J Wrightsville 1 Beachand Norfolk; G An nlQuc yoa, the surf, the me- ( *. T mmiuB, all cry out for yon to 8 flellow the crowd. The t ATLANTIC COAST IJNK 1 hoc pewvwfnd the schedules and xwtea 1 t*?ruu?m* Saturday. June 1st. to aes*- 1 Aiaee during the season. To To 1 Wilmington Norfolk ^ Hl)r ill TnAis Salundsy. and muroing :s^ns of So an tin? *s.oo |x:i e uaRad to xetarn v J 'atll Twisdsk mid- N. aigbt foflewing. ? Per information call on, E. A. LA FRAZE. - >L . Ticket Agent. T. C. While * ?w Uenaecskl Fasaenger Agent,. 5>^ngton, N. C. < >$*<*- i 1 VAFVDI.XK for THAI HEADACHE ( t>?e last eight? Headache an i , r-ervec- nornlng? Hicka Capjdlee im_ the thing to lit you for buaines*. Try it. At drug stores. ] MmiaoM.? Power Lacking in Apes. Apes do lut count further than four, mmd (fee Boers of the Transvaal, when , ih?9 bant these animals, hide In nnmleii esceedlng four. Potor depart in , an 11 Srai In such a manner aa to be ( otter* by the apes, who then come Moth and am c&sl\j capturedJOS. F. 1 k ? Phones 123 & 124 ^ Carries the Most ( ' j Family G ALWAYS FRESK I PolUe Clc I Quick [ foMLJBBgTKrVi nSBMBUBI ?*<*<( 1 RU * ' ^ J\ mm J ? uruggcts, S aini S SUM FURN1 Ijefferson fu ev i FREE Wils?"' j!. stTwowaKn AWAY BY YOU* I WHJ remove Freckles, Tan. PI: pterins. Harmless to the most d E? Toilet ream. The finest Face 1 romplerion to young and old ali F-r-i- So- M Can. ???nl. .far. Frr* Frrtk> C.rrtm F>itf rttxtfed WILSON FRECKLE ( REAM I | Cut Gl ATURDAY and 8th. " i come to our ttare dud l? ?fl he found. IW. IOYT Aft. f1(4erUl Review PaUcras r 1' 11 1 ~ ,?y rUSHQTO.f PRODUCE MARKET HATl'llDAY, JUNE I, 1912. Mm . . ......... .??C "arkeye, lb^ , . . T*. \T'. ...... .lie Ki*C chkihotw .12 ftc and 16c irmwm chicken*. mcI. .. .SOo to 20c unb rirtM. each :...... 10c to 20c bttrllap .....v 6c to 10c beep eklae, each BOc to 60c pl*0iW,7..V. 6c >rf Hint hides, lb 14c >rr salt hidee> i?er l'o. lie] )ry hide*. d'ged, per lb.... .4c to 6c I - I PNI 11.70 ttaok peas 91.70 ?oa paas $1.70 tpecklod peas '..91-70 toja boaam 90c to 11.10 rreaa tale hide* Sc lreon hides 8c )jcr akin flint 26c %T?r . #i. ,..'.vl...nc Competit/bn. " i. She (tp young pdct)?How much do tob get for your poems, Charley 7 Charley (with pride)?From $2 to 15. She?Well, Isn't that very little. Tharley? I see (hat Sir Walter Scoit I sot $10,000 for on? of his. .?-?r Charley?Yes. but you see, writing ?oetry Isn't the business It used to be ["here's too much competition. Language Lapses. "My wife has joined a club to study sxart English." "Humph! I wish mlno would. Then the wouldn't accuse me of loose conluct because I get tight." rAYLOE 120 Market St Complete Line of roceries. AND REL1ADLE irks and Jelivery. G S 1 #> = 5 ^ Matting | MER | ITURE I RNITURE CO. ? s Freckle Crearc RIAL J ARS GIVEN HtUGGKT ON JUNE JflTH. mples and clear the worst com elicate skin. A fragrant, superio HI each known. Insures g beautifu ke. Will Not Make Hair Grow Jf 00 WUm*'? FairjSkin Soap 25 Cent try THF. HARDY DRUG STORE CO^ Maker*, Charleston S.C. W1 ass, Sterl J/ r,. * ' fjri - 'i V y?* : Vv v, y-' X, Ma all coralon lo |flt only 1# pa* can at paw kias liMrlka tat ?tal \u? know that yaw WgtlHIH m tn^rilU-aliiwaitr ; BRAGAW & CO. insurance Agents { WASHINGTON. N.C.' ?>*; --- &*.' The Olvlr.t Law. And wbat U Uw dlvina lac to * want To bnM that.that wWci la hla own. and lo dalm nothing that la aa? Cher's; to ute what Is given aim. and not to covot what U. not given; to i'lell up easily and willingly what, sa taken away, giving thanks for tba time, bo hss had it in hia sorvlcar-*^ Cylcutua. ' "?"' " t Rob-My-Tlam will core The Cream of 1 A. - " BL - ^penally imported; ^bJew Orleans, Ann Capital; specially pa< proof, dust-proof, fees a VERY SPECI/ perfection Sold by in this town. VOTAN At its price you cannot twice its priceVou cai recommend and sell H. H. 5 ATTI 1S IF YOU ARE GOING THE CHESA ( DAILY SERVICE D f The new steamers Just placed J ?X>LK" and "CITY OP BALT \ ud up-to-date steamer* bet wet ) Equipped with wireless telt-p \ uculs ou board. Everything t 1 Boat* leave Norfolk (Jarkx. V Boats leave Old Point Com for / Arrive Baltimore. 7:00 a. nr N Connecting at Baltimore for / west. J # Rcwr vations mude and an J I i I i WHEN I . furniture " makes you feel gi i a hot day. This kind o light summery look to sni kind we set). We h; ;! splenkid selection of pret ture that makes you thi 1 the moment you look at i the quality the best. Ins ; SOUTHER* fy/acQf* Washing ECDDII> . ing Silve; ' Ev rEWART' , houae. * But one map ,is the (tilery. ed While otbarw ardrwsh'rplag their area tad, ntdnernrtnt to- atlfle their oba hU own a?tn.bHmmed with m.(tide turned upon hii ludltnaully. "1 ddon't k|u?r *>at broucht rw here." the oobbad. atrnamlng area, and (mating her hand agalnat bar aching henrt; "bet IT ?-jnu don't Uhe the, p-play.. you might lint other WieoBla enjor 4J" ia tuj...- . JjlnH the Right Kind. ' r 71LT*m* *M a cowardT Id our*autoniobn? accident, we found be ^aa full of grit" "Hmn?h: I'd like to know wber? r turnip!*' i. 11 j, , 1 i' " 1 'K&tfi Vidwi*ZT v :he Coffee Crop apecjalljF prepared in sica'a Good Coffee , Jted .ia dainty, damphness-preserving cans; IL coffee o( top-notch only one dealer COFFEE duplicate its quality; at nnot find a better. We this codec exclusively 31THWAITE. NORTH TRAVEL VIA > PEAKE LINE ] SECLUDING SUNDAY > I In irrrke, the ' CITY OF NOR- ) LMORE," are Um most elegant t fU Norfolk and Baltimore. I hone la each roeii. Dellclona I sir k. to fort urt 'convenience. / in St.). O l N p*tau , \ t, 7:15 p. ?. - .. * '' ufl points north, northwest and .' nformatioa courteously furnished ( W.H. PAK.NKIA, T.>. A- .1 85 Grnnby St., Norfolk, Va. C / mtnie summer fits" the season it nod to look at it on if furniture should Have that t the weather. That's the ave just taken into stock a ty designs in summer ftfrai- ' ^ iik of lounging and lazy ease t. The prices are moderateipect-bere. ( FURNCO 'Good reinitiate . tfon. N.c. i. ijji JG Pi r, Silver I erythlng tiuarait continually notifies h!? employer, a f, (aortas- picture maker, of nhe ibbc 11llon of the baa vena. nfott see, for an elaborate movl^fplcture play a steady, uniform ilght 1* essential The picture* must be taken all in sunshine or aU In clear k?aj? light. Otherwise th*y differ: Some are -weak and some strong. TIfyjr don'OT match on the scroen. So fhe cloud' spotter on the roof,*" nearoblng the heavens with his glasa, studyitg tb# course and -velocity of the wind, assures hla bossof * good half-hour or boor for photographing a mo|ing-plo-; tufe play, and thus.saves a #aatc of films that wopld otherwise be-many' limes larger than his frugal aalsry." !3 v ( " ?' '; * ( . Inn of tho Mild H.firyl The Inn "of the mild Henry (sum tanften Helnrch) in a Uttlo town of, Posen has evidently changed hands during Its career, for there Is at least an intltnatlog, in an advertisement: recently lnaertgd In a Posen to? v per by Hermann Dunkelberg* the"* present owner, that he may pot be especially mild. The advertisement I reads: "It has cote to my notice that I din acceded ft having denounced colleagues because they suffered Tannebaum" (a , forbidden gtme) "to be played in .their ^places.' As I have no desire Jo waste my time in court, 1 hereby premise three marks to anybodyftrho bellevSKi this report out of lack* of brains, flvo marks to anybody wbo spread It be- I causa of malice And ten marks to the I origlqator of It. which he can get on I personal application to Jto. Will pa|L J fair price for a good, usable ball whip? Herman. Dunkelberg. Inn of the Mild HedTT." V' ~n /j Reply Coupons. ^ The g?n who boasts that he nqver I writes fetters has been prodded Into epistolary activity. , n m < "It was a curious little square red J stamp inclosed In a letter I received ^ from England that drove the to It." he | said. "The stamp was marked three 1 pence. It was |otaIly unlike any ' stamp or souvenir I had ever seen, f and I didn't know what use to make of | It. The postman was also nonplussed, and only at the main postotBce was the riddle solved. It was a reply cou- ! pon. English stamps would have been | no use for mailiflg a letter In Jfevr j York, but "the coupon could be exchanged for United' States stamps. . With a reminder like ttjat thrust un der one's very nose the moat conscienceless letter writer la bound to re*r~ _ t^ HI# Own Bills. Butch&*a not generally credited with an espimUllg sensitive temperament, but Nd^ York has one member of the guild yrhose akin must be extraordinarily thin. At any rate, he goes to unusual lengths to exonerate himself from the charge of extoKlon. I Above the cashiyr's window he has hung this sign: "If prices are higfe don't blame me. They have hit me, too. Here is the meat bill of 'my own family. Readi it." Then follows an Itemised account of the chops, steaks, roasts and cat's meat consumed by the .butcher's dependents in one week. Tho prices recorded are sufficiently altftudinous to appease the most disgruntled customers, and the}* settle their own bills with good grace. . k [FINE OLD MEMORIAL TOWER On Town Bridge at f.'.ytord, Cen.v, 1*. Records the Colonial History of t'*o Place. The town bridge at Mllfonf.'Coan., Ib a unique memorial of'the colonial history of the place. Mllfcrd was first %ettled by colonists from the old* Eng llsh town of the some name, and the bridge, which was bull: to celebrate the town birthday, la an exact replica of an ancient one in the Milford over the sea. Every stone in the round tower la a memorial to some historic Mtlfordltc. Over the massive door lb ? the sculptured head of an Indian,'supi posed to be Ant-antawae. the chief j who sold the town site to t^e colj onltts in 1639. The knocker qn the [ towe^ door once belonged* to the I old hourc where George Whitfield 1 preached in 1770. Tho doorstep Is 2 from the mansion of Robert Treat, , governor of the colony of Connectl, cut for thirty years. Ono stone Is dedl| cated to the memory of Jonathan i Law, a governor /Tom 1742 to 176a ' This atone also once' formed part cf J the governor's threshold/' Another < large elab is Inscribed with a tribute to the Wepowany Indians. On Ihe bridge corner by the tower the tow* perpetuates in granite Its gratitude to "Captain Thomas TIbbals (obit. >170J), in consideration of his helpfolheA to how to first comers the place and the land records." Another tablet records the name of Peter Prufden, firat pastor back In 1650. Several big blocks of masonry are Inscribed with the names of the'early settlers, and there Is one.stone bearing Milford s good opinion of itself IB these words: "Ood sifted * whole nation that he might send choice grate to the wilderness.~" ' ' ?= 'late, Han liflfrffiftr'r/r?" ' /Vy e,Can ^r;ltL/y *VOUr t^te ill I J yo.W OflOtS IOr IMn. I i^buuoiT1!:;;;!, (u^o^hr^e I ^he ^d $3 00, *| i- "Now is the time io buy a Gas Range. We will set'ft for you - FI^EE. Washinntnn 'linhl ft Water Pn ' I IIUUIIIII^IUII Wiym VI . viuiui UVI u > ^ - """ ' ' " ' ' " riiitHttwwtiiWiWtl BUGGIES, SURRIES, CARTS 11 it WAGONS, BICYCLES \ 1 HARNESS A [ 'H A NEW LOT JUST RECEIVED ! , , I i i 1 i ?'.if1 i V?- . i . | | Wastpgton Horse ExdiHge * B. h. SUSMAN, Presw Washington, N. C. J | . ? . 1 1 " i ' . " NowhecurfcL 1 ' ?litt 1c i?\ arte. Don't till up oo icc water-airywar ^ the mere you dnak the mote you w*ol W ( GssHHa J One gtaaa earitfin. It hiu the u-oncaa a ear. duh and thai delight* parched palatraandrefmhet tired bodk*?Ddbniai>a^^^r ' btLieiOCS-RErriiHINO-THIRST^JUENCHWO^^^^ 5c Everywhere '5S* Send Your Orders For Cocoa-Cola and Soda Wlfler to nuniKws F\ E. MAYO CO., Props. T- WASHINGTON, N. G. r * , ' . e". ==' v . LYRIC THEATRE TONtGHT 4 REELS TONIGHT. EXtRA SPECIAL. , . ; ?? MOTION ^fGTLIRES THE EQUITABLE FIRE, . ( y^sShowiag Remains after Fire of New YorkY y WHEN DUTY CALLS, " .? " . ^ ( . ^ Very Interesting War D^^taa. . ' 'r^ " . . . . ' , Admission F?rlees - lOfc 18c . ^ m. . It*- 'j a* # *# 1