v i 1 i /VOL. 4. V v ' r, DESli S.JM if If I I Killed His Wife Fc Will be Put to Week Massachu! !' 7*"'., i .W^v? H*-. . I 1 Boston, Km, ds?t. lft.?Cheater fl- JoT^AD. who killed fcli wife four o.tkiu mouth, hue been tak?u from the Juli in East Cambridge to r -? ? *tpte_?. prison In QhtrlMlo.il, <if +i*mu> nwnlt de?th In the electric chelr In aecordnncs with tho sentence of tht cotrt. According to this wostsmoo tho so tod prisoner, whose case has attracted country-wide attorn ties, wilt ho put td death early la the com In* Wd?* . Jordnn'tn a brother-ln-lew ot Jesse UTtraoie, Mo Mall Wan nicest ptnnsar, who Is repeted to hn?s made eereral million dollars.In cotton apecnlatlon tost year* ngo. Por four yeuh l.lasrmore haa apent freely of his Immsseo fnrtnae in n ynln effort to on to Mo tolfftlTh rrom tho death ohalr." mjM) Jawysm In Maaaachoaetta wof? MCnlasd as eonnsel and the cone was esrrlsd to the Supreme Coert of tbs.UMtM Stetee Tho only , reeult wee to obtain tor the prisoner a short respite while bin usee woe awaiting erggment before tho hlghLtff* tribune! la ths land. ' OOctela of U? t**t Combrldgo Jdl. -b.ro JortUa tu boon oo.bnod for four yddid,. declare him to be one Ol tbe aint' remarkable prisoners with which tUy \tfe ever met. from the ksar that he su arreted, while seated on a trunk In which was hidden thellltleph body ef hie elaln wife, he h%(t}?tslnid perfect com(posare. Thb lenff trial. the semtance of death, bfttk.ffce mm that the governor bad declined to Interfere amd by 0b #el*c ^ah. wiped away hid let lingering hope for life, have Called tf predeoe the slightest rate In the steady tjtpfi of hid nppearprtssOBrspsnT'ld* d+r* largely In studying the nqgrke* reports. In which hp dlflpleped Use same quiet Interest aa might a broker In hla office. Jordan's frfipe wee of-an unusually grueleome nature. Of giant build mad handsome -face, the young man had sought and found employment ?s aa actoi? aHb* ifeiring hie boyhood "home in Indianapolis. Early la his dtage carper he. met and married Mrs. Henorah Eddy." The lnarried life of ( the couple proved tempestuous. Mrs. Jordan, according to he* husband, look to fcriaklnp and associating with other ssen. This led to jealous; quarrels between the two and It was x SERVICES fM)K KJBH niii pniinpB ni-wrl inumn lumuni There %? be services again this evening St- (M Fdyne Memorial Church. Meholsonvilto, thta evening at the uiaal- Mur. * Thi pastor. Rev. . , Percy Pemberton. -law decided to continue tfce meeting which -has been in progress .tot the past ten data. , through and Including tomorrow alghf. All are moat cordially Invited to attend ,the services tonight and fhe concluding . services on Piidar I night. Much Interest has been manifested In t?e series of meetinga and much good hiu been accomplished. ? A bright fptnra awaits the Payne Memorial. # v LY Id LEAVE WASHINGTON en.? 'To) r>r Mr. H .11. Tucker and family, who bar. boon reetdln* at <10 Weat Second atroet tor tba paat rear and halt, 'jfe an to leaao Waaktn?ton tor Maury, jjp>'. Greene Cooaty, where they expect to t j make that .feWa'ttdtp fntore home. Mr Tucker take* thla courae due to y' r weakened condition of Mr*. Tucker'. )') mother, Mre. Lou Hardy. They expoot to leore afc heturdat neat. Mr. Tuckar la a trareltnc man aad notwlthatandlna that'Ma family will be Jodatad e Mew bene ke propoeee te b> > i- , v-rnake Waskrtniten kla headquarters as heretofore. His many friends wish htm sad hid family evsfy sucThe frienit of itfre. fc. L Brodki I ' will be plena** to learn that her cos* dltlon Is sonde better today./ .; 11 ifiiiattel^fiiWfiii /A8H1 ' ^ IIISHil I elem >ur Years Ago. He Death Early Next setts State Prison. . i - \ one of these quarrels that ended In the death of the wife. | The murder was committed in the (home of the couple in 8omerrlUe. In j the heat of a quarrel. according to 'Jordan's own statements, he struck his Wife and the blow caused her detlh. The husband went out and bought a butchers knife and a hack Isaw^ with which he dismembered the body. Ha revered hie wife's head, also the legs. Then he tried to destroy all traee of them by burntog ??m to to. /urnace of his home. | He put the rest cf the body in a trunk and came to Boston with the ghastly burden. Stopping at a boardlog house preliminary td taking a steadier for Phrw Ydrk[ It hap nig Intention to get rid of what remained of his wife by throwing the headleps itorso into the water while the host 'was en route for New Tork. Up to this polht all hhd gone well with the yopng murderer. But When 1 he arrayed at thewbprf he tad that J U? Mn York atrhmxr t?d t?**- S? 8 Chan hhrbd a cabman to drlcc Mm back to the board!&a taouie. Hte aereooabeas are Med the eaeptclbha of the aab drtrar and attar the latter had carried the traak to Jordhp'a rood he mentioned the matter to ail officer. The pftltcb bnapaetoti that thf trunk aalcht contain atolee rooda, aa n? to thle ttkah there trha 06 ana plcion that a murder had bean cod, mttted. Whan Ue office* entered the room and examined Ue trunk asalaet Jordan'a arotaeta thar were dumbfounded bp their a beet I; <Bacorery. When takaa to the etatton the mans man calbljr told Ue entire atarr and an ejtaffilnatiph of thf apartment In SomnMHn horn out that hon^ of the crime to hrhMh b. ^ During the trial Jordan listened to the revolting detail* of the murder with the utmoet nonchalance. Alter he had beOh convicted and sentence of death had been pswyij upon him, one of the Juror* went ihhaae. This wu fopr day* Inter. Counsel for Jordan appealed the caae on the ground that the juror had been Inaane during the trial. The Maaaachuaetta court denied. the contention and the appeal waa taken to the Supreme Court of the United 8tate*. V The latter tribunal upheld the decla- | ton of the Magaachuaetts court and Jordan wjpa sentenced for the second time to d?e In the electric chair. U ?" , ' WAR1 WELCOME AWAITS K0TED DIVINE TO CITT The entirec lty 1b looking with pleasure to the coming of Bishop Theodore Henderson, of the Mechodlst Episcopal Church, who is "to preach in the First Methodist church on next Tuesday evening. The bishop Is to visit Washington in the Interest of the college to be established here by/the M. E. church. As He Is in charge of this episcopal district according to the plan of visitation by t^be M. E. church, he Is in direct charge of this work. Bishop rfjud?j-son'8 residence is Chattanooga, Tana. Hp is one of the church's strongest men and no doubt will be heard by a large attentive andie'nce. Special music is being provided for the ' occasion. A warm we come awaits him to Washington by all classes of cltisens. Bishop Henderson represents one of the strongest religions bodies In the world and ocsuptes a high place tn the episcopacy of his church. ? DANCB TOMORROW NIGHT. Ths Country Clob will give a dance at the Country Club pavilion tomorrow night. Quite a number of yo^ng people will attend. MR. WA1XTNG BUTTER. Tko condition of Mr. W. B. Woll1ns ! rwportod to ko moro forornklo today. In yootorday'o Dally N**l If wan ntalad tkat hit condition wu critical. HI* friend, ere sow mora kopnfui no to hi, reeoTcry. r " ' j." .' Him. ]. H. Roepeee end N. W. < Pool, of Psbgo, N. 0., ore Ttflteroy> i aw-ev.- ' i NG3J -wushwoton. north ca1 f?rptmt>iy F? 1^1 behefit^r; /II. liliut A benefit 1? to be given *t the c .yrlc Theatre tonight that la worthy I t a 'moot generous patronage from 2 11 t\?mma of cltiieos. Irrespective b r age or worth. The Weet Bad I keel Team la anxious to purchase a 1 rtt class and up-to-date hose wagon I ad t^a company haa made arrange- i tents wl^i the management et the .yrlc Thpetre Cor a benefit tonight, e be proceeds of vhleh go for this 9 rorthy purpose. Every member of tl bo company Is laying aside business t tmitti .tmil worklm *moo? their b n.nie JUt hhe^eerfw. .r mmtmt * lam rttnducc w the beneOt to- ? S*ht I? addition to the IS rat ciaee o levisg pictures. Which the manage- li &ent win prhdbee on' canvass, the c rogram *111 be enhanced by several b ther attractions pulled oB hp local c slant. Some of Washington's beet tl rtlst are on the. bill. J^r. B. W. Tny- tl )r, who needs no Introduction to a T PaahJngtou audience. Is to open the m erformanco frith a rich dialog. Mies b tda Rhodeb. w b? Is co nsidcred th e a tEV. W. L CRISSM 91ES [ SUDDENLV 11 GREENSBORO ' ."v-y. ' ' ' M hi Mr. E. W. Ayers received a teleram early this morning from a IreenihArn N P ?v. t. udden death In that city .today 6t J Lav. W. L. Grlssom ,D. D, The wire ^ are no particular* only statins that r Ir. Grlssom died this morning. Mr. ? iyers will probably leave today to U ttend the funeral. 4 The news of Mr. Grissom's death e rill be received with regret In this b lty, where he waa well and favorably n sown. t Dr. Qrlsaom waa a native of Gull- ? ord county and at the time of his ^ aaslng away was an honored mem?er of the Western North Carolina | Conference. He is best known as { elng the author of the history of forth Carolina Methodism, UT? Ml olume of which was already in qffulation. Thin work was highly otnmended lp all sources. Mr. Grlsom waa engaged la completing his c aluable work when called away. At J ne time he waa Missionary Secretary 0 f the Western North Carolina Con- p erence. r Mr. Grlssom married Miss Olivia h lyatt, daughter of the late Lotfk- c rood Hyatt, an honored cltlsen of h Vashlngrton. years ago, and for the ti >ast fifteen years *r more has been u i resident of Greensboro, 'where he v rcnmulated considerable property. IJ leave# a widow and three Ail- ? Iron to moufw their loos. The cause >f his death is not known at this I yrlting, nor w'hen the funeral will ft ake place. Mr. Grlssom owned ? o'ffie property In Washington. His c lemth Is a keen kiss to hi# church, fl D bis hosse town and to the entire c flats. t ARMS VAHAB HIM. t Tha ackoOMT Aaaia Wahab, Caot. t -aawall WUllama U commaad, ha, f irrWad la #ort from Ooracokiv Sha 1 moorad at (ha rowla dock, c ; . . ' ' I J ON E ROLINA, THUHflDAY AFTBSNOON, air T#nlghl and * JFTS C^n.ENT 0@w $' WEST END RE ' THEATRE Tf - * Ity's beet contralto soloist, Is to sine. ?aat, but not leait, the old-timer. L M. Potts, aftermueh persuasion, 1 as consented to appear before the ootllghts. In addition to these well- ^ Vxown artists other* are to be enaged for the evapUMT attraction. A 3 rest flight is expected and no cltl- * an should absent himself, but It he c an't go give aonhgMn alae the price 1 f admission and ins aid a cause 1 tiat needs no epM|p*Bdatlon from 0 lie Daily News. TOfepmver the Ore E&MflmSStr no matter hdw * rarm nor how eot4> they are always n "their Job," ready to aid In sarig property. The citlaenahip of the tty should show their appreciation y attending and aiding them In searing a hose wagon in keeping with heir energy and push. Tonight Is he time. The , place is the Lfrrlc 'heatre. Oo?If you can't Sfend umeone else with the price not able o pay the admission fee. The prices '111 be 10 and 30c. ra* ROM IK HOTEL OCCUPIED LOST KICBT Mr. J. A. Tucker, the new man- , ger of the Hotel Louise, In talking t a a Daily News man today, says that c Ince his coming to Washington he . as been more than encouraged at ( lie outlook. Only last evening every e oom In this well known hotel was j ccupied and the manager had to uttise the parlor in order to accommo- t ate the guests. Mr. Tucker is using , very endeavor to' please and satisfy ^ is patrons and judging from the umber of gueeta last evening he seme to be succeeding beyond his ; zpectstions. This speaks well for Washington and its hotel. 1ENRY JACKSON'S CONDI- i TION NOW FAVORABLE J Mr. Henry Jackson, one of the i lever and efficient salesman at the ( . K. Hoyt atores, who has been con- ^ Ined tn the Powle Memorial Hoa- t ltal suffering from fever, has so far ecovered as to be able to return to is old home for a few days for reuperation. He expects to resume t la .duties at the Hoyt store wlthJn he next few days, ifiless something ] nforaeen happens. This will be relcome news to his many friends. a ??????? i IROTHRHH(KH) OF 8T. ANDREW. , Toronto! Ont., Sept 19.?Several ] lundred delegates. Including many < sadlng men both tn the Anglican 4 hurch and alpo the Protestant Bpis- 1 opal char oh of the United Btates, < lathered In 'this city today for the { penlng of the annnal convention of 1 he Brotherhood of 8t. Andrew In 1 Canada. Tjjp meeting will continue intll Sunday. In addition to the many 1 lanadtana of neke who will addreee i he convention, there wilt-be eeverml 1 irom Great Britain, including the 1 light Rev. Dr. Talbot, Lord Bishop 1 f Winchester. 1 'K* % >ail? BPTBMBER 11. till j J5SS,B& i 11 ? EL TEAM US EVENING. IR. CRIMEN REPLIES TO MR. WINOLEY. ir. Editor: Replying to th? card of Mr. W. B. ' Vindley in yonr paper of Sept. 16, 1911, 1 wish first to re-Iterate all of he statements made by me In my ard of Sept. IS. published In your taper. They are the facts in the mater, Mf. Wlndley's statement to pie ontrary notwithstanding. WhI WnrtClwlll state that Us tame Is on the Fourth Ward teglsratlon books and he stated to me te had voted in Washington for ibont sixteen yeam with the exceplon of one election, and Mr. Wellon's reputation la good. Mr. J. F. Flynn, one of the polltolderei has made an affidavit in this natter, which la hereto attached. Aa to Mr. Wlndley's statement that called him aside and said: "1 bought yre had an agreement." T ay this la absolutely false. I did call lipi aside and aked bjp\ if the iyAana had a right to vole, that. I tad been informed that they had not perfected their naturalisation. I also append hereto an affidavit of dr. B. G. Moss, who is a disinterated party, and I will leave It to the ublic to judge which is to be believ?1 In these matters?men who have onducted themselves with sobriety, >robity and virtue In the community, tr a person who has conducted himielf as Mr. Windley has done in bis >ersonal and moral relations. I also ask the public to inquire as 6 Mr. Windley's condition on the >ubllc streets of Washington on Vednesday Sept. IS, 1912. Respectfully, W. D. GRIMES, "forth Carolina?Beaufort County. J. F. Flynn, being first duly sworn, lays: he has known Mr. A. C. Wellon to be a resident of the Fourth Vard for a number of years and that n ths general election in 1910 Mr. Weldon voted in said ward, he being luly registered there. That he knewB hat Mr. Weldon has for several rears from time to time spent several lays at a time in said Ward and claimed himself as a resident of said vard and kept a part of his clothing herein. Sept. 19, 1912. J. F. FLYNN. Sworn to and subscribed before the his 10th of Sept. 1912. A. MAYO, J. P. "forth Carolina?Beaufort County: Beverly O. Moss, being first dt^y worn, says: That he has heard a umor that he stated that he was >resent at an agreement between W. X Grimes and W. B. Windley to the fleet that if Windley got the highest rote in the first primary, than Grimes rould not ask for s second primary; ?r that he had heard Grimes say here was such an agreement. These minors are absolutely untrue and vfthont any foundation In fact. Tits only thing I ever heard GrTmes mj about a second primary was oa :he Sunday morning following the lrst primary: I asked him if he was iot going to call tor a second primary, that he could win easily. He replied that he did not know whether ) ' ' , f v W > Much Satex ' JO0m^frc Supply Sa. ' ' ' *' This is Opinion oi I- Response to Enqu John H. Small, C Board of School T Through the thoughtfulne&e of at Superintendent N. C. Newbold of the 01 Washington Public Schools the Dally m News today is enabled to give lelow u some correspondence between Hon. pi John H. Small, chairman of the ti< Board of Trustees of the City Public tb Schools and Dr. W. S. .Rankin, aec- th retary and treasurer of the North re Carolina State Board of Health, with in reference to the water problem in all Washington. The letters explain ai themselves. Superintendent New- til bold states that he trusts the correspondence will serve to strengthen til the confidence of the people In the th city water supply. Cc At Washington, N. C., Mi Sept. 14, 1912. N< Dr. W. 8. Rankin, Sec'y. 9c State Board of Health, Raleigh, N. C. an My dear Sir: ? I am writing to you as Chairman of the Board of 8chool Trustee of our public schools in this town. Our schools will open on Monday 16th He Inst., both white and colored. In the farmer thefe will be enrolled prob- Mj sbly seven hundred or eight hundred rmVum. iuu win agree with me that s*l It is of vital importance that the pa- ?n> pile Id our schools abould be supplied the with potable water. I have Just cod- Id lulted with Dr. E. M. Brown. County * ] Superintendent of Health, who makes lot Mibstantlally the following statement. 1 In view ojftha report on the last tty ropply, ne baa advised our Board at uad the Superintendents of our we Schools to use the city water in pref- *1? srence to any water obtained from the lither open wells or bored wells in am ;^e vicinity of the school building, the SVhile not intending in the slightest roq o disparage ttte opinion of Dr. the 3Down, yet the problem is of such so irgent Importance, that I am con- Ws drained to ask your opinion. the I may further quote Dr. Brown as dating that he has recently had the tloi Jtate Chemist make an examination bio if a sample of water from a bored fro veil about seventy feet deep, located en ibout a square from the white school Is 1 iuildlng. This well was bored about ou| wenty years ago. but has been used rery little In the meantime. It was api >ne of the wells which was put down mo )j the town years ago to obtain a of iupply of "water for fire purposes. A cci lu&ntlty of water was pumped from suj his well by means of the fire engine, em rontlnuing for about half an hour. grt tfter which a sample was taken. This ciu sample was recieved-by Dr. Shore on am Sept. 9th and report made by him on |us< 3?rpi. xcin. Based on this report Dr. jgei Brown ha? advised against the use of iTh his water. jth? May we ask in addition that the! ply StatevBoard of Health in co-operation jaa *"lth out County Superintendent will'la maintain a critical and constant su-lag' jervision of our water supply, mak- ?h< ng frequent analysis and reporting th? the result of same both to our Mayor, do ind also our City Supterintendent of of Schools. Prof. N. C. Newbold. I am of the opinion that an awak- my sned spirit haB taken possession of' in the citizens of our community, and me that a movement has beeu initiated esj which will result In the municipality lar constructing a sanitary system of Wi Irainage, and a municipally owned re< water supply, but even if this move- evt ment shall continue toward ultimate tuccess, wo cannot expect the several works to be constructed and in operMr.. J. A. Traylor, of Edenton, N. 3., a former citizen, is here shaking hands with his many friends. Be he wt^ild or not; that he did not know whether It paid him to he Re- ^ ;order, as he lost practice as a lawyer ^ ay it; and that he would cehfer with his friends before saying what he would do. The foregoing is all the conversa- 3 >ion I ever had with Mr. Grimes about the matter and all that I know about It. . BEVERLY G. MO88. 1 Sworn to and subscribed before ] me, this 12th day of 8ept., 1212. . GEO. A. PAUL. 1 Clerk of the Superior Court of Been. 4 fort Oonnty. * |V 'mMt , i ? J' ?>. I? rS No. 41 I ro Use 1 >m Public ys Dr. Rankin | . ?J9 State Expert in iry Made by Hon. j Chairman of The Trustees. ion before the latter part of 1913 early in 1914. In the meantime it 1 j comes an exceedingly important atter that we shall hare safer waff for domestic use. The query 1 ?pose is whether certain modiflca3ns and changes In the preaent waff plant owned by a private corporala may not be made and within aeonable cost, so that during this terva] we may have good water and so in the meantime that constant id frequent analysis may be connued. 1 am necessarily at home very 1H5, and I am furnishing a copy of is letter to Dr. E. M. Brown, >unty Superintendent of Health; syor C. H. Harding, and Proi, N. C. iwbold. Superintendent of Otty hools. Begging your early attention, I ?, Very sincerely. JNO. H. SMJILL. Raleigh. N. C.. Sept. 1 , 1911. >n. John H. Small, , Washington. N. C. ' dear Mr. Small: Both yosr letters under date ot jtember fourteenth are received. I deeply gratified at the interest people in Washington are tailing their community health, and it-is pleasure to note that your settee erest Is with them. ? My opinion as to the relative parpresent, and water supply , from Us that are under ao public superIon, is that it is much safer to nee water from the public supply. I sending a copy of ypur letter to State laboratory of Hygiefce and nesting Doctor Sbore, in case of slightest pollution, to notify me that I may in turn notify the abtugton authorities and advise boiling of the water. We have ft rised that careful sanitary regulaaa be enforced, particularly on the ck in which the wella are driven m which the public supply la takand it may be that, if this advice taken and the hoick kept in tborgbly sanitary condition, the preepollution of the water may disbar within a year or eighteea ntha. This will permit the people Washington, if they prefer, to itinue to use the present source of >ply. In the meantime, a very all amount, about one-seventh of a tin to the gallon of water, of cairn hypochlorite, which la harmless d without taste or odor, is being ;a to a^eiroy any uwcmp proaucrnR ms that might gvt Into the water, e probabilities, however, are that ! present* source of your water supwill not be satisfactory, and that aoon as the chemical disinfectant discontinued the pollution will itn appear in the water. If this >uld prove to be the case, then re remains nothing for the city to except to procure another soarce public water supply. In closing. 1 beg to assure you of interest and cordial co-operation all matSbrB looking to the improvent of your public health, and more tecially that we will give partlcuattention to the analysis of the ishington water and if necessary julre an analysis twice a month or try week. Very truly yours, W. S. RANKIN, Secretary. ; ^ ACCEPTS POSITION. Mr. Leopold Graatban. of New rn, N. C., has accepted a position t,h the Tayloe Drug Store. Mr. anthan Is a son of Mrs. Rosa A. anthan. proprietress of the Latham uae, on East Second street. ?iW HDlTlllll?ilEHU n WD1T8 MWI . * t Bttktw. Wltaon Mia Cmn. ?. Tratetec SchML I. b ?<>*

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