15f i. ? I,, ?k I-5* I fWoSTA NATO Arizona and Neu N Recognized as I Since 1890 Mq Has Been Addi Special to the Daily News. WASHINGTON, D. C.. July 4.? Two atara were added to the national flag today, denoting the addition of 1 Arizona and New Mexico to the sisterhood of states. It has been some time since the two Territories became States, but under the law the change ta the flag could not be majle until * today, which is the Independence Day next following their submission to 8tatehood. The law governing the subject is contained in the act ,of Congress approved April 4, 1818- The act prok ~ Tides as follows: "On the admission of the new state into the Union, one star shall be addT ed to the union of the- flag and such addition shall take effect on the 4th jMtth .-V':/ "jwiw then next _ suooeedlng I such admission." This is the first time since 1890 that more than one star has been added at a time. In that year stars I?: were added for the five new states of Idaho, Washington, Montana and North and Sooth Dakota. Since July 4, 1896, the official arrangement of the stars in the blue 'field of the flag has been such as to permit the addition of more state ITERS OF mm nn t ny PDUTOVH ? ?- ? * * * * * f We continne to have heavy rains and the crops are somewhat backward on sandy land. Miao Bertha G. Waters spent last -week with her slater Mrs. j. is. bo yd who has been very akk During the abaence of our regular Rural Carrier last week the while were successfully handled by his v substitute. Mr. Sachwell Boyd returned last week from Clyo, fis.. where he baa been working the past several SflHv. mouths.- ? ' . Quite a number of our people attended the aaios at 'AtMpi INadai Mr. Edmonson, of Wilson, N. C., ia here this week buying hogs. Mr. L. H. Harris was a Washington visitor Inst Friday. < ?. X iWe were more than glad to hear from Broad Creek last week and glad to know that it la on the bloom again. It ia getting late in the season to b? blooming. It must be cotton blooms. HffiT % r-Mr. Jack Waters of your city wai| in our midst Monday. Mr. and Mrj Oeorre V. Boyd rlr itod friends at Acre 8unday era)4g I ? . *1 We are glad to know that we hart a new correspondent from Motown * Hope he will call again. JakerllJe Jack If you don't qMll poking your pestiferous nose Intc other folks affairs and turning then snper-eupertatlve Summersaults yot wont hare sense enough to stand or ? your feet mueh lass your head, to; Jeet go your route for no ho their aunt Mrs. O. L. Sparrow Sunday and Sunday night. eeeeeeeee RIVER ROAD STATION * %r?: % I.. * 1 We had an electrical storm Sunday afternoon with torrents of rain. ..J ? Mr. L. M. Sheppard had cotton t bloom last week and Monday hie en tire cotton Held was beautiful with the ptnk and'yellow flowers. i We think the crops in this Vicinity real well considering the cool nights ? beany rains and all other drawbacks I we have had. 1 ? A ??0 littlo dooght.r bu grrlrod kt tko bow of Mr. and Mr*. J. L. Allied. f t Mr*. Skill* Alllgood bu bM TV] - Ill for gmrkl dor*. " / l : ; _ Mr. I. A. Alllgood. ( WMkbwtoa. I* mkklkg >Mb tmproro?3eat u kla r ' ? I Mr. J. WkHor Aingood k*a kkd kM : VV-vfci^' 0 ' ilvow #.'J ' i'.i fNGT WAHB1NOTON, NOR1 . ' ; V 1 !. Legal Holiday: N ID TO ~ lG TODAY moEin PASSED AWAY YESTERDAY Funeral Was Held This Morning At Reward N. C Conducted By Rev. Jot Fulford Mrs. L. H. Reddltt, wife of Mr. L H. Reddltt, one of Edwards promin ent merchants passed away at hei home yesterday morning after a shon illness. Mrs. Reddltt was taken ox Tuesday morning and the end th< following day. At the time of hei death she was In her thirty-eigtl year. She was a woman of magne tism and all her life held a warn nn/t .'InKln ..1 nAn Im 1. ??? * her neighbors and friends and hei going has cast a pall of Badness ovei the entire community where she lived so circumspectly. | The deceased was the daughter o: the late Mr. Thomas R. Boyd and i I consistent member of the Eplscopa Church. For years she has been oni |Of the guiding stars for the Mastei in the Edward section and now shi has been called to receive her re ward for work faithfully performed Mrs. Redditt besides a heartbrokei husband leaves six children, thret boys and three girls to mourn the! loss. She also leaves one brother one Sister and six half brothers am three half sisters. The last tribute of reBpect wa paid this good woman this mornini at 11:39 o'clock when the funera services were conducted by Rei Joseph Fulford, of Grifton, N. C. Th interment was made in the famil tAirying ground at Edward. A larg number of sorrowing friends and ac quaintances were present. The flora offerings were profuse. The Dail News extends sympathy to the b reaved. MUCH APPRECIATED The editor and his entire familj especially his little tots, are indebl ed to the efficient correspondent c the Daily News at River Road Sti tion for a basket of luscious plutm They were as sweet in taste as ou correspondent is efficient In gatherln news. TWO-YEAR-OLD SONOF cbiimk vim fv n?i vbiuihuu niiiimil mini The 2-year old bob of Mr. and Mr Charles Whitley, who reside on Fift Street, between Bonner and Marke after several week's illness, passe away yesterda^ afternoon. The 111 tie fellow was bright and intereatls and was the joy and hope of fathc and mother. The funeral service were conducted thia afternoon b Rev. Robert V. Hope, pastor of th Christian Church and the intermei was at Banyan. FOURTI Bf JULY BEING FITTWCLY BBSERVEI Washington is observing th Fourth of July in fitting atyle todaj ud Market Streets where th different places ot business are local tod. has the appearance of Sunday * hll the store* are closed and the pre t>rietors and clerks are taking a da off. The deportment of the city u to the hoar of going to pre** was ei cellent as the police had reported n arrests for^rlolation of the city ord nance*. L. M. Sheppard was superlateadei of the work. Mr. J. B. Wallace was a Waehtai tea Tiattoa Saturday night and Bui day. Ml** Cs?1* Woe lard and her gw MM* Lanra Whlker, of Mwtri MU Blanche Caytoa ef Small, and Mh , Martha Ptttaaan rial ted Mend* I , Bvnyan Mat Aatnrday. Wm . M. CkM?, ?f Ktw Bm it; mimmwti k.. " H CAROLINA. THVR?I>AY AKTKRNOO! 0 WeaUte^ Forecast ; * i The C y \ 1 ' I' '' ' ' ' | U 1 .. I -i! . = /, : < ni v ., ... C r I '' * .M' / } 1iV JJEPEN DB GB HAS RECOVERED FROM I - RECENT OPERATION1 Rev. Joseph Fulford and wife, of Griffon, N .C., were here today. Mr. Fulford was only recently operated upon at a hospital Jn&rfchuond. Va. for appendicitis, where he was confined for several weeks. His many friends throughout the county rejoice at his recovery- For sometime he was the popular rector of Zlon's Eplscopal Church at Bunyon and Is now the rector of the Episcopal Chnrch Grifton, N. C. He is one of the most promising young divines s "of his church i^ the state. He is a t Beaufort County boy and bis home county feels proud of him. MISS BESSIE COWER AT : HOME TO FRIENDS ' * The event of the week at Aurora, d N. C., was the party given by Miss Bessie Mae Gower for the North Carolina Sewing Circle. Delicious and F tempting refreshments were served. j DThe recipients of Miss Gower'n hospitality were: Misses Mae and Cecil Jones, Mary t i. and Rebecca Bonner, Gernette Bon- f h ner, Lola Thompson and Annie Swint dell. * : t- FINE ATTENDANCE g There wu a fine attendance at the ^ ir prayermeeting service# at the First m M. E. Church last night. The monthly ly church conference was also held e and the reports aa made showed the it work In good and hopeful condition. ^ After the service the choir had their h ~~ usual practice and good music may " be expected on next Sabbath. 8 c HAS RECOVERED n ft Mr. William Dixon, who about * [f five weeks ago met with the miafor- * tune to have hla left leg broken near ^ e the ankle While employed at the * r Blount-Lodge Brickyard while throw- * ? lng clay from a deep opening, is now ? I. able to be out again. c * o ' NEW VAUDEVILLE ACT \ P AT TIE LYRIC TONIGHT, o New faces, new songs, some whistling, is the headlines of the Lyric - program today, for which they have | lt aa satire change of porgram in g Vaudeville act and pictures. ? Walker and West presenting "The ( Fortune Teller and Sosbrstte" in- t r" troductna comedy, alndni. talklnk. t and whittling la the feature vaude- r Tina attraction hooked for tha re- f hinder of the week. They make ^ " their ?nt an ? ranee here this are- I ntn* end n?irU hare tt that they an < the heat faa ailai ot the aaaaon. I There b aa seed ot worrying abont ] aaananl. whaa you can ted tha a - dally inma el the Lyrte with aa aacetleat clam of totsna aa they are I saw ejhIViUax. I J i. . jtlfiht "a r , 'u K, JULY 4, 1918. For Today Or Tonlf jlorious F( i :nce day l :mfr a t.t.w i .HER CITIES OF' COUNTRY IKE . 1ERRYON i FOURTH ; <3 peclal to the Daily News. tKLTlMOUK RECALLS WAR OF l?U2 BALTIMORE. Md.. July 4.?In f elebrating the national indepenlence day Baltimore today turned tack the pages of history one hunIred years, to the beginning of the econd and last war between the t United States and Oreat Britain, t'n- A ler the auspices of a citizens' com- t oittee there was given an elaborate \] lageant depicting the stirring events n f the war of IS 12 In which T Baltimore figured-conspicuously. The larlng deeds of BaJtlmore's clipper- to tullt ships and privateers were illus- C rated, also the historic siege of 1 "on McHenrj. which inspired Fran- 1 Is Scott Key to write the national mthem, "The Star Spangled Ban- 1 ler" X THE NATIONAL CAPITAL ON THE FOURTH e n WASHINGTON, D. C., July 4.? ? "oday's observance of the national ? loliday In Washington was strictly b if the safe and sane variety. Air- f hip and hydroplane exhibitions, anoe races, swimming contests and umerous of athletic fixtures characerlzed the celebration. During the orenoon there were patriotic exerises in the Hall of the Americas of P he Pan-American Union building. r rith John Barrett, director general t the Pan-American Union, as the a hief orator. The national flag was p onspicuously displayed on all of the lovernment buildings and on many j luslness houses and private residenea. CHICAGO'S SANE FOURTH o PROGRAM TODAY H ^ d CHICAGO, 111., July 4.?The small t> ioy and his toy pistol, likewise the $ riant torpedo and dynamite crack- o r were placed upon the ban g Chicago today. The municipal an- a horities and various civic organise- p Ions combined in providing ways for L ntertalnlng the people and so succes- "n hi were their efforts that apparent- p y neither the youngsters nor the s rroWn-upe missed the noise and ex- c d tamest that were oaoe the leading i eat ore of the holiday's celebration, o land eoaoerts, patriotic exercises o JU hietorioal pageants, with displays fl d ftremorks conducted by paid as- g parts. aNorded ample ceterisismest a Ire thn-multitudes . ? - - r>.?. ' v a.'ij.) I* ----- NEV I ^rttx \ ' : . s ; OBSERVED \ _ ^ i 10BERT MANNING BAD i A1MRROW ESCAPE Mr. Robert Manning, who is now ngaged In painting the Washington Iridgti nnu? near iortng his life on 'uesday last by striking a live elecric "wire on the bridge draw. Mr. tanning was at work on the draw ud not knowing that the current Aas on happened to come in contact tlth the wire. The consequence was hat his body was nearly drawn louble and bis arm badly burned. He . cad the presence of mind to call for telp which was promptly 'rendered, t was a narrow escape. lOYT'S MID-SUMMER SALE CREAT SUCCESS Mr. J. K. Hoyt had a great day at * .is Mid-Summer sale on yesterday, til day there was a steady stream of >argain hunters and the bargains hey -were offering were taken adantage of. The sale is to continue or three days longer. These Midlummer sales at this well know store re becoming more popular with the itizens whenever they are offered. sale of yesterday was a record reaker. HK \ K'HOLSON V1LLK FRAVERMKKTING The Nicholsonville Cottage Prayrmeeting will be held tomorrow eve uB ..v ciftui v viwii BI me rraiabDce f Mrs. Zorado Wright, on East See- , nd Street. The meeting will he held a y Rev. R. H. Broom, pastor of the 0 'Irat Methodist Church. All cordial- c r nlrlted. t MAKING IMPRO YKME KTK. Mr. J. D. Grimes is making im- I rovements to his already attractive esidence at Bridge Street. nd acquatic events so figured, rominently In tie *dayss festivities, e 8 BR "SAFE AND HANE" b IDEA IN NEW YORK, t v NEW YORK. July 4.?The metrop- n lis enjoyed a thoroughly "safe and t sne" observance of the Fourth to- a ay, tbanka to the liberality of the e oard of aldermen in appropriating k 50,000 to cover the expenses of the (Bcial celebration. The official pro ram was ushered in at daybreak, * 'hen the flag was raised at the Old * 'ort Block House in Central Park. * ater In the forenoon there was a lam moth parade, starting at historic * Tancee's Tavern In lower Manhattan nd marching up Broadway to the * "fty Hall, where It was reviewed by ? be Mayor. During the Yuma In dm * t the day tnere^were public band 1 an certs, orations, folk damans and reworks In all ef the kimsgls 1n ? ether with speetal eekehratloaa on * U of tho Uf MMo dmcmmi 1 - J' -1 -X"TT, * " ' . \\ / " . ' jrU: J KOIN smi FRQI ABD01B1 I 5-10S.-0LD 1 CHILD 1 Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. iM Claude Carrow Operated Upon Yesterday by Drs. Tayloe. J ts Getting Along Niceh Today A needle over an inch-in length flj at removed from tbe abdomen of he 5-menths-old daughter of Mr. ind Mrs. Claude Carrow yesterday corning by Drs. D. T. and Joshua rayloe. The little sufferer is reportd to be getting along nicely today tnd unless something unforseen haptens will recover. As to bow tbe :eedle got in the child's body 1b diaiuted. Some think that she swalowed the needle, others contend hat it entered her body from tbe lutside. For the past several days the babe lad been fretful and irritable caus rig her parcniH no little alarm and ' vorry. Yesterday morning Mrs. .'arrow upon giving the child Its usjal morning bath noticed a red place T >n the abdomen and at first she hought it was nothing more than a mosquito bite. She started to treat he place and the child flinched and jegan to cry. This caused a closer xami nation and then it was discovered that (t was hard. Mr. Carrow vas at once phoned for and he in ? 4 urn phoned for tho Drs. Tayloe. The >h>-Eicians at first gave it as their \i ipinion it was a mosquito bite ,how ivef, upon more minute examination hey decided it contained some for- * i-ign substance and decided to operate The operation was performed with :he result that a needle over an inch n length was recovered. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. .'arrow rejoice with them that their Ittle cue is getting on so well tolay. , MIRTH CAROLINA BAR ' ASSO. AT ffiOREHEAD The North Carolina Bar Aseocia- ' ion is now in session at Morehead 2ity. Lawyers are In attendance 'rom practically every county in the ttate. , President Winston's addreee featured the opening session. Cclonal Harry Skinner, of Greenville, ofered the report of the executive comDlssion and Hon. W. D. Prudes, of Ddenton, offered an interesting re>ort on legal ethics. PAYNE MEMORIAL CHURCH Rev. Percy Pemberton, the pastor, rill conduct prayerme-eting servicee t the Payne Memorial Church. Nich ilsonville. this evening at 8:15 o'lock. All are cordially invited to te present. IAMP1NC PARTY OF TOMORROW NOT ? * The campijyj party Xof ^eracoke ^ J xpect to leave tomorrow Bight at : 30 o'clock. Those who are members of the party were published la he Daily News a few days ago. For . eefea the young people have been ~~ J taking elaborate preparations for he outing and they are anticipating i pleasant occasion. They expect t? pend several weeks at this wall* mown summer resort. ?; ' i - t *o?at*s imwa ? j. K. Hon. > Worthy ud athrldde. H. Clark* ud Boa*. ! r r???Vh? M W. Car^Skadao. >1 J. L. OMolu. a .3 1 J. P. Jaokaon. ' -a WUaoa Fraokla Craaa : ? ? 1 K. C. Traladad Sekaal. ' . a *9 Cklrkatar WU*. * J ^ ^