? WAS] A ; CITY'S PRC mnci hi nan The Buildings Wi Washington Par And Attractive. mM ' ' MEANS MUCH I ? - Thousands of Dol ^ ' pended. City ar Be Congratulated " ii 9 Dally K?n: The Board of Kduratton arcepti fl tion of tbe school. Notify the puMl The shove telegram was recelTed bj flw Daily Newa early this momlag aad means that the educational U board of the Northern Melhotlt \ Chock .wffl establish a college ia HT?htajirr n Tbeir acceptance of the rttjr's proposition wfH be receir- , ?d with gratification and pleasure. Washington's proportion to the Bdmtdoml Board wee flee thooaand doBans la cash, the entire amount of wliMi baa been already raised, and tw?et) acres of land Par weeks a coaamittee from the CTiaaikgr of Chama wee hare be ma TttbOy iollritlag foods for this purpose and bow that their eflocta bare been cowrned with success and Wakbbigtoa ia to be the home of a great educational college backed up asfl supported by a powerful religious denomination, they are to be congratulated. The Daily News wet on Cowawrtf, The comalttee, bat the auin> city m wCtL The college - will be looted at ' Washington Purk Just to the East I) of the city. The location b am kleal ? one. The tract donated by >!> 4 Small end Hathaway, faces Pamlico River, b high and admirably snitcd for anch a purpose. The Northern Methodist Church YOUNG BOY ESCAPES SERIOUS ACCIDENT Vv Llnwoofl Fljn*. tBe 14-rmr old eon of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Flynn, came near meeting with a serious accident at the corner of Fifth and Market Streets Monday afternoon. The boy was in a wagon and for aome reason the male* took fright at a wire and began to prance. The hoy in hie excitement fell from the wagon and fell on his head. i|e was knocked unconscious and reW malned in this condition for some little while. Dr. Joshua Tayloe was hastily summoned and rendered the necessary medical attention. He Is ^ now thought to he cm the road to*. ,? .V a ~ w.fd. t*OT?ry- ^ t PRATERMEETIKG S? : There will be prayermestlng services In the First Presbyterian, First Baptist and Christian Churches this evening at the usual hour. At the First Methodist there will Be a jfcf; ? Prala^ service instead of the regular f) mid-week prayermestlng. All are cordially Invited to attend these eerm ' yless. \ l. K. Bort. y--' * * ** ^ ^ * /ASH] . ' ' 4 IAX KING POSITION JOB OF LAND ill be Located at k. Site is Ideal ? ' FOR SECTION lars yvm be iixtd Community to I. *hvllle, Trn., May 29, 1912. rashiajctOiTn proposition for loosc. Charles JL Hp?n. has bera anxious for aaseUme to locate a college tn Eastern Carolina and repreneatative* of tife church have been looking over the ground for month*. Washington was finally picked oat as the best adapted location nod when the tntAnation> was given the Chamber of Commerce and business men, immediately steps were taken te secure It. Work was done on the quiet. Prom the rety first wleu the hmh?t men and citizen* karaed of the proposition, what the habitation would d6 fet* Washington if secured and the willingness of the Beard of Education Of the M. K. Church, in come to? this city with their Institution of iMraisff. thsv r#w I Mfmnded gmw ously and the remit is Hoahlntton has won and will within the next few months see under course of construction a (treat colleu*. What One plant will coat at first is not now known, suffice it so say, It will *be worth)- of the town and of the church. The Northern Methodist Church Is one of the strongest religious denominations in the world J both numerically and financially and wMereever th? church has colleges thousands upon thousands of dollars hare been spent. There Is no reason to doubt hut what this same course will be pursued ia Washington. PRESBYTERIANIB JOIN III PRAISE SERVICE % . There will be 'no prayermeeting services at the First Presbyterian Church this erening. The congregation of this church win ?>ta with the Methodist congregation in their Praise service Instead. All members of this congregation are requested tw attend the Praise service at the M. E. Church. C0NCRESSI9NAL AND JUDICAL CONVECTION ?j The Congressional and Judlcltd Democatle convention* will meet in the town of Elisabeth City tomorrow for the parpose of nominating a candidate for congress, presidential elector and a Judge for this dlef|P&*?'v ' It is practically assured that Hon* John H. Small win be renominated for congress without opposition and that Judge-Stephen C. Bragaw will have no opposition for the judgeship There are several aspirants for presidential elector. The delegates from Beaufort county to both conventions will leave on the 2: JO Norfolk Southern train tonight. Quito a number from the city and county expect to fcttend. >y\ - ** ' BREAKS ARM The 14-year old eon of ICr. J. W Silverthorn, who Isoldes a few mllee from thte city, mat with the mleforJ*Mto break hi* ami accidentally H W*tal hM v\^.< ' . . W NGT< y washington, north c. :al suowthh tonight and thvrj ton: HAS BEEN ,-r- - . > EV H#' There Will Be en Increase In Price of St log Revival Service Over One The revival meeting, which has been In progress at the First Meth- E odist Church for th^ past two weeks, B closed last night. It was announced by Evangelist Brldgers that ovur one t] hundred land made z profession dur- ft ing the serieB which should be grat- u ifrina ?? oil ChfUtUn -? ~l- a- ?-- ? entire city. Quite a number made a tl profession of faith last night. tl Tonight instead of the regular b prayerm noting services the pastor of cl the chunih proposes to hold a Praise ?, Service at which time there will be h a reception of members. All who e; have made a profession during the meeting are urged to be present so tl (their names can be secured not only h for the Methodist Church but all e other cluut hes in the city. The ser- p vices last night were attended by another parked house and Evangelist o Brldgers preached a strong sermon b directed principally to the new con- ii verts and also to church members, a it was a Strong appeal. Bath Mr. 1 Bridgers anil Professor Bird dklight- \ ed the congregation with solos. a COL. F. ? JAMES TO I NOMINATE SMALL Colonel F. <3L James, of GreenvClle, N. C., will make the nominating 8 speech at Elizabeth City on Thaw- b day next placing Congressman John H. 8mall In nomination for congresa. 8 unopposed for another term ni the *' National House of Representatives. 11 Mr. Small In talking to the cor- 41 respondent of the 'Raleigh News and h Observer in Washington City this ,week had the following to say: "I am very busy and very hannvl11 SodayTlhave received telegrams * and letters indicating that substan- ? tlaily every county la my congress^ tonal district adopted resolutions In ? their democratic county conventions T last Saturday endorsing ae and in- E strutting for my renomination. To 61 have ao served my constituents as to secure their approval is sufficient to malfe me happy. I shall have no higher ambition than to strive to " serve my district, the Stste and the * country in such a manner as to prove ei worthy of this mark of confidence." . M MOKHTKR HEN BOO * \ Mr. John' T. nyrw wu allowing on thn ntrwntn ruterday n monntnr knn nIt the product of one of km 01 knnn. Thn nn w.lghM four NKM * and jraa nt lust 4-lnchu lone. It sfcs?"iisrs. kn nn upnrt la poultry raisin* 3N C 'I AROIJXA, WEUN'KtiDAV AVTERXO iDAJf. LKJHT Xp_>I(>OKBATK i SECU ACCEPTED .d. ERYBODY'S DOIN' IT (Copyright) raw Hats This tsasen. The 8traw Hi the Recent War.?New* Item. s Closed Last Hundred W* Beforo the services closed both * vangellst Brldgers and Professor | lrd made feeling and Impressive | ilks breathing words of appreciaon for the uniform coartesy shown lem while here and, their gratitude >r what had beet* sBoosaplisUad durig the meeting. The pastor of the > lurch. Rev. R. IJn-^room thanked lem in the nam^fof^ the eongregaon for their coming and what a leasing they had been to 1 lurch as well as the coming and 'hat a blessing they had been to , im and the church as well as the , ntire city. The meeting has been a benedic-', on to the entire city. All vborchos 1 avjfr been revived and strengthend and untold good bos been accom- , lished. " Evangelist Bridgers and Rrofessr Bird left this morning for Golds- , oro where they are to hoLd 11 meet- , ig, carrying with them the prayers' nd well wishes of the entire city. I 'ho will ever be remembered inj. Washington, nda a warm welcome waits their coming again. IENEFIT PROMISES TO BD DECIDED S0CC3SS The benefit to bo given to -the 1 hirt factory employees out of work y the burning of the factory on last , aturday promises to be a decided access Friday night. A very attrac- j Ive program is being arranged and , lose who attend will not only be elping in a cause most worthy bat | t?y will get their money's worth tot only will they see first class , aovlng pictures, donated f# the , impose gratis b yMr. H. 6. Sparrow | f the Lyric theatre but will be afirded an opportunity to hear some , r Washington's best local talent. , be prices will be only 15 and 15. , Iverybody In the city should ber ores- i it ?nd aid those lean fortunate. J WEDDING 'ANNOUNCEMENT J The following wedding invitation 1 aa been sent out of thdeity which J ill be of Interest to Dally New? road 1 m. J Mr. and Hrn. George Irey Dall I iquest the honor of your presence !le enthusiasts from Chicago, New Fork, Atlanta. St. Louis, Denver, Cincinnati. Detroit and other cities. V senserratlve estimate Is that at toast 100,000 spectators will vtow the (feat contest. t Mr*. John L. Phillip* ud d*a00 for state road building, the reason assigned being that highway construction is yet in nu experimental it stuge and that no durable and economical material has been found. Ae a substitute measure tho committee will recommend that the yearly road levies be doubled. Thus the permanent highway fund will be Increased from one to two mills a year and the public highway fund from a half mill to one mill yearly In this way more than $3,000,000 will be raised. It was agreed that fully $25,000,000 would be required to carry out the work favored by 'j the association, also that $15,000,000 could not be expended judiciously with the present state road organization. Outlining its legislative program , ^ the committee recommended that 5 per cent of each road fund be set aside for maintenance, the money to be expended the same as the general fund. It was also decided that the . . state highway fund, with the exception of 10 per cent, be used only on the trunk lines of the main road Q system, and that the appropriation by the legislature of the remaining 10 jier. cent be expended ou repairs of existing highways and in connecting disjointed roads with trade cen icrs, not more than live miles distant. It was recommended that for road building under the assessment plan. rwg where abutting property pays 15 per c-ent of the coat, the assessment pone shall be from a half mile to one' and a half miles on either tfde ?of the road, the petitioners to define the width, and that instead of the aesess-t ment benig all due in one payment It extended over a period of five or 10 e?iunl annual Instalments. It was also voted to advocate the use of v. '.de-tire farm vehicles. SOUTHERN WAR CLAIMBILL BEFORE CONGRESS Tho ?omhern War claim bill. which has been before congress for come time is still in abeyance. A! report has just been raade by the Senate Committee, h seems that North Carolina got off decidedly better than some of her sister states. Only one of the state's churches or. institutional claims were eliminated ?heinc the First Rnnfler CHiipaK New Oern for $1,200. The Senate Committee approves the House bill for appropriations to the C&tholio Church of Washington, N. C., of Church of this city S4,000; First. Methodist Church and First Presbyterian Church of $4,500 each. All three of the above church buildings were destroyed during the Civil War. , m The general feeling among the Democrat*, however. Is that the Republican lenders have cut and slashed the war claims bill without rhymo. or reason in order to make its passage by the House impossible. The lower branch of Congress would not ^ pass the measure in the shape in ' - jsfl which It is reported by the Senate committee. A hot fight is expected on the floor Jfc of the Senate to get back a fair proportion of the items which tbe com- m mlttee has eliminated; but even If that fight succeeds, the Republicans Cj have tbe French spoliation claims ,'? up their aleevee as a last resort to attach to tbe bill as a sinker. The French spoliation claims aggregate many times the amount of the war slalms. TRU8TKE8 TO MBIT. "J9 There will be e Beetles of th< fl >t the Library room temenee aft- *9 ?eoe at i o'clock. ?nlil>i ( ha