VOL. S. NOMINA ' CLA | BRYAN AN Clark Men Deny D vatives. Wilson Deal Was Made, forha^ Submitted 1 "NO COMPROMI nn nrnrci r ivuvji\E/Oi It f Platform Will Dec Revenue; One T< r WILSON'S DELE( Baltimore, by United Pre to 437 the Convention this af\ da) Committee's minority rep* gates in South Dakota contes delegations are solid for Wils es think, that Clark can't win. (By United Press) * BALTIMORE, June 27.?"I hare not discussed candidates with anybody" stated William Jennings Bryan this afternoon, answering the ru\ mor that he would bolt If Kern or , Wilson did not receive-the nomina- \ tlofa. Bryan Is throwing cold water on the bolt talk and Is working hard for , harmony. The convention was call.? Y ed to order at 12:43 and today the attendance was the ^argest JJretv of i ^2 ' "T"'" the cqpveotlQn. Many women In. eluding MrjL Taft, wife of President Taft. were seated back of the speakjT / ers stand. Mrs. Taft held an Inform-, < | al reception. The order of business ' was considerably delayed while an r attempt was made to clear the aisles. It Is estimated that It will take about [7 live hours for the nominating and ,T seconding apeechea but the orators | - <7,v' nisy cnt 'their talks short so as to ? ^enable the first ballot to be taken * before the recess. The Clark men cW -ri" are using all their energy to bring victory on the first ballot. His supporters are buttonhollnfall unpled\ ged delegates and asking compllm'en' tary vote be cast for Clark on the 1 .. _~i -- first ballot. Boomers have beeh sta' 1 tloned In different parts of the hall all wearing badges and buttbns to lead in the demonstration when Clark's name Is mentioned. The opening prayer of th* convention was i made by Rabbi Outtmacher, of BalN> timore. Following this was- the minority report of the credential com- i V mfttSe on 8outh Dakota contest ask- i lag the seating of the delegates. The auditorium is very warm, the crowd hot and listless. Mr. ?rane, of Tex. as said that the seating of the Clark men In South Dakota would be "robbery pure and simple.*' William Jennings Bryan has Men np since five o'clock this morptng. abatises, hollar less and vest less and with the presplration run>%' nlag down his face he greeted the crowd in his room at his hotel. When approached as to the outlook and his ^ tature plans for his fight on the Mnrphy-Taggart-Sulllran machine crowd of the conservatives the Nebraskan r- replied: "The ftght Is already half woe. I have nothing to soy about what la left. There have been and VIII oe inmn aippmioi every nour and ?wy day." Declared that he Intended fighting In the convention not only for the adoption of grogreeelve platform bat a progreaelve candidate. The Wlleon en In their effort to get Bryan to cose out openly for Governor Wllt eon haa failed eo far. Bryan la a ember of the Nebraaka delegation * > which If lnatrnoted for Clark. Bryan however it ie believed in atrong for Wlleon. It la reported that Bryan gPE haa diecuraed a plan with oertain K' -V V v pr ogre?Ivan now Instructed for Clark to change their vote on the ft rat ballot if the New York delegation goee rx ' . AJSH1 iTION P RKITES fD O'GORM #? eal With ConserFollowers Insist Full Draft of PlatSfot Before Friday. SE" IS M\rr?c ci Ari A -AT >1V Cj d lare a Tariff for irm for President. sates Seated. 88?By a vote of 639 1-2 ternoon adopted theCredenrrt seating the Wilson delet. New York and Illinois on. which indicates the boss~ V Taggart-Sulllvan combination with his atratgetlc 'moves in the meeting tbia morning of the aub-committee. The Nebraskan and Senator O'Qorman, of New York, have been chosen to write every word of the entire platform. They began writing the platform this morning at eleven o'_ clock. . The platform will be finished about i o'clock this afternoon and It will then be submitted to the resolution committee and then submitted to the convention. Draft of Platform. A rough d/aft of the platform sub- , rait ted today, by the sub-committee to tbe resolutions committee and it fairly shouts with progressiviajn. William Jennings Bryan aided by a majority of the sub-COmtoJttfte dictated the framing of the platform. The committee on resolutions will peruse it today and the final draft will he submitted to the convention tomorrow. Tammany and four or five other conservatives on the committee had their suggestions Ignored by the sub-committee. Owe Term For P^vrideit. The platform has drafted declares for a tariff for revenue only." Limits the president to ode term in office of six years beginning in 1917. This is a shot at Colonel Roosevelt. The platform condemns the Aldrichj money bill, adverts to primary elections and the direct election of ' United 8tatee senators by the people. Limits conservation of public resour- I ces; declares for the development < of Alaska and adverts to the lnde. i pen den ce' of the Phllllpltte islands. The platform asks for the abolishment of the department of labor and the enactment of a generous workman's compensation law. Advocates the radical strengthening of the antitrust. It Is against gag-rule for government employee. May Moke ChM|M. The committee on reaoultfons may make a few change* in the above plank* bet It I* now expected tlM they won't be radical and that the platform will atand practically ae outlined. lVo Compromise Slogan. y ^ "No compromise" la the alegan of the progressive*. Flushed with victory In shattering of the unit rule in Ohio and other states where the delegate* were chosen in the district primaries. The rank end file of the progressives feel now that the conysrvatlVe forces are beaten but the progressive forces while hopeful think that the conservatives are not yet completely routed end that they may come back. Modi. Work Tel. The credential committee still has much work yet. AC the meeting of the convention today it was sxpeetsd that the committee would report on the Illinois conUAed cases when s fight is expected. The Salllvan forces wen la the eommlttee but the Hearst-Harrison forces will make an ittempt by oratory to hare the con. :ngt WASHINGTON, NO I'X SETTLED WKATHK1 robabi look 1 AN" TO Wf . WIFE OF PERU' V V V 7^ 4 / v ' Mt Mm? Pesst. wife of the Peruvian Jointed her husband In Wash Inn on an the diplomatic society circles. the Wilson men Insists that a deal was made. It is thought * that if Clark cannot get the nomination on the first two ballots that his obances will be weakened. ' The Wilson advocates then claim that bis strength will go to their man. If balloting tarts this afternoon and there is no -esult and nomination this evening st the close of the regular session a sight session will be called and the balloting continue. This will probsbly go on until early In the morning If there la no nomination before then. Bryan Conceals Plana. Whatever William J. Bryan's plana may be for the building of the party platform what planks It may contain, or whether it will be progressive or conservative in tone {he Ne. braskan is keeping carefully concealed from his friends. Mr. Bryant had no statements to make yesterday regarding either the platform or Judge Parker's appeal to the delegates to make Mr. Bryan chairman of the resolutions committee.-^> Returning to hTs' hotel from'a visit to Mayor Preston the Nebraakan spent the early morning hours In correspondence and then went to the convention hall to attend the meeting of the resolutions committee. "The delegates are saying below stairs that you will write the party platform," was suggested. Bat a progressive platform would be a.rebake to the convention, would It not?" was Mr. Bryan's rejoinder. Here n newspaper man pressed close to Mr. Bryan in most confidential appeal for Information on the platform, said: "Mr Bryan, X bar# not seen Mr. Bryan. But you can tell me what Mr. Bryan believes ths platform will contain?" Mr. Bryan drew the reporter still doner to him and replied with meek MI^ hove not teep^Kr. Br^ ap ONE RTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY AFTKI I., " A WITS'LOCAL SHOWERS TOSKiHI A TON! POR AY UTE THE I ? 1\k* M|lI1STER j UHliflfl If I0\ ' -H I Qar M4AA/S *frn7#c minister to the United States, baa 1 la welcomed aa a valued addition to idlcated that the convention was progressive and that he would be able to name the candidate for the Presidential nomination. Third Party (ioMlp Both the Bryan and anti-Bryan factions in the convention were to* tereeted in "third party" gossip which la prevalent. The advent of Francis J. Heney, of California, who fought for Mr. Roosevelt In the Re. .publican National Convention, and Chas. R. Crane, of Chicago, who helped to condiict the early La Follette campaign and their reported Inter view with Mr. Bryan gave an Impetus to the dlacnsaion. It was reported that Senator La Follette either was already in Baltimore or on his way here to get in touch with the possibilities of the Democratic situation. No one had been able to locate Mr. La Follette. Heney said he has come to Baltlmre to see the Democratic "steam roller'' at work; that he had become eo accustomed to the 'hoot, toot" at the Chicago convention he could not sleep without it. All Candidates Optimistic At the headquarters of the various presidential candidates, ncr compromise talk Is heard. Optimism is heard everywhere. Each candidate is referred to by his adherents as "our neat president." The Clark forces are unusually confident and freely predict the Speaker's nomlna. Una on the first ballot. Urge Bryan Not to Dedfase. Nebraska supporters of William fennlngs Bryan at Lincoln to the number of ISO seat kiss a telegram at Baltimore In which they urged film aht to refuse the Presidential aemtaaUoa at Baltimore la tho event ft la teafietad him. The telegram laaM la part: icoaveattea wmsleafe a eeMtdM* n~ IA1LY SNOON, JI NK <8 7, 1012. r AND FRIDAY. UtiHT VARIABLE GHT; ICTOR^ >L AT FORM EO?NM?~ GIVES DANCE LAST 1KT rrovea to De a Most uellghtSocial Function. Many Visitors From Other Towns Present. ' The Country Club gave a delightful dance at Washington Park last evening and the occasion proved to be one of pleasure and enjoyment. The music for the evening was furn. ished by a Btring band. The dance was led by Mr. Edmund Harding with Miss Fannie l.amb Haughton. Those present and dancing were. Miss Caddie Fowle with Herman Carrow; Miss Elizabeth Hill with S. F. Burbank Jr.: Miss Mary Hill with Mr. William Blount: Miss Springer. Philadelphia, with Robert Small; MisaMary Nixon. New Berne, with R. D. Kear: Miss Mary Clyde Hasbh! with D. M. Carter Jr.;- MiBB Fannie Lamb Haughton with Edmund Harding; Miss Katie Moore with t?obn Hackney, Wilson; Messrs Henry I'M^ore, Samuel Williams. Jack Street WefruBaia: Robert. Anderson, .WiiISon; John U. CaTlais. NAVAL RESERVES 10 BE INSPECTED SAT. NIGHT ' On next Saturday night at 9 o'clock in the armory of Company "G" the Sixth Division. North Carolina Naval Militia, of this city will be inspected by Colonel Harper, of Kinston, N. C., Thomas C. Daniels, captain Naval Militia. United States steamer Elfrlda and F. A. Shipp, [ chief of the Btaff of the Elfrida. The inspection will be public and all the citizens are cordially invited to be present. SERVICES AT F. ALUMS ON TOMORROW EVENING Prayermeetinrf may be expected tomorrow "evfcnlry^at 8 o'clock at Mr. Fenner Alllgoo'ds on .North Bonner 8treet. The juptor o.f the First Methodist Church, 'Rev. K. H. Broom, will lead the meeting and the subject of Bible study will be humility. ORDERS TO MH.ITIA The members of the Sixth Division) North Carolina Naval Militia, are hereby ordered to report at their ar. mory in the Bloant Building in uniform-mustering blome and blue caps for inspection Saturday night June 29 at eight o'clock. C. U. MORTON. Lientenant Commanding. E. 8. Simmons. Bo'sun. FLIK8 TO WEDDING (By United Press) LONDON June 17.?Claud Graham White an aviator flew to church today to wed Dorthy Taylor a New York society girl. Numbers of the guests came in aeroplanes. CARRIED TO MOREHEAD Mrs. Wiley C. Rodman has taken her son to Morehead City accompanied by Dri John C. Rodman. It is to be hoped that the little fellow will soon be convalescent. op whom all progressives can unite. Knowing the Implicit oonfldenoe and esteem la which yoa are held by the great body of the common people of the country, we, the undersigned clttseas of Nebraska, take this means of erglng that yoe de not diecoarage or lefaee to accept the nomtnaiiea lot the hands of tho Democrats at the lit.-*.*-"--L ; ' NEW K W1NDH. William McN Shot Acrid ^ ay Hot BENEFIT FOR f 1.C.T.UI 1 LIB Onp of the best musical programs that has been arranged in some time will be given at the Lyric Friday night for the benefit of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union. c The committee has spared no time t in arranging this program and in ad. r dition to this the management of the t Lyric hus some special pictures for j | the occasion. I# The benefit is for one cf the wor-1 tby causes and every person that can ( should aid them. This organization 11 has established a reputation in many I good ways for helping the needy, and t the receipts derived from this bene- ' fit will go for one of tliem. ? t TO INVADE ENGLAND i < By United Press) : HAMBURG. Germany. June 27.? i To prove that Germany could make 1 an aerial invasion of England, the < Zepplln airship "Victoria I.onise" i sails today for a 12-hour cruise over J1 the North Sea "carrying twelve pas-1 sengers. The craft passed out to sen 1 qnder_gerfect control. 1 Bishop Hendei \I. E. Churc ORPHANS PAY VISIT ) TO DAILY NEWS OFFIGEl Several members of the Odd Fel-! lows Singing Glass, now making a tour of this section honored the j' Dally News office with a visit this'1 morning. The children show excel- ' lent care and keeping. All seemed 1 in the beat of spirits and enjoying ' their onting immensely. The class ' goes to Greenville this afternoon 1 where they give an entertainment to- * night. * < TRAIN DERAILED AND ! ENGINEER WAS RILLED! i < (By United Press) r MARION, 111., June 27.?Engineer * J. Kendrick was killed today when hia engine pulling the "Dixie Flyer" ^ bound from Chicago to Jacksonville g overturned one mile from here. The a entire train left the raila but remain- c ed upright. No passengers hurt. Cause of derailment unknown. HIHTKR IMPROVING Mr. H. D. Lilley, of Pantego. was here vesterdav from MaMtn Cni.ntv where he was called to the bedside of his sister. Miss Lucy D. Lilley, who has been critically 111 for the past three weeks. Her many friends lt in' this county will be pleased to ? learn of her Improvement. She is 1 well and favorably known in this city jj BROTHERLY LOVE The prayermeetlng services at the First Methodist ?hurch last evening was well attended and the interest ^ was encouraging. The topic of Brotherly Love, previously announced, was B studied. Appropriate hymns were Bung. HAVE ARRIVED MAKE. A letter has-been received here an- ^ nouncing the safe arrival of Miss k Hda T. Rodman and her niecenglsa P Cammie Rodman at Liverpool. They arrived on the 16th Inst, and are now touring France. Miss . Rodman expects to be In Europe until September. LAMM HAT Today is Ladles Day at the Elks Hems sad quits a number ef the ladies are tafctag advantage ef the opto*aaftr to vjalt this popular aa< .......... \* .? >? >J - m 15| air, Col. eritally On ne Last Night ' '7I .0AD ENTERED | RIGHT THIGH , ^ WOUND SERIOUS I Jowln Washington Hospital. C-m In A Precarious Condition ja Accident Happened About Nine' O'clock William McNalr. one ol the tenants ? hi L>r. David T. Tayloe's farm near "j liiis city while on his xvay honie last ' *? light was seriously shot in his right high and while h'.s condition is reiorted to be sotue better today he is it ill in a precarious condition. McNalr w-aa walking the Atlantic "cast Line track in the direction of lis home accompanied by his siBter. le had :n his arms a double barrel ireech leading shot gun loaded with ^ * >? n the scene and the unfortunate ^ nan was brought to the hospital a here surgical aid. was rendered. ^ McNalr is a young negro between wenty.flve and thirty years of age. His c hances are slight for recovery. -son of J hto Visit City J To View Site for the Froposed College. Coming Early in September. ...SB Work upon the college that "the ",S Northern Methodist Church is To auild in Washington in all probabiL Ity will be started sometime during he early fall. As already announced in this paper the church has accepted the site at Washington Park ind $5000 donated by the city. Mr. Charles A. Flynn, secretary of the Chamber of Commerce is just in receipt of a letter from Rev. Dr. Ttaomis Nicholson, corresponding secreary of the Board of Education with eference to the matter. He says in >art: "On Saturday last I held a onference with Bishop Henderson, vho has recently been assigned by >ur General Conference over your -egion for the next four years. I A vent over the whole situation with lim. as it relates to the college at Washington and be has promised to 'Isit Washington sometime early in ..pw?vi >uU (,i?c iue oeiient CI Ola advice as to the beet method of proedure during the coming year." "*'1 'ROSPECTS BRIGHT FOR PARTS FACTORY HERE Parties were In the city yesterday >oking over several sites with a view f locating a pants factory here. It ? reported that they were favorably npressed and everything points to :s co ra i n g. - - '? - , j?. ? r? - c. f**r ^jS? SCHOONER HERE The schooner Gold Mine, Captain ^3 ,eRoy Pedrick in command, arrived i port this morning from Juniper lay loaded with potatoes. ' MCARIXG OOMPLKTIOX The residence being erected by Mr. ames R. Ruse at the corner of Mar. et and Fifth Streets is nearing comletion. It will be one of the attraoive homes in the city. hew ADvntTunoan* W TODAYS HIWB J J^F, Jacksoa. C .V-jaM R?tI Bras. H. Clarke a*4 Asm. ' ^W. S ts* | _ _ . ^