WASHINGTON DAILY NEW! Br PUBLISHED EVURY AFTERNUOIEXCEPT 8UNDAT. Ho. 109 East Water Rmt , Enured as second-class matte August 6. 1909, at the poet office a M C . ?nv.. Subscribers desiring the paper dii ssntlnued will please notify this ol doe on date of expiration, other wis twin be continued at regular sub ^irlption rates until noM-o to stoi Is received. Zl you do not get the Dally New promptly telephone or write the man axer and the complaint will recelv Immediate attention. It lu cu> d? B>v; ..re to please you. A.:l articles sent to the Dally New lor publication must be Blgned b: the writer, otherwise they will no be published. MONDAY. JIXE 1012. I JIBS 8F INK! WSNB FORI 1 ( M O ? ? .Singleton. Lucie Wool ard and Z;ila Willlard attende Sunday School at rrou Koads Sui day p. M. Mrs. Moltic Hodges. and dnughte Uosa. and sons Clyde. Vernon an Ceiccl ot Smainland spent Saturria night and Mii'.day wkh Mr. Alex VYi lard and family. Tillie Morton, the little child c Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Woolard has bee quite sick l'or the past few days. Sh is some better now we arc glad t say. Mr. Oscar Hodges of Swainlan was in our midst Sunday P. M. Miss Minnie Willard spent Satui day night with Miss Zula VVilard. Mrs. J. H. Willard'a ronditlon 1 quite precarious now. she seems t be no better at all. Mr. Da\ld Perry made a flyinj trip to Swainland Sunday p. M. Mr. Alex Williard and sou Evan a tended preaching at Smith wicki Creek Sunday. They report a mos< pleasant trip. Mr. Tommie 1 Lodges Is not at worl here this week oiraccount of the 111 nese of his mother. We can hear the "chug" of Ice Cream freezers now on Saturday nights so look out soon for some Invitations to be Hying around. The season itf**at hand p.o "wait and see.' Mrs. L. H and Mrs. S. T. Jackson were the guests of Mrs. J. B. Willard Friday P. M 4 Little Misses I.eona, Ethel and Ola Mae Woolard spent Monday P. M with their aunt Miss Lucie Oraj Woolard. ? I.eona and Ethel Woolard spent s few days last week with their aunt Miss Mintle Rauls The farmers are very busy settinf F. .... .. poiaioe p:ani8 mis wcok. Miss Cottle Singleton was thi guest of MIbs Caddie Willard Wed ncsday P. M. PTNEVTLLE HeP > The farmers are all through dig ging potatoes and most through ship ping beets. ? We are harlng pleasant weathe and plenty of rains in this |>lace. Kf- ? Mm. Ron Tharere was the guea f Mr. Jordan Chaonear one day laa week. E*. . Mine Annie Perry waa the gueat o g.. Mm. Win. Pnrrln Saturday night an jk Sunday. Meagre Harrey. Ororer and Mia k Be telle Jlodger, of Terrapin Trnel " ' *? * 4 * ' , if Oh how dusty du Making furniture r When the breeze i And the ground i In Washingt) 0 Oh this dust mak 9 Makes us all fee] As the breeze stir 1 Microbes: We ei In Washingt P Horses stir uj> du * And we breathe i Why this air with Can but set us all In Washingtt = Automobiles are ' you to secure the b cure. Better see mi J Mil IS IN BEAU- j np COUNTIES; * | Mrs. .Mag Swanncr was the guest 1 i oi Mra. O. 13. Wynne last Sunday A. M. a! Mr?. .1. 11. Mlxou was the guest of Mrs. Dave Parvln Friday morning ^ Masters Ed and George Swanner spent Saturday night at Mr. Hill 4 8, l.ipscotnbs. They had a most pleasJ ant time. j Several of our people attended ' {preaching at Washington last week. d l*[ Wonder what has become of our IJakeville Atomizer kliat we did not |bear from his last %-i-k. Guess he rj .;iust have been In his garden again dj<.rushlug clods, and forgot to write, v I ? ? Mrs. J. W. Mitt hell was the guest t at Mr. J. B. Mixon's Thursday. 'f Mr. ArtttMr Moore of Old Ford was n out he/e Sunday. .. ' e "v _1 0 There will be a lawn party at Mr. I Paul Kates' next Saturday night June'j 11 for the purpose of raising money ^ tor a new school building. The publie is cordially invited to attend. Messrs Henry Hodges. C. C. Ferguson and Miss Annie Perry were c the guests of Miss Irene Kates Sun? day.. j 0 COX MFC*. PLANT NOT BURNED i Several days ago this paper published a story to the effect that the . A. G. Cox Manufacturing Plant at t ' Wainterviile. Pitt County, had been r 1 destroyed by fire. We are glad to 1 learn that this was an error. In1 stead o? the manufacturing plant \ smith. y proper being consumed by fire It f 1 proved to be the gin bouse of the n Pitt County Oil Mill. The Dally t News was t6ld of the Are by a cltl- ? zen of this city who received a phone |i ' message. We take pleasure In mak- e r Ing the correction. Knowledge Must Be Put to Use. ^ The mero possession of knowledge s Is nothing?It Is totally useless unless It Is used.?Herbert Kaufman. t I J J. LENN WOOD?Members New York C I J. LEON WC ' > '>'*"3 BANKERS and S hwckm Doodr Cotton, Grain / Carpenter Building, Norfolk, Va. ' ? PitTBM aim to Vow York 8u \ s? exchange, Chicago Board of 1 f era. B i 'of respon deuce Rewpectfaliy Sollt \ glnal Account Given Car Woman Is Neve UNLESS" ? Hotpotr f- COOK, RON, HEA WASHINGTON WINICIPj 1 ' l" sty dusty, look rusty, is stirring briskly," . s dry and crispy, 3(1.' es air so dusky, dull, yes husky, s up those scaly at them daily on. st so thickly it makes us sickly. i dust kept hazy, Host crazy >n. getting within the est Washington Pa e at once. 'ARMKLE INDUSTRIAL IWOTITITTP The exercises of the Parmele Inlustrial lnstituto for tomorrow will nark the beginning of its third anlual commencement. In the mornng at nine thirty o'clock, Sunday >chool. At three P. M. the follow-' UK program rendered. Processional Hymn, Forward i'ress. Reading. Doxology. Scripture Lesson. Prayer. Duet Holy Twilight Hour, Misses kurilla and Almeda Jones. Sermon, Dr; A. G. Davis, Washington, N. C. Solo, Miss Emma Foreman. Pccesfeiona) Hymn, Son of my 36ul. Benediction. She Will Change Then. Mrs. Crawford?Although my daugh. tcr is such a big girl, she's still afraid of tho dark. Mrs. Crabshaw?Don't worry about that, my dear. Shall soon be Id love.?Judge. JudgeFor Yourself Which Ik netter?Try an Experiment or Profit by a Washington CiUieA'N Experience. 'feomethingB neV is an experiment. . Must (be proved to be as represented. The statement of a manufacturer s not convincing proof of merit. Bat the endorsement of friends la. Now supposing you had a bad back A Lame, Weak, or Aching one. Would you experiment on it? You will read of many so-called :ures. Endorsed by strangers from fariway places. It's different when the endorseneni comes from home. Easy to prove local testimony. Home endorsement is the proof hat backs every box of Doan's Kidley Pills. Read this case. &lrs. L. E. Everitt, 132 Brown St., Yashington, N. C., Bays: "About a ear ago I used Doan's Kidney Pills or a lame and aching.back.- My kidleys were weak, tho kidney secrelons bothered me and other sympoms of kidney complaint were in evdence. Doan's Kidney Pills improvd my condition greatly.'' For sale by all dealers. Price 60 ents. Fo8ter-Milburn., Buffalo, New fork. sole agents for the United Elates. Remember the name?Doan's? ake no other. ottos Exchange.?JAMES W, COi?. J >0D & CO. I BROKERS.] 1 and Provisions, 78 Plnme 8t, J >rk Exchange, New York Got- r rrade and other financial cen- V 8,111 I 's Work ' r Done ns THE it Way T ELECTRICALLY. ' WHICH? - g ^is not dust; So our f urnit ' A And our carj $>, ; Stay clean at la Wash . >' Breeze here t Makes Us ric Then no dus tf So feel gay 1 In Wash Dustless air i Yes and picti Come then b And your lifi In Wash means of modest, pi irk addition lot that < COLliHQTlN facturers. Carriage and Buggy Deal- d era, Pistol Dealers, Music Dealers, Firework Dealers, General Merchants Express Companies, Rental Agents, Drays and Transfers, Fish Dealers. ^ Soft Drink Stands. Tinners and Roofers, Job Printing. Real estate agents, ,5 Livery Stables. Laundrymen, Lime Kilns. Fruit Stands, marine railways Marble Yards and Agents. Milk Dealers, Tailors,' Machine Shops. Mills and Factories, Newspapers. Opera House, * Pawn Brokers, Peddlers, Prosing Clubs, Plumbers, Restau- n rants. Shoe Makers. Woodworkers G and Dog Tax. The ordinance covering the above urday. Mr. LaFraze has been the j firm or corporation commencing hua- '0 | iness or doing business without pro- 1 curing license shall upon conviction be fined $26.00. GEORGE N. HOWARD. Specifics Tax Collector, t 6-3 6-15 C. . ? Itub-My-Tism will cur? yon. t DISSOLUTION NOTICE 0 Notice is hereby given that the " partnership heretofore existing between W. R. Boyd and W. H. Rues, under the firm, name of Rues and ^ Boyd. Do this the 27th day of May ^ dissolve by mutual consent. Wl R. c Boyd assumes all the obligations and <* liabilities of said firm and is entitled to collect all blHs due said firm. Witness our hand and seal this the B7th day of May 1912. tl W. R. BOYD. (Seal) v W. H. BBSS. (Seal) ? - II c Rub-My-Tism will care jom. 1 J Mr. Car-Skaden For Public On the Farm, Known ai three Stallions, Standar ed, bred from the mo3t j in the purple. OLIVE RED, by Napoleon he by George Wilkes, the la lion in North Carolina, I thi Fee 9 CHARLES RAYNE,by Char by George Wilkes. He get! horses of any Stallion living Fee | HILLSIDE PRIDE, by Gilfi Wilkes, he by George Wilk< as yet. Fee? Terms, Insured In foal. 2nd, 3rd, 4th and Bth week return privileges. Address or call on W. Car-! Route 2. : W& '-> .vS -Vv- * . V': /L .. S - . 35A -Ta". %L ;?%&. . p dusty du*y ure looks li^Jy, ' >ets we brush hchtly; id looking brigj?0y, ington Park. / ? pure and healthy, h in health, yes wealthy t to make us huffy, ike Fluffy Ruffy, ington Park. ve have it dandy; iiresque scenes so handy, uild your cottage cozy e will be so rosy ington Park. ursed people. No sver will be within A. C. h .ODGE DIRECTORY1 BEAUFORT COUNCIL, No. 1081. lto/tdlately. Sold by dr?pfl6r*(7) Again the G. P. "My greatest . proranlty provocalon." writes J. 8. I*., "Is to bo taken a a church entertainment by my wife nd have to remain calm while a awky, six-footed thing which calls :self a tenor and has a face Uko a arp, warble% ""I Wiah I Were s lose." Has Standing ; Service s the Bowen Farm, d bred and reglater opular families, and Red, he by Red Wilkes, rgest standard bred StalI.-"* UJW. 138. les L., he by Onward, he j the best general purpose (28. llian, he by Gambetta 5S-' He is an untried horse 125. Mares to be tried the after breeding, with full Skaden ' Washington, N. C. C - iNortoiK, v8 ^ * ' [l 1 w is the time for i your power to se-! [ATHAWAY. \ ANNOUNCEMENTS \ lO THE DEMOCRATIC VOTERS OF BEAUFORT COUNTY ~ I herebr announce myself as^ can til date for Register of Deeds. If nominate and elected, will serve tbe * people at all times to-best of my * ability. The support of every dem ocrat is earnestly solicited. * ^Very respectfully, wlLBOTl H. ROSS. Anrora, N. C. * 4-4 tre. , FOR SHERIFF 1 hcrfby announce myself a candidate before the Democratic Primaries " for the Office of Sheriff of Beaufort * County. I will appreciate any sup- * port that my friends may give me. * W. W HOOKER. * NOTICE OF BALE I Undfer and by virtue of the power ? of sale contained in a certain mort- ? gage Deed dated August 13th, 1307, * executed by I. W. Askisi. to W. L. Privott. which said mortgage Deed is duly recorded in the office of the Reg later of Deeds for Beaufort county in Book 143, Page 367, the under- S signed will, on Monday, the 24th day _ of June. 1912, Noon, offer for sale. at thev court house door in Beaufort County, to the highest bidder for cash, the following described real estate, to wit: Lying and being in tbe 8tate of North Carolina, in the County of Beaufort in Pantego Township. Beginning at a stake in 8. J. Top- 7 pings Line on the South Side of . Main 8treet. in the town of Belhaven thence running south ?7 8-4 E. with said south line to Main Street, a distance of 75 feet to a stake; running thence South 20 W. a distance of 261 feet to Pnngo Hirer; running thence with the meandering of said Pungo River in a westwardly course to 8. J. Topping's line; running thence North 20 E. with said 8. J. Topping's line to the place of beginning. containing Two-fifths of an acres more or less. Tor further description see Deed from W. B. Tolly and wife, 8!dney Tooly, recorded in book 141. Page 217, Beaufort county Records. This 22nd day of May, 1212. \ W. L. Prlvott, Mortgagee, By O. Fred Johnson Owner of debt By Edward L. Stewart Attorney. -.Steamer Blanche Leaves N. a Water Depot 7 A. m. Mondays and Thursdays of each week for Bayside, South Creek, Makelyville. Bladesvllle and Belhaven. Returning leaves Belhaven at 6:80 A. M. Tuesday and Friday touching above mentioned points. 8he will lay at Washington on Wednesday nnd Saturday and Sunday to receive freight, these days are open for excursion parties. For rates apply to A. R. BURRUS, Master. notice j*# "z North Carolina.^ Beaufort County nuperior uiun. aiuei hi ijhie. i Norwood I?. Blmmone, Admr nf Lawrence Oorham, dec'd. vs. 1 Lnla Oorham Jtnklu, Nellie Gorham Mixoo and husband Ollea Nlion, AnnJa Gorham Rowa and boa- 11 band John Rowa and Lawrssoa Oor- * ham, a minor halr-at-law of Law- 0 reaoa Oorham, dac'd, . 4 Tbo defandanta ahora namad will A taka notice that an aetloo entitled x aa above, has boon commenced In the 1 Superior Court of Beaufort County, " N. C., before the Clerk, tor the pur poaa of aelllna the real aetata of In- 1 testate to make assets, la wbleh said real aatate the defeudaata own an In- I tereet. And the aald defendants will further take notice that thay are re- c QUlred to appear betors the Clerk of ' the Superior Court of Beaufort Coun- ? ?y, N. c., at his omce in the Cpurt ? House Waahlnaton, N. C? on June 10th I>1> and anewer~>r demur to " the Petition In aald demon, or the plaintiff will apply to lie epuih lor ? the rellaf demanded In aald Petition. ? Thlfl MlT 9th 1919. C 1 i "r'* ? MMK. HORTENSK LITTLER ? +* ' ' * , miJSKUti. , _ I. .** * t*Ll ' . ~ 22? V. Second St. I ^ ? #***. Oeaa > h w. carter. m. p a 1 Practice limited' to Allien* of < > the Ere, Ear. Mm* and Throat. > Houra: l-ll a. a; 1-1 a. m. Except Monday!. " ' Hi ' Comer Main and Market Sta. J\ i Orer Brown'a Drtu atom. * Waatilngton, N. C. a * e * e. e e E. A. Daniel Jr. ' Ltndear C. War ma DANIEL ft WARREN Attorney! at Lear waanington, North Carolina "Wo practice la all the courts. - f ".? ' f:'-' i a ? 0 0 0 m m00., y-*3S?0 4 Wiley C. Rodman, , Wm. B. Rodman, Jr. * RODMAN A RODMAN : Attorney?-at-L*w. Washington, North Carollnrt. a 1 -1 * i 0 0000 00 0 000' " H. 8. Ward Junius D. Grime# WARD A GRIMES * A ttorneys-at-Lnw Washington, If. O. We peact Ice in the Court or tee ririrt Judicial District and Che Federal Courts. . " 00000000000 . . KUflt ML BONNER Attornoy-ac-ldur ? : | WASHINGTON, H. C. 10000000000 . 0 00 0*00000 0G. A. PHHLIP8 A BROm ' F1RB INSURANCE. - -1 ? ' ' -i WASHINGTON, JT. O. ; .? ... # sr i 1 i i i i i ? i * |*| ? . v W II. GBIICtSS AtUiW74t>iaH * Washington, North Carolina. Practices In all the Courts. * ~T 'Ad ? #?# John H. 8mall A. D. Mania? ^ ^ Harry McMnllan * Small, MacLeea A McMullae ?* Attornefa-eV-Law w Washington. Not h Carolina a. * roaward l. B tew art, oWashington, N. C. W. A. Thompson. Aurora. N. 0. ? 8TBWART A THOMPSON ' Attorneys at Law. ? Washington and Aurora. N. a D . OOLLffl H. HARDING MiigiifHill ? J* omce Barings A Trust Oo. Bldg. Rooms l?M4. > Washington. N. a I NORWOOD U SIMMONS Attorn.7-.t-Law NUUMtcl, M. 0. * t ?T HUSBANDS A MOTHBR8 ' A business proposition for people who count the coat of la It will pajr jrou to investigate. ^ 1 H. A. COOPER, Agent. .Security Life A Annuity Co. . a. a a' a a. a a PRANK H. BitYAN Attorney at Uw * Office In Savings and Treat building. Second Boor. Prac lice In all tha court*. * '. 'v ***'*. AMIABLE RHAI. KSTATK -"w FOR SAIile . Eighty-eight (It) acre* of farm, knd fronting dfreotly on the n.vlag- > hie water* of South Crack located In /* he of th* moat prolific (ruckle* no-half .ore of ground and ha* a thouf Thirty-five aero* under oulttatlon. Will ralae Tip Top Irlah Teste**, and other truck. The reminder Bet In^a growth of pitch pine ad under growth. flood euhatantlal euent houae with neceeeary barn a - fend outhouse* already located on iremtMg. Alio a houae and lot In the Town K f Agrora. snttabln. for white or colred tenant*. Lot contains about no-half ac re of ground* and has a f nd ether cut-house*. t' l For particulars aa to title and arms of sale, call on or writ* to