Mpppggj f New Rctoriai 1 IPATTERNS I I Vm My N?vi. 'Stock J p R5* *,**"Fa^ * II Sheet, seWt your Style 1 || and gel the desired ef- ? || lect by using . | Pictorial Review ? J PATTERNS " I j J. K. HOYT 3 Pictorial Review Patterns" ' % 'L ?Hi Wrightsville J Beach and Norfolk I o sic. liumina, all cry out for you to q, tallow the crowd. The B ATLANTIC COAST LINE * has provided the schedules and rates 8| * beginning Saturday, June 1st. to con- ^ tinuc during the season. G To To 0 Wilmington Norfolk D Kor all trains Sat- D urday. and morning ? trains of Sounday $3.00 . *3.73 ~~ limited to return C until Tuesday midnight following. { E For Information call on. E. A. LA FRAZE. j Tie hot Agent. I T. C. White 1 fj Ceneral Passenger Agent. ! n Wilmington. N. C. ' U e SUSIOE EXCURSION FARES j via tl ATLANTIC COAST LINE RAIL. I u ROAD j The standard Railroad of the South , Week-end Rates For Saturday and Sunday fore-' noon trains. June 1st to Sept 8lh in-; elusive, limited to midnight of following Monday. Wilmington. N. C.. and return $t?. por lurtner iniormation, call on i local Ticket Agent, or address T. C. White. Gen. Pass. Agent. I Wilmington. N. C. ; _ DISSOLU'TION NOTICE Notice la hereby given that the^ partnership here tofore existing be-! oj , fween A. C-. Hoyt and W. F. Rhyne trading under the firm, name and tjle Hoyf I>;yp Company do this " day April 13th. 1M2 dissolved by mutual concent. Tf withdraws from th'4 firm and A. C. Hoyt will continue the business under the same name. A. jn C. Hoyt assumes all the liabilities Dr of the partnership and is entitled to je collect all the assets of this day April ? 13th, 11112 ,I! - Slftged: nr ' W. F. RHYNE. Bl ?? A C. HOYT. '? I n' j EXECUTORS NOTICE , ^3s~Iiig this day qualified before -is Clerk of the Su^rlor Court of *9eaufort County as Evhcutor to the wnr or t ianaia Bp*?ncCI\ deeeas+ii, this Is to notify all persons hav-'v. ing claims against the said estate <. to present the same for payment to . the undersigned within one year-trora ' this date, or this notice will be plead-! ed hi bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate aro notified to mika Immediate payment. if Thts zitn, day or April i?iz. ct NOAH W. SPENCER, l0 Executor of Claudia Spencer. iG 4-14 tarp. ? FREE w 11 son's 50 TWO WEEKS TR1 AWAY BY YOUR DRl Will remove Freckles, Tan, Plm; plexions. Hannless to the most deli Toilet fream. The finest Face Bli complexion to young and old alike R't^v silt 50 Mammoth Jar, SI Free Freckle Cream Distributed by WILSON FRECKLE CREAM C< | ATLANTIC The Greatest Seashore 1 Seasoi Extensive Improved tw? variety ot new awl treth water fit wfcicti runs eaaf aad weal, affording th Smew Ikroeshoet the aummer. Here y< B tamSc upon the beaatf Incomparable Sound and Deep 5 K aJdbrtba A'^m' <h< ' miut uiiunucc Ihruml j Wb. bragaw & CO.;First liwarance Agents WASHINGTON. N. C. pm- ?? . .1 . ^ SI.EUTH HAS VERY HARD JS3 tl doing 1o Ask th? Legislator. -o Pasa New Law Making Burglary Capital OfTenae. Policeman McCarthy of the Union Market station, saw three men loitering in the Tlclhfty of Goldstein & MHunger's jewelry store on the East side at three o'clock in the morning. "Aha!" he says, "I'll slenth iome." And ho did. He hid In a doorway. Soon ho'saw two of the men boost the tMrH m'.r (Tt. fmillt " y v ttSEWUW SWMYUTES a VORKHkAD CITY AND Bill'., - Baud., Excursion Ticket. now on For specific rats* tod complete tor! rmation apply to say Agent of the oftbllc Southern Railroad. 41 to d-1.* NOTICE t?F ADMINISTRATION Raring tbto toy ftualltod aa AdInlatrator of thn estate of Richard ragaw, deceased, notice is hereby en that all claims against the da Id itate must he filed with me within relre months from this date, otherlee, this notice will he pleaded in IX of their recovery. All persons idebted to said estate are, request1 to make Immediate payment to a. This the 6th dsy of May. 1911. J NO. Q. BRAOAW. JR. Administrator -9 6wksc. LWHINtJTON PRODUCE! MARKET SATURDAY, JINK 1, 1012. eeee iVs .. ...IU urkeys, lb ' lie pring chickens 11 Ho and lBo rewn chickens, each... ,10c to SOc amb skins, each t. 10c to 10c hearllngs 6ctol0c heep skins, each ....... SOc to 50c aPow * 6c Tf flint hides, per lb 14c ry salt hides, per lb 11c ry hides, d'ged, per lb 4c to 6c . E. Peas 9180 lay peas 91.70 lack peas 91*70 ton peaa 91.70 peckled peaa 91.70 3ja beans 90c' to 91.10 reen sale hides 9c reen hides ...8c J?r skin flint 16c ?er skin salt 16c lEViCE FOR THROWING HORSE Ixcellent Plan la to Place Surcingle Around Body of Animal Just Behind the Forelegs. An excellent method of throwing a ractlous horse is to put a surcingle round the body just behind the forces, with three rings ton it, one on ach side and one under the body, ut a strap around the front legs just bove hoof, with a ring in each. Then ike a rope 15 or 20 feet long, run irough ring on left aide, down irough ring on left foot, back irough ring on belly, down through lag on right foot, back to ring on gAt side, and tie. Then take hold n -r Device for Throwing a Horse. I rope behind horse. Let one man :art to lead him, and it will be'no1 ouble to take his feet out from un* er him. Finest Bacon and Hami. Th'd hacon and hams raised England Co^r from hoB8 ,ed lncipally upon skim J?11* an^ ^ar" y meal. It is claimed by En*" j ;k producers that American hogs e practically all fed on corn, which, though a perfectly wholesome food, nds to make the hog fat and a lite mellow, whereas feeding by the ritish method gives n meat beautlHy white and as solid as meat need | The Reason, J Everybody knows why & WbihAfc i >0 Jbea shopping in a hobble skirt '.0 hav6 everything charged. She -j?*aa.6t ?* * tot? lilt? 11 x\ -"L Store Enthusiasm. My son, we should lay up ? stock absurd enthusiasms In our youth or EC wo shall reach the end of our umey with an empty heart, for we s? a *reat many of them by the ay.?Victor Cherbulies. Freckle Cream AL JARS GIVEN JGGIST ON JUNE I0TH. plea and clear the worst coraicate skin. A fragrant, superior each known. Insures a beautiful Will Not Make Hair Grow. .00. Wilsea'd FiirJSkiri Soap 25 Onti THE HARDY DRUG STORE Om Makers, Charleston S.C. : HOTEL M lotel in the South. Acrommndi n Opens June 13 lenta. New Management. Finest I ih abound in (real abundance. The A e much south western water front, and ms have more unique and e*elusive adva ifu! and placid Botise Sound or (be Ada * FISHING. Many nearby points of In las* Mualc. VST. OPF.NTNO BALL SAItlftDA tire aprtna end MRtmer, each variety a s^t* r?r,rpmws#ss(ias.~ i? k'. Aha!" says b?f, "I'll pinch 'am." But he didn't. The two fled. leaving tho third inside the* store, making a most careful Inventory of tho stock, as is done by all burglars In the best sets. "Come out'r there!" ordered McCarthy, but the burglar- merely hoisted his hand to a position at right angles with his face, placed his thumb against his nose, and wiggled his dexter Angers?a most uncomptomislng ?position. "Come in and get me, yer big stiff," be finally muttered. "That I will, mo bucko, and 'twill be no ladylike reception you'll receive when I make jour acquaintance," muttered McCarthy. The robber's fingers continued to sway back and forth. McCarthy got a box and tried to climb over. He couldn't reach the transom. The robber advised him to get a ladder. So McCarthy got a barrel and put bid box on top of 1L Thus he managed to reach the tranaom. The burglar encouraged him. "You're doing fine, you big stiff," he remarked. "You'll be doing finer when I reach reach you," puffed McCarthy. The* be tried to wriggle In, as the burglar had done. The robber was volablo with advice. "Move a little to tho left, fattv." ha iwrnH ?? coming, or wait until I get some crease and oil your sides." Thus encouraged, McCarthy came through until he was amldshlp?and then he stuck, for no human being ver said McCarthy was eylphllke. Tbe robber got busy. He collected nice little missiles (like lumps of :oal) and bombarded the wedged-la McCarthy. "Come on; yer doln* fine," be jeered. There was a supreme effort, and with a mighty "Oof!" MoCarthy wriggled through and, like a ton of bricks, tanded upon the little robber. Charles Schwertz, mochly battered, is held on a burglary charge, and McCarthy Is going to ask tbe legislature to a law so te can be sent to ;he trtectric chair.?Pittsburg Dispatch. If y?u want to make first-class cows from your young heifers, feed well white they are carrying their first calf and don't forget to handle them. Remember that an egg contains 90 per cent of water, and that no matter how much you feed the hens, unless give them water there can bo no eggs. - H ?- ' 1 The dairy cow brings to i^pOT'! | erlshed, half-farmed lands methods I that give larger profits and greater I Improvement than come from other types of farming. _ ... [ Sheep, like other animals, rje creatures of habit, and should always be handled by the same attendant, who I should move among them gently and give notice of his approach by speaking to the flock. Do not undertake poultry farming for a livelihood without making arrangements to produce an abundance of fruit, vegetables, and. green truck for the family and for the poultry, and also for a cow or two and a few pigs C A PCD (KB for "Tn.1T HEADACHE1 Out last night? Headache 4nj aervoo tVs morning? Hicks Capa 11ne 1u?.. the thing to fit yott for business. Try it. At drug stores. Woman's Costly Fit of Temper, In s fit of temper, during a heated Jlscusston with her brother reeently, a farmer's daughter, of Plouvorn, Brest, Northern Frtnoe, cut off her right hand. OREHEAD CITY NORTH CAROLINA itions for 1,000 Guest*. I, 1912. Fishing in America, tlaotic Hotel fronts the ooeen beach, lis guests enjoy no la vigors ting ocean stages than can be found on the Atntkr. SHU water and Surl |PtlfcxilUonat and historic Interest. Dancj Iftsb wed ggftlers fcavs I I Continued ^fro^n Page Three The anxious conductor :l(fcu>Be4: j^otur obs/. madams; He's au ugly -I don\ mtod being robbed." said Mrs. Jlmotf*, -but I wont odor# ^The* robber shoo* bis bead la despalr. and 'Cartels* to wither bar with sarcasm: ^Pardong, mamselly, would yon be so kind and condetcerfrtln' ju? to atan Into that there car before 1 Mow' your husbands gol blame head OV ! TMa brought her to term*. She hastened to her place, but put out a restraining hand on Jlmmle. who needed bo restraint. "Certainly, to save ; my dear husband. Don't strike him, | Jlmmie!" Than, each man stuck one revolver into it* convenient holster, and. covering the passengers with -the other, proceeded to frisk away valuables with a speed and sglllty that would have looked prettier If those Impatient-looking muzzles had not pointed here, there and everywhere with such And eo they worked from each end of the car toward the middle. Their hands ran swiftly over bodies with a J Ol fhBmn [a jmJ J J ??- ? - * A - be resented, not revenged. Their hands dlred Into pockets, and up BleerW. and Into women's hair, everywhere that a Jewel or a bill might be secreted. And always a rough growl or a swing of the revolver silenced any protest. Their heinous fingers had hardly begun to ply, when the solemn stillness was broken by a chuckle and low hoot of laughter, a darkey's unctuous laughter. At such a place it was more shocking than at a funeral. "What ails you?" was the nearest robber's demand. The porter tried to wipe his streaming eyes without lowering his bands, as he chuckled on: "I?I?Just thought of sumpnm funny." "Funny!" was the universal groan. T was Just thinking," the porter snlekered, "what mighty poor pickings yno-all are goln* to git out of me. Whilst if you bad 'a' waited till*I got to 'Ftisco, I'd Jest nachelly been ooatn' money.*' The robber relieved him of a few dimes and quarters and ordered him to turn round, but the black face whirled back as he heard from the other end of the car Wedge wood's Indignant complaint: "I say, this is an outrage!" "Ah, close your trap and turn round, qr ril?" The porter's smile died sway. "Good Lawd." he sighed, "they're goln* to skin that British lion! And I Just wore-myself out on him." The far-reaching effect of the whole procedure was Just beginning to dawa on the porter. This, little run on the bank meant a period of financial stringency for him. He watched the hurrying hands a moment or two, then hia wrath rose to terrible proportions: "Look here, man." he shouted at the robber, "ain't yoy-all goln' to leave these passengers nothln' a tall?" "Not on purpose, nigger." "No small change, or nothln'?" "Nary a red." "Then, passengers," the porter proclaimed, while the robber watched htm In amazement; "then, passengers, I want to give you-all fair warnln* heah and now: No tips, no whiskbroom!" --sPerhaps because their hearts werd" already overflowing with distress, the passengers endured this appalling threat without comment, and when there was a commotion at the other end of tnd UP& all eyes rolled that way. Mr. Baumanft Vaf making an ef? fort to take his leave, with great politeness. "Excoobb, pleass. I vant to get by, pleass!" "Get by!" the other robber gasped. "Why, you?" "But I'm not a paisenger," Mr. Baumann urged, with a confidential smile, "I've been going through the train myself." "Much obliged! Hand over!" And n nirlp hand nimnntfAd ilia iwu<1r?tl. It was a heart-rending sight. . "Oi oi!" he walled, "don't you allow no courtesies to the profession?" And when the inexorable thief continued to ptuct bis money, his watch, bis scarf-pin, he grew wroth Indeed. "8top, stop, I refuse to pay. Ill go Into bank, fuptcy foist." But still the larceny continued; flngere even lifted three cigars from his poefcets, two for himself and a good one tor a' customer. This loss was grievous, but hfs wildest protest was; "Ob, here, my frient, you don't vant my business carta." "Keep 'sm!" growled thg. thief, and then, glancing np, he saw on the tender lnwarda of Mr. Bantu ann's upheld palms two huge gUsteoers, which their owner had turned that way In a misguided effort to ooacealtbe stones; The robber reached np for^tUhm. .?'Take 'em. TouTe velcotnef said Mr. Baumann, with fare presence of fnin'd "ThniA MatxiIi n*nr1loa InnVa almost like real." "Keep 'em." laid the robber, aa he passed on, and Mr. Bautaann almost swooned with Joy, for, as he whispered to W edge wood a moment later: "They're really real!" Now the eye-chain rolled the other *ay, for Little Jtnunle Wellington was puffling with race. The other robber baring massaged him thoroughly, but without success, tor his pocket book, noticed thst JI ramie's leit heel was protruding from" his left shoe, and made Jlmmle perform In V And be analcbad oS two crrlnga. h. had dorgotten to remote. FortnMty.thorjj.aro affixed to har lohee Bra. Jlmmie ... thorouahhrod; enough not to .Inc. 8b. .imply comn?W: "Ton bn.t? an umoo u. bad aa tha custom, officer, at New Tort." And now anidhar touch ot Itsht rellerad tha. Doom. Kathleen waa naxt In Una. and aha had been lordng her Up* Into thalr moat attracH.a amlla, and keeping har eyee wlnaomely mallow, lor tha robber', benaflt. Marjorto could not aaa tha gmlle: aha could only aaa. that Kathlaan waa aaxt. ana | wblaparad to Mallory: "TheyTl ?at the hneelet! Tbey-U get the bracelet!" And MaUory could-hate danced with .glee. But Kathleen leaned coquetllahly toward tha mashed atrangar, and threw aU har art Into har tone ? boo murmurea: Tm euro you're too braro to toko my things. I've always admired men with the courage of Claude Duval." The robber-waa taken a trifle aback, but he growled: MI den t know the par* ty you apeak of?but cough up!" "Listen to her," Marjorie whispered In horror; "ahe'a flirting with tho train-robber." "What won't some women flirt with!" Mallory exclaimed. The robber studied Kathleen a little more attentively, as he whipped off her necklace and her rings. Bhe looked good to him, and so willing, that he muttered: "Say, lady, tf you'll give mo a kiss, I'll give you that diamond ring you got on." "All right 1" laughed Kathleen, with, triumphant compliance. "My God!" Mallory grossed, "what wont some women do for a diamond !** The robber bent close, and waa Just raising his mask to collect his ransom, when his confederate glanced his way, and knowing his susceptible nature, foresaw his Intention, and shouted: "Stop It, Jake. Ton 'tend strictly to business, or ni blow your nose off." "Obi all right." grumbled the reluotant gallant, as be drew the ring from (TO BE CONTINUED) RABIES IS NOT DELUJiCi Three Hundred Die Each Year, r-ron ureaa uitease? Experts Answer CM Doubters. . Is there such a disease as rabies? This Question, prompted by doubts as to its existence expressed by dog breeders !:. the New York Times re* cently. finis an emphatic affirmative answer in_'Circular 129 of the Bureau of Animal Industry of the United States Department of Agriculture, it consists of a report by George H. Hart, V. M. D.. assistant in pathology and bacteriology wf the pathological division of the -bureau, entitled "Rabies and Its Increasing Prevalence," and declares that from one hundred to three hundred persons die of it each year In this country. The division of pathology began, investigating rabies in 1805, following the death of a woman in the District of Columbia, and since that time it has investigaAd nearly 350 cases In dogs, twenty-five in cows, six in cats and a dozen or more among sheep, hogs, horses, wolves, foxes, dingoes and several In human beings. At least 75 per centt^of tl^e cases have bepn In the city of Washington, the others having been forwarded to the division from such widely Boparated states as the Carolina*. Maine, Wisconsin, New Jersey and Virginia and Indian Territory. "The disease." says Doctor Hart, "is constantly spreading, and there Is abundant evidence to warrant the statement that not a single state Is .fr?* front ! .*' DLuuaaiug the doubt as to the existence of the disease in human beings, Doctor Hart writes: "Many educated men, including some physicians, claim that all coses of hydrophobia in the human family are the result of wrought up, nervous excitement, due to fear oh the part of the patient. -Wh^ at times these symptoms, termed lfritopboWs, do oc cur in neurotic lndividtxdls who havo been bitten by healthy dogs, they are always hysterical in nature, cause no organic leslonB, and universally terminate In recovery. Thus, lyssophobla is entirely distinct from the real disease, which Is universally fatal, when not -treated, to the human behyp" ? Helping With Home Lessons. Parental interest in the educational j prpjreuB or a cuna couia ooi so niucn farther than In the cas? or Mr. Jones, whose method of solving mt?h?iattetl vmblema would have been appreciated (t Doth.boy, Hall. Tha Muml Now. '<aj)a the tale. This was the note which was handed to one of the grade teachers, the other day: "Dear Hum?Please ixcuse Jotmny I today, He wllf not be at school, lie Is acting as. timekeeper for hia father. Last night you gave him thle Ixlmple. if affekl Is 4 alias square how long will (t take a man walking 3 miles an hour to walk 2*4 times around itf Johnny ain't no man, so we a tend his daddy. Thoy left early this* morning, and my husband said they , ought to be back late tonight, though it would be bard going. Pear Mam, please ma**, the alxt problem about lad lee, aa my husband caat afford to lose the day's work.* 1 doo't have no time to loaf, but X can spare a day off occasionally better-than my husband ^ ean. Resp'y yre. Mrs. Jones."? youth's fomp.nlod. 5 ^ V . -A*** ^ . ' .-? ? - ! 1 *.*i| ftwm H C~L -V v been made by \ *aMgi?a black I 1 1 1 jOOl I 9 ^ aretrcat- ^ I II constant and perma|/\ nent perfection, as the 1 I 'I \- - ^ ' garments must stand 4 1 /I regular wear for many i 1 J I warm months. & 1 I I We have a splendid M I I 1. assortment A wealth 1 Jf I , "of cool patterns and V Jr'C colors to choose from. JfcdflUE A i. The greatest clothes " values ever ofTered at CapTricteedJp* A. l.KIUCilAVU fc C#? $15 to $25 I . I THE HUB * "The Home of Good Clothe*." 4 \MaHMaHBHariBMaa^ 2^ New be^toL ?Irak ISwonc. Don't till upon ice watrr?anyway *** more you dnn^ warn. On* ... H ... I. .. .1.' ..m dssb sn-l sp.?k.L* ih^dclighit psrchrdp^asssJsd reflxtbcsnrcd bodies slid bruos^^^^fr SfajoOrd an iWHiNG-TmiLrr^uiiXCwmo' / j>M c J V n 1 n n ^ ? ? ' ? ? - otjuu a war uraers ror uwo?<Utt and Water to nimu K I F. E. MAYO CO., Propa. WASHINGTON. N. C. Hmitwtf iwtwwwiii ?.BUGGIES, SURRIES, CARTS jj ! WAGONS, BICYCLES ! i ) HARNESS ] [ I A NEW LOT JUST RECEIVED I '?; II [ , - Wasbingtofl Horse Exekaoge ? t J B. L. SU3MAN, Pre*. Washington, N. C. ] [ ?"?:?- - 1 7 '* v- "^ Tl.s'r L Vara,,. DtvW)? UlW. *Vh!!e lepfc v. or'..' J. ilik* and Mur- JLnd what la Um dlviaa law to i ' r phjf pafnt?I a plctara of a donkey's autn? To bold faat that wbkdi la Ida j ii ca/1 oil the Kick of Ms cost, thinking own. and to cisln nothing that la anthat ther wontd have soma Ton out of other's; to ago what la glvsn m? and I ttm s-fcer he j ut or his coal to go not to covet what U not giveni to home. Pat, as hn reached lor hit Held up easily and wthlngty what ooat, taw. the painting and naked: taken away, giving thanks for * ,-Which or, of you fellowa wire' youl time ha hit had It In hit acrrtotr? f?C? o< 'p.- isrt of i?? cottf ? -.: tptcutaa. LyRIC THEATRE TONIGHT i . . MOTION PICTURES = THE GIRL HE LEFT BEHIND, Story ola PoMTaveator WboSeeli. Hi. Fortune I. fireet cUy, Sell*. ? DISILLUSIONED, A* laMaea Drum, ol The W?l, Sell*. ' THE WIDOW RICET O'NEAL, I 1 Comedy Nellnt ? th M.ny Keren,ri< ... Kver, Dt? Ufc. - /,

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