ruBump ITUKT irmMooN KC1PT SUNDAY. ? Ma lO ImI Water gML v mjsr? is^wisusrs (Sm fifoi! "'" UAMtal g M? BwS -? >? ? ! ?M MV IMMM s.H K Ml MM l.M L ?YSt...?T^... iM t SalaWi ?i wHnUu!^lt?tk< f A -Ml b? O..U d iMd a* molar aubf -jUlJia nM oatll Mttc* to Mo> hn*M. A-"* ll you do not gwt tha Daily N#wi promptly telephone or writ* tha manf afar and the complaint will raoaivs MaiSih attention. It la op* 4aHre to pleaee you. Ail article# rent to the Dally Newt Mr publication must be slatted bj the writer, otherwise they will no< he published. FRIDAY, JULY li, 1?11 THEY WANT NO EVIDENCE There is an organized effort on th? part of certain politicians to drag the name of Senator Simmons Into th? Lorimer scandal. Before casting his vote, we hav? E-V1. no doubt. Senator Simmons read thi E? sworn evidence which was presented to the Senate for its consideration. We would like to know how many K. of the newspaper editors and selfI made political guardians of the pub Iw lie who are making such a howl [ about hla vote, have read any of thi IK testimony? The courts of our land have pro vlded a means whereby all who an accused may have a fair trial ant when they have stood trial before i jury of intelligent men and found not guilty, then It comes with poor graci ] the evidence to charge that the jurj perjured themselves. We say If Senator Simmons aftet having read the testimony in the I-or lmer caae was satisfied that the Sen ator from Illinois was Not Guilty o the charges preferred and cast hli vote according to the dictate of his better Judgment, then he did righ ^ and. we admire him the more foi taking a stand for what he consider ed right, knowing that the stand lit had taken was not the popular one. Senator Simmons Is a man of largei r calibre than any other aspirant fot his position can hope to be. therefore we should not throw to the winds a position which ranks highest among his colleagues in the Senate. The farmers will vote for Senatoi Simmons. A majority of the white est politicians will vote for Cover^ nor Kitchin. On which Bide do you stand? ? PREVENTING THE PLAGUE The appearance of the dreaded bubonic plagne at the very doors of the United States serves to call attention ^o the parsimony of the House of Representatives in greatly reducing the appropriation for fighting epidemics in this country. In regard to the plague and the appro priation. the Washington Post says: "No one knows how the plague reached Porto Rico. But it is there In four foci?San Juan. Santurce Car i ollna, and on the opposite side of the island at Arroyo. There have been 32 cases and 20 deaths already. The public health and marine hospital service is In full charge of the sltu; atlon there with 4 officers and 70 men. "The plague appeared as mysteriously at Havana as it did at San Juan |? On Mercaderos street opposite Ofici[ nas street, where a Spaniard was found Buffering from the plague. | there has been a heavy mortality of ^ rats. Whether the plague-infected rats run no man knows. They may . be on ships now riding in American ports. Surgeon General Rlue has dis|f patched an additional officer to Haft vana to co-opcrate in the work of ex? terminating rats and in ascertaining & the probable radius of infection. "The public health and marine hospital service la charged with the heavy responsibility of warding away ? this mysterious and terrible disease. It should hare the fullest possible support from Congress.?Ledger Dispatch. Ik. SLEEPING IN HOT WEATHER Nothing so fortifies one against at? tacks of hot weather as a good night's iA sleep. For lots of people nothing is Iy harder to get. If you have not taken K-_ a reasonable amount of exercise, peril' haps you don't deserve much sleep, If you are troubled with indigestion, eat a light fruit supper, or omit It en? tirely. If your room or your bed la hot, or if you are too warm to go to | M." sleep quickly on a hot. night, take a I tub bath is excellent, but a cold rub down with a cloth or sponge is alB most as good. After thuB becoming iBft--. thoroughly cleansed and cooled by ? such a bath, it Is comparatively easy f fot ? good night's sleep in spite | B': of the hot weather. i BAT CATCHERS ARE SPENDING DUHY DAY B BOSTON. July 12.?Rat catchers I & are busy today all along the Boston water front. Under the direction of I |c the board of health they will endeav> A SONG tr rar. TWy oi t Mm a how t ' U v Sr V Say, tha Soil a in Ml IW < OV 8.e? *.. V Com tmlld: 1 f tmk r 80 dn . Whari H?' * Her * 8?;? (he w?n We ere iKt To be well, t< Your soul 701 ? Then . 1 come 1 Come, V . On thL or to eliminate all possible sources of the bubonic plague. As the fleas on the rats are regarded as the disease germ carriers the rodents will be combed for the fleas and these 1 examined br specialists. Longshoremen are killing the rats In large numbers. As fast as vessels airlve from the ports where the plague exists thej are fumigated to exterminate thp rats and subjected to close inspection. RENT FREE WITH EVERY BABY Paris to Try an Experiment With Workmen's Flats. PARIS. July 1/?Flats in which the birth of every baby frees the tenant from payment of rent for the quarter following, is an experiment 1 to be tried in the workmen's hous- ' ing quarters in Paris. There has been considerable difficulty in lodging the 1 workmen with large families in this i city, and this problem bears a close ' relation to the vital question of the depopulation of France. i This experiment for encouraging ' large families will not be tried in four blocks of workmen's flats, built i by Charles Stern at Vlncennes. an eastern suburb of Paris. These will 1 . consist of 109 two. three and four. roomed flats, at rentals of 10 pounds. 13 pounds and 16 pounds sterling ret spectlvely. The profits remaining after the cost of construction and working ex- ' . penses will be used for charitable b purposes. In portions of the district where mothers are nursing babies , they will be supplied with luncheon , and dinner free ohcharge. Th? flats t include baths, washhouses. library ( and a dispensary in connection with j these apartments for the care of new born Infants. TWO HOUSE LEADERS WILL VISIT WILSON Speaker Clark and Underwood Accept Invitation to Go to Sea Girt WASHINGTON. D C.. July 12.? Speaker Clark and Representative Oscar Underwood received Invitations today from Gov. Wilson to visit him I at Sea Girt. The two House leaders } will accept the summons from the ] new leader of the party. When ask- i ed if he would go to Sea Girt, Speak- ( er Clark said: I "Of course, I'll go. Why shouldn't l I go? Dut 1 don't spend my time \ Jumping around the country when I the House is in session. I've got business to attend to here. t Besides. I don't know when I can go or what arrangements I'll have to |g make I don't Irnnm T ??? IT - - ----- - ""'"O' * VOU i ? find a place to sleep there at night or a whether I'll have to get a round trip u ticket." Mr. Clark was asked if Go*-. Wilson / had signified any date upon which he would be glad to receive him. He answered: "He didn't set a date and I'm not going to set one right away. It's a long time before November. C F 3 DEAD. 37 ARE ILL > FORM POISONED FOOD r Mystery Surrounds Tragedy Which t Fell I'pon Entire Family at J Reunion. n I AUGUSTA. GA.. July 12.?Three o persons are dead and thirty-seven are b ill an a result of oating poisoned food at the home of MacCanady. near t Garfield. Ga.. on the Fourth of July t according to information reached c here last night. Mystery surrounds ^ the wholesale poisoning of the fam- a lly. who had gathered for a reunion. 0 Mm. Faircloth, daughter of Mac s Canady. and one of her children died t yesterday, while Tllman Canady a Canady died Saturday. It has not been determined wheth- ii er the forty persons ate tainted food 1 or whether a drug caused the deaths and the Ulnees. Authorities will 1 make a thorough Investigation. e ' .. t v POINTED PARAGRAPHS t Two can live almost expensively as C one. * " 1 Some men are honest?last as I some women are islent. I . OF WASHINGTC T wlaxL^-r?i-**"** " i Ik M* Mb at to* pM la Mi OaUk ka tooak apnaktoc ok ufc w ??lrto? It milt rem to ?mm: atfa. torn, UcU? aato toto* I l iltni 1 troto PaaJIca tora or baby to rwtj m MV| to WaahtoqtoM Fat* to?a M*iw ?w too*. .ok r .. '"' - - . rta of pleasure of pl*j(rouda ad i format (ran boon arovad tow*. toMU fan of chlMroa ka* aoihw rot oaO? hoi bono will kaock dowi a, ajn the lark; smys the breeee, a e, come aad bo- free: > bo Onh; fee, to make your 700ft 1 moot IU of ae. rouse build your tottege, ho eoay, ho mild your masaiou, so groad. come, 'twill be gay?moot month* I 1 Wnahlngtoo Pwk?PICtowqM Mad p 1 NOTICE OF SUMMONS AND WARRANT OF ATTACHMENT North Corolla*. Beaufort County, Superior Court, October Term, 1911. W. B. Morton trading oa W. B. Morton A Co. vs. ,.r. Harriet Miner trading as Miner Engineering Co. 'The defendant above named will take notice that a summons in the above action issued agaibet bald defendant on the 9 th day of July, 1912 in the Superior Court of Beaufort County, North Carolina, for the sum of $277.29 (two hundred, seventyseven, and 29-100 dollars) due said plaintiff by account, which said summons is returnable on the 6th Monday after the 1st Monday in September, it being the 14th day of October, 1912. The defendant will also take notice that a warrant of attachment was issued against the property of the said defendat, which warrant is returnable to the October Term of the Superior Court of Beaufort County, 1912, it being the] turn of the a amnions when and where the defendant ia required to appear and answer or demur to the complaint or the r?T!ef- therein demanded will be granted. This 10th day of Jul?. 1912. GEO. A. PAUL. Clerk Superior Court Beaufort Co. 7-17 4wka. W. AND V. R. R. NEW SCHEDULE (Effective Jul) 8, 1912.) Exclusive passenger service on the Washington and Vandemere R. R. will be discotninued and the following schedule will be effective commencing July 8, 1912. S'o. 1. Leave Vandemereat 7:45 a.m. Arrive at Washington .. 10:20 p.m. S'o. 2 Leave Washington . . 4:15 p.m. Arrive at Vandemere .... 6:45 p.m. 8. R. CLARY. Agent. SUMMER TOURISTS AND WEEK END PARES TO BEAUFORT AND MOREHEAD CITY BY THE SEA TO MOREHEAD CITY Summer Week End ?rom Tourist Fare Washington $3.05 $3.25 >lnetown 3.75 3.00 Mymouth 4.40 8.00 Columbia 6.20 4.00 lelhavea 4.75 3.76 Sdenton . 5.70 4.00 lemura 6.20 4.00 Mizabeth City 6.25 4.50 Rates to Beaufort 20 cents higher ban fares to Morehead City. Summer tourist Tickets sold dally ;ood to return until October 31st. Veek End Tickets sold for all Friday ,nd Saturday trains, good to return mtll Tuesday follwing date of sale. For particulars ask any Ticket igent. W. W. CROXTON, NOTICE OF SALE NORTH CAROLINA, BEAUFORT OUNTY, SUPERIOR COURT, BE'ORE THE CLERK, forwood L. Simmons, Admr., of Lawence Gorham, dec'd. V8. .ula Gorham Jenkins, Nellie Gorham lixon and husband Giles Mixon, Anile Gorham Rowe and husband John towe and Lawrence Gorham a minr. Heir* at law of Lawrence Goram, dec'd. Under and by virtue of an onle^r he Superior Court of Beaufort Couny, made in the above entitled proeedings, the undersigned will on i ion day. the 29 th day of July, 1912, t 12 M., at the Court House door f Beaufort County. N. C., offer for ale to the highest bidder for cash, hat certain tract of land described s follows: In Washington Township, adjoin^ ng W. G. Cherry's Main Road and 'ho mas Bryan. Beginning at a take on Main Road leading from Washington to WilUamston. the coin r of W. G. Cherry's line and.runa rlth his line N. 71 191 polpa to he Una of Ellas Clark cornering la aid Cherry's line, than with 1)1 lad 'lark's line 8 SO W 28 poles to the Ine of Peter Mayo, then with hlel Ine and 8amuel Morton and ThomasI irysn and my own line, all of whlehlj ' ' -. ;! '?r-\f' - i-iki II : - ^ . | n the Park: H< V bright! xj as May. ?* I " ? l??* i 19th, 1187, recorded in book 107. with Road to beginning. Containing 15 acres. It being same land ooaveyed by R. W. Ball and wife to Lawrence Gotham by Deed dated Nov. bear 77 l?g to Main Road and , page 457, Register's Office, Beaufort County, N.C. r This July 1st. 1911. NORWOOD L. SIMMONS, Commissioner. ; 7-1 4wte. - .. -v 1 i FOR rEVnUSBRBM AND AOHDra < Whether from Malarious ooxklltlOKt ; Colds or overheating, try lllekii CAPUDINE. It rednoes the fever and relierea the aehin*. It's Liquid 1 NOTICE OP SALE |? dj virtue or the power of sale contained in a Mortgage Deed executed by James Hardy to Washington Real- J ty Co., dated S3 day of January, 1911 and duly recorded In Book No. 168 page 324, Register's office of Beaufort county, which Is referred to. I will offer for sale to the highest bidder at public auction, for cash, at the Court House door, in the town of Washington, N. C., on Wednesday the 7 day of Augoat, 1912, at 12 o'clock, the following described property, to wit:It bejpg lot No. 18 according to < the map of the property of Washing- 1 ton Realty Co., made by J. H. Fell * and fronting SO feet on the North 1 side of 9th Street and running 80 ft. back and in the City of Washington, N. C. WASHINGTON REALTY CO. ^ Mortgagee. This July 6, 1912. 7-8 4wc. y ORDINANCE The board of Aldermen do enact: j That the fire district be extended as t follows: Beginning 105 feet east of ^ the eastern side line of Market Street f where it intersects Main Street and ^ running North parallel with Market Street to Third Street; thence West along Third Street to a point 105 1 feet West of Market Street; thence j South and parallel with Market St. a to Main Street; thence East with g Main Street to the beginning. This ordinance shall go into effect from and after July 1, 1912. 0 W. C. AYERS. *jity uieric. 7-3 10 tc. CAPTDINE for "THAT HK AD A CHIT' fl Out last night? Headache anj nervous thin morning? Hlcka Capo- ? dine lust the thing to fit you for business. Try It. At drug store*. c li t TRY A DAILY NEWfl WANT AD a In all things we emphas! of anything "right Quick", p "Quality and Service." Fresh Mooresville Duttei PURE FOOD J. E. BONNER, Pi JOS. F. 1 Phones in & 1M fi y;. ' Carries the Most C Family Oi jaw/rtSTRESHi f? polite cten Quick D m At tb# n?wt X *7 Wn* 1 ur*by ubohoi BTMll a ?aa?ldaU kym Ctaaaiy. ? JIU mbjact to th* actio* at tb* Dnootta lilaiartia It iltitii 1 win am b? (|||1| at tha wbclc aaaaty to tka Mat of *17 ability. Tow* traly, 4 "T" B. D. HOW*. M 101. I hereby respectfully announce my WBdlliny for ro-nomlBSt4on to the )Bo* of Commissioner of Beaufort County subject to the Democratic primary and tf renominated mad elected hall endearor to porfoim the duties ?f the offloe to the host of my nblllty. Your* truly, W. ?. OAYLORD. Both, N. C. FOR CLERK RBCORDKH*8 COURT I hereby announce that I am a candidate before the Democratic primarl. to eucoeed myeelf no Clerk 00 I Recorder's Court for the City of Washington and Washington Township, Lone Acre Township and Chooowlnlty Township. | I ask the support of all Democrats and will appreciate same. I ' ?ery"respectfully,* ? ? C. C. OflATCH. 7-10 8Q dc. t? I* FOR COMMISSIONBR This is to announce that I am a , :arsdldate Wr County Commissioner from Richland Township. I hare 3 III gently worked for the Democratic party for thirty yeara and now in re- j '.urn the support of all Democrats is j arnestly desired and will be very j much apprec'ated. W. H. JONES. Edward. N. C. rO THE &KMOCRATIC VOTERS OF. BEAUFORT OOUHTY I hereby announce myself as a can uaate cor Register of Deeds. If dominate and elected, will serve the people at all times to best of my ability. The snpport of every democrat Is earnestly solicited. Very respectfully, WILBUR H. ROSS. Aurora, N. C. 1-4 tfC. FOR SHERIFF I hereby announce myself a candllate before the Democratic Primaries lor the Office of Bheriff of Beaufort bounty. I will appreciate any support that my friends may give me. W. W. HOOKER. FOR SHERIFF. To the Democrats of Beaufort County I wish to express to yon my sincere hanks fot >jur loyal support in the oast, and, if I have made an efficient officer and a faithful servant of the oeople, to ask your continued support n the County Primaries whleh will >e announced later: and if I am nomnated and elected, (and I see no eason why I shall not be), I can ony promise to do as I have in the oast, all in my power to give you ' ;ood service. Now I wish to thank 1 ou In advance and ask all good ' >emocrata to attend the primaries 1 ,nd give me their hearty support for Iherlff of Beaufort County. Faithfully, Your Servant, GEO. E. RICKS. -11 tfc. FOR SHERIFF. < 1 To the Democratic votera of Beau- 1 ort County: 1 I announce myself as a candidate , or the office of Sheriff of Beaufort lounty In accordance with the reaootlon adopted by the County Convonlon two fears ago limiting the time rhlch any person should hold office ~ 1 Ize Purity. When In need hone 261 and let ua prove r and Cream Cheeae weely. GROCERY, . ! op. Phone 261 J 1 . C rAYLOE I i 1*0 Market St \ J emplete line of ' rocerles. | INO RELIABLE new dXiet ,| ellvcry. ; I' to <^ro terms only and my candidacy r1 la nWrt to thla resolution. J 8. B WINDLBT, # 4-II tic. # nfc:. . ul ssslst me In ottaialhy the no ml- * "oSaiu MuliiepoDelU i iy for the hs?rty support the7 h*r? (MWItMputM .Mkhlt . centtnunnce of the mm I remeln. To?re tmt truly, GILBERT M*L*T, ^ wok (mtt mwminlwwf c To the tWeoonritk roters at Si*h- " tuton ead Wuhlmyton Township, * Lone Acre Township, end Chooowln- " Itr Township, I hereby hnsounce-ay. . pell s osadidsU (or Clerk of the Re- _ cordof Court, sehjset to Democratic prunsrtos and I will hVtRhclste whst , my friends mgy do (or me. I am youra respectfully, WM. 8WANNER. 7-4 tic. / " * FOB RECORDER 1 1 haraby announce to the Demo- * prstlc voter* of the Gltj of Washing- . ton, Wishlng&n Township, Choco wlnlty Township and Long Acre town * ship that I am a candidate to sue Hie CHE- ^ Inal Court of aald above deacrtbed 7 district, subject to-the action of the XMidocraMo^FidmarMi to be held In * aald district. J If nomlhated and elected I shall en deavor In the future ma I have la the past to administer the law fairly and * Impartially to all persons. ~ I ask the aupport of all Democratic ? voters. * v W. D. ORIMBS. FOR RECORDER J I wish to announce to my friends that I am a candidate for the office * of Recorder of the Criminal C-onrt * of the City of Washington. WmW??. * ton Township, Longacre Township And ~hocowinlr.7 Township, of Bear. fort County, subject to the Demo cratic primaries, and solicit the sup- ^ port and rote of all Democratic m voters. m U. J. FOWLER. . -14 tfc. . ANNOUNCEMENT . 1 hereby respectfully announce my ? candidacy for re-nomlnatlon to the office of Treasurer of Beaufort Coun. ty, subject to the will of the people * to be expressed at the Democratic * Primary. If re-nomlnated and elect- m ed to the office of Treasurer, I pledge 9 to the people the same courteous at- * tentlon I have heretofore endeavor ed to give to all, and the same fldel- * ltp to the trust reposed fn me as the custodian of the people's money. * Respectfully, # E. R. MIXON. 4-13 tfc. FOR OOCXTY COMMISSIONER J ?? I announce my candidacy for Coun- ? ty Commissioner of Beaufort County from Richland Township, subject to the action of the Democratic primarlre. ^ W. H. WHITLEY, 9 1-4 tfc. 9 FOR COMMISSIONER \ 1 hereby announce myself as a can- * lidate for the County Commissioner " from Chocowlnity Township, subject to the action Of the Democrat!* nary. * H. B. WILLIAMS. Ml tfc. ???. NOTICE ??? ! '"Jorth Carolina, Beaufort County, Su perior Court, Before the Clerk. Patrick Clark vs. XI Luke Clark, Henry Clark, Charles Bryan, Wo Bryan, Nlcey Tucker O and husband Peter Tucker, and ^ Ausby Bryan, Luke Bryan, -Pat Bryan, (Last four named minors). The defendants above named, and . Ma jarticularly Luke Clark, William m? Bryan, will take notice that an action Co mtltled as above has been commenc- Co; fd In the Superior Court of Beaufort to bounty, N. C? before the Clerk for ei* he purpose of selling the real estate Sej if plaintiff and defendants for a dl- am rlsion, of which said real estate Do- j^j endants own an Interest, and the 33 aid Defendants will further take no- ppj ice that they are required to appear isfors Tfee Clerk of.the Superior i , Jourt ot Beaufort County, N. 0., at ill office In the Courthouse In Washngton, N. C., on August llth, ltll, !~gl nd answer or dps*ur to petition In aid action of^ the plaintiff til apply ai the cajurt for the releaee demandd in said petition. a ' '-u>* 03 Dri for nASAOHB-aiour OAPUDHOI ?" Wb?b?r from Coldm, Hwt, Sua DM :h or N.rrou* TroubUb. C?pudl? On rw!rlAtU" D*1 Ik. aa? Ik M, trw 'tr IT D*1 S I i C iflfris i I VHU vmtj ?. * ; ^" " '" -.' l Liater C. Vhm *s wjssr^1^ : -: r?fyrn ; ? ? ?? ' BODMAX.1 ?' ' m *. ? VS-" Wuhlofetaa. N. C. w? mwtta* tm th? oesrt- mt tfc? VZJ2SLD1MI~ "* .r: ?? '?? y ? ? ? 1 * m joid H. iiqhai Aitor?j m Tmm J. . -V - wAAHnrorov, v. a f ? *? *% I ^ a A. PHLUTIA ?KX, " VDUB IKSURAHCI. I m ---^1 WAAHIHQTOir, M. o. ? \ i i ' * *i j?- a, A ' W II^BIKBS ilkfeMMMM M.WrflfjllB, Worth OM?ltM. ? PrmctloM la mil tho Courts ^ J . m M John H. Small A. D. MinT MM| u _ ^ ? AUornoynoV-Lnw * ^WjahlngUm.^Noi.h CarattM* ' , a Edward L. 8 taw art, ? Washington, If. 0. * W. A. Thompson. Aurora, N. C. * STEWART A THONNOI f) Attorneys at Law. Washington and Aurora, K^O. ' ' i . COLLIN & HARDING Oflca Rooms I Ml 4. Washington, N. O. s -? mm / ? NORWOOD L. SIMMONS m Attorney-st-Law , ' * Washington. N. d' m FRANK H. BRYAN . Attorney at Law Office In Sarlnca and Truat building. Second floor. Prao tice In all the courts. * so a ss so so CONSTANT GROWTH RESERVE AT 4 PER CENT Insurance In Year .Assets Force * 1M7 8.262.00 001,800.00 1011 1.522,001.80 1IAMA47 * It will pay you to investigate, rhe Security Life A Ammw*tw rv~ a H. A. COOPER, A|fnL SE NORTH CAROLINA tate Normal And Industrial College Intained by the State for the Weil of North Carolina. Fire regular .. uraee leading to degrees. Special urses for teachers. Free tuition those who agree to become teaehI In the SUte. Fall 8eoslon beg tag >tember 18. 1811. For cataloged 1 other Information, address f las L Tonet Pres. Greensboro, N. C. WHIBOTON PRODOd KAROT I FRIDAY. JULY 19, 1919. " I ' ll L, ? ma ,. 15c. 1n? Chlck?n? .. . II ul IK. .. S3Sffe:'::.SSii: r wit kite pw lk 1M r kite. t'cd. tar lk 4o to *? am kite ( K ,kU tut Mk ir tea nit 1(?