vol. a. > ' 1 probable showers CLARK LEA CONVENTION IN SESS T??? ______ BALTIMORE. MD., June 28. By United Press.nee was taken. The result of the ballot was; Clark ballot the convention adjourned to meet/again this af LAST NIGHT'S SESSION WAS REMARKABLE -- ' Indications Are That Several Ballots Will Be Taken Before Any Nomination is Made. - ' I - - BRYAN FEARED BY BOSSES ?i *- ., u ?os i < (By United Preee) The eab-conunlttee of elewe delegates who are engaged la writlag the, OOOO word platform reenmad their etealon this afternoon. Mr. Bryan wit the Met member to arrfre. Meet of the delegates were ateeplag at noon. Mr. Bryan la ranch planeed over the adoption of hie reaointioa. He eald -The elf act of the reaointioa cannot now be eetlrutted. Any delegate aligned "with Byaa, Morgan and the Belmoat groap won't dare now to pa home and fbce Ahelr ennatltlaenta If they melde on the other elde of r (he ABegheutce. The Hiligalri ma at now be on one aide an the other. There eaa be WO .eneprnenler, Ma haM way maasncsrtog. The reeolncloia that Mr. Thea.aB haM all that area earn for him on the Bret twlot and gain en each anceedhtg erne and wgl fctve-ttte nerenaaey. two tSpdelan the foarth or gfth ballot. The foUowera of Wllaon are alao tlatalieg Hfe * " New York rote. Hertey Uarber, the Harmon leaden aaya: thgt he has a Uat of M who eoead for (Intr en the Int ballot who will awltch la Harmon If New York rotea Ita ninety for Clnk. The Underwood men are ooaddent that he will hold the rote he race* Ted ok the Brkt ballot and gala ataadfly. Two lined lid membera of the Bryan Uagne of Allegheny county, Penn. am red today. Thar had a band and aereral umnaaad Bryan bnttona and aald that they Inlandi to torn Irene a Bryad afantpada. , BALTIMORE Jar II.?The teen It ef the drat ballot indicator that many ballota moat ha token before the two-tETrSfr-rote la ncelred by any of the candldatoe. The "dark hone" chances an better now than erer before. The Clark Madera aa nioe as'the convention adjourned early this morning went Into executive aaaaloa and thay will make a dmpeyate egort today to rally the da legatee to pat the nomination of Clark through on the second er third ballot. , 1 " -? WUsanhen Eacoaragod The Wllaon forces are greatly enconrpgad because ha noatead his claimed rotae on Che Irat ballot. They think thnt the aecond ballot may abort a radical change In the resalt aa many delegates pledged and la. > etracted for oertala caadldatm go not. feel any obllgntlon after the nrat ballot' and.that on the sacoad ballot thay win throw their etynagth to . the man of their Individual choke. ? When the morning san replaced the electric lights tha eoaveatlen hall presented a remarkable acena. Practically Ml Uto delegated were coetMm. many ^ppjMjdtatn eean nodding. Only a acant law wars dlaommad to a< generic* , It lk? private taM .thine aud -woimen who tart *1; : lowed the ewmtlw (rem the *rWt nadlMdr fresh.clean Kfft- j U? .u in contpet to the be*ncled Idoktag delegates. The A nap perhnpe the meet remnrhhble it* the history of the Democretle Mlft. ' it* the egtnln* of the session' onlr flights of oratory by the aomtaaOax speekfrs wag eattelcated. but Mr. Bfgaoe resolution denouncing the money trnet, J. P. Morten. An*net Belmont, Thorn** WV*h. calling then tr uee, ceased wtM eoenee In the h*ll. When Mr Rryg* wtth- . drew pert-of hta reeoltttlee ashlmgtheoneting of Belmont an* Ryan I frem the convention a* dallltsa he pared the w*T (or the rlctory of -hi* reeolntlon. The coneervetive leader* were ported around the hell , Victvle* order* to .rote tor the adoption of the reeotatlon. They wanted He placate Mr, Bryan and stop him-from' bolting. which waa (eared by . the "bosses" ahd they were willing to coaeede him erstythlng bat the "nomination. '. They dihlre' hlm to go on the stemp.lhts fall for the nan d Ida to- named! ^ I . . rOeettom (er C?Mdalu i-. When the npmiaaUag speech for Vbderwoo^wee made the demonatraF , fid* laated tweSfy-llTe minutes; the demonetretion for Clarh cbnanmed atxty mtnntee and the demonstration for Woodrew Wilson on* hoar and 1 fifteen minute*. This was the wildest of the night. The generics took ** the cheering. Pared** wee* formed around the armory, thare were enuect yelln aad picture* of WilaPhbetated- on hah poles, nmbreltaa and 1 cdnee. ' " i e I f - " . ' .;1." % * I Vice FreMdeaey. Ito prolong Aelr stay. The weath-i i ;V : ~ ' |er her* hot? how?rfr? and J There hmu been little goss^.thualthft delegates have shown a dlepost- . far on tha subject of the - "on to spend u little tlsae la the j % dency. Probably 'no nertoea atWhtlon crowded .convention hall at possible. ( wtl. b. given tb a rnnn.n, mat. lor In?" ^ .J. ^ **>* ** 1 the maWdatdhanrer n.tti the Liter ~n. d.wi XL 1 *n...lonm.nt* are eroeetnd to clear hMrd "'freW*. drowsing the war the^tmre^re Z2J?2!h^8om.~f "lM ?' *" otUer r"dld?~ ^ I Won. here nredlct that die eouren- Bl,ht of tk" mlnot" d.monatraT^Jr" ? on tlon for Wilson reached Baltimore / * Btreot tad the downtown hotel dle1-1 h JT??.^wiI. o1|t o?. ^ "*** <" tk* W'lann hrewtwk. v " TV. XL there. Followers ol the foramr II 1,M. tnTpiiii..... t? dotna the Prluo. tools. marched np and down hue" K ouh'?Urt*U 1*7*1.1 Un* U< *" * 1( the Blue Ridce Dlvlalon at the dethodlet Rplecopal Church, wan la he city yeeterday oa hie way to Korehead City Mr. Warree while "ere made loqulrlee u to the len*th ?t tlnee It would require to erect u reeldeace la WaeSlaaton ' park'for ilwiilT aad family. Mr. Warren (tatee that It la the deal re of the Board ot docatlon ot the church to *ge building u early u practicable rhe deeds of transfer for the college ilte etc -will he difcwd and phased at in early day. WSSmBM^U GASB8AT WflWUT HAVE Teeterday morning .ley ttoM*,el roung -white man. without ieavo took the gaehOat of Captain James K. Clark, which Who moored at her t>erth at the foot of Bonner Street ad engaged hr a Joy.rt4e all day. t?aet night Hohha was joined by Leat? White. Herman Hobbe, .Plum Warner and Lester Wynn and they all proceeded to enjoy themselves on the boat running up and down the river until eleven o'clock last nigkt alien they retained with th? boat. Upoh fhelr arrival at the dock theyi rare met by the police and placed under arrest. They were given ai hearing this morning before Recordtr Grimes. Lhoter White. Herman Hobbe. Plum Warder and Lester Wynn were adjudged by thd court as sot guilty. Ivy Hobbe was "foandl guilty and the Recorder reserved hie ludgment until tomorrow morning. V CAR LOAD OF BCXKZUK , U \ The Waahlngtea Horse Exchange Company have jaat received a car toad of Babeock toggles and a ear lo.d .f W.OC. aowlM BMklBM ?4 kwnwi. r ,' "> 4 I CAROLINA, FKIWY AFTERNOON TOBDAl NOT MUCH CHANCE IN 5nt? IGHT. MEE of the Democratic National C erwood 117 1*2; Harmon 1 n the balloting will be resum 1UTHQATE FAY 1 I -O " -AILY , itNE 28, 1912. TEMPERA TURK. LIGHT VAKUABL1 [E FIR, :ts this aj /onuention at 6:44 o'clock this 48; Marshal 31; Baldwin 22 ed. iuum ' i PAYS RESPECTS Ifl ISEVELI, Fortunately the Colonel Did Not Secure Nomination He Declares SIGNED EDITORIAL - IN WEEKLY PAPER ? lo to Roosevelt and His Follow- " era are Responsible for ^ Division of Progressives si . ti (By United Preee) m MADISON, win.. June 28.?Sena tpr LaFolette in a signed editorial today In bis weekly paper says in part: r? "Until Roosevelt came Into the open * as a candidate there was a strong ^ rapidly growing progressive move- ^ meni within the Republican party ** which was fast assuming national nl proportions. Into this movement li Roosevelt projected his third term a" ambition. He spent weeks planning c< "spontaneous call'* for himself and then responded with the announce- t and he pnd his friends in despair be- ^ came desperate and the most enor- tl mous campaign fund in th* history of ai American politics was raised. There 01 never has been a primary campaign foy any president approaching this in " ^fphvaganee. Men notoriously iden- * tiflett with the steel and harvester trust became Roosevelt's Tnost active p' suppoter* Fortunately Roosevelt did tl not secbre the nomination which ,r would have compromised the pro- ? greeelve movement and defeated the ~ real achievement for years. Upon Mr. RooMvelt and his followers rests the responsibility of having divided the progressives on the first national (yxntest. Bteanlated by an overmast- . lng desJre to^ win they denounce loy. alty . to conVictlon and ' principle as stubiorn selfishness and substitute jt vulgar personalities and charge epl- ti thete. " The progressive movement does h not consist of a fsw self constituted leaders budot millions of thoughtful o cit liens. They will permit more aft- si er awhile. Uo combinations of spec- 7 ial interests.and pdlltlcal expediency tj to secure control of the progree*iv$ cause which' is ultimately to redeem h. demderarfy ,snd restore the govern* w men to tbtfipeople." $ MHSSU SESSWI: s XThOREAEAD CITY ' MOREHEAD CITY. Jane 18.?The eecond. day's session < f the North Car _ Bankers' Association, n *81tt Is-holding its annual conven. Hon hero, proved intensely Interesting; the reports of standing committmMuMudiOKgM. ? One or tha foaturea ot the program waa a bda| rerkew of It. annual tea- u noa of tha American Banker. Aaaoelatloa by Vloa Praaldent J. p. WUy of tha Fidelity Bank, of Dnrham. ol and aa addiaaa.by B. F.- Hurtle, of tka Illinois Bankar'a Association, and tt William Reed, aastatant cashier of (j the National City Baak, of New York bi Tha program for today's aaaalon fol rc Iowa: ai I- Addreti Lea MeClnnc, Treasurer te United State., Washington, D. C. Btata Banking Law?Considers- la tion. ,t Report ot Committees. w Election of OBoara InataHatloa of OfSaars. ? III ? u Tka Dallr Mm utMda confrato- al latlona On. War aveatnf A from 9 to 11 at tka hose of Mr. m Clyda Harrtaon a racaptlop waa taad- ? erad tka eBapla and a taw trrttad at K~ ' " . -V ' ? *' -*u> Z . * f NEVi . ,1 I ! ? WINDS BECOMING SOUTH. ST Wfi TEKNOON morning the fir it ballot for : Bry4*-u^ v? RflCEJ Thousands of Entlu of the Sport on tl est Aquatic Even: pecial to the Dally News. t POUGHKEEPSIE. N. Y.. June 28. t -With th^expectatto^>^f witnessing > le greatest acqvatlc ^^nt of the 1 ?ar. cnouaandB of enthusiastic fol- c iwers of the sport came pairing In- t Poughkeepsie today to satend the e >venteenth annual regetto/of the In- I ircolleglate Rowing Association, t hlch la to be held tomorrow on the f udson River course. The day's pro- a ram will consist of three contests, n te varsity four-oared race, at two Ilea; the freshman eight-oared c ice, at four miles. t In the big event- of the day?the I ice of the varsity eights?siarcrews s ill participate. They are Cornell, s ennsylvania, Syracuse. Columbia, t Msconsin, and a newcomer on the fi udson, Leland Stanford of Califorla. With weeks of grueling prac. n ce at an end, the six crews ? are ii waiting the start of the big race in p :nfldence. t Although open pool is not permit- 1 id, there is keen interest among the t ackers of the various ? crews and 1 taay individual wagers are being s laced.~ Cornell rules the favorite in t le betting, although many backers r re to be found for several of the 1 ther crews. C Wisconsin's crew this year is be- s eved to be the best that has ever ? een sent to Poughkeepsie from Mad- * ion, and followers of the eight ex- s ect to see it figure prominently In a le race. In view of the strong show-la ig made by Colombia last year and it Twenty-first Serie Will Be Opened The nest series-of the Home Build- t ig and Loan Association will be I le Savings and Trust Company bank ' use. This will be the twenty-first j sries. The last series was opened j n 'January 1 with 307 shares cf a lock subscribed, representing $30- i 00 when the stock reaches maturi- c f. ' "" < On May 1. 1012 the association a ad 1144 . shares of stock In force hlch will represent at maturity 1 114,400. The company now has i vaned out with first class security E 10,975. The next series of the as- 8 elation which opens as above stat- 8 I, has every assurance of an excel- F nt showing. This home enterprise J is done great things for Washing- 8 ENEF1T FOR W. C. T. U It AT THE LYRIC TONIGHT * wr a. The program arranged at the Lyric might is unquestionably one of the fa sst musical numbers that has been > lered by local t*!?nt in some time, Is The receipts are for the benefit of tl nlon, who haa a committee that haa 11 >en preparing the different number* t r quite a while, and a guaranteed 1 urance la in store for all who at- 0 nd tonight. C The manager of the Lyric haa spec- ' 1 pictures offered and aa a whole t la an entertainment that la fully orth your time to attend. Aa previously stated the receipts a- for a meat worthy eqaae, aad tpee who can should aid the workers *! The prleea lor is night will he dulta 19 aad children 19 eenta.Re ember this to going for a good una; U yoa can't oome yonrmelf >nd one of yowr family along, they Ul he just aa glad to see them. # y . .. NO. 188 _______ "J lLLOT 4 O'CLOCK m the Presidential nomivoting 2. After this ,tc. Some of the most attractive -esideocee in the city today are the fruits of this organisation. The com any while progressing Itself has alio been the means of carrying forward outside enterprises. It Is an organisation that should receive ivery encouragement from the cltlens. The officers of the company are: 'rwidont, W. E. Swindell; Vice Pres. * dents, F. J. Berry and B. K. Willis iecretary and Treasurer, John B. iparrow. Board of Directors: W. B. - ? wlndell. F. J. Berry, E. K. WU1U. E. t. Mlxop, F. H. Bryan, F. C. Kugler ohn O. Brsgaw Jr., and John B. par row. mm t to go m in camp neh week Cm pan y "G" of this city will leave ere next Tuesday for Camp Glenn, forehead City, where they wtll go n camp with the second regtment of . ^ he North Carolina National Guard, hey will be in camp eight days. The lembers of the-company here are an-, Iclpatlng a pleasant outing and those a charge expect to carry a full quota - ^ :1 f the members. In the absence of aptaia ft. B. Cowell the company rill be in command of First Lieuinaat B. B. Roes. J ^ } 1H TODAY'S KIV8 e - { J. K. Hoyt. ' Fostum Cereal Compamy. Southern Furniture Company ) Washington Horse Iwbinge Doans ; !