Most Interesting L Friday Night Last Made The Ad&res -Medals AwStded. The annual commencement exercises of tb^^sutego High School took place in the town of Pantego, v Friday night and was witnessed by ' a large and enthusiastic crowd, of citlxena. not only patrons of the school but others. The exercises of the evening began with Introductory remarks by Mr. P. H. Johnson one of the members of the board or school trustees. He told of the work of the school during me past year ana men lir / words or ormaten^M presented the r speaker of the evening Hon. H. S. r Ward, of Washington. Mr. Ward > was greeted with hearty applause for he always speaks In a way to please and on this occasion provld hid former well earned and enviable \ reputation lfr. Ward delivered a \ splendid talk on education and dlsl cussed it frsni the time when North /' Carlolna was In ntter darkness nntll f the present good hour. His address was a perfect gem of oratory and his words made a profound and lasting Impression upon his many hearers. Before the address of Mr. Ward the Invocation was made by Rev. J. D. Waters. One of the . interesting and attractive features of the evening was the debate. - The Judges to decide the contest were: ft. Messrs. W. L. Vaughan. Jamea L. Mayo and J. F. Tyre. Those entering the oonteat were: Laura Thompson. Recitation?"A Stray Sunbeam." Elsie Recpass. Recitation?"Commencement." Louise 8havender. Recitation?"The Engineers Last Run." Willie Ourkins. Recitation?"Americanism." ' *After the decision of the judge# then followed a most Interesting and attractive program which would have done credit to any educational institution In N ? * f 11 LindsayC Chairn The Democratic H County in Cor Respective Con '\ The Democratic hosts of peau| fort coonty gathered at the Court- . house Saturday last at noon to name delegates to the respective conventions and also to name the chairman of the County Executive Committee as well as the county's choice for delegates from the First Congressional District to the National Democratic Convention to be held in Baltimore. For chairman of the County Executive Committee for the next two iyear8, Mr. Lindsay C. Warren was cnamed. - The convention endorsed the work Hon. John H. Small In congress and the service of Judge .Stephen C. Bragaw, who was recently appointed judge of the first judicial district. Hon. J. Bryan Qrimee, who has occupied the position of Secretary of State for a number of years was endorsed for his position as well as associate Justices Brown and Hoke for tho N. C. Supreme Court. Resolutions The convention unanmiously passied the following resolutions: 1st. Resolved by this Democratic Convention of Beaufort County that it hereby endorses the candidacy of Hon. J. Bryan Grimes for the office of Scretary of State on account of his eminent fitness and superb qualifications for said office. 2nd. That the delegates from this county to the state convention to (be held in Raleigh are instructed to (cast the entire vote of Beaufort county for the said Hon. J. Bryan Grimes for the office of Secretary of State so long aa his name la before said convention, and are further instructed to use all honorable means to secure to him the said nomination. ~ WJtereaaTHon. John H. Small, our capable and efficient Congressman from the First District, la * candidate for re-election to succeed himself ; And Whereas, Hon. Stephen C.* Bragaw Is a candidate for re-election to auqceed himself-** Judge of the ' First Judicial District; And Whereas both of thper-gentlemen, by their ability, ndfty loyalty, and conscientious p^formance of -the duties of their respective offices, have reflected high credit, not only upon themselves and their constituency, but upon the great Democratic Party as well; Now Therefore, Be it resolved by the Democrats of Beaufort County, in convention aaaembled: First: That it la the sense of this convention that to return these gentlemen to office would In eves? way subserve the best Interest of the ON I 1 !???m+mimmm. CAROLINA. MONDAY AKTKRNOO.N KT AKDTUK8DAY. LIGHT MOOKI OWING HIM SOMETHIN fr (Copyright.) . f== W arren tan Dem. [osts Gather From ivention. Delega ventions. Meetinj ? ?? County, the District, and the State at large, aajreli as reflect great credit upon the Democratic "Party. Second: That we give our hearty endorsement of the work which they! have done for the party in the past. ao won aa pia.ce me stump ol our approval on their past conduct while in office, by instructing the delegates from this county to the Democratic Judicial and Congressional , Conventions to cast the solid vote of Beaufort County for John H. Small for Congressman, from the First Congressional District and Stephen C. Bragaw as Judge of the First Judicial District. ??? Whereas, the Hon. William A. Hoke and the' Hon. Geo. 1?. Brown, Jr., are candidates for re-election to succeed themselves, as Associate Justices of the Sqpreme Court of North Carolina; And Whereas, both of these gentlemen by their wisdom and strong Judlclhl teperament, displayed in the fulfilment of the duties of their offices, have reflected great credit, not only upon 'themselves but their constituency as well; And Whereas, their party loyalty and affiliation in connection with their manifest qualification and fitness for the offices to which they aspire. entitles tfhem to serious consideration and support-of the Great Democratic Party. Now, Therefore, be it resolved by the Democratis of Beaufort county in convention assembled: First, That It is the sense of this convention that the presence of Judges Hoke and Brown on the Supreme Court Bench will continue to add great strength and dignity to the Court in the future as it has done in the past. Second: That all Democrats should give these gentlemen their whole hearted support, and that the delegates from Beaufort county to the State jConvention be instructed to cast the solid vote of Beaufort county for the Hon. William A. Hoke and the Hon. George H. Brown Jr. for. Associate Justices of the Supreme Court of North Carolina. ? Convention Meets The convention was called to order at 12 o'clock by the chairman of the County Executive, Mr. Wiley C. Rodman and Messrs W. K. Jacobson and James L. Mayo, were made secretaries. All the precincts of the county responded to the roll call exeeptlQK that of Plnetawn. Mr. Joaloe Grime, vu named u temporary tkalrm^a. The temporary orgeat? >AILY . MAY *7, 1911. i. i i ,i ? UTK KAKT WINDS. G [ ^ 1 * y . . / ~Named Ex. Com. i Ail Parts of the tes Named to the 1 Harmonious. tlon was then made permanent. ?Candidates Endorsed. Unamimous endorsement was given for the following state candidates; rur uuvernor; non. L.ocKe i;raifie. For Secretary of State: Hon. J. Bryan Grimes. For State Auditor: William P. Wood. * ' ! For State Treasurer: Benjamin. R. Lacey. Judge of First Judicial District: Stephen C. Rragaw. Associate Justices of Supreme Court: G. H. Brown and W. A. Hoke. Commissioner of Agriculture: W. A. Graham. Insurance Commissioner: James R. Young. Commissioner of Labor and Printing: M. L. Shipman. Delegates to Baltimore The vote for delegates to the Baltimore Democratic Convention was a6 follows: Richard S. Noal?37.23. Joe. F. Tayloe?35.77. To Scleet Delegates The chair appointed the following] committees to retire and select dol! egates to the respective conventions. State Convention: E. A. Daniel. S. T. Nicholson, W. A. Thompson, W. C. Rodman. W. D. Grimes. . Congressional and Judicial: L. C. Warren, D. Lesofsky. Fred Latham,, add C. T. Ilardlson. Senatorial Convention: E. L. Stewart, G. H. Bonner, H. C. Carter, P. H. Johnson and F B. Hooker. Convention Entertained ? While the above respective comContlnued on page two MIC P DISAPPEARED cdfm dime pfmniv rnum nim duwimi Clemmon Alcox, about 15 year* of age left bis home yesterday, Sunday, and when last seen was near the Fertiliser factory. He was evidently | making his way in the direction of Washington. He was dressed in knee pants, clothes of a greenish color, black hat and had a scar on neck, left side. Any Information leading to his whereabouts will be greatly appreciated by Hr. L. T. He Gowan. R. F. D. No. I., Washington. N. C. , " NEV 1 ? ' 1 Ml lilt rE,mp ** vaifti . M _____ Special Session ol Was, Held Satu fendants Fined T1 Cost Each. A sperm! session of the Recorder's Court was called Saturday night to accomodate some who were undertaking to make a living without {toning tor it. Early Suturdav evening Chief of Police. George >?.' Howard, began to scent the trail ol mischief and found that many footsteps had been made thereon and that the game was not I far away. A'ong about ten o'clock at night he called all his boys toI wit: Policemen Roberts and Proctor, [together and held a consultation. | Each was informed of the port that he was to play in the drama soon to be enacted. They (hen proceeded to Hotel Louise where they went directly to the room of n guest. After stationing two of his :uen on the out side the chief endeavored to gain ^dmlselon. One of the parties on 'the inside of the rijoni was heard to say "Get Things straight boys?he cannot come Jn until I let him In." The chief was hot so easily rebuffed however and ko he and assistants went against the floor with all their weight and strength and the consequence was that it gave way. The scene that greeted the eyes of the chief was one of consternation and confusion. Some were trying to hide behind doors, under beds and every other place which would afford cover. One of the party, thought that he was secure and would avoid protection when he crowded between the bed and the springs?but Ills hopes were in vain. REVIVAL SER TERDAY AN 1 EVANGELIST LU1 A series of Meetings that have been in progress at the First Methodist Church for the past two weeks are to continue, notwithstanding the fact that Evangelist Bridger* and Professor Bird have another engagement elsewhere and the meeting began yesterday. Such interest was manifested yesterday at the morning and evening services that the official body of thd church and the large congregation Sunday night were loath to let them leave and demanded that they remain, so there will be services again this evening at S o'clock and this attractive man of Cod is to again preach the truth as contained in the scriptures. Yesterday was a great day in Washington . It reminded the older inhabitants of the days of long ago for pentltents. both old and yonng, flocked around the altar begging and pleading for salvation. The consequence was that a- large number made an open profession. So great was the interest that the meeting cannot atone so long as there is the interest xhlbited as on yesterdsy. The religion of our fathers seem to burst forth again under the matches argument of the young and gifted man of God. Yesterday morning the t * HO i RfllO AND 11GAILERS I f Recorder's Court rday Night. De- 9 tventy Dollars and because he was no more securely hidden when one of the party climbed" on top of. the bed. This weight added to that of the bed was more than the bottom party iould stand so he began at once to puut h the one on top in an effort to. get him off , ? without attracting the attention, but the fellow on top held It's own remained there. Some one screamed: ' John, for God's sake get off of me you are killing me." This was the \??B signal for the chief to beeiu an investigation and he found the foot of a man protruding and the operation tf separating the owuer thereof front bed then began. Surprise war. on the face of both parties when Xbe Identity of the secreted party was revealed. The raid wound the net of the law around 12 occupants of the rooms. Among them were young boys who have not as yet reached young manhood. There were young men ia the . prime of life all of whont have mothers, sisters and brothers, who have been humiliated by their deed. There were young married men abd old men with one foot almost in the grave. Some of these have boys; some have both boys and girls to whom they are setting an example. Would they desire To have their children follow in their footsteps? * J These same men have good honest wives who were at home probably waiting for the return of their busbands. but little did they dream of Continued on page two. VICES YESEPOCH IN CITY I' |. * IB i-> B 'HER B. BRIDGERS subject of the speaker was the "Unpardonable Sin" and on' Sunday night "What Shall It Profit a Man If He Oatn the whole world and , lx>Be His Own Soul." Washington has never heard greater expositions jof the truth of God and its results. JB j It seems to make no difference how . ' long the discourse the people seem to bang, eo to speak, upon the burn- . ? | ing words as spoken and they are heeding them as evidenced by the many who asked for prayer. Sunday night the auditorium waa simply packed and standing room was at a premium. ;,;?j Mjfl Sunday will be long remembered in Washington. The meeting seemed to reach a climax yesterday and it turned towards the side of the Lord. Such a scene as that witnessed has not been equalled in years and for this the church cannot afford to allow Evangelist Bridgers to leave for other fields Just now. How long the meeting will continue cannot bo , m foretold now. The gospel is being preached in Washington as never be- i fore and the fruit Is just beginning to ripen and fall There will be services again tonight and Rr. Bridgere has a special message to deliver to all. Bverybody cordially Invited. ' 1 |