iWMIHHI1 "fl ? ,lr ' ' m ' s^ Tip "T?x Piyer? *tat t< Know Wbere the Money Mr.'Editor:- . ' Ffease allow me space la jour p* per to say wottetlln# about our pub \ He roads \ Our re preeaatatirea to t* \ . lut lsglel^ture gave uj S road law \ This bill waa gotten ap and paaee< \ wltbsut the connent of the people o ' < the township to whleh It applies. I thnnt whs even no much "an a petittoi circulated I Mrar naw it, or heard o "it \ it , esl-uy*:''" \ Three commissioners were gag li eharge of the rosds In the three towi ships. Soon it waa aeaa thai* wn |S. J "nothing dolag." One of these coa a\ I "mtsaloners soon resigned. I guess h I \ got sshsmed of the 4s aothtag pallor J) Now wa here pels ear send tat / \ bat then are miles of roaf on wbicl fj \ there has bath aa Work at all dons and on many mqre miles nose wort] mentioning. The rains has# washed out threads, the bridges have broken li I aad rendered dangerous to the tray ' ellng public. It eeemn to us than It plenty e room ror aa explanation. Wha has baoome of the aonly frald out a the pockets of the people for the ip elflc parpoee bf maintains our falgl ways? RMl sorely not working. o cry little of it Somebody oecht 1 be In a position to explain. Our money has com somewhere we hare sot hot very little in return We oosfrt to know. The respOnsibl parties phould tell. If they do no there mpst he a mighty seed rosso for it Hope it will lot-be 0%** avbjeet to aak: "Has It sone to fai tee the pockets of political boeec aad othyetS -- *' We woeld alee pay ear respects t our Couety Commissioner*. Thlnl N of it. the county fieo.OOO In dpi . and solas deeper mil the time. Whs do we see oomias to us, or our chll dren in consequence of *11 this? Doe kt spell progress and prosperity o retrogression aad destruction? Whs public service or institutions ere w < ' setting commensurate with the* wholesale drawings upon our reeoui see and credit? Had we sot ss wet live some of our money to ten yea 5Id boys and let them buy peanut u to intrust it to such custodians? Let us wake up, let us have reforn at us go to the polls and have louse cleaning. If we can. T. H. DANIELS. Slounts Creek, N. C. Interesting Races W. Car-Sk ) ~ One of the most interesting evenl n out-door sports will be pulled o omorrow afternoon at the "Cai ikaden Race Track" located on th took farm of Mr. Wilber Car-Skade i bout two and half miles from th! lty tomorrow afternoon. The rac? re scheduled th begin promptly a ne o'clock and promise to be one c * he most interesting events of t]) eason in the racing line. Seven sat horses will be entered. Mr. Cai , kaden the manager, has gone to co Iderable expense in erecting an ui / i-date half mile tr^ck and those wh \ re competent critics, pronounce tb rack one of the very best to be foufl J i the state. 8uch well-known ownei J f hone flesh as Messrs 8. B .Ethei f Zlgs. R. 8. Neal, W. I. Parlsher. I * / . Sparrow, W. Car-Skaden and D ? MRS. DAWSON NO BETTER The condition of'Mrs. E. L. Dawsc ^ ho has been critically ill at h< , >me on Bridge Street for seven | Mks, is reported show no Improvi Unt today. h work PROcounaoio - Work Is bow raaldly proji ??Blr th, construction ot th, brlok oRc las meud hr Dr. Mi c. HoCnu Hut hill StfMt. Mr. T. J. Hart I [ ku th, contract. Wh,B #atab< f.. . sr will add maeh to the >pwru that ncttoa of the tit). I V /ASH] ?] .1W ft I. UK1S I c" ? > li'tl *<"' "' ,ad ,"H?r . uibih .. 1?* The party of campers returned - from eaft?p "Dew Drop In" Ocracoke N. C. last Sunday night on the steamer Blanche. From start to finish the trip was a success in. every partico* ' lar. The hospitality ?I the Islanders 1 the beautiful weather, the presence t of Dan Cupid a scarcity of mosqui1 torn, good flshlng add two excellent copks were among the factors which 1 added to the pleasire of the party. 1 The chaperons greatly assisted by Mrs. Bragg, who das the champion ol tew and order. Judging by the at* 1 tentlon paid her she wss popularity ' itself. Much to the discomfort of ths others she took Dave Carter for her -steady." j -Mutt and Jeff'* appeared que day 5 at the camp entrance with large, red t flowers lnthelr button-holes end ecJ cepted a cordial Invitation to spend the night. They were Just' returning p from the "Bekutlfnl Isle of Somen whqre" in their skiff the "Titanic" where they had spent their vacation. There waa no need of a medicine f man pa amid the salty breezes and t good cooking. Everyone was In the f heat of health. Miss Ollvs Burbank ^ broke all records when she gained ^ fifty one and a half pounds in five days. Many interesting and amusing; Incidents occored sad it might be well to reeord that wmiam Rumley epeat the eight with *n Angle, that the littie dog Fnssfte (our feascot) changed hie color to an ladlgo bint, that Mm mud fiddlers liked the visitors sc well they moved Into camp and II was necessary to sprinkle snuff in Mm rots to keep tfcspt from taking poo session sod thst the Postsmontli tides ere so strong thst. even "buoys' are not pompeteut to withstand them, The names of the cknpers were: Mr. and Mm "Chunnie" Brldgman, . Mr. and Mrs. "8snta Clans" Cordon, Miss Mary Watch Dave Carter, Mist 8t. Vitus Branch, Miss Sounding Rod Hassell, Miss Flirt Davis, Miss Hateras Mayo, Miss K. Kugler. Miss Cad Fowle. Miss Mac Fowls, Miss Cho< Griffin, Miss Tiny Bnrbank, Crip Carter, Buoy Cowell, Toadfish Grist, Bud Lane, of Wilson; Q. T. Ellis, of Wilson. Pearl le Williams, Mat Moore !Squaw Small, Fussle Rumley and l( Jack Johnson Payne, a The campers are now preparing foi next years trip and hoping that il will be as great a success as the one Just past. i Friday at aderis Race Track a | Joshua Tayloe have already entered j~ their favorite? for the contest. There will be two raceB for horsei and one for'ponles. There will be n< e parses. The price of admission wll n be adults 35 cents; children 10 cents s This is the beginning of something s new ffor Washington and it is to b? t |ioped that all who can will show f ahelr appreciation by attending e 12 very body has a cordial Invitation t< A attend. Oas boats will leave Fowle'i v Idock tomorrow f4 da port radtarday tram lull* B?j a* Kyi* County, Ud?h with * pm * ^ _JJQLNgiffeyp*.-J tid. as 4:\. .. 1 I I 1 H ?y i unmnow, homk cam PS Tonight andT ' * ' " 1 I*' | W*T HUt-WC ^ A sS^W^Orj^ j|| 11|^ inucim noon ' m ivuc touch ? 'That the patrons or that cool and comfortaibe home of refined motion pictures, the Lyric, are appro Tine of the fare provided for them there la being attested by the peeked houses very evening. The motion picture .program for n?i eramuK WU omOMM W M M exceptionally fine one, and received 1 comment* from alt ?uroes. Another feat are that la a great drawing card, ia that of Mr. Bnxsell ' la his up-to-date illustrated Binglng. Mr. BttsseU la Indeed afreet aiager, 1 sad o?aiders d to he one of the heat that has ever visited Washington. Hta ' voice la well halaaaU and one tljat ' greatly a areata to the Lyrfc audTen, | cea. Those wMo bars sever heard Mr. Bnssetl aing will unquestionably find him to be up to the reputation he carries. ' The program for tonight has every ' point of being another feautre night. QREEKVILIE SURMY SC1001 : AT TK PARK FRIIAY i The steamer Blanche, Captain Bur | rus in command, left today for Qreeo ville, N. C., for the purpose of brlng, ing the Sunday School of the Pirsi , Presbyterian Church of that town t< i Washington Park tomorrow for theli annual picnic. Besides the members . of the Sunday School a large nnmbei " of outsiders are expected to come to Washington on the Blanche tc spend the day. If the weather is propitious t I pleasant aay 18 lOOKea ior tor inert Is no more Inviting spot for a picnic than Washington Park. I LEG CUT I ' _ ? Master Harlan Kugler, son of Mrs I Mary Meur of Philadelphia, who it . the guest of her Bister, Mrs. E. W ; Ayers. met with the misfortune Tues? day to have his leg badly cut while r riding In a buggy. Dr. J. G. Blount . rendered the necessary medical aid > While the wound is painful it is noi i thought to be serious. ? I HANDSOME HOME ? ?r? 5 The residence of Jfr. C. H. Rich i ardson at the corner of Market ant t Third Streets Is rapidly aasumlni i attractive proportions. It will be j one of the city's attractive homei > when completed. EXPLAINS HIS POSITION To the Democrats of Beau for County: R In announcing my candidacy fo: - the Register's Office, I failed to ex x press my opinion in regard to the tw< y term policy resolution passed twi years ego by the County Convention In asking the support of the Demo cratlc voters of the county, I aft I in strict accordance with that reso lution, for I deem two terms lonj enough for any man In any olios a /therefore I could not, conscientious d ly, nor would not under aay coasldei atlen ask for the oflce but two terml J Very respectfully. WILBUR H. ROM. r ' -?i r ,W . - I ?VS~ a I t f (-^n - j ' ' 4 ^ HmH ' -. , UM, IWIIWtt APtKRHOON, JUL omorrow. Light CITY COUSIN i ' 11 ' = *+-~ ~ The Daily News For- Tt\ i?l; ~~ The following communication ia one of many the Daily-Nsw? has received lit praise of the stand It has taken with regards to county matters: Mr. Editor; Enclosed find 15 cents in payment of one month's pubscrlptlon to the Daily News. 8?nd paper to . He ^ould like to hare those back numbers containing the articles relating tp the eoaaty finances. salaries and fees of county oflerns etc. v I' WT.un ns. "mobS ENTERTAIN GUESTS. * " Miss Mary Clyde Hassel and Messrs R. Dee Stewart and Herman Carrow returned this morning from Vandemere, N. C., where on last evening I they attended a social function given in that town by Captain and Mrs. C. 8. Whichard in honor of their guests. A delightful spread was given on the pier at Vandemere and the entire evening proved to be one of merriment. Everyone present are are indebted to the hosts for an evening carrying with it only pleasantest of memories. DMICCUCIT'C DCRCnUC nuujLVLii o nLnouno NEW YORK. July 23.?In hi* first speech since he returned from Chleai go, Colonel Roosevelt today set forth ; his reasons for leading in the forma! tion of a njBw party. His address was delivered at a meeting of the New York State county chairmen of the national progressive party. Colonel Roosevelt did . not intend to speak, he declared, but i the chairmen would not be denied. "No man knows better than I," said Colonel Roosevelt, "that enthut Biasm and high principle cannot be t effective without organization and . work. A great responsibility rests I upon men here, who are undertaking the organization of a new party Which is to stand four squared democracy, which is to be literally the party of the people. "It will fight oaalive issues and i not dead ones. It will embody a E protest against corruption In both of ? the old party machines. It will be a a party into which ex-Democrats and ex-Republicans without regard to tbeir political past are to come in an exact equality and to have each the same share in the party managet ment. r FORMER RESIDENT HERE > The many friends of Mr. Samule ? Short son of Mrs. Bettle Short, of b 'Winston-Salem are glad to see him in - the city. He la guest of relatives. t ALL QUIET AND SERENE K i. There were no cases for trial beh fore the Recorder this morning at the * City Hall. Mr. W. G?r-8k?d?n mt R. VL D. N< * VH k*n jntrrdij on milw, 'V 8, ' x . . .* to. > r ======= ? ? Moderate Soul | =j Praised 0 ' Recent Stand. T* ' :i , e Hare been telling my neighbors t about the articles now running in the c Daily News. They seem interested! and f^ad to know that we have a pa- t per at lhst that is not afraid to turn c the light on dark places. c It lot hare any left-over copies f of Ote News above referred to and t: will fend a few of them to me I will g distribute them among my neighbors. p -Aakne learleae plain talk is what . has pen needed for sometime. We " wifn^oa to keep it up. Wishing SPECIAL RAItRDAD DATES 10 GOOD ROADS MEET Arrangements have been made " with the following railroads: Allan- * tic Coast Line; Carolina, Clinchfleld ' and Ohio; Durham and Southern; Norfolk Southern, (Raleigh, Charlotte and Southern) Seaboard Air- ( Line; and Southern (Dgnville and s Western) for excursion rates to Char ? lotte, N. C., and return on account of < the North Carolina Good Roads Convention which is to be held there Aug ust 1 and 2 .from all points in North 2 Carolina on the above lines and from t Portsmouth, Suffolk, Boyklns, and Danville, Va. ^ These excursion ticket# will be on 1 sale going from July 31, and on 1 trains scheduled to arrive at Char- 2 lotte before noon of August 2. Re- < turning passengers must plan to ] reach original starting point not lat- 1 er than midnight of August 5. The excursion rates are on file at the depots, and, in each case, is approxl- < mately equal to one fare pluB one- i third, except where the orignal fare is under one dollar. ELECTRIC ARC LIGHTS PLACED ON CREEN ' i Electric Arc lights have been placed on the green at the Washington i Public School building and on last 1 Thesday evening the Sixth division of the North Carolina naval militia were on the green drilling. The lights ' were placed by the city and are much appreciated by the naval reserves who wish to drill evenings on this well-suited place. RECORDER'H COURT There was only one case before Recorder Grimes yesterday at the ' City Hall for disposition. Mr. William Ellison w'as indicted for overspeeding his automobile. He was found guilty and was fined by the Recorder 92.60 attd cost making a total of $7.46. NRAR8 COMPLETION The new store building being fitted up by Mr. P. Orleans on Market St., i rapidly nears completion. Mrs. A. A. Woleott, of Norfolk, lo > the giest of her brother. Mr. W. M. Ixeer, at kM hone on Beat Ma n St. r.rVs' v ' ' ' - vo*V a* ' r ,y * - -v ' - > ? ' ii -1 heat Wlnd?. v | ran IB - I . '' s*? R.t. Rev. Thomas I ulated on His Sa ~ - -v. Special .to the Daily News. | ROME. July 16.?In the chapel vhere 26 yeare ago he was ordained I priest, the Rt. Rev. Thomas F. Kennedy, the popular and distin-1 tulsbed rector of the American Colege In Rome, today celebrated mass ind received the congratulations of i host of friends and admirers on he occasion of his sacerdotal jubilee. The Pope and practically all of the nembers of the Sacred College resllent in Rome together with a host >f other high officials at the Vatlpyi vere among those who offered their longratulatlons to Bishop Kennedy, ind in addition the Americna prelate ecelved a bundle of fellctlous mesaa;es from his personal friends among he clergy and laity of the Roman Catholic Church In the United States. Few churchmen in Rome, outside if the limited circle of high Vatican ifllclals, enjoy a wider measure of ame than the rector of the American College, and it is safe to say that lone is more highly esteemed. It is iow more than ten years since the ate Pope Leo XIII., largely upon the ecommendatlon of Mgr., Satolli, call d Bishop Kennedy to Rome to All he rectorshin of thp North *merfp?n College. Previous to his appointment as recor of the college the young Amerian prelate was connected with St. Iharles Theological Seminary, near Philadelphia. Mgr. Satolll. at that Ime apostolic delegate to the United tates. visited the seminary and was artleularly impressed with the work Newsy News To the Net on KIYKR ROAD STATION The protracted meeting at Asberry Church was commenced last Sunday ind the services both morning and tvening were attended by a large and ippreciative congregation. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Alligood were In >lnetown last week with their daugher. Mrs. Stubbs, who is very ill. *>? uuve naa a tew accidents cere Jr. Carney Alligood cut his knee, Jr. J. B. Sheppard cut his arm. Mr. J. F. Pippin cut his hand a little ihild of Mr. J. B. Sheppard while >)aying with a hatchet cut two of ler fingers. Mrs. E. H. Sheppard and children >f Jessacia spent one night last veek with Mrs. J. B. Sheppard. Miss M. M. Cherry, of River Road. *ras a guest of Mrs. C. F. Alligood >ne day last week. We had a great deal of rain last! veek. every day but one. several j limes the roads were flooded. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Pippin, of Bun-' ron, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Pippii. last Saturday. Mr. C. F. Alligood and family of River Road were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Augustus Alligood Sunday. Mr. Willi* Black, of Norfolk, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Black at Bunyon. Mr. G. Gorganus and family and Master Herbert Alligood. of Washington and Master Charlie Walker, of Edward were guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Sheppard last Sunday. Messrs M. F. Pippin and L. M. Sheppard each say they have a fine crop of tobacco. lira. R. If. Alligood, Mrs J. B. Sheppard and children and Miaa M. M. Cherry waere visitors in Washington last Monday. BROAD CTRBKK # e a * a I " Wa are baring soma rainy wsathar '"V ' 7 - < . v ~ - ann I I HI BIS CKKI 1 y ' Kennedy Congrat- 1 cerdotal Jubilee at being carried on there by Mgr. Kennedy. The apostolic delegate declar- .' ed that nowhere in America had he seen a training school for priests eo W closely approaching the models and high standards established in Rome. Bishop Kennedy has met with equal success in his rectorship of the North American College, which is now conceded to be the moat important of the foreign colleges in Rome. Fnom the beginning of his service he has distinguished himself by his business ability, his governing power, his tact and courtesy in dealing with the ! large number of visitors from the * United States. '? The attendance at the college has n increased beyond all precedents, i The students have been more successful than ever before In their competition with the students of other colleges at the propaganda. The rector has won the admiration and commendation not only of the various Cardinals with whom he comes in a contact, but especially the heads of the various congregations, of the Cardi nal Secretary of State and of the ]l Holy Father. All those acquainted with what is v? iu uibu vaiican spneree know that Bishop Kennedy is persona GratiSBlma at headquarters and that , j he is considered to deserve a high distinction, but he remains rector of h the American College, It is said, chiefly to gratify the desire of the t Pope that he should remain longer than any of his predecessors at the r4 head of the institution. "; j as Told vs Readers Veswy Points at this writing and the crops are damaged in some places. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Singleton and child spent from Thursday until Sunday with friends in Norfolk. Misses Nellie Lizzie and Essie Latham. all spent Friday in your city shopping. Sorry to know the Illness of Mr. Joe Alligood and little eon. Mr. Elbert Respess and two sisters Misses Mabel and Ruby visited at Mrs Fannie Sullivan's Wednesday night. Mr. and Mrs. C. C- Cutler and is daughter Lelia and grandson spent Saturday afternoon at Mr. J. B. TetI terton's. i Misses Nellie and Martha Latham, spent Saturday night at Mrs Fannie ('Sullivan's. Mr. J, B. Respass made a business trip to Boyd's Friday. I Miss Lizzie Latham spent Saturday afternoon with her sister Mrs. E. F. I Black. Miss Lula Cozzen, of Washington spent a few days last week with Miss Larcy and Lucy Sullivan. ? -<*M Mrs. Fred Whitley, of Jessama, spent last Tuesday at Mr. Je6se Whitley's "$1 Mrs. J. B. Tetterton and children spent Tuesday with her sister, Mrs. Henry Wallace. Mrs. E. F. Black and little son Continued on Page I. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS IN TODAY'S NEWS Postum Cereal Co. A. C. Hathaway. J. r. Jaehavn. ? Pm rood Onw. *. ' J. U ODdu. H. Clark* ud Soaa. ? i ?. C. Timlatac School. * . 4 ******** .tjm