' ^ ^ V;- VDU. 4. d 4 '.v ' ,-. ? ..-1 n nil roriRcma?ktl^H?. Kaffer Vie] c. HM?Iif w W pafcttor J by mmclrnmmto*. "For lliuwbr of-the Aam dl? trtct Mr. WH. Hartorwuifl I bi Hor "Keootaer ofWaBtefO ?Mlrlci /533m> W^B * 1IIpail bMrwOb ndMbto. J. A. Ltlfh.pn4 R. T. Wat lityTii^fg' "*f in* th* M ' 1 ti*? IrM wa, ?cx Wtirf.'Tux Collector of Riehlan< & .** choice pf the convention. ' '.V For CKy of Washington- Mem A. Wayo; D. C. Rom and Jew U [S.V ' "Hodd?. war? aam*. *; t; .* ' For Constable BWfr Bpwnship b \ > ' For JuetWe of t*r$Ni?4Rtfch. -tend TownAftp, Mr.'B. ijfWtdt,'-!.' A; Hardy and 1L R. TriypSrere -named t>y the contention. Rvj* -v For Containii of "Rtebland Town* affclp, Mr. J. K. Holidal waa the Choice For J net lee of the Peace, of Bath TownsM* Mem. W. A. Tankard, W. H. Tyre and c. B. Paul* were we"-! leyfed. Dr. Joshua Taytoe was earned fee: '' County Coroner. For County Surveyc*, Mr. L. H. M?VRoae was the choice of the delegates. For Justice of the Peace, Cbocowlnlty Township, Meters. C. R. Gallo' way. H. B. Williams and Joe Bobbins Kf\ were named. J For Constable Cocowlnity Town-. ^ ahlp, waa Mr. Thomas J. Lewis. *? For Justlbe of the Peace Lena Acre Township, waa A. C. Hathaway. Henry Harvey and J. T. Singletonu. For Constable Washington Townahlp. thoee selected were J. B. Corey, 8. L. WtlUrd, J. Alfred Hodge. For Constable Washington Town hip. B. T. Chaancey. . Mr. Fred f Latham dlacneaed the I Hilary bill and Introduced thy folHle, .riowlrg reantatloa: a . RaaoWed, That ear represents! ivea In. the Gaeeral Aaeembly be Instruct, ed to make the sheriffs .alary a flat aalary of O.SOt, and the feee which Kt ? receives from the 1. P. and I Recorder** Oenrt. That tl?r.|?Wl?er of Deeds' salary \\ ram ran f m ' ? Named in Primary Connention. Contices of Peace Art entioii Was Well 6Sr':?r;;;:' ' kaB'be ?1.?00 ul that ha Mlito w^artrad to ouka a? the ea MBke without extra oouatauttoe ?hat the Cleth at the Wapailty Oeart'a aalarr ehhB he uaBe VU400 ply' ^nnnwe That tto TtnwmmtM'u ottiry ?$to11 to $760 eMU HiUMtorU. MM aad then tto ?Cto to rftolMhed. J That tto mwdtMrr atttt -hla ecanpen atloa to toRtotodtydtth tto toard to table tto * referm to tt* 4p**Vf* <*Hloe tto vote 46 tor ai*t to H Mr. Ftofl 9. ructton t*?? -made ?t tabled. \ Hoa. JWteM Ml lueWhere? >? tollii he reetilutieaai. The lha.e?h^i ? ? ? l owtt, la fTi I lertiau .eteiialliil. -sept B7. 1*1*. mehe ahe iatlh.'.?i'.atMare' tleac t ., , - 5 ...- y' , *1 t-jOeaeeer'lla iBelleht-hy the <1 I 11*1 e-enhWraef alteshme* prt, Harr law awklWMe'B tkke wattre | dates for dSateetMeolMN^StMe and , 11 iiiim?>>?a do fa ii| . ?r oaOthlaarTtor lafOadMaieOae pru aaoMa?i oeeaPtatntaf antfp*lMaOafheuaatlU.KaMrdoftaetha oaalltJ catfoos of electees ftfte. ?w wtt . tknNo WeaOMo I Moor* a t I "III'oik* tb^reTvUch enar he , oflca, onfl the purposes for oWeb aa* lil*tll1MWb?hB OK) 1- :,t I outlet Ion ill aMMMm f <3 good throughout tbo State Mr the eatL. irwi ?ao. ^ ft???a iMttwu t Departanot, to he eeUMlkbed eitHor Irteorafeatlt or N otruti of the ohich |H)I auMsriae tke ' ma pi or r iMlIll tor doners Its tha vevera* t ?- To aefterM Mt. oiiii ... gftrn tire the ifitll Drainage-law, aa^S oriels* the motion of drainage dlrtr lets, . the drainage of vat'Mads thaoughI outthe State, vo faror a lav ereatlna nndnaar mgaHaatot.-M -agist either M*oMlr.?oo a'hraach I of the flladagl ft Eootoaaito -ftoreey, ljUf other pssiiMhns. on* or more skilled dnflnage eagi. nee re to tMt the aevnal iMUons i where drainage lis -won tetania ted nm'd t* furnish ?mi (miliary advtoe aadaaa. aistance wherever xequirfed. 1 , 4>' That W* instruct our ?randld?de , request the two candidates tor the late Senate tn this-District, to oo 4p*rate actively ta the, drafting siaeh law* and V the enactment of I eater at the next mmIm of 1he Gene-ill Assembly. The Secnetary wf thia . C.WentlOn la requested*? forward *} , oertttl^.f cop^of tMte'ieabiuflb^'to j the several eaadidstse named. ? 'V,*l We favor the amendment ef 4he Beaufort County primary law. that a committer of three be appointed im re-draft the bill, and to make same apply to \the county and-incorporated towr? In ?aald coonty only. We toetrtji^pn vaember of' the Teftelat ore 5 to vote for a State-wide primary law. hot In case that bill doee apt paee. thai he ah all pass the hill as given him by the committee appointed by thia convention. The chairman of the convention wa* authorized to appoint a commit, tee of three to redraft the primary law tor Beaufort county. The reeolut'on waa adopted. Mr. L. U. Scott, of Blount's Creek. Introduced the follovlnff resolution I a* follows: We condemn the office of County Auditor, a* an unnecessary county expense, and instructthe County Commissioners to abolish asms as far a* 1 their power of appointment lies, and we Instruct onr member of the leglslature to repeal the motion of the bill 1 creatine that office for Beaufort i County. A motion mads by F. C. Malllaon to table tba abate reetUtloa waa V ' f'-'' y ' >50 " ' , I?M, INGT WiBUWOrON. NORTH ( ^Showers Lhi^glfeg^laJkLjEsr. . - :. : ,vL BMP OOWBSrai HUB -I m SEEIIUJKR Once afgaln has the Hsh tmannstrated tfu sttcscOul ? ts Its mil- , Unary department. Tkelr annual I tall and winter apaalaa oonurred TesterAny Ml utu and was a crown las aaecsasaa ranch ao 'Mat Us outlet* (or the l i Ulia. sees no i, the rerr|brllhtast he their history. Their late -creations ha ruaddaai ?ma the crarsurs at all aasd much praised. The Indian hare .named (this well kaewu sa^iailian ata -dad veatarday and today sad (be anansdemeat la be. h*. hlikly i iinll.i i sad. Who Hah la one at the ethyls poptllsr - stores and la no department are They mots popular than their millinery. To Suit thisaaasstnnKt idmiaasain la to be oonvhaeed that no town In North Carolina fcaa a Taoro *Maerpte< or mors alls males unBllosrytaieplsy KIM MOT Ml a mm. cenius "Ton sa -thetoiri 'I rrmeei" the i product ?OT attorfh Carolina boy and 1 a BeawSort "County one at that. In the IlieaWh. 'Jesse B.'Wnpdyrbf'Au- 1 rara. J). V.. baa 1 sat 'been published ' aa? *hs Daily Ttwww aXkarrMMcea .htth Sbadbe-a copy. , *bs suuSie'la"by m.t; ttahfnrd It ! |ajpr* pttrmctledty gotten up had. thane wfbo 'have' tried 1t- pronounr* (t one a* the sacceaaea of" the aeaaoa. Mr. ~nmMj "la- odty 11 years of aye. This KM attraction for uradiehl taror has edreaJdy 'been -rendered oa the f*> -*!th..mK*?d success hy ansae of AmvHcd's wetUhnown -mhlat tad sniwadb Of Ihort life lianas cess has ^."SSnTio-fM. nwSr.t; erratic composer. It goe* "ti show Mlntd to mm?7?b attractive htefco In the m?hl eiir? aad tW DaltaTNm <> 1 ddi#hted to know that a Aeaufort OMRtykoT tatta author. Mfc Hardy The mask; can~t>e purtfbaaed from the: *. tttku "Beedhle 'Vonpaar. Inc., Hk-Od You streets, WttMngton, ?. ?c. The Oeopera'International 'Vnloa 1?ued'three Otrtm earing the laat leuirTlj, -em negotiated four working agreement? providing far an inereeee Optetl-bysa vote-of .45 ?and W to 29 wad 1-T A oonohttton ,mm thpn sntrodwed to I'efimml'Um nUntlon of two years Co. Wfioucfi, Id twrniMn auesbled ta?D -mo ego svrdeoletion was adopted committing the' Democratic party to a too* two policy for Its county edmiiia: -and. whence, l.vlhe recent primaries held the people did 1 net rati ft- tWa policy. Be H wer ;reaV I i owing resolution: ~ 'i -^Iteso'lved by Shle convention. That i the representative from Bean fort i CPiiwety.and the senators fromtMe 41*- I trict ** instructed to pass a law t putting the recorders and clerks of 1 the reeprdlf's courts of the Washington, Aurora and Belhaven diflkrleta on aslary, with a prorison far- ? ther that In all cases a defendant In- | dieted in either of said courts shall c rnon demand be entitled a trial by fl jwry and that a committee composed c of three men from Aurora district, ? three from Pantego district and nine r from the Washington district, be ap- a painted to formulate a bill in con- a formlty with thte resolution and with' h such futther details as they may deem essential, including a reduction of coats and the chairman of the m- a ecntlye committee As requested to c appoint the said committee and notl- v fy the appointees. That the committer from each distrjpt shall fix the salary for its district. p The cbalpman of this convention C authorised to appoint a committee u of three to redraft the primary law c for Bespfort county. Resolution d adopted. - ? p 1 I I ^1 I I iakqun*. mDA^Krraiu>MON. e dl,. l'Ol ||^il|) i9 ^ L / V EFaU Hundreds Jap And $20, JijUS*. V j^.*;,r_^riT.'=T. the tyfhooP| which Mqt Japan Cwom end te?end on Wiry. *%He the low at hewan tile WW rety heavy and the In The stoi nn wee the worst that has secerned 'here ter pre* half ? cen- j Wry. acccrdta* he wporU eHWh ' k>TI J*>r?pt Crape enCerad eeeeretj ererrt b at the pUM Anujp Mail 1 don. la the netahborhood of the cl- 1 Uapeof rieuM. OTd Oaake. oa ' Ik. tatai id at Hondo, uajtn oifu. M Ni igoya wy hogee was dam- 1 i?M an id a great Cidal wave ?emol- 1 lshed tUe kidMr art each three jJ1 ' Ha and the vhrtsrt aMr craw art pwaaiimfciti gins Tart" \*t Ouaka H.1HI ! wane artta- 1 **?ad *11 tha laaakaaiiia aart t?< ? rtrhte ewllageed tarts ? heap rt DTMRMT cuss - CMMISEIBM % next Thursday afternoon the clnelng aboo* of the Washington Oca Olahitakea place at their grounds on Bonner street and the members of the dab hope that there will be a large number present. On yesterday afternoon the regular weekly hhoot P unowned and the following Is the core aeade by the respective participants: Target. Broke. P.C. White,. 50 29 .58 Bland 50 35 .70 Worthy* '. 50 86 .71 BdiAuu* KA mn n a Unwell 60 35 .70 1 (ofeht. ........ 50 26 .52 8 Fowl? . . 50 Jl .58 1 (lodges. ...... 50 29 .58 Sterling ...... 50 28 .56 I SctflBn 60 28 I NOfdmRT INSPECTION. Qvfte a number of ladle? called at he T. W- Phillip? and Co.'a store reeterday and today to Inspect their ? all and winter display of millinery. This shore has always been In fore h root in tthis line .of work and this u eaaon tbey have surpassed their tl prmer reputation. It would pay all a 0 visit them before buyfng. . JJANOIH GOOD ROADS MUTING. a P*orla, III.. S*pt. 17.?The UrfMt N nd most notable meeting ever held w n tht? State In aid of the gced roads ei ause was held here today under the m uspice? of the Illinois Highway Imrovoment Association. The nttendnee included scores of delegates repeeentlng the State Orange and other gricnltural bodies, sutomobUe elubs fr ad ?ogtmerelal and industrial organ- d< rations In every pert of the flute. to ? r th Quite n number of eltteens from vl 11 parts of the county wse In the m Ity today attending the County Con- th entlon. a ?. as A convention of the machinists eta- 5 loyed on the Northern Railway of uf anada via held In Toronto. Out.. iat week. The chief subject of dta. oeslon wee n resolution to conaoli- bo ate the entire membership of that of arttculgr branch under one hand. In 1 J" \"is 'f.- i AI1Y EPTE1IBER M. 1*11. norrow ', * f' ' j JDWERS. -'"MWUliMffimrtlln l?M?anese Killed 000*000 Loss IBS lEHITS opening flnrns success IboUmt taccwtfrt milliner? ?penUeilec^B?%??ker *tt Aw tum of Mlu Battle IHetxlIig. ;Her wjenlng Wan on I? tsrdsy mil dhe has been visited by a large number Jady callers in? sat tag her elaborate -display end taste and her work for the comtog Mm Sxas been much admlrei. n? o?i?ok for ier the coming sea on anaplcloua. H?r display of hats both >Parisian aod domestic ate all Rmtiosold %e Wtartrod. I0YI UbUMEKT 8PEKIMG A JEW SUCCESS Bqrt -an yeotarday and today Is bong visited by ladles not only from IKaahington but the surrounding knmty- This display of millinery his season at this loading emporium nas beam much admired end Mr. Hoyt Mad bis head milliner, Miss Roea Wricks, have again demonstrated Weir ability to please tbe ladies lodging by the large number of hats laid during the opening. The openag which started early yesterday norning has been the most successful n the history of this well known itore. Mr. Hoyt gives much of his fine to this department and that he s succeeding in his efforts is evilenced by his generous patronage. The display of hsts this season both Frisian and domestic have never been ng is a conspicuous success so much o that Mr. Hojrt awd Mlas Stockr are he recipiaot of numerous congratuations which are jiuftly merited. The Hoyt millinery department is . mecca for the lades and doubtless Mil be throughout the entire seajpn. eeing is believing, and the Dally Tews asks all to call and Inspect. I- W. BELL EUYSINIBREST FURNITURE BUSINESS ! ?:? lir. F. P. Whitley, of the firm of 1 /hitley & ^Cherry*. furniture dealers, &a sold his interest in the business ( > Mr. David W. Bell. The name of ie flkm In the future will be known i Bell and Cherry. Notice of disao- 1 itlon of the former co-partnership ppears elsewhere in today's Daily ewa. The new irm has the best j lshes crf thiB paper as well sb the t itlre city. Both members are yeung ? en of excellent business ability. t i \ SWEATER FOR PRESIDENT. 1 .lfalden, Mass., Sept. 27.?A *sit 1 om President Taft brought Mai- | in's trade carnival week celebration ..a climax today. After reviewing * trades parade the President sited the exposition of Maldenade products. Aa a memento of e occasion he was presented with n navy blue sweater made of the fin. 8 t lamb's wool. The sweater Is sixe c and the largest garment ever man- h adored at the local factory. oi ' g The Americas Federation of Lair Is conducting an active campaign organisation among the workers F the iron and steel industry. 9 ]N SPOILED CORN E URGED international Congress i ion In the Capitol of Health A1 $ j Waai'.afftou, D. C., Sept, J7 -" Interaational Congress of Hygl hu Iwd ia HUlon MV?f?l days ht ud lut ?Mk the State and pro' filal board* of health held aeul Papers ware read by * number o moat prominent ptQraicians and , tlata. representing almost eve n Used. ooontry. Although m- A tlae work wsa carried o ^ , were a number of the ncpt pram physicist* and scientists, r?g>rw Uvc almost every cW.llxed f the most attractive' and inferes ng Journeys the people of Wnshinj on have taken in years. All fot ountrlea will be at your i!it>posa >cmc of tbe natives in each cov-ntx vi)l be present to greet yo-i and ale 0 serve all callers refre-n Scs- 1 atV- Arwtocial Board* rh*' Mir Md that since Italy Bar re. ?nf ? al/ktM tbe ante of tbe* tainted! ptU, 1 'r a the waib?r af 'IJI1 h.-*s been xwduced 1 r a*- in one year fane 1501,000 to JfeOOO* . a mm. The -quaetkm of hefriuetlcaPy deal- 1 f tbe ed coffins cortainhf bodies ?* 3 tdmrn- vu dying df tadfartlous diseased^ a olvi- vhew thoeo boflin are to be shipped jisn- frcpn one state. .Astrlcf or territory, there to aaether. -wse dleciaised at (Teat last .Umgth at tbe oonfcrences of state and mat- provincial boards, which subsequentdry. ly voted that tbese coffins should be was SboliAed. Dr. TR. J. Rankin, of er of North Carolina, led tbe fight for tbe when abolition of the hermetically rested k. of raebtffr?ch Dr. Knopf prescribed the tollowlbc i ssple rules fier school children, for the pre- \ rised ventlon of consumption and other \ and diseases: little "Do aot pat yonr fingers Into your t|net dMtt. ' sase "Do not bold money or pins is your with mouth. "Keep your fsce, hands and nails * I B. clean. .'-Jj W seed "Keep yourself as clean nt horns as 4 ever you do at school. ease "Do not kiss snyoue on tbe mouth, nm- nor ll?? ? *- *-* ? ;? ?/vue to hifb you in that lion way. ! sup. "Breathe fresh air deeply and ofne ten." be A treat hygienic expositon is in en- progress, under the auspices of the lion International Congress of Hygiene, is where there are a great many inter- I wa- eating exhibits. An electric globe tele, Bed which light flashed every ten bee-} ex- onds, with a notice that every time n?-r the light flashed a child. died somewhere in the civilised world, furnished ed the magnet that drew scores. *n j ind the midst of the shining apparatus aer and orderly exhihiU in tie Red Croea ' 1 ?as building la a pile of dirty potatoes, a led.number ef flyjapotted pies, musty ire bread and bad meat, which made riatth Itors to the exhibition amaxod at the '.ed. disorder of the display. The pie, ial bread and other eatables were lying ce. oa a wooden counter, and underneath j tat wore uncovered barrels, containing of apples, sugar and other things to eat. he In the midst of this heap was the flg80 ure of a fox terrier, with one foot on rir a potato. The explanation of tbd R eorder ?at in a sgn reading, "A da )s- bad store," and opposite another sign j| ed reading "A good tsore" placed above ij he a clean counter, on which were arse, ranged plates of pies, bread, cakes el- and other eatables neatly covered sr. with glass. These two displays were >is placed in the building by tbe market "i ne committee of the Woman's Muukipal j 00 League, to show the difference be- ^3 a- tween bad and good groceries, es Men wbo have borne the brunt of of the battle against disease arrived of here from 33 foreign nations and td. practically every State and Territory ly and possession of the United States, v- I during the early part of the week. -JS hool Building A.roun<$*the WorW he i ! ?.< ping with tke customs c? the reto jcueetive countries. ? ?n | See America first, then Ireland, 10i:ucn visit Egypt and Japan and then ?n back again to the land of "he free ic j and the home of the brave. The I round trip will coat but 40c for on? a- ticket and 76c. for two. Scbot.' ehilry d'On are given an opportunity to visit :h the countries for the small price of le ?6c. Each country visited will cost >ty9| t- each 10c. Tickets are now on sale 5- at Hardy's Drug Store and the Hoyt '.Ai-Sflfl tr Drug Company. 1. The occasion tonight is anticipat y ed by every one with great pleasure o1 and it behooves every local citizen n ' to aid the cause. ____________ ' l 'J * vj NEW ADVERTISEMENTS it IN TODAY'S NEWS I * ?? ^ James B. Clark. E. W. Ayers. *2 Southern Distilling Company. 1 Boston Rubber Shoe Oo. * fjfl 1 WMkinton Horn Baku**. A. C. H.th?w*r. W Southern Furniture Company ? j I * Win. Bragaw A Co. M