^ NOTICE. Ladles 11 ^ _ _ ___ ^ , Notice la hereby given that mealed r LJ ?S 1 | 1 bide will be received by the Board of JL JL JTlL JL Commissioners of Beaufort County to be opened on the flret Monday In tl T* i . September, at IS o'clock m., for the Big Assortment of the erection of a bridge over Tranter* Creek, at Clark'a Ferry. Plana and tINeW r6lt Hats specifications can be aeen at the of- F The Hat now In vogue * ?' the Th? In Navy, Tan, BroVn """" th* rl,M 10 r',BCt w White, Red. Green and bids. - >? "T J By order of the Board of County C|v. vi^Y. Commissioners. See Show Window | Sept. Clerk to'Board. L 5 or ? doses SOS will break any Jir y lAVT^ c*** ?* * Fevar; and If taken # H,Vf 1 1 then ** m tonic the Fever will not retarn. Price 25c. / Agt Pictorial Review Patterns jf TOY A DAILY NEWS WANT AD LET I S MAK K YOU A . J Whnrohv vaii ran nrm-iHn a euro octato for vnur familv ! by the payment of a small yearly sum for a limited number I of years. WE CAN SHOW YOU if you just give us the i opportunity. , ; WM. BRAGAW & CO., ? First|lasnrance Aftents in Waskiatton, N. C. Try a Daily News Want Ad. NOTICE. There being some doubt about the DO YOU KNOW ! division line between the Fourth Ward and Pineville. the Board of That We Carry OI1C of EI~tlon" ?'d"" !hlt: the freshest lines of The dividing line between the Fourth Ward In the city of Washing- >-? . ton and Pineville precinct shall be vjrOCCITOS, and the same is hereby declared to *|-r| -1 rt -j be the incorporate limits of the city 1/ lOTll* 3.TK1 X 00d of Washington. a. m. dumay. chairman. In Washington. It is a L' H' REDDITT' secretary. fact and we can easily s-ss-aotc ... .... . prove it if you will but nnov miTii nun give us a trial order lllull Wllh liAo J p JACKSON,; No Dirt West Main Street No Smoke No worry FLOWERS No Delay delivered on time A Hot Fire 'I All kinds of cut flowers In D ? , ,r. , in season. Wedding outDUt Q Lool Kitchen j fits in the latest styles. Floral offerings artistically aruas lianges Set rree | ranged. Pot plants, palms, m ,. , .. l. o ui i r i ferns, and novelties for Washington Light a Water Co. house decorations. Collard cabbage plants ready now. Mail, phone and telegraph orTpp" ders promptly executed by MOM Pt'RE DISTILLKD WATER J, L. O'OUINN fi CO.. I: Shipped Quick. C"Crystal Ice Cream" naanBH Ask for it at the Fountains it is wholesome, delicious and fresjj DOG TAX NOTICE. Ice Cream Cones For Sale Dos uixes are now due and the law imposes a fine of $5.00 and costs on I* rvcFol Tf*A' owners who fail to 1Sst and S JOlttl IV/C VjUr tax on their dogs. This law will bo ] 12b WATER STREET (enforced. GEO. N. HOWARD, Washington, N. C. Phone $3 8-15*10tc Chief of Police. FIRST NATIONAL R, Washington, hi. C. ir To the Public:- ? The First National Bank wlj partment or. Sept. 1st, and solicits the accoi care to take advantage of this department. For the accommodation of t deposits, ar.d transact any tanking business 1 from 7 to 9 P. M., on Saturday night, commenc We especially desire the deposits of the labo accept deposits of fl.00 and over, on which J four times a year. I am, v? Very truly, Try Kalo for Dyspepsia, Indigos- a oa and Constipation. GutrtntMd. |j Or sale at Hardy's Drug Store. 8-2 9-lm '1 81 Try Kalo for Dyspepsia. Indlgeson and Constipation. Guaranteed, or sale at Hardy's Drug Store. 8-2 9-lm OK SALE ? POTATOES AND Onions. Good stock. H. B. Mayo. ' 8-29-tfc - M NOTICE . ' V We do all klads of repair work nd with oar new management wo _ re able to gtre the beat service \nd f ulckest dispatch consistent with ood workmanship. MUTUAL MACHINE COMPANY. Washington, N. C. -8 lmo. lie HousekeMer triaJ?? ? "ini'ro'"-<>rw much to think of. . ler salad most be elsar and net clouded . y headache. ticks' Capudine lures Headache TmS - makes It easy to have i our wits about you. It /W^WF " lets at the headache's \ji Mil LEn I use?whether heat,oold, . iMjfflV 1 karrousneea or gripp. %JJn|R^AH Oasadtne ta qalek -/l' ' f * \W tin*i Liquid, pt?ant -/e^l M. tub. 10c trial slxa ' W ??* tta Tklu?. It't /)" "fl .w??T*?*r i'?' * yv lava a haadaeb* whaa f/ leeadlua U sold tba rarld over. At drug. M i?U ? toe, 2Sc cud 600. BETTER THAN mm 1 Spanking does not cure children of led-wettlng. There Is a sonstltutionil cause for this trouble. Mrs. Sumners, Box W, Uotre Dame, Ind., will end free to any mother her successul home treatment, with full lnstruc- j ions. Send no money, but write her oday If your children trouble you n this way. Don't blame the child, he chances are it can't h?lP it- This reatment also cures adults and aged >eople roubled with urine difficulties / >y day or night. WE WILL MAIL YOU $1 for rach Ml of old FiIm Twlh teal U*. High 1 r?l pricrs paid for old Gold. Silvrr, old >v aicbet. BroKM jewelry, rrecioui Mones. MONEY SENT BY RETURN MAIL Phils. Smelting & Refining Company ESTABLISHED 20 YEARI. 863 Chestnut St. Philadelphia. Pa. TO DENTISTS We vviH buy your Gold Kilinc*. Gold Scrap, 1 and Plailpum. Highest price* paid. "NOTICE. BY VIRTUE Of the POWER k)f SALE contained in a certain mort- , gage deed, executed on the 28th day of January, 1902, by E. M. Hooker, to Emmie J. Hooker, which mortgage deed has heretofore been duly transferred and assigned to B. D. Rowe on the 24th day of December, 1908, and default having been made in the payment of the debt secured t?y the said Mortgage Deed, I will >ffe^ for aale on Monday, the 7th Jay of Otcobsr, 1912, at 12 o'clock ooon, at the Court House door, in Beaufort County, the following deicribed land, as contained in said Mortgage Deed, to-wit: Lying and being in the County of Beaufort and State of North Caro- i ;ina; Beginning at T. P. Bonner's northeast corner on the public road mown as the South road, leading from Idalia, and runs North with laid road one hundred and seventy- ^ ;hree yards to P. B. Hooker's field oad ditch, then west with said field oad ditch to Thos. Coffee's line; :hen South with Coffee's line one nundred and seventy-throe yards to r. P. Bonner's corner; then East with said Bonner's line to the beginning, on the public road, containng forty-two acres, more or less. Terms of sale?Cash. This 27th >\ay of August, 1912. EMMIE J. HOOKER, Mortgagee. By B. D. Rowe, Assignee and Owner of Debt. By Edward L. Stewart, Attorney, 8-28-4wc \NK m.A. i a.m. Aug. 29th, 1912. Ll open a Savings Demts of all .who hose who wish to make ? ,4. ire will remain open ilng August 31st. ring class, and will .nterest will be paid 1 V ashler. - i3SsiTi6d Advertisements. KAR SHOES OF THE RIGHT 1 tripe. Our shoes ' ere bought be- 1 fore the teat advance in pries and 1 will be aeld at the old price. Men's , shoes from 98 cents up. We have 1 a few sample shoes we offer yon at one-third off until the full lot ia sold. Ruse Bros. 8-17-81 [ILK AND CREAM FOR 8AUB AT Mrs. J. K. HOYT8. 8-23-tfc FEW MORE $1.25 UMBRELLAS at 84 cents. Rubs Bros. t-87-?l HE LATHAM HOUSE COR. LYNN* haven Are., and B. St. Nearest cottage to Station. Post Office, and s*mnsemasts, Ocean View, Vs., an Ideal summer home. Reasonable rates. Mrs. J. B. Latham, Proprietress. 6-29 lxnoc. IRS. WILLIS'S VINEYARD WILL be open to the public on September 1st. The crop of grapes this season Is large and the flavor excellent Come early and get the best. 8-28-tfp 'ARM FOR LEASE OR RENT OONtalns 166 scree tillable. Adjoins City of Washington Norfolk Southern runs through it. Fifty milk cows go with farm. Prefer selling cattle. Forty head of calves and heifers. For terms see S .Fleming Washington, N. C. or write P. O. Box 311. 8-3 lmop. THEN YOU WANT PURE MILK that is clean to drink, try It from the 8tar Dairy. Ring J. B. Peed's phone. 8*lB-tfe WHEN YOU WANT SAND FOR brickwork or plastering, call J. B. Peed's phone. Delivered a treasonable prices. 8-16-tfc I BIO REDUCTION IN ALL 8UMmer underwear. At Rubs Bros. 8-27-31 (VE GUARANTEE A GOOD Position to ?very teacher who completes her preparation at Littleton College. We have scholarships (or young women desiring preparation to teach, who are without sufficient means. Our scholastic year begins Sept. 18. 1912. For catalogue and farther information address J. M. RHODES. Littleton. N.' C. . 8-26-1 wc SEW HOME HEWING MACHINES, needles and oil. Machines sold on easy payments. Rubs Bros. 8-27-31 WE GUARANTEE A GOOD PAYing position to every young woman who finishes our course in stenography and typewriting as soon as her preparation has been completed, and furnish instruction In English and Arithmetic without additional charge. For Catalogue and further information address REGISTRAR. Littleton College. Littleton, N. C. 8-26-lwc WHEN YOU WANT ANY DRAY, age done, phone Pure Food Grocery. No. 261, and get it quick. 8-20-tfc DON'T FAIL TOT? SEE Ol*R NEW line of picture mouldings. The best assortment ever fehown here. At Russ Bros. 8-27-31 tops FOR MASON' AND E. Z. SEAL Fruit Jars, Jelly Glasses. Jar Rubbers, phone 76 if you want 'em quick. E. K. WILLIS. 8-21-tfc r\ NEW IX)T OF SUIT CASES JuSff received?from 98 cents to $6.48. Russ Bros. 8-27-31 , FOR SALE?S BARRELS OF CORN in shuck. Apply to G. T. Mayo, at Court House, Clerk'e Office. AGENTS WANTED IN every town and community, to sell new publications, and merchandise. Good commissions given and a salary guaranteed. Also an opening for another genera] manager. I will be in Washington Friday, August 30, at the Latham House. General Manager, .T. E. BATTS. 8-20-2tc : FRIENDS* SUMMER CONFERENCE Jamestown, N. Y? Aug. 28.?The biennial summer assembly of the Friends' General Conference, In which seven yearly meetings are parictipating, opened at Chautauqua today and will continue until September 3. Religions education has been selected as the principal subject for discu*lon. Prominent among the schedule speakers are Dr. John W. Graham, of Manitoba University; Prof. Paul. H. Pearson, of Swartbmore College; Prof. Thomas A. Jenkins, of the University of CbJeego; Amos Pseeles, of New York, and Oliver W. Stewart, of Ilfiaeto. C, Captain Waaler Peebles, ef Gayierds. N. C . to In the ally. i5 r* Vv ^ < "V - ; ' v/ ORDINANCE. 1. JTbs City ordinaocea now h|ll force for the City of Washington In IB reference to the City Market and the regulation of the same ah all be and remain In fall force and effect, exoept is herein modified and provided. 2. Any person, persons, or corporation shall have the right to establish a private market within the city limits where they may purchase and sell meats, fish, vegetables, fru|ta, or other food products of any character by complying with the provisions ?f the following sections. Z. Overmuch private and the pubic mafketa a general supervision ihall be exercised by the Sanitary Committee, and the Sanitary Inipector, land other ^authorised agents of the city shall at all times have the right to enter said markets for the purpose of Inspection to see that said marketa are kept In h sanitary condition. 4. All-dealers In meats, ftsk, vegetables, fruit or other food products of whatever character, shall be, and his employees. In person, neat and cleanly, and his premises kept In a neat and sanitary condition, and all food containers must be clean and sanitary. All fresh meats must be carefully screened from flies, and displayed on and sold from porcelain or stone covered counters. No person shall retain any fllth or other offensive matter, dirt or rubbish, meat scraps or otherwise in or about his premise^ but will be required to make daily disposition of all sueh matter. Any person violating this section shall he fined for each offense and pay a fine of ten dollars. 5. Any member or members of the Board of Aldevmen, and City Official, Chief of Police, or anysmember of the Police force, or any Inspector properly appointed for that ? purpose, shall be authorised to enter the place of business,of any dealer as above described and make thorough inspection to see that su?V dealer conforms to the law, and also to look] Into the accuracy of the weight* and, measure* used In the sales. 6. Before any person, firm, or corporation shall he permitted tb open such a private market, as herein provided for, he or it shall first apply to the City Clerk, and upon sufficient proof of his fitness, the City Clerk may grant to him license fb engage In such business during the enBuing period from the time of the granting of the said permit until the next following 1st day of May, and for said license, or permit, the City Clerk shall collect from such person, ? firm, or corporation a specific tax in ~~ the sum of $25.00. Upon the violation of any of the sanitary rules herein laid down, or which may hereafter be enacted, by any person engaged in the Market business, the Board of Aldermen of the City of Washington, shall have the right at any time to revoke the license of any such person holding one from the City Clerk. 7. All ordinances applying to the Public Market now in force shall also apply to suck private Markets as herein established in reference to sanitation. | 8. This ordinance shall take effect on and after this date. 8-*21-10dsc W. C. AYETtS. City Clerk. I Rub-My-Tism will cure you. Try Kalo for Dyspepsia, Indlges- ~ tion and Constipation. Guaranteed. ? I For sale at Hardy's Drag Store. I 8-29-1ra BLEASE LEADS IN RACE ? FOR COVERNSHIP IN S. C. Columbia. 8. C., Aug. 29.?Figures ^ compiled with only three counties ^ missing show that Governor Dlease b falls less than a hundred votes short I' of a majority over Jones and Dun- J can. ^ * J Late returns yesterday afternoon " fail to throw conclusive light on the P result of the gubernatorial contest b between Governor Cole L. Blease and 11 Judge Ira B. Jones In the primary. It N appears, however, that Blease li $ slightly increasing his lead over J* Jones. u Unless the late returns materially ? increase Governor Blease's lead he will fail to receive a majority over his two opponents, and a second pri- n mary will be necessary. It is believed 11 that if the final result is aery close. * the State -Executive Committee will * order a recount, which may material- ? ly change the result. J , The latest available figures gird ? Blease. 57407; Jones, 50,751. Tillman has been re-elected United b states senator. Post Toasties nutritious They're flaky and crisp; Their exquisite flavor h Just try them and bania ?' w, One of M >?!? fee which (he PoMoai Bnltle Crank, Mleh , paid ft*** In Jane. WMe?^^^ChUdyn'? tow cut^ahocs / knowUie ues tbitwe are^gotng to J, All Ladiet Oxfo/L up to fXM \ ^ / I.. . 11.71 1' *%\ I All ladle'. Oxford, up to UN 1 ^ / ?f. 11.48 | 8. I One lot Ladle. white Pumps, y that .old m high a. 2.50 at 6s f IMF I ^ Lot of Children, at 75e t *ijl \ AU$4, 4.M aadlS Men'. Ox- / ford., Gun Metal, Patent and The. / , %y >?M button and lace, will goat... $14$ / 1 .All 13.59 Rod $4 si $2J8 / qjSr ] $3.09 wells al $2.48 /s3&?T4 Aoy kiod of Boy Shoe you went / I $3.99 E. C. Skuppcis al. 1 1J8 > $3 end $2.59 SksppeiS.?.1 148 f ... Boys Skqppess $L28 _ - i THE HUB I J THE HOME of GOOD CLOTHES I ????mJ jjl "-1 m?W ; J9***! * v '~V/~Vy/~* '~s ryy-^y^ ? ( J.1U0NIW00D?IWn Jtaw T?rt C?M hi | .?lAlO^W, 00LI > { J. LEON WOOD & CO. I C BANKERS aid BROKERS. ^ 1 Mian Mat tf Im York stock Frrkoogo. Sow York Ook , ^ \ as Trrh?a, Chtago Bccrd of Trail cod other iciiiil cow. 1 > ? lonwpMkcro Baa poclf ally Solicited. bmOaat tad Mar> '/ \ gleel Account* OItcb Oanftd Attention. ^ ' I 4 Me Gormick Mowers and Rakes are Best to ;| Use in Taking Care of Your Hay We have them on sale. None better made. ~ ! 1 HARRIS HARDWARE CO. - * on and Constipation. Guaranteed. wim on and Constipation. Guaranteed. ? * a r 'or sale at Hardy's Drug Store. 8S9-lm Elmlra, N. T., Aug. 29.?On the I ewton battlefield, where a little J and of Revolutionary soldiers led LyniyiW^^B y Gen. John Sullivan defeated the I ndian* and allied Tory forces under * R? r , | oseph Brandt one hundred and MICC P 1 blrty-three years ago today, there 1 'as unveiled this afternoon, in the I m rPMAnPA of not rtntll" tknnunJa - ~ andsomc monument in coraraomotaIon of their valor. Last year the I [?w York legislature appropriated 20.000 to acquire the site and ad- ^TOtT T OSHF fining lands for a battleground park ^ pon which the monument Ih been Jf you don't "take in" the inter?*ted. esting and amusing show tonight. * The nnretllnc wee carried out on a It will be one Of cale of considerable pomp and oere- ? , i iony, military and patriotic socle- The Motlow Picture jj v les uniting to make it a day not w?>kave ever presented. It it a A. I V1_ t v- tnrmtten n....!.. tw? scream. In addition to this winner we son to be forgotten. Governor Dix k#v K,me ipecial music that will please nd his staff were among the hon- you. ) 9^**r t > red guesta of the occasion. Senator ' ohn T. Mnrtach prealdad orar the T ? Tlrmnfnw xercisea and' one of the principal JLII?Ml, 15A . N . peakers was Lynde Sullivan, of Boa?n. a descendant of Oen. John Snl- TODAY'S PROGRAM: .ran. / ' v i ?? = SPECIAI^-BXTRA. y and brown; TH^ ! rtltee bjr Mir. D WHBDON, . ? *> 511 MIU-wd Are., CMoe?e, Ilk. A* 81 " ?o Not mm IV

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