' - ' ' :: m <TJ*$ '' ml mm g^| ,1 tilf" "-' All MP ' pmUCLKT MH3T i ^ Effit im. ? ? ' ?Sb5w<v*.I? JJuS*> HWlllili ill Wlfty tniht Srtwfinfenf aUMlu tnf ffa^ ttfs th# tltlkesft 111 massthay propose to place the matter of of^Ciy Ald|rnjeDk4t, thpir mating eesaaaltaee ?of two from??aeh ward la the city ?u named to ask th# Jb LWtk>p at ondFffr WBamsV^ISQuislte *>1 <k? l-rt^WW*^'eW"" ,,Unt and sewerage. This pommlttee is ooiip<jae<rorth# fdUotrlnfe cttlxens: First ^farp: p^ftT^T Bracaw~and ?? 1 ?n? T?v? n Rlmint Second WtfliH: Jiarry McMullan -and K. R. Ml?rt t#-?* ThiiWfnfteTd and Walter ttbftfett fouftli.Wgrd; J>f. P., A.. Nicholson, and J. T. Lawla. ?.? ! The?maee-meeting proved fe&tfafabtory m waory way. both a* to attendance and, accjQjnpllahqd While Vfte clUjena were handicapped for the,time being they resolved to place the matter'ao'vltfcll/ important np ^Tr tb? p?ppTf SpJTipQn tfce.ausface It begins to * UJm ihe lpng wanted water and wj^|aj|nWin will, be aolTed aad^bat the cl'tlaens of the^clty ijpf gcgompUsh It. - The nj^tjyg iaat evening waa the outcome ofa^eetiggxif the ladles of the^cltg. Thqy. took .'tjm matter la hand. Jn poapequence Ihet men -folk were pr?t laat night and too a lai^ to disciua-thla all important qaeetlon and to endeavor to devise ways and meant for a r#med7v r.ffl' jlaytfr Colltn IT. Harding presided and^suted-the object and purport of the^eeembly.' Several of the clty'a Tihldaaa spbhO add t-unhlng through H> ^ggUggjii?inn araa ths Ibaaad of ppref wpteg, cleaner down and .one j&K'rSy* mora sanitary. iflftC x?. Hon. JdWKMLS?Uadd?led hlm-oell 'principally tp drainage. aanltatlon% etc., and '#1tV emphaala called ofpa hie ho? people..to-.-do" something aldag Ale line. * "Hftw da We mahe^Waahlnglsifl a cleaner, aad-.beu .- itWL^yV apked. tbo. speaker* "Is / ' sol as ysurscnt Bpfore Iksln llr. Smsll stated dealt stUi,jMttM>jiiH?..i>ltiM?kel Washington and wjw^ipa pater pom* pantt fal|p to. fnrplsh *ptire prater tt y la our duty lawahnthnm do It. Dr. Jobs C, Redansn, pr. p. XNichbleon. dr It. M Brown. Dr. pJ A. NlWMta," Carter, Nonfood L. Slmmoni,' CoWel R. S.j NemlT 8upt. V. C. NewboTtT aod Hyrj MeMhtlan rtbde lAAs*erMS*J Qtht?V1!atbiW of suggestions were* ifltdlr* Vtd 4llt law goYdVn&j ~* * "-^tfhWVBVe' fys 'eight hunted school children pure Vttei when* the ' at?<st^trbiPlB^ wee* meet^ltf ;**"* . . Iniambch as tt was discorered that the cite aead adt-wslt until Iho-aou lss Oanmi.fbtsWSTt ta- pd tagtiti eton to' till so election for the Issuing of Mrhdi. *bt that under lbs I general law the city had' ample ad thoritr. the meeting got down te business and so hut Monday ntgbt the committee shors named will ash I the c?ty- aldertn?n to call an election aa early as practicable The cobseosas of opinion last nlghl and on 'tis streets today la that II aa election Is etllsd for wster and \ dralnsge thsf the measure win M through whooping at the pollt.. It wfl require between 1115.001 aod IllS.eet to Install both waUi and drainage In the city. . The long looked ' for water ant drainage now Saassa a oartalnty am too la lbs a sat latere ' The many friends of Mr. D. B IAS.HI jwssocflip - - - BALDER ^e_5> sUcsrm ?e .* : *re .re^tilfc CALL Hi ,t. .- : .? w j?-4> -' 4* ?JS MtHM.tD)! - ?< Delegates Leai WiitCTway twrnaycKon/^ The Atlantic D?m.w?tia^y> Hp!; WPg-lTBw inn 01 j?.*on?.1?.Ul t h?n major of Ntx Jiii40kAft4Jkt <QBy[on y,JV^myllgJltj come an& .the r$pgpnse will be made * [by Qonpor W^llam H. Mann, of * Virginia. The president of the- f y. > lion la Hon. J. .' mnmtar nf rnnar? from the State t1 glWiaBWWW TiTTe? , pt Pen nay Iran la. ASiaV-a&K?9Q9 ??win? ?fcWf ) ipi IfojQfclp. H - gswU, sfctfcto . C*T-M?AP *?- i l.ntlc IX-epur. W^r,w. j>n>J?t, , ?ocl.U?f,J?l,,fuVJ?HL Mdc: "The"; HOTement North from Hatterap.'! ? ^Mfltlngulshed speakers. front- all sec- * tion? of : the afternoon of the third day. Congressman Small expecu to leatfc tomorrow morning tor the coomtl;Wr r n ? This morning Messrs. C. H. Sterling and E. K. Willis left for NewLondon via NhW^Torh: Captain A. W. Styron will also leave tomorrow molmlng. The delegates to represent Washington so far as known are Congressman John H. Small, Captain James B. Clark, Captain A. W. Styron, Ex-Mayor C. H; Sterling and ftr. E. K. Willis; ' COLONEL RODMAN HERE. Colonel William HTRddmaa, General BoltfcftOr of the Norfolk Southern Railway, la hi the city today on bnstnsse. ' He expects to return to Norfolk tomorrow., for representative. To the Demoratic Voters of Beaufort j Couaty: I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the Legislature from this CqunU, auWeet to th* action of the Democratic primaries. Very respectfully, ! 'i t4 WILEY C.. RODMAN. . |IC.-S4,JJ*1S. . ^ I' MEETING ENJOYED. ?.? verjr cujojuue .prayer meeting XM h6W ?t tb? rssideace'Of Miss Bet- ' tie Furrow st the corner of Bonnet ' arid Fourth - streets' last evening, Quito h 'rihniWr Were presept. The meeting was led by Mr. A. W. Thomas ,>y. Rev. R. H. Broom and ACT.. C. Q. Morris. '! NBW A?.-TOI>AY. ,V We desire to call the many readers oT^the Dally News'; attention to the Lyric Theater "Special Ad." that a P peats On/ouHh page today, n Patrdns of the tyrlc. who desire to i know the Lyric program dally will F find satile in thU space, as the man? ? agement pays special attention to the ? change, and "Uy following this space will Std-lAl sh^^ iiew TWadlftg7program dally. . * ? ' .^.ir v, r i'r; W' ^U Hllill'' , . I' " < Rot. Percy FnMIM will (reach at the Pint Prebyterlan Church to[ morrow morning at It o'clock and at the Payne Memorial church, Nlch, otaonrtlle, tomorrow night. All are ; cordially Incited to bo paaaaat. Mr. | Pemberton la a speaker of power , and no donbt will bo bawd by large eongrogatloag at both sorrioes. i ?= r , tVMMN wn.Hgufntan bibth. DAT. 1 Tho Magna. Aug. II.?Quean WllI belmlna today ealobratod boa tblrtyaecoad birthday augtreroory. Many congratalatory meaagaa rnoc^d her majeaty during tho d?p and many ralnablo proaonta won reeglrod from . tho aoror olgao of Manga ad pirooa C al frlanda. Through tho CO an try tho - peopla obaorrad tho aaahwaly as Ja gaaoral holiday. "< ? ' W4BHIWOT0H, nokt: > *' ? CN?i*?areilaj?#fc MENgf,;i y j!'iw to Attend * DS Ul*T* **|J?*a4, WMi I r Convention ^ - : ?>? J? A^rr?T "TirnKP^. P^ttAim*. *W J I.? Former Oovernor R. B. Olenn, of North f, Carolina, addressing 1,000 l^-WI ?MWW ilft.-WrtM! t ft Mm-, , W>? &??&%,i' fft !W-wfl?K<MK .* ?*??> "? ??>??> ??V * them end Iqpji; jfrettjr good In them... But it ?ou Insist upon wearing them, wear pants with , both lega In them and not with 1 onlr <sr.?-?? ' !?l *("" JfijltJiwngh them mf 1 *9PA?tig? ***** fjw. tnr-.,? ' Ing'TO do " . 4 -v 5? ,lUKWX1%i *Z) bttM-* e?l7. a R. H. BROOM IAS ; RETURNED FROM BETHEL 1 ?I Rev. R.~H7 Broom, pastor of the 1 Href Methodist church, !e home from ! bethel, where has 'been assisting he pastor of the M. E. church la that ' own In* p .aerie* of meetings. There- ( iult /of. the meeting was very aatis"actory and several added to the i :hutcb. Ur. Broom thoroughly enloyod his visit to Bethel. He ex ?ecta to occupy his pulpit tomorrow norning and evening at the First J Methodist at the usual hours. AH | grangers in the city have a cordial { invitation to be present. Sunday , kAooY at 9:45 o'clock, K. R. Mixon, luperltnendent; Cr-P.- Bland, assis- ! ant. .t j The subject for the evenin? seruon will be: "Insincere attendance ( jpou Divine Worship." QUARANTINE LAW. SeW Act Passed by Omrnss in Re- I gsrd to Plant* aad Plamt Product*. ' Washington, Mig. 31.?The last 2ongreaa 2 passed a Federal plant quarantine law. The act Is descrlbsd as "an set to regulate the importation of nursery products." The law authorise* the Secretary of Agriculture to quarantine any 8tate, territory, or district of the United States. Before Instituting anch a quarantine he shall give a public hearing to any interested persons. '! The Secretary has given notice or a quarantine against the Territory of Hawaii in the case or tie Mediterranean jtr.nU dr.- and to .prohibit; the importation . from < v Great Britain, Prance. Belgium. Holland, Denmark,' Norway, .Sweden, Russia,' Oermany, Austria* Switzerland and Italy of four speclee of pines. Thia It to prevent the importation of the white pine blleter riufcnjTjnxg The Importation of potatoes that may bring the potato ? wnrt_--dieeaaa from ^Newfoundland and the Mands of St, Pierre aad. M iqiielon and from Great Britain, inoluding England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland, and from Germany and Austria Hungary will gUo be prohibited. _ t, jjf THE CJTY. A Mr. W. H. Mayo, of South Creek, $1. C., arrived in.the city this morning on business. . ' COTTON. CONDITION. A Decline of 2.1 Points for the Month as Reported by Journal of ? Commerce. New York. Aug. 31.?The percentage condition of cotton as ascertained from over ?880 special correspondents of the Journal of Commerce and Commercial Bulletin of an Average date, August 33, la 75.4 compared with 7T.5 a month ago. or g decline of 3.1 points for the moptlu percentage condition a year ago at this time was 73.8, in It 10 It was 70.7. aad In ltOt, it was 8S.0. The present condition is one point above the 10-year average of T8.4 Important Stats* showing declines were North Carotin .8 points. South Carolina 3.3 point* Oeorgia 0.2 point* Mississippi 0.4 points and Texas 7.1 points. Mfeng the tnereaass ware: Alabama4 0 0 points Louisiana P.fT pointy Adaain 8.8 points. Teaaemee ?r4 prints and Oklahoma 8.8 pettO "if " , ' 'tm A"' ' * < ' V' . Hi .AiiAiiS**,.. . On e R CAROLINA, SAI^RDAY AI ilr Tonight and! MOO STATE Ti ON NEW Cotumbss. Ohio. *4 II.?Is- < w lntsrssl Is msaUssts* throushtt lti MM la ?hs ?tl|?M ot IK 1 pselsl stem Ins to be hel4 sssITsss- j St. when the vsMjl ?f As common- , reslth Will be siysn si opportun- i tbeXsesoKA. ror?,-t-o .1 mpprtsal vwMats to th* Stats onstiCatlon prorUloD.llT .doped b> I ,M^MMU?uildeoMeea?loa. lltbougb person.1 InUreeU end J W p^rsmsmu M j ha cominx .election^-(hMvoni la ?XUlsr electlen? St F?Sh oudlIsjss lot estipss publtmodose .re J ntsd tar. U* csmpstxaJ pww ?rseh?U7 ended, vas unusuAlj spirited, lome of tha tnMsdfflfa&i although lotto important front 4m Judicial ^d ^oM AVQko any nth, the tro^M^y;; m 1 sent, the iicenaa auestlon and the i iroposltlona in res^rtf .to the ioitlaIve and ' referendum were made he subject* of' llvbfir Oofltroversieg Under the pfrortafons it the law ' >nly rajleaored vpt<*s felll'be enit led tp Tote at t^e election on Tueslay next. This wl)L prohigbly reduce he number of vot?* that will be cast. >ut win not materially effect the esuit of the. election. Til* la due to be fact that the law governing the ?ming election was framed with .a > rlew of making it easier to change he constitution./'At. foVfner constiutlonal elections it wa* necessary 'lir s ih.Ia.IIs a# all ?V? ? ? ?_? ng part Id the election Jto vote-In lavor of an-amendment" to Secure Its tdoptkm- at ttM coming election, however, an amendment Will be considered adopted If a majority of the roters voting on it should vote in Its Favor. i. The ballots to be used at the coming election are one yard long and ten inches wide. One column contains the _11st o| .forty-one of .the amendments to-be voted on. while' the proposition regarding the liquor license occupies a place by itself in the second column. There will be no "straight'' ballots. Eves* proposal stands on Its own merits ami must be voted for or against separately by placing an X in the space designated for It. The work of counting the votes will be quite difficult and implicated and will occupy considFIRST NATIONAL BANK = TO KEEP OPEN NIGHTS .IS ?iiS fild* ' For- the accommodation (>f ttiose who wish to make depusilf mil 11 pw I hot any 'banking busfness* the* Flrdt National Dank oF this'eity,'beginning with, thia evening and on each. Saturday pveolng.followlng, will keep open from peyen to nine o'clock. The badk will accept deposits of one dollar and over on wbteh interest will do paiu iwur iiiUHB a jcar. This will work to a considefable adva^tagj? for the laboring class of tfcW city andjoo. doubt they will show their appreciation of the thoughtfulneso of the Vlfs* ffatftn** and thit at once the. hank wllLJuura a large number of <Ve^oeitorp. ,A ^ , j . NORTH CAROLINA VS. ~ ; TURKEY AND CHINA. "* A* child born in North Carolina eix years ago lost both parents ere he was fourteen months old. He was adopted by a philanthropist In New York}"? Hts adopted father now wants to place him In school. According to'the lawa of New York thia can not be done until a certified copy of the child's birth certificate la filed with the achool authorities as proof that he'ls of school age. There Is no law in North Carolina requiring birth registration, hence no record of the birth can be obtained. The child's parents are dead, and no One can he found who is sufficiently faifilliar with the facts to .make /oath as to hla exact age. Therefore, the child will have to remain away from school another year, by which . time the adapted father will be able to swear that the child la six, though tbe actual facta In the case Indicate that he will be seven. fn>, la North Carolina so careless In providing laws making birth registration compulsory? How long will we rank with Turkey and China In the value placed on all pa regardlag hamaa Ufa? CHUBTMN CHURCH. Tber. will be malar aarrlMa at Ik. Ckrlatian Cburcb, Baat Becond atmt, (oaarrov aoralai aad nnlat at tkk anal ho.ra, coadocud br Oia pester. Rer. Rob?rt T. Hope All ; rr . . rrERNOON, AUGUST 81, 1?12. tomorrow 9 VOTE CONSTITUTION' d QAr :. ?*> j a-#ixi 3-u. > ? ' . m rable time. | If all the amendments proposed ihould be adopted by tbe vote of the [>eople, vOhlo would obtain a prac- \ dcaUjr uew constitution embodying ?omo ot tbe moat radical 4** prpKftsalve Idea, advocated by political reformers la say part qx the, country. Among tbe moot Important features proposed are the following: Legislation may be secured and ibfc ConsfltuUOb sttCnttaTby the fn(tUtlv^dii bdfWenfrbn. r t: Plre of the'-ifta' bu^reme court ludgea must eobcar to set aside a law ls*hT ' * n ;' ' Women are (Ireu tbe right to rote. Aft Candidates for State officers are to be nominated by primaries. (Jolted0 States ' senators are to be nominated by tbe people, and a presidential preference vote is to be taken. i All appointive state positions are put under civil service rules. The Legislature is authorized to remove any State'officers, Including Judges, upon complaint and fceartng, for misconduct in O&ice Involving moral turpitude. 'mt The Legislature is authorized tp regulate the lashe and sale of corporation stock. Incomes, inheritances, franchises and minerals In situ are to he taxed. The legislature is authorised 'tn regulate billboard advertising. The Torrebs system of land transfer is to be adopted. Appeal litigation is to be resrticted. except in felony cases there ma*y be but one trial and one review Jurors need not agree unaimously ? In clvtl suits. Capital punishment is to be abolished. , Cities and Tillages arc given the right to frame their own charters. t own and regulate their own public ( utilities and to adopt by ordinances such local police, sanitary and other d similar regulations, not in conflict ^ with general lawB, as thdy may deem necessary. v Prison contract labor ia to_be aboltolled. s The Legislature is authorized to pass laws for the welfare and pro- ( taction of employes and for the compensation of workers for injuries received. t TWO SCHOLARSHIPS NOW ' . OPEN TO YOUNG MEN' : v; . J The Washington, High School has ^ two college scholarships that are j now available to young men on cer- i tain conditions. The colleges are ^ Wake Forest and Davidson. Young ' men Interested may see Supt. N. C. , Nfewbold at bis office in the public < school building. ; NEW CAR SERVICE RULES. Chicago, 111., Aug. 31.?New ralee j announced to be put into effect to- < morrow by the roads affiliated with 1 the American Railway Car Associa- ' tion are expected to remedy, a griev- 1 ance of long-standing in the railroad ' world. Up to the present time all ' railroads have been in the habit of using foreign equipment to any part 1 of the country, providing it was re- 1 turned to the company within a rea- 1 ' sonable length of time. Under this 1 j method the amaUer lines have had 'the use of niore ears than they actj uaity.owned, while the larger roads ' whicnfcgwned the ^ulpmixit have e*- ' perle^fced a car phpntpge,, their peals Ijf or erty often going unheeded. The new rules gprovid^ ytshat . foreign equipment must be returned to the owneia from the point of desttti&tion. and not used by the railroad in whose territory- the equipment happens to be to to points farther away. ^Tprfepn(ffcft1p? w to be |m- ' PO?d OB tie ?DBlipanlB? -violMf?rty agr??iientt ^ , , i I V^ak'- ' ' HELD MEETING AT 1 AURORA HIS WEtl Ca,-. Hill YT'JAUp Rer. H. P. Dal ton, pastor ef the First Baptist Chnrch, returned this morning from Aurora, N. C-, -where be hag been conducting a meeting daring the past wash. Interest and attendance Increased from the very beginning -and considerable interest was manifested. Mr. Del to a will All bin regular pmlplt at the Pint Baptist ehuncA tomorrow maralng and UvmIbS All - : -V bncniiijiJ ' wii?us. "|" ,r.- ... '. y-XftatVi; rfV s . . ===== j . , , I p. l-y?. as imp .WCJTMHW joV. Wilson to Spc on Wednesday, on Tuesday. Washington, D. C.. Aug. SI.?Like V he three-ring circus, there promises i o be aometb'ng doing every minute | a the field of politic* the coming j reek. * . 0 it'. Aih J Colonel Roosevelt will leete New i rork bright end eerly Monday morn- fj og for a epeeeh-maklng tour thet ( rill extend as far as the Pacific coast t md carry him Into more than half ? he States of the Union. After a k bort detour Into New England, rbere he is scheduled for twe Labor i >ay addresses, be will strike out for t he West. Tuesday he is to speak at t he Missouri third party convention t n St. Louis. Wednesday will be do- li oted to a swing through lows, with)!: peecbes in Keokuk, Oskaloosa. Ot- 1 umwa. Des Moines and other cltfe*. s It. Paul and Minneapolis will have a be third-party standard-bearer on t hursday, and the remainder of the p reek wn< be divided between the Da- o etas and Montana. s Governor Woodrow Wilson will h aake his first speech in New York a ity on Wednesday, when he attends I dollar dinner of the Worklngmen's t Voodrow Wilson Club. p Vermont's State election, the first o f the year, will be held Tudfcday. lepublican, Democratic and Progres- ii tve tlc!;"4s are in the field. Con- p resBmen as well as State officers are ^ o be elected, bo the national sig- v lificance will be apparent in the re- v urns, at least to thoBe who still hold t! o the old tradition that the result f the September State elections in- e icates the way the general elections s ill go in the following November. n Governor Johnson, of California. C ice-presidential nominee of the Pro- t ressive party, w ill open bis apeech- * naking campaign at Syracuse. N. Y.. t in Thursday, when he will address p he delegates to the State convention t if the Progressive party. Direct primary elections are to be o ?eld in California Tuesday for the a election of candidates for superior 1 ourt judges, members of the. legists- C ure and representatives in Con- a tresa. a .Other events on the political cal- e tndar of the week will include the e Michigan State Democratic conven- t ion at Grand Rapids, for the com- 1 iletion of a State ticket; the Montana > State Republican convention at Great i rails, to select a complete StAte t icket. presidential 'electors and can- ( lidates for United States senator and 1 -epreeentativee In Congress; Demo- i Tatic primaries in Louisiana to se- 1 CRNTEN ART OF THE COMET. | ?- I Glasgow. Aug. 31.?The one huu-, Iredth anniversary of the launching >f the steamer Comet, which marked the beginning of the shipbuilding industry for which the Clyde district is famous, was observed today with an elaborate celebration conducted un- 1 der the auspices of the Corporation of Glasgow. The chief feature of the program was a naval pageant on the Clyde. participated in by "a squadron of first-class battleships and a division of destroyers. At the corporation banquet speakers .of prominence deilvered eulogies on Henry Bell, the designer of the; Comet. During the day thousands of persons visited the shipyard In Port Glasgow, where the Comet was built. r! f HAW KKn'RNED HOME. . Dr. David T. Tayloe baa returned home from Buffalo l.lthia Springs, where he has been spending several days. The doctor enjoyed his few days' outing immensely. -** nxinqrhsaman small tour* district Hob. John H. Small has been spending several days In the district, conducting farmers' meetings. These meetings are very helpful to those who attend them, and It la hoped that the attendance will Increase each year%' Mr. Small is one of the most popular congressmen from the South. He is a '.iretess worker, and ever ready to do osmethlng for the general uplift Of aU the people mm mnLDnraa Several new reetdeaees are new a?l?? ep ob wool Third, street. Mk?* W*' jho i 111. ' 11. *" ^ :.J9H | Z---v ?"d^w .. x+m 1 - " . _,. r-jjj..,. a coiihg 1 VvlUUlV iifn 1 .brktfi hi M ,'liw Lv to** fw Vermont LvreVi fx:* ot . sM^ib UA '/ MMH lid hb-iii >an .i(J?ii?l!fVitq Jol S ..- ?c-I!7 *i; * .viWMJ jjS o* . | ect candidates for supreme court jM I udgee and representatives -1 tw; prlmarlei of til partly la W?w f.wpggj I?t4i"iil?<l>i *t ? ^t.lr fcttwia' kafl ^prfr- _ .'a entmtlvc. in C'ouii? , prlmtrlw It to nnUMM oudldotM tbr llate oQcora ud rapKMBtathaa'te ;ou?r.'ji?.?o<l Sun coBvonlloop of be new ProgreelTe party In MlMo^rt, ?fh . Carollnp. Iowa, Nortb, pa- 1 lota anq otbir Sttiqp,.,,,,, , A? ."VfrfM T.WHMWl*, 'oters of Ohio will, pafs Judgment jPJp, H be tortj-tiio proposed amendm-enta , I o the State constitution formulated, w the constitutional convention bifid J ast spring. The list embodies I y all of the measures of reform nojjr... a the public eye, including woman off rage, fhe 'InUlatiye, referendum od recall, direct primaries, the.-extension of the clyll service to r^li aplointive State positions, regulation, f the issue and sale of corporation I lock, the taxation of incozqes, inleritances and franchises, the' idoption of the Torren system of S i.nd transfer, the abolition of capial punishment, the reform of court irocedurc and the strict regulation f the liquor traffic. I With Justice John W. Goff presld g. an extraordinary term of the suireme court is to convene in New fl 'ork city Tuesday "for a speedy and igorous prosecution of indictments mien may oe lound' as a_ result of ~l he Rosenthal murder investigation. The Duke of Connaughl, the Gov- I rnor-General, will cover the first ection oT the extensive itinerary I tapped out for his travels over the 'anadian west. He will be enter- | ained in Edmonton the flrEt of the reek and from there will proceed | 0 Calgary to attend the great "BUun- I edo" celebration and carnival in hat city. I Convention;; of the week will be uraerouB and of an important char- I 1 ter. Among them will be the eighth nternational Congress of Applied Chemistry, in Washington, D. C.J the nnual conference of the Internationtl Anti-Saloon League Suprintendnts, in Toronto; the twenty-slAM 1 .nnual meeting of the United Tfpohetae of America, in Chicago; the iominion Forestry convention, in' rtutorla, D. C.; the fifth annual con- 1 ention of the Atlantic Deeper "Waerways Association, in New London, ?onn . and the annual session of ths 3ritlsh Association for the Admass nent or Science, in Dundee, Sootand. ;j =================== 1 HISS LIDA T. ROMAN HOME FROM EUROPE *'' Ti "'i t' - ' C' 1 Mlsa LidaT. Rodman returned Thursday tost from Europe. where ihe baa been oa a tour of sightseeing for the past three mouths. Mine Hodman, accompanied by her niece, M Min? Camrnie Rodman, of Norfolk, left early in Juno for Europe and returned thifl week. They visited fM I the important countries on the continent and thoroughly enjoyed every | moment of their trip. C~ I iX)RMRR rOl'NTYHAN HERE. Mr. C. C. Adams, of Mobile. Ala., was here this morning en route to his home from Edward, N .C., where he has been etsitlng relatives and friends. Mr. Adams has been resld- I Ing in Alabama for the past seven years. He lilfes bis new hom'e, but | says there is no place to him like I the Old North State. PASS THROVGH CITY. Mr. J. M. Jones and family, of South Creek. N. C.. passed through .. _ 9 the city this morning en route ta . ,\9 | Greenville, N. C. | ?**??* III ?0DhY*8 KWW8 % Lyric. Pare Fend raeer. * ^'49 . C. Hathaway 9 Wlaoft Fsnohte 9r?m. ?. Tnlrn, MmL t 4 ' ' : !Jfl A?r' *t> f V"-; 4;";. wvVI

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