I 1 Green, Tj ramv, MAV S. 1912. ?m? Me -IteMn, lb. lie Ifriiildrtcfco? 12 Vic aad lk Quia cMekos. cask Sic to 10c Uoft afclm. aach 19cloS9? fliilhiM 6c to lie Hop iUm, each 30c to 59c &>;' Off flat ildoii. >*r 11* 14c E* Mcj aait kitlca. per lb He Urr atlffl, d'ged. per lb 4c to 4c a. a P(m 91.19 a* r- 91.79 KM 9170 Oreo* hide*. k tiMea. Be f Hear abi? tint 2 Be iter aithi salt 16c F WW* OK S.1LK I NDHl MORTTf &XGFL Cinter and by virtue of a power of sate cMtained in a roort^age frecu ' Tii? y T wr dated October 10th. IMS to V. P. I-atham. and recorded m Ink IBS page 286 of the Registry mt Beaufort County, which said untzscr was to secure the bond thovwm recited, and default having (been made iu the payment of said hud, 1 will sen for caah to the highYOUR OPP I For Profita * r=^rr? - : The season's latest deve: the largest assortment of Tlx 15c lot bow reduced to 10c tf IVc 25c loi now reduced to 19c j Tfee 20c lot now reduced to J 5c It Auothec^ot Men's ai 200 Styles to Select From , N ^^saUGHT RUNNINO IWxlloiiie Sewing MacfcinfS I'jisv Pa}^^p. The Uncle Sam Watch i Has no Equal For K si.oo We* B. V. I). C.itewcar tor com K tar We have them hi union suit and eo union. The May Edison Rec Call and Hear t ? | RUSS ^ THE PICTUI (> IF YOU ARE GOING I THE CHESA m DAILY SERVICE U ( I MUT m* w uli g\ taMlaabalaol gl | Igured Effecb an and Laven< 15c Yd. K. HO^V sst bidder at the Court Houm door In Beaufort Bounty at Washington N. a. o> the fourth day of If ay 1912 at IS o'clock M. the following described tract of land: "My Intercut consisting of 6)4 acres In Jame Lenear deecased estate aa plotted by J as. P. Latham in a surrey for division. It being designated on plot as lot No. .S" Terms "'l^bTAprl^Srd. 1912. F. P. LATHAM. Mortgagee. By W. D. Grimes, attorney. A A l.alr 4wV , AJ?oTtl?c la the Dally News. NOTICE We. the undersigned, having been appointed by the Board of County Comm tan loners of Beaufort County to onsen and list property in the Town of Washington for County taxation. do hereby giro qotlce that we will sit at the office of John H. Bonner. in the Town of Washington, from May 1st, to June 1st. from 9 A. M. to 4:30 p. m., each day (Sundays excepted), for the purpose of taking the tax lists and re-assessing such property as has been increased or diminished In value during the past year from May 1st, 1911 to May 1st. 1912. This 1st day of May. 1912. W. B. WINDLEY, J. H. BONNER. County aseessore for the Town of Washington. 6-1 30 dc. Adwrtine in the Dally News. ORTUNITY ble Buying ????? lopments are to be had In hosiery at big reduction. We also have about One Hundred and Twenty-five more pairs of 50c Hosiery reduced to - 25c . _ (id Boys Sample Hats. at One Half Regular Price. iVf awing, the yard 12 l-2c Boys Bloomer Pants 19c Boys Overalls 25c Good luck Overalls cut full for $1.00 Mens Canvass gloves 10c Nickel Clocks 75c We have another lot Plow Shoes $1.00 " USf ords are Now on Sale he Latest Music. BROS. IE FRAMERS. ^ 1 NORTH TRAVEL VIA ) lPEAKE LINE ] VCLUDING SUNDAY > I l? mttW, the "CITY OF NOR. J 1MOTO." ere the aost ekftat f mm Wwiitk m*6 IUIUextre. I he? h ?ack rtxm Dellcfcma I M ?.). ?:U ^ . ( I w. . ruanuuc. p. h, S r ' ., 5/ Colors ier "t l Wind Storms AND Tornadoes ;? will come again. Accidents will again happen to AUTOMOBILES. Call up Bmgmw today and get the protection you know you ought to have. Wm. BRAGAW & CO. First Insurance Agents WASHINGTON. N. C. L. 1 CHURCHES TURN TO PAPERS Action of Religious Denominations a Striking Tribute to Efficacy of Advertising. It is a striking tribute to the efff- ; eacy of newspaper advertising that one after another great forms of industry or thought which seek to secure the widest publicity turn to it J as the ideal medium in securing the , attention of those they aim to reach. This holds true, says the Philadelphia Record, of those who have wares to sell, such as merchandise, insurance or services, but also of those who addrcBS themselves more especially to the emotional ?r religious nature of men and Women. , It is not strange, therefore, to find that the churches 4ipe appreciating more and more the value of newspaper advertising, especially in their mission work. The United Presbyterians. for instance, have been so impressed by the results of a campaign of newspaper advertising that they have decided to continue it as a part of their methods of raising money for mission work. Other denominations have taken up the subject, one Interdenominational official group planning to spend |50,000 within six months in newspaper advertising. Another group of business men interested in foreign missions decided to devote another J60.000 to a year's propaganda of this I phase of church work. At the same I time, in connection with the Men and Religion Congress in Washington next April, a Publicity Commission, on which are experts in newspaper adrer using as wen as puoiiBners ano editors, is making a scientific study of the whole subject of the churches and the newspapers. What benefits the churches in the way of publicity will help the business man even more, for the results arc likely to be more tangible and direct. Urges Advertising the Gospel. Rev. Aquilla Webb, pastor of a Presbyterian church of Louisville, Ky . told the ministers attending the Presbyterian Home Mission confer! ettce at Kansas City the Qther day. j that he Is a strong believer in adj vertislng. | "I had been having some ulfflculty i in getting .any number of people out ! to my Sunday evening service," he i said. "I decided to advertise. | "With the help of the newspapers and by preAchlug truth harnessed to life cn live topics 1 succeeded in packing my church every night." Plan to Brand Advertising, Official branding of advertisements. I thus guaranieeing their trustworthiness. is being considered, by the Advertising Men's league of Nev, York, at the suggestion of E. P. Treft of Chicago. No details -as to how the scheme is to be brought down to a j practical basis have been prepared, but the idea of some system whereby the brand of reliability may be placed |{ officially upon such advertising as Is {found deserving has met with wide I spipp-d approval from advertising uiea. Competition Eliminated. } | The eleventh-hour resolution of the Steel Trust to divest Itaelf ol a part of Its ore holdings was a confession of guilt. The Steel Trust dominates the markets for billets and other baste steel products, rallB, steol plates, tlnpl&tdr wire, and structural Iron as completely aa the Oil Trust dominates the market for petroleum and Its various derivatives. Petroleum prices are ! fixed by a few men, who meet occa-1 slcnally In a- tall buirOhn^on lower Broadway; steel pnJCes are discussed | and arranged aty?ary dinners. Com- j petition baa absolutely nothing to do with the matter;nt Is completely cllm-' Inated.?Philadelphia Record. Kindred Gloom a. Says the Chinese emperor In an imperial edict: "I have reigned three years, and have always acted conscientiously In the Interests of the people. But 1 have not employe# men properly, as I am without political skill 1 have employed too many nobles In oflelal positions. The people are gram Mine yet I do not knew. Oleasters leom ahead, but I do not see." Of what other dUtlngntshsd head ef mind yea? . "2 7#.' II 1? PROTEST OP ITKIU4 CORPORATION IE AMURO. Workmen Have Not R^on Benefited, but th? Ravaraa, by the Operstlona of the Olant Company? - Figures Prove It. Mr. Qary, of tbe United State# Steel corporation, la a wonderful buninaaa executive, aa also Is Mr. Caraegte, but at tlmea botb make some axceedingly trite utterances. Subsequent to the aolt against the corpornHon Mr. Qary was quoted: "If any ham results, It will fall Rpon the stockholders and employe#, aggregating a very large number, and any loan, to them must be deplored." Neither was It especially original In Mr. Carnegie to ezpreas solicitation for the stockholders when the even tenor of $38 rails and 90 per cent.of the steal trade generally was disturbed. Professed consideration for stockholder and amployo has kmg been a clause In the trust's decalogue. Hepoe the criticism of these gentle- i men's comments as trite. Somehow or^ other this worry over what will fa happen to the employe vaguely re- to rain da us of the familiar shibboleth, tc "Let us alone," which was last expressed by Mr. Morgan's man. Perkins, In his Big Business speech at * Detroit. C uut to return to Mr. Oary, in tfie in one sentence Quoted may be found tbe kernel of the nation's protests against tbe trusts and tbe tariff from (C which they bare sprung Shifting tbe gj blame, shifting tbe burden, shirting st tbe loss?are'familiar enough to re-x quire no comment. Each time tbe tariff bas been threatened or an ef- h fort made to enforce the Sherman ? law. the placard?"remember tbe y worklngman"?has been held up in warning. It is of close kin to the Standard Oil fines of several years ?c go. when retail prices were raised In w keeping with the court's sentence. It |n ranks with the American Tobacco company's solution of the SpanishAmerican war tax?a reduction in the m size of tbe packages, which size has tl never been restored. o And the tariff, surely, by this same reasoning, la for the benefit of the worklngmen?for the trusts* em- j,, ployes especially; that Is why* the A trusts have clung so tenaciously, to n, the good old standpat schedules. That the trusts themselves prospered was, of course, merely Incidental. Now tt comes the employe as the great suf y ferer by trust dissolution. Tbe United y States Steel corporation points to Its system of profit sharing and pen- _ stoning, to Its beneficent 'treatment ~ of the thousands on its pay roll. Yet In this connection we recall the findings of the so-called Pittsburg' Survey, published last May by the Russell Sage foundation. This report showed that from the time of the corporation's inception the cause of labor, organized and open, had been bj losing; that working hours bad been |0 lengthened and that the wage increase m boasted of bad fallen below tbe Increase In the cost of living. The steel trust was not organized for the ?' benefit of its employes, Mr. Gary nob k withstanding.?Indianapolis News. n A Washington dispatch refers to the |C wishes of the "southern Republicans" ^ ?meaulng. of course, the little hand- ^ ful of federal office holders in the south. tl Defenders of Tariff of 1909. s< The tariff act of 1909 has been !n- J B, restlgatcd by Eeveral competent and I ^ disinterested persons. Tbe results of their investigations may be found In Miss Tarbell's "Tariff in Our Own Times," In Professor Taussig's "Tar- c Iff History of the United States." In Professor Conian's "Industrial History c of the United States," and in various I ^ magazine article of Importance, In- g eluding Prof. Willis' articles in the Journal of Political Economy, and an exceptionally thorough study in the a Review of Reviews. All of these Investigators agree that f the revision was farcical. ^ The only defenses of the act have q come from such sources as members q of the ways and means committee and a the wool trust, which prints an _ elaborate puff of schedule K In the current Issue of the Outlook?as an advertisement. ?S One does not know whether to con- C demn or praielf the Paris opera strikers. It all depends on the opera. 1 Russia has Imprisoned a man for writing a volume of poems. Over * here we merely let our poets starve to death. a ????? a The peach crop having been killed q twice already, we may be Justified" In a counting* on a heavy preserving season j. next fall. j d Go After It jj i' If there's something you o want and lack of energy i, holds you hack, maybe your J fnnrl 1 n ol- c tl-? o "an nrmr" olr> C swum v. no iijv, vuvi^J vi*jments. E Grajfe-Nuts ii POOD \ means energy to <26 thing? end get things. Try a dish with cream as t] part of your breakfast and e notice how things brighten. # "There's a Ream" J for v v ' ^ -Vo-Vf r?*v 'v-* ch< jT Wm TV "The Home o! Good (3otb laiwer California, ha ring permanentlo?t Ita revolution, baa turned again bull lighting aa the only aatlafac* VT aubstltute. The tipping evil baa readied a point here It ahould atop. A waiter In bicago got an belreaa; alao, another Philadelphia. With piicea continually eoartng be?re long our aclentiata will have to Ive their attention to finding a aubitute for food. Italy's war expense la a million dolirs a day. To get an idea of the oonnoue cost reduce a million dollts to spaghetti. The thermometers are bravely atriv)g to become normal again and if the eather forecasters will qnlt forecasttg, all will be well. One doctor who writes for the mag- ! sines says an automobile Is a tine ding for catarrh. He doesnt say bow rten It should be taken. One girl married a baseball player acanse he made so many home sobs. 11 players who make home runs do at at once run home, however. One large railroad has ordered that a pencil sharpeners be discarded. 7e accept this as another Indication Hat the world is growing better. f? MUST BELIEVETT Tien Well-Known Washington People Tell It So Plainly. When public endorsement Is made r a representative citizen of Waahigton the proof is positive. You ust believe it. Read this testilony. Every backache sufferer, rery man, woman or child with any idncy trouble will And profit In the Hiding. J. B. Peed, E. Second St., Wash- ; igton, N. C., says: "Backache othered me and there were pains cross my loins. These symptoms pf idncy trouble showed that somoitng must be done. The kidney xrellons were aleo Irregular in pasage and contained sediment. I' used so boxes of Doan'B Kidney Pills as Ireoted and they ontirely relieved w n uoeq joaau snq aaaqj, era urrnco of my complaint." ^ For sale by -all dealers. Price 50 ents. Foster-Milburn (?o., Buffalo, few York, sole agents for the United tates. Remember the name?Doau's? nd take no other. OR FETOIUSRKESS AXD ACHING Whether from''Malarious cop II '.on olds or overheating, try l'tefcD IAPUDINE. It reduce the fever ,nd relieves the achlnv Tt'o Llqtill * NOTICE ronrw Carolina, uBitrroRi !OUNTr. In th? Superior Court May Term, 912. . T. R. Johnson, vs. lenrietta Johnson. The Defendant. Henrietta Johnson, bove named will take notice that an ctlon as above has been commenced r? the Superior Court of Beaufort lounty, State of North Carolina, to bsolve the bonds of matrimony exiting between the Plaintiff. J. T. R. obnsen and the Defendant. Heoritta Johnson, and for an absolute ivorce: Now, therefore, let the Bald Deendant, Henrietta Johnson take noice, that ahe, the sdid Henrietta ohnaon. the Defendant above named ? required to appear at May 27 term f the Superior Court of Beaufort iounty to be held In the Court House i the County of Beaufort and City f Washington, Sate of Norh CaroIna and to answer or .demure to the omplalnt in said action, or the lalntiff, J. T. R. Johnson will apply 5 the Court for the relief demanded i said complaint. rhis 16th day of April. 1911. GEO. A. PAUL. Clerk Superior Court, idword L. 8tewart, Attorney for Iplntlff, J. T. R. Johnson, law 4wc. * KXBCXTOR8 5 OTI CI H.vtn. thla day qiialidad before lie Clerk of the Superior Court of eeufort County ue Executor to the ut wHI of Claudiu Spencer, deceaed, thla la to notify all peraonh baric Claim, ucalost the eald eaute o preaent the eaute for payment to he undertime* within one year from hi, data, or thl, notloe will be pleadd In bar of their recovery, all perone Indebted to eald eatate are oott 1 . I 1 ' I ' L - ill " 1 DEPARTMENT VALUES 11 We have secured by buying straight from the I unufacturerS to us souhe of the greatest values that e market can produce, *iSk to see stock No. 12168 II Stock No. 12106 is a Serge I a too with a small Stripe in jj? an extra fine weave. $8 and I (I 4.751 ?MT"' 5.75 I J good values at $10, $5.75 II belt straps and side straps. I ALL WE ASK IS A COMPARISON IN QUALITY es." WINDOW DISPLAY I 4 fjos. F. TAYLOEl Phones 12#*& 124. 120 Market St ^ Carries the Most Complete Line of 4 Family Groceries. ALWAYS FRESK AND RELIABLE Polite Clerks and Quick Delivery. J imaBOMsaHaaBBaBaMMMBMaJ M REDUCED RAXES Confederate Reunion ^ Macon, Georgia May. 7th-9th, via* S ATLANTIC COAST LINE RAILROAD **vThe Standard Railroad of the Son till * J Jl SELLING DATES - ?**' May 6th, 6th, 7th and 8th 1912. FINAL LIMIT J To reach original starting point not later than midnight of M May 15th, 1912, unlees ticket deposited for eztenaion, by original purchaser with Joe. Richardaon, Special Agent, No. 414 Fourth Street, Macon Ga., not later than May 16th, and upon payment fee of 50 centa. limit may be extended to June 5th, .1912. For information with reference schedules, reservations, etc., call on local ticket agent, or address T. C. WHITE. General Passenger Agent, Wilmington, N. C.. engraved] Wedding Invitations ' ; Visiting Cards | Correspondence STATIONERY. i Write f-'or Samples and Prices 11 I 7=" THE DAILY NEWS 1 4 Are InvUedJto call and see a JOB DEPARTMENT fl complete line < r 11 % of samples. Water Street, Washington, N. G. (ft | ====j 4 CYRIC THEATKfe i TONIGHT 1 AMATEURS TONIGHT. M r-iu * *ji\td* 1-n.vFuri^^ivi. "alkal ike's love affair," Another SnakcvHlc Comedy. "indian blood," v"