w FRED P. lATHj DEMOCRATS MD WASTE IN \ Says There is No I ment by Electing Aspirants. Wou Deficit With an of Audit nRTri mi ? - * 'v ' , . ? ' Editor Daily Nevre;In your Imim of July It and 18, y certain facta which 1 think the people 1st. It ihould bo the pleasure of the \ braTe enough to acknowledge connect \ expending so much .In exedss of our in some Investigations along the .lines U ) ance of thO lashes above referred to, compiled in rought draft which was in < urhen referred to statomenta appeared. Umm'i akall nal* Hlmt anrf.. misfit* la oar system?-and question w the lid is off sadthls raisersble eondl every loyal cltlsen In the county to m of our organisation to ask the co-oper log conrention irieapoctlve of feods o to correct those evils. Why in the i county pay its officials more than th? overburdened set of laborers. Their storage man In similar employment, of service, and have snore freedom tl yet the tax payers are called upon i $1S,000 of their sweat soaked curre aside from the flhed expenses of the ? tal east uncomfortably does to the 11 (if of these offices are not so compta of them from conducting a private bu public dutftqp. spiulslly so la this . Thsy are oat hampered la the least ia loess, and their salary check each moi the Trsaaurers office we have abeolu the eolid bank lag Institution, of the count and render the required servio that accruing from deposits. The v responsible for the creation of the An ed two years ago In our County Convi County Commissioners shall employ duties and fix the edmpenaatloa there ?tom and lafMl in jmblic affaire w fixed the compcnsatkm" of our preeent aa efficient system of audit for the Board of Ccrisnty Commissioners we u sgement in the form of a 121,000 fl But why continue pointing out these the service of men who are oapablc the magnitude of this county's affair, hotel bill while on duty. Yet this y< Its usual bumper crop of "General Ida of any (with possibly one exception tnat id tneir car* tne tutor* manage the past. Now Mr. Voter, the "Legalised Prl waste) puts you on your mettle. W* management (or the ensuing two yea conditions you hare not th* public matter no conosrn. If you desire an all these matters serious thought. It lc organisation has got to throttle th op?n convention and allow no technlci before w* reach a plan of sanity ai county affairs. i INTERESTING RACES CARSKADENRRM FRIDAY Ofeat preparations are being mad* for the Matinee races at the farm of Mr. W. Car-Skaden next Friday afternoon. July It. The races will start promptly at one o'-clock. There will be two races for horses and on* for ponies. There will be no purses. The admission fee will be adults S6c. Children lfte. Tickets ere now on sale at all th* drug stores. ' Quite a crowd la anticipating goinf from thin city. MM* HHMtttt, Wallace of More heed CUT. *u tko (not of Mlai OliTU Jordea Mat emloi oo rent to kor koao frem ClUabotfc Cit: vkoro *0 kaa koon rioltiac Moada. fe" 'V. L. : "* Local Showen EEsp SSIONERS FOR ' ST THROTTLE | COUNTY FUNDS lope for Improvel Some of Present Id Have Been no1 Efficient System .I'.yrX'' ? a o on published some data pointing out li have a right to inquire why they ex- * t county management (If any one Is 11 Lion with it) t oexplain why wa are * some. As you are aware I had made flowed by you, prior to the appear- g and had practically the samh figures tl course of revision tor your publication n p A restatement here la unnecessary. g ition at what I regard aa errora, and p hy othera are maintained. Now that li tlon la expoaed, la It not the duty of H ftaitMt aome Interest It Is the dntr 11 atlon all good Democrats In the com- _ t factions to aaalat In devising plana J lame of Justice and reason does the service la worth. They are not an duties are no more arduous than the They practically fix their own hours lan the average business man. And Lnneally to part with approximately mcy. to maintain these five officials, fflcea which they fill bringing the to1,000 mark. Ill la too. when the duc end exacting as to preclude any one elneaa. without Interfering with their true of the Treasurer and Auditor, the management of their private health Is laden with much "Ysbrdt.** " For tely no^nae^nder the aun. Any of county would be glad to have Its aee without further compeaaatlon than rordlag* of the reeolstion which wes dltorm office, and which waa lntroducsntlon, was as follows: "The Board of aome suitable person, prescribe the of." They displayed their usual wisben they "prescribed the duties and. t Auditor. If we had have maintained past ten years directed by a diligent rould not have this legacy of mlimanoating indebtedness banging over us. sore spots. Can we expect to secure > of managing a difficult busineee of for a sum just sufficient to pay their jar Is no exception, and la. producing nager" aspirants. But does the name ) connect your mind with the hope , ment would be an improvement over J raary" V another $200 or thereabout soon select men to take up the task of rs. If you are satisfied with existing welfare at heart, and need give the improvement it is your duty to give looks to me as though the DemocratIs waste in unmistakable language in illtjr to excijse individual transgression id economy in the administration of ? FRED LATHAM. LT. WOOLARD WEDS mm HARBISON Lieutenant L. N. Woolard of Company "Q" North Carolina National Guard, of thla city, wan happily married to Mlse Lula B .Hardtaon, i of Old Pord, N. C., at the reaidenee I of Mr. Bernie Rlcka on Plomina Street laat evening at eight thirty o'clock in the preeenoe of a few frlenda aad acqnalntanoee of the contracting partlee by Re*. H. P. Dal ton, paetor ? ft the Pint Baptlat Church. Mr. aad Mra. Woolard will reatde I with the grtfom'e pa rente, Mr. and Mra. Abb Woolard oa SoTeath Stroot. The hride la a daughter of Mr> Joehua Hardleon, of Old Pord. N. C.. i and la a yoaag lady of maay oharma i The groom la a painter hy trade aad r hae many frieada. The Dally Nowa .j ' ' ' ' - " * ra * v'' '* ' v; . . Ml-tf-.r3k WilBMKM, NORTH CAROL*." Tonight ?n?l To ijy t EXPLANATION1 IIS. FILFMI EITEITIIIEI usnni a Honor of MIihi Wallace and Dudley. House Guests Miss Olivia Jordan. Last evening from eight thirty to leven thirty. Mra. A. 8. Fulford, harmingly entertained at her home orner of Bridge and Second 8treeta, i honor of Mies Grace Wallace, of lorehead City and Marguerite Walltee of New Berne. N. C., the house ueste of Mlsa Olivia Jordan and lelen Dudley, of Oriental. N. C. No social function of the many iven by Mrs. Pulford was more horoughly enjoyed by the large ?. umber present. Merriment and 1 ensure reigned supreme during the ntlre evening and the hostess again roved that she was par excellence a her role as an entertainer. Deiclous refreshments were served durag the evening. IPEGiAL TRAIN FBR Jjffi FARMERS A special train of six cars left the l. and U. Collet*, ml Raleigh, r? k erdajr for a three mb' trip orer " he Atlantic Coast 11ns to rlrn In- * truction in lire stock, drainage and ZZ mplements. The train Is In charge j >f B. N. Clark, agricultural and Im- A nigration agent of the Coast Line, ind I. O. Bchtik of the colllege and Jaltsd States department of agrlculure. The Its* sUek etfl be la shai?s ?f Prof. J. C. McNott. of the A. and 1 i. College, assisted by "Dutch" teidig, the college herdsman and N. 1 Stevens. Fourteen head of horses, attle and hogs will be used for dem- *l mstratlon. Three of the best dairy g> iows In North Carolina are included iE n this number. The Jersey cow pro- 01 luced enough milk In eighteen days * 0 equal her own weight. The Hoiitein gave 1,672 pounds of milk and m 16 pounds of butter in 20 days. Her 1 ecord for the year will be about 14,- " >0# pounds of milk. A grade Angus ' iteer and a pure bred Hereford, each less than a year old, but weighing * 3early 1,000 pounds each, represents 1 be beef breeds. 8everal calves will n ilso be taken. Representatives of ** three breeds of hogs, Berkshires, Du- V, roc, and O. I. C. will be taken from the college herd. A percheron stallion and mare and the colt less than p 1 year old, but weighing more than ! a thousand pounds, are the horses that will be on this train. Dr. Cooper Curtis of the bureau of animal industry United States department of agriculture, will emphailze the Importance of the eradication . of the cattle tick. This tick is so deadly to good live stock that the g government will not allow any of the .top., j! The drainage work will be in charge of Prof. M. E. Sherarin, of the ^ A. and M. College, assisted by L .B. Knight. Specimens of cement and ? clay tile, of the various sizes, and an actual illustration. of tile draining a 1 piece of land, will be shown on the ? ckr. At each stop a ditch will be dug and the operation laying tile will be demonstrated. The Implements will be Jn charge of T. D. McLean and I. O. Schaub, of the farm demonstration work, United States department of agriculture. Various plows, harrows, cultivators and weoders, will be taken and as far a sponsible, a demonstration j of these implements will be made at each stop. Demonstrations will begin promptly at ?:* A. M. and S;S0 P. M. Two stops a day will be made. Among the ' stops are Paetolss and Aurora on July 17. ' KEOOKIR OAOURD HHII LThe schooner Mirr Qalllard, Capin Thornton la esmauad. arrived fit fort this morning Inn Norfolk, -Vs.. with a (amoral cargo of monhaadlss for tha wholaaala dm of . R. Nixon and Com pan j Th? sohooaar I la aow dlacharglng har cargo. v I I W 8 t 'i: U. WEDNESDAY AfnRMON. TO ' * morrow, tlohl m.,, ^ ' m "fjH - *B .B q Prince Adalbert. Um farorite mo* < orn la 1814 and la *Jr popular with fflcer In the aarj and at flnt It^raa Ught of the Unite Levy pftelal to the D*!ly NewV WASHINGTON. D. C., Julp 14 'he rifht of the United State* to vy toll* or to exempt American ilpe from the payment of tolls while sing through the Panama Canal la iherent in our government; any othr view Is wholly unwarranted by le facts In the case." said Senator larence D. Clark, of Wyoming, chair lan of the Judiciary Committee of le Senate, in the course of a discusIon of the Hay-Pauncefote treaty reitlng to the operation and use of the anama Canal. His view Is most enerally accepted by Senators bfcg Here Is in the Senate a considerable umber of Its members who take the osteon that the Hay-Pauncefote reaty, which took the place of the layton-Bulwer treaty of the early ftles, makes it obligatory on the art of the United States to charge oils on American ships engaged In tie coastwise and foreign trade the ame as on ships of other nations. "If this view should prevail," said enator James A. O'Gorman, of New 'ork in an interview on the Panama anal bill, "the American people will ? grwany nuipr'ni'u iu?i bu nine reard for American rights was manlested at the tVme of the adoption of he Hay-Pauncefote treaty, because, f the view alluded to be correct one, t must follow that while the United itatee has expended 1400,000,000 of imerican mcuey in the construction f the canal its citizens must be deiled the rights that are enjoyed by he subjects of Oreat Britain and of j very other foreign power. I cannot magine that condition nor will I beleve that tha late Jsfhn Hay, who, xecuted the treaty on the part of he United States, ever thought for a noment that we were to be stopped rom exempting American ships from he payment of tolls because of cerain clauses of the treaty which are rOHN MITCHELL HAS TAKEN AN APPEAL WASHINGTON, D. C? Julp 14*? rohn Mitchell, vice-president of the American Federation of Labor, senenced to nine months' imprisonment 'or contempt of oourt, growing out >t the Bucks Store and Range Company case In the district supreme mart, took an appeal today. A >4,000 bond was tarnished. In the tame case Oompers and Morrison vera recently eontenoed?Oompers to mm year and Morrison to atz months. >f Aiwa ^Tjjjj |Kk ret' m *tot B "w1* Sl PRINCE B ADALBERT an< prl Hft Y H v\ ?, the *S he u ? i ^ H?J | ele< Up wrl rf Emperor William of Qermany, was the the people of hie country. He le an offl the emperor*! Intention to send him decs which came oyer this summer Th< ' i i ?? wit d States to |ele< Tolls is Inherent sue the Tfow interpreted to mean that very thing. prl1 "It does not seem poeslble that the aM* right poeeeesed by every other nation $2C on earth with respect to the Panama ^n<j Canal, our Canal, la denied to our eQt own cltlsens by a composition, or convention, called a treaty, which is * ' not remarkable for Its precision of can expression or Its respect for the Mon- use roe Doctrine." oth Senator O'Gorman then voiced Bai| what seems to be a growing sentiment, that behind the protest of cou Great Britain lurks the influence of 8pe the railroads of Canada and the Unit- Thi ed States which have been enabled tee to secure the co-operation of the bo8 British foreign office, thereby embarrassing the government of the United ? States in the attempt now being made . . for wholesome legislation to keep rfl railroad controlled ships off the Ca thrive. "The railroad companies have been incorporate for railroad purposes." ] continued Senator O' Gorman," and q they have destroyed competition ^ wherever they have been permitted to secure control of competing water Sai transportation facilities. of "If drastic legislation Is needed to Th make competition wholesome on the cal Canal then 1 stand ready to vote for that legislation, because I have a lively appreciation of the possibility of the Injury which may be done the de] American peoplo If the railroads are Dr not kept out of (he Canal. "We Bhould exempt from the pay- tln ment of tolls all American shipping fot going through the Canal and we pa should see to it that railroad-owned ly steamships should not use the Canal. ed Such action on the part of the Amerl- ow can Congress in my Judgment would pr< not vtolate the language and cannot of violate the spirit of the treaty that 8,t has been Involved against us." w WILSOft BUSY ON HIS SPEECH SEA OIRT, July 24.?Woodrow Da Wilson began writing his speech of Co acceptance yesterday, for delivery bai August 7. He spent the night at a wh friend's home and today denied him- yei self to callers and will remain in se- coi elusion until the speech Is finished. * 3 He expects to spend today, tomorrow to is and part ( Thuradar op It. Dr. Wllaott aaya he expect, to make the apeeoh abort aa poeeltole, althoack C? brerlty vomld aot ke hie priaclpal oc aim. ye mtt < . : iit v J ! icast Winds. a. ann am ? 1D1C j?= iturdmy, September 7 Recom ecutlve Committee Su'tel the County F The Democratic County Executive Coroi day at noon in response to a call issuei irren for the purpose of recommendlni 1 also for fixing the date for the county laturday, September 7th, was recomm maries. Friday, September 27, at 11 o'clock, vi e for holding the county convention. It the meeting of the executive commits following be assessments to govern t held on September 7. The recommend presented to the county board of electlc AHKKttKME? Sheriff Register of Deeds Treasurer Legislature Coroner Surveyor Commissioner Constable ?* Justice of Peace Recorder Washington, Long Acre and Clerk Washington, Long Acre and CI Recorder Richland Township Recorder Pantego Township All other elective township officers. . . All of these amounts include the tick >ec. 9.?Primary Law Beaufort Count legislative and county offices shall at le :tion, file with the clerk of the Superlo ting that he will be a candidate in sue which he will be a candidate, which n said Clerk shall endorse on the back o :e, and shall preserve the same subject i said clerk shall have a complete list h instructions thereon as to bow many each office, and distribute the same at :tion, for the information of the voten st five of Bald lists in conspicous placet lec. 10?Primary Law Beaufort Count h primary elections and paying the exj legislature and for county offices sha mary, pay to the chairman holding su< eased by the board hereinbefore provid >.00; and each township candidate $2.01 1 each state candidate $3.00; and, falll ltled to participate in said primary: PI ?r paying all expenses of said primar) didates. The said fund shall be paid t< same to print tickets and distribute a er purpose and expense necessary to tl i primaries of the different' parties, i inted for by the clerk and the fund ] ctive parties shall be separately appli> ! fund to be paid by the candidates to of the party to to which he belongs at ird." iRT CARROW PROPERTY LA pm n on unnrnnniu mu un iljilmjhi Dr. P. A. Nicholson and Mr. John j Bragaw Jr., have purchased from san H. H. Carrow and wife and Mrs. Prc muel H. Carrow thirty six feet We' .. . the their property on Main Street. e entire frontage of the property tin la for seventy-three feel half of mo tch has been purchased by Messrs daj :holBon and Bragaw and has a con pth of two hundred and ten feet. Prfl . Nicholson has purchased twelve tha it front and Mr. Bragaw twenty ee feet front. The consideration the the property was $10,200. TheiPla pers for the transfer of the proper- bre were passed yesterday and record- to It ia the intention of the new *'<> ners to considerably improve the 1 jperty at an early day. It is one yoi the moat valuable and attractive thli es in the business portion of of ishington. SAMNGS A TRUST CO. ] As will be seen elsewhere in the la* lly News the Savings and Trust ^ mpany, one of the city's strong oklng institutions, announces that jmys four per cent on deposits * lchyis compounded four times a ] irr Heretofore this bank has been upending its interest only twice rear. This will be interesting news ; the hank's numerous patrons and ] another step forward. ] : | Mr. L. 71. Reddltt. of Bdward. N. , . attended the meeting of the Dem- ] ratlc County Bxecutive Committee . sterday. ? ' ;. ? .. -Y ??! | m ?AI -IWOfl#* *? -N?W. SEPT. 21 ] ? -", ' f : -?>, imended by County Exile Day for Holding Vtmary. . * * 'V*mittee met at the Courthouse yee1 by the chairman Mr. Lindsay C. I a date for the county primaries convention. ended as the day for holding the as fixed by hte committee as the ?e the chairman recommended that he candidates for the.primary to atlons were adopted and they will >n tomorrow for approval. IT8 $20.00 18.00 ...fl 16.00 ' 10.00 3.00 3.00 J 3.00 2.00 1.60 Chocowlnlty Townships 6.00 Hocowlnlty Townships 4.60 J.00 2.00 ? ?? eiB oi each candidate, y?"That the several candidates iaat five daye prior to any primary r Court of the county a notice In h primary election, and the office lOtlce shall be signed by him and ! f each notice the date filed in his : to the inspection of any elector, of all of said candidates printed, persons each voter may vote for each precinct on the day of said *3 i, and the managers must post at i at the precinct, y?To provide funds for holding enses thereof, each candidate for 11, at least five days before such j :h primary such sums as may be *3 led for, not exceeding the sum of ); and each district candidate $5; Ing to pay the same, shall not be itOVIDED, if there is any surplus ' it shall be prorated among the > the clerk of the court, who shall t the different primaries, and any *e proper conducting and holding shall be separately paid and acpaid by the candidate of the reed to the primary of such party, be fixed by the executive commitubject to the approval of the B&id RCE AUDIENCE BEARS SINGER AT THE LYRIC 9 Lenin la&f pvcninp \lr R???H g at the Lyric to a large and apciative audience. His Bong was II handled and greatly enthused ise who are lovers of good singing. ["be management is certainly putg the feature reels In excellent tlon pictures over the screen these s. Last evening pictures received ament from all sources and were nounced to be some of the best ,t has ever been exhibited there. rhe temperature has no effect on ue hot days while you are in this ce of amusement, cool, refreshing jji eze that renders a refreshing taste the brain from worry and over''or real high class amusement i have no desire to attend anyng of this nature other than that the dally program now at the nc. : I ifiss Neta O'Brien returned home t evening from Durham, N. C., ere she has been visiting friends the past three weeks. ?EW ADVERTISEMENTS IN TODAY'S NEWS I. K. Hoyt. Poetum Cereal Ce. * Southern Furniture Company * Atlantic Hotel. ? Doaas. 1 A. C. Hathaway. 9 "" 1

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