... s -v. .^k3H| . ________________ . B VOL. 3 T -.* fh^Cit^AU Name th Office i J. R. PROCTOR MADE MEMBER 1 POLICE FORCE Salary of Keeper Oakdale Cemetery Is Increased to Forty Dollars. DR. E. 1. BROWN FOR CHIEF FIREJMffllERT Usual Routine of Business Was Transacted. . The board of City Aldermen met In regular monthly session at the | City Hall last night at eight 1?cH>ck I Mayor Collin H. Harding and Aldsrmsn C. L. Oden, W. E. Swindell, |/ C. Q. Morris, J. F. Buckman, Fred W. Ayers, R. L. Jones, E. A. Dan- | f' lei and Floyd J. Berry were present, j , The following bnsiness was trans- , k, acted; t?t Mayor Harding reported that the j Board of County Commissioners had , accepted the proposition of the city relative to the lighting of Washing- ( ton Bridge. t? t ' , Mr. E. M. Cox appeared before the , board and asked to be relieved of j L poll tax. His request was granted. ' I t-t Mr. E. W. Ayers appeared before the board in behalf of the First , Methodist Church. The church ask- , ed that the cost of paving Jn front of the church be reduced one fourth ( of the cost. After dlscusiion the re- , quest was granted. r I-?-* On motion the mayor was instructed to take up the matter of.Install-. Sjrfr; log a phone In reel house of the ! West End Reel Company. ' . V?t A committee from the Ocean Fire Company appeared before the board and recommended that Dr. E. M. Brown, be aelected to aucceed himself . aa chief^f the flre department The commiftce also recommended that Mr. J.jS. Forbes be n*med as engineer and Mr. Jamea Sadler fireman, k, t?t Dr. E. M. Brown chief of the flre department, appeared before the board and advised that Mrs. Lucy Myers had requested permission to " repair the stables, formerly occupied by Mr. O. H. Hill, on Respass St. Tho matter was referred to theMight committee. tf-t On motion Dr. Brown was order* ed to purchase and use as many vac- ' cine points as he thought necessary, the city to pay for 'same. t?t, " **"* 1 All the present employes of the city werp reelected for the ensuing twelve montba at the same salary 1 with tl\e exception of the chief of k the Fire Department?this being left ' V open. 1- ,_t Mr. Edward T. Phelps keeper of j J Oakdale cemetery, whose salary has ' f been $25 per month was raised to " $40 per month. t?'t Another policeman was ordered to be employed and on motion Mr. John R. Proctor was selected at a salary of $50 per month. ' tV^T L It was ordered that a light be Insulted at the foot of East Main 8L t?t ? It appearing td the Board that the County Commissioners, In regular meeting, hare reduced the tax assessment on the lot of Loaate Lewis jJL in the city of Washington, where she | - . now reeides, from $1650.00 to $1,- i figfr 200.00; and that the same is a Juat ?>.' and fair assessment: and it further , ' appearing that the said Losale Lew- 1 k to .has paid to the City Clerk taxes 1 on the same on an assessment of $1,650.00 at a levy of $1.85 on the f 100.00 valuation making an over i charge of $5.86. It ia therefore ordered that the i overcharge of $5.86 toe refunded to t her and the City Clerk to hereby , ? authorised and directed to issue her P a voucher for that amount. . * ? - 1 bv' ermen ! ? \e Present l^||URRr' *- I rs of the City ! en Nil OF: EMM 1 REGULAR : m The County Board of Education mel atlhe office of the Superintendent of Public Schools yesterday and transacted the following business for the past month. All the members were present. The board allowed Chocowlnity School No. 11 white, <40. being one half toward paying for the painting bf the school building in this district. * It appearing upon the presentation 9f W. W. Hooker that the boundary j of this school and has a competent land, white) between this district and the Royal district (No. 4 Richland) is uncertain, by reason of the (allure of a certain petition for special tax election passed on the first Monday in May 1904. to set forth j i proper description of the boundaries of old No. 5 district. Richland, and that all the land In question is under special tax, the board lnitructed W. W. Hooker to take the matter np with the committee of No. 4 and agree upon proper boundaries to be presented to the board at the June meeting for confirmation. , The Superintendent was authorized to be out of his office during the month of July except on Mondays to attend lectures on supervision by Professor Harold Barnes of Gerrard College, Philadelphia, at the East Carolina Training School. Oreevnllle, t N.C. , Resolved by tho board that as we have watched t!i<* work of Dr. and ( Mrs. C. Prtdgen In the examination and treatment \for hookworm In j Beaufort county and aa%we have been pleased with Its success and results, t we take this method of thanking thorn for their efforts and express- .j Ing our belle^fn Its good results. . Four Minstrel Bells Entertain, 5 The Four Minstrel Belles opened for a three days engagement last evening at the Lyric and played to a largo and appreciative audience. To say the act was excellent would 1 be placing It in- a mild form, it was considered to be ope of tho best fe- ( male-acts that has been booked here. The different songs as well as the 1 dancrtng was very much enjoyed and put over In a form that could be 1 well appreciated. The above mentioned artists re- 1 main here for two more days and those who did not witness last ^ven- 1 lugs performance will find It to be very entertaining. C. B. H GRAND LODGE MEETS AT MQREBEAD, 1 The Grand Lodge of the Chari- ] table Brotherhood Order meets, in the town of Morehead City tomor- I row. Delegates from all over the ' eaaterij section of North Carolina will |>e present to the number of at least >ne hundred and twentv Ave. Bns iness of Importance will come beforb the order. Mr. W. M. Chauneey of 1 this city la the grand president ; Mr. W. H. McDevett the grand secretary 3 and Mr. Qilbert Rum ley the grand T treasurer. The delegates from lodge < No. 3 are Meesra Suffolk Miles and J. M. Tingle. - 1 REGULAR COMMUNICATION* % | There will be regular communlca- < tlon of Orr Lodge No. 104 A. F. A < K. at* their hall, corner of Third 1 and Bonner 8treets this evening at 1 sight o'clock. All visiting brethren e are cordially Invited to attend. \ ? 1 t ERECTING STORE BUILDING 1 Mr. H. M. Batterthwalte is engaged I la erecting 4 store bnilding on fcls property on Respaas Street. The bQllding will be two stories 10*10 Nr. T. J. Harding hag the contract. * WgTI * WASHINGTON SHOWERS TONIGHT ? - . =v 1 Hill ^ _ II DEI rfany Attended Dance at Elks Home Last Night. Many Visitors. One of the moat delightful dances >f the season was given at the Elks lome last night by the Halyoon Club. The dance was ably led by Mr. Lindlay Warren with Miss Crystine Mc intosh, of Chapel Hill. The music 'or the occasion was furnished by he Forbes Orchestra of this city.' Pleasure and merriment reigned lupreme. Quito's number of visitng ladies and gentlemen from a dis* ,ance graced the occasion with their jresenee. ? The following "ddvplhs were prossnt: t L. C. WarrenNMisa Crystine Mc [ntosh.? Herman Carrow with Miss Margaret Newell, Rocky Mt. F. 8. Worthy with Miss Kalena tfewell, Aocky Mount. Mr. Ward. Norfolk with Miss MilIred McMullen, Edenton. Dave Carter with Miss Mary Clyde Haaaell. Wm. Watts, Plymouth, with Miss dary Belle Small. Wm Knight with Miss Kathetlne Small. ' N Wm Blount with Miss Mary Hill. Jay Hodges with Miss Elizabeth Warren. iwuci v ouiuii mm miDB rranees -*cey. ^ ' ... ..v, ,... Henry Moore with Miss Mattle 3riffln. Mr. Henry Jackson, Greenville with Miss Isabolle Carter. Walter Wlndley with Mlas Sharp, Belhaven; N. C. 'Wm Rodman with Miss Caddie Fowle. Mr. Nixon, New Bern with Miss j EVetmore. ? Mr. and Mrs. Churchill Bragaw. | Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Rodman. Or. and Mrs. Mann. Mr. and Mrs. Harry McMullen. Stags: Dr. A. C. Hoyt, Dick Cox, | R. P. Powle, Sajn Williams. Chaperonee: Mrs. A. M. 9uaay,' Ifrs. J. H. Small'. Mrs. D. T. Tayloe. VIrs. J. B. Moore and Mrs. L. L. ICnlght. INDTHER WASHIHGTONBDY SECURES^ PROMOTION Another Washington boy la "malrng good" in his adopted home Nor'olk, Va. For qu\te a number at rears Mr. Joseph M. Rllieon, an old V as hi net on boy has been a reallent of" Richmond and for the past ! ? years engineer at the capitol ulldtng In that city. From the Norfolk Ledger-Dispatch comes the (ratifying ne,ws that Mr. Ellison has *en selected as engineer of the new >ne million dollar union station Just srected in that city and now pradially completed. The Ledger-Dispatch says that Mr. fSllison was namd due to his fitness and ability. 4any friende of Joe in Washingon wllK^e glad to learn of his .pronotion. ^ AMY TOMATORH AND ORANGES Apples 5, 10, IS and 10 oestt per dossn. Fresh candy made dally. Baited Pesoota Washington Frutt Store. Phone. 410. NORTH C1BOUM, TUESDAY Ami AMD WKDNKSDAY. ' MOOKRATK HO f.r pablteatMBmit ?f April 22.] I I HIES r fllL (EMM AIL CITIZEN SHOULD HEAR AMI ADDRESS As has already been announced through the columns this paper. Hon. Bradford Knapp of the United States Department of .kgricnlture, Washington. D. C.,'Is to'deliver the commencement address Co the graduating class of the Washington Public Schools on next Friday night in the school auditorium. As yet Mr. Knapp's subject his not been an- ? nounced but It will be along practical linda and It behoove* every citlzen and business man of Washing- V ton to hear h.lQJi- .HstaJofbra -l? of the representative citizens of I Washington have been conspicuous I for their absence from the commencement exercises of the City Schools. The Daily News now urges all the citizens to turn over a new leaf I this year and bo present. More encouragement should be given occas- . ions like this and there is no betIter time to start than now. ~~ ?' /-V .1. /-V /-I v un/y une \^ase Ci Before Recorder * cc I There was only one case before 01 Recorder W. D. Grimes at the Re- t0 corder'a Court this morning at the City Hall for trial. David Fowle -was ty indicted for speeding his automobile. He was found guilty and the judg- E ment of the court was that he pay a fine of |5 and cost. j? CIOSINC EXERCISES OF COLORED GRADED SCHOOL :? vj The commencement exercises of ^ tho colored Graded School of this ** city will take place In the Masonic 1* I Temple on May 9 and 10-.- n' I On Thursday and Friday from 1ft a. m. to 3 p. m. the industrial ox- ^ hiblt will be given at the school Cl building. On Thursday night the ui IB, 1A, 2nd and 3rd grades will have charge of the exercises. On Hi Friday night May 10. the fourth. ?w fifth and seventh grades will conduct the exercises. On next Sunday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock at the A? M. E. Zlon Church, the annual seraon to the graduating class will be delivered by Rev. H. B. Searight, paa- a| tor of the Firat Presbyterian Church, j pj On Monday night at the C. M.- E.' Si Church, corner of Respess and Fifth pi Streets the annual address will be fr delivered by Dr. James Dudley, pres- a ldent of the A. and M. College, i8 Greensboro, N. C. All friends of the s< school are urged to visit the school gt and see the Industrial exhibits. Rev. tr A. G. Davis Is the efficient principal f this school and has a competent pi corps of assistants. The past ses- er sion has been one of the'most sue- to cessful in its history. The white cit- \h isens are invited to attend the ex- p, srclses. MAKING IMPROVEMENTS Decided improvements are* being made to the residence occupied by ga the family of Mr. W. J. Floyd on th East Second Street aid owhed by Mi Mr. M. T. A rob ML * Hp; All? IRNOO.V MAY 7, ltll. , ifJTH TO 8OOTHWB8T W1NW. FORECAST WEEK'S TEMPERATURE Temperatures slightly below the seasonal average will prevail throughout the country (luring tlie coming week and will be accompanied by a normal amount of rain fall according to the bulletin of the weather bureau. "A disturbance that now covers the western district," the bulletin continues, "will move slowly eastward and reach the Atlantic states about Thursday; it will be attended by local rains and thunder storms the first part of the week in the great central valleys and the eastern states. Considerably cooler weather will appear in the northwestern states Wednesday or Thursday. MALL GRADED SCHOOL I CLOSES MAY 7-8 The Small Graded School comencemeut taken places today and tc orrow at Small, N. C. On Wedjsday morning at 10 o'clock and o'clock a most interesting and enrtaining program will bo carried it by the students. Rev. Robert . Hope, pastor of the Christian tiurch, this city. Is to take part in ie exercises. The Small Graded :hool Is one of the very best eduitfonal Institutions In Beaufort ?unty and the past session has been te of the most successful in its his!?? Th? .V- V _ - , >ard Is Mr. B. D. Rowe. The faculls composed of J. Gurgacus. prinpal; Miss Lucy Winfleld and Mrs thel Tuten, teachers. IHST SHIPMENT OF BEETS YESTERDAY Mr. Henry Jackson hwo 1b rultl iting the farm owned by Mr. E. R ixon of this city. situated about irec miles from Washington ship ;d beets yesterday. This is th< rs.t shipment of this much deal ret jgetable yet known in this,section V." .Itfckaoa is a :\Kll JtDQwn ant ipable trucker an<^ Is to be congrnt lated upon his success. DUTHERN INVESTMENT CO BUlLDS_flNOTHER LINE Mr. Harry l&smnn general manner of the Suthern Investment Commy. returned home from Richmond iturday last where he has Just oometed a long distance telephone line Dm Emporia to Suffolk. Virginia, distance of sixty miles. The line built on the right of way of the mthern Railway. The work of conruction was done by a special work aln. , The Southern Investment Cominy from a small beginning of seval years ago and has branched out such an extant that long distance tes are now being operated from kyettevllle to Richmond. SPENT SUNDAY IN DURHAM Judge and Mrs. Stephen C. Bra,w spent Sunday last in Durham as guests of Dr. and Mrs. J. M. inning. Mrs Bragaw and Mrs. inning are sis tat a , ,v" ? ; ^ International Red Cross 1 All Nationalities of resented at the h Meets in Capital Special to the Daily News. Washington, D. C., May 7.?Every civilised country of the globe is represented by deldfeates at the ninth International Red Cross conference which opened its session hero today in tho Pan American Union building. The conference, in connection with which a highly interesting exhibition of Reft Cross methods and appliances is held, will remain In session until May IV. inclusive and nrnml??a >? the most successful and Important ever held. The Conference will hold general and departmental sessions at the Pan-American Union building and for all these meetings a'nd con. Terences elaborate programs have ' been prepared, -embracing practically every subject bearing upon the activity of in war and peace of the international Red' Cross organization. On the closing day of the conference Friday May 17, President Taft. who Is the honorary president of the American National Red Cross, and Mrs. Taft will entertain the foreign delegates and other distinguished attendants at the White House. Should the weather permit a garden party in honor of the visitors will be given in the White House grounds. Among the delegates in attendance are many men and women distinguished for their eminent work in the service of the Red Cross in their respective countries. The United StateB delegates includes the Hon. Charles Nagel. Secretary of Commerce and Labor: Brig. Gen. George H. Torney, U. S. A.; Surgeon General Chas. F. Stokes. U. S. and Miss Mabel T. Boardman of the executive committee of the American National Red Cross and Maj. Gen. Geo. W. Davis, chairman of the Central Committee. a .... . ...... , Germany is represented by S. L. IBernheimer. a member of expert 'commission of the Gorman Red ? >'=?. m-?wi. rouHwiii, nuren von Pfuehl, president of the German Red i Cross organization and a distinguish* ed cavalry general, and Prof. KimI mel. Among the Austrian delegates g.re Dr. Maurice Victor Sllbernmrk, I chief surgeon of the Austrian Red ; Cross and Dr. Yetta Sllbermark Relsi sig, the most distinguished woman i surgeon of Austria, who intends to Ij'ntake a study of sanitary institutions for women in this country. Japan has sent a large delegation, Including 'WASHINGTON BOY jSHOME AGAIN | After an aluwmce of over five .years to the distant state of Montana ! Mr. A. Huron Phillips returned to .-the yesterday afternAon via the Atlantic Coast Line and will make Washington again his home. Mr. Phillips' family are expeiied to join him later. lie has been residing at Eureka, t 'Montana where he engaged in farm ing and raising stock. It required i bver a week for him to make the I j trip from Eureka to this city. He . is looking yell antfftfys^th ere is no I .'place like home after all. Mr. Phii 'lips' many friends in Washington are glad to shake hla "Wend and to knowthat he ha3 returned to remain. He is a brother o' Messrs G. A.. John L. and Fenner T. Phillips and Mrs. "james l?. Mayo. 1 BATS BAKER: Sometimes I am of the opinion.) , when I hear of someone giving a . big sociable, having their select I 'friends brought to gather for somo .' enjoyable occasion. And when it 1b , possible at this late day and time 'that they can get a nice little picture , of the group If used for nothing , more than a souvenler of the oc. caslon. It seems to me If this Is neglected the most Important is Is left out. Bakers Studio. ? NORTH CAROLINA CLUB WOMEN Winston-Salem. N. ?C!j, May It? Winston-Salem la today with worsen from all otst North Carolina, who have come to participate in the annual convention of the State Federation of Woman's Clubs. Today's program called tor meetings of the State council and board of directors, followed by the formal opening of the gathering this evening. The meeting will oondude with the elec-l tlon of o?MT1 Friday. . % NO lOl M _ * ,-;JH \ n Conference Society Today 1 . ' the Globe are Rep- I linth Anual Session 1 City Count and Countess X. Ogr.uawara, Dr. Akiyama, councillor of thedapar' nj^ut of the army-; Surgeon Major E. Inouye and Baron T. Ozawa. one of the oldest and most distinguished promoters of Red Cross work la Ja? pan. The list of distinguished delegates ^ alio Includes Sir Frederick Treves of Great Britian; Prof. Manteuffel. /r^uSBk of Russia: Guetave Adler. of Switzerland; Dr. Ferriore, of Switzerland. Gen Vermoloff. of Russia: Lieut. Cheane, pf the Siamese army a-.d numerous others. :jg^The exhibition held in connect ioi?f"' with the conference promises to be^^ one of the most Interesting and attractive features. Major Charles ; 'JM Lynch of the Medical Corp? of the United States army, is in charge, ot 'jtym the exhibition, which lo divided into V two branches. The Indoor exhlbition comprises a remarkably complete and interesting display of apv *j| pliances and inventions for relieving the suffering of wounded and sick soldiers, entered in the Marie Feodorna competition; the other part comprises the general international exhibit of Red Cross activities and appliances. Valuable cash pi'izes are offered in both parts of the exhibition. The prizes in the first mentioned department are derived from the interest on the fund established for that purpose by the l>o wager Empress of Russia. In add-on to -qtqxa (ujaueS aqi ut saz^.td qsn.> aui it medals of special design will bo awarded to meritorious exhibitors. The open air exhibit, which is to be held daily west of the Mounment grounds, where a grand stand for A convenient observation has been erected. promises to be unusually at- 'V? tractive. Here daily a program of Tied Cross, activities is to be dc-inoivBtraied. Methods of transporting the wounded frotu the battlefield and the Injured from the stone of some accident will he- demonstrated, also the various methods ofyfflprlging first aid and relief to the sick and wounded. One of the two "first-aid cars" of the American Red Cross has been ''3 brought, to Washington and will | be 'shown activity at the open air [exhibition. The outdoor exitibit will also include demonstrations of new Inventions in the line of saf?-;y d^g vices and a field hospital in fu^operation. with a large corps of ambu- # [lance men. surgeons and nurses. !LATE SUPPER GIVEN | ON LAST EVENING Last night after the, gtyv.tr.r. given by the Halycon Olnb^nt the Elks Home Mrs. Harry McMnllcn and Mr. Lindsay'Warren gave a tare supper jiu mcir residences to several o:" their J Those present to enjo" ihe hotpi- _ " italitv of Mrs., MeMullen wore: '^9 j Misses MeMullen. Edenion: Mar- ;<*H rar^t Newel and Kenlena Newt':. of. !'Rocky Mount: Mary Clyde Hassel '"? and Mrs. Mr.Mulleu. Messrs Ward, Norfolk: Herman Carrov. F. 8. Worth*'. Dav.d Carter and Harry Me | wfTSse luncheon pi von by Mr. Warren was complimentary to Miss Christine Mcintosh of Chapel Hill, _ c 'who is the guest of the Misses Small. "''Those present were: Misses Christine Mcintosh. Mary [Belle Small. Katherlne Small. Isabelle Carter. Caddie Fowls. Elteaibeth Warren and Mattie Griffin I Messrs William Watts, Plymouth; j William Knight, William B. Rodman I Jr.. Henry Moore. Jay Hodges. H. Jackson, Wilson; and Lindsay Wari Both occasions were much enjoy HANKS CLOSE On account of Friday next, being ' Memorial Day all the respective banks of the city will be closed. Patrons Bhould bear this in mind. ry-jwM ********* " >. LldlT OF NEW ADVERTISE- * MKNTB IN THE NEWS < ' * ' The Hah. 9 *.D. D. D. J. C. Cooper. French Market Coffee. Lyric Theatre. J. L. O'Quinn. 9 . >? '

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