* ^ = * n e L. A Rally of All the 1 Announced for ' noon at- 4 O'clock dist Church. great day la .promised in Washlngtoa tomorrow, Monday and Tuee- * day. when tbe Washington District Sunday School and Epworth League { Institute meets in the First Methodist Church. The opening serrlee of ] (he institute will be at 11 o'clock tomb raow morning, when the pastor of ( the First Methodist Church. Rer. R. H. Broom, jprUl preach before the Institute. His subfect wll be: "Divine Endowment Essential to Success In ] Christian Work." A large number of visiting clergymen and laymen are expected to be ] in attendance. The Institute will last until Tuesday and the dosltag I feature wllf be a sermon by Bishop < Theodore Henderson. D. D. LL. D.. of Chattanooga, Tenn , one of the < bishops of the Methodist Tplscopal Church. i The Sunday school choir of the FIrat M E. church Hu been ,rmc- I ticing for the eccaalon and no doobt ' nil who attend will be treated to ' first clsas music. The choir ot tho church will tandsr special music <m : Tuesday evening upon the occasion ot ' Bishop linn dmaim's sermon A moot Interest las prosram has hssa pri|snl and all those who sttefid will he amply rewarded. Sunday School at rscatar hour.' Preaching at 11 o'clock, hy the pastor. Sunday alt eras so. Sunday School Paiiy. Sunday stasias: address, hy Mr. M. W. Brabham. 10:00. Religions asr?Ices, coaSc^ooT Management and maniaslion Math ode and Mass ot Work. _Led*y U W, AMOaa. gr 41:0*. JhjMsarn. , 100. Prayer and Pralas. Lad hy RoV. W. V. Phlppa J:J?. Oaaersl Topic: Tha SunI !?3rr Teacher (ten mlnateal th The Teachers' Lire. Whet Must If Be? Ret .I* p. Howard. , > The Tee?h*r*e Knowledge ot the g% Bins. r.'#. ^vpa?s. {. The Ts^cher'e Knowledge of Church Lawe and Doctrine. Rev. I R. H. Broom. #. The Trfsebers1 Meeting. Mr. B. A. Harrelaon. (five talks of flee minute* each). Mgr ' cy 1- Increasing the Enrollment, So&o Methods. Mr. J. T. Thome, f. Increasing the Average Attend E&v. . *?cis. w/J. P. Kecch. 11 Wg? ' ObAJrrlng Special Days. Mr. I H. E. Austin, jffi, - t. SoW liethods of Improving the I Music. Res. R. D. Daniel. ft. Equipping the "Sunday School. I ' Mr* |P/apt brook, v l'^T-va ^ I I I M>:4 5. Tho 9sp?tURendent and His. Program. Mr. M. W. Brabharu 1 B&:??0flRET0 i PREACH CHRISTIAN CHURCH Ett?f 1 . * IZf':y rfer. Eber Moore, a theological atu-1 derat at the Atlantic Christian Colm B Christian Church, this city Sunday morning and. eyanlsg owing to tho absence ot tha^Mllnr. Rev. Robert H ' Hoi>e who ie now conducting a aeB rise" of meetings at -Edward. If. C. Im Sunday School will meet at the regular boor tomorrow morning. -Alt stranger* in the eity have a cordial jK inrltatlon to he present U. O. P. OAMPAIOS OPENS IN Colbmbda, Ohio. Sept. -11.?The i.l - c* Republic as campaign lh( Ohio was I formally opeaed here today under S antplcloue conditions. Oood-alsed i, "v? delegations wan en hand from eltle* L tbrangbont the State aad much ?nthnataam was manifested on .ererfr 1' . hand. Tba chief orator* of the day r\ were Senator Henry Cabot Lodge of ft- Maaaach neetta and former Vioe-PreeW Ideal Charles w. Pairhaak. of laI > disss. m pi *1116 Sunday Schools is Tomorrow After: the First Metho11:00. MiMloM la the Sunday khool. Rev. M. Bradshaw. -11:20. Round Table DPcuaalon: 4:09. Reclaiming the Abaeatee, low? Mr. G. D. Beet. 4:16. Personal Work by the reacher. Rev. B. 16. Hoyle. 4:60. The Teacher Training :iaaa. M W. Brabham. 6:00. Adjourn. , Mo*ley Xlgtu. 8:00. Services In the interest of Spworth League work. Third Day: TneMey Morning. 9:30. Sprvlce of Song and Prayer. Led by Rev. R. R. Grant. 9:60. Is the Modern 8unday School Worth What It Costa? By Mr. C. P. Bland. 10:10. The Pastor and the Sunlay Sehool. By Or. J. T. Glbbs. 10:80- The Superintendent iten minutes earn): 1. His Spiritual Qualifications. Br Re*. L. B. Jones. S. Selecting and Placing His Teacher*. Br Mr. 8. T. Carson. 8. His /Knowledge, Training and Native Ability. By Rev. H. B. Tripp. 11:00. The Bog day SchoolTeacher: f Methods of Preparing the Lesson. By Rev. H. B. Lance. Methods of Presenting the Lesson'. * By M. W. Brabham. o 11:10. Round Table Discission: 0 The Teacher in the 8nnday School. 4 Led by M. W. Brahham. t 18:10. Adjourn. J Tuesday Aftsfcwoen. t 8:00. Prayer. Led by Jt W, Antry. i 8:80. The Cradle Roll Depart- c meat. By Mr. O. If. Guthrie. 8:80. The Home Department. By f, Mr. W. Q. Doeler. a 0:40. The Organisation r' j *Z.0, "riS Graded Lwu Bj J nr. ?. m. Uorrl? rj?v tji.ll? > iy I 4:10. Sunday Schools In the Conn- 0 try. By Rev. W. F. Craven. c 4:85. Sonde Reasons Why all a Church Members Should be Members a of the Sunday School. By Rev. J. B. a Thompeon. t 4:86. The 8naday School Exhibit. | M. W. Brabham c 4:66. Miscellaneous Business. 1 Adjourn. 4 ' Tuesday Night. ? 8:00. Sermon. Bishop Theo. 8. ? Henderson, D. D., LL. D. Noted Speaker. Mr. M. W. B rah am, field esc re tar y II terence, will arrive here this evening i and will begin the Sunday School In- i atltote work tomorrow morning at < the Sunday school services. It is the t desire to have a rally of all the Son- I day schools of the city on Sunday af- 1 ternoon at 4 o'clock. On-this occasion Mr. Rtaham will lecture-on the ' "Modern Sunday School Methods." , Everyone Is cordially invited to atr J tend these services, it Is to be hoped that there will be a large attendance, ts already stated the InsUjtute.ls to continue Menday and Tuesday. ? ? PASTOR SEBRIGHT BACI FRM BELBAVEM Rev. H. B. Snaright and Mrs Searight returned from Belhaven, 1^. C., this morning. Mr. Searight began s series of meetings in that town on last Thursday evening for Rev. Percy Pemberton, the pastor. Her. Mr. Searight preached on Thursday and Friday cvefiings to large and attentive audiences. During the cei&fng week She meeting will be continued by Rev. Mr. Pemberton. assisted by Rev. J. A. Batterfleld. of Charlotte. Much good 1#'looked for as h resiH. AN Tim AM (DBMSkOBAnD. New York. Sept. 21..-?The Iftieth anniversary ot the battife <<f Antietam was celebrated today in Prospect Park, Brooklyh, under the auspices of the War Veterans sad Soaa' Associates, Preceding the literary exercises there was a large parade la whieh surviving veterias of tho fiftythree Now Yor> regimes ts that fought at Antietadt'took the leading w- . WASHINGTON. NORTH CARO Showers ? <9?ariaku Jewish Feast of Tt Is Now 1 1 --- l\*hAccording to the Jewish ritual, the thi ear which becaa on. September IS la ^ he S.IIU alaee the creation o[ the d* rbrid. Both Hashanah, the Brat dap Al t the new pear, marks the beginning th J a lonjt list of Jewish fast and feast ae an and calendars hare already been ch repared and circulated among the ce ewUh people to show on which of da he English dates the principal reIglous holidays will fall during the en ming pear. en Of particular interest is the Bum- fir er and character of the greafc fast se md feast daps that fail wlt^jn'thd ' Ub bw year, bee alraady come and 5," pens. The holleet dap In the calendar th s on today. September 91. which la ba rem Kippur. the Holp Dap. the Dap tn >f Atonement, when all Jews are of lommanded to fast the entire dap th rtth prapers and devotions for pe ltenement. This is the dap on which pe ill orthodox Jewa attempt pvopltla- 20 ion and atonement for the slna of the en mat year. The fast is of greet anti- in luity and Is ofttimes referred to in to Leviticus and Numbers. It is consid- is! red the cnlmlnstion of the Jewish to ncplsnstorp ceremonial and the ideal txpresiiou of Israet's.religlon. th Th? Harvest Feast. da Following Yom Kippur comes the na resit \>f the Tabernaclee which falls Pi >n Thursday. September 26. which ce is the 9 a rap Implies, Is the harvest w< feast and was said to be the greatest he if the Hebrew feasts !n Hebrew or :imes. Many references appear to it i' n Exodus, Deuteronomy, Ezeklel, W Leviticus and Numbers. It Is termdd Pi 1.1. HUT tunc 1 CUN CLUB AVERAGES Be'.ow Is published the records made by the members of the Washington Gun Club so far this season. U Mr. A. M. Dumay holds the highest nvterage. The meets of the rlub this aeason have beeer very satisfactory * and have been attended by a large C] number of enthusiasts and others, n The average made by the members follow;;: S Targets. Broke. P C. Dumay 30 .41 At Bbors ........ 50 22 .44* Bland, J. It. SO 33 .66 Knight .50 35 .70 . Fowle . 50 22 .44 Maxwell 60 2* " .71 White A ...... 59 3.1 .62 Kthrldge ... . . 60^ 81 .62 , Bland. J. T 50 80 .60 ^ Sterling 60 33 .64 . Hodgep 25 15 .40 f flqaires. 25 20. .80 Spar sow 25 6 .2b . Mclfulltti. . .... 15 6 .86 Weston 25 17 .68 ( * t FOK NORTHERN MARKETS Messrs. K.-and M. John will leavs I tomorrow morning for New York l and other northern \ cities, for . the purpose of purchasing thffr fall and I winter stock. t L, N 1 - ',!== LIMA. SATURDAY ArTKRNOON. SI Tonight and Tor *:j LABOR DAY! I ' xbernacles f a $emg Celebrated (Hit of Ugsth ring rod the ,n mm\ ui vuo noouu. ?uu mi eigni ^ jra. tho eighth day baring a ritual its own with the name ot Shmlni fa lereth. The dara ia to celebrate a gathering of a baohanalian char- M| ter. It haa nerer loot ite Joyful ^ aracter, even thaegh few of the QC ramonies practiced In the prophetic ^ ye are now u barn red The year 1813 of the Chriatlan cal- . dar la the 5.6714 of the Jewleh cal- ^ dar with the difference that the at begiaa on January 1, while the ^ cond begiaa on haptemhen Jj^ ^ ^ lira principal fact about the year j* IT* ia that It fe a Leap Year, of Irteen months. 348 days. 65 8abtha. In thle year there is an exi month, that of 3d Adair, a month ^ twenty-eight days. According to e Jewish ritual.' it la the eleventh' ar of the 299th lunar cycle of 19 arm. and the nineteenth year of the in 3d aolar cycle Of 18 years since the w Batfon. The month of 2d Adair la terspersed periodically in tha year w maintain the relation of the Jew- w ? months, which are strictly lunar, la the aolar year. Q] After .the feast and fast daya of Q e. first month in the Jewish calenii\ there are few days of extraordi- cl ujjr" moment until the FepUval of g, iiclm on March 23 of next year, pre- ^ ded by the Feaat of Esther .three ^ whs earlier. The day of days, p jwever, is the Passover, which falls t thn 15th div nf Nlaon na inrll I. Pentecost, or the *.&Bast of ? oeke, comes seren weeks after the J Satr-i FIRST BAPTIST CtlM : Wwfj V e Rev. H. P. Dalton. pastor of the * irat Baptist Church is to flllhis regr b laf. pulpit Sunday morning and even- ^ ig at the usual hours. The pastor a etlres a large attendaride^as there n ill bo a matter of business for the onls<fterdtion of the ebuseh at the t lode of the morning service.. A 1 ordial - welcome Is extended to all c ho desire to attend. QOod music. k n" \ anfrbtta family with c howb'h orkat LOTfDOW 8how8. * c There a?e many novel acts with i he Great London Shows which are 1 ertain to be well received in evenr t Ity lucky enough to secure a visit < rota the consolidated enterprises, 'here ere acta which were never seen a Am or ice a a til this show opened ta Meson of 1912, for the reason hat (here was no amusement enter- ] rise great eaough to afford the i ar#e salaries which the artiste do- ( nan4 and no institution with suffl- i lent prestige to attract the attenlon iof such celebrated performers. ] The ganfrefta Family of acrobats, or Instance, perform feats which iave never been seen in otfc^r shows. < The Great London Circus will exitMt In Washington, Wednesday, Oceber -2. affff*,; >?' ?t ~ J rjK KPTVUBER St. 191ft. norrow , IT ai tr ^ STB K. CORDON DiES ., AT CORE. TKLABQMA S ? b] Newt was received here th It, morn- Wl g announcing the death of Mr. Seth 1X1 Cordon' ?t hit home In Gore, Ok- hl bona, on September 16, of heart M BW. ' 1x1 He waa a Washington boy who hat ro nade good" In hit adopted home. ? le sympathy of the entire city coca it to his aged mother. Mrs. A. E. >rdon. In her grief. The following account Is clipped Dm the Salllaaw Daily Newa, which 111 be read with interest as well as gret: Seth K. Cordon died at his home ftiW laht Sunday morning. Sep- Yi mber 15th, at 2 o'clock, a. m., of ^ lart failure. How strange it sounds to our ears. Only a few short days ago he was of i foil of life, hope and honor, and 1a iw he is dead. to Will we ever forget him? Will the er in and stars ceaae to shine? C< The deceased was born at Wash- ax gton. North Carolina. May 4, 1868. CI id came to Gore, seventeen years to. where be taught school for a se hile, and met Miss Mattie Hair, ol ho was one of his pupils. Two years fc ter they were married and to this se ilon two children were born, Fan- tti ie. age 13, and Mamie, age 11. in He was a member of the Episcopal (ol lurch, having united with that or- U miration at his old home, Washing- B >n. N. C., and was a member of the oi T. O. W., the M. W. A., the I. O. O. ei . and the Yoem^n of America. D Since the organization of our state tl ovemment he bad been a leader in at tate affairs and had held several po- a< tions or (rust, always utscnargjng R is dupes with much credit to all in-11< jrested. |ei It can truly be said of this good h lan that to know him well was to, ?vc hjm and to know liim better was; >1 a love him more. One of his most 3 dmlrable characteristics was his d ver readiness to approve the right w nd condemn that which he knew to'c ie wrong, without any thought ofl_ or.sequenco anil if He Had enemies |hose of us who. know his true char-' ctcr love him better for having nade them. The cloud still hovers low over ho little town of Gore, for pracllcaly evory rltisen, man, woman 'md Mid. in the town and community mew and admired biim. What bet- R er can beaald of a man than that he ind the unanimous good will of the * people of his home? o Deceased leaves a wife and two r hildren, of Gore, a brother and c npther of Washington. N. C.. and aio irother of Clayton^ N. C.. and a very'a trea^ number of friends in bis adopt- e >d state. ' ! 1 c SCHOOL PROMISING. ? i i The first week of the Washington f Public School rf shows a decided ad- r rantage of that of last yesr. The * prospects for the coming virion are ? more than bright. ^ 1 DISTINGUISHED VISITOR HERE. Judge B, B. Clins, of Hickory, N. C., arrived In the city thla afternoon, and is registered <f*t Hotel Lou tee. His many friends in Washington are 1 glad to see him. 1 |r'V V V'. '15 rtWl*' * fcjV'1 > ' -J- r'- ifefctfc'i V ^ _ ? I I Li ^L W\ :*c^LJ ^n x mf ====== m WllfDLET I rrimes Received cinct Votes ai^ ity of Popula^> 1068 Votes Cas 1 UMBER TO AB-m MESS FARMERS UNION Dr. H. L. Alexander, president ol i? State Union, will address tb< aimers' Union at Old Ford. N. C., ito eftunty, on Wednesday, Septemsr 25, at noon. There will be a ksket picnic and the members of all xtges in the County of Beaufort arc >rd tally invited to be present. Not aly are all the members urged to atind but all citizens interested. A fcla day Is looked for as Dr. Alexa<fer is one of North Carolina's atactlve and Interesting speakers. MKBTOMIH CLOHKD. A large congregation was present the closing service at the Payne emorlal Church, Nlcholeonvllle, on St evening. The sermon delivered r the pastor, Rev. Percy Pemberton as well received and enjoyed intensely. The series of meetings ive accomplished mncb good. Rev. r. Pemberton left today for Belivon, where he is to preach tomorw. sIEWS FOREC 117 T7 T Tf /^VXTf? wxiciv Washington. D. g.-.vSdjK- XI.?Nov ark Republicans will gather at iratoga Wednesday to select candates for governor and other 8tat? fleers to be voted for In November, sadtng aspirants for the gubernarlal nomination are former Spe^kJames Wads wort b, Jr., former ingreasman William S. Bennett id Job E. Hedges, of New York ty. In the general primary in New Jery on Tuesday the voters of the two d parties will nominate candidates >r all offices, from United* States nator down to town constable. The lird party men will have no standig in the primary, but will be dllged to nominate by petition, nited States Senator Frank O. riggB la unopposed for another term n the Republican side. Several arc igaged in a spirited contest for the emocratic indorsement. The elecon of State senators is attracting Ltentlon. since upon the new Sttite i-nate will depnd the choice of a .epubliean or Democratic governoi > fill out the unexpired year of Gov< rnor Wilson's terra in the event ol is election to the presidency. Republicans and Democrats ol lassacnuseus win name compiou tate tickets in the primaries Tues ay. The Progressives, as a party '111 take no part in the primaries overnor Poss is a candidate for re lUPJ IHIXQN INVITES ALL TO ATTEND INSTITUTI The Sunday School Institute he ;ins tomorrow ir.' ining in the Firs fdthodlst Church, this city, at i.4; 'clock, being in "connection with *h egular Sunday school services of thi. hnjeh. All teachers and member f other Sunday aehools in the cit kre earnestly requested to be prei nt and also to attend all the service* rhe members of the different Sur lay schools in the city have a vordii nvitation to be with ua. The pw ;rftm is a very attractive one and eel sure that all whs attend will fc awarded la more wajra than one. Mi Grabble, one of the speakers, has itate-wldo reputation in Snnda ichool work. It will pay all to hes ?lm* E. R. MIXON, Sept. M. E. Sunday School. REV. R. H. BROOM, !*astor. Rev. R. H. Broom, pastor of th Pirst M. V. church, relumed froi tfearoe, N. C.. yeeterday. J v. " ^ No. 4S '? hit us i 11aj0rity of 721 a Majority of Pre- 1 iW.y*fitev a MajorWere The aecoad primary for Recorder .3 ! wig held in Washington, Long Acre and Chocowlnity Townships on yea| terday. There are twelve precincts in the districts and the result of the .1 election shows that Mr. W. B. Wind' ley is elected Recorder of the die- ' < trict by a majority of aerenty-two. 'j , Mr. W. D. Grimes' total vote in the district was 498. while that for Mr. Windley was 570. 1 Mr. Grimes received a majority of ' the precinct votes sod Mr. Windley ' a majority of the popular vote, and under the new primary law a majority of the popular vote nominatee. ; The following la the vote as cast in the respective precincts: Precincts. Grimea. Windley Fir* Ward 114 40 Second Ward 117 30 Third Ward 32 45 Fourth Ward 34 44 PinevlUe 15 3 8 Old Ford 24 66 Trantera Creek .... 30 17 Beaver Dam 27 68 Woodard's Pond ... 1 44 Pinetown 17 11 hocowintty . 51 132 Blounts Creek ..... 4 0 2 9 Totals 498 670 Windley's mapority?72. \ST COMING OF INTEREST nomination od tbe Democratic Ticket and is opposed by District Attorney Pelletier of Boston. Joseph Walker, former speaker of the State assembly. and Everett C. Benton, a business man of the tovn of Belmont, are contesting for the Republican nomination for governor. Tbe legislature, for which nominations will be made, will bave tbe choosing of a United States senator to succeed Senator Crane. The several political parties in California will meet in State convention Tuesday to draft platforms and choose their slates of presidential electors. Michigan Republicans will meet in Detroit to choose candidates for all State offices excepting the governorship. | President Taft's public engagei;ments for the week call for bis attendance in Washington for the opening of tbe International Congress on Hygiene and Demography, l^ater in : the week he is expected to be pres1 ent in Boston at the banquet ia connection with the International Con'I press of Chambers of Commerce. I Colonel Roosevelt will carry his - Jj M speech-making tour through tbe South, covering the territory from , M Missouri ar.d Arkansas to the eastern ? coast. Governor Wilson will return home Tuesday to cast his vote in tbe 'New Jersey primaries. The remain.#!der of the week he will devote to a - ] trip .nto the New England States. PASfOR Bfiflors faiheF THOUGHT NO BETTER j, , ? % | Rev. R. H. Broom, pastor of the - First Methodist Church, returned 11 home yesterday from Monroe. N. . where he has been at the bedside of ' his aged father, Mr. 6. D. Broom. It "***' ^ e;fs to be regretted that the condition cjof Mr. Broom is no better. Mr. B. P. si Broom,'the only brother of Rev. R. yjH. Broom of Knoxville. Tenn., is now i-1 with his father and due to this Rev. i. ' R. H. Broom was saabled to re^pni i-1 to Washington to fill his regular api) poictment tomorrow. While ? route - home Rev. Mr. Broom visited Red I Springs, .v. C., ens of his former e charges. r. aawwewsww y NEW ADVRRHWfMKNTO r m TODAY'S IWWfl Capudlne. r '' ' ' >\J Wilson Freckle Cream. ' 'JSJ B. e. Training School. H. Clarke and 9om. . Otv4cheater PUls. ^<3 J. U O'Qsins. * i'v \a'. r4*a .. V lN'? . a'J, lil. r. J.-!

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