Eg# J - .* * * V MLHtUg] ~mm \ ?- i/f?. MfTtfij A TAFT VS. TEDDY < ' "- * K J rl?ZZLZZ: I jfsanim: Both Wilson and Clark Are ' , XnxW to Uiin the f Special la the only News. , Bourn, Mmm.. April 11.?Attar 1 oa of the hottest political camps- ' lens VMutuwi haa ni la rears, * tha State-wide presidential prater- ( aba primary will pa Orld tomorrow , h The primariaa will be coodned to the t selection of Dale gates wbe will rap resent Maaeashnsetta la the roatlas national roavaattoaa at tka Repobil- E can and Democratic parties. Tha a aapaaa of Tall, Rooaaralt a ad La < FoHeft. will appaar oa tha Repabll- I oaa ballot. Ola the Democratic bal- I lot will appaar tba aaatea of WUaoa a and Clark, f^araraor Foaa withdrew 1 I , hie name from tie ballot, thoosh he 1 stilt renfhfea a receptlre candidate I | for the Democratic pisoldentlal bob- 1 loatlon and m expected to-recelve"fhe i ' support of Uha Warners matte dale- J satee whaa tba.'diet ballot la taken H wBo la to "had tie aappdrt of UMp ; chuaettal When' It bardkten 'apparent J that ClcapwyreTda* kaa. no thaoea^ IKilttlefaoa" Predicted that Maakaehu- \ \ setla wopjd Iff as latorasUns politl . J call! (Vie rear *a eeiee of the other j *1 States phut hare ban known la the J 7 .1 past da. doebtftrl. la'rerineallbu qt cpn pmuiMB .11 is not- only necessary to point to the faot that'both President T*ft and Colonel Rooael v?U have pakl three visits each to L the Bay state aince tbe contest beI tween the ^wp.. began In earnest. |l Encouraged by .the re-election of Governor Ifoaggmd the dettht of t?e 1 regular Republican candidate last L fall the Progressive Republicans de' termined to make a hard tight In Massachusetts this year. At first they hoped for go thing more than to prevent a solid delegation being sent ' to the natioaal contention tor President Taft. But developments of the padt two months have so Encouraged the Progreealvea that the leaders will sbe disappointed It they do not capture the defegaftioa tor Rooeevelt at tomorrow's primaries, I Since the Massachusetts primaries are not complicated with local fights 1 . Of Any hind they wfll offer a teat ofI sentiment rather different from any F that hag gone before., Jt is -n . straight ont eonteet between and Roosevelt, on the Republican eld* end not e single state Or county office will, be effected by the reeolte. 1 Tha? win Bot nM In lndlemtlro 6t . sentiment affecting the governorship or uttou! taaaaa. tor tkat mmUer, ' I (or the But* eoamtlaa Is olloilBot- ' I ed uador III bbw primary lav and < I ISfrfraworOooati. liWom to Chics , 1 "f Oolooof JtooL?ltr neoooda In ' retrying XIMIlMU It *m aw. , tha optetoa < hta auum that , ft there wltl no chance of chechlhs i I hit irtmftpkftftt awe* ' tmrd* the I rtnftfcrssss P aafe, knt at tbaaama ttaa thay raalien tha naral ?g*Un-j-'V Choir - On rMtrlif lb* m>?i at tha MIMM Oku* ttMr were any and Vho ateee a?M>| Ma band nartaae In thin atty bnlbmnluii Hrtaaen prcrred ?o ba a cental u4 lerar boat ana Mr. Cherry, the autha'laUbe .< utneirta^S? 4 arned reyntatieh aa a /caterer afid Vlaartaa The Odraaion -? e.^ " a 1 ?till and the/entire rbotr ir'the repast Jed^when, >1! the muth were: Thomas U Smith. MSaa Brink ley, Conway Newman and Jack Rdld Jr. DRUG PARTNERSHIP ' ; v MS DISSOLVES - - ijvK' ifW Mr. W T. mm who hu booo a raaldent at thla ettr (or tho ?aat shrao yaan aa a drnnut, aad am >1 tha tartnara la tha Hoyt Drat Ooapaay. haa dlapoaad -of hla in tarat wmr. A, C. HoyJ. Tha tataro >)addt Mr. Rhyaa an not aa yat kaowd. Ha kaa aaroral nattering often ootalde ot Waahtagton. White > rdttdant of Washington ho haa nada noataroua Mao* aad K la to ha rograttod that V to to loan and locate elaawhoro. Ha k|t tha baat wiahat of all.' ' * w NvMrnoHR rorATon i /?| Mr. t. Vt Slmmmi proprietor of (be Maimola Marble Con pur and I?m of tba Small wood farm about rattans:5ttS? tre tba arat of tba eeaaoa. . I ! ar* not making any Sennit* prodlrraiar^as.'aa: sr-*a,&aB5i? oortala to bare bla ahara of tba Maa aebnoetta dalacataa. At tba aama zxzrjrz&'sz eat rampalgnera Into the Mate dor.! ' H'. . WMWMioi, tiama \- &k 8 \ '"" jL \\ \ mL - \\\. - Pf t \\v AW v < ; I ? \ vis " Legal Transfers H , Recorded For , Past Week ] The following legal transfers were > worded in ike Register of Deeds ' ??<* during Its past week: ? Elsie Warren-to I, T. Nobles. * 3. T. Bishop to 0. T- Martin. . ? W. H. Clayton to InterstaCo^e^- ' -rage Company. . . . y*"~ Edward Hargrate HTtaan. 4 H, n^?<- 1 I1 W. C. Kodmaa, trust*, to WTTHum I & Rodman Jf. ; U *1V." Jfc .Cherry and wife to Whiter * M. Hooker. II B. Nicholson trustee to L. A. Ij/] Lanier anil wife. * ... Fannie L. Arnold, guardian, to HI Kugler Lumber Company. "*' F. L. Voltvia and wife tn T. P. r"*- Re J. L. Nicholson to W. E. Fenner. q, R. C. Jordan et al to J. W. Jordan ^ ' " c., A. M. Dumay, receiver to Pamlico thl Cooperage Company. wt A. M. Damty, .receiver to Pamlico ^ Cooperage Company. 'J. ur S. IP-. "Willie and wife to John E. g,, Woolard. , c0 11 Oanta don. Spsiea 5 and TO toll ? don. . rtra oanta ?ar ponnd oS so on alt ?Udr Saturday. Ram am py bar tba dap. Baltad paanuta. Waah- v! isctoa Prat stora. Phone ISO. af V*r ' . ;./ I. ' V' ...a ; O-f -*M\ -y - j. <. .:r P?Pyterl: i Church'Aid .Society met thie .aftaoon at 4 o'clock at the residence Mrs. T. G. Alllgood oa Eight St - . INS HOUSES EV. W. L. BOCQS CHARMS AUDIENCE ? ...< Bandar nulii at tha Klrat Ptm- j torlao Church the congregation I II eh gam ad With the sermon M- < rr w. U Boggn, of Charlotte. N. , who lata tha ott7 la tha lntegdet ' tha Fraahrl aria 11 standard aahhod la that eltr. Tha thaaaa ad a apeaker waa: "Doing jo or -heel r Chrlat " Mr. Soto la a a newt tha liltuaua of Mr. rod Mra. M. t Fowler and an pacta to he hare rural Ann tor hla paper. 1.,t . OHtUCH ANNOCKtlKMBXTH The followtng announcement tor a weak arare made W the paator, rr. H. H. Broom at tha M, R. i arch laaurdatr-O.. *r. Ladlaa AM Soeletr win meet thta tern 00n with Mlaa Battle Fanotr, raor of Boaaer aad roorth atroota. la Bright Jawala wlH meat with lea Mahal DnIIr Thaaadaf after oa hi t o'clock The Woadat | term poo at 4 '.fl '''' daKb&aflflfl ' . AILY ?h, ?ran. a*. i?u. i '.".J V. . . : ? ... Services Will Continue at Bap. Church Yesterday was a crest day at the Irst Baptist Church as a result of lie Evangelistic services that have een in progress ? tor the past m days. * / " * The pastor. Rev. H. P. Dalton h#a een doing the preaching and .hir armons have been verily a feast of fed ^things. Th>V "have been tioughtful and instructive and will E .the instrument through ?yrMdt untold good will be accordllshed. *Tfcere .win be services ?kfti this evening at 7:45 o'clock ffd a good attendance is desired i lev. Mr. Dalton is doing a gTeat rork In this city 8lnCe_hlB coming. ' ?PT. CEO. STUDDER'l Fan . Po the Editor. ' I am glad to learn that my friend :apt George J. Studdert will be a andidaie for the Democratic nomnation for the State Senate from his district. Ojjpt. Studdert is a' Democrat of the proper stripe and f he gets the nomination, and I before he will if our people will consld ir his excellent qualifications, he will >e'a bold' fearless and impartial shaiupion of all the people. He will >e controlled by no faction or elenent and , will work faithfully and ntplligently for us all. He served his people in the capacity of Mayor of Washington and nade one of the most efficient may>rs the towh has erer had. Capt. Studdert is a good talker forceful in lebate. We farmers would have in 11m a champion such as we hare ner ?r had In the Senate, and in my Judgment we will need a man or ability ind sincerity to represent tta because o my mind some of the moet Important matters that hare erer been sonsldered by our legislature will be hp ior consideration as for example ?freight rate legislation^?the trusts ?and by no means the least the Torrens system of registering land titles. [ know Capt. Stnddert Is right oa heee questions because I hare talkKl to him about them. lApril 13fd^ ltlt. Respectfully, R. R. WARRRN. VKRT I1X. The many friends and playmates X Master Joshua Tayloe. the bright uk) Interesting son of Dr. David T. Payios. will regret to learn that be a enntnsd ** Me Rami suffering rith pneumonia. * MA WHO OfPROVMMKMTB Mr. M. Mo Is sow engaged In making Improvements to bis place of nrntneas on Market Street fa the Busman block. Will finished It wiR m suite am Improvement, k*; V? i a a t e'y/d i . MR. Rflpr X. CROOM DEAD Dr. John C. BpEpga received a telegram from Wharton. Ttaas, Batirday aannndng the death of his reel# Mr. John I>- Groom, of Wbaron. Texas. Mr. Ornom was a hsptho af the lata Mrs. William B. Rod mm i Railway ting Traffic >rth and West I I .1 of Material Aid in s For Products of" tes. been occupied. * * Provident Ft nicy tm perseo*U y familiar with the opportunities tor a , # tarter buatneaa between the Soutta?4 Um Kortbwevl. and. bj bw direction. Commercial Agencies have been ?tabllahed at Omaha. Netoraeka. Minneapolis, Minnesota, and Se- . attic. Waahlngton. At the same time ^ NE\* 1 I V t*fi ion. T?he, Southern is Increai ~k. '" In l>Jo Its Policy Will Be Opening Market Southeastern Sta ? * < 8peclal to the Daily Now*. Washington. D. C., April at.?By increasing and strengthening It* freight crafflo agendas la the North and Ws*t the Southern Railway Com any I* purenins * policy that will be oX material aid la extending opening up market* tor the product* ,of the Southeastern State*. The Company ha* regularly maintained freight traffic representative* in the Eastern and Central Northern Sta tee 'Its organisation in this territory baa recently been strengthened by the appointment of . Commercial Agent* at BuOhlo, New York, .Oertott, Michigan; and Peoria, Illinois. Heretofore it* freight traffic agencies weet of Chicago and St. Louie have been limited to a General Agent at Denver, Colorado, and a Commercial Agent at Ban Francisco, California. The great northwestern field has not' INK r-i MUMS BIM Rev. R V. Hops Delivers Suxmg SannorrOn E<3u-!"V ? A x " cation Sunday Night. I The last sermon oa the subject of cuuva<.ivu noo UDHimvu UJ nr?, Robert V. Hope, at the Christian Church Sunday evening. As has been already anneunc&l his theme was: "Influence of Publfc Schools upon a Christian Democracy." In discussing this great question among other things the speaker said that reverence for personality is the ruling principle in ethics and fn^ religion. This constitutes the truest and highest test of either an individual or a civilization. Even nncohftciously reverence for personality has been the determining principle In all human progress, and this reverence for the individual is indeed, the one faith that keeps meaning and value lu life Reverence for a person envolves genuine self respect alike genuine respect for the liberty of others and respect for thd inner worth and personality of others. Many great movements are going on In the srorll hut the one movement that takee first place is a demand for universal education. Unl vernal education ta increasingly recognlr.ed as (he necessary Ideal In all nations. A raee can not rlae half at a time. Ultimately man's sole gift to men or God te Wnoeelf. In the great crisis of history the race have always demanded "unselfish leadership." No great steps have evei been taken wlthont much sacrifice, Our schools are sending boys and girls Into the world with the idea oi larger service It te not enough tc send out students to make money, to gather wealth, bnt to serve others. The Master says': "He that would b? greatest among you shall become the servant of all." With a cultured mind, a trained hand and a purs heart developed tn our school system we shall rejoice la a Christian Democracy. DBRTBOVRB 4RNKIXR . M UHJNIHEO # " " " ***1*1 to the Daily ~ Bath. Me.. April M.?The torpedo destroyer Jenkins was Branched today at the yards at the Bath Iron Works. ThfrJotiki?9 lira sftstsr ship to the Jouett, which was roosnUy launched at tho same yards. She Is SM feet long and will hare a speed of St.f knots. The Jenkins was ?sd in honor of the late Rear Admiral Thornton A. Jenkins, who wae known as "tkw father of the light hone* board." Miss Alice Thornton Jenkins of Weshlngton. D. C.. a daughter of the late Rohr Admiral. performed the christening ceremony at the la inch tag vi u?v v,vmpaoj at California baa been Increased by the esChbl lab meat of a Commercial >< /?? Agency at Ln Angolas. t One of the moat Important duties Ai of tbose amenta will be the develo ment of traffic from ibe tor''* Ajk traversed by the llnee of tbe ^rVlern Railway Cmpany into tbf r^rrltorlea tn which they are looated. With this end in view they will disseminate information relative to tbe products of tbe Southeast and.aid as fas aa practicable in building up markets for those products. iwr 1 i cms. me i 111 wreck i Was on Business Man's Express CbBliinaWithrElectric Motor Car. i ( The Business Men's Express runinlng from Virginia Bench to Norfolk on last Thursday ran into a freight motor on the line and quite . fa number were seriously and pain! fully injured. Three were seriously | hurt and about thirty received cuts bruises and a severe sbaklng up. Arnong. the number on tbe wrecked car was Mr. Charles Moore, a son of Mrs. J. B. Moore, of this city, who Is attending the High School In Nor|fo!k. He received a sprained ankle and a bruised wrist. He is reported to be getting along nicely and wjll within the next few days be able to resume his studies, His eecape from a more serious injury is a cause for rejoicing from his friends in Washington. MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED BY REGISTER The following licenses for marriage were issued lgst ween: Chester Neal to Minnie Ham. W. R. PereiTall to Martha Olivia Hodge*. , Charlies L. Kelson to Lattle K. , Burgess. Watt Qorham to Jnlla Orr. Harrison Vaan to Mattie Redditt. Peter Crawford to Maggie Grimes. I Henry Boomer to Annie Topping. > Sam Gorham to Beeaie Bragg. C. W. Creech to Eva Browning. ?_ r" w. Kiley Hall to Gertie May Hall. w " James B. Moore to Mary E. Moore Andrew Loyde to JospehLne Babeersea. CITY CLERK 1NDUPOSHD .** . ? ,j The many friends of Mr. W. C. * Ayers, the efficient City Clerk, will ** regret to learn of his Indtnpoeitipn. . r3qp^"f He has been confined to his haste for ' """ p* the past several days. ' ' 4 1 4 FIRST HRIFMHHT. The tret shipment of May peas to northern markets was made this morning over the Norfolk Soothers by Mr. A. C. Hathaway of Waahiagton Park. LIST OF 1HW AP VKHTISB Mann ur m mnrs Harris Hardware Company. J. K. Hoyt. Lyric Theatre. Bromatgine. * The Hob. Doene Poatam Cereal Company. f eeee' eeee