Illume ji||| ^ Senate Investigating Cot S| The Titanic Was Slnkln tea,-. v Jf . 'V New York. April II -Cumulative evidence waa abdocetl Saturday befcj fore the Senate CoibmJttee I ureal IDRyv cat Ink the lota of the Tltanlfc to allow ;i? that Iho White Star l,lne waa In full possession or the faets concernlsg the disaster to the Tttaulc long be> faro tlt^Msi was made public. Through the testimony at the Mar\ coal operators on both the Tltanle and tbo Carpathia n developed that the White 8Ur liner Baltic was tn communletlon with both the TlUale Sunday night sod Monday morning r-vrsrThe Baltic was notified by wireless mat sod that those on board wore catting ready to Mara the ship. That was between oee art two o'clock la the morning?leaa { tban an hour before (he Titanic vanished under A (eve hoars later the Baltic received cord Own the Carpathla that the Titanic hed sunk and that tha Carpathte^hsd picked np'the survlvore from lifeboats. but that It was certain there had been a considerable loea o( life, in a word, tha Carpsthla*e wlrelean operator told tha ' nSjS whole tragic story to the Baltic se K ; . far aa It was then known. The^time of i-i , the meaaage was about 10:10 Monday morning, which would ba about Sjj . half past nine New York*tlma: ? The Baltic, which fend gone ont of g her couree to coma to tpe aaatatance of the Tltanle, than proceeded oe her eaetorly way. Practically the came new# was commanlctaad a* tha same i, , ' - ' tlnsa to the Olympic, sister ship, of 19 - the -Titanic f-,< ' WsS There can be no dohbt tbnt (be co igman dor of tha Baltic took all paaalble steps to notify the .owners of KS.?V , bla line, the While Star. of the In^formatloe be ha*.received both from the Titanic herself end from the IfycV Carpathla. A > Yet at the ofllcea of the White Star Una It was Insisted npon all v . day Monday uatll j 7 o'clock* f? the evening IbU^wSWMUd been nf J ' ' eelvnd than concerning the Titanic*. trouble.. The PlM Auoclatlan*. the Wall Street'office, and core.'ol gj v other modlum. of near, ware filled all EL' ii ' day with report, that the Titanic H k aw* = ===== REVIVAL SERVICES WILL CONTINUE I' . W? ' uJI fcS";i , Tb. Rertral Mrrlca. which have been In protraaa at the Ft rat Bap-. . >? tint Church daring the pant week wlU continue. There Wb preaching " agajn thl. erenthg at 7-.?g. o'clock. Largo congregation, attended the aerrteea an peatadifar and th. meetr Ing m much enjoyed. Con.lder.hte Interest I. being manifested and lnvlree thl. erenln^"^^^^^''. j QLABTWhY OOMKEMOfclt _s , The reeond" QUarterlr'Conference tor Washington Ktatlao, M. K. Church, will meat In tho B?raca room of the church thl. evening ?t 8 o' ' ' clack. A full attendance vof an the ^ officlnl member*. tUalrod as business or importance U to be tranMcted. The following marriage licenaea \ were I .sue,I by (ho Regl.tfr of ItoedB ,f for the^ pg|C ?Mk: ' J T Wamor to Annto Wall. Jbrdan Rumn to Sarah Malliaon. ^ 1 *. ' " 'v , fttSdHV i ' ^ y _ -' ii IT mii fin fr 'a^'MaW K VIP IP ililUfl U1 nnimnm xiniinn Ij ? IjHHu liullliU nrnlttee Ascertains That timed Before ! A. M? That At the very time that this lnforma* tion, bprang from nobody knew where wan ringing in the streets of the city tho White star Lin? with, t?e very I best sources of drlginal information, was not only denying to the newwpaper men that it had any Information whatsoever frhhcerninK the fRT tant$. but It was sending 0M telegram to a few inquirers whose prominence and position made it impossible to Ignore their requests for in-' formation concerning their relative* on board the Titanic. These telegrams were of the most encouraging nature, and. one of.them sent to Congressman Hughes at ^HuntingSenate Committee'! heir lug. That tstegrhm eaid. . I I * ' r , -J Titanic proceeding to Halifax. All ; oa board eafe.. White Star Line. T When the Senate Committee re- J mmet tu hearing I In Waablngton *. thin morning Mr. J. Brnee liraay managing director of the White Star. E. A. 8. Franklin alee-prasldent lot the company, will he aaked point blank by the Senatorial Committer what waa the reaaon and what tffijp the inundation for sending inch a telegram to Congressman Hughes, y whose daughter was a paaenger on 1_ the Titanic. Mr. Frdahltn and Mf. Ismay hare both been inpoenaed ttr appear before the committee in Wash Ingtoa, and It la rppctcd that they t wlB be put through a fcraellng exam- I, matron in an endaeror to dlaaoTer last what Information the Use officials did gat from the Baltic or frdrn aar other sources and why nit teformatlon was rafaae* to the public at large, white mLtlaadlng information was east an interested pwnm4n; : ,' From Capt. Haddock of tha Oiymp Ic. which airland at Southampton St yyiw,.ww .vp .??*? " ?>?? si (barb* icnt In fall m report ot u the sinking of the Tttsnlc to' the l0 White Star offices Monday afternoon w I when he got. In totacb with the Car- ul JM? seemingly ncwtffal surround- ? Ing the concealment of the news of 0| the disaster of the TtUnlt was but one feature Of Saturday s session of ? the committee which was held m the ^ Work la progressing on the large building now being erected by the * Haaeel Sehhly Company on their * property at the corner of Third and ? Market Streets. When ootapleted ? this will be the lerigeet single bnlld- " Inge in Washington l^ ept In thin ? section of North CnroUnn If In the' u puryoso of the owners to here the " now opsrs house reedy Mr occupancy M by the time the opera season opens lu fell. This nets playhouse will be d n credit ta lbs city nod will b* com- * piste end modern' Ih edhfy detail. The <1 work of laying thy concrete foundation Is still in progress " ^ ^ The fhooner Mary'halliard. which la owned by the wholesale Brm of E. R. Mlion and Company, haa just ar- C Heed end unloaded a cargo or Die t chnndlee for tils arm and hue left a again for Norfolk for another load PIANO PLACED ? The Flrat "V. E. Chureh hare n plaoed a piano \ the chorrh audi-If tor I u in for the L ?o of the Sunday School. ' % NO Ci xT-.\ -jf. j \oJi 1 * , irtff i n W\ gl \ XJc r fnjfl If ? t\\ vif |pal J t v.u / ) "' ? >'* ^Hu jwn 10* F~ lh?j *WarfW " -gK" -/T t JMtn U M *,% ' E ! i *5?ft ? mmm Pam Johni rah-?n Jo Saturday )ifficulty Arose Ov Shooting Murd Now in Jail to j* a Week William Johnaon. eoKtrod, .hot ? Id kilted Warren Johnaon. ateo col- w ed. with a doable barrel shot (ah h iturday afternoon at Wllkloaoa g all on about three mllea from Pan- <? to. Immediately after the ehoot- M ft Johnaon gave btmaelf up and <u aa brought to the County Jail hen n la morning by Deputy Sheriff J. c. j< uke to await hit Uriel at the next at rm of Beaufort County Superior J. P?rt.. :*v Hi .The homicide wu cVjno with No. ? lot and the entire load fxon the gun v tiered the left broaaf of Johnaon ? [Illng him almost instantly. The H urdereft man to reputed to be about * Any M" of ace and' WUUnm K Jhnaon who Ad the limine about km- vft-Jly u The homicide occurred near the ore of Wilkinson aitd Bro.. about at S o'clock in the JJ Tfcp troufitt- originated over a r> ime of "Crackaloo." !>hn*on, Warren Johnson. Bonnie ti larky and Oeoipo- Oaylord all col- t red. ware enfn^ed In the same at . Je home of one Hudson- Finally a t Ispute arose b#r the ownership <>? $ He money. Wart-fen Johnson claim- y i that hsy/had won the money as hU r as nearer the crack and-fclofafcl It a p placing It in hla pocket. Thla s lalm of Warren Jobosoa.waa dlaput- e d hy William Johnson. In conse- t nencA wordsensuedy vfffi .U "/I After the quarrel ouor ^So owner-hi hip of the money William Johnson ij " * ixeord sue cuss i COISiMG TQWASilNGTON The singing class of the Oxford Irphnn Asylum is to gire aif enter- i alnmeit in Washington at an sarly i ? *: - ' .... . 1,11)1 OIWD vnro- auhunced liter. Thl* Inatttatlon t? i oln* line wort In North CarOUlia. c 'he entertainment here ?trcn j odor the ?oe?leeo ?#'?? Maeonlc raternltr V ' , ? ? ] iT 1 11 io" rT[ S^r j ^jjjK^Sg cMf^ /Vvt] wc Jf/i/^T^ ?T^i fru* i.H _,* i hnson Near Afternoon 1 er a Game of Cra erer Stitrenders Wait Mis Trial. feaif I i i' \ ^ f.-'' "JRy ' Tiiijiifcplitiil h!t? WifNt Johnson, accompanlei r Herbert Bunch vera pausing th. }Ms of' Johnens on their war hone uneh hailed to Johnson and said Horn Is your monep, come tot It' rtniam Johnson came to . the doo [ his house and OhMh JToo tried t. in on mc a sharp trlsk didn't rou' jhnnon stepped back In the bona wared hb tun and abot ahtrJ rhnson. fhe load entering bin breae . see.. SURtleut 1 Immediately after the ahootln flllUm Johnson with gun la hem eat to thg more ot Wilkinson an to., and gate his gun to Mr. 8. V, IHlklnson. nuuhg to htm. -1 hnv ret killed n lien end I Want Too t sad for Deputy Sheriff J. C. Duk ) rone and get me." JgS.j ' Sheriff'Duke did not get the met ego until sometime Saturday nigh 10 went at pgee la t*? ecane and ai anted Joluison Bo was Harried t lelhaven"Where he was-oonllhed at 11 thle taodtllog when*he Wan brougb :> this city. s 'fe*' - , ' It la stated that Warren Johnsot he man killed, waa sentenced to th tato Prison for a term of sere ears and was released when the coi Icti were at work la. Hyde count bout two yoara ago. , William Johi on la reputed to he a negro or fa baracter in the eomtugjhlty whore t ealded. TMS IT the second homicide thi ate oeeared In Beanmr^Oounty witl n a weei. 11 ' .si IE. CBURCH MIKES FOR THIS WEE The foloUring announcements we m? at UIB 1 11 el Wlllvuwi Lnur' 'ostotday for the hlV-sent week; The Ladles AJd fcolety met ?tb Afternoon at t (Ctl^ok with Mi Iharlea Doughty oo Bast' Seooi 'Iri*' Mfflfinriifl The Ftome Mission CTrele with Mi 3 M. Carter on Brtdsa Street th veiling at t o'cloek Pan attan mce I? desired. V,.oJ ?. .mnz. %k" rrr The prRyermeetln*- services j i Mv'nc u5"J * - V v , * . iU Thy" jAILY iR.XOOX, APRIL EE. MIS. TUESDAY FAIR AM> COOLKD. 1 J',11 "* if ! " "T ^ ] I ' I a Killed Pantego on Vear 6 O'clock ckaloo.- After The to Deputy Sheriff. Second Murder in i 'iMFMflRMi RRV Til RP eU?ltMIHUnU iWII Ul Wti A CBEflT SUCCESS; ' Memorial day In Waahington thla year j, a promisee to. be one of tho most sue- t ' cesaful yet siren. Elaborate prepa- 1( ? ration* are now being made by the a a Daughters of the Confederacy, Bryan c t Grimes Camp, and the. Ladles Me- i( morial Association. The selection of t 5 Mr. R. D.'W. Connor, of Raleigh, as v 1 the orator la a happy one and a rich 4 treat awaits all who hear him, for g he Is one of North Carolina's prom- r e inent platform speakers. As already t o announced the exercises of the. day t s will take place In the Public School Auditorium and the dinner as as pal J h win be served the* Veterans In tlie I L armory of the Washington Light Infantry. Plans for the proper celebrao tion of the day are about complete i- and will be announced later through A the columns of this paper. ' L1' V NAVAL. WEDDING 1 8 " . : ? . 1 n Baltimore, Md-. April. 22.?Many * i- out of town guests. Including a num- < y bar of naval oflicers and their wives, j i- came to Baltimore today for the 1 tr wedding of Miss Credllla Miller, le daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Vernon Miller, of tills city, and En- * it sign Willam Carter Wickham, U. 8. < i- N.t son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry T. ' Wickharrj. of Richmond. ^ *_; ' ' ; I me, TEXTURE SHOW AT BOSTON Boston, Mass.. April 22.?The I third national exhibition of textile J machinery, mill supplies'and general textile producte under the at|spices Of tho Textile . Exhibitors' Absolution opened here today at the MeA ?panics' Building and will remain open through the entire week. Every is process-of -manufacture la shown I. snd a special department Is devoted ld power machinery and appliances for the generation and transmission of power tor Mils aiKl.raetnrles The ? exhibition hss attracted textile men * <""" *? <* 1- from^ meny mill rente outside of ?!! Organization Will Hava a 1 Dress Parade Tomorrow Night. r.>( TT\n Sixth Division North Carolfnn tint MUitia will giro a dress pared*: \ otoorrow night and all tho member) c .re requested to be present at the araory in Ulcuot Building. It is the iurpoae the organlzation to t*ke art in. the forthcoming Memorial toy exercise* and the boys desire to t m in readiness and give a good acount of themselves. The reserves 1 re to. cruise on the Chesapeake Bay luting the month of July. They are I xpecting and looking forward to a treat tim?. The organization, hero t ifds fair to rival simtliar ones in the J ME CONGREGATION . 1 BEARS REV. DR. GIBBS i Notwithstanding the Inclement ireather. on yesterday large oongre- i iatlons attended the First hfothodlst Jhurch and heard with profit hud J lellght two excellent sermons deIverod by Rev. J. T. Gibbs. D." D.. r residing elder of the Washington tlstrlot. v Dr .Gibbs is one of the strongest ] nd most convincing speakers of his burch and his coming to this city ? s always hailed with pleasure and n consequence he is greeted with ppredatlve audiences. The music .t both services was highly enjoy- l, 4. HE MACKAY-BENNEn ! our bodies have been recovered ,by e he Cabla steamer, fclacKay-Bennett, ihich has been searching In the t?- . inlty of the Titank* disaster, accord- I og .to a report that raached this city * odav. It la ulit ft numKoi- nt ?.?j- I es which were recovered were sunk gain, aa they were without identiflation marks. The names of those lientified could not be obtained t hrous:, the Cape Race wireless sta- J ton. t The 64 bodies recovered are re- J ;ard as identifiable, according to the ' eport. Those that were sunk were = iresumably in a condition making heir preservation impossible. . . IRS. JENKINS HOSTESS " TO BRIDGE CLUB . :T' fl ' alt ( - < Mrs. Herbert Jenkins W&B the , rraolons hostess Friday night last to i he Bridge Club and a Tew Invited 1 Chests. After an interesting and ex- 5 dting game the hostess served de- 1 Ifcious refreshments. Those present \ vera: Mesdames D. T. Tayloe, J. C. Rodman, A. M. Dumay, J. B. Moore, i 3. T. Leach. J H. 8mall. L. L. knight ' 0. H. Richardson, A. C. Hathaway, 1 I\ ?, Clark. Misses Fan Satcbweli Mtrrcia Myers, Julia Hoyt. Ella Taytoe. Mattie Laughinghouse. COURSE FRKK OF COST. Editor Dally News. _ 1 Dear fr:- Thinking that a statement concerning a correspondence , course in agriculture, which several young men In this section are pursuing would prove of Interest to some of yoqr fibers, am asking that you give me space to sgy that the "Pennsylvania Btate College"-at State College. Pa., is offering such course free of cost. Several Northern Colleges maintain almlliar -course but there are none offered by Southern Schools. W. r. OATLORD. Bill. N. ?. | DANCK TUESDAY I Tb?l* will b? a Mm In tie Elk* I H*ll TumkIhj ei?tlB| fttrwi by tbb I Bttaon AteiM iflWMbn ror (M of UK. nemtwri of tko Amo elation. $l.Ho H DEE1S 1 IWi legister Had Buoy Week Placing Deeds of Transfer on Records. The following deeds of transfer rere filed in the Register or Deeds T* Bee for feglstration during the past ihski Jm James K: Well to Lewis H. All!- >? El ra wood Realty Company to In- - ; erstate Cooperate Company. Jfl 8. P. Freeman and wife to J. T. Wilkinson and jiMo- | lullen sad Rodman. v Emanuel Taylor et d to D. L Vlnfleld. ^ S?Ule A. Auatln to William A. Tone*. /KM C. Swindell and wife to B. B. 'ink ham. >y \y. 8. D. Eboru to J. tl. Mixon. iffl Miles Dixon and wife to Haywood foreman. N. T. Wlllard and wife to Interitate Cooperage Company. .James Jones tq Interstate Cooperige Company. A. M." Dumay and wife to M. M. Tonsil. M. M. Jones to Norwood L. Sim- .jm none. M. W. Lupton to W. V. Eveit. W. B. falling and wife to L. E. Crerett. Milson I. Windiey and wife to W. I. Riddick. R. L. Smith to I}fr+tT Bros. C. G. Norman to Dr. E. 8. Credle. : William Wallace and .wife to WHlam Arnold and others. Elaabeth Warner et al to W. H. Varner. '4 W. ~R. 8tailings et al to Interstate Tooperago Company. 'jjl v. ^ampbc ll et al to E. A. George Adler and wife to A. Gren- 'r? V-Wiim 1 bokois bis bearers \ Rev. Robert V. Hope, pastor of he Christian Church, ivaa greeted eeterday by a large congregation at , he Christian Church. Mr. Hope has oat returned from a month's abuses to Western States. His disburses yesterday were of high order. . ILL ENGINEERS THREATEN' ' * TO WWKfi TODAY New To?*. April 22.?Officials of he .Brotherhood of Locomotive En[lneers stated today they would orlerfe a general strike of locomotive mgineetu on the fifty eastern railroad system Monday unless the rail- > v&y companies make some definite proposition which may serve as a halls for. arbitration. Grand Chief Warren S. Stone, of the engineers said: "W)e will wait until Monday as the railroads have requested but It by that time they do not conaeat to tome kind of arbitration, negotiations we Will tie up all the eastern railroads inside of thfee hours. hb uuvu Kiveu uui miiiuatuui,? bat as yet we have not received - V anything from the railroads which /j We construe are a definite reply relitive to the matter of arbitration* -$> They have been saying the samethlng over and over again about being uttable to grant the demands. "There is nothing further for us to do except wait the next move of . <'ai the railroads.*' CJONE TO WI>?mDVn.tE I '^9 The County Chain Gang has gone la Wlnateadvllle where work will be done on the county roads in that sec- 3 uon. v*jfc' .> . n' -^M M Putting a gag In comedian's month will mot Mm. 5S2?"fc' p' ^ "|j 1 ftrotulcfo.. V.. 1 if

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