MILK AN1 ORIAM FOB SALE AT Mr*. J. K. H0rr8. *-M-Ue i THE IATIMM HOUSE OOB. LYNN* herea Avn., and B. St. NtUMt coMage to Station. But omoo, and .Sj uHMmHU, Oomh View, V*.. an Ideal auoimer tout Reaaonabla ratio. Mn. J. B. Latham. Proprlo?-ll luoc. WOMBN?IF you WANT WORK, wli guaranteed hootarj to'wenrer; big commlaalon; make 910 dally; : p' experience^ tfiininiaaVT Addroai fllHBRNATIONAL MILLS. 1038 Cheetnut; Pbila t-34-oat-ttc HARM MB liBASB OB RBjA OOIt.U&*2*'~'an* UUmb1' A4*-M Clip ofVeehlegton Norfolk Southern rani thbeugh It. Fifty milk jpowt go wjlh farm. Prefer aalllng cattle. Forty bead of calrao and 'teUere, For Unas lea. S .Fleming Waakiagtoa. N. C. or write P. O. .Boa 111. RMS TOO WANT PURE MILK that Is clean to drink, try It from the Star Dairy. Ring J. B. Peed'i iphorto. 8-15-tfo . MsJm yptr WAST SAND FOB brickwork or glaaterlng. call J. B. Paed'a ghoaa Dallrered e trea onable price# 8-lS*-tfo I ' " ?J t I 'll't II p " I twi GUARANTEE A GOOD POSII tlon to ererg teaeher who_somI pletea her preparation at Littleton College We have eoholarehlpe for yonng women desiring preparation to tenia, wke, are without suAI iQ cleat renei Our echolaetlc year ) begins Sept. 11. 1111. For catalogs# and farther Information addreee J. M. RHOOBS, Littleton, W. C. j t-ll-lwc 1TK /GUARANTEE A GOOD PAT. tag volition to erery youte* womfpx who flnlahea our course In stenography and typewriting as toon t her preparation htm *ean onmpleted, and fumlth instruction id > . English and Arithmetic without additional charge. Tor Catalogue &d further information addreas REGISTRAR, Littleton College, Littleton, ,N. C. 8-8 6-1 wc . I , t. t * ? Vr I U Li WHEN YOU WANT ANY DRAYBe done, phone Pure Pood Oroery, No. 861, and gat It Quick. 10-tfc g Tq$? FOR MASON AND M. Z. SEAL 'p Slick. B. K. WILLIU. FOB UU-WRBKLH OF CORN f in ehuck. Apply to O. T. Mayo, at , Cor.rt House, Clerk's Offlaa.f rrwr - Hon OK V,-.. So all kinds of repair work E?"5s?-EEr."I: worn vwkfMMhlp/ r MUTUAL MACHINE COMPANY. Washington. N. C. a.t in>A wj. BfSV HO?, M OF HAUL Under ud bp rlrtoe of the power Commlaeloeur of Court. la the Bpeolal > Proceeding pee dine le the Superior Coot of HeeefeW Countr. N. C? entitled "Patrick Olerfc re. Luke Clark; Hanrr Clerk ud othera." and ea directed bp order of aele la arid ape' -del' prooeedlaca, I wlU on Monday, ' September 1?U. 1*11. at IS m., at the Court Haaae door of Beanfopt -Cooatp. N. O. Oder for eale to the - hlgheet bidder for cub. the fellow"i ** in tracts of land: IJ / let tract: North Carolina. Been t j fori County, Waahlaston Townahlp. I Y Beginning at a corner at K. S. Bopt'a / "Una >0 polee 'rola the corner (am la m Iron Mine Branch and rnae N X X to w polee to dlrtaloa Una of W. Q. Cherry k and then with eald Uoe B Tt 1-11 IT 1-S polee to a marked corner, then with a marked line 8 17 W To pblea B ; to the Una of the dlrlalon betwea Jao. Cberry, daceaaed, and X. S. Hopt, I thee with aald Una N 41 W to beginning. containing 10 aerw more or Ball a^jUe to Hllaa Clark bp dead J Book OO^page 504. P , Adjoining lank w. Ik'whitley. Sn. I ' <-1?-4Wi? 'V^ > ' All 111 il iflHuv * u u 'iUiiPry, - .--TfflvnnoJBJl ' , BREAKING I ' HOLLA WELLS IS EARLY OHTHE JOB Democratic Nitiffiil Trasarer Is Alter Small Contritatafc. , y-lvlp*IU 1ISf '' lius 1WLB m TO HELP . n"*; - i (rfT ?*"'<' - 1 There la to Be Ne "Tainted MoneyUsed In Electing Wilson and Mar* -- '.r+xMrmmmumi New York.?A small, smooth sharedi middle-aged mail with a coat of taft ?gave evidence of much outdoor recently came la to the Waldorf carrying a suit case early In the after-j Anoon and registered as "Rolla Wells,, Is to be the watchdog of the Wilson campaign money from now on, w? a banker and ex-mayor of Bt Louli Is fifty-six years hid. was graduated a Princeton In 1876, or three years b< fore Governor Wilson jra* graduated; that he hae two eons who are Prince^ ton men and a grandson who som llOKH!: .that t|<,>r? oiit in the-appointment in hjs mind la that the new job cat in seriously upon a most beautiful vacation "We age going to raise oar cam"1 am sure that a large part of the asodey will be raised by popular eubeorlption. "The people have ooofldence In wbodrow Wilson. -and they will give what they can of their means to elect i macU a man Dresldeet * - "Iras groat batterer la publishing broadcast, baton and oiler election, the fbloaa dootrlhatftme made. "There are bod who con wail effort to gin the committee U.OOO. hot I west to aaaore the public that we ore not going to here oar tainted money. j "We ore appealing to the people, oad wp ore retjlno on then to help eleetl WHeon end hi era hall. " two bora who here been graduated from Princeton, one Are Tenia ago end one ewe en. Bat It la not become on re la o Princeton family that I like Ooeernor wtlaon He la a great big man oad the type that wo abenld hare in peblic Ufa" j Wood row Wflecn aoya thla to not a time to ha afraid to "apeak out la meeting" That he was aot afraid la demoMtrated by hit logical apeech la acoeptlag Ibc Democratic nomination. FIRS \ ' V " ' !* - To the Public - / , On i open a saving Uepa: department of $1.01 fat at the rate of Holt the patronagt to them thja same c j. account of the wagi I desire to. take aavi i x \ \ p '' '* ~ ^ ? . J. ny T OPEN AGAIN ?C. H. Macaulsy, New Veek Werld. ! Tbe. ?vi0hd iMHioit pgrty ! like tke boy "blowing m'nr. t, i '.I 1 > i mmm, i*m m ^ i i We Redeem COUPONS FOR E. Z. Seal Jars ?THE? OUALITY GROCERY WALTER CREOLE S CO. Phon* SO V 92. DOYOUKNO^ ??? That we carry one of the freshest lines of Groceries, Flour and Feed In Washington. It is a i fact and we can easily prove it if you will but give us a trial order J. P. JACKSON West Main Street <4u*niont of Values, liie late Marshall Field atoppi one of the smallest cash bora In h store and aald: "Mr boy, how much do they pi yo?r 'Tour dollars a week, sir," rep lit the boy. That is more than twice as mat as I got when I was your age." "Well," aald the boy, "perhaps y< ware not worth so much to your flf as I am to'mine."?Farm and Fix sider i \NK _ Aug. 15th, 1912. y iber this bank will r? deposits in this ey will pay interuarterly. .We so- > r, and will Extend depositor. The soliolted. All who it will be welcome. *? Cashier. ^ mm l,| Society ] ^ The DAILY NEWS will k j 9 pleased to receive Items, such as 9 engagements. weddings, parties, 9 9 tees and other news of personal { [r. interest, with Che names of those 9 9 preseht, for the "Society News" 9 I * column. I The items AouM he 9 ' indorsed with the name and ad- 9 dress of the sender?not for 9 9 publication, but as a matter of 9 13 9 pood faith. 9 ^ V> j - PERSONALS. 9 Mr. J, P. Ham, of Elisabeth City, in a Washington visitor. . ' " tttt Mr. Z. V. Raw lee, of Bayboro. was here yesterday on business. tttt J ~= The many friends of Mr. Jarris Suss, of Hertford, were sled to see him hers yesterday. II tttt ** Mr. M. Makely, Jr- of Belhaven, arrived in the city yesterday on busltttt ~ P* Miss Lucille Rhodes and Master pL Joshua Rhodes, who have been the [t ? guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Jones ' , ~ at Ooldsboro, N. C., hare returned P home. y tttt i Mr. C. H. Tyre, of Norfolk, w^a here today on business. tttt = Mr. H. W. Butt, of Richmond, Is a Washington visitor. 1 tttt \ J Misses Kathleen Willis, Miss Clara . Woo lard and Mrs. John Kane went ^7 ~ to Morehead City yesterday. *f ^ tttt nl Messrs. W. M. Bell. J. H. Daven- H1 port. E. L. Roper, E. L. Archbell, ?ji Wede Davis, P. Orleans' and Robert HI Rumley went |o Morehead City yesterday on the excursion. They returned home Inst evening. tttt Miss Roth Chadwick, bt Rose Bay, ___ N. C., Who haa been spending some time at Beaufort. N. C., la the guest A of Mr. and'Mrs. E. L. Roper, on East N Main street. Miss Chad wide Is en II route to her heme. 11 t t t t Mr. Daniel Packard left this morning via the Atlantic Coast Line for FlorldC V4rt t t t t Rev. Mr. Futrell, of Bethel. N. C., ' was the gueat of Mrs. R. H. Broom - at the parsonage yesterday. T 1 f f f I f Mr. J. O. Latham, of Belhaven, is a - Washington visitor. V c * t t t Miss Irene Hopwood, of Rocky Monnt, is the guest of Miss Ella Louise Gran than at the Latham House on East Second street, t t t t Mr. W. 8. D. Eborn, of Bunyan, N. C., was here today on business, t t t t ^ Mr. H. W. Clark, of South Creek, t j ?Vlved here this morning. t 111 - x? Mrs. C. 8. Wichard, of Vandemere, 1a hi the city. : t t t t 'tL^ Mr. W. A. Blount, of Chooowinity, *q )? taking a few days outing at Vande- C _ mere, tf. C., where he is enjoying the / - fine fishing. / . - \ id Rub-My-Tism will cure you. J rn r * ? S V ADVERTISING THAT PAID S I n ?' 1 John Arbockls Declared Ho Spent Mil* r . Hone In PublloKy, But It All J 1 M -Came Back. John Arbnckle, the mllliocialre coffee I man of New York, advertised to the 1 * want columns of the Sunday newspa- / pom for two bnslneee assistants of \ , high caliber. Tbe number of replies f - he received astonished him and ho \ eont a photograph of a pile of them [ three feet high and several feet in ^ circumference to one of the New York , newspapers with a letter, In which be said in part: "Advertisement is the life of a news- | you a photograph of the ana wen ] hare received from the adrertiaement 1 put In last Sunday's newspapers. Theae answers come largely from men of large business caliber (**,000 to >10,000 a year salary men). I hays spent millions of dollars advertising, but it has all come back to me many times over. When you have a good honest thing advertise it freely and you will be amply repaid for the money you have spent In advertising. "Many of the newspapers, referring to my advertisement, take it for granted that 1 am making arrangements to retire from business. I have no Idea of retiring, but hope to die In harness friend of' J. Pterpont Morgan asked him how old hle'father was when h? retired from business. Mr. Morgan said: 'Over eighty ysafs of age, and ?? he would be alive today if he h%l not ?_ given up bis business.'" />? Advertising cannot make a ! . .* M .XI. nam.. ' 19 DON'T FORGET f That our Saving Department open September fint That One Dollar stmts aa account That your money so Sepesited with us draws 4 per cent interest compounded every three months. 3 That it offers the very best opportunity for the wage earner, the salary man, the fanner and for you to save money. That we cortfiafly invite you to join our many satisBank of Washington Jeutku Haveaa. Pre*. J. K. Dautht?, C*ahi*r S YOUR HOUSE WIRED? For Use next 90 days we will wire houses for ople who own their homes on the Installment an. Here's am opportunity to have Electric ghts on easy terms. For further information .one 998. WASHINGTON ELECTRIC PLANT IF YOU CAN T GET 1 hat you want where you trade lone me your order. I can lit H. H. SATTERTH W A ITE Respass Street Grocer. \ luSt Ti.pcfnie>d at II ' THE BAZAAR A FINE LOT OF LINENS? = n good shades. Also P. K. and Bedford Cords will close out at 15c Per Yard. Also Embroideried Marquisette Worth $1.00 Per Yard, our Price 49c. * j A full line Laces, Embroideries and Dress Trimmings. g P. ORLEANS IF Y011ARE GOING NORTH TRAVEL VIA > THE CHESAPEAKE LINE ) DAILY SERVICE INCLUDING SUNDAY) S The new ?twwi Jvt placed la wiika, the -CUT OP MOB- ) rOLK" and "CITY OP BAIiTDCOBB,** an the MM iJiifnl t nd mp-to-date steamers between Norfolk and BaWaora. I Equipped with wtreleaa telephone tu each room. Delidoua I seals on hoard. Everything for comfort -and convenience. / Boats leave Norfolk (Jackson SC.), 6:15 p. pi. V Boats leave Old Point Comfort, 7:15 p. m. I Arrive Baltimore, 7:00 a. m. C Connecting at Baltimore for all points north, northwest and I nest. I b? W. H. PARXEI.L, T. P. A.. 1 0 Qrubr St., Norfutk, V*. C - ' JOS. F. TAYLOE I | Phones 123 & 124 120 Market St Carries the Most Complete Line of Family Groceries. ALWAYS FRESH AND RELIABLE Polite Clerics artel Quick Delivery. . ~^V 2 Pickllag and Preserving "being the order of the day" we wfah to aa>nnce to the thrifty housewife that our line pf requisites for the above la unplete. S??ch ? Extracts and Spices, Sugars and Vinegars, jar* and jar opa, Rubbers and Parmfina Sealing Wax, we are "Johnnfe on the spot." a are telling our Para fine at ltc par pound. Can you got R elsewhere m thaa 2# or 25ct?? We are anxiou^ito show you how we can save you oney. May we have your business for next month? ' ^ PUKE FOOD GROCERY, w 4JB