Isilp^i M to M, c 1 1 J .j' j ?M 'Milj' "WANTED: AOTIV1 MAN TO WOW ^WWIUH J Brfaane Apply t? o. AnMmU, Bath, N. 0. 7-1 to 1-6. c TTHB LATHAM HOUSH OOR. LYNN, haven At*., and B. St. Neareet cottar. to Btatkm. row OOoo. and I aahoemaota, Oca an Vlnw, Ya.. an lAooi mmmur hflnt RAtionibla rataa. Mra i. B. Latham. Proprte1 >na &&?> a M, laaoc. " *' ' 11'< . ( or daaaa lie <n hraak any COM ot ChUU * rev or; It aata oh the lime batter than Calomel, and doea not gripe or elokea. 16 senta. r'ANTED: TO 8BLL MARTKL Blow-out Protector. Apply to C. -Archboll, Bath. N. C . - 7-B-Bo Ml. c 5- n prop BALM: LOO FLOATS IBON ) -aear complete. Apply to C. Arehjf I bell. Bath, N. C. X 7-6 to M. c TEACHES FOR BALK?DELtVKRed. Phone 7M. Mm. J. U PhUllpe , _7-8 Ho. YAM POTATO SUFI 7? i cents per thousand. Fred Parker, , Washington, Phone 10S3. 7-10 1 woWOMEN I HAVE A WONDERFtJL Money maker. If you can fire all - -or part time to a dean, good-paying, permanent bualnees, write BYRNE, Weet Phlla., Pa. 7-13 SStp. MA UK TWU HUUMKS ANU lots on East Fifth Street. Apply H. E. Harding and Son. 7-1B tire. Reb-My-Ttsm will cure yoo. * ' . 3 5 3 5 * / SCHEDULE Gasboat Ellon C. leares South i* Creek Monday. Wednesday, and Friday at * A. M. Leases Wash ington Monday, Wednesday and If' Friday at 1:80 P. M. T. U. TAYLOR, F Owner. * * * , V NOTICE OF SALE By virtue of the power of sale contained in a Mortgage Deed executed by James Hardy to Washington Real, ^ ty Co.. dated It day of January. 1911 .?- and duly recorded in Book No. IBS page 314, Register's office of Beaufort county, whlok Is referred to. I will | offer^for sale to the highest bidder! mt public auction, for cash, at the1 Lm Court House door, In t?e town of Washington, N. C.. on Wednesday the f 7 dcy of August. ltlt, at It o'clock, the following described property, to wife. It being lot No. 18 according to the map of the property of Washington Realty Co.. made by J. H. Fell * .and fronting SO feet on the North aide of 9th Street and running 80 ft. back and in the City of Washington, I 2i. C. P % WASHINGTON REALTY CO. Mortgagee. Pv "* This July 6. ltll. "7-> 4VC. | Ladles of the 8*0 Francisco smart ) ft are smoking silver tobacco pipes, o mt least'the j don't use cigarettes h v Chicago reformer advocates ^the f employment of policewomen In plain clothes. . No user?they wouldn't wear <em! Every woman knows that she can 1 be her own-beauty doctor, but prefers the- work of a more experienced masv. A seur. t) ! NOTICE OF SUMMONS AND WARRANT OF ATTACHMENT North Carolina, Beaufort County, [ Superior Court, October Term, 1912. W. B. Morten t| -trading as W. B. Morton A Co. vs. J "Harriet Miner >< I r t trading as Miner Engineering Co. The defendant above named will take notice that a summons In the above action Issued against said defendant on the 9th day of July, 1911 In the Superior Court of Beauforj County. North Carolina, for the sun of 9977.39 (two hundred, seventyseven. and 99-100 dollars) due ash! V plaintiff by account, which said sum mons Is returnable on the 6th Mon day after the 1st Monday in Bepteirf f *> bar, It being the 14th day of Octob er. 1911. The defendant will als< -take notice that a warrant of attach ment was Issued against the pro pert] of the said defendat. which war 1 rant la returnable to the Octob er Term of the Superior Court 01 Beaufort County, 1919, it being tb< same time above named for the re 1 * turn of the sjmmoas when and when the defendant Is required to appeal ill' and answer or demur to the 00m plaint or tha r?.*fef therein demand ed will be granted. I This 10th day ef July, 1919. j*-? * " | r?-'1; '"CrystaTlce"^ Shipped Quick. "?ry*al lee Cream" Ask for it flt the Fountains it is wholesome*^- delirious aid fresh. " Crystal Ice C6. tli WATER STREET WssUaam, N. C. rtouB ...... ' ' Bicycles! Bicycles! Not IIij ess lUniif. *? sm aesMa Co* us Simla Rssdlna, standard. Irsr Intiisos. Colombia. Raablar, Sallia K? Usui and Dartaa HUtilis SaM tor ossh of oa Has Wa alas Barry a tall Una at totalis at an ttmoS D. R. CUTLER 114 Market St WASHINGTON. N. C PhoneSH ' " '*? #-..a - KT notice There will be a meeting of the Democratic Executive Committee of Beaufort County In Washington on Tuesday. July Strd. 1912 at IS for tho purpooa of Suing a data for the eoanty convention, and for aach other business aa may come before it. lindsay C; WARREN. Chairman Dem. Exec. Com. Beaufort County. 7-6 to 7-S1 C . . ' An tnvantor has produced an apparatus for broiling 700 steaks in sbc minutes. It is. howevar, ageless males* one can dynamite a bank safe. A bird In Now York robbed a woman of bar' feather torn from h?r h>( by the wind. If over there wm a case of retributive Justice, this was one. The reason why a ship Is called "she" appears to be because the ship Is always aliased to be "the last word In naral construction"* and never turns oat to be. ?????? - New York couple waited eight years before they were Joined in the holy and everlasting bonds of wedlock. Plenty of time to think a beet the fatal step. A Chicago cltlsen has been arrested for dancing on the street In a costume consisting of nothing but a hat Chicago policemen never did care for classic dancing. v M There are too many Idle men In the world, announces a Boston suffragist B?n'( challaaft* to th? aroract spinster who has been thinking that there aren't enough. And now the peanut crop la threatened by a parasite. The country may have to drop politics for a while and turn Its attention to the succor of. this necessity of life. -?< An Ohio farmer la aald to have recovered from an attack of bdndness when two of hit teeth were extracted, but It probably was the dentist's bill that opened his eyes. An aviator claims that be was forced to descend by an attack of sea gullfl, but If he had been a real dyed in the wool nature faker he would hare made It firing fish. It ia contended br an eminent German investigator that American schools bare a tendency toward effeminacy. He may hare seen some of our boys crocheting tidies. It would be some Improvement If a number of the New York summer resort hotels would use the left-over fourteen-foot i rimary ballots for bed sheets during the coming season. Acknowledge. It Washingtoa Has-to~Bow to t h? Inevitable Scores of Endorsements Prove It. After reading the public statement of this fellow-sufferer given below, you must come to this conclusion: A remedy which cured years ago, which haa kept the kldneya in good health since, can be relied upon to perform the same work In other cases. Read this: R. A. Henderson, 1B6 George St., New Bern, N. C., says: "I suffered from a dull pain across my loins, accompanied by an extreme lameness in my back. I also had lnfiamatlon of the bladder and the passages of the kidney secretions pained me. The use of Doan's Kidney Pills removed the lameness and pain and Improved my ooaditlon In every way." (Statement given January SB, 1S08.) CONFIRMED PROOF. Hr. Henderson was interviewed oa November ?S, 1910, ad he said: "1 willingly verify my former endorsement of Doan's Kidney PlUs, for 1 have been free from backache and kidney eomplalnt since I took thli remedy. Yon are welcome to continue the publication of my statoFor sale by all doalors. Price 5< cents. Ponter-MUbmrn Co., Bwffalo New Tort, sole agents for the United * . ' ^ ; i ,$ocietiF| . . 4 t1?1^ * ? i MIm Mad(? Kernett. of Chapel HU1 N. C.. who has boon tho guest of If 1m Rom Hard ln< loft for hor homo thlo aoralai. She woo moobpmM by MIm Hat (HOC. t t t t Mr. J. K. Doughton, cashier of tho Bonk of Washington, returned from a business trip to Raleigh last night. ' tttt Mr. U. 8. Williams, of Norfolk, la registered at Hotel Louise. t t t t Mr. R. B. Hyatt, of Tarboro, N. C., Is here today on boot noes tttt; / Mr. 8. Mitchell, of Oxford. N. C., srrlred In the city last night. tttt Mr. O. M. Hooker, a prominent citizen of Aurora, N. C., was a gueet at Hotel Louise last evening. tttt Mr. C. D. Wright arrived here yesterday from Norfolk. tttt Mr. B. C. Potter traveling passenger and freight agent of the Norfolk Southern was hfcre yesterday afternoon on business. 'tttt Mr. E. E. Bass, of Richmond, Vs., Is a business visitor. tttt Mrs. J. K. Do ugh ton left yesterday afternoon via the Norfolk Southern to visit her parents. tttt Mr. B. B. Flower, of Raleigh, la a Washington visitor today. tttt Mr. B. L. Suaman and family left this afternoon for Virginia Beach, Va where they have rented a cottage foy the balance of the season. tttt Captain Wesley Peebles, of Gaylords, N. C., was on oar streets thh morning. J t t t captain J. H. Howerin, or Lowland N. C., Is here today on bnatneea. ft ft Mrs. T. W. Tiglhman. Mlsa Tllghman and Mr. Clyde Tllgh man. of Wilson, were here yesterday. t t t t Mr. Richard farrow and daughtei Mlsa Julia, of Macon, N. C., passe i through the city last evening en rout< to Hyde County, where they will rial friends and relatives. Mr. Farrov is a native of Hyde County and thli is his first visit to his home In twent: fears. While in the city he was th< guest of his cousin, Miss Bettle Far row. tttt Mr. John C. Robblns is home to a few days. tttt Miss Margaret Cozxens, the brigh and attractive daughter of Mr. am Mrs. Fenner Cossens, has returns* from Leans, N. C.. where she ha been visiting relatives for the pas week. tttt Mr. Scott, of Blounts Creek, N. C was a Washington visitor today. tttt Mr. O. K. Stllley a prominent cil iten of Blounts Creek, arrived in th city this morning via the Washlngto and Vandemere train. tttt Dr. Jack Nicholson, of Bath, N. C is a Washington visitor today. HAVE MOVED Mr. Nathan Sawyer and famil hvae moved to the residence on Eai Third Street juat completed by M Fred Mallison. YOUNG SON IMPROVING Blake, the young son of Mr. an Mrs. M. F. Watson who has had fevi is now convalescent. Miss May Killingsworth who hi been visiting her aunt Mrs. Lu< Archbell on East Second Street, r . turned to her home in Yeateetfl today to the regret of her mar friends. GRKAT IMPROVEMENT The rasing of the old store bull< ing at the corner of Main and Brld| , Streets Is a considerable improv I ment. i STORE BUILDING REPAIRED i Mr. Edward Long Is having tl I store building on Main Street occ . pled by Miss Hattie Henby as mill xiery store, repaired and Impromve [ . Certain dreamers talk about the m lennlum, but It will only come wh? baseball fans take the word of tl ( umpire without a murmur. [ China now haa a native aviator - Its own. Very likely China befO [ long will go to talking about the bac 1 ward Civilisation of the Occident. ' We see ^y the papers that two L Angeles girls rseceed two young ? from the angry deep. This being 1? ^ year, there can be no doubt about 1! ! A ladrnamed Tlk Tug Ting Is i P?rt#d #t tb* " C _> pi .? | rsn ?J f- a n m M^JBaiflit H *T * * * * fcbr Th?? 10 aiiihlag ao wrj mitotan able about a blanket tolUMSi Co-oparnrton la the appfeeatka at oommoo MOM to the doing of things Tha cura Mr oar aortal Ilia la man Kood. common mm. epplUd right al bona. of a balky boraa tor strssgth at ebar aetar. Ererybody works on tba farm; aval tha barrow la obliged to scratch for a Urlif. Soma folks aaan to tbtak tbat a dto play of hantrboar demands a abow al bristles. It takaa a Ms an to lease u] aodcaabla sap to tba ranks Wfcsn h? drops out Tba arlator cannot follow his soca tlon any tlma at all wttbout balm ox la tba air. Too cannot bring fortaaa your was by kicklns oor win tba mnllaa of tlu fair, attbar. Tba sheriff may not ba a popolai man, but tbara ara times whan ba U Irresistible. Tha unhappy individual who wai rootad to tba spot soon bad bis foal logs bar row ad. Tba man who atleks to tba work deaplta tba dark dajm. is tba man wbc comes out a band. Too many young poop la depend up on their parents' earnings taking then through tha world. Beware of tba man wboee doj crawls under tha house whan Its mas tar enters tba gate. western sheep posture la Ilka th< knowledge af tba all-round man. li that it cor are a wide range. Tba rooster may tatter himself tha ba makes all tba noise, but It la tlu ban tbat produces tba goods. 8om? men throw away a barrel , term In disgust because they nevei tried to study out some crop, grass 01 fruit that would salt the soli. Some men have had so many law I suits that they feel well versed ii Jurisprudence, however lacking the: may be In ordinary prudence. WORKING OF COUNTRY CLUB! Numberless Co-Operative Association! r Operating as Corporate Bodies 1 Doing Moch Good. t The lmportanoe of clubs for sew r growing and other oonntry effort doe not always appeal to those few lndl 9 rlduals that are able to do their bee f without any speeding ap to carry on ? life work in great research wlthou - the spur of competition. It is jus such people, however, who can len a great deal of aid in providing oon munity effort if only their modest will allow them to realise how ver difficult it Is to the average person t keep up the fight without some meai t ore of their progression. The goo d boys and girls so often lost from th d farms, where they are needed, find 1 a the city every step In their mdvanc t noted by those over them, and reoeiv a somewhat better position or li creased wages, whereas out of tow the progress is gradual and not dl tlnctly marked. A large number of people eucces in town because they need only s fe qualities to fit a particular job, the Q line of work Is mapped out for thei so closely that they can hardly ev? n fall exoept they are lazy, and th trait Is much less apt to develop u der continued oversight then where men is his own boss from der < dark. I do not believe that It Is the wi nine of a cup or even the epprecletlc of his efforts by his fellows that giv< the greet incentive to either boy < girl to solve country problems, bi >t the feeling that he or she is pert r. a body whose oollectlve force Is foul to count for much in their communi end that every year will bring son improvement in conditions and so roundlngs which will make oount: life fuller and better worth llvli 'A than town life under present oon< tlons can be, except for the very f? who can greatly excel the averag No amount of preaching will keep ai ,B bltlous boys and girls In a stagna community town or country. The wi to hold them is to create a live < ganlzatlon of which they will becon le a part, to realise their needs as youi 17 growing people who are going make history either in town or cou try, and not at all willing to acce an outworn condition that satisfied prior generation. s The fact that combinations money and brains have often bef? used for purposes of oppression, do e- not alter the tact that they are ? fective and that co-operation mu come to the country, as to the ton if it is to have its share in progrei Co-operative work dose not Decease ly mean running a store any mo u~ than corporate work means equeezl the life blood out of producer a d. consumer, though these words he come to have somewhat that meanlr such organisations usually bet: jj. formed for offense and defense; in the other hand, there sro numberW 1,4 co-operative associations operating corporate bodies which are of t greatest help and are far more earn of developed in country than In tow a. re t . - k- 1 Chicago pastor refuses te mat couples who are not physically som but we presume he winks at loveel an ' ip King George's doctor says that C be cago It a pretty plaoe. Anyway, m< of the campaign portraits hare on s t'ly 1 \Qt' W J, pT m FUMEHS' UMMI HIGH TIDE *? I'M HlmmM m T*~> Mm Worta IhJmHm U I k tvw^^mi mm vwim'''** T? te. 01 mi u4 Mml n at tea kim' UMaa: Ma, ato lialil Cfcrtet teitoa.waa M> of th# grMtoat Mq?ltMiV to >0 te?n?y. M ba m ? ? ?. Jkmt kls fcsgtirs'ta^SeTItaiVdf Cfr^UtlJSt^ te the |TMt tribe at M??ittars." There ir? plenty 1b the Tanass* Union trio belong tn that trite. I ?ut to nr i taw wards at brotterlj admonition to them. fbr with tha organisation Mromir than at any time alnoe tta founding. ft grieves me to see b tew short-sighted tanMri cat tlBBrntrw off from Its advmntsgss. It may te that yoo quit tecs us s tha order didn't revolutionise tha aarth a month after you Joined. Too .forget that trMaeadoaa results are acoonv pllahsd slowly. that ft took age* for tha Rule coral polypa to build up tha state of Florida, and big Islands by Piling their bodies one oa top of the It may te that you quit because, when you entered the ofgaalsatton, yoo wens full of steam and ginger and spent It all in the first few local meetlags without setting the brethren on flre. Steam and ginger are good things ? hi dispensable things ? but they ought to te nursed carefully and diatribe ted gradually aa you go along. If you gush out all your enthusiasm in one grand spasm you wont hays any left to meet the big tasks and ordeals that are Inseparable from an organisation of this national scope and unprecedented nature. It may be that you quit because you had a little streak of crookedness In you. and ssw you could go back on the organisation, or on some one of Its (enterprise*, and get a trilling mess of pottage for your treachery. Benedict Arnold figured it out the same way. Be got his pottage, all right But he died the most execrated man In America, the man most held In contempt In England, which had bought him. and there were no loving, respectful hands to smooth his pillow ss he passed away In that lonely London attic. It may te that you quit because yon found some deviltry the organl satlon, many specks B^ rottenness, graft here and there. Incompetence, selfishness on the part of leaders, '* tendency to play the organisation fox I their political advantage. All thee? f thing* have happened In the Farmers Union. Nobody with any sense 01 candor denies that. They have else * happened In all the churches. In al! a the secret orders. In all business, lr every feature of private life. Yot * don't lay down and die when you find any one of these weaknesses In oni or more of these places. But Just be cause It crops up In a farmers' organ a lxatlon?which Is made up of falltbh human beings?you want to kick rlgh' J* out I tell you right now that Jolnlni * the Fanners' Union doesn't make i a man automatically an angel. We hav? * just as many devils as any body o similar size. You needn't be sur d prised when you And them In you: H Immediate vicinity. If you desert be 7 cause you do And them. Instead o y Jumping Into the ranks and helplni ? either to cure them or eject them, yoi 3 ought to be ashamed to look your wlf< d In the face. * 1 look at the hundreds of thou n sands of faithful members who hav< * plodded along with the long, hard, pa tient pull?enduring, fighting and see a" lng Just the evils you see?and tbei II regard you with a feeling blended o *" contempt and pity and a longing b reason you out of your folly. It Isn' ** the Farmers' Union you damage whei w you quit it In a fit of sulks. It's youi lr self, your wife and your children. Fo III every one of you who lays down hi ir musket and turns tall, or becomes knocker there are a dozen who enllsi D' who boost and who develop the aena to see that because the organlxatlo isn't perfect there la no excuse fo their leaving It. D" The deserter Is everywhere held I >n loathing. He la about the lowei M creature under God'a aun. The cos >r ard who flinchea In the face of dange or Inconvenience la no better. Tou a know Tiow the world feela toward th few men who showed the white feat] tJ er when the big Titanic went down 18 Well, the fellow who deserts the craJ ir* of the Farmera' Union for some fai 17 cied or real grlevanoe?and there ai J* plenty of the latter?doesn't deserv any higher place in human eatimatlo |w than the buzxards who proved cryre :e- on the Titanic. n" Come back, you quitters. Study th n story of Peter, of Benedict Arnold, < all the great quitters. In Peter's cai >r" the quitter who recovered^, his nen 08 and manhood did more valiant aervlt ** than many of those who bad nev< dreamed of deserting. You can t n" the same. There la a nobler work c p the Almighty's footstool than sacrifit * and labor for one's fellows?work ac sacrifice when it seems that netth< Is to count for much, when lngratltuc 60 looks like your main reward and whs you are tempted to take the easy t 6'" stead of the hard road. But bear : mind we are engaged In the bolle rn> work In civilisation's history?the ? 98 fort to bring Into his rights and h full man's stature the farmer, th member of the raoe who has suffew ng most from neglect and from mlsunde 1x1 standing, frequently from the avarli T8 of his own fellows, not to mentl< *** outsiders. Are you going to stop sul n* Ing and help us In a movement th 00 promises to be one of the great# m* achievements America will ever gli " the world? CHARLES S. BARRETT. W Union City. Oa. The price of gasoline has gone 1 J as well as the price of hey. This ^ Whem the auto has nothing oa tl - _ Amateur gardeners should be I formed that It Is not neceesary plant string beaas to tin music mandolins . AocoMlDf to ? tub loo utkortl UTlM to WOOMO-I toUtbk)?tl ? to bo "nor. anriMo." o? in* to ml The Size of An AmP] 1 - ' ; '! *' ' +1 < _ '. | does not affect the courtmn mttmtdsu tsUA it receive* at this bank. Wahmeeaterpsasmdber of customer* who deposit masM somatome, al their business is earefvMy and canfidmaSm^/hm*dled. It is our desire to treat MqM|palft uniform courtesy and to render As aery bast smi vice. Your account is husked. { > * )' The Bank of WaskinglM ' .1 JtuUu Harm*, Pres. J. K. Ih^ftM^Cldbr Try a Daily News Wat M i ___??????_____?_ MHliHtmtlliiBBBBBMII I Mowers, Rakes. Harrows # I | And all other machinery rnarntlal to ^4?We | I | profitable farming. We are aole agents hrWhr I i ; | I A. Wood Machines. ( \ I | Horses. Mules, Wagons, Buggies and Harness of | t I ) the best to be had ahraya on *?IJ I | >\ Washisgton Kmc beta*Gmm * ' I Jb.L SUSMAN, Pres. Washington. N. C. J | ~ j?l WHEN summer a J furniture "flts" the season It makes you feel good to look at ft on 'v a hot day. This kind of furniture shoald have ttg [ light summery look to suit the weather. That's She a hind we sell. We have just taken iaka aSarit a e splenkid selection of pretty designs in sumawr farai n tuie that makes you think of loaagiog and lasyeaae the moment you look at it. The prices are nsdentr n the quality the best Inspect-here. \ SOUTHERN HJRN.CoJ T>facefi*GoodRnf)ikf& I Washington, N.C. | n ? nnl BINGHAM jffTiftfcfei .. .- .. ? ,e X tk. mr br IN faM ?I . - H*?| Ay#rw_Q?l>? ? 1? poonrla fro nf Hfwe. ! ! 7h?y. r?? III [1 ? I of NpBt, Mlftary, to h?tp In Meat at Bays, Baoc n se ?r lo " fr ft ROASTING 1 There Is a[difference between meat roasted to fl t a GAS oven nndl thuf'thv anv nihfirI ? IfcaJ if is "The lower oven is used for all roasting purposes aed 1 st broiling, the upper oven for baking purposes; both oros II being heated at the same time,and_wtth the same flame. ji M The oven must be heated previous to roasting, theme || in as for bi oiling?ten minutes full heat. Ttna meat he- II k- quently (leaving door open) until each side is sealed. Than II st place roast lower down in the oven, add seasoning Mil ft t begin basting with tne fat which drips into the pee. The fl " oven flame may also be reduced, and as a rale the fast II burner will do all the work after the prefimiaatyhswBeaE U of the surface. Red meats so roasted taste am like the .If old-fashioned roast before an open fire, than whan coahad Jl in any other manner. Not a drop of sua is nssiafhr 1 ,m basting if there be a proper amountof fat, and the hatha If h, moderate after basting is begun." ' It Just fry a roast on your GAS Range and MhrMaasM the In structlon and yon will have the ftneat pti m ? roast beef you ever lasted. I Washington Light & Water b. I

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