" V ' ======= fill ^,-Adixiv . u" * 1 9 : The Oubng Was Planne Md All Are Indebt* \'^(Want t ' ^ *>>* '' * . , ibtj. r. T>W.) Oil?liH ika Mtb Inat., a part! "~otar >aMt ?l Jor oi? of Um pi?fanteft oitlpe ?X to* m il Tbe tmptl bo mm ?Uol W oil it dr. Aadinw' ?kM ca>nct?rliUaB,?oi fall? utanded u "?? ?"a Wl iThf boat >ft B*th it 10 m. u? ?H||H ?t liwlll, OBrlord an Pnalko ??k: TWO wirt it paa u?*o~'J2iriZ most of the trip. The day wt? ll? ?M the hre^> was Juat etroai enough to n^fkeonp Imagine what oh "Pamlico m>ad* might b? tike made pepper provocation. The day peeeei pleasantly and eandown found o Seat entering Newport rimer and li eight of Mordfeeq^ where we eneonn tared om-flrit stroke of 111 leek. At tar grounding several times and af tar aa many nneoccecaf ul attempts U pieoead, Ca^t. Bonner Informed ui tnat we wopld hare to anchor axu a?ena use nignt ok paipooard. Dis IfollPilit reigned Bopraae tor i while, but the crowd philosophical); decided to tfaJkf the boat of a be situation sad pigeeeded to entertali ? fhsniealHia as boat they could. J quartet was farmed by J. M. Tank ard, J. T. Hobblaa. 9* McAlllgood aa. J. r. Tyar. wbtoh sang aararal aelec liana to the dnllght of the entlr party. J. Ma Alllgood and J. T. Rob bins sang several duets, which wen roundly ap&landad. a aolo by I. C Galling* flttUQftr ended the pleasure of the evening and all began to pre *>.- para tor mSrnlhg and Morehegd The' gentle lapping of the ware ^ -dalnst the lolled toe wear marlaers to reaMUMl aooa all wer peacefully reroutes ln the arms o Morpheus, whan snddaaly out of th stillness of night we wer aroused by a" sound aa of d is tan thunder or perhaps the bellowing o one of the great' horned denizens o the forest. Aa. pa. became more ac customed to the sound we found 1 wss our friend. Jtm Douglas, slngini "There's a light in the window shin lug brightly for' ?^.M JVe flnall, convinced him that It was one of th electric lights at Iforehead, where x upon he Yetufnedto his bed of corl and passed 'the. remainder of th night ln comparative qdfet. Mornlm dawned at last sad, anchor weighed we set out fob Moeihead, which wp soon reached, where all enjoye breakfaat and other refreshment! which prepared us for the day am aaathln* tk.t _Uki V A a couple of houTfl ? In Mo re he ad th pert* went o'prW the beach an spent the morning bulbing In the ear and bunting for aea ahalls. We re torn?d to M?n>m at U m. with a; ?etlt%e up abarpene* that we ate al ?* "0 all o . v KEGRO Clip FEICdEAD TRRRSDKY AFTERNOOI Hi " , I . "H* "1 Yesterday afternoon between thro and four o'clock Hopes William ' colored, fell dead on Pearce atreel For sometime , after his death th body regained on tlje stoop In trap of the bakery, which la not now o< copied. Brery effort was made b the eHlgana In that paction of the oit to aeotfre aid for the dying man, hi Without,argil. Last night betwee 7 and ? o'clock the body was Snail romorod. The cause of fhe negro's audde death la not kflowo. UAME WARDKNa IB SESSION Danror, Colo., dag. 10.?Hem be i of III Association of Bute Gen. Wardens and Oommlaatonsrs, repn ssatlag n majnrlty.ef the Btetee a the Union, gathered la Dearer tods ssysssaar: >> fermitj of laws for the, groteeUo fe of bird and nnln.nl Ufa throtMho. th. country. Thn conrention will I meeting St*the dmsnkmn FtsbeeH w. tlwmmmHhPMplghf-r . v,' l^SJHIWw Sp3?w I -' S3"!- -'-d' - ??: j:IO . i >' 1 by Kr. S. W. Andrews :d to Him For Such Occasion. tM hmd la throe naaraU. , W* UW ?nnHll to Beaufort. , ttm o ohm* an* wm mad*. Noth. Ufa dolac- Tho J-ornoy due M?ln ' talma up aaS *0 plwdeeded up the co**u to a. pool * Hotbplni t familiar wtth Cm nm th* probabtl- ! . itj of maam cramatoa win c**t * : 1 ohadow of 4100m oyer th* antic* f parte, namam* fatal od ua, howcrar, J bT Ihm timely antral of Capt. Tern , "WUlla, who, Mac a brother of tpe s arajp mas pwPdaodod to pUot ua to B our destination. The choir w*a acaia eaUnd mho aorrtca and 10 addt Oam. *0 Chair amanaat aelectlona we bad -BBoat be the tie that bifida." by Mt- I. B. MMI ahd "Ererybody a > . data- tt." fry Mr L T. liaaon. Wa ( j grounded ettgbtty at Plney Point, bat 1 K mcW Atlantic at t:?0 p. m. all ( aafe and sound. where the hospitality V I of Capt. HOfrtneon, and ethers, was V r TMplad tor the eight. The latchI atriag nkarays bancs ontstde the door B Atlantic ?U a more genial peok pie cannot be fotmd in North Carolina and North Carolinians are the w< heat people In the world. After pass- b Ins the night la refreshing sleep and ~ j ?r? - ? i?which aii declared ? B to be the heat yet, we weighed I anchor for the Banks and the pony_ pennies- Serf bathing " and shell % hunting ware again enjoyed mttt the f Joskoat Informed us that the ponies I were coming. All then gathered j 'round the pea end witched the ^ catching of, the ponies which' we/e . to be sold or branded. Mr. W. W. I Campbell bo ash t a two-year-old, w which was ferried aboard the DeB pendent. We then steered southward and, after a delightful ran of three B hours, reached Beaufort at 5 p. m. ; The different places of interest were B visited and all agreed that the court j. house Is one of the most magnificent I *n North-Carolina. The oemetery la B also very interesting. It Is s relic T of antiquity and for ancient and InB terestlng epitaphs and a dignity I which only time can lend, baa no anB perlor in thla section. The taborae tory and wireless telegraphy station t were visited, and declared toffee worth f a special trip to Beaufort. A trip f down the Vboaydrwalk" seemed to he K quite attract tee from the number of t times some of the younger members s of the party measured Its length and ^ even the older and more sedate were y magnetised into at least ons trip e across It. % 7 ... . K The air of ease and comfort whioh ^ pervades Beaufort makes It one of e the most attractive sum pier resorts. g The people are clever, the homes are lf attractive and the breese which comes ? s direct from the sea la glorious and a the natural avenues throuah which I, the people are supported are so numA eraus and convenient tbat there is lltr tie lelt to be wished for. e We left Beaufort Wednesday at 7 3 a. m. and made the trip to Bath f without further incident. All were ? k well pleased with the trip and felt tb amply repaid for the time and money 11 expended. pr ft| Bath. N. O. ? MRS. 8PRU1LL DEAD. w< 1 ac (Mrs. Dora Spruill passed yesterday afternoon at h?r home on North Mar- n< kef street, after a few days' illness, he e She wa? a popular woman and held _ in .the very highest esteem by her th . ' mi t, neighbors. She leaves beside* a e heartbroken husband, two bright and gT it interesting little ones to mourn their j{\ t- lose.. The sympathy of the entire nc y community goes out to those be- m y n?M. p, It ? wt D HAS Rim'RNKD HOME. y u Mr. Floyd J. Borry, Junior mom- 4. b bor of tho wall-known firm of Book In u Borry, returnod homo loot oronlno CO . from Northern mmrkotn. , wkoro ho purchaood Oho tell nod winter Mock 0 of ?oodo. Mr. Borry onjoyod hlo trip ,4, o North Immouoly. p B< ,f CAMPAIGN PCM). u 9 ll? p. , Tko Bonk of Washington* on- n I. nouoooo (hot H otoado raady to to a % aalra any oootrlbnttona tar (top Dom- ho M octette. Ropohllcan or FwlaaaHa (h m oompoten fund.. All oontrthntlon Bc tl will ko ooot to tho roopoetlro era- 00 polio hoodquortoro 00 foot o. thoy arm rocolrad at Ua kaahtec koooo. m NGT' WASHINGTON, NORTH Ci ' General]y Fi lEMfflFUL ATjw MM ** "' k ~ ' i Ml I -vr?J-rt>TF*hT | Mrs. Willi am 8. Hey burn Is one of 'men in Washington social circles an ;tatJcl entertainment a. Mass Meeting oj at the Cit] One of the most Important r too la years U scheduled for toni| o'clock. The women of the city 1 looking towards * sanitary city a women they decided to call a mot the water problem and sanitation | en in charge of the meeting inviu attend, hat they org* all mothers 1 when some steps mast be taken t better sanitary city. Inasmuch a a few days the ladles are anxious with regard to wholesome water. Mayor Collin H. Harding wi of the meeting. Thoee invited to nod the general health of Wash in, are: Dr. D. T. Taylor, Dr. J. C. ] J. O. Blonnt, Dr. H. W. Carter. Di son. Dr. Joefcan Tayloe, Dr. Jack G. Bragsw, Jr., Hon. John H. Sma wood U JUmnoss, Mr. Harry MrM J. Berry, Mr. P. C. Kngter, Mr. H bold. Mr. B. G. Mom, Mr. J. Harm T. Leach, Mr. A. M. Duxnay, Mr. ] Grimes, Mr. J. K. Doaghton, Mr. Ward, Mr. B. L. Stewart, Mr. J. ] the city. If yon desire a leaner hooves you to attend this meet ing presence can do no harm and it m untold good. Be present?not abi WEALTHY Y An Accomplished Houst "No woman, no matter how comrtably situated financially, ahould ink of marrying before ahe baa thn ?rt of rnnklnv and the oper way In which to administer household. "I have not set a date for our )ddtng, as I intend to become an complished housewife first. "Before Mr. Pierce and I are marsd I mtend to study cooking and >ueekeeplng in an endeavor to perct fnyself as highly as possible in eee great essentials of a happy arrlfed life." In these words Miss Ruth Eliot, anddaughter of President Eroeris of Harvard, Charles W. Eliot, antunces her attitude toward matriony. She is .soon to marry Roger eroe, whom she met during the >r!d tour with her grandfather. Miss Eliot has proven her inherit- i ice of ber illustrious grandparent's i uaocratlc simplicity bT" declaring ' at she will first master the intrf- i ales of oeoking and oaring for a tpria before she will marry the man hose romantic courtship was the rprise of Boston and Cambridge soReturned from the Fer West to i atop, only to at onee start for Wild Desert, Me.. Miss Kllot gave w friends and admirers a surprise en theater than the n?*s ot her gagdttitnt had been when she 1st it .Ipofra. in no nnoertain manner, at a knowledge of cooking shonld jt^be acquired merely through neIieaaues a married soeple peaueus hm lb keep servants fs net. Miss 'J?i -,S;. r, 1 :-> ffa -\ ; k9 " V -' ' ONE ? \ LROJJNA, FRIDAY AFTERN i == air Tonight and i ar,irmiMTo>r K my;.. ILi. nn V the moat beautiful and moat popular d bar homa is the toco a of manj da ? s v," : Citizens V Hall Tonight tukas-meetings beld hi Wa?Uingtht at the City Hall st 8:30 lave determined Co take s hand nd at a recent ?< sting of the i-meeting for tonight to discuss generally. Not os^ lo Che worn. > all the men folk of the city to that some definitesteps be taK* 11 preside and explain the object make short talks on sanitation gton and to suggest remedies Rodman, I>r. 8. T. Nicholson, Dr. r. E. M. Brown, Dr. P. A. NicbolNlrholson, Dr. A. C. Hoyt, Mr. J. 1, Mr. W. K. Jacob son, Mr. NorLullsn, Mr. D. M. Carter, Mr. F. r. C. Rodman, Supt. N. C. Newis, Mr. James L. Mayo, Capt. Geo. Edward Mallison, Mr. W. D. J. B. Sparrow and Mr. H. 8. P. Taylor, and all the pastors of ' city and purer water it betonight at the City Hall. Your ay be the means of accomplishing *ent. ET SENSIBLE nuife Before Marrying. Eliot declares, any reason why the wife of wealth should not feel under an obligation to keep versed In such knowledge. "It would be hard to find a happier girl than It" she exclaimed. "I have had a glorious time, for I enjoy travelling Immensely. Few people that don't travel appreciate that a liberal education can be obtained from it. "The exact date of my marriage I do upt know as yet. We will live near Boston, and 1 am Intensely inteersted at peasant in planning my home, for my home will mean everything to me. "I am going to become equipped with all the information I can about housekeeping. At our summer home hers I am going to learn the art ol home-making, for I think that every girl should be well Informed on this subject before she marries. I always admire a young woman who knows how to. cook and care for the home, and the great trouble with today is that too many young women are totally Ignorant of the art of housekMptBff." The above le the way a wealthy and cultivated Northern girl loo be et things In this day and time- How aboat the tboaeande of gtrla through oat the Sooth who ahoaJ4 know thai apoa marriage they meet aeeom. week if not all of the hoaaehald dalles. In the Ho nth today dare la asthlng to tmportaat aa a school to teach domestic economy. Miasm Btngaw left ttla marmlaa 1st acmwna. M..C, where he axyect. )AIP OON, AUQC8T 80, 1818. Tomorrow lira? w HID KID II If HMD H Right Arm cut off and Brua on Head. Inquest held b Coroner. A white man by the name of Alb Harrington, who resides at Vase boro, N. C., was found on the Norfoi Southern track this ntomlaf by ti fr?anger train running betwet Raleigh and this city. The right ar of the body waa cut off and a coi slderablp^bruise was found on t! taeud./The coroner of Pitt coual waa/notilled and'he held an tuque but up to the hour of going to pro the findings of the Jury have nt been reported. A phone mcrfAage from Greearfl] today states that Harrington hi been in Greenville for the past sc oral days selling tobacco on the mai ket there; that he had been in an li toxicated condition all the while. Tl consensus of opinion is that Harriui ton with too much "booze aboard started to walk the railroad track t his home and was struck by tb train. AMUSEMENT VS. BLUESTBIS EVENINI "The After Supper Tonic" tha was placed on the market some tim ago. has met with an unusual sue cess, customers that made purchase have duplicated their order time ani time again, and now it is being known fact that it bears the stem; of high quality where medicine ha never been known to reach before. ?Testimony after-testimony USf filled the daily papers- pralBlng thl well known remedy, however it 1 only sold in one dose lots and dall; the prescription counter is filled wltl orders for this tonic. The formula of this tonic only ha one ingredient after making severs analysis of same, and has been guar anteed under the pure food and drui act. "Amusement" was the body of th formula containing a certain pe cent, of pure oxygen applied daily. These goods are endorsed and fo sale dally by the Lyric theatre ope every day from 7:30 to 11:00. Amusement of this variety furnish ed by the Lyric Theatre relieves th I blues and worries of the day and th public realizes the fact that thl tonic has unequaled value. MISS GARTER HOSTESS Ml I ACT CUEftilll un unoi LTiiiiin Miss Robena Carter, one of tt city's popular young ladies, gave dance at the pavilion at Washingto Park last evening, in honor of h< many friends. Miss Carter led tli dancing, having &b her partner M Albert Willis. Music was furaishe by the string band and no socu function of the season was more ei joyed. During the evening deliclov punch was served. Those dancin 1 were: Miss Elizabeth Tayloe, with Tho Sparrow; MIsb Mildred Rumley, wit John H. Small, Jr.; Miss Carlott Nicholson, with Ralph Hodges; Mil Annie Powle, with Fred Moore; Mil Mary Fowle, with William Baugharu 1 Miss Eliza Branch, with Josep Mayo; Miss Latham, Plymouth, wit John Carter; Miss Isabelle Carte 1 with Charlie Cowell; Miss Mary Cai 1 ter. with Walter Windley; Miss Eli: 1 abeth 8lmmons, with Seth Baugham Miss Emma Rue, Fairfield, with Wi 1 liam Blount, Jr.; Miss Annie Oris with Edward Ayers; Miss Wllsoi ' with Enoch Simmons; Miss Smltl Plymouth, with Edmund Buckman Miss Ruth Bell. Edenton. with Juste ; Randolph; Miss Eleanor Berry, wit Francis Charles; Miss August Charles, with Henry Moore; Miss R< ; becca Simmons, with John Cot to i Tayloe. Chape rones. Mr. and Mr Harry MeMulleh, Mrs. B. 8. Simmon i Mrs. H. W. Carter. Mrs. Caleh Bel). i _____ HSHB TODAY.. Mr. D. R. 8/kes and family, of Jet ; nam a, N.C.. were Washlagtea visitor i today. Their saaay friends were all to see them. r NEW tayOOSECiEH WWt BQIL THE 111 Task Requires Vast Amount pense. One building Has C In Length. e y (By E. M. V. T.) proi Washington, D. C., Aut. 30.?Con- ?r*1 greaa adjourned Monday and alflna. m ready not only senators and repre- t. Knight 25 16 64 r. Hear. 50 32 .84 * ? Maxwell 25 15 .80 * KI h Bland, J. T 25 14 .58 * M irawi 25 12 .48 * White. 25 13 .82 J. n Sparrow, .Tno. ... 25 11 .44 Lj h OpppM 25 f .14 * Fj ?. lywH. 10 29 .81 W ; BoQ,. ........ 28 7 28 CM Weeton, Slbert . . 28 14 .44 Dt * * ATKxnwe piconc. a. n Quit, a aumb?r at Walklnftea 84 8 cltlaaa. at* atWndlni tka barkaou. *4 |at Ckocowlait; tadar. a m 1 rut* u 11GHH I of Labor as Well as Ex>ne Corridor Two Miles nlnent contractor, who made M,v~ fortunes and squandered then ugh dissolute habits apd was llpr so reduced that he was g}ad btain a lahprer'a place. Strangely jgh. he l^aa. never last a day 3 ugh dissipation since he caste inhe service and has been an. salary worker. .Misfortune seems lave the effect of sobering him many others like him. ... tie white women employed es . 9 -women are a particularly re- .1 table appearing class, many of a haying Invalid husbands or hewidows with faxnillee to bring Most of th*m are fairly well ated, bat without the special ideations which In these days so necessary if one is to .be wn on one's own resources. Some hem are of the dear old grandlerly type, with white hair aad ed manners and only their diaid. water-soaked hands to inditheir humble occupations. One old lady boasted to the writer t her son, now in a Western city, n she has educated to he a doc and quickly added that he would y have her give up her ardgpus pation but that abe had had bar money eo long to spend as she ?<1 that she did not want to give orklng now. ie can but sympathise with these le, for it must be remembered doing the work of one's house-, even the homely tasks like >bing and washing ia very dlf- ;j it from making a regular besi- . ' of such work and there are few k> ertoo are, willing to fcffitfloyment tVcep{ un?Jer of circumstances, and in spits Le recent dictum of one of our se professors that there ard no beajUiflers in the world for en as sweeping, scrubbing and ing. there has bean no great as yet among beauty seekers fpx means of improvement, pyobbecause, among other reaaoas. problem works out something the summer reaore question, i, everybody who can get the is goes to some resort (which Jepends upon the state of the inlual's finances) and professes to satly benefited thereby. But the >ns who spend their lives at placea. whether in the Alps or ne of our inconspicuous seaside is, are in noway superior to the of mankind, mentally or physicIn like manner, a professional woman is certainly not more thy or beautiful than the woman neither toils nor spins. So it t be that the ideal situation is where work and labor are oomd in Just the right proportions to the needful exercise and rest. "MFXi REPUBLICANS AT ABA. artford, Conn., Aug. 30.?Recutita throughout Connecticut held r local caucuses today for the soon of delegates to the State conion, which is to meet in this city t after next to nominate a State it. So far the only man mentionrominently for the gubernatorial ination is Judge Silas A. Robinof Middletown, who retired e time ago from the State sale bench. RF.K HHOTHKK* ON TRIAL. entville, N. S., Aug. 30.?A tpesesaion of the superior court oond here today for the trial of the e Graves brothers, who are asd of murdering H. Kenneth Lea assaulting Mrs. Lea, his wife. ' 3 ^ ? ?.#;.*,* # EW ADV W1WKMEKTS ? IB TODAY'S NEWS * k. Hon. rrto. , . r . m Bood Bmii. ? m. Bnm a Co. Atao. o b*im> ... mtharn rnrmKnra Company j ? :>,4 -?? ? -- . ?* ?rfiit"i rjjjfiiiji