, "" T?V "* washing JJ'JJJJJ1- Shows ft to B< D^MMM l.M I * ii yaji *a a* pat t>? DUT Nw VCP ft mm mA ?M ?aaa?laiai will noMn Art tht grtattat eaaent mmtrnujumum. It Is * 4a- you tha fMohh movcto WoahmotonP til artlelaa M la tka Dally Nawa K' la* aoMlcaUoa maat ba alcaa4 by ft. lb? wrltor^otbarwlaa thay will wot WEDNESDAY, APO. 21, lftlg. Continued from Pace 1. K-. ._t library, etc 3,217.$1 160.144.00 t 1 ' To balance due this fund by Treasurer .... 911.598.70 Hp*, B. it. MIXON, County Treasurer. j ^ ? IN ACCOUNT WITH GENERAL COUNTY SCHOOL FUND. J June 1. 1911. To amount due per Report Finance Committee. .. .| 1,174.94 i June 6. 1911. jjt? To ami General School Tax 24,958.91 io ami. opeci&i acnooi lax To amt. Majors 3.01 To amt. Clerk Superior Court 147.80 To amt. Magistrate* and Recorders 1,457.05 To amt. Sale School property 66.00 To amt. Local taxes ' 775.00 To amt. Chocowlnlty H. S 190.00 To amt Pantego H. S 475.00 To amt. State of North Carolina 4,219.48 To amt. for libraries * 15.00 > To amt. for sites and buildings 368.65 To amt for furniture : 205.43 To amt. Royal School taxes 444.11 To amt. Pantego H. S 86.66 "*> M 'n rN ' ! j $ 40.015.01 DISBURSEMENTS: June 5. 1912. By paid County Supt 1 1,500.00 By paid County Supt. balance last year 126.00 By express Supt .... 36.30 By mileage and per diem of Board 128.80 By office and operating expenses 237.12 By bldgs., repairs and slteB 95.22 By furniture. deekB, etc 52.50 By Treasurer's salary 349.92 j By sundry expanses 25.36 By white teachers 1 15.364.30 By fuel and janitors, white . 1 232.78 By furniture, etc., white 811.82 By supplies,-while 17.73 By Bldgs. and repairs, white 2,593.55 By insurance, interest, etc 150.97 By borrowed money repaid 1,916.00 By tress, commissions, last year 125.00 By colored teachers - 3,598.31 By fuel and Janitors, colored 70.30 By furniture, colored 40.98 By supplies, colored : 9.60 By buildings and repairs, colored 75.06 By Pantego High School teachers 1366.12 By corns. Pantego High School 16.58 By Washington Public Schools 4,324.20 By Aurora Graded Schools 600.00 By Belhaven Graded School 1,500.00 By Aurora High School 622.60 $35,986.21 . Balance due this fund 4,028.81 GEO. E. RICKS. Sheriff. IN ACCOUNT WITH THE GENERAL COUNTY FUND. RECEIPTS: June 1, 1911. 4? . U|wi i. wi riuauM V/OUiiulUW 9 4U.D* To amt. taxes polls and property 32.307.47 To amt. listed on E. O. ft 0. Br'd Corns, ft Sheriff. . 241.04 To license taxes Schid. B 787.34 K# To amt. collected from delinquents 57.20 133,413.59 DISBURSEMENTS: I July 11, By paid Treasurer 3 20.54 Aug. 2, By cash license taxes Sched. B 176.07 Aug. 2. By commission paid Treasurer 9.27 Nov. 2, By amt. paid Treasurer ? 4,146.23 Nov. 23. By amt. paid Treasurer 3,800.00 Dec. 2, By amount paid Treasurer 2,375.00 Dec. 30, By amount paid Treasurer 2-,850.00 1912. Feb. 1, By amt. paid Treasurer 1.239.88 ,Feb. 1. By amt. Paid Treasurer v 660.12 ~ Mar. 4, By amt. paid Treasurer 1,900.00 Apr. 1, By amount paid Treasurer x 2,850.00 May 1, By amount paid Treasurer 6,650.00 May 1, By commissions paid Treasurer 1,393.28 M^ty 6, By land sold and bought by the County ... 397.13 ' May 31, By amt. paid Treas ^ . 2,850.00 May 31. By Corns, paid Treas _ . 160.00 May 31, By amt. rec'd by Br'd Com. E. O. ft 0 191.34 By Insolvent list (- 1,619.16 933.413 69 933,278.07 R v ha la nr, dn* ?HI? f"?d ,#r r ? I | mJiftO. E. RICKS, Sheriff. IN ACCOUNT WITH GENERAL COUNTY SCHOOL FUND. RECEIPTS: K 1,11 June 1, To balance Finance Committee's Report. . $ 1,019.94 Oct. 1, To amount of taxes due this fund 99,199.77 DISBURSEMENTS: R July 11, By amount paid Treasurer 9 1,919.94 Wf MOT. 99, 1.990.09 9. ?? ?. I,4JS.?0 Dm. it, " " ' ? i?n M. 1. ? .110.01 P*k. 1*. " " I.IM.M fc. rm. ii. ? ' i.im.m ltor * " " I.IM.M P. Ape 1. " - " I.IM.M R- coatfat** ? Pi?? I. rater ^ sisgzxx*S3? X'i&JT' . V*i Begleter at Dwli has aided me greatly la becoming aunllOed to OU UiU Me . v offlco whleh I balleye I tu do to V I ' *$' the eaUafaeUon at the paopla at th. community. JoJa to pood health. If ' addition to thu I ma city dark Fad " a . In tka city of Washington tar tva vfyaaratif ana family raara. tiring a ?is,ooo band, and aacrotary at tha County Board at Bleetlaas. bath of which poattloaa I A r HATH A uri V baBaaa I dllhd acceptably. Many of the'coaatry paopla kaotr tha treatment often raealrad at -tha >aaa__i^_____i____J handa at tha chief of police of the _________ city of Washington, and If elected to OOMMMMOMBB- rt m7imt umd ditta to no tint iy> the Democratic eoton of Boon-: ,nci .jmra are not tolerated and fort County, I announce m, cendt- th,t lMtlo. A|UI ^ .^^Tto * doer for the office of County Com- peroono equally mloleonor from Putaao Towuklp. BeepeetfuUr. nhject to the Domocratlc prtmariee. w B wlNDLIY. C. P. AYCOCK. l-lt-tte ddnrtho k no Dotty Homo. A Fair Offer We will take carfc ol your money lor you, safeguard it from all harm, return it to you any time you wish, and pay you 4 Per CeaL on Your Time De- _ posits Compounded Quarterly. Now isn't that a square deal? TRY IT. Savings & Trust Company Cor. Mala & Market Sta. Washington, N. C - I I V H' -B .B. B ^ .1 1> ?4u k/ 11 >" 'TOnHliire < WHEN summer furniture "fits" the season It makes you feel good to look at It on a hot day. Thia kind at furniture should hare that light summery look to mat the weather. That's the kind we sell. We hare just taken into stock a spienkid selection of pretty designs in summer furniture that makes yon thfakof lounging and lazy ease the moment yoo look at it. TV prices are moderatethe quality the beat. Inspect-here. SOUTHERN FURN.CO. WacQ GoodFuinitQfe Washington, N.C. -"J ? M MS a., l~ So h* kT rv a piupviiy uccua iv inmucu I HtY men have been waiting for paint to come-down. The cost of p__c. their job has gone-up not down; ^ dUlUfcC it always goea-ujr by waiting; \yQfry " ^ never comes down. Better paint than Devoe? No Delay There isn t any. , __ _f Suppose one had waited 20 A IlOt Fire or 30 years ago for a better n , ? . , paint than Devoe; how long Odt 8 LiOOi KltCIl Q would he have waited? how . . long would he still have to wait? Gil nances Set Free The price a gallon makes . some difference; yes, but not WflMfM UfK I HON W. much; it's the paint that counts; " > '\T* the quality counts. r It's the go-far that counts. m nrny6nt-~ ^ Protection of property counts ' I "sr?br unonnoo to tl? rot.r, ol aetttT f*Ult- Sorer. Rocordor'o Coort district tb.l McKEEDRICHARDSON 1 ? coodidai. to -em* mtmti HD-W CO. . " , ''"X.M.r* ***' ; _ = FOB " U"AT"' I At the ntwt of ar IrWnM 1 1 {hereby umuci ayarit $ coo41tate]crot tor Om To?lololae of North Carolloejtoo, T?" ?"* ?" , 7tS fs AUMWt eoU M tk-jU.E1' 1 -1* . AM . ; ' NOTICE H> TO TBS DEMOCRATS OF BEAD- la| FORT COCNTTt- I 1 lanky onaoooce myaoK u a rot cauidJdete (or ro-oloetloo to Lha otto. of Comnty OomaMoaor from Washington Townahlp, subject to the action of the Democratic Primary. Should I be nomine tod n*"1 elected, ] I will (tea the aone taithful etnrloe coo to the totore oa to the Boot. a* Thto Aosost the ?th lilt. ty. O. B. WYNNE. to ?-7 tfc. Frl ** FOB CTmi RECORDER'S OOCRT to 1 I I hanky eooooecetthet I oa o too mH, to succeed myself u Clark of ltp Recorder's Court for the City of CM Washington ud Washington Township, Lon? Aero Township and Chooowlnlty Township. d-li I nsk the support of *11 Dssmrrsta and will appreciate same. 1 Very respectfully, C. a CRATCH. I 7-lo St do. ty 4 froi This Is to announce that laain candidate tor County Commissioner from Richland Township. 1 hare diligently worked tor the Democratic party tor thirty years and now In return the support of all Democrats is * earnestly desired ssd will be very ** much apprec'ated. fro1 W. H. JONES. to 4 Edward. N. C. ,*** TO THE DEMOCRATIC POP? OP 7-1 BEAUFORT OOUHTY I hereby announce myself as a can- . dldate for Register of Deeds. If . | nominate and elected, wfll ssrre the . , people at nU timee to beet of my ability. The support of srery democrat to earnestly solicited. Very respectfully. . A WILBUR H. R068. . Aurora. N.iC. V i ti I hereby Lnnounoe myself a caadi- 1 date beforsTthe Democratic Prlmarice for I for the Oftee of Sheriff of Beaufort lag County. I will appreciate any sup- tioi port that my friends may giro me. fl._ W. W. HOOKER. "f1 of i ? S 1 To the Democrats of Beaufort Coon- 7-1 i wish to expreM to yon my itnoere thanks for your loyal rapport la tlio . prat, and. tf I have made an efficient officer and a faithful servant of the . people, to aak your continued rapport . . In the County Primaries which will . be announced later: and If I am nam- p lnated and elected, (and I see no reason why 1 shall not be>, I can ?oI ly promise to do aa I hare la the | past, all in my power to sire you 1 good service. Now X wish to thank I you in advance and ask all good ty < : Democrats to attend the primaries tro ! and give me their hearty rapport for to 8herlff of Beaufort County. mai Faithfully, Tour Servant, GEO. B. RICKS. 1 -11 tfc. j To the Democratic voters of Beau- for j fort County: can I announce myself as a candidate frrf! for the office of Sheriff of Beaufort the ' County; in accordance with the resolution adopted by the County Conven- 1 tlon two years ago limiting the time which any person should hold Office pQ to two terms only and my candidacy Is subject to this resolution. . 8. B WINDLET. lBf-II tfc. tV, L ^ sjr ANNOUIfCBMKHT Ml ' OOI t Uk> this method of lntormlns ,rt my friend* that I am candidate for re-Bomloaotln for the Offlce of Redatar of Deefe. and aft them all _ to attend the Demoeratle' Primaries. 7H and ??let me tn obtaining the nomination. ' PC Thanking each and erery one kind lr tor the hearty aepyort they here siren me In the yeet and asklns a clt contin nance of the same, I rem ale. To Toars rery traly, VI GIL8BRT ROHLKY. no mnooan *" , lm I wish to nanoanee to aw frlenda *' that I am a candidate tor the odoe *f Recorder of the Criminal Oovt __ of the City of Weahla?tan. Waahlns- ? ton Tsernshiy, Lonsacra Toirnahlp r'lTtto. ? ? town*. ^ [ nominated and elected I ehall < I tto u uk the support ot *11 Domm I W. & OltlKKK I ' i---?v??' '^^1 hereby respectfully inonn J lldscy (or re aomlsctVia to til of Treasurer of Beaufort Ooul subject to tha erfll of the peopl be expressed at tke Democretl msrr. It ro-aoiatueted and etaJ 0 the o*oa of Treasurer. I pled I he people the aaeee courteous J doe I ban heretofore codes Tc to (fee to all. amd the same ddi to the trust rinsed aaiesl todlaa ot the peeper's aeoasy. ReepecttuUr. B. B. HOOK. 1 We. v or ootmn pomoHKMnot espouses mr eaadMaey for Cos Jomisleotnini at Bsahfort Cou n Riehlaad Cowaahlp, subject actios ot the Democratic prlmai W. H. WHITLEY, tie. k?nbj ubobum myself uaca Ue for the County CoMHrtwi a Chocewtntty Township. subj? too MUM of the Democratic Pi nr. H. B. WILLIAMS. l tfc. jVsi . ''{*.. ' ' * > hereby nnnounoe my caadlda Recorder of the Criminal Cos Washington tor W?btngton. Ob inlty and Lang Acre Tewnahli ieot to the Mttn of toe Dom tie rotern of mid Judicial Dietri too primary election, lb July If. lilt. FRANK H. BRYAN. ootjimr V in?rnmtSmm County ComaUmioMr for Waa ton Township, subject to the a i of the DemoernUe primary el* i. and will appreciate the enppa 01 Democrats. * tola the lfth day of July. 1*11 W. H. SWINDELL. I tfc. "OB COUNTY OOmOBMONRB announce my candidacy for eon Commlaaloner of Beaufort eon from Long here Township, an t to the action of the Democrat nar.'ee. V W. 8. D. EBORN. tfc. vn uwflTXJXHOOSSIONER announce my candidacy for Gov Commissioner of Beaatort Cons m Chocowlnity Township, subje the action of the Democratic pi rleo. W. A. BLOUNT. '-ft tfc. To the Disaifitte roton of Boa t County: 1 hereby announce z dldacy for County Commission in Richland Township, subject Democratic primaries. H. a MAYO. t-14-tfc m B CUERK RECORDER'S OOU1 rb the Democratic rotors of Was ton and Washington Towashl id Acre Township, and Chooowl Township, I hereby announce a t a candidate for Clerk of the ? der's Court, subject to Democra marlss and I will appreciate art friends mny do for me. r am yours respectfully, WM. 0WANNBR. tfc. R C1.FRK RECORDER* OOUR ro the Democratic rotors of i r Of Washington, Washing! mishlp. Long Acre and Choi lity Townships, 1 hereby a ince my candidacy for clerh of % sorters Court of the abc nod district, snbject t<^ Democn primaries. I will apprecia at my friends mpy do for me. B. O. MALLISON. ? _ IFOR (X)MM18BIOJ(BR. r hereby anounce my Candida laiti*ist. I -J i ? ^ ;VJ Professional and Business lutrds ??? . H. W. CAKHi IL ffictlN IlklM HmM ! * " Oanu Mala U4 MartM at*. ? ' ' ^ ' ' la ' ?; dubl ITWIjmw**"* ?v ' fr - a im ? wn^adMMX .? iv ^ WUvr C. "M U Wa B. Mi Im?. jr. : i jrssaas"- 1 ja ?? ?.....?? *" ? 'I . War* Jaalaa D. Ortaw 1 * WARS a OMMM :: ^L?n : Pifcul frwfc " ~T~" % ? * ? * I ? * 1 90tSM WL H? . inifir nf ? 1 IV lr t wAianwroi, w. a ^ If > * ?la i . ? ? a & A-jrHILLflPg^JI JWl, J WAiraraioa.i.o. - mm ? * ? i ? - i .1 ?|| !(* *? ft. at * * * W D? QBOQB 'H^ceeeye^lser, imttcM la All tfca ? !> 2 - V" 1 *? ' *> 1 I t ? ft > I M I * Mm ?; JL A ? a 9 Edward U Kiwift a " ' .*'^iwiw ^kwjjh! ? Aft0' Z %'' h- ' liRit g ^ . jf .M Z a rt I */ f ' "TT****1" " *"3w?T*.a | : J; : Norwood l. noon . J Attorn.7-M-L.1r . ... "J'"ir1" ? . m . . . . . 1. . nunrb. bkyax * . S M L.w 2 * I ? OOe.ln 8.Ttan ui ttnt " n" * bslldtas. ImM floor. Frme- * tic In ill tWeMuta. ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' * ? " i . i 7 . , WLWOID R800ID IK won . * OTAT*- ; 7 * Wwwn n 4 UrOta ? u ? tan. $1,710,8.1.00 . tamo 80MW.fl8fl.oa ? ' ivmtfptoMl M?0 ?y. Phone, S07-J. The Secnrtey Life * An***j Oo. h. a. ooornt, Aji. IV * k- None* or bale ? NORTH CAROLINA, BEAUFORT D* COUNTT, IN THE SUPERIOR *" COURT. BBTORE THE CLERK. ? H. W. Hudnell A Jennie Hudnell " Lula O. Hudnell, Erneet O. Hudnell a Lucy V. Hudnell by bar oudlaa ad Ittum, W. T. Hudnall. Uadar and by rtrtua ( authority veatedtn ma by an order oC the Superior Court of Beaufort county datT. #d July ldtb. till, I will, on ldaaI day, the ?tb day of September, mi be Offer for aate to tba btsbeat bidder on for oaah at tbe Court bouae door la ?- Beaufort ooumty, at II o'Noeh aeon. / I in- tbe foliowlna deecrlbed real aetata be to-wlt:T? Lytnff and betas In tbe State at at- North Carolina. County of Beaufort ite Richland tonnebtp, on tbe Beat aide of South Creek and bounded as Mle?e: On tba Want by O. C. Aruh bell; on tbe South by DUoa aad Bon ? aer ea tba East by Moadaala Arenna. aad oe the North by Creaked n- It betas the land nbareoa John N