VOL.4. ; i Nominate County Ticket aa Majority Rule. Oppose . vor Reduction m Numb> Advocate Rotation m O The lade pendent Progressive or "Bill Mmm" party oonvened at the Court Homo on Saturday last and transacted the following business: The convention was called to order by John B. Reopens. O. A. Connor wan made temporary chairman and v-f B. D. Danieln secretary. The committee on platform was composed of c. T. Bockman. J. B. Reopens, F. L. Morris. J. T. Swain. B. W Bergeron. The committee on platform reported the follow!** for the party: , the Independent Progress We party of Beaufort County, realising the necessity for a change In the conduct pf county affairs In Convention assembled,do make and declare the following to be the paltform upon which we go befo r^tbepeopto of Beaufort County. ashing their co-operation and support In our effort to give the county aa economical and business-like administration. let. We are in favor of a majority rule, giving unto every voter freedom of speech and liberty In the casttag of his ballot. Sod. We oppose s legalised prt mary for the nomination of county offioer* for Beaufort County. 3rd. We condemn the extravagant mam of county fund* la any manner n-hataoeyer; we also condemn the present ayatem of tax Hating and the oxponae whkh It unneeaaaarlly incur*. 4th. We favor a redaction ta the number of our County Commiaisonem from I to I and an Inceraee la their pay to ft per day aad mileage. We deem thi* advisable In order that we may aecure pood influential buaUcee men t* manage county affaire. ^ iI. . t? *" wt?. Wo laver rotation ta oOea{ titled to rebellion, end the akol libMat ot nth eouty office, u ere unnecessary for the conduct of ?# buain^nK r 1th. Wo bellera that the ealarlea received by MM at her county officer* are not hi tbbfiing with tbe verrlcee rendered and we therefore favor a reduction in the salaries of aoch official# to an amount equal to that received by others for work of a like aatufU. 7th. Wo oppose the leaue and sale of Beaufort County bonds of any denomination except by the majority of the to tea of fhe people. 8th. We favor the abolishment of nice Nirnnic MDDicn inioo nibuuu mnmuui ; IN WASHINGTON CITY Mils Katie Nichols, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Nichols, of this city, was happily married to Mr H. R. Balrd, a promising young merchant of Petersburg, Va., In Washington City last week. The happy couple spent several days In the Capital City before going to their future home la Peterabu*. Miss Nichols Is a very popular and charming young lady and her many friends here wifh her every happiness. The gseom Is an energetic merchant' \n hlg home city. The Dally News extends congratulations and host wishes. < RAJ. ROBjlAN'S Si UR8M OPERATION Mutir Wiley Croom Rod KM. 3f. the 5-y.ar old ion ot Major and Mr, Wiley C. Rod moo, ni operated 01 ot the Johna HopktDi Hospital. Boltl mora, oa Friday laat, and It will 0 gratifying to know that the little (el low la cattlas along aloalr. and ua laaa eometblnf nnforeeen occura h will rapidly recover. It la ex pec to that ha will ha able to return hom wlthlh tho next ton daya. Major Rodman la expected to H haw flea Baltimore today. BOAHH or DDOATTOR. The County Board of Bdueatlon I In aooolon at tba Court Houao toda aad tho nouat routine of work fo tho *odtmonth la being tranaactod. e.'" ~ L'. twfr'V. ' if 7\ W P mr m h B B 1 II if HE H rNESSDE id m Platform Declare fc Legalized Primary Law?Ft tr of County Commissioner ffice. the Recorder's Court of Beaufo County end the Increase of the Juri diction of mayo is end Justices. 9th. Wo oppose the appointroei of any offices or the creation of ex new ofltoea, without the rote of tt 19th. We resolve to leave out a former party lines and bend ox every effort to redeem our county credit and place her on an equalit with our sister counties. The a bore platform as snbmittc by the committee was unanimous! adopted. The nominations for tl respective county Offices was then ai nouaced. The office df re present at ix was the first in order and J. R. Re peae made a motion that B. 1 Thompson be endorsed. P. H. Wi ten and E. W. Bock spoke in oppos ties. Also Messrs. J. A. Buc* ax Marshal Leggett spoke In opposltio however, the motion of Mr. Reepei prevailed and Mr. B. H. Tbompac was endorsed. In the vote for representative D A P Un*? an* 0 T. tors, were reported as having toU both ways. For Sheriff, L. P. Harris, of Hoi tor's Bridge, was named. For Register of Deeds. Fenn< Ooilford, of Aurora. N. C., was non lasted. Fpr Treasurer. E. R. Mlxon, wi endorsed. for the office of Oeuaty Commt loners the following were nomine ed sad endorsed: F. L. Morris. < Long Acre; Fred Weltontem. i Chocowlnlty; C. T. Buck man. WuklniUl; C. B Latham, at B^l C. h AreMk. ot Pant.ro. for Recorder ot WaafcingtOD 41 trUt, cotnpoaed of yfaahlegt.n, Waa inftoo townahl^. Lint Acre u safcssssaf5^5^ For Clerk of the Rotttder's Coui E. 0. Mslllaou JHM endorsed. For Coroner, Ford Waters, of Pin (tin. Wilson C. Ruse, of tbla city, wi named aa County Chairman of tl Independent Progressive Party. One of the features of the cense tion was a speech by O. J. Swain, Pinetown. N. C.. who ia strong wor condemned the present primary la^ declared himself for Roosevelt, si proceeded to denounce Taft. He ma an appeal to all present to get t icether and do something to efeet change in the piVeent county i fairs. WASHINGTON BUGGY GO. RAISE THEIR EMPLOY! The management of the Wash it ton Boggy Company on Saturday li appreciating the excellent work of employee In all departments, wlthc solicitation fattened each spvelc with a substantial raise. It is nei less to state that the workmen i predated this step on the part ot I management. This concern is do! an enormous business and empl< quite a numbe rof men. If Waahii ton had more such manufacturing dustrlee the town would be forg' ahead with more rapidity. CO. "C" AKB mm Ml I IITIA18 ATTEND FA The Sixth Division of the No Carolina Naval Militia, Com pi 1 "Q" and the Washington Cone - Band expect to leave 1st New Be 9 N. C., on Tuesday October S9. - the purpose of participating in - parade and the compatTtiva drill 9 the handsome silk flag to be awar A to tha aueesaaful company. 6 Both the naval militia and military company are to drill at tl *- respective armories on Wednee next and every member of both Kpnisatlona are expected to be pi eat. All the members are looking : ward to their visit with pleasure.1 Is occasion In New Bern Is the Oi y Eastern Carolina Pair. Washing >.r expects to make a creditable snow in the contest. * ? .-v * 'V.ZV'Jvfci ?." * ' INGT .. .1 WASHINGTON. NORTH C Fair 1 IS A DEMOCRAT. Washington N. C.. Oct. 7, 191*. Mr. Qeo. A. Connor. Chairman of 5 the Bull Mooso and Republican Convention, which convened In Washington. Oct. 6th. 1911. Belhaven, N. C. . >; Dear Sir: Through a friend, over phone. T \ learned yesterday your Convention had nominated me for 8har** iff of Beanfort County, for what reason r know not. I wish to state to yon as Chairman that you mpy. convey same to your followers, that under no conditions will I accept the nominart Uon" I am a DEMOCRAT and Intend to support the full ticket, and especially do I delight In having the opportnnlty of voting for much men as Woodrow Wilson, P. M. Simmons. John. H. SmhQ and the n entire Democratic county ticket, jr I thank you and your friends if >8 you consider you conferred an honor upon me, but I do not, therefore I forbid you placing my name upon yous ticket. I shall ly feive this letter to the prest today. Wishing you an overwhelming * defeat in the general election. I lire >in' Yours respectfully, j . ^ L. P. HARRIS. :. REPUBLIC!* aWVEHTIOI : FRIMY. OCT. 11TI r. A mass-meeting of Republicans la hj called to meet Friday, October 11, 1*12, at 10:30 a. m. at the Court q_ House in Washington, N. C.. for the purpose of electing a county egecuBr tive.committee sad chairman and to a_ consider the advisability of nominating a candidate for legislator*, and n candidates for county offices. The Republicans in each precinct are nrg^ ad to send delegates. , Hons. Tfcnmia (iMtU ru-M u ,t Blair will aMraia ?ka eltlaau ot 3f Baaufort county oa this occasion, >f Friday, October 11, 1?1?. I- "" Bmrrbody Is tartted to the toaakJm. ?_ OB), E. BUCKMAK, b- Secretary Executive Committee. a 1?'T-,itc I RESPECTIVE C1URCHES n " * Yesterday vu a delightful occasion In the respective cheurchee ot the city. At 81. Peter's Episcopal D* Church the rector. Her. Nathaniel Hard in a. was assisted by Rev. C. D. ; Mslone. of Chocowtnity. The Holy ' Communion was administered. The * congregation was Urge and atten4? tire. JO * At ths First Baptist Church ths preacher was Rev. Mr. Brlckhouse, of Creswell. N. C.. who is filling the ~ pulpit so acceptably during the absence of ths pastor. Rav. H. P. Bolton, who Is away on hie annual vacs-: tlon. The sermons of Mr. Brlckhouse, EC both morning and evening were pro** nounced superb both in presentation and thought and nothing but the very ig- highest praise Is beard for him today tat on lhe #trMU ltB At the Christian Church Rev. Thoa. ml ? - - -- - ? v*r?on, 01 rantego. IN. U.p occupied ?pe Che pulpit owing to the absence of ad- the p&ator. The congregation al*Pr waya !**>*? forward with delight to the coming of Mr. Green and at both services yesterday he was greeted by lng large and appreciative congregations. m 4 \ . >P At the First Presbyterian Church ln. the servicep were Itnereeting as the . pastor delivered two sermens of power. W>v] Mr. Searlght always preaches In a way to attract hi* hearers and on yesterday there waa no except***. After the'toortalhg dtacenrse the Lord's Supper was cele|J| brated. At the First Methodist,Church, Rev. R. H. Broom, pastor, the aacrainy ment the lord's Supper was ad|ert ministered. Three additions by lettei irn were announced by the paBtor. Near* ly every 8nnday the pastor announce! the additions to the church roll showing for a steady growth. The morning serrfled ices were much enjoyed. At nlghl the pastoredelivered a strong exhorts the tlon Co the-members.- There was i relr larRe Increase in the attendance a day the Sunday School yesterday aftas or- no~res " for- BOARD OF OTT ALDBRMRN. The reat The Board of City Aldermen wtt ;ton meet at the City Hall this evening fo: ring the usual monthly masting. Bnslneo on irportance Is to be traasaoted. [m^ I ^M ^B ^Kk *i. y^ffl&titi _^fl '. 't^^L ijjj .Jfl - v'd^H r?1 J^H I ^ I Mr*. WUHML Dl Sllfclfc. wit, ef I C*l, ?ko it kM irk m kS k the capital Farmers Conventic the Foil ox . The North CarsMaa State FarMgh jbrt* Convention, In annual session aa- wl embled, Aug. 27-29, 1912, through th Ua committee offers the followingl resolutions: ce 1. We recommend that the next co seealon of the legislature pass an act authorising a state-wide dog-tax, the *** proceeds of which to be appropriated W| to the school fund. 4 2. Resolved, That we favor a Is state-wide stock law for North Caro- tl< llna. ! | 3. That we favor the discussion of Wl scientific marketing along with aclen- ln tlflc production at the Institutes. 4. Resolved. That we desire to express our appreciation of the co-oper Inn tko 0??>a tV of Agriculture, the A. & M. College, at and the D. S. Department of Agridul- CI ture, and we further' recommend U thorough unanimity of action on the in part of these institutions in all things T that pertain to the agrfcultural de- ai velopment of our great state. And It >pi is the further sense of this body that s< there should be a competent demon- R strator agent In every county of the state, who shall act as county commissioner of agriculture. m 5. Resolved, That we desire to go t< on record as being In thorough sym- t] pathy and hearty co-operation with si the Q4rls' Tomato Clubs and Boys' Clvh* that are doing such great work p in our state. r 6. Resolved, That the action ef the s Southena Commercial Congress requesting each state to send two rep- n resentatives to Europe to study the p subject of agricultural credit was wise and timely. p 7.'.Resolved* Thft -this"dpnrention a appoint a committee to confer with t the State Department of Agriculture ii and see whether the Farmers' Insti- S tutea can in any way better meet the needs of the people of the state in p their various localities. c 8. Resolved, That this convention r go on record In our legislature to not t divert the inspection tax from uses t 1 to which it is now applied; but that 1 the same be left ,n the hands of the It ' Board of Agriculture to be applied ( t by them to the uses and needs ef She t farmers of the state along agrlcul- 1 1 tural, horticultural and stock rais1 lag lines. < t. Resolved, The same committee < appointed to confer with the board of Agriculture in refer nee te Institute work confer further with that board i In reference to eradicating hog chol- 1 l ere. ? < f 10. Resolved. That the farmers 1 I and their wives and their children endorse the movement to erect a suit- < V' %*- MS* ALLY TOBER 7. 1911. rrow ppF CJU-IFOBIHA | p| B SH . M ^B seaaoi New Natlo v. inne Amer BpPfeul^ poi? EnBpfctf Toda) and i PBSMK^y teetln Comn and p aeries m seven will a ^R| ^Av that, public pairn WW place I fall Kriea 11** hour ylah ball" >hip * \V ?ti,er tPQa < from * J ] I Mexic m?B j,.// wiu c Bfl3?|||Sg// tbe bl j/r paper ^ Pro B 1 " been "P""-^ the at *? mm Lo? intel?. *bl>' i Mad with Mat Into tfca aodal Ufa aultab And v ~ eliglbl m Adopt Tl wmg Resolutions 1ST V 119 U memorial to Knapp, " 10 did bo much for the farmers of e South. The 11. Whereas. Good Roads are ne- Mondi eaary for the development of any Mr untrj and. ond si Whereas, there is a great awaken- ?lred. g in the Improvement of our high- pr? ays throughout the state. lnS at Therefore, be It resolved. That ** ?*r the sense of the Farmers' Conven- day e an of North Carolina that the con- hy Re eta of the state should all be put to On ork upon our roads. Instead of work will b g in competition with free labor. terian 12. Resolved, That we request the the L eneral Assembly to authorise the clety. epartment of Agctculture to send nlven ro representatives to Europe to t'on. udy the question of Agricultural (nK P< edit. public 13. Resolved, That we reaffirm our r ceP' iterest In and endorsement of the dent orrens system of land registration ^iBW ad that we hereby recommend the A 1 usage of such an act at the next w"'' * ?ssfen or our state legislature, desolations Concerning Oleotnarge- DAIl Whereas, the tax on colored oleolargerine. In the Imitation of butir, la for the purpose of protecting le dairyman against the fraudulent ^ ale of thia article as butter, and ^ Whereas, the present tax of l-4c. j er pound on uncolored oleoniarge- ^ ine works no hardship on the con- , pral* umers, and ^ ^ Whereas, the price of buMor has ' ot increeaed in proportion to the ^ * j rice of other food products, and Whereas, the state and national decount artmenta of agriculture have and re spending thousands of dollars In he upbuilding of the dairy lndustry a this state and other Southern Itatea, and Th Believing that the repeal of the ,n rf resent tax qf 10c. per pound on col red oleomargerine will atop all prog- ( ess in dairy industry and undermine he very foundation of onr agrlcul- warn ural system, vltJ# soli fertility, Fort: Therefore, be It resolved. That we aevei ah the North Carotin* members in Tb* Congress to use their influence and Pers heir votes in retaining the present carei ax on colored oleocnargerlne. toni| So It further resolved. That a copy >f these resolutions be sent to each >f these members. w,n1' Traveling Libraries. day Believing that the interests of the rural sections of North Carolina will mad be greatly benefited by the operation that >f a system of traveling libraries from throughout the state, It Is hereby appr Resolved. That the State Farmers begi Convention approve of the efforts tem. -?&&&?&* Kii&tK&fcj. NEV i ' .. ' ' '' FEU HSKSL2 iaan Fans Are Keyed And Bett'mg la Favt Red Sox f Yort, Oct. 7.?The crowning of the professional baseball i is at hand. The series for the 's championship between the Yorks, twice champions of the nal League, and the Bostons, ra of this year's pennant in the lean League, will begin on the Grounds in this city tomorrow. , r the umpires, official scorers espective owners of the cong clubs met with the National ilssion to receive instructions erfect the Anal details for the : , which will continue until one e teams has won four of the i games scheduled. The games lternate dally between this city loston. i scarcely an exagyeration to say i with a large proportion of the | ! at least, the presidential cam- < now on wil] drop Into second < in interest while the world's i is being fought out. Prom, the 1 that the umpires cries "play i tomorrow untl lthe champion- i lag is cinched by one or the i of the contesting teams, the )f thousands of baseball fans. ] Hudson's Bay to the City of i o, from Coney Island to Manila, i rowd around the tickers, scan I illetin boards and buy the news- i extras. i bably do aerlea tbat baa ever t played in baseball will attrart i tentlon this one will, and prob- < 10 aeries, tbe weather being t <le, will equal it in attendance. 1 fbat a time tboae twenty-throe i le Oianta and twenty-two Red < ill have wben tbe financial mel- < PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH I ITESTBEfflllNE WEEK i.Church Aid Society will meet 17 afternoon at 3:36 at borne , b. J. F. McClure, on Fast Sec:reet. A full attendance la deyer meeting Wednesday even8 o'clock. t rice at Payne Memorial Thura- , vening at 8 o'clock, preaching . >t. H. B. Searigbt. Friday night at 8 o'clock there 1 e a service at tbe First Presby- 1 church, under tbe auspices of i adica' Foreign Missionary So- , commemoration of the 20th anlary of tbe society's organlzaAn interesting and entertainrogram will be rendered. This r service will be followed by a lion at tbe borne of the preslof the society. Mrs. Howard all. "ull program of tbe exercises >e printed later. u upuin nniirnnnm I 11 ntfta nuUcL'lULU DEPARTMENT PRAISED e Household Department started| 5 Dally News on last Friday and j now on is to run each Friday Saturday, Is being universally ed by all the citizens. One iner-! : said this morning: "1 think! department bids fair to become most attractive feature of the ' News. Rest assured you can L on me for an advertisement " STORM WAKS'IN'C. ie local weather bureau here is ?eipt of the following message headquarters at Washington today: >ntlnue the Northwest storm Ing from Wilmington. N. C.. to ress Monroe, Va. The wind 1b e with a Northerly movement, dispatch is signed Moore. SVpand owners of boats shou'd be ;?! how they leave port today and fht. r. Fred Von Kberstein, of Chocoty, is a Washington visitor toe to secune such a system and It use its influence to secure i the next legislature an adequate oprlation to purchase, equip and n the eperatlon of such a sysA I ' J v9 Ns. 4( SB IN 1 ?P III-1 1 Up to the Highest Pitch jrable to the Boston Team. a - + - on Is sliced after the series is completed. The Polo Grounds have been put in shape to accommodate nearly <j 59,000 spectators, while Fenway Park, the new home of the Bostofi Americans, will take care of at least 40,000 and probably more. As the priceB are more than doubled at these games, the receipts for the pott-sea- j son this year should greatly exceed those of any like series fn the past. 's and the winning players are pretty sure of making a rake-off of from $2,500 to $3,000 each. If the series should go to the limit the profits of -1 the club owners should be enorm0UB. | As to what the series wtll bring forth l M partisan fans have been up to a high pitch trying to convince Iheroaelrwe and others why their Tavorite team cannot lose. In view of the fact that tbe Giants are veterans. even when it comese to contesting for the world's flag, while tbe Boston Red Sox might almost be termed novices in comparison, it 1s ?omewhat surprising that so many newspaper critics and others well rersed in tbe national game should pick the Hub players to win. Tbe iverage New Yorker, of course, can ?ee nothing to it but McGraw's team, but It is a noticeable and significant lact that around the Broadway hotels and other places where sporting men congregate tber^appears to be 1 ready taker for every bet offered >n the Giants. Whichever way tbe series goes, there is already one ;hing that seems certain, and that is that a larger amount of money will hange hands cm tbe result than has fvei been the case before. LOCAL SPORTS TO ATTERB WORLD BASEBALL SERIES ? -4 Messrs. 2. M. Potts, R. Lee Stewirt. John W. Oden and John CI. Brasaw, Jr.. left thia morning via tbe Norfolk Southern Railway for New i'ork City and Boston, where tbey go to witness the games of baseball be* I ween tbe New York Giante and the Boston Red Sox for tbe world aeries, tbe opening game of wbirb is to be pulled off in tbe city of New York tomorrow afternoon. These ball enthusiasts are anticipating the time of tbelr life and no doubt wil have remarkable things to relate upon (heir q return. When asked by a Daily News man this morning who would win out in (he series, Mr. Potts unhesi- ' | tatingly replied "I am not at liberty to relate at this juncture for J roust first cast ray eye over the respective teams in order to give out my opinion. however, if you will carefully rcrutlnire tbe New York papers per- ' ./i haps you wH| get a chance to give my views an I am engaged as a Washington representative for this purpose." All the friends of the above party wish them a pleasant trip. Messrs. N. B. Dawson, of Conetoo. N. C . and G. A. Stanclll. of Hill. N. C., are in the city today. They are stockholders >n the Washington Lime Kiln Company, the plant of which hi " >3 situated on the Castle. They are jtfaking preparations to begin the burning of shells within the next few days. LADIES' AID WK1BTY. 9 The Indies' Aid Society of the First Methodist Church met with Mrs. William Pedrlck on West Second street this afternoon. The meeting was much enjoyed by an pros- j ent. HEW ADVERTISEMENTS * IN TODAY** NEWS Washington Horse Exchange. Wm. Bragaw * Co. * J H. Clarke and Sons. M The Hub. J. P. Jackson. Bucklen's A. C. Hathaway. \*?| Chichester Pills. 0 4 '-L;

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