' t -t^hHI J||jj yfiil % > ' . ?T- v*-, Rev. H. D. Searigbt Dillrer Function of Law. ' ' " flood aonaregatlon. wore preaet at tUflnt'nddttlu church ??, day, ud a cordial welcome waa fire * tho MMhJaUIr occaalon T>f"hl tala annual ra^tfc?^2?<5* morI tag; Mo. Searlght .poke oa?the toll . of the w?a>a*who watJtealed h ai rrtplr touching the' MWIt)1 W lor"o garment. 1 iL'l* " ' AT the. creahic service he . dk couracil on the Function of Law. an tho doty ohni?llliu and'Ontorein the law. ot oat land. - Ttnt text waa ' Lawleaa aad Blaobodleot. for the Ui arueolled to the lncrenaltig lawlea provalls among the American pe< la. CondWoaW xheft'' "OoZe co. trajfe^ w|th.thp ro?er*n.e lor Ja and authority which axlata In Kni land^-eC k m murders fa Cbleat in ?be year; only 10 In London in year*. Crime .U bot punished aa ahouidto^^i. u I tflWl!HW1 yt |u>; I* The enforcement of dlaclplti in the home, that cBlldren may leai 1 oaiu lu a tbo^lih?iVv' - 1. itWjKitNp m yrmctice . *" ~ast_jaaa-x?tufl.jw ?* IiImmi to towitr uplift ti ttotod. of publto life and aoaatt tovtal the maifeupMitor cltV to mi pTjnfelifemipupl i nan. lieu :<> snfe Ptorfefend U? liquor latere Crltoe abouado and .tewitoaot a toroed. / ? Cbrtotiau elttaea." M the l|lafcaa, "tan afford t6 rote' f W to?dUta5lf9r.s?9?-rt??J? Ml aebec, boaaetd iadaetriorm,* law-abt ^ k?t way to dok tliU In to. h ring the , to Christ and build thorn np Chrtfcttan clunnctwaad*'conduct. n^Min TEAR HI LYRIC IDEATE ,/t ' * ' -??< ?~f. ?.!? ia?5*s!?*l or t(e aeaaoii, baa. bean plated ( Zl'STLiS^'SL'^Sfi tfca beweM^fMlif I?( E,d oonippy. A be,pdt^of thte nature If,. ?X,f and ahbd'ld to wall' pa^patocd,,, t re bopa ore 4 working. hard to b thsm * hos?j^on^dJ&*_rpceli from this benefit will be applied b auta i?*' 'vv . "\ W?ilt*aw?el|fptW?toXifm>a I pear later 19 tbls po*** and It is Vi hoped that they will be siren V* liberal nliiMmgi T ' -? Ht1.; ' ' ' ? g|;v 1 Weteer.Heha, >-8epft tTO&??h* , broaden and-dedlerlfifrwii wif M p.'' tlona of ffie country pothered h? today for th*-*pentug of the tarsi auction Baluol; eheep' eror eetf?s?t la thfr,Halve* Btetee. Thoeahe! ? \ laat two lap and will compriee.l (?0 , thoroughbred aad . regt.ter sheep. the property at the lepolva BotterAald Uveetock Compear. T 'A. Hot of animate to (o under thai at tloneer'e hammer ineludee to* Re boutllet run, *oa Delalne-Merl rami, ?op Hampeblre ram lambet a eeveral thoueand . full blood Ha boulllet, Delelnr end Rampah KjS:awea. j" . Rer. Mr BrlekhoUie, a young a promielug dlrlne of Creawell, N. * Piled (bo pulpit -?t the Flret Bapt church laat Bonder morning ? evening and thoee who war* pram were limply delighted a meml fcf . Meant ate tee that both eermona baa not beard aerpaeaed in 4u i awhile Mr. Brhkbouih Piled the pulpit the abeence or the peetor, Rer. IT Helton, who to eeeletlng In a eertee aioetlnga at' Belharen ? . / . ' > ' ' ' >:-Wft - ' r .3;m i Throng*-of People Gather at Statlo^to Calcl> GUmpae of Noted Outlaw a t Roanoke,. Vn*.. Sept. lfi? Sldna t- Alias and Waaler dwarda. arrested n la OenMslaaa. low*. Saturday aVas1 In*! charged wlilr tsklnr part in the n shooting tip of Carroll Couiity Clourt i- at HUlSTlUe, ware brought here yew h terday, arriving eh'' ttW noon train, y aocompanled-by W. O. BaMOln. bead f&X-SSSSTt-^tS g fir^ through jnr^om officers I. the fugitives to the Western city, also I. was witw.aatH*^* .e Despite dha. eBorta ot, the'nwthWrtl Baa, 10 heap searet the hoar of the i. -assembled at the station and watched a the outlaws ea-thru deft ntwytrhfe.' It Prom the station they were con > veyedlne,nntospebU?.t? heedeanhti era ot tha Beldwtn-Felta I*WW O ' ?** > ^ it later Ailettand Mmnuimn In behind the tan i? the clty-jall- ' '? . Dtttecllne cue Oqt'i'C le atatemaat- X eater del afternoon Poet-i tiveix danytaa that Mlae Jroter bei h Uaxed tta (acldTta Mr. Baldwin , . ?! mm* nlphalHMIj'thar ahatad at Bo knowledge whatever ef the fact id tkat atawpa bebnatadowed: M;?*' t JUKE MACAW PMISED I g ? nlLSIili. JlIM xieii. t;vVX" cdett? et The following eadtpllmentary nola. fee.wttbraraaaam do 'Waahlartoaw I'd C. Bracaw. % clippM from ttnTwiior mlartoa star ef the 11 At h. Mb deebt a It will be read With pletaore bp the a- one-weeh terai ef t^e Sepertop Oetrff e, which convened Monday to try crlmlte aal caaea. cteaed thla evening. Durim the the tern mnch bmia aaa haa been ste jsiwaaRaas ' tSStSShZkSai&R do not boll eve any Jydge has erer woo tho respect 'and edt8IW of our J) people in eq high a dftfree tjg ?> fhort ? lime, to Know juuge oragaw u to . lose and admire him: Bolieltor Sin04 clalr > ' M weir-Xooten hore miChe o* to.ragprdotj u one of, par, .Mf,,?.# re speed Sender with his family la rayre etterTllo end'ha In EDlm both town Mayday. r Judge Brtgaw wlU. sp^nd. ? 8ond|jf here and go to ja^g^thpspr^ onday morning to hold courLJ^r* fri ' ,y. V-'e > i ' - 0*0 \ E iteHEiraittS - :t ENTERTAINS AT SUISSE to . * > >#? ?' wv s^l tt fihtidn* ftiftf* * teW'ArdeUne ^fthjBp^j'aefl^t'1 liMw? ?i?* " Friday afternoon-,at,,her hospe.;corJj* n,r of Second and Pearoeetrteta. ' Miss Mayo was at boms from lour fo plxsand entertained In hbnor of Km . Fairy and. Mrs.' Mai pane, of Orangeire burg. 8- C.. who are visiting I Vra. !*' Walter Wolfe. OA West SMond street; w Dellptone and temgtldc refreahmenta were served: and Hiaa Mayo again proved a moet charming hoateia. The * function Was thoroughly enjoyed. " Merriment and pleasure reigned durh* log ^be entire' aftornoon. . ^ MGf n'CQWrg 00N8B0RATI01f._ a ' Philadelphia,. Par,- Rapt.' lTr?The m~ Right Rev. Monaignor John J. Molr? Cort waa today consecrated auxiliary bishop of the Ropian Catholic diocese ol Philadelphia with1 the title of bishop of Asotus- The ceremony nd too*' place in the cathedral In the C.. preeeuee of a large 'aseemblage of lit blshope. clergy and laymen. The nd complete rltnallatlc ceremony of the rat church was carried out In the conee>cr cration. Archbishop Prendergaat of-, he Delated ae chief coneecrator and Jhe It# Right Rev. Monilgoore Meberlu preached the conaecratloh stnnon. P. MIPS M. Chprry, of River Road of station, 1. . Waahlegpcy, .1.1,or ?. W.MHUIOTaN, NORTH Probably # >' ? ? > .mini.?T %i *>** ?'>"' *?+ " ItfV"1 I. a expected t4 arrive l? the city tliis afternoon foi the purpose of taking charge of th< In ill Inery department of T, W. Phil lips and Company for the cominj season. Mlaa Willie cornea from Bal timore and la highly commended fo her taste and skill as a trimmer. Mr. P. SUlJay, of Bdwaig, N. C was a passenger on tha Wasfclngtoi and Taadamers train thla mornini He returned to his home thla after noon. ii <- >' *??'- fbjSfr? . * c j. -11 ^Mi&2s? J-3 i ?-4 _ --> i - .. -. ^ wt7 ICKED OUT OF THE foh Ww?v:*??lS&$ w x '? X^J^yg?kr.,i( " j, - }.'^0r * ?Ni r u m . ip. ^:^|KpMM^Z 5k / V r*M '' * 1" J ' * ?w ? ?H.||?| tM Ilk in I 'f ii.lt I ft IT ril uttTM lEnsjflWWwiHu . ; k t? ^??4? iri *? ' ?? ?% '< :. AikM WItor IWIf'Nlli*' " * * W > ** ,1 I4 "Wuf iiisue dftlis "WaJhlokton Halfc tiiwt- 1911.. ?? ?'"?. l|? 1*1 t mm W-M article entitled. Co. Chalrma*?aya Vke " Cpa. Vole 111-, It rt? r j)re?wm?tl that tfu* Qoanty Ctatrmam ' known what* He-to taHttaC-'about. ? aaawer to tin euarr-Ve-ewn .*???>. Itaan vote In- the "primary to He Uetil IMBBg J" W"? mhllcan artahra, to . .rote. He matt awaar to anMmrt-the DeWiodrwtte ticket In Hattoei"Ttat? and' Cobntyr" ! TV*. *?"}? ,?V> 'M ?! ? th? ftepht/UCan National Tlckat arid (He Darpocya?ic,$tait Tic*e?AH? canfuit be,conal*anad,a??OTOMat,ec -ordiOK to tha-'rnllag cf enr COMty Chairman I Can he vote in a Dottff, oratio Primaryt The County"Chalt, man taa-atrecfy ahewefed'for'tm-^ , NO I "" ' f ^'rtien' t mWWwSVi 1 mfe wrijt rnUn?..fian.tha,a*alrr I man ot lis .County Board ol.iteo. 1 Wmya vote In ,a Uamocratto' Prhnarvt ' Folka-kaort- .btrwdba - Votaa la- t*x& retail though libIrr. The "Coont? il Chairman tHS hjrretB'tfalU aiotler f fdialftnien,,jt>a.?inalataat , .?t; . , \+Ht& >n i W-wreftt * t ucih, jr?u WTR51, iwi jsoa iorgw. -> ' ? A DEMOCRATIC VOTER * ' J **- *** *>? ?** * i, JjSjf ajBc&Kjpl ' tj^t' '?!?<" H J .! 1 ' OVlM** I I (I>9? The Oxford Puttie M(lt > r I We btwwfth iMdate the i-necoM of MHnor KtuliM^ffTHlf stftieth for xxixrr.-' ^.. &ip$a , M It" h? dencrtr?iOen?r?ns.|e I caarar the Stat* for (Kitinix. His [ record an. Uontnarh ?o? Than I that of Oo^Mhsi 'U'OotMM^ H?e I" his record month by friorflh for'lhe ' nrrrnkiri nf'IfTOT fl- ''' ' IMceMber. sotin* J. ****hrr' W?#0--. . -r In'.rise v Fdlv^7r 1) not noOnc a. March, votiag ?; answered frsaewt >1 no? vi)Un? 4. if.V V ApcH.vritmsr 10: not veered ha, 2 : ;-?8h?SS?SS timer: .rsswered .present, .1 ttmn; 1 not rotiaa 178. How Is that for representation? Vet nyoeiNVJKUebia fas the fas. <>t this asks the doMfs tt. return him to ? INK: ?($* 1 ? PROMINENT NEWSPAPER MAN. 8 Amone the many prominent Rlch mond cltisens here yesterday on the l Richmond Booster Tonr 1912. was - Mr. Allan Potts, managing editor ofr r the Richmond Tlmes-Dlipetch. Iff. Potts Is well sad ItmsMy known la the South at . newspaper man snd . Washington was mere than (tad to a hare him as a visitor. [< .1 Mr. J. T. Htn, of Wilson, N. C., was on oar streets this memlng. " f -" t'.\?"14 .SK't > i romorrow ?r ? " r \ | 2U$*9(' . *! ti" yVvE^ Bf; ' H* " kw; - vft /vljs <- t f '1 ?? f First Statewide a> 171 It II Election n e id In Arkansas Prohibition Was Defeated By a Majority of 13,000., Other Elettkms in Nc_ -^0^ Cincinnati, Ohio, Sept. if.?Tha state-wide prohibition election la Jjt|uum, la which- prohibition vu defeated by a majority- or oyer 16.000, in the ft rat Btnte-wlde prohibition fectlon of tbo BTooont jcttr. 8ut?rjin"'."" 'Only the following (Utea are now uader prohibition: Georgia, Kansas. Maine. Mississippi, North Carolina, jlprth Dakota, Oklahoma and Tennessee. Texas voted on Stata-wlde profrlw bltion in 1911 and defeated It Mime Voted on the rebekl hf 'the'eonitltV tional provlsTShT And. whlel defeated the result showed a change from 'dry" to "wet" o# 10,000 Votes from "the previous elecA&rf! aid thin in an enormously incre'is&d vote, < 4 , A few days ago* Ohio* repudiated -Its present system or eattawleg the ttquor business by -a system' of taktrt!on, which prohibffed'license and Shade impossible Jfce pTbpcx tegular tlon and control ef the business. It fubstltuted therefore it eohstlW tlonal amendrrii?% making Jkens^ mandatory and. in the Judgment of tie beet legal talent In tho State, 'cioeee thy^qgr;: against st&te-wldf prohibition. f A * The. .liberal. lurce8 of - tbe various States which have voted recently on |prohibitlon, are declaring that both ^Colorado and West Virginia will remain "wet" the November ejection*, and^ that Georgia atvd Je^nea &'win repudiate prohibition in the heir future. VfvV.? y. > vv> x- IIS. F. 1. SHORT IS ; HERE FOR TREAM i \ - ' ? r Mr* Prink #f. BhSrt has beer "brought1 to the Waifhlng^dn Hospital from Buffalo Llthla Springs, Vs., roi .treatment. While at Buffalo Llthis Mrs. phort was taken 111 and !n con Mftuence returns to her former home Her manr friends throughout tHt tflty wilt be pained *tb learn of "hef Indlspoaittpn and everyone wishes bet a speedy recovery. She was accom #ajiled tA. the. etty by -her husband Mr. F. H. Short. vmtronri TO CITY. t ' Mr. and lira. J. B. Trenholm am little daughter. See, qf wTlmlerten N. C.. art the sueats o( lire. Waltei E. Jcase, en Fourth at rent, thati t^eey frienda.are (tad to eae than. .HJU.K.L. BROOKS ILL. UalVeiaal regret *111 be expresses en leeralaf the lUnee* of Mrs a. L Brooke 'at her homo ea Best Mall street. Her speedy reoorery to kealtl B wished for f>J her naay friend throughout the city. i ' Mm" #; Dally New* Correspondent Writes Interaattasly of Recent Primary. ,ny? The noise Of battle has passed ! away and the candidates nominated. While we may not be pleased with every -turn o^events and some of ub may be disappointed at the failure of ojffindividual choice, still.it is ouf ftmir ?. p?#i if?l.r fa! i?Hr 'round | the flsf of thejyictors and. preserve I 1 The deepest regret of ihe writer is that V there were so many good men to be f defeated, hut Jf each man in his loy: alty - td the, party w'lH say with Job 12 :16: "Though ha slay'me, yet} J wlli.I trus^ injjlm, but.I will mainwe need not aacrlflce a principle or beoaoie tsas.hoftorsd oy i^eapeeted, but | become " better mettle by having | passed through the Are Of refinement. '"While the' political' situation has I' Whey all-absdibing and, perhaps, ' justly so, w'e should not overlook 2 Beaufort County meets in Bath Octo; bar 11, 1912. {The object of this meeting isto discuss the various phases of agriculture* with a view to i the Hd'?iiUrmtnl of farm-life from a mental and moral, [ hlTVeU hs flaahclal' standpoint.. The chief interest in the meetings in the past has centered in'the guano qoestlgn, which .should be one of the he, been too little said about the marketfnwNof '"crops, dfainage, Improved methods of cultivating, good seed add the present tenent system, and lta tendencies. The present tenant kystena should be discussed. It la a growing evil which seems to attract ^ttlb attention a and still is iii:w W fiW'ltotlTuffoWr- The last census ' sherw that fnlbree of' the great agricultural States of the Middle West, Illinois, Indiana and Iowa, the toMI nsmbfi-; of .tern*i?ed In ten years frbm 714,670 to 684,410, which means that- 30.260 individual farms have been absorbed in these Statist *?d other section^ are showing | P- tlkaillsr or greater delimitation, gain, 37 per cent, ot the farming in thebe-States Is'done by the tenant system a"nd the South' 50 .per cent, decline of the great Roman em. plre began when the rich land ownera-moved to tne Imperial City, after ' tenanting the laird out to their alay?i." The Ci^rse of Ireland for generations has been .the absent land lord..'.The rich owners of the soil seli dort saw their holdings.-while wring, Ijtf'frott ft y~?per1z4d tenantry the ' 'utmbst farthing that they might live in luxury In Lohdon or elsewhere. Them cmimttpanaiflg. u. iuaft:nniii=: ; possibly- for -the-tenant* .to becomei , land owners, which meant-either the enslavement or exodus of the.-people. CnnHtllnna Knrn -At -??? * "J stage pi a strlcun menace with us, I but figures, show .that-we -are approaching Urn stage whidh completely overthr^ Home and reduced the I population of Ireland 50 per cent., or more then 4,000,000 In half a cen-l liiry. Denmark faced a similar con-1 dition, which, w*? averted by gov-; ( ernment&l interference. The old feud-; al system of land tenure was broken I up and the large estates were divided into small holdings. The farm | i laborer with a good character andj r five years experience may obtain money from the government with 1 which he buys a small farm and-.its fixtures. In this way .Denmark, instead of being a pauperised kingdom. > has become on^ of the leading agri cultural countries of Europe, with F schools of science in which the young I are taught the secret* of farming) , and experts to show farmers the beet 1 methods of rotation, tillage, .seed aej lection and marketing. These .are some of the ideas that | should be discussed, others of course. I will prsasnt themselves., T I We propose to make this meeting1 r one of this best in the history of the; r union. There wilt .be a picnic to which everybody l? Invited. We ViA ti, enlint th. aid of IH< nearby nntobn and of the Individual, ao that I people who visit as win not aay we - are hard ran or labonpltahle Ttrere i will ha a peak era of note and tha da? I win. ha made an plaaaant for all aa i conditio aa will permit. Don't tawtot tha. date nor the baakct. P I No. -38 r J'".j " "T!,: r t ' # >' ? ': a tariff tax of SO per cent. ITbe worn-- t.? '. J?A en are particularly struck with~th4se articles and express great indignation at what they call * nutting a shameful tax on the babies.";**! ->t*" n "I don't .k?ow- 'jnuuh -about.gb 11* ~ ju r .j tics," declared . one ; woman:'setter 'A. studying the mode* .ffaL fee 'halt ?n < u J bout, "but I'm cotac rtab. hnxar to my , husband, who is a- Republican, and tallJ&im he mnet:*o?Td:*>r:WiISon or the , b&bie* ..*aad ,J .jTOtfi ?*i-on Bt^ika.*Jt,. Jt.:i ItrcifC iu\.: c! fy'fSt" A not hex article that attracts mush *? attention is a dotted i series-dree*. fBhe >. material, made in New England; easts ' * $2.75 In the United States and only $1.87 in England, because d the high tariff, v, . . -..'1 itr-I fcrr^qs fc.:" \V5 Congressman Willi am G. Re tiff e hi, ' the Democratic tariff expert,- maSdfe ar ??';?} : j big hit at one-ot the noonday meetings at the Exhibit. with a^dsket of ^ potatoes. After pointing that the ?"*. ' tariff tax on potatoes rwna <*4- tiam . \[a the tax on real estate-4n New York City, the Congressman . showed ,that during the firat three mohlhWiOfi this -i1 . ,*? year, when the crop shortage, made necessary large lmportaUona'f t pots-'?.- ui toes from. Scotland,.-Americans paid i. $18,783 in tariff taxaa on. potatoes vvitj * every day. ? RECORDER'S COURT LIVELY V;' YESTERSAr MORNING - ~,The Recorder's Court .was more than lively on /esterdiy as there <; . were several bates before Hbcdfder " ' 1 Grimes for ttlgl/' . Levy Reddttt. Spencer Redd i t t and Sabrla Reddltt were indicted for disorderly conduct. They were found ? guilty and each f)ned $1 and onethird of the cost. Levy Reddltt w? charged with assaulting Henry Reeves. Judgment wis suspended upon this payment, of cost. David Sermons wag charged w)th being drunk and disorderly. . Re waa , adjudged guilty and fined $2 and cost " J. C. Mayo was also indicted for being drunk and disorderly. He was fined 12 and cost. Mr. M. A. Ballance, of Wyaocklng, N. *?,, is registry at Hetsi LoaWe. / * 'A new ADVBtnminrM Mt ' GOAV'S JfMWS A. 6. Hathaway. *. G. Training flobooL ' J. U O'Qnlnn. 1 H. aiwk* ui Sou. Z?mo ' ' ;?>- S 'I WlUon Pnekta Cmm. \j|