jPj SOAR SPECIAL VALUES I U WteCHteor Cd?t Suits and White Line with I ei. K. H^rr BoP " 3Si; for this genuine K$V-- l^m r y There's w> reason why you should hesitate 1 Waa??thcr moment in placing this greatest of all I nasal instruments in your hctv.c. I 1 I The price is easily within reach. The instru- I 1 mrnt is a perpetual joy. I i Come in and hear it?and you won't want to & fc. ^kcto without one. M Hk at I" i ? la arrto, Ite "CITY OP NORI t> wra? -c?pg am miiiimiw.- ? u. mm iii?m / JMriMR MMalMMa. ^la ^ wM^iwa. Mlda. MN ha Qatoa R). ?i?? p. a ( ' S?mrnm*?bammfiJrm U^X^Lnl. L ?4 ' 1w. . rtjunajur. r. *? 1 > " ) K, Nniia. Pa. C : OOIMT T&e a Trip v by railroad, iwuiboat, (mboat, aulo mobile or say coaveyaacewiUiout o ACODBKr TICUT. SS?t?Io,u omly 25 ceoB day?days -H* lor days. Can be written in a minute. Phone $9*. Wm. BRAGAW & CO. Fint Insurance Agents WASHINGTON. N. C. ro THK DEMOCRATS OK BBAVFORT OOCKTV WHEREAS, the General Assem>ly of North Carolina at the Session ? >f 1911, passed an Act, establishing t legalized primary for Beaurort bounty, and WHEREAS, under said Act, no netbod was prescribed for selecting lelegates thereunder, and WHEREAS, the Board of Elecions together with the Chairman of he Democratic Executive Committee hrough inadvertence failed at its neetlng calling said primary to pre- < icribe a method for selecting said ; lelegates; NOW THEREFORE, by and with he advice and consent of as many )I tne uemocrant^ oicvumo wiuniltec of Beaufort Couuty aa It has >een convenient to see, the Detno:rats of the County are hereby di ected to meet at the respective poling places In their precincts at the luieB hereinafter named for the purpose of selecting delegates to the BOUNTY CONVENTION to be held >n May 25th. 1912, under the call ; >f the Board of Elections. The primaries hereby called will at the ! same time select the members of the precinct executive committees. HME FOR HOLDING PRIMARIES: Washington. 1st w^rd, May 17, 8:30 P. M., Armory. Washington. 2nd ward. May 17, 3:30 P. M.. City Hall . Washington 3rd ward. May 17. 8:30 P. M. Court House (down stairs) Washington. 4{h ward. May 17, 8:30 P. M. Court House (up stairs) Pineville. Tranters Creek, Old Ford. Bearer Dam. and Chocowinity at 10:30 A. M.. Saturday, May 18th All other precincts in th?*Countyit 3 P. M.. Saturday, May 18th. This 6th day Of May. 1912. WILEY C. RODMAN. Chairman Democratic Executive Com mlttee. 5-7 to 18. For HEADACHE--Hies*" CAPUDINE Whether from Colds, Heat, Stotut h or Nervous Troubles, Capudlnc will relieve you. It's liquid?p easant to take?acta Immediately. Tr* ' 10c . 9Bc. and 60c a* *T"ar t WASHINGTON PRODUCE MARKET WEDNESDAY, MAY 13. 1012 Geese 46c Turkeys, lb 11c Spring chickens 12 He and 16c Lamb skins, each 10c to 20c Shearlings 6c to 10c Iheep skins, each 30c to 60c Tallow .. 6c Dry flint hides, per lb 14c Dry salt hides, per lb 12c Dry hides,; d'ged, por^bSv .4c to 6c B. E. Peas $1.80 Clay peas $1.70 Black peas $1.70 Won peas $1.70 Speckled peas $1.70 Sola beans 90c to $1.10 Green sale hides 9c Green bides 8c Deer skin flint 26c Deer skin Halt",.. 16c The nursery and seed men convey a reassurance that spring Is coming by sending out a bunch of finely lllus- | trated catalogues. Everybody will be as well satisfied I If the weather man, for a little while j at least, refrains from giving us any more mean temperature. A Kansas City court refuses to great a man a divorce from his mallorder wife. Tbcn why doesn't he Bend to Reno for a mail-order divorce? The irirle of a high school In Penn sylvanla arc widely praised because that hair device known as the "rat" has been prohibited among them. "Rag-Tims" a Mixture. i The origin of "lag-time" Is traced I directly to the American negroes, yet (the rhythmic peculiarities of rag urn* arc also characteristic of Indian music On* Lasting Cresd. Call your opinions your creed. and yon will change In every week. Make your creed slmplo and broadly out of the revelation of Ood, and you may keep It to the sod- -Phillip* Hrooka. Idea of Prosperity. Having money to deposit In the bank In the middle of the week would be our Idea of getting on In the world. ?Detroit Free Press. Heart Flutter from coffee drinking usually stops after change to POSTUM "There'# A Rxuon" ' **; 'hi A (of Finance Con .. ...i * '! Continued Off \ Water 1 Miscellaneous . a?, .-j Stationery and printing Labor Repairs Supplies Rent Insurance . . . v.?iS|> Total expense of operation Boilers, pumps ft,engines Dynamos, lamps ft" motors Meters ft transformers Lines ft structures Buildings Lamp renewals Material from storeroom . . .C. Total expense of maintenance 3 rand total of operation and m&intena: WASHINGTON ELECTRIC PLANT Amount turned over to city treasurer Amount turned over to city treasurer f WASHINGTON ftLBOTRIC PLANT L APRIL JM Gains Gross sale of cnrrent ... Net profit on storerooip Losses Operating expense .. Expense of malntenaneo Discount ? reoate on Dins tor current . 5 per cent Interest on 27,500 bonds . .. 5 per cent on plant depraclatlon Net gains The above includes all city lighting whi Streets and Pamlico bridge City Hail and offices Market house .. j Total ACTUAL COLLECTIONS OF THE G1 WASHINGTON. N. C., YEAR (Not Including 1 1910 May 1 On hand (uncollected taxes to 1911 Tax levy Dog tax ' Dog tax collected M. J. Fowler Specific tax ,? Cemetery lots sold Recorders court" Market reuta Street sweepings Miscellaneous 1909-1910 taxes Insurance returned Int. on Street Paving notes 1). II. PACKARD ENGINEER IN ACC. IMPROVKM1 Cash turned over to city treas. after closed April 30. 1911 W. H. WINDLEY EX-CLERK Y1 1910 Tax Collected Sidewalk paving Cemetery lots Turned over to city, treas. after books * April 30th. 1911. Lower California. h&*lng permanent I 7 lost Its revolution, has turned again to bull lighting as the only satlsfaotory substitute. The tipping evil has reached a point where It should atop. A waiter in Chicago got an heiress; also, another in Philadelphia. With prices continually snaring bofore long our scientists will have to give their attention to finding a substitute for food. Italy's war expense Is a million dollars a day. To get an Idea of the enormous cost reduce a million dollars to spaghetti. The thermometers are bravely striving to become normal again and if the weather forecasters will quit forecasting, all will be welL One doctor who writes for the magazines says an automobile Is a tine thing for catarrh. He doesn't say how often It should be taken. One girl married a baseball player because he made so many home runs. All players who make home runs do not at once run home, however. One large railroad has ordered that Its pencil sharpeners be discarded. We accept this as another Indication that the world Is growing better. 8omehody la endeavoring to create sentiment Jn favor of a new alphabet. I Well, If one has nothing else to do j that may be as good a way as any In whlcb to keep busy. A Jersey man got $1,000 damages from a surgeon who performed an op1 eratlon on the wronor ?lde. The inrr probably felt the patient had a right to cut up about It A Long Island girl dan cad herself to. death because she was so popular that every young man at the party insisted on dancing with her. Sometimes It Is not unlucky, after all, to bo a wallflower. The wife of a song writer, suing for divorce, charges him with Inhuman cruelty. If he is the man who wrote The Mysterious Rag." * long-suffering public will rise up no one and back her. 1 fmcom ?.p.m ?, 1012 18.146.66 820.81 18966.96 S 9,644.89 1,166.14 1,864.68 1,376.00 ..." 1,483.86 16113.21 3848.76 ich Is as follows 6.081.00 110.00 120.00 J SNKRAL FUND OF THB CTTY OF ENDING APRIL SO. 1012. , Clectrlc Plant) r 1910 23.66 13.480.31 102.00 ,* 6.00 .\. 8118.00 513.00 660.85 - < 594.60 63.10 40.62 160.02 * 15.75 21.82 18789.62 r WITH THE CTTV AS TO STREET 5NT FUND books were 07 EAR ENDING fcPRIL SO. 1012. 56.65 * v 15.00 s.oo Fere closed after . ; , 76.65 * - * - n CEREALS Puffed Rlce.Puffed Wheat Cream of Wheat, Pearl Wheat Shredded Wheat Grape Nuta, Post Toastles, Coro Flakes, and Pettljohn Breakfast l FOOD ?THEOUALITY GROCERY WALTER CREOLE X CO. Phond 80 * - e,.., , .. J NOTICE A DEMOCRATIC COUNTY COM VENTION is hereby called to meet at jthe Court House In Washington, N. C.. on Saturday, May 25, 1912, at 111 a. m. for the purpose of selecting | delpcatfta to the Rtata CnVflD UBO I I lONAL, JUDICIAL, AND SENATORIAL CONVENTION. The data of the various precinct primaries will be announced not later than May 1st, and as soon as the Board of Elections have fixed upon the t!/ne for holding same under Primary Bill of lJeaufort County, This April ISth, lflf. By order of Executive Committee. WILEY C. RODMAN. Chairman Democratic Executive Co? mittee. 4-1# 1 aw to 5-2 S FOR FEVERISH NF.<** AND APHINO Whether from Malarious con ID km t Colds or overheating, try lrickn CAPUDINH. It reds~e the fever and relieves ths achJnw Tt's LlqniS NOTICE The Democrats In the several Counties oomposing the First Judicial District of North Carolina, are hereby notified that the Democratic xestktlvc Committee of thte District has called the Judicial Convention to be held at Elisabeth City on Thursday the 30th day of May, 1911 at !:! ' o'clock P. M., for the pnrKse of nominating the Judge for the rst Judicial District. The several counUes composing this District are notified to send delegates to the^ sald^Convention for said ^*2^ "" get is newly arrived. Of all I I ( 9&*r ' superb fabrics nothing quite I I ?\ equals these I I < " > V-j^A ^"Si n.onUko..-. '-^' L^. I I \ & r\ \ lurscnaaura I \ /SeS" Cherry Tree Brand I II j(| J-i lyT y Drop in and look them I I I raL jr over. Sec the elegance [of I I e . XPxr tailoring-the distinction of I I J style. No better hand-tail- I I d UT" ^ i I were ever put out. I V-H. iti ...1 Ideal hot weatherjclothes! I ? I y ~,fy~??T for the shape is there to I I t II - stay. Made on a firm *ou^ I II I \ en canvasand haircloth and I III needle-monlded into per- I II I It manency. I I I True Blue Serge" is I ll I I | guaranteed not to fade the ^ ^ LLJ L LI Theae "True Blue" Serges trv rrn PTI made for us by a house nationally VU^ V4t known for Its AH-Wool policy? A. B. Ktrmchbavm V Co?and I wil1 f,nd the K*r?chbattm label pBmyBy * , (Cherry Tree Brand.) In every suit : The Kh-scKbam tl8"Tnte Bhie yr****^ Special Serge is known alt wer the \JML)r , y. S. a* the best wearing, most satc*r7Ttgkt?! i*i? a. b. kirschbaum * at,. isfactory serge made. THE HUB '"Hie Home or Good Clothrs." * J J. LENN WOOD Mail era New Ywk CaUea Exchange.?IAMBS W. COLE. J J. LEON WOOD & CO. I i \ BANKERS md BROKERS.! S fetock*. Bondr Cotton. Grata and Provisions, 78 PtmM Be, S / Carpenter Building, Norfolk, Vn. ( J f Fill? wteu* te Hew York Mock Exchange. New York Cot- f \ aw Exchange, Chicago Board of Trade and other Manorial new- V f era. r / kWTeepoadeace Respectfully Solicited. Investment and Mm- f \ ginal Accounts Given Careful Attention. V Woman's Work Is Never Done UNLESS TLS THE i Hotpolnt Way COOK. IRON. HEAT ELECTRICALLY. WASHINGTON MUNICIPAL ELECTRIC PUNT \ Four High Grade White 1 ( Enameled Lined l REFRIGERATORS ) For Sale at Cost. > Closing Out Line. I 4 HARRIS HARDWARE \ \ COMPANY. 1 t i lyric theatre tonight r MOTION PICTURES * STENOGRAPHER WANTED. (A Vitigrapb comedy with John BonnyV MELITA'S RUSE. (AWntenDruM)' A CURF.FOR JEALOSLY. || (A High elm Uibt. Corner With Arthur johMQ. la ihc 1.11*1 n Motel II ifffii in 11uii iijiiii i 'iimiiiihiim ii, iifi