Mil, HI II) Mil HE FIH The Senate and House Mem,i i hers Will Tell Ahout the Many Scandals. " j jIS HFECIED WHEN TEE BILL CORES OP House May Balk at Some of ;?< -1' r -i r the Conclusions. I:1'; . - Washington, May 30.?A hard de. . bate Is expected In the Senate when the conference report on Che Army Appropriation hill cornea up for action. It-was presented yesterday afternoon, but 8enator 8moot requested that it co over. 'There are many point* In the compromise which will not meet the approval of several penatom. It is also probable the House may bala at accepting some of tie conclusions reached. f&:< The anti-admlnisration amendments lefetalaUn* Major Gen. Leonard Wood ont of office aa chief of staff is expected to create the moat uproar. They remain In the conference report. The purpose and effeet of the provisions are to make the chief of staff Ineligible for further service aa chief of ataff after four years' a?vtee In that office nntU he has been at least two yearn back In the line. . It would bar amy officer after March 5 next from being chief of staff except after at least ten yearn' service as a commissioned line officer Ih grades below a brigadier general corps consist of two general officers, one of whom would be ehlef of ataff three colonels, four lleutenant-col. V onela, eight major, sad ten captains or drat lieutenants, all detailed from the army at large, all details to the general ataff corps, except the two general officers, to be subject to an act of 190-1 increasing the efficiency of the permanent military establishment. It wonld provide four-year details of ofll&ers in the ataff corps, depart menis ana general stair corps, wno then would be Ineligible for further service until after at least two years service until the branch of the army In which they are commissioned. This Is the subject to exceptions in war emergencies. \ Before the row is over, members expect to have uncovered a number pf serious charges of collusion be* tween members of the House and officers of the army who are and fc N . - have heen unfriendly to Gen. Wood p and the military element he represents. PRAISE SERVICE WAS A VERITABLE FEAST The praise service held at the First Methodist Church last night ' was largely attended and the service eras a veritable feast of good thhigi: The members of the First Presbyterian Church congregation joined in the services. The meeting last night was a. than* service for the great blessing brought to the city during the revival services held by Evangelist Brfdgcrs and Professor Bird. After an hour Of praise the doors of the church were opened and eight took the vows of the church. So fiHfev?. ;-*% far there have been eleven additions to the Fisst Iff. B. Church as a re* B" '? ' .utt of,the meeting. There will be quite a number to connect with other churches. Members will be re.V ??ived sgaln next Sunday. OPBKATffiD UPON Miss Viola Smith, of Vanceboro. N. C:, was su^ceMfally operated.npr on st the Washington Hospital yesy*,:, tarday afternoon. It will be pleasing news to her many friends to note that she passed the trying ordeal successfully and has every chance to recover. # . b|&. IK- 0% * "** J. K. Hojt. Poatum Cmal Company. ' - . |? Caottn. Bawl? Oa. V * > ? /ASH . . ?1 ?0.H1IKE HARD I ' mm Battleship Fleet Hurries on And Other Ships Are Now In Readiness. ' ARMY ORGANIZATION NOW RECRUITING Depredations and Thteata on the Increase. Washington, May 3J).?Preparations by the Administration for In terventlon In Cnba and an Indefinite occupation of the island continue [with as much vigor as during the [last few days, despite the note of assurance of non-intervention sent by | President Taft to President Gomez. ! Striking evidence of the purpose of the United States to take action was shown today when Acting Secretary of the Navy Beekman Winthrop ordered the following colliers and supply ships of the navy to load [and proceed to join the second squadIron of the Atlantic fleet, now steam[ ing with all baste to JKey West. Mars. May 28. with coal; Culgoa. May A9, with supplies; Caesar, May 131, with coal; Cyclops, June 4, with | President Taft received yesterday through the State Department a protost from -President Gomez against I the assembling of a large force of warships in Cuban waters or any action by the United-8tates which could lead the world to understand that the American Government was going to intervene. In reply to that message the President sent to President Gomez the following: ' Taft to Gomez. I am sincerely gratified to learn of your government's energetic measures to put down the disturbances and to know that you are confident of being successful. As was fully explained to the Cuban Charge d-Affalres here, this Government's motive In sending ships to Key Weal, Just as In sending the I^airie to the Guantanamo naval station, was merely to be able to ^act promptly in case it should unfortunately become necessary to protect American life add property by rendering mora] su^yuii or BssiBiance to me uuDan Government. As was made quite clear at the time these ordinary measures of precaution were entirely dissociated from any question of intervention. That message went out this morning. It was received in Cuba, and was the subject of discussion by the Cuban Cabinet before 1 o'colck this afternoon. According fo information received at the State Department, President Gomes is preparing an answer. Despite the note to President Gomez, officials of the. Administration here assert that the United States will have troops in Cuba within the week. They base their opln ion on despatches coming to the Government hourly from the island republic. The latest despatch to be received came to the State Department from Arthur Beaupre, United Statei Minister of Cubs. LAWlfPARTY AT PINEVILLE SATURDAY There will be a lawn party givet by the Ladles Betterment Association at the did Howard Homestead Pineville, Hf. C., Saturday night, Jun< 1st for the benefit of the new schpo house. The Tfialfllc Is cordially in vlted. ANOTHER AERIAL MAIL TENT Washington, May 30? Postmast Ul UlilMIU umm auiuonaei the poetmaater at Ollftondale, Maae. to denpateh mall hp aeroplane trap ciiftoadale to Lrnn, a dlatanee 01 four mtlee. Mall atll he carried It an alrahtp between thaee polnta foi three dan be?lnnlng today. Waltei R Biooklna haa reported that hi waa not able to carry mall hy aero plane at Altoona. Pa . laat Friday Ho oald ho made one flipbt and tor. narrowly eecaped lajerlc, aotne o the apectatore. Ha In ready to dam onatrata the utility of the aeroplan for the paaoal aerate# if the aathorl ilea win keep a pacta Lara from later .jtertai with k? llakl. -jj'i [NGT * washington, north =================== no weather ret j^;r -'v-: spri * ? u 1 \ . ?But Keep < GREAT PLAN -ML! SWAMP LARD Special to the Dally News. Washington, D. C., May 20.?A gigantic plan^to reclaim 80,000,000 acres of swamp and over-flowed lands In the United States that are now! nonproductive, has bsen Launched! by the Southern Commercial Congress. At the great Fourth Annual Convention of the Southern Commercial Congress held in Nashville, Tenp., April 8-10, a resolution introduced by John M. Parker, of New Orleans, La., first president of the Southern Commercial Congress, was adopted i as follows Whereas, there are in the United . an nnn nnn i and overflowed lands that are not > only nonproductive, but a hinderance to the general welfare'and a menace to the public health, and Whereas practically all of this land is held in private ownership and it Is necessary to have the consent and co-operation of the owners of this land in order to inaugurate -a complete system of drtSnage , and reclamation, and ' , Whereas the reclamation of these . swamp and overflowed lands, will be . of great benefit to the owners thereP of, to the state in which the land is situated, and also to the Federal . Government, because of the Improve. ment in the public health, and in I the construction of public highways . and in the increase in the agrlcultu. ral products of the country. Therefore be it resolved, 1. That an educational campaign . bo inaugurated to set forth to the ; people of the United States, and es, peclally to the owners of swamp and overflowed land, the economic value of reclaiming these lands to make them fit for agriculture."" 2. That a commission b4 appointed to simplify and standardize the ' drainage laws of the several Southern States. A simple and direct mc thod of proceedure applicable as far l as possible to *11 the states should "ow_j?roinMwi aua 1 (s adoption secur, ed by the legislatures of the several ? statef. 1 3. That the Southern Commercial - Congress petitions the Congress of the United States to make -a complete survey of all the swamp and . overflowed lands In the United States - and work out a plan of draining each I Individual project as a part of.a com. plete system; and that this plan ?mi brace an examination of the soli of I the swsmps, showing Its value from i an agricultural standpoint and Its r adaptability for the growth of proflp table crops l ? 4. That wo urge and solicit the - co-operation of all commercial or. sanitations, railroads. bAahs, and r business Interests la general, located f in these states, in osiVylng out these 9 Today Senator Duncan U. Pletchei - of Florida. President of the Southern - Commercial Congress, appointed the tes CAROUXA. THl'KHDAV UTKKNCK i . OUT TODAY. THIS HKIXU A MAI S** **C", ':;h:i-.:-*.f.;.^_ ''$ '.a'::"': CoVyitelU.) Jff.fhe Main Road If You Would Enjoy LOCAL FIRM ' SETS CINIRftCT ATJT OLIVE Mr. C. P. Bland, of the Harris Hardware Company has Just returned from Charlotte, N. C., where he closed a contract for the company to install a>water plant at the town of Mount Olive, N. Of 1%e roe tract- as closed by the Harris Hardware Company calls for an outlay of at least $10,000 and means much not only for the town of Mount Olive but for this enterprising firm. The Harris Hardware Company ia fast extending its business to all parts of the state and the mere fact that It has added another large contract goes to Bhow that its reputation for rightdealing and fairness Is reaching beyond the city. Congratulations are in order. ' 2 THREE ANTI-FLY RULES FOR YOUR HOME 1. Screen all'doors and windows. 2. Cdver all youV'foodstuffs. 3. Remove '*Sijl refuse and filth from house, yard, and outhouses, and thus prevent files from breeding on your premises. - Sunshine is one of nature's most potent remedies. It cures more diseases than the whole category of patent medicines. "Fruit a la filth"?the kind served from sidewalk stands after being exposed to street dirt and flies. If there is any contagious disease In your neighborhood BEWiARE OF FLIES! The three (die) graces?filth, flies and fever. Swat all flies. OFFICE pHANGED Mr. Frt^nk H. Bryan has just opened an office for the practice of his profession, the law, has changed his office from the building opposite the Courthouse to the second floor of the Savings and Trust Company. His many friends will note the change. Mr. P. E. Sea gel, of Raleigh, is 1 -in the city on business. ? business men of the South to 1 set in motion the plan for nation wide reclamation: . O. Wright, chairman, Tallahassee, Florida, A. W. Mc Keand, Charleston, S .C.. Joseph Hyde Pratt, Chapel Hill, N. C.. Justin P. Denectaaud, New Orleans, La. W. M. Old. Jr.. Norfolk Vs., W. D. Clark, ClarksTllle, Miss. A. H. Parens, Nashville, Tenn., A. A. StUes. I Austin, Texas. Charles F. Farrett, Shawnee, Okla., aad Senator P. Matthews, Oakland, Tenn. i Mr. WrtcM will soon eall a meeti inir of the ocwnmtttoa to start the >AILY >N. MAY M, 1012. SOUL IlOLfl)AV. rRY ' 7 GEOftGE! S COUNTRY I |$ GREAT f* [) THt 0EAU- X the Scenery. Iffll EM FOR THE CITY Aim On the Fourth of July we ought to have something doing In Washington. To my mind nothing will attract the attention of the public as to secure some one to come here with a ftytag maehiae and make a few flights around the city. If we will all get together and raise and guarantee some money and have a small gate fee where the machine is to make the start 1 am sure the day would be a success both financially and otherwise. Lets hear from others along this line. Baker's Studio. The Dally News agrees fully with the suggestion. This paper believes that something should be done on the Fourth to attract people from a distance to the city?let them see what an enterprising town is Washington. Mr. Baker's suggestion that a flying machine stunt be the attraction is air excellent one. No doubt If tome birdman could be secured fgr that day that people from all sections of North Carolina would j come and see the sight. . ^ * Yoar3 ago Washington wasf always a niecca for visitors, due to the fact that the citizens never failed to have attractions well worth coming to 6ee. There should be one day in the year at-least when everybody can have a day off come to town and enjoy themselves. There is no better day than the Fourth of July. It would be I well for the business men of the city ito think seriously along this line and if not a flying machine attraction , devlso ways and means' for an exeelj lent Fourth of July program and j then invito everybody to come and | help in enjoying the day. A CONTRAST President Taft has cabled President Gomez assuring him that the United States will not intervene-in Cuba, but is simply sending warships for the protection of American inter* v- . President Taft refused to send an army of intervention into Mexicc and tho revolt there seems nearing its end without action on our part. Theodore Rooaevelt eight yearn ago wanted "Perdicaris alive or Ratsull dead!" at an uncontested National Convention. If Theodore Rooaevelt were now in Prealdent yaft's position, with e close fight for a renomination on hii hands, does aifey one doubt that we boa Id t the present moment have an army losing: lives on an electioneering campaign in Mexico, and another army on its way to 4 convention Intervention in Cuba? COlflMTIOIf NO BETTER The condition of Mrs. E. L. Dawson la reported to be no better. Mrs Dawson la one of Washington's highly esteemed cltlxens and hey man) friends wish for her a speedy reeovery to health. NEW ""'-v . * t ?. -.V/-- v'"-" " '. BFXHAVl VISITED i $100,0( I . ]- <"' Box Factory, Lumber and a Half Millior ber of Interstate C icCt; T*-^ A "WW i>U IN5UKAINCL W Over 250 Men Are ( ment. The Compar build It is Stated. He!luiven \va? visited by u One Hi early this morning and in consequence ti are thrown out of employment. The tiro was first discovered about on lory of the Interstate Cooperate Com pi \vaa under considerable headway and to tory. -The alarm oi* tire was immediately gi 1 lei haven and the citizens generally proi been a high wind the entire plant of t pany might now l>c a vietiiil of fiames. The entire IIox Factory, all the Itunb million feet of lumber was totally dostr be at One Hundred Thousand Dollars v The probability is that none of the 1?' io simply conjecture however as there ha holders since the tire. The tire as above stated was first disc was not gotten under control until near The Ho per Lumber Company's mifr'j c-rngo Company by hard work was suve< llow the tire originated is not known from a spark. In consequence of the fi are thrown out of enjj yimnt. Tile e: 15,000 boxes per day. lu addition to (Ik* box factory, lumb cars destroyed tin- town siitfcrs an irre] pjoyees idle. Mr. .T. I). Clark. ?.f the Inter-iatc ( to a Daily XcWs man over the photic -l plant will lv rebuilt. The fire is a severe loss to the prugre* growing town ha- the -ympathy of the e rnuPTHI Ipp pnwin?uu mi bniOlHL ILL bU!!irnni IJL1 INSTALLS STORAGE PLANT i The Crystal Ice Company of" thisi T city has Just completed one of the con: most modern and up-to-date io? ronE storage rooms in'this section of the'of t state. The capacity of the room, ac-jto b , cording to the manager, is 6,336 cub- It ic feet or 120 tons of ice per day. diati The main purpose of the storage vatii room is to take care of all surplus hors ice- In addition to the storage room A | the company already has installed a Wet first class cold storage room where ed i they take care of all kinds of perish- pict able goods. but This additional facility to the broi Crystal Ice Plant should be apprecl- tere ( aied by all the citizens. Ii i pat' , STILL IMPROVES j Mr. Co well, son of Mr. J. F. Co' ! ( ell who was operated on at ( ( Washington Hospital Mondr , continues to improve to th cation of his numerous . " I x WITH THE ; jf j Two 12-round level with Champion . Is|ni0n l marked to the % iramy un|J k Walsh. !n J i ? * T* I The Pilgrim A. C., of Boston is who| I trying to match to either IIIke I, (Twifi) Sullivan or Jimmy Gardner I . with Mike Gibbons. Marcel Morean defeated George N Uuather. the colored middleweight. on ' in IS rounds before a olab in Paria mor . recently. _____ \ 1 Ham Jua L. Ibr. ui W. M. 0r* ' Keer left tkle morelec Tie Ue Wuk. lector ?4 Tutann trela tut ? Soetk Creek ee keeflu erri V ' 'I- ' -.7?| NO 173 WW BY A >0 FIRES Sheds and Two J 1 Feet of Lum-1 ooperage Com- ] /AS CARRIED I 3ut Of Employ- J ly Will Not Re- \ t i' iiinlred Thousand Dollar tiro ^ ivo hundred ami fifty employes ''9 e thirty o'clock in die box fuc- J my plant. When first seen it '* i? far pmo to save the box fac- ; v eon ami tin* tire department of uptly responded. If there had he Interstate Cooperage Comer sheds and two and one half oyed. The loss is estimated to "1 villi no insurance. Jj nibling* will 1?? rebuilt. This s lieoti no meeting ?-f the stock overed about 1 :i?0 o'clock and o'clock this morning, ilant near the Interstate C?opl from destruction. <:|9 11 is thought that ir started t '.a re two hundred and fifty men. tpueiry of the l-?x factory was '9 t r dioi, iin.j t ?-> uiiu luuiuau [>amMc loss iii having the em- aH oiiju-rage (.'"itipjuv-in talking ate- that it is not probable the rJH sivc town ot' lleihaven ami tfiis n t i re count v. . JH ) WYOMING DAYS 1 RUYRIC THEATER ] ontglu "Old Wyoming Days" es to the Lyric. This subject listing of three groat feature reetav^nH he- most exciting western life AgMj9 | h tolls in thrilling manner of |h|| | i life as it rc-allv is in the nr.s. of the Indians skill on :e. of his powers as a hunter. s a whole it is oue of the best-?!s^H item makes that has ever visit- ojH ;hi? place of amusement. This ure was not made from acting 19 made during the Frontier Cele- ~ acho riding, and many more insting features with It. i all the manager is offering his ja or. six reels of excellent picture* bill worth twice the price*, "'^j m admission of 10 and75 ht' ' HOW TONIGHT ^aj - carnival to be given at the re*ce of Mr. John K. Hoyt, corner - j iridge and Second Streete this ^ ling from 8 to 10 o'clock, end fcjS Friday night promises to be an ' jjfl iue attraction. The yoang boys ; hat nleghborhood have arranged;." .3$ ?ry attractive program and all u see them will be highly pleased. >\S1I>KKA III.K KXI ITKMGHT ' ' o little excitement was caased '4 he streets of the city early this nlng when the report was car- jj that Interstate Cooper age plant lelhaven had been riaaand hy lr. C. M. Cobb, of Tarbere, H. ( ed here Inst eight. " 3 .