- W)K BAIJS'. OASOUXE I. Vl N( ll f with 4.0 horsepower engine In good V at a bargain. Call at,Daily News Office for Information. -\y ?-!? tfc. WANTED: S.\I,KS.MAN TO SELL * lubricating Olla. Pdlnta and 8peclat f ties. Good lire wire cab earg big money. Champion Refining Co., Cleveland. O. 5-85 sat 4wc. FOE RENT: STORE BUILDING IN 8uaman block on Water^ Street opposite Dally News Office. For inJformhtion call at Newa Office. ?-n tfc.. j FOR RENT: THE PART OP MY house recently vacated by Mr. C. Ov Morris, consisting of 5 rooms and bath. Located on Weet 2nd. Street. Mrs. P. G. Berry. Phone 110. 5-27 Iwc. ' ? FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN HOUSE = hold and kltehin furniture, prop- r ^ , erty of late Mrs. B. F.. Fprtlscue. I; Apply to Lockwood fortlscue. j ; *5-48 6tc ^ . n FOB RENT: TWO VERY DB8IR. C able rooms. Either furnished or t unfurnished. 8ee Mr. or Mrs. J. fl E. Bonner. a 6-1 lwc. : : - 1 , ; Av WANTED T COPIES OF THE DAILY News of May 27th deliver qt New* Onset* and receive 6 cente per copy. EltiHT ADDITIONS Yesterday morning^tho doom of H the First Methodist Church were u opened for th< reception of members and six connected themselves .with the church by profession and two by letter. After the reception of members the Holy Communion was ceie' bra ted. On Sunday night tlio pastor ^ delivered a strong and forecfal sermon on "The Rules In a Believer's Arithmetic." . 6 or 6 doses 666 will break nny bi caae of Chills A Fever; It acts on the liver better tbsn Calomel*, and -does not gripe or sicken. 25 r.etns. i Ha Vaii ic naur JLTV 1UU AVilVJTYThat we carry oie of T the Freshest lines of Groceries, Flour and Feed , In Washingflb. It Is a ? fact and we can easily ^ prove it if you'will but give us a trial order J. P. JACKSON i MAIN STREET * DIH80IJ.TI0N NOTICE Notice la hereby given that the partonrship heretofore existing be- rt tw?sa C. M. Little and C. A. Little 0 under the Arm name and style Little ? Bros., do this 20th day of Msy dia- s **v solve by mutual consent. C. A. Little withdraws from the firm and C. M. Little will continue the business. C. M. Little assumes "all the liabilities of the partnership and Is entitled to collect all the assets. fa This 20th day of May, 1212. h 81gaed. r v C. M. LITTLE (seal) C. A. LITTLE (seal ? 6-21 tfc. ? x . . \ , /sab' STMsSm ekSw = NORFOLK SOU. RAILROAD [ ' Change of Bchedale affective Jane 2nd, 1012. r v Beginning with change of schedule next Sunday; June 2nd; trains Noa. 1 and S will dltconUnue to stop at Knapp, Burma, Frederick.-. Hirer f '.<>t Roed, Walla- Watta, Hall 8wamp, p A, . Slateetone and Hootgntown. Beginning same date Tfain No. IS *v will discontinue making stops at Frederick, Bragaw, Ernuf, Askin and Bridgeton. #V.' . - ' Effective same date Train No. 16 will discontinue making steps at Frederick and Bragaw. Tfalns 51 and 64 wHl continue to aerre stations located between P.ne; * town anil Wa?hln?ton and Train I! and II will oontlnn* to mtt* ata Crystal Ice Have you considered the adsability," the economy of placg your perishable goods in our )Jd storage. Try it Crystal Ice Co. . I 124 WATER STREET Mhinatoo, N. .C. J Phone S3 M x... -7 JUST RECEIVED. Small Lot of \ Pickled Beef and Honey Comb. ?THEQUALITY GROCERY WALTER CREOLE & CO. Photu 00 W 92. . ??. ? mmm ?i ^n?. licycles! Bicycles! Now Bicycles 915 and op. We ore agents for the Rarycle, Loading, Standard, Iver Johnson, olambla, Rambler, Emblem Nalonal and Dayton Bicycles. Sold ?r cash of on time. Wo also carry full line of repairs at all ttmo*. D. R. CUTLER 114 Market'St. WASHINGTON, N. C Phone 238 EEDS RECORDED IN = REGISTERS OFFICE The following deeds have been fll1 In the Register of Deeds office for to past week for registration, t?t J. A. Wilkinson to Charles Spooy.t?V-: J. A. Wilkinson to Charles Spooyidlf*.-.. ? -' - *. vat> ;*.< * * * ? Robert C. Bogart tQ H. B. Mayo, t?t Jno. W. Walston et al. to Charles lUgood. t?t C. B. Gaylord and wife to J. O. ooley. t?'t . J. K. Hoyt and wife tp-Geo. W. ortlscne. * ?> I ? Charles Alii good and wife to Jas. . Alllgood*and wife. OARI) OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. The Board of Conntj Commissionr* are meeting In regular monthly wsion at the Covrthonse today, hey will adjoarn for the term tomorrow. All the members of the oard are present. BOARD OF EDUCATION (The County Board of Education met In regular session in the offices f the County Superintendent ol chdots. NKAR8 COUfPLETIOX The handsome home of Mr. Qeo. [ackney Jr., formerly the Grisi omestead. Is nearlng completion. (Then finished It promises to be one f the most imposing and attractive ealdences In this section of the state. HOLY COMMUNION The Holy Commounion was fillingr celebrated 8unday morning at the lrst Baptist Church and at 8t. eter's Episcopal Church. Large ongregatlons were present. . Ever Look " ' 1 " / r. Some folks go on clogi gin# their brains day aftei half sick most of the time, their plans and keeps them < Suppose you stop tea at POS and learn what a difference to use a food-drink in place "Therms \jwy17f-*?;VT' *- *. I Society= PERSONALS Mr. Edward L. Merrill left this morning via the Atlantic Coast Llne_for Rising Sun, Indiana, where he will spend two months visiting relatives and friends. He expects to return August 1st. * t t t t Mr. H. B. Hardy, traveling representative of the Raleigh News and Observer, left this morning on the Atlantic Coast Line train. t t t t Mr. Prank B. Lewis left this mornlrig for a short business trip, t t t t Mr. Olenn Waters, of Norfolk, Vs. spent Sunday with his family, t t t t Mr. Jarvls Sugg, of Hertford, N. C., was here yesterday. t t t t Mr. H. E. Hodges, of Old Ford was a Washington visitor Saturday, t t t t / Mies Elsie Buckman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Buckman returned homo from the Blackstone Female Institute, Virginia. Friday, where she has been a student during tho past year. t t t t Mrs. S. F. Wilson, of Norfolk, Va.'. formerly a resident of-this .city, who has bee the guest of Mrs. JF. T. Harris on East Water 8treet left for her home this morning on tho Norfolk Southern train. t t t t Mr. Benjamin Banks a prominent attorney of Gatesville, N. C., 1b the gum wi inenus, ft t t Mr. J. Or Cahoon, of Columbia. N. C.f registered at Hotel Louise yesterday. ^ t t t t Messrs W. R. Pollard and H. A. Pell, of Farmville, N. C., were guests at Hotel Louise Sunday. t t t t Mr. J. M. Brltt, of Raleigh. N. C.. is a Washington visitor. t t t t Mr. W. C. Archbell. of Ellsab^h City la a business visitor to the city, tttt Mr. F. R. Alfred a prominent farmer,-of Aurora, arrived here this morning to attend the regular monthly meeting of the board. tttt Deputy Sheriff Claude Roberson, of Aurora, is here attending court, tttt Mr. Lawrence Scott a prominent ; attorney of Blounts Creek, arrived here this morning. tttt Mr. W. W. Hooker, county commissioner, arrived in the city this morning to attend the regular monthly meeting of the board. tttt Mr. O. B. Wynne, of Plneville, is in the city. tt + t Mr. Charles S. Flynn has return-1 ed from Nashville. Tenn., where he attended the meeting of the Hard-1, wal-e Association. Mr. Flynn has! been abcsnt a week. t t t t Messrs W. M. Butt, of Bonnerton . and Thad Hodges of Old Ford, memi bers of the Board of County Education are In the city. t t t t Miss Olivia Jordan apent Sunday in Greenville. t t t t i Messrs J. D. Aldridge. H. A. Cook ! E. D. Lewis and Fred Barber, Of 8outh Creek are here today on business. ttt t Mrs. Emma Powers returned this morning via the Washington and , Vandemere train from South Creek where' she has been the guest of rel, atlves. Ut + Misses Janie Thompson, of Pantego and Lee Williams, of Norfolk, arrived in the city this morning and ore the guests of M w Golds Picks on East Second Rtieet: They gre . here to attend the McCluer-RIcks i nuptials at the First Presbyterian Church Wednesday evening. At It That Way? fing their systems and drugday with tea and coffee? They wonder what balks down. id coffee 10 days and try TUM % - ' if makes to body and brain j * Continued from yesterday CHAPTER nt?The V.e tha train. CHAPTER IV.?"Little Jlmmlf WelIngton. bound for Reno to ?et a divorce, joards train In maudlin condition. I.ater lira. Jlrninlo appears. CHAPTER V.-She Is also bound foi Reno with same object. Likewise Mrs. Sammy Whltcomb. CHAPTER VI,-Latter blames Mrs. flmmle for her marital trouble!. Clossnatea of Mallory decorate bridal berth. CHAPTER VII.?Rer. and Mrs. Temple itart on n vacation. They decide to cut nose and Temp'e remove* evidence or hla filing. CHAPTER Vm.-MaHorle decides to let Mallory proeeed alone, but train tarts whilethey are lost In fuiewelL ory'a classmate* In giving couple wedU ntr hazing. CHAPTER X.??.IarJorle Is distracted xver their situation. CHAPTER XI.?Ira- La thro p. wom?u>.atln( bachelor, discovers an .old sweetheart. Anne GatUe, a fellow passenger. CHAPTER XII.?Mallory vainly hunts for a preacher among the passenger* CHAPTER xin?Mrs. Wellington hears Little JlmmKa voice. Later she -sects Mrs. WhUconfe. \ CHAPTER XIV.-MaWry reports to Marjorie bis failure to .find a preacher. CHAPTER XV.?They decide to pretend s quarrel and Mallory finds a vacant berth. CHAPTER XVT.-Mf*. Jlmmle dlscovera Wellington on the train. CHAPTER XVII.?Mallory again mokes An unsuccessful hunt for a preacher. I CHAPTER XYITL?Dr. Temple poses ss a physician. Mrs. Temple Is Induced by Mrs. Wellington to smoke a cigar. CHAPTER XIX.?Sight of preacher on a station platform raises Mallory's hopes, but he takes another train. CHAPTER XX.?Missing hand baggage compels the couple to borrow from passengers. CHAPTER XXI.?Jlmmle gets a clndei In his eye snd Mrs. Jlmmln gives firstaid. Coolness Is then resumed. CHAPTER XXII.?Still no clergyman, More borrowing. CHAPTER XXm.-Dr. Temple puzzled by behavior of different couplea. CHAPTER XXIV.?Marjorls's Jealousy aroused by Mallory's baseball jargon. CHAPTER XXV?Morjorie suggest I wrecking the train In hopes that accident j wilt produce a preacher. CHAPTER XXVI.?Marjorie tries to Infiuro the conductor to hold the train mt she can shop. CHAPTER XXVTI.?MarJorle'a dog li missing. She pulls the cord, stopplni the train. Conductor restores dog anc lover* quarrel. CHAPTER XXVm.?Lathrop wires fo a preacher to marry him and Miss Gat lis. Mallory tells Lathrop of his predlca preacher. CHAPTER XXIX.?Kitty Lowellyn. for mer sweetheart of Maltory's, appears am arouses Marjorte's jealousy. CHAPTER XXX.-Preacher board train. CHAPTER XXXL?After marrylm Lathrop and Miss Gattlo the preache escapee Mallory by leaping from movini train. CHAPTER XXXII?Mailory'a dejectloi move* Marjorle to reconciliation. CHAPTER XXXm.-The last day 01 the train brings to Mallory the fear o missing his transport. CB&TER XXXIV.?Mallory gets i NpvUI marriage license from Reno dl vorce (1 rummer who boards the train. CHAPTER XXXV.?Mr. and Mrs. Jim mie matte up. CHAPTER XXXVT.?Kltty.Lewellyn re fuses to return Mallory's bracelet. CHAPTER XXXVII.?Robbers hold u; the train. to her Dacic nair, leaving part or chain dangling. Then she tried t stuff a large handbag Into her stocl tog. ,3lrs. Fosdick found her husband a last, for he made a wild dash t her side, embraced her, called her hi 'Wife and defied all the powers of N< vada to tear them apart. He had i brilliant Idea. In order to save hi fat wallet from capture, he tossed 1 through an open window. It rell a the feet of one of the robbers as h ran tfong the side of the car, shooi ing at sueh heads as were put out c windows. He picked It up and droppe* It Into the feed-bag be bad swung a his aide. Theft running on, be clan bored over the brass rail of the ol serration platform and entered th rear.of the train, as his confederatt driving the conductor ahead of hin forged his way aft from the from while a third masquerafier aligned tb engineer, the fireman, the brakema and the baggagemen. CHAPTER XXXVIII. Hands LTpl AH this time Lieutenant Mallor had been thinking aa bard aa an o fleer in an ambuscade. His harrowin experiences and Incessant defeats < the past day* had unnerved him an shattered hla self-confidence. He wa not afraid, but Intensely disgusted. H sat absent-mindedly patting Marjorl on the back and repeating: "Don't worry, honey; they're nc going to hurt anybody. They don want anything but our money. Don wonxll^on't let 'em hurt you." But he could not shake off a sem of nauses. He felt himself a repn scutAtlve of the military prowess c the Country, sad here be was aa bet] leas as a man on parole. The fact that Mallory was a eo dler occurred tp a number of the pa sengera simultaneously. They ha been trained by eerly studies In thos beautiful works of Action, the scbot WM. Pm HUOHES VEIZED FROM WE MEDYOFTflE SAME ME. T T" T U5KATED FROM OTOGRAPHO OF i PLAYA5 PRODUCED) REAIFCV W MAG6l| =? COWWOHT (pv* Akror ott | They surged up to Idallory 1? * ware of hope. Dr. Temple, being nearj est. spoke first. Having learned by experience that his own prayers were j not always answered as he wished. had an Impulse to try some weapon | he had never used. "Young man," he pleaded across the back of a seat, "will you kindly lend j me a gun?" MaUory answered sullenly: "Mine Is in my trunk on the ti'ain ahead, damn It If I had it I'd have a lot of fun." Mrs. Whltcoipb had an Inspiration. I OI"> -O" mr>* nam*. K?<.tr_ , with a tiny silver-plated revolver. "I'll lend you this. Sammy gave It to me to protect myself In Nevada!" Mallory smiled at tho .22-callbor toy, broke It open, and displayed an empty cylinder. "Where are the pills that go with it?" ho said. "Oh, Sammy wouldn't lot me have any bullots. He was afraid I'd hurt myself." Mallory returned It, with a bow. "It would make an excellent nut-cracker." "Aren't you going to use it?" Mrs. Whltcomb gasped. "It's empty," Mallory explained. "But tho robbers don't know that! i Couldn't you Just overawe them with itr "Not with that," eaid Mallory, "unlesB they died laughing." Mrs. Wellington pushed forward: ! 'Then what the devil are you going to do when they come?" i Mallory answered meekly: "If they 1 request it, I shall hold up my hands." "And you won't resist?" Kathleen 1 gasped. "Not a resist." ( "And he calls himself a soldier!" . she sneered. Mallory writhed, but all ho said . was: "A soldier doesn't have to be a jackass. I know Just enough about guns not to monkey with the wrong end of 'em." "Coward!" she flung at him. He I turned white, but Marjorle red, and made a leap at her, crying: "He's the ' bravest man In the world. You say a word, and I'll scratch your eyes out." | This reheartened Mallory a little, and he laughed nervously, as he restrained her. Kathleen retreated out J of danger, with a parting shot: "Our engagement Is off." I "Thanks," Mallory said, and put out \ his hand: "Will you return the bracelet?" "I never return such things," said I Kathleen. The scene was so painful and such 8 an anachronism that Dr. Temple tried to renew a more pressing subject: s "It's your opinion tiien thai we'd best surrender?" "Of course?since we can't run." Wedgewood broke In Impatiently: r "Well, I consider it a dastardly out- | [ rage. I'll not submit to it I'm a ! subject of His Majesty tbe?" a "You're a subject of His Majesty the Man Behind tho Gun," said Maiit Jorrt "I shall protest, none the less," Wedg^wood insisted, n Mallory grinned a little. "Have you - any last message to send home to ; your mother?" Wedgewood was a trifle chilled at this. "D-don't talk of such thingB," he ? said. And by this time the traln-robber6 p had hastily worked their way through ! the other passengers, and reached tbe v frantic inhabitants of the sleeper, ~ "Snowdrop." "Hands up! Higher!! Hands up!" With a true sense of the dramatic.1 t the robbers sent ahead of them tbe I 0 most hair-raising yells. They arrived a simultaneously at each end of the aisle, and with a few short sharp com' mands, straightened the disorderly g rabble into a beautiful line, with all lt palms aloft and all eyes wide and \ wild. e One robber drove ahead of him the , conductor and the otber drove in Mr. |f Manning, whom he had found trying a to crawl between the shelves of the t linen-closet. h The marauders were apparently y cattlemen, from their general get-up. Their hats were pulled low, and Just s beneath their eyes they had drawn ?tng~~biacK silk hanaaercniera, tied B* I " hind the ears and hanging to the I * breast. Over their shoulders they had slung I the feed-bags of their horses, to serve I as receptacles for their swag. Their I shirts were chalky with alkali dust. I Their legs were encased In heavy I chaparojos. and they carried each a I pair of well-used Colt's revolvers that j looked as big as artillery. _ When' the passengers had shoved * and Jostled lntq line, one of the men g jabbed the conductor in the back with the masale of his gun, and snarled: "Now speak jour little piece, like 1 learned It to you." The conductor, like an awkward . schoolboy, grinned sheepishly, sud spoke, his hands In the air the while: . "Ladles and gents, these here parties In the black tidies says they want I everybody to hoM his or her hands as high as possible (111 yon git perf mission to lower 'em; they advise you not to resist, because they hate the sight of Wood, hut prefer It to argu-, Bent." * The Impatient robbers, themselves! d the prey of fearful anxieties, broke In. barking like a pair of coyotes tn a . Jumble of commands: "Now, line up y ?lth jour baeta^ that,wy, and no -. J' ' ' >;'- yj : | Four High Grade White I j Enameled Lined REFRIGERATORS! J ) For Sale at Cost. < ) Closing Oi^Line. < I I HARRIS HARDWARE 1 < COMPANY. ' | W . = S IF YOU ARE GOING NORTH TRAVEL VIA , 1 > THE CHESAPEAKE LINE ! 1 < DAILY SERVICE INCLUDING SUNDAY ( > C the new MORiuers Ju*t placed in wrvice, the "CITY ur ICO J "OJ.K" nnil "CITY OF HA LTIMOKE," are Che aama A m?1 | ^ nd up-to-date steamers between Norfolk and llnltiawe. > ) Equipped with wireless telephone In each room. Ddidvac -4 \ orils on hoard. Everything for comfort and coareaieace. 1 % I kin ta leave Norfolk (Jackson St.). 0:15 p. u. V Iloats leave Old I'oint Comfort, 7:15 p. nr. ' - tJ J Arrive Baltimore. 7:00 n. ui. 4 \ Connecting at Baltimore for all points north, aurthrm and ' / west. ) Iteservations made nnd any information courteously fnratr-brfl { I l?y W. IL PARNKLL, T.r.4, I . ^ 95 Graaby Bt^ Norfolk. fA I ?DRS. CREESE Chiropractic Physicians. Phone 325. Savings & Trnst BU> ALL DISEASES TREATED SUCCESSFULLY. dr l. I. creesT Consultation Free. I [COOK WITH GASj 1 v3 Now is the time to buy a Gas Range. We will set it for you .<] n a FREE. Washington Light & Water Ce, f ?. . - .j JOS. F. TAYLOE | Phones 123 & 124. 120 Market St .. ^== ; Carries the Most Complete Lioe of Eamily Groceries. ALWAYSTRESH AND RELIABLE Polite Clerics and Quick Delivery. |_ M | R U G S || I I Druggets, Matting J i I AND II I | SUMMER I FURNITURE I Ijefferson FURNITURE (XX J IM^tllllllHtifUMlMli -4 ^ |