V <S NEW ARRIVALS IN SILKS, RIBBONS ETC. Look for Something New Every Day. Fall Goods Coming In Dally. I J. K. HOYT,Aft Pictorial Review Patterns * If Your Vacai You are ready to gi Let the first thing be that take. Phone 39. WM. BR/V First Insurance Allen NOTICE. Precincts meetings will be held In the City of Washington, and the City f Belhaven on Monday night. September 9th. at 8:30 p. m. Pinevllie, Old Ford. Tranters Creek and Chocowinity on the morning of September 7th, at 10 a. m. All the remaining precincts in the county on the afternoon of September 7tb, at 3 p. m. ' All of these meetings are for the purpose of electing delegates to the County Convention. By order of the Democratic Executive Committee. LINDSAY C. WARREN, r Chairman. augl7-sept9 The .Men Who Succeed as heads of large enterprises are mer of great energy. Success, today, de wands health. To all is to fall. It'< utter folly for a man to endure a weak, run-down, half alive conditio? when Electric Bitters will put hlrc right on his feet in short order "Four bottles did me more real gooc than any other medicine I evei took,'" writes Chas. B. Allen. Syi vania, Ga. "After years of suffering Only SO cents at The Hardy's Druf Store. with rheumatism, liver trouble stomach disorders and deranged kid neys. I am again, thanks to Eleatrit Bitters, sound and well." Try them TRY A DAI1.Y NEWS WANT AD [ DOYOUKNOW (That we carry one of the freshest lines of Groceries, Flour and Feed I In Washington. It is a fact and we can easily j. prove it if you will but give us a trial order J. P. JACKSON West Main Street CHICHESTER'S PILt^i w TltK IIAHOVl) IIEAN'D. A. 'WE&SPSS&MZzAJs ruiala IUS ??"t C.H -r,> I.-\V/' TTv Iwaaa, MM wt\h Rtua Rl' hon, X/ n *!uV?cJK^ukVcn I*- Jf MAMusa IIUAKDI'lUMwfA \** O yaar* known a? B?M. Kafaat. Alwaya ReHabW ^?r SfltP KV WtiOftlSTS Vfimwn MASS-MEETING. At the meeting of the City Boar of Aldermen held on last Monda night the following resolution wi R??olved, That It is the sense of this board that the City of Washington own it? own water works aad sewerage system; further, that a mass-meeting of the eMfaens of Washington be called on Wednesday, September 11th, K1; * tPr the pniyuse of bearing from B. * ' all the ritiaea* on the question. The Olty Clerk is authorined to rely advertise said meeting through the city papers and by W. C. ATEH8, t-4-ltc City Clsrk. r ' 'v1 ' * *m Mwy Mm from lw> H Every mr, tn many parti or the " country, thousands are driven from ttaolr ho moo by coughs and lung disimh. Friend* aad business are loft behind for other climate*, but thta ] la costly and not always sore. A hai better way?the way of multitudes ?la to see Dr. King's New Discovery ^ aad cure yourself at home. 8tay v., right here, with your friends, and "J3 take, this safe medicine. Throat aad lung trouble And quick relief aad Zzl health return*. It* help la oougha. J\ colds, grip, croup, whooping-cough r~j and sore lungs make it e positive blessing. BSc and $1.00. Trial bat- ** tie free. Guaranteed by The Hardy's 41* Drug Store. aw its hoi ATTRACTIVE HOME. sot tei The residence of Mr. add Mrs. C. far H. Richardson at the corner of Mar- ,U1 ket and Third streets which 1* rapid- ^ ly nsarlng completion, promise* to y be one of the most attractive homes iJM in Washington. It will greatly en- saj bancs the appearance of the reel don- ? 4 tlml section where It Is located. Iss dei TRY A DAILY N'KWS WANT AD.. JJ 90* ag lion Has Ended ? tt down to business again. Insurance you intended to '*j toi BAW & GO.. " In Is in Washington, N. C. Or tfa IV N< ab NOTICE. SO at BY VIRTUE of the POWER of SALE contained in a certain mort- |B gage deed, executed on the 28th day |n of January. 1902, by E. M. Hooker, la to Emmls J. Hooker, which mort- Fi gage deed has heretofore been duly P* transferred and assigned to B. D. Rowe on the 24th day of December, ce 1908. and default having been made D1 In the payment of the debt secured tc by the said Mortgage Deed, I will ba 1 offer for sale on Monday, the 7th ! day of Otcober, 1912, at 12 o'clock ,c noon, at the Court House door, In Deaufort County, the following de- ? scribed land, as contained In said t>i Mortgage Deed, to-wlt: ai Lying and being In th? County of 71 Beaufort and State of North Caro- ** . Una; Beginning at T. P. Bonner's northeast corner on the public road known as the South road, leading ^ from Idalia, and runs North with p i said road one hundred and seventy- H . three yards to F. B. Hooker's field el i road ditch, then west with said field ?* i road ditch to Thos. Coffee's line; " 1 then South with Coffee's line one ^ hundred and seventy-three yards to I T. P. Bonner's corner; then East *1 r with said Bonner's line to the be- T * ginning, on the public road, contain- k I ing forty-two acres, more or less. Terms of sale?Cash. This 27th ' ay of August, 1912. J E.dM IE J. HOOKER. * Mortgagee. o By B. D. Rowe, Assignee and Owner of Debt. \ By Edward L. Stewart, Attorney. 8-28-4wc C r Downward Course a ll Ka*t Being Realized by Washington I'eonle. v 8 8 A little backache at first. s Dally Increasing till the back is lame and weak. Urinary disorders quickly follow. Dropsy and finally Bright's Disease. This is the downward course of kidney ills. Don't take this course. Follow the advice of a Washington citizen. Mrs. G. E. Edwards, 223 E. Main street, Washington, N. C., says: "I suffered terribly from backache, accompanied by sharp, shooting vains _ through my kidneys. The kidney se~ cretions caused me considerable an1 noyance. I used several kidney remedies but received no relief until I be' gan taking Doan's Kidney Pills. They drove away the vains and lameness in my loins and strengthened my kldjneys. That tired, slnguid fellng dis~ appeared and I war able to rest better at night." d For sale by all dealers. Price 50 iy cents. Foster-Milbom Co., Buffalo, is New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the n&ne ? -Doan's?1 and take po other. What Wo Never Forget according to science, are the things associated with our early home life, such as Bucklen's Arnica Balvc, that mother or grandmother used to cure our burn*, boils, scalds, sorss akin eraptlefe*. cuts, sprains or bruises Fortfr'years of euros prove Its merit. Unrivaled tor piles, corns sr cold tores. Only 21 eeats at The Hardy's Drug W*rs. Rsk-Mr-nssi v? sirs jam. VaV ' 1 -'''fr 3h 3T CO-OPERATIVE M?vt Proven Koonwnk VahM J Experiments la co-operative forming! r? not been aUDinu either In thl? mtry or abroad, yet (hair groat suea financially and socially proves road question tbo economic value tbo botttatni About ft to toots > associations of tana laborers ?*? op la Hair known aa aftttaaao lettive, wktob rented tad oporatod d either aa a single form undo* a nager or/fa allotment* to the totdaal ?>aToi Tboao aopocttfVmo Ml remedy for tbo lack ot dr ompMrwoet among farm larare. end from tbo otart so prm meed waa tbolr aoooooa la kooptag *1 fainiboo oo tbo land, looking m bands am contented with tbolr Toundlnga. and particularly la rala> ( laborora to a condition of ooo> Bio Independence, that they grow tbo rato of about fifty a yaar and wad throughout Italy aad Sicily, ra tha Country QenUeman. * >ne striking feature of the mora* at In tboao oouatrloa.wbaro Social-. la rapidly spreading la tba torn acy toward individualism In co mtlve farming. This la abowa by i fact that of 180 aoch farmlfig aorlatloos only bbbot oaofourth woro rotod ooUeetfoely under a miner, whUo tbo winder woro mmfe uador tbo tadlTldoal allotment in. Many inqlwaj grow ao faat momborahlp that tboy could ddi cnlah allotmanta without ranttag oo land or (Kitting down tha olao tbo lot, originally gran tad to oaeh unbar. Thoaa associations hare boon Bbly aoocoMful in furnishing em>ymant to tha Ttttaa bars aad la tbo anclal returns they have obtained >m the labor. They are destined to cotna established permanently la naely populated countries where Ml la cut up ISto small holdings and lore farm laborora cannot bo emjyod steadily under tba wage syeB. This last aspect of the asaoclatlona a been demonstrated more clearly our own country. Practically tba t co-operative farming plan was e Italian colonisation scheme on wmp lands north of Wilmington, >rth Carolina, which was begun out six years ago. Tha plan conits of a central farm surrounded by laller farms, on which the colonists first are given employment In cleart wooded land aad paid labor wagea. pi cultural experts train the laborers American methods of farming and i?ria uiKumarj. mu inv nd Is then sold on easy payments, irm supplies are purchased and the ?ducts of the farms are marketed >-o?entirely by the central farm. By Is method laborers are trained to born o Independent farmers and landrners, and It la not unusual for a ilonlst to clear $1,600 a year. They ^re their own community church, a hool for the children and night hools for adults. The plan Is In no mse philanthropic, but Is establlabI on str)ot economic principles. Large acts of cutorer lends are being ought under the plow In this way. id otherwise useless land Is made to eld good profits. So successful has sen this undertaking from the ecosmic, educational and moral points ol lew that a plan for the establishment ' a colony of Hollanders on a 1.000:re farm in the same state has been erfected. On a similar plan a Farm oraes association for establishing Ity and town people on large tract! r unused land In Missouri has been lunched, similar associations are In ractlcal operation In Arkansas, an4 ^operative farming Is being con im plated on the cutorer timber Tandi long the Columbia rlrer In Oregon his movement has acquired such ai npetus for the morsl and social up ft of the laboring class that It standi *th as one of the most practlca lana hitherto put In operation foi trengthenlng the forces that maki >r the conservation and extension o or modern rural life. VHAT ALL STATES REQUIRE Itlrens of Every Commonwealth Should Bead Carefully and Heed Advice of Professor Holden. Professor Holden of Iowa Is quote* a saying to an Iowa farmers' meet ag: "But why direct our energy In i rarfare out of which can ceme n< ;ood. Let all stand for a bigger reatcr Iowa We need to be up am naking Iowa sentiment. T^vgt I rbat Is most needed now. Callfornli fould almost die were It not for sent! nent. We need Iowa sentiment W houM sing it, preach it teach It vrite It We want to use Iowa-mad 'ivuta and A*t Tnwa prnwn nrn/lii?li fou understand that when we buy 1111 io1?-roade goods, then Illinois has tb noney and we hare only the goods. 1 ire buy Iowa-made goods, then low; las both the money and the goodi Ks Iowa becomes a great agriculture itate, It will become. If the proper set Iment'ls built up, a great manufactui ng state. We want the men her making goods and eating our producti We need to build up our social sent nent In every neighborhood. low must be more social. In Mlehlgn there Is sn average of thtrty-flvq e< ctal and educational clnbs In ever sounty. and we don't hear of farmer moving out of Michigan very muc! and you don't see the farmers' cbl irer. moving Into c'.tles and towm Sentiment, social and educational Iff. need our attention more than Jealou bickering" Every citizen In every stato shonl rarefuliy read and heed tha ad vie given by Professor Holden. / Great excitement baa been cause In London becaeae the ktng and quae went to a vaudeville show. Whs they want now Is to get up a ooi rent Ion on Q* American plan tf tha wtafc to be *p to data In tbHr aaaai ments and want some excttamai which la msdly worth whfH. A Ifaw Jaraay man pats In a dab tpr an Invention hy which pans oa be-made to grow hy aiectrtdty. Thi amy be aB right, hat If tha New Jm say man dealr? togsa aa a real be* fhetor ef Ms ease ho will, perfect tl fovea Hon so that. H wlU prohlh weeds from growing bf electricity. w ?v_. 5-' j * ' tfec Acricrfhofct H?t? aomathlat to ?rt tar and tbao Work for th It to bottor to bo olaaa and mH Uu la bo dtrty ul whola. Aca ftraa good adrtoa whan K la ao looaor abl* to giro a haul ocampta. A wotl-Oiad farmer la mmSt good ait aall?nl beoauae ho la goodK Ml pay to Who a alara a* yniiiadr. BO aathr how loot tha pay k . Mobody nrar ttnad a? a Mac lor hot waathar that haat pan aaM watar. oaewmr "'afim U aatha* aatM to ISafar&sKftcd Who root aod rot out. Cha il tha Aiat thlaaa a aaaa who tataoda to ho popalar maat taara la to play to tha canary. "Nina pamona oat to a pcaahl* ton ara dlaaatlaSad althar with what thay haTo or wtth what Ibay haTant." Taha an lnroloa of roar pro party onco a yaar, ao yoa wffl know what ran ana worth In dollar* and cent*. Olra tha hoya a ohanoo to maha rood on tha [arm balora IMC haaa a chanoa to maha bad ?i.? eh ara olaa. Mo matur how aoooarnodattog a natch bor may ha U ha la narOiaa ahoot hla Uraatock you wlah lor mora dlatanoa batwaan you. Tho man with a claar cooeotaace aad patcbaa ao hla traoaara pat* mm oat Of thla world than tha aaaa who Coaa bayond hla maaaa to ho faahlna Tho oaly kind of crafting tha ooom try win atand for. la. that proctload by farm ara to their orchard* In tha aprtnc. aad It la tha oaly kind that paya Tha world baa for oa fact what wo nave ror 1L It Is ? great whispering gallery which flings back the echo of our voices. IX we laugh. It laughs back; If we curse It curses back. Don't stick at house every- day an through the summer. The wife and the boys and girls will be brighter sad fresher for good work If they get a fine ride or a nloe little trip occasionally. FAILURES OF MANY FARMERS t r - Trouble May Easily Be Traced Baok - to Poor Management and the Lack of Co-operation. Were we to sum up tbe failures of many of our farmers' elevators w? could esfily trace the trouble back tc poor management aod lack pi bar mony on the part of the shareholders, write* C. Bollee In the Ffrm, Stock and Home. Quite often all goes Vfell , until a competing elevator raises the ; pries m then many give tbelr owe ' elevator the go by in order to grab the unwarranted raise. Another potent 1 factor la trying to work on too close a margin instead of taking a good ' margin and giving It back In largei dividends. No one ever made any 1 thing In cutting prices?at least not j In the elevator business. Actual oases in our section serve to Illustrate these points. One asso 1 elation used a four per- cent margii ' and 8hlppedveot the grain as soon ai 1 possible. Were a stockholder to sbl] l" on his own hook tfrV pay a cent ah< ' half elevator charges while an outsid " er paid three cents for tbe same prlv r liege. Although at times there wen ? variances In tha prices of this ant the old elevator yet the farmers' tool only their accustomed margin am . stopped at that Tn addition to has dllng grain this elevator also ran sid< lines of hardware-nad lumber. Then i were casea where fanners saved flv> dollars on a thlrty-flvo dollar ImpU ment and twenty-five dollars on a on hundred and fifty dollar building. Thl * elevator ran for several years an< : paid from three to twenty-three pe cent, dividends, but In the end It cam - w >??wo?u iwi miuigcmiia 9 and trouble among the shareholders. The adjoining town had $2,400 pal 9 In and then borrowed enough to boll s a $4,000 elevator and have a bit t s start on. After running four year I- this fanners' elerator had accunu e lated $4,000 worth of debts and a be* t, of Indifference among the sharehoU e ers. The result was that the bulldln i. was aold for the Indebtedness. Thl I- failure could be traced to very poo e management, guessing at the weigh f of each car shipped out, using to a distant markets, dabbling on th u "street" and bucking an old time el< d rator. Its competitor.. i- One significant tact was brought ov p- In this case. As soon as the elevate e changed hands the new owners broa< i. ened bis grain margin by flr# cent I- and enough on lire stock to make hli a decidedly safe. n A neighboring Tillage to these tw >- mentioned, ushered In a farmers' el? y vstor under almost t%ie identical ooi s ditlons as given In the last lnstano l, Yet In this esse they have had goo 1- managers and shareholders who bav i. stuck together. They hare paid dlv ?, dends, often reaching seventeen ps is cent, and have brought grain and po vision values to where they, sheul d be. In addition to grain this farmer e elevator also handles fruits, veget blea and live stock.d A prisoner In the jail at a Mew Tor ? town was examined for hie sanity b " cause be insisted bp a shower bat 1" srery twenty mtottss. Ooosfdsrln I the recent atate of the torn perm tur hie demand will strike many as em ??>Ur uu, rate fad wraVite . i : t Tb. fraoon. ' BpanUb arlramm-" I rani rraptog harrut <tf pni ? iron lb. craMKr at tl. Araralc. " aoatlnsaat ot th* data at vbon K ! r; tran kaowa a U MA ar* * ?Mr annate. lteHMb la a* at " tbat to array araraatHa It >limi tl . ?. ' '* Ua|M llfnh??t? niiBMa of aaa4nn4.ll *' '"W*414W?# " C*^4 ~ bU Om* and KMf Freeh Stock on Hla thslvea. August la a month la wblA novo paper advcrtiaeaiMiUi arc m*v1/ ffl watched foe and zaad *?ry closely. Man/ peopia *ave dMcrrad guying arUelfc of wrn?* ?MM4 <P?*K jfca preeent time. Ht#>? watnhtag tho column* ot the newopaper carafuh Ip toe the WtoPhMm torltntfeo to them to com* to their ofrt* apd to apeot thotr Otoeha and ptlcno. Tb.ro am monjr otbora wbp purobMe itofe )M? ft . tad *P?T*Vrto i^Sm tho merchandise The merchant who odrerttoee In 4orut to not the toon who totto to Mil hta ooaooonhlo moo chmndUo *nO Who'to Oompellod to hta U op no MOW It nwny to ho otoplajred on hi. ehaMto and count or. a?t oooioh. whom ity too km itntatM 044 thotw to JMUa or no damnnd toe " tho ooodo ho otoilol otter nod which ' ho to thto tooodd to dtopoM ot tot o trifle. ? i>. : ?w/ Nowopnpcr noOm roolloo that tho 1 mh merchant to tho one who nlwor* g hoo n nlda. now, olean. rroah otock of , food* to ohow ooatotooro each oiaoio during tho OOar Tho raluo that nowapoper adrertto- 1 log to to an? merchant dependa oo 1 tho kind ot n aowopapoi bo uata no 1 wall oa tho etratatlon tho oawopopo1 1 haa A newspaper that la rood bjr tho | moot people not onlj hi I to homo dtr , hot In tho cttloo and towna aurrouod- . tog. to tho boat modium throogh ' which to ranch the poopto. Tho paid t circulation that n paper haa to whht tho lira merchant buy. -Ho wnoto to V ranch tho people and ho leea tho pn. par that the people rood. The lire ms reliant knows that the people rend c the newspaper they hare confidence . In and respect for, and they aleo know that an advertisement tn a newspaper of that character li worth more than ; It ia In a newspaper that has scarcely any circulation tn surrounding territory. People have confidence In the paper they read and no one understands this better than the really lire ' merchant. ! CANDID ADVERTISING NEEDED v Deliberate Misstatement Regarding Goods Means Bueineee tuloide In the End. | Time was when even reputable rner, chants lacked full candor In their a& > vertlslng. It was argued?by people , with ridiculous Ideas of the alms and I purposes of advertising?that the peor pie would only believe a small part of . what an advertiser claimed, anyhow; t hence It behooved him to exaggerate accordingly, so that after the reader's i deductions for exaggerations had bbeu . liberally made, a basis of truth would j remain. % i As this was always a false argument ^ It has been exploded?to stay ex1 ploded! - Self-respeotlng, thinking people are w the people who read ads nowadays, s And to deliberately mlsetate a fact in 1 advertising now Is simply a species of It attempted business suicide. 1 A store which would thus forfeit f. the confidence or respect of all honeft s people would soon find out that there s were not enough dishonest people?or ? people who would condone dishonest y advertising?in this town to support a the smallest store In It. s You may read the ads nowadays 1 with the satisfying knowledge tliat adr vertlsers realise that falsehoqd la bust, e ness suicide?unfailingly! ,t Candid advertising Is necessary nowadays. i d ? o Try Halo for Dyspepsia, Indtgesa tlon and Constipation. Guaranteed. * For sale at Hardy's Drug Store. P 8-29-lm a NOTICE. * North Carolina?Beaufort County. Q In the Superior Court?Before the e Clerk. ?. Washington Hone Exchange Co., (a corporation) vs. The Heirs at Law * of John E. Brown, deceased, and 'r Joe Nelson. g The defendants above named, will B take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced In the 0 Superior Court of Beaufort County, * to obtain an order of Court, to the ** end that execution may isdhe on a ^ certain lodgment obtained by the ,e Plaintiff against John E. Brown, i. dated May 30th, 1900, and recorded rr la the office of the Clerk of the > Superior Court for Beaufort Coun1 ** ( And the said defendants will farther take notice that they are re* quired to appear before the Clerk of ft the Superior Court for Beaufort " County, at his office In Washington, 2 on Monday, September 30th, 1913, J at 10 o'clock, A. M.. and then and j. there to answer or demur to the petition filed in this oause. And the defendants 'will further to take notice that unless 'they do so " Mpw. ptolntlf vOl ?pp)7 to tt, * Court (or tbo MUX <muM 1* I Uld petition. M OBO. A. PAVL, ' m I Clw? Soporlor Coort. ? Tkla ITU top tt Anpoot, 1P1J. MM*, ; r&&. yV'i&Tif?' -."jD rfcedCottoni^ge 12 1Jou^rmAnd^lWt In Ironclad Galafeaa in al You can find Glnghtmi want lp any color al 10, 12 1-2 You will not make any l , before buying your fall su THE TheHome of C MONDAY. SEPTEMBER ?, 1111. ] if i< a it* I Unrla* ChtekKU ... .. It aa4 IM. irown Chlck*n?. **ck .. .. 10 to tt I l***Wax .. .... .. .. 170. I oat Ola*, **ek ..10* to It* " ?"tot ^.n tatalOc kaaoakowk ... *. . .to* to to* | allow 4 c. Jtt Hat kid**, ft Ik 14* | toy **lt hid**. i*t lb 11* I toy hldaa, 4*0*0, 0*0 tk... 4* to 4? I Ireen Hide* 1 .. . . Uo ' 1mf okia tiat at* I t*ao lUa aalt U* | 5 00 do*** aao will br**k aay | am of Chills 4k Perer; ul If Uheo hen m ton to the Fever will sot re- 1 nrn. Price tie. I Try a Daily Ne McCo ' Mowers and Rs Use in Taking C We have ther better made. HARRIS HAI NOTICE. North Carolina?Beaufort Cbunty. Superior Court?Before the Clerk. Moves Doughty and Others n. Stephen Doughty and Benjamin Doughty. The defendants, Benjamin Doughty and Stephen Doughty, above named, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Beaufort County, N. C., before the Clerk for the purpose of selling Real Estate of the Plaintiffs and Defendants for a division, in which said Real Estate the defendants own an interest, and the said defendants will further take notice that thev are reanlred to an pear before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Beaufort County. N. C., at bla office In the Court House In Washington. N. C.. on Monde#, September SOth, 1912, at 19 m.. and answer or demur to the Petition in said action, or the Plaintiffs wil apply to the Court for the relief demanded. This August 90th. 1919. GEO. A. PAUL. 8-29-law-4w C.8.C. Mr. J. H. Ham, of Charlotte, is on our streets today. Uc Ugkt lilts WANTED Apply to mar s Depiu*tment If show-] I that was 18 to 20c. val-1 1 b I Pin Stripe, la JMoa, I 11 Jof newer colon fct I ^ In any tiling that y ou I y nlsUke to look tea over I HUB I . . . -.'[ 'V --a mmmmmmmmmmmmammmmm Hi fri^yijlUf^ftiij We Redeem COU PONS ( FOR E.Z. Seal Jan ? . I . ;.i ?THE- > VUALfl V UKUURY WALTER CttftE ( CO. - , it PWtw to V 92. * WiP**, -*<? .*1. > ' iws Want Ad. irmick : i t | ikes are Best to are of Your Hay n on sale. None tDWARE CQ. | LIIIE tltWE r | SZZ5Z55I r'. rifi"* ? f>T ftefflf WTTH inicir iTTirinn A pcrformance^edual so the beat, and not a dnll moment from start to finish.. A brind new program every lew days. LAUGH AND GROW FAT There it a laugh [coming every min ate; and a good heantly laugh la the beat of all tonics. Throw your pills to the dogs, then ooaaa and see onr new senes of aide splitters. Metic gsatis. \ ' Lyric Theater ;?f> >- JvV (> TODAY'! PROGRAM: P > 1 -Ji*- ' ,' ' ' >'??' THK DESERT AWKKTHBART 8, aad A. Dnna wtth M. Mum PICTTRB IDOL. A Vlup ?|? Dr?iii A HODHAN PORTIA, A UHl ?l ... , ,riii.. '/.' ... AdmlMlon - ScRlto RT*4 FROM T NI.llRP. M. Tfck Ad R >????< D?fll j|

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