^ 43tfSflBu mfWIKMMln raton Xn. J. B. Latham. Pro^le?-?t Imec. tain* lit am* tillable. Adlolaa ? City M TTaeblnl-r Norlolk Soatherm na Itnut It. Fifty milk V f MIHIMbnt. Prater celling II cattle. Forty hoed of eoloee and M ' hatfon. Far MM oee 8 Fleming WaabMateo. N. C. or write P. O. Box III. ~wm too WAirr ron una that la eiaaa te drink, try It from the Star Oalry. Ring J. B. Paed'a n Shone- ?-ll-tf? want TOO wm rand fro* 1 brickwork * flanterlng, call J. B. h Poed'a fhoae. Oollrored a tree- V tooahle frime. l-ll-tfo ft. SALE?1 EVEBItT 36, five poonntignr automobile; hao been ran about 800 mi lea; in good oonditon ;tenu easy. For )' fall particulars, addreao P. O. Bo* 875. 8-17-tfo i i . j WARTTO?DRTVKK FOR VOM7N- c tear Kooa Team No. 1 at once. ASply to O. *. Brawn. Jr.. foreman. 8-11-tlc * "I HAVB AXJj WV0S88ART IN8TRU- J menu now an hand and am randy to draac any horaa'c month that naada attention. W. Car-Sakden. ?-tl-Jte Zi inn< YOU WANT ANY DRAYaga dona, shone Para food Orocery. No. Ill, aad gat It Quick. 8-to-tfc 1 TOPS FOR MASON AND H. T. SKA1. c Fruit Jan. Jolly Olaaaec. Jar Rahber*. phono 74 ff you want 'em aulok, R K. WILLIS. : *MB I'll MAUX * tanas, or mall nranu. small iflB& roirt. Vmnto and |HM fell broke and gently can 3fij9H&*7 'lady or child. Alao Apply to s. new management wo 1 aSwaS u? kMt aarvtes and ' ooaalrtent with KtTUfc, MACHIN* COMPANY. Ug|fcla0oa. N. c. 4^^?oelal callad masting of tha Board of Aldanaaa Aogoat 8th, tha following ordtoaace waa aaacted: 1 *h? Board af Alderman of tha ] Citj of Washington, do ordain: < ' - |a That the city block bounded on thd South by West Second Street; j on the West by Bridge Street, on the ] North by Weet Third Street and on } uig uj fan nuiucu xusvt, J betnx tha block a pen which the Wnt- j , ar Plant la located, be and tha nma ] hereby la eraatad a Sanitary District. tS - ' I. No prlry ah all h, naad In aald district that doaa not conform to tha plans and spsmeaHaas recommendad-by tha Ntjrth Carolina State Board of Health la Its pnbltcatlon entitled "Tha Horth Carolina Sanitary Prlry.'' had so prlry In aald dlatrict than ha naad aa a plana (or tha deposit of homan excrement until a written permit shall hare been obtained from ' w? the Sanitary Inspector, who shall le(t anj no permit tor the una of (By prlry nnlaaa the same ahall ha fonnd. after an lnapaction by him. to bs so eOnatructed aa to pre rent the aecaaa of files to the excrement deposited therein; and shall ha to constructed aa to permit tha proper and easy places and ramorlns ol receptacles? inches In hslsht and ? Inches let diameter, and shaM ha located eo aa to be easily accessible to tha ncarmnc nt. I. That all hone stables and chicken houses shall be cleaned oat In aald district at laaat once a week, end nay parson falling to no clean aald stables and chicken houses shall ha fined ll,||. 4. No prison shall1 deposit any hitman excrement within the dlatrict abort defined except In a prlry tor which a permit has been tasned or In d closet connected with a public .newer. . I. It ahall he tha duty of ffia Sanitary Inspector to Inspect every prlry In said district once each wash. *. Any person firm or corporation violation the provisions of thin net ?1L1 f'** / i . _ _ . . ~ A 'i**- ? 1 "" *' *' '^" r.g. t. my 1, i.?i?.t* nl.?T? l" cot. msaaiatiia ?m $?.1H77.. !.??.?? j 2- J? I SMU.ft ltUM.Il &BGBIPTS: ?- 1. To cat. Uxm due thle fund 111 ?7 '?T. I. By cat. add Trmma. I 4T.M my 1. By MUWM pmtd Treme. I SO MM> IS?.M Tm bmUmoc dee thle Mad ? 1I.IT / OIMFBIU CUB SCHOOL DISTRICT. MOWPTS: Ml. j * tt. 1. To mat. taxes due this fun/ $$$?. > ' DIBBDBBB1MNT8: MB. [my 1. By mat- fold Treme. $111.71 [ay 1. By oca. pmld Treme. 11.11 By ami. relieved 1.01 By insolvent lint .90 > $169.99 $100.98 By bnlnnon One this fond . $ 11.04 OLD FOBD SCHOOL D1BTBH7T. ' ' RECEIPTS: 11.- / nan 1, To amt. Finance Committee's report 1 99.99 ct. 1. To ant. taxes due this fund 191.09 DI8BDRBEMENT8: uly 11, By amt. paid Treasurer $ 99.91 911.' lay 1% By amt. paid T*eas 189.99 lay 1, By com. paid Treaa lf.OI By Insolvent list 11.71 9499.19 410.41 By balance due-this fond. .1 94.13 j R . v OATLORD SCHOOL DISTRICT. HBCHIPTB: 9il ' ' une I, To Ptna&os Committee's report $ 86.82 ct. 1, To smt. taxes due this fund. 197.71 i DISBURSEMENTS: > illy 11. By amt. paid Tress 9 68.11 ?n * i lay 1, 9y amt. paid Tress. .: ... J..... # 188.81 lay. 1, By amt. paid Tress * 8.T1 By amt. relieved S.OC By i&solvent list 1.01 8968.68 9234.81 By balance doe U?i* load .* 9 18.71 NORTH CROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT. ? RECEIPTS: r one 1. To amt. Plnaace Committee's * report >. .1 43.30 let. I, To mint tsxee do* thu fund ' ' DISBUR8BMENT8: 1 oly 11. By amt. paid Tiaaa. ....* ? 62.3< >11. * J ' lay 1. By amt. paid Traaa J|t 190.31 fay 1, By ?om. paid Traaa.' 1 10.01 By amt. rallarad 1.71 By lnaolyebt Hat v IJ11HI-1""- - WM? ?3?4 ? By balance doa thla land 9 11.41 ' cHooownnTY school district. RECEIPTS: till. . unn i, To amt. Plnaaea Committee's report. 9109.93 lot. 1, To amt. tazaa doa tklt toad 919.09 DISBURSEMENTS: ruly 11. By amt. paid Treaa S.. 1109.91 toil. day 1, By_ amt- pald Traaa. 997.91 day 1, By'com. paid Traaa. 11.91 Bar ii, By amt paid Treaa ; 190.01 Bay 31, By com. paid Treaa. 10.01 Br amt. rellered 11.7! Br Inaelrent Hat " 1i7i 3627.63 3673.0 Br .balance doe thie (end ...3 (4.6! PRESOOTT SCHOOL DISTRICT. - RECEIPTS: imi. "" ' (one 1, To amt. Finance Committee'! Report ........f 14.41 Oct. 1, To amt. taxea due thla fund . , 135.79 r. DISBURSEMENTS: (ulr 11, Br amt. paid Treaaorer 9 34.4 101*. v Hay 1, By amt. pa!4 Treaa ' ll?.7 Hay 1,-fly commtaalon paid Treaa 0.1 By amt. rellered 4.3 / 1170.17 (141.1 By balance doe thla fond 0.4 . CLAYTON SCHOOL DISTRICT. RECEIPTS: *i . { nil. . ; 1 ' r? ' '[? . . T June 1, To amt. Report Flnanoe Committee ,. (11.01 Oct. 1, To amt. taxea dee thla tend.. . 86.15 ? DISBURSEMENTS: * llll. 7- i. M..: ~ .:. ca-'i. '' Jnly 11, By amt paid Troaanrer (11.0 Mar 1. Br amt. petd Treaa. TX.l Mar 1. Br com. paid Treaa 1.1 / ' ' (*7.40 (10.0 To balanoe doe thla fond (11.1 HOWARD SCHOOL DISTRICT . Aw. RBCHIFTS: > ' {t' m J 1*11. Jnne 1, To amt. Finance Commllteeireport ( 41.(4 Oct 1. To amt taxea dee thla (and ...r A.. . 4(1.70 PISBURSEMENTS: Jnly 11. Bp amt paid Treda ,.. ( 41.| Mar 1] By com. pmd Treaa 7- "M By amooat rellaeed .... ...... .'. t. (, 1 4*Prvcf?1 I rmm mi > ? watm* r 'Tniiil Ifui fr#fw I v?ryw VITB" (wholesome, delicious itod I fresh. : r ^ , . Ice Cram Cone* For Sale Crystal Ice Co. imWathi strut We Redeem COUPONS rot E.Z. Seal Jars ?THE? f QUALITY GROCERY WALTER CREOLE & CO. PhMWfM. ' v V -I DO YOU KNOW . SSwBSfcv i. That we carry one of 1 the freshest line of Groceries, /. Flour and Feed Ia Washington. It is a fact and we can easily prove it if you will but give us a trial order J. P. JACKSON, West Main.Street rzzzzzzzzzzizii: I Bicycles! Bicycles! 1 pmr BleMaa 111 ul u Wa an tfwtj Cor tto Haa June 1, To amt. Finance Committee Oct. 1, To amt. of taxes due this fun DIBBURi July 11, By amt. paid Treasurer .. mi. May l,^.By amt. paid Treat. May 1, By com. paid Treat. By amt. relieved ....!.'!. g By insolvent list By balance due this fui PARTEM) HIGH I RBC I 1111. June 1, To amt. Finance CommltU Oct. 1, To amt. taxes due thli fun | THE^Bi | clow out at 1 i V jHjHBpv jMjB?fiSoCIITY | e-eeeeee.ee ?|?? My.T nwi ?m k* "pf?"?*? uMIbib. partltt. * IMwlt for w!m" drees of the Mater?eot for publication? but as a BfttUr of food faith. ? e * J e e e ? e lo ^ O /t 1 Mr. T. Litchfield, accompanied by 1 two friends, of iaroira, N. a. peeeed I throaL DISTRICT. Sl*T8: Report .....,...$171.41 567.28 KMENTS: $171.41 475.00 $5.00 : -a.,... " 7.87 $738.69 $670.38 d , $ 59.41 OL DI8TRICT DIPTS: ' report f 51.96 d 408.97 ? JEMENT8: * I 51.95 ... 388.50 17.50 ? . 1.99 1.90 1490.68 9407.54 I 53.08 wj * SCHOOL DISTRICT. EIPT8: e>? Report f 85.99 4-.. v.... 1.199.89 V caved at VZAAR LOT OF ENS = P. K. and Bedford Cords | < 18c Per Yard. Atao III d 'Marquisette . I r Yard, our Prtce I > / 'a-*-: \ 'H V Vp A iw t m 1MB ^ ? , U|( ^ >T. i ill' I wMh 4am? ? per fin ii icfni Hi i !j t,rT?..inj in it. ?mt ^TW-t earthly brrite yee to jota oeraMV ;* *? | = Bank ol Washington Jsaatkaa Hum. Fm. J. K. * i|'-n Q