< ltable Session at the County Courthouse ARE TRANSACTED Several Citizens Are Relieved of Their Poll Tax. ? I Tt? Board of County Coaimlaaioii?ra ??( In regular monthly aoaalon at the Courtbouw. tbla city laat Hon day an J Tuesday. All the members tot the board were preeeat anil traae>3 acted the following bualneaa: Allowances. ! Ordered that Stephen Dtooat'e n poor allovaaee be Increaaed (Tom IS - to |3 per month. Ordered that I.Okie Tyre, of Cbocowluity township he allowed 11 per month regular (Physical disability). IKS-'-- Ordered that William Baker of Richland towaahlp be allowed 11 per menth. (Physical disability). * ? Ordered that Mrs. John Rosa of Bath Township be allowed 1* per month regular. (Physical dlability). Oredere'd that R. P. Pultord be allowed $1 per moath regular (Physical dlaability). a ReUeT. ''/'i. ' it appearing to the hoard that J. ^^^TcAeh^dr.'. trict and Cbooowlnlty township and It further appearing that he baa paid the tax In Chocowlnlty township. It " la hereby ordered that he be rellered of said tax In Oaaipbell's Creeh School District. Amount of relist **.?? - ' V. Orderett tbnt J. CTOTFIFSll?T?d of school tax in North Crook School District ho bolus a resident or th? county at Urge. Amount of (???' ?.? .: * |s>; ! It appaprlag to the board that Alexander Wat.on colored la eh erg. | ed with poll tax both In Richland township and tie Carton School district and It further appearing that he haa paid the eald tax In tha Cay ton School District, It le ordered thai he M relieved of the tax in tha town I ship at large. Amount of rolls! II .. JCappcarlbK thet lathee Barrow colored, la charged with poll tar twice In Booth Creep School Dtalrlc It la' ordered that ha he'rallered o ona tax. Amount ol relief . _ 5 ' Ordered that clande Roberaon a Edward School Dla{rlct bp rellare of poll tax. Amount of relief ??.?? (Same aa Hort Boberaoa>. Ordered that Sophia Jecheon'a a * iowanoe ' he Idcreaoed from |S t <2.M> par month, vv e' -f '-''S' V . v *rr? v-: W- . ' .- -Y, It appeals to trnhe board tht Z* . FVanh Mason'. property and poll taxed both In Pantego end Belhara preclncta and It further' Cppearil fc. relieved of the Ux In Panter<( towl ?hlp Amount of relief M.21. Ordered that John . Ohafrr i Belhecen. be relieved of poll ta Amount of relief IMS. Order to Build Road. . 1, appear!., to U. board that V road through Moyt* Beaver De HH Swamp at. Singleton's Crossing ai IIP AI Til int HYGIENEIS 111 The Health Officers of the State to Meet at HendefsonvUle, N. C. > , r o-w- 1 NOTED SPEAKERS ARE r ONTBE PROGRAM Meeting WU1 Take Place on I'' Monday, dune 17th. - The second annual meeting of the North Carolina Health Officer?' Amo elation wilfr take place In Henderoonvllle on M*nday7 Jane 17th. Ono of the evidences of progress of good government in North Carolina le the annual meeting of offlcL I a Is charged with aimllar responaibll mem ml duties In tho various oountfcs and town* of tha Slate. to exchange Ideas and to Impfora their respective service through the lessons that noma from tho combined ssperiancea ot all. Thus, In 1909. tha County Superintendents ot achoola or gaoired an annual conference; In 190? tha Carolina Municipal Officers' Association waa form ad; In 1909 I than waa organised an annual conference of County Commissioners. j and hi .1911 tha North Carolina 1 Health OOcara' Aaaodation waa ; formed Theeer confanncea are held for the public good and an or Inaa- I tlmahle raluo aa abort, inexpensive, n practical achoola for the tralnlat of the admlnlatraUre omcera partlclpat- j In# In than. Every county ovea It to Itself to have tha proper delegate attend all theoe meeting, and to bring buck valuable Ideaa gleaned < from the experience of other, and , to tha Ctata, to give tha other dele, ggtea any rainabla laaaon which may "1 owg vrorh. J confanncea probably spend #0 monIey ao wisely aa that for tha expenae J of tbalr delegates to thaoa aevarml con , We are gratlded at tha Informa. tlon coming to at from a_ number of countlna to the effect that their health officers will attend tha meetIn# at Hendaroonvllla on Jane 170a aa their conpty'e representative and at tho county's expenae. Thle hi ?hly tha second meeting of tha health officers, bat those who attended the Brat meeting last year In Chnrlettwl had ample svfdancs of tfca great aloe or this annual oonferanca, and It la expected that the number attending the meeting this year will be much greater than the attendance last year The program includes short, three to Are minutes, report# from the health officers-of alt the counties as 10 work has been accompliahed In their reWpectlte counties during ' the past year. Important paper, will be read on the aobject of "Opportun. ; itiea of Coouty' Health Work." "The Whole Time Health Omcer." "What tha Rockefeller Sanitary Cottmtaaion , Old Do to Build op County Health Work." "Tha Advantage of Combining Town and Couply Health Work," How to Bring Iudlctmentn for Vlolatlon of Health Lawn." "Methoda . for Securing Co-operation In Public " Health," The KeI?Vn> of County Superintendents of Schools to the E Public Health,- and "The Relation of the Church to Public Health." There will be many prominent n * . e'-t* -*r'' . ' n R. Stallinga. a ' > ? . i- To Confer With Ce?hdeam , - c ' Commissioner s P. freeman whe of was appointed by the board at 1U x. last meeting to confer wlfh the com mlaaioaera of Pitt County rclattre t< f- the building of a bridge arrona Trant ere Credk at Clarka Ferry, reporta that'the "said CdmnUalonert con ha tlnkad the matter until Tuesday aft m er the Bret Monday In Jnlr and h< ad i? hereby authorlied and ordered It ol meet with the board of commleelon H. era of Pill County at that time IK Jj I m- ^ . Oittlf Hiiiii U TONKiHT AXI> UBBVBMV. j j MRS. SCOTT, PRESS sZeSL "** ' sM }*i^t',..*" '-.? aMi HBKh A* president general oC th? Daugl BatUew T Bcott hold. ? OtatlDguicbed tor the taction. In u?t organization bom. I. In Dloomlegton. in. Gentle Art of Hu Practised by j S yfhaA IWeleet T.ft ban mid of nJiwMeM Itooeovelt and the latWe p.Hrte.t T?r* _ ? . "Treeaon to the party." "Unfair ?*1m ?e?qffetW.n. ? nclea that would make It uaaaf* to jtft hint' hack ia oBoe." -la unaale,-to dangerous." e "Ia atrong-headed." "la Impatient of leaal raatralnt." -Be haa onaound constitutional riewa,)"An uneonad man." "Otter wreck he wonld have mudu." yg "Hl? muny flimsy oontoaU. v. ^ "Arroaaace of hia etatementa." "A campaign of Wad and bloater. "A eoap hoi primary." "Only hla eetflah ambition la, to he conceited." "Mere aaeerttons without reference to reoorda." "Refeaea me a square deal" "Hla theorteaorade and involution ary." - ? "I wonder whl he haa .topped hi abuse and miereprasentatkina.!'. , "He haa called me every name 01 the calender.' "Dangereun to. give Rooeerelt third term ' "Me certainly done not hack imat lnatton." r "-J ftt ^ Ul-I know the dWerence batwee th and action, between a dene and a aurplna." "I know what a eqnare deal la aa I know be done eot reeemble Abrt bam Llnooln. m , "Ha la tend of making generi and Irreeponalble charge a.'1. "I adppoee I will have toilook h rotes among the unindlcted." I1SS DAIL TO WED MR CLYDE MILLER WEDNESDA Mlaa Nora Dall daughter of N . and Mra George I. Dall and U > Clyde Miller will be united In m - riage at the First Metbodlat Chor tomorrow afternoon at I o'clock. S mediately after the wadding the brl ? and groom will ho^rd the 4:80 o lantie Coast I.lbe train for a belt - lour to Northern CItiea. At t home of the brtde'e parenta thle e' nlng oa Weal Second Street a /ec ^ tion will bo tendered. HfaK / ( ' . jkH&J 1 wffl sm/ ^. ';'? jflr to ^ji* BtPvLl^ fefc^;rErgg. 1 I t fej^. *W:~*3B t~u'~ 1 11 t tU?l??L|i, Mrs J position. Imt the eleo-hae ber tfoublae. ITS In eoattao^coultlt*v In colt's ? \ r ; fling Epithets as J raft and Roosevelt I " tITST ' * Wot a-PioMcnl H| J II eM of President Teft, the VstlonsJ t Republican Committee, Sr. | b "He en* his edvlsere cere nothing e for tks wlU of the People^jE; s "One district In AUbsms repk- ? sents naked theft." "The Teft leaders spssk as If they 1 were the regular Republicans. I do not concede th?t UStft th Kieit ol 1 regularity." I "A receiver of stolen goods " "Agio which If done to Influence would he criminal esn be perpetrat- : ed with impunity so tar as inflohal 1 nominations are concerned.". X. v "We.bave stood 'em all On their heads." "He has no right by trtdfcery or i violence to try to Impose his own will." 5 "Is neither Sincere nor serious." "The powers that prey." ' He began to wabble." "He Is not a 1 regressive because I he.lackn Imagination." a "He I safes sympathy." '.'Be Is pna le wilted." ' a "Patronage has been need herefacedly." s 'fThey have tried every kind of a lie on the canal subject." "A: dreadful doctrine." "The primaries In New York City n were an infamy unmatched even by It tha kindred tnfamfea neroAtrated on behalf of Mr. Taft In iadtfnapb"? d and Denver." & i. "In lie meet barefaced manner. cheated the people out of their right .1 to vote." "Ha ehowa bltnaelf a reactionary " it ' The convention ts sucked against COLORED MAN INJURED f Y AT C88C0WM ? r Thomas Core, colored, vae eevere lr- Ij injured late yeeterday afternoon ' at Choeowlnlty by gnUiua wedged" boch tween two boa cars on the Norfolk n- southern. He wan at ?? Itrooghi de to this city and cnrrl-d 10 the ffnrh - t '' ' . ? Hi in "stpisii WUl Be Made of Soils and Minerals of the Various Regions. ' *,'.'\ * * V L - ^ >'( . ^ FLORAL AND OTBER . EXHIBITS DISPLAYED lectures to Be Made on Vark-ua Branches of Conservation Wot*. ipeclnl to the Dully Novo. Washington. D C.. June 11.?A ?e relief map of ttie Southern State jl neaauring 200 feet by 20 feet. In a luJldlng especially constructed for t, t? to be erected at the National Conservation Exposition to be held n Knoxville, T?iQeu?c, In the fait if IMJi According to plans announo- _ 4 today from the BspoeUkm a Wash- F ogton office. The map will be tftMt ip of soils and minerals of the varL us regions represented, and ^ will tfow the mountain and valley eon. ours, the prlnoipal^streams with acnal running water a?4 indicating he extent of navtJfkblHty present cq nd possible, the Overflowed lands of TI he Mississippi, of the Btate of Florl- at la, and elsewhere, the location of w |tlea Including the AUantioand Gulf ju orts which will receive renewed m ommerciAl life with the completion Bt f the Panama Canal, the South's ci orest areas, and the railways and lain highways. Present and possl- pj le future development'along the up- Co er river courses will also be shown, rlth miniature transmission lines ?. Lrung from the sources of power t^ J! he places where it is or can he utl)red. A second floor balcony will be onstructed to afford the visitor a irhn Gibbs, the man who murdered is little 2-year old child, last week ijrnniM.ifc' Mr- ?*' te prisoner'B life and he has chosen le of the moat active members of ie profession to defend him. The ublic will await with interest the rat step In his jlefense. ClUY OF COiORED . LABOR NOW IN CITY There seems to be a scarcity ol olored employes in Washington. In allting to a citisen this morning he itated that tie could not employ a :olored man in the city for love noi noney. WHM approacuea mej ai itaUd that they have a Job. Tb? 5treat Commissioner la alao havim ilfficulty in securing hands for th< purpcfce of working the atreeta. H< more than anxious to begin th< woTk of cleaning ^the city, atreeta bu la handicapped due to the o tofcor mr jebbmSnbTto OPEN GROtERY STORI Mr. Jehu Bonner. who haa bee connected wWh-Jbe Pamlico Oroaer Company who rec?ht?7 < their business to Meaara Pippin an Wbolard. la opentng a grocery bua ness at the former atccd of the Pan lico Grocery Company in the Ro< man budding on Market Street. Bonner ! one of the clty'a ei !ergetic young men and haa the-be wishea ofJpJm many frlenda for an MAKING H1H RWKIW The City Sanitary Inspector now engaged In making an Inept tloa of the city. On jeeterday I IWi-it work on Second atreet. will take htm several days more comulete hie flret round of the eti CAB UhiA>F WATERMELONS Just rcrefred a eelid car of d? cieua Florida watermelons. . gnaranted to be ripe and eicelk ?*"* "LtwUee'w* OT*^Z ^ lu*? own jrtoiie ^ (taw I P, NO^IM *4- * ' > ? -,* . " .-'' >r? WYffim IS VIIRRflW I ESCAPBIEHIBAY 9 I The Boat Crossed Directly la Front of the Steamship Northland. PRESIDENT ANTPARH % ' WERE PASSENGERS I I ? I Danger Quickly Passed. Bad Colllsslon Averted. Old Point, Va., June 11.?The the President and Mrs. Taft and a party of their distinguished guests aboard, narrowly escaped a collission early yesterday with the steam, er Northland, of the Norfolk and Washington line^ not far from Point Lookout, where the Potomac river empties into Chesapeake Bay. Only the vigilance of- the officers of flie Northland and the Mayflower and their prompt action prevented what looked for a minute like an accident. The Mayflower left Washington about 6:30 for Hampton Roads. In addition to the President and Mrs. Taft, General William Crosier, Representative P. H. Glllet, of Massachusetts; Clarence H. Kelsey, of New York; Mrs. Francis G. Newlands, wife of the Nevada senator, and Ma)or T. L. Rhodes, U. 8. and Lt. J. N. Tlmmons. U. 8. N., aides to the President, were invited guests. The Northland, on her regular trip to Old Point and Norfolk, left Washington shortly after the Mayflower. Although she kept the presidential yacht In sight until dark and although 6he is a much speedier boat. Captain Posey made ao attempt to pass the president. Shortly after the Northland passed Into Chesapeake Bay, however, where there jthere is plenty of- sea room the offi- irfj [cer on watch decided to iae??^ the Vo'rtnlantf tsrvjfir iiuuJT" "3 yards to the starboard of the Northland's course. ^ The fragment of moon and plenty of bright stars made the hay almoet light enough to read by. while there was hardly a puff of wind. The Northland gave a signal that she wished to pass on the Mayflowe's port side-and a "few seconds later came the response from the yacht, one whistle, meaning that she wished the Northland, to pass not on the ' port side but on the starboard. ' Officers in the Northland's pilot L were astonished when they beard the Mayflower's one whistle but they were even more surprised when the | Mayflower began slowly to cross her ' bow. It was a few seconds before * they grasped Just what was happen* lng but wh?n- they did four or five * short sharp blasts shot from the quartermaster at her wheel was given a sharp order. He flung the wheel over, the engines of the North. land were slowed down perceptibly Vjjj She sheered to port with a shudder and the Mayflower made her way P across the Northland's course with J a auif of deep green water between that quickly narrowed to less than n 1,000 teat. Once beyond the North- ,^/taj y .land's course the Mayflower seemed ,f to "sfow up and the Northland pass. d ed on her starboard quarter. The Northland came into Old J" Point at 7 o'clock on time. The Mayflower dropped anchor off Fortress Monroe shortly after. 8 o'clock. a" President Taft was not told of the kt incident this morning but It was dlac cussed in the aide room of the May flnvrer and among the officers of the Northlsnd. Is FAL18 ON PAVEMENT A small colored boy while riding a tricycle on West Second Street "jl It early this morning fell from the ?to chine and struck his head o* the J ty. concrete pavement. At one time it was thought that he wan hurt seril ously but In a short while he wee able to go to his homo. & vf - 7 '71 * IS* aii - e e *** AM T*ODA*-h xiwi . WublMtoa U?ht and W.t.r Co.