabeth Schuette by deed dated December Isit, 1911, and duly recorded In said Register's Office of Beaufort County. In Book 170. Page 66, to which reference is heijsby made. Terms of sale cash. This March 2Sth, 1911. W. B. MOSES * SONS. By f. A. Leigh, atty. 3 29 4wks la wk. ? NOTICE OP ADMINISTRATIS)?/ Having Qualified, this day, as Administrator pf the estate of Daniel Haseell. deceased, this is to notiry all persons having claims against said estate to present the same within twelve months, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said es- j tat? will please,make Immediate I settlement, with "the undersigned ad| ministrator, ThlSNlth day of April. 1912. EDWARD L. STEWART. Administrator of Daniel Hassell, Deceased. 4-6 6wc. ? NOTICE * NORTH CAROLINA. -BEAUFORT COUNTY. I In the Superior Court May Term, 1912. J. TJohnson, Henrietta Johnson. The Defendant, Henrietta Johnson, above named will take notice that an action as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Beaufort County, 8tate of North. Carolina, to absolve t^e bonds of matrimony existing between the Plaintiff, ?J. T. R. Johnson and the Defendant, Henrietta Johnson, and for an absolute divorce: Now, therefore, let the said Defendant, Henrietta Jobnson take notice, tha* she, the said Henrietta Johnson, the Defendant above named is required to appear at May 27 term of the Superior Court of Beaufort County to be held in the Court House in the County of Beaufort and City of Washington, 8ate of Norh Carolina and to answer or demure to the wompiamt in said action, or the plaintiff, J. T. R. Johnson will apply to the Court for the relief demanded In said complaint. This 16th day of April, 1912. GEO. A. PAUL. Clerk Superior Court.1 Edward L. Stewart, Attorney for Plaintiff, J. T. R. Johnson. 4-lf law 4wc. NOTICE A DEMOCRATIC COUNTY CONVENTION la hereby called to meet at the Cpurt House in Washington, N. C? on Saturday, May 26, 1912, at 11.n. m. for the purpose of selecting delegates to the State CONGRESSIONAL. JUDICIAL, AND SENATORIAL CONVENTION. The date of the various precinct primaries will be announced not later than May 1st, and aa soon as' the Board of Elections have fixed upon the time for holding same under Primary Bill of Beaufort County. * This April 13th. 1912. By order of/ Executive Committee. WILEY C. RODMAN. Chairman Democratic. Executive Com mittee. ? 4-16 1 aw to 5-26 1 v< TRY A .NEWS WANT MX ( J. UNN WOOD?Men ben New York mil LEON w< ( * ' BANKERS ?M ( Fiiewn MMkhelekR \ ew Kieheeiw, (llniD Board at ^ 'l' 'ihla i. el " - , , ' ? fgSgiyir ??/ APPRECIATED. 1 * ^. The society editor would ap- j * predate any items of a social na- | r tuH or otherwise for this col- j * umn. Don't hefaltata to call 290 * * and give this department any in- * * formation of a ne^s nature. * People visiting at your home or * members o( your family leaving * the city?ploase notify this office * of the fact. It is the desire of * * the management to make this * * department of the paper attract- * * lve and Interesting and the so * clety editor again asks your aid ' and support. / PERSONALS Major Wiley (j!. Rodman returned | home last evening from Goldsboro rifle meet. t t t t L >Mr. W. B. Rodman Jr., Is back ; from a profssiohal trip to Richmond, tttt ! Mr. O. W. Hlnton, of Sunbury, N. C., Is a business visitor to the city, tttt j Mr. J. R. Parker, of 'Suffolk. Vs., I registered at Hotel Louise. Messrs O. M. Wlnfleld. W. W. Leg' gett. J. R. Proctor and H. G. Win fleld went to Belhaven this afternoon to attend the district meeting of the | Improved Order of Red Men. t t t tI Mr. J. E. Johnson, of Warsaw, is a Washington visitor t^day. tttt Mr. G. M. Henderson, is in the city on business. t t t t Mr. J. W. Cabell, of Richmond, a clever knight of the grip, was here today. .V 1 'tttt v Mr. J. R. Penn, of Raleigh Is registered at Hotel Louise. tttt Rev. R. V. Hope, pastor of the Christian Church Is-expected home this week from an extended visit to Missouri and Alabama. tttt Mr. C. F. Ellison, of New Bern. N. C., was a guest of his brothers Messrs William and James Ellison last night and this morning, tttt Mr. Hardee Thompesn. of Aurora, N. C., was a passenger on the Washington and Vandemere train this morning. tttt'**. Mr. L. H. Ross, of 'Edward, N. C., is in the city today on business.. tttt Dr. A. K. Tayloe returned to the city this morning on his way to Aurora. /Dr. Tayloe Was called professionally several days ago to JmdQt tttt L Mr. Harry Suaman returned )ut -night from a business trip tor-Waahington City. ft ft Miss Lilian Campbell has returned from Western North Carolina. tttt Mr. T. Litchfield, of Ant^ra. N. C., is in the city on business. COMB AT ONCB All* who needs some 16x20 Pic| ture Frames. We have the finest line 'of them you ever saw. and the price | the cheapest. Bakers Studio, .tttt I Mr. Thomas J. Woolard, eon of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Woolard, who has i been visiting them leaves today for PhUadelDhll to Join the United States battleship Idaho. tttt I Mrs. lessie Latham, of Richmond, jVa., is the guest of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Swanner on West Second Street. tttt j Messrs William Ellison arfd Joseph Ross are in Hyde County this week ! on a business trip. * v y READY FOR BOSTON- MARATHON Special to the Daily N'ewp. Boeton, Mass., April 18.?Interest In the sixteenth annual American Marathon race, to be conducted tomorrow under the auspices of the Bostpn Athletic Association, has livened to a noitceable extant with ^he near approach of the date fojt the race. This year's contest will be the official try ont in the East for the vi/uipic waratnon team, and U a natural qoriifcequence the number of entries if larger than ever before. The entries come from many points )n Nqw England, New York and eastern Canada. Cotton Exchaage.?JAMES|W, 30D & CO. i BROKERS.| rsrl'W? -v^W -7V>V''^'-* VJ^7Ti i '.^n sp 'ii i.i " i I1 ** a?essr Coffee Goodness Proven b? a Century of Use Tbcr? is something wonderfully satisfying and fAscinating about this coffee blend that has been in daily use for over a century. Something far different from ordinary coffees. This is the coffee that was served In the quaint French Market, New Orleans, to society belles and beau* of the olden time. And that 1 was so liked by Andrew Jackson, Henry Clay and other famous J men. It is toaay the same identical, deliciously a*~?niatie blend I that was famous over a hundred years ago. Then yon could get this coffee with a history?the real Iftfflch Market Goffeei * only at the French Market, NewsPrle*ns. But NOW you all may serve it dally at your own table. For the old French Market " blend is perpetuated by The Same Unique Hygienic Roasting Process and delivered everywhere in perfect aroma and strength in hermetically sealed tins. Injurious elements are toasted out of French Market Coffee. In New Orients*, for httnrir?<|c it has alwi'.VJ been the custom to drink cup after cup, even at midnight. You may do the same today. Be sure you get the | genuine, '"fhsre is only one real old French Market flavor." II French Market Mills 'm (N.w Orl?a? Cofl?. Co.. ttd- Pr.pri.totiJ g (J\ * _ ^aw nice piano gives an air of quiet comfort to a room! And not only that but it fills up the room with an air of elegance and refinement. J ? ' *" * yyMVT??M v? oyy^<uam.c ia uui everyuiing in a piano. You want tone and musical fitness. , To be satisfied you must get an instrument that will 3wt your room and tastes. We have dude a close study o( this and if you V will lei us guide you. we guarantee an instru mcnt that win please you in every possible par? , dollar-quality, tone, finish and pocket Come In and inspect our stock today. SOUTHERN FURN.CO. C/$e "fYacc f* GoodFufyUQfQ Washington. N.C. All Advertisement in the News ^ . Brings the Biggest Results \ S IF YOU ARE GOING NORTH TRAVEL VIA > } THE CHESAPEAKE LINE X < DAILY SERVICE INCLUDING SUNDAY S I The new flteameni Jont placed In service* the i'CITY OF NOR- ) i fOIiK" Mil "CITY OV RAI.TlMOm* " ??,- -? * J { nd up-to-dnu- stmmori between Norfolk and Baltimore. ^ I Equipped'with wireless telephone In each room. Delicious t V oeals on Hoard. Everythinft for comfort and convenience. J f Boats leave Norfolk (Jackson St.). 6:1.% p. ui. \ V Boats leave Old Point Comfort, 7:15 p. m. r , J Arrive Baltimore. 7:00 a. ni. C ' , Connecting at Baltimore for all points north, northwest and / I ltcservation* made and any information courteously furnished f by r w. h. parkell. t. \\ a.. j 1 05 Granbjr St.. Norfolk. V. C ' = Railroad Fare Paid On account 01 Charlotte's being; the largest city in the State of North Carolina, and in the heart of the manufacturing intereats of the ? aroltnas ?making it easy to get positions for students^ the Draught >n ( "liege at Raleigh has been consolidated with Draoghon's i; ,-im-ss College at Charlotte. Draugbon^ Charlotte and Knot\ illc Colleges are now offering to pay railroad taresasn sp.,, .'ucement. Write DRAUGHON'S BUSINESS COLLEGE p - ' jff WW ' NEW SEEP Garden Se^d ' Any Variety jnd i Onion Sets -THE? QUALITY GROCERY WALTER CSEDLEI 0. = i Bicycles! Bicycles! New Bicycles ?1S h? Reading, Standard. Ivw Jaluaa Columbia. Rambler. F-W? National and Dayton Bknha MM for cash of on time We ales eany a full linn of rtipabm at aS Mw D. R. CUTLER 114 Market SL WASHINGTON. N. C Phone za ===== FARMERS are entitled to the heat and when their have the oiquainaliy of selecting they aaM for Pamlico Brands The best famon In this section one PAMLICO BRANDS. DO YOU? Ask your drnlrr hr our goods if you ent a better quality for yw money. Whenynb-riOfSne our goods they leant he satisfied with any other. Ask Them and IheyV an surer'you next M with an increased yield. Pamlico OaM Cl. Will , M. <L Braacfc Pi?J ill a AJ | I v- .m ? its tne gam / per acre you want It's the gala per am ?c can guarantee lymm use Hydrated Lime. Hoe's what It wfflfchr cabbage "The use of of lime per acre in the spring 1908 increased the yield of cabbage per cent as compared with an additional (kt similarly fertilised bat not limed. The weight of the individual heads was increased 20 pes cent." Come in and letfns tel more about this fertSar. Harris Hardware Go. . ^ a " 'ij Have 1 -' vj Your ho?MMrind Mr ajwt be^rAdy. jor lot areoooi^rlni, ?n JB tambem **"1 *??"*? 1 JB

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