I WJBLI8HBD IVUTTMlNOON ^ EXCEPT SUNDAY. No. 10? Bast Water gtryt. tarT < *tarct f. liTO. "" ^ OOoHNlfc ?* ? $ *M B . roar Monuia !H . r\ Ms Months 1.50 Om Yaar . ?.? ? A.00 f hmSrtd. [ So not sat the Dally Nova prenytlT telephone or write the manH soar sad tha n?ipUhit will laeoloo maoiVi stt?tloa. It to oo<- daE& in to please you. it articles sent to the Dally News lor publication must be signed by I tee writer, otherwise they will not Oe published. I 8ATURDAY, AUG. 31, 1912. FOR REPRESENTATIVE. The announcement of Major W. C. Redman for Representative from Beaufort County appears in today's f: NewsMajor Rodman is a member of one L. of Beaufort County's most prominent families, and the family has always been leaders in politics. The major entered the political arena several years ago when he was elected county chairman, which position he held until his successor was elected this L year. While always active Iq politics he has never been a candidate for public office. He has a large concourse of friends throughout the County and State, who will no doubt wish him success I, in the campaign. He expresses his views on the fence question, a division of the ' county, also on a new court house. In addition to the above he expresses himself as being in favor of local self-government. This will probably be the last announcement for the coming primaries as the time in which notice can be filed expires tonight. SHOULD UNITE. It is the Bupretne duty of every man to take a firm stand for righteousness. Differences in political and | religious views should by no means cause a division among men when it comes to the principles of right living [' In the school of politics man highest aim should be to contribute to those over whom he exerts an Influence the very best that is in his possession; having uppermost in his mind a determination to uplift them and place them upon a higher plane of citizenship. In the church, without regard to the denomination, it should be the . prayer of all christians that their hearts be inclined to keep the first and second great commandments, "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God | with all thy heart, and with all thy mi! and with alt thv mind Thou sh&lt love thy neighbor as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets." (Matt. 22: 38. 39 ver.) A sincere effort on the part of all church com^Hr munlcants, whether they be Method| lsts. Baptists. Congregationalism, I Lutherans. PresbyterianH or any other denomination, to abide by this Injunction would enable us to wield a mighty power over the sins that so easily beset us. The masses would rise In a solid phalanx above the gloomy shades of ignorance and sup erstition to a higher plane of Christ^ Ian civilization. Differ as they may aldng many other lines, or along all| other lines, the churches and vari-' otis organizations concerned about the betterment of mankind must get K* together upon these commandments, If their existance is to mean the material and eternal salvation of man. For "On these two hang all the law and the prophets.'' The people in every community must unite. Especially the leading element who are engaged in shaping the destiny of the masses. The states' ment that a house divided against it self cannot stand is as true today, and as applicable to the human race K as whon spoken by Him who died to redeem a sin cursed world. .This is not a question of individual supremacy, unless it in the K sense that one is supreme when he is best able to render service unaelfishfe1 ly. Nor is it a question of personal a- greatness. It is a question of eleK vatlng the lives of our people. If ? there be any such a thing as greafness, it comes not to hi:n who boasts 1 and feels that he should be looked upon as the greatest Among his fel([' lows, or does something merely for w the loaves and fishes given him. but greatness comes in proportion to one's goodness and the consecration B Of his whole being to a righteous | H cause In spite of his pay. I We are facing a grave problem. upon its solution rests the fate ft of our people. The future of our M boys and girls Is at stake. This Is a Klnatter to be considered not only by Bfcthe parents in the community, but ^B>*lipon the co-operation of the preachR ?r, the teacher, and the leader. Each I HgtJJting a firm stand for a higher Hptfcadard of character. Its solution K'* depends not upop talk but actual rhe Playgrounds * WASHING! k . *\V ' ' eliminate the dan from automobile. ifvice. The ftrafttiMr, teacher or sader who fail* In this particular a wholly unfit for the responsibilities of his position, and should be relegated to the rear. , PINKTOWN We are having some fine weathei at present. Quite a large crowd of our youn? folk went on the excursion Sunda) to Morehead City and report a fine time. Mrs. Hosea Peele and children, oi Plymouth, N. C., returned hom? Monday, after spending several dayi with Mrs. Peele's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Boyd. Marcle May, the little 2-year-old girl of Mr. and Mrs. James R. Boyd has been quite sick with ferer. The brick store building of Mr. P P. Waters is progressing rapidly and when completed It will be a credit tc the town. Miss Bertha G. Waters ha's re turned home after spending a feu days with her Bister, Mrs. J. B Boyd. Rev. C. E. Lee, of Bunyan, li holding a series of meetings at Pine town Christian church. Cotton picking time will soon b< here. Rev. Mr. Vsubs. of Ayden. assist ed by Rev. Whitford Waters, held i series of meeting at Sbiloh Fre< Will Baptist church alst week. Plnetown defeated Belhaven Sat urday in two games of ball. The writer was one of the excur slonist to Morehead Sunday and en joyed hiB trip very much. Mr. Henry E. Boyd is on the sicl list here he will soon recover. The Pinetown corespondent wa absent last week. He bad a sligh attack of JakeviUe Jack's crick i his neck and could not write. Jake it is a bad disease when yo have a full case of it. Oh. no, Bragaw, we don't eat win nor drink chicken either, but woul like to have some of your moo shine watermelons. Don't kno' where neighbor Brown grows thet at. reckon he must grow them o the moon for the writer passed you way not long since and didn't se nothing but saw mills and saw dus' MEXICAN TROOPS TO PROTECT AMERICANS. Washington, Aug. 31.?The Met lean government has ordered Federi troops to hasten to a point betwee Harmosillo and Nogales, in the Stat af Sonorfl. for tho nroteoHrtn rit tw Americans, Frank B. Curtis and Ai thur Cunningham, who are beset b rebels, thirsting for revenge. Tb Americans had been left in charge c a mining camp at El Oro, and ha killed several rebels intrylng to pr< tect the company's property froi raiders. Army officers along the boundar line report to the War Departmei that from the information they gatl er from refugees fleeing from Me: ico into America, the conditions i the Mexican State of Sonora are ba jk DANA Kentucky I jfiyraA Remit Postal or Express Mone , I Certified Check. Guaranteed to pie I plete nrice list mailed upon request. Sold Fmmlmak, I H. CLARKE & SONS, I Tfio Soath'm Ormt^t Mail Ordmr Wim I -i .v < :0N PARK -;T- ih igers to children ~ lil0' N SL CO ; = 2 and the same state of affaire exists If* In the northwestern part of the State ,u of Chihuahua. The War Department ^ has about concluded that it will be th necessary to materially strengthen R< the American border patrol, on the ly western part of the line an das Gen- of eral Steever has Indicated that he th probably will need more chralry. the cc men ar* being gotten ready at Fort Riley. RansaB, and Port D. A. Rus- In sell. Wyoming, to entarln and pro- y? ceed to Arlxona as soon as 8teever sc gives the word. *? ' b< LIST OF MANAUKR8 FOR PRIMARY TO RE HRI.D SEPT. . * 7TH. 1918. * Washington: First Ward?Demo- ^ crats. J. O. Chauncey. E. L. Arch- ^ bell; Republican. T. E. Cutler. Second Ward?Democrats. W. L. ^ Laughinghouae. D. C. Rosa; Republlcan, A. F. Ashburn. Third Ward?Democrats, Jos. ?T. Ross, Jesse Hodges; Republtcan._J. M A. Potter. " 1 Fourth Ward?Democrats, J. F. Flymn, F. P. Whitley; Republican, C. T. Buckman. \ Tranters Creek?Damfocrata, John dl T. Bell, J. A. Hodges ;^tepubllcan, J. I] R. Roberson. jt Old . Ford?Democrats, W. M. Cooper, Ben Bishop; Republican, Robt. A. Cooper. ?' Pineville ? Democrats, Harmon Corey, J. W. Mitchell; Republican, J. ol Sam Hodges. Beaver Dam?Democrats, J. R. ^ Plnkham, Geo. Mixon; Republican, W. A. Alltgood. Pinetown?Democrats, H. C. Boyd. W. A. Respass; Republican. R. N. Boyd. _ Woodard's Pond?Democrats, J. ? b Mc. Alligood, M. H. Cutler; Republican. J. H. Jefferson. Surry?Democrats. W. H. Tyre. J. f< - W. Latham; Republican. Elijah d Sheppard. n Bath?Democrats. T. N. Tyre, W. - A. Tankard; Republican, F. J. Ca- 81 - boon. North Creek?Democrats. W. C. _ KinlocpC. B. Paul; Republican, T. A. k Burbage. ? Yeatesville?Democrata. Thomas Webster. D. D. Harr son; Republican, s W. T. Waters. t Hunters Bridge?Democrats. L. P. E n Harris. C. F. Oden: Republican. C. ? B. Latham. ? Belhaven?Democrats, A. Miller. ? u H. R. Butt; Republican. G. C. Cooper. I Leechville?Democrats. W. J. Harelris. J. D. Bullock; Republican, Chard lie Bishop. n Pantego?Democrats, P. H. Johniv son. Clyde Smith; Republican, B. G. n Carrowan. n Pungo?Democrats, O. F. Davis, r Noah W. Paul: Republican, R. H. Ale len. t. South Creek?Democrats, ,E. D. Lewis. Clarence Mayo; Republicans, r Geo. M. Johnson. Aurora?Democrats. H. L. Thompson, G. I. Bonner; Republican, Sam c- L. Lupton. il Idalia?Democrata, Bryan Bonner, n T. P. Bonner; Republican, C. T. Ale len. o tawaras?Democrats, Geo. H. , r- Bennett, H. H. Rosa; Republican, B. y O. Preacott. ,e Core Point?Democrats, W. J. ?f Smlthwick. W. J. Whitley; Repubd lican, Alex Jonea. >- Blounta Creek?Democrata, W. L. n Moraelndcr, W. R. Galloway; Republican, Henry Tripp, y Bonnerton?Democrata, G. B. Bon- t ?t ner, L. C. Tripp; Republican. Jno. G. I l- Lewis. i i- Chocowlnlty?Democrata, Jesse N. a n Hill. J. E. Taylor; Republican, J. R. t ,d Downs. 3 . I the .days of. J , ELJ3CO?~'i uls been noted for its fine Whiskies. * was not achieved until the I distillation of I BOTTLED IN BOND d and matured in wood, possessing un- I chneas in QUALITY, TASTE and _ ; REPAY EXPRESS on Adams and /jjj\ Express Lines. Quarts, $ 4.50 >H Quarts, ..... 6.50 Quarts. ..... 8.50 >uarts, ..... 12.00 j Order, Registered Letter or aae or monay returned. Com. \^f IM Inc., Richmond, Va. fti-Jl ? anrf Whimkmj Mtvfmmf. (4) FOR MCORCIIR. th. Democratic Voter* of th< Washington, Long Acrf and Cboco win it j Township*: 1 beg to announce my candldac; r the ofllcn of Recorder In the ebon mHoned district, subject to the ac ?n or the Democratic primaries t he* September t! I?l?. 1 wee bora >od reared la th uniry and hare alaaya maintain. y intimacy with the coantifr pet e upon whom i greetly rely tor id OMP la (hi* undertaking. Se^Ual , jeer. etpetfence In-th art hodaa to the Superior Court, I a Clerk a oBca and the once of th filter of Deed! has aided me free In becoming qualified to Oil thl Bee which 1 believe I can do 1 e eatietactloa of the people et th Humanity. > >?'?! i?J| In addition to this I woo city der the city of Washington for tw >ars, giving a |18,'000 bond, an ?retary of the County Board < lections, both of which positions diets I 'filled acceptably. Many of the country people krio ie treatment often reoetred at tl audi of the chief of police of U ty of WAahlagtpn. and if elected 1 te position of recorder it will bo ot r toy moot earned duties to see th> icb abusee ore not tolerated an iat Justice shall be meted oat to a srsons equally. Respectfully, ( _ W. B. WINDLBT. "OR REGlStER OF DEEDS I hereby announce my cand acy for the office of Register < eeds for Beaufort County, enl ?t to the action of the Democra : primary, to be held on the 7l I September, 1912. N I belong to no faction; have r bligations out, other than to sen ie public in a clever busine a7- * Yours truly, W. T. HUDNELL. 8-29-tfo FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. >rt County, I Announce my cane acy for the office of County Coi lislsoner from Pantego Townshi ubject to the Democratic prlmarU C. P. AYCOCK. -19-tfc WASHINGTON PRODUCE MAKKE TUESDAY, AUG. 27, 1912. 'gg? 14 A 1 prlng Chickens .. .. 16 and 2C Irown Chickens, each .. .. SO to ! leee Wax .. SI .amb skins, each 10c to t bearllnga 6c to 1 iheep sklua, each ... r... SOc to 6 'allow % 4 )rj flint hides, ^er lb. . 1 )ry salt hides, par lb 1 >ry hides, d'gsd. per lb.... 4c to ?reen Hides 1 >eer skin flint S >eer skin salt 1 SCHEDULE Gasboat Ellen C. learee South Creek Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 6 A. M. Leares Washington Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 1:30 P. M. T. U. TAYLOR. Owner. THY A DAILY NEWS WANT AX NOTICE OP AnMIVTflTRATION Having qualified aa executor he laat Will and Testament of M ..aura E. Blac'cwell, deceased. 11 to notify all persons having clei igainst her estate to present th< o the undersigned on or before t 13rd day of July. 1913. or this i Ice will be pleaded In bar of th ecovery. All persons indebted to said Ate will please make payment Aeir debts to the undersigned. This 23rd day of July. 1912. H. C. CARTER. JR., Execut 7-2 4 6tc NOTICE We do all kinds of repair wc and with our new management are able to give the best service ^ ]ulckeet dispatch consistent w good workmanship. MUTUAL MACHINE COMPANY Washington, N. C. 8-3 lmo. DOG TAX NOTICE. Dog taxes are now due and the'l Imposes a fine of 15.00 and costs owners who fall to list and pay tax on their dogs. This law wfll enforced. OEO. N, HOWARD. S-15-10tc Ohlef sf Pellc 9 or O doses fWMJ will break i case of Chills A Fever; and If tal then as a tonie the Fever will not torn. Price lie. i , Volt? .wH Villi ]Uri P jUl p IJT R ' nHmIIIIniilimlill I At the m?nl of HIT friends 1 9 hetebr asnouocn.mrseU a candidal* for tho Lsctalaturo of Narft&Bllw * from Benofort Ooontr. MM 1M? 11 fubjoet to tbs action of tbo DemocratIc primaries. If slsttod I will ?r,. 7 tbo people of tbo whole coMtr to tbo boot of my obtlltT. \r .. pivswiir?; ? I ' I her?l?y announce myself as a . z'xxzrsszzxz , Weehlnston Township. subh?t to tbo ' notion of tbo Democratic Primary. 1 Should I bo nominated and elected, I will pi to tbo samo faithful oerrloo * in tbo future as tb 'tbs post. '* This A usual tbs ttb 1*11. * o. i. wtnhb. * 1-7 tfc. * ,1 ^Ttotoabr" annoubes that n candidate before the Democratic primer!. to succeed myoolf as Clsrk of Recorder's Court tor tbo City of WaahtnftDB and Weehlnston Town~ ship, Lonp Acre Township and Chooo _ wlnlty Township. I sab. tbs support of sll Democrats i- snd will appreclats same, if Vott respectfully. y x C. C. CRATCH. t_ T-10 I* dc. h for ootansaioNKR This is to announce that I am a o candidate for County Commissioner rg from R1 eh land Township. I hare M diligently worked for the Democratfte party for thirty years and now in re tr tarn the rapport ot nil Democrat* le earnestly deal red and wtU he very much appreciated. . W. H. JONES. Edward, N. C. TO THE DEMOCRATIC VOTERS OP u- BEAUFORT COUNTY I hereby announce myaelf aa a caan dldate for Register of Deeds. If pt nominate and elected, will serve the ^ people at all times to beet of my ability. The support ot every democrat is earnestly solicited. ? Very respectfully, WILBUR H. ROSS. Aurora, N. C. 4-4 tfc. _ FOR SHERIFF oc ______ ,c' I hereby announce myself a candl8& date before the Democratic Primaries fc. for the Office of Sheriff of Beaufort County. I will appreciate any support that my friends may give me. uc W. W. HOOKER. Oc lc. 4c FOR SHERIFF. 2c To the Democrats of Beaufort Coun?c ty lc I wish to express to you my sincere 5c thanks for >jur loyal support In the Be past, and. If I have made an efficient officer and a faithful servant of the ~ people, to aak your continued support , In the County Primaries which will be announced later: and If I am nom* lnated and elected, (and I see no * reason why I shall not be); I can on* ly promise to do as I have in the * past, all in my power to give yd* * good service. Now I wish to thank * you In advance and ask all good * Democrats to attend the primaries * and give me their hearty support for Sheriff of Beaufort County. > iraitnruiiy, Tour servant, OEO. E. RICKS. ?-ll tfc. FOR SHERIFF. of 1 r*. To the Democratic to ten of Beanhit fort County: ms I announce myself as a candidate sm for the office of Sheriff -of Beaufort he County In accordance with the reeo10 lution adopted by the Connty Conveneir tlon two yean ago limiting the time which any person should hold office es- to two terms only and my candidacy of la subject to this resolution. 8. B WINDLEY. 6-28 tfc. or- ANNOUNCEMENT I tako this method of Informing my friends thst I am 4 candidate for re-no mlnaotln for the Office ol Register of Deeds, and ask them all )rk t? attend the Democratic Primaries we and aaalst me In obtaining the nomiind nation. 1th Thanking each and every one kind ly for the hearty support they hav? given me In the paat and asking i Continuance of the same, I remain Youra yery truly, ? GILBERT RUMLEY. ______ 1 FOR RECORDER .aw . J5T 0I> I wish to announce to my frlendi that I am a candidate for the office ** of Recorder of the Criminal Coor of th^CUy of Washington, Waehion ton Township, Longacre Townshi] * aad "hocowlnlty Township, ef Beau ... fort County, subject to the Demo cratle primaries, and solicit the sup my port and vote of all Damoerat* ten voters. , re- # M. J. FOWLER. -14 tie. r - & 'X }mm I hereby announce to the' Demo- V eraUe Totera of the City of Waahtnc .on. Waabia*tea_ Tewaehlp. Cheeo md mreolf ea Bnoorder ed the^CruT- * Jatrict. subject to the ^action ol the dearor la the future aa I have la the a peat to edmtnhetorthe law fairly and a rotare. a ,<v..yy T#?"? r ANNOUNCEMENT 1 a t hereby yeepectfaily announce my * candidacy tor re-homlnatlon to the ; oHoe of Treaaurer of Beaufort OMR. . ty. aubjeet td the wtp of the people . to be expreeeed at the Democratic Primary, Ifre-nominated and elect- ~ ed to the ottee of TtaMutar, I pledce . to tha poople the name courteona at- a tentlon I have heretofore endeavor- * ed to tttre to all, 'and the aamp fldel- * ltp to the rfnet reeoaed fa ana as the . featodlaa of the pee pas'a money. a Respectfully, . B. R. KtXON. d-l? tie. . ___________ . ran oumwt ootaoaaionB ____? ' e I ^hnniee my cendldpcy tor Contr i ty Commissioner of Boaafort County a tram Richland Townahlp. anbjact In ? the notion of tha Democratic prtmart- * : W a H. WHITLEY, ? T-4 tfc. I " 1 ' I hereby announce myself as a can* _ dldate for the County Commissi?r from Choeowlnity Township, subject * to the action of the Democratic Prt* J mary. ' ' " " H. B. WILLIAMS. 7-11 tfc. FOR RECORDER 7 I hereby announce my candidacy for Recorder of the Criminal Court in Washington for Washington, Cho- * cowinlty and Long Acre Townships, m subject to the action of the Demo cratic voters of said Judicial District ? in the primary election. * This July It. 1818. * FRANK H. BRYAN. * 7-16 tfc. * ____________ COUNTl COMMISSIONER * I hereby announoe my candidacy * for County Commissioner for Wash- * lngton Township, subject to the ac- * tion of the Democratic primary elec- ? tlon, and wlfl appreciate the support J of all Democrats. ? This the 16th day of July, 1912. W. E. SWINDELL. 7-16 tfc. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER I announce my candidacy for conn- . ty Commissioner of Beaufort conn ty from Long Acre Township, sub ject to the action of the Democratic primaries. * W. 8. D. EBORN. . 8-8 tfc. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER I announce my candidacy for Coun ty Commissioner of Beaufort County * from -* m .WWU.Uip, RUUJWJl I Vo the action of the Democratic pri-l " marlea. J* W. A. BLOUNT. \9 7-lf tie. - I* __________________ I FOR COMMISSIONER. ___? I To the Democratic voters of Bsau-|* fort County: I hereby announce my I candidacy for County Commissioner I * i from Richland Township, subject to the Democratic primaries. ] H. a MAYO. I s-it-tfc ' r _ FOR CLERK RECORDER'S COURT * To the Democratic to term of Wash-J* Ington and Washington Township,]Long Acre Township, and Chocowln- ~ lty Township, I hereby announce my-1 self h candidate for Clerk of the Re- j . corder'r Court, subject to Democratic I primaries and I will appreciate what! 1 5 my friends may do for me. ' I am yours respectfully, WM. SWANNRR. 1? 1 7-4 tfc. " ? I ? U FOR CLERK RECORDER'S COURT. [t I c > To the Derrfocratle roters of the]i i city of Washington, Washington It , Township, Lo4g Acre and Choco-jt winity Townships, I hereby sn-1 nSunce my candidacy for ilerk of thejc I Recorder's Court of the above named district, subject to Democrat-1 lm primaries. I I will appreciate I what my frieuds may do for me. B. O. JdALLISON. 1 ; 8-16-tfo . , - . - I ' FOR COMMISSIONER. J I har.br mnounca mr oandldicy 11 . for ^he office of County Commlsalon-J i . er from Chocowlnlty Townahff. 8ub-[<| t ject to the action of the Democratic Primaries. I H. CHURCHILL BRAOAW. I; Aug. 11?T.F.C. I D p 1 I Prmctlc* llwttJ tT lH.W 1 ^ Ik* Br*, Bar. No** u? Throat.^ fl ' m m a * *. D?U*1 Jr. Lao<ta*r 0. Wmrrm DAKIBL ? WAIUOBI a i' "Mfe : 1 * ?j? ,? * dua-i^.?i ~ WE B. mil, Jr. ' "II . Mft OiimMII. r V>:?MI ' * rT- ? * .? ? * a a a X ....a..*. .a "Sii& : I ??. ; ? ? ". ??? I : . :?-Hi 'Affssasarvt ' Washington, ir.V). S * ? v D. grimes Fraotloaa In all tba Conrta. John H. Small A. D. mnl iaa u IIHiaWIHUl M Washington. Nor .A Carolina ' -A* ^ ' ? Edward L. Stewart, a Washington, N. 0. W. A. Thompaon. a Anroan. H. p, STEWART A THOMPSON .1 Attornen at Law. a Washington and Aurora. N. a : \ OOIXIN H. HAaMEa a ftj>rr a Rosma I aad ?, Washington. N. a a haassa * ? NORWOOD Is. SIMMONS ttora?f-st-I?w ? " * Wuhiastoi. N. O. < - -? 9 t FRANK H. Bit TAN a Attoraar at law * a OBke tm 8&Tines Ul Tltt bslldlag. ImoM floor. Prao HWki>M oourta. SPLENDID RBOORD DC BOMB STATE. n?arie it 4 P? Oj^t. *? *,. 1-im. u |18,?TM*Mi PhoM, SS7-J. The Security Ufa ? AmmmHy Oo. H. A. COOPER, Aft. eeeeeeee f ' >i. TO DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATES. The attention of prospective candla tee for the Democratic nomination or county and township offices, Inludlng Justices of the peaee and onstable* la called-to the provision* f Chapter 688, Public Local Law* f 1911,'which require* *11 such can' -jf lldate* to deposit their fees wl.th the hairman of the executive com mltee, and file their notice with. the llerk of the Superior. Court of tiielr t, ntantlon of belac a candidate at eaat fivp day* prior to the primary o be held September 7 th, <4918. , LINDSAY C. WARREN, Chairman Dem. Exec. Com. - Beaufort County. 8-18 to t-81e RECORDER AURORA DISTRICT. I hereby announce to the voter* of lurora Recorder** Court district that am a candidate to succeed myself is Recorder. Subject to the actft** _ 'J ?f the Democratic primaries. * i W. H. HOOKER. 8-i4-tfe 1'Jm Advertise tu tbe Dally Veen.

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