VOli. ?. ii '.' > './ V ' I CHILDREN'S Dt f FIRST METHO WAS HIG Attractive Prograr Sunday Night b> Was a Gala Oc Taking Part [f,v ' *-5 vji v 7 *? : -TThe Children's Day exercise* at the First Methodist Church held on last evening at the church proved to he oae of the most delightful occasions yet conducted by the pupils and students of this church. For weeks past elaborate preparations hare been In progress for the auspicious event and the large audience last night listened with pleasure and profit to a program full of merriment. Instruction and profit. To Misses Annie Brldgman, Mary Cowell. Mae Ay ere and Jolia Mayo le the entire school Indebted for a program net soon forgotten. The only thing to mar the plaaanre of the evening was the abeence of the pastor, Rev. R. H. Broom, who was confined to hit home on account of Illness. The little lots did fine and. every selection waa carried out in a way to please and amuse. Th^ following program was charmingly rendered: Music by orchestra. . ~ Prayer by Mr. W. M. Kear. Chorus by the Sunday school. , v Recitation?Children!' Day Greet> lag?By fowr girls. Vocal Bolo?Miss Christine Baugham. Recitation?When Jesus waa a HOSPITAL NURSE HARRIED IN RALEIGH '' _ TIm seamy friend, of Mies Bessie l% L. Smith, one of the popular |nd capable a u rose at the Fowle Memo^ - , rial. will doubtless bo eurprlaed to ? leara of her warrisge to Mr. JB. F. Brw, hWlb, N. C. Th? tap. PT mat occurred la fulelch on October 11. lUoo Smith left here to attend the Raleigh Fair and there met her future husband. After the consummation of the nup_ tlals the bride returned to this city as if nothing out of the ordinary had taken place. However, like murder, auch things will leak out. and the news came. She ie to leave this after noon for Raleigh to join her husband nod goes with the best wishes of her many friends for every hap plneea. :" * , WELCOME VISITOR. ? Mr. W. H. Albert, of Norfolk. Vs.. arrived In the city last evening from Norfolk and Is a guest at Hotel Loulge- Hr. Albert is here attending * court in which he is the plaintiff in a civil suit placed on the calendar for tomorrow. His many old friends fcre more than clad to see him. nisi ML I SEISM I The Washington High 8chool foot*. - tall team will meet the Wilmington High School team on the gridiron here Friday for the first time in the history of the schools. After failing In their efforts to secure games for the first couple weeks of the football season, the H. 8 team has now practically completed a schedule of good games for the remainder of the season. For the first time in Its history Washington play? against a team representing one of the largest cities of the State ani one -a 1th a State-wide reputation. Two games, are scheduled with Wllming. ton, one "here and one there. The team goes to Elisabeth City on No * vember 1st, and they come here later. Rocky Mount is also on the f schedule and then too the team will probably play New Bern or some Ife--. other team equally aa good. Some very good games are in store for the people of Washington. The players will work hard all this week so as to be in mid-season form When they line up against the strong Wilmington team here next Friday. Although their opponents are 4 heralded as being an extra good team, fi " iY AT THE DIST CHURCH HLY ENJOYED n was Rendered r the Little Tots, casion for Those Little Child?Jack Bom. Recitation-?By Master Frederick kyers Arthur. Recitation?Welcome to Cradle tollers by Mlaoes Lucille Dall, Salts Cowell and Mary Baugham. Recitation?There la no King But res us?Master Edward Long Majo. Music by orchestra. Recitation?When He Up to Manlood Grew?Ida Tucker. Vocal Duet?The Glad Message? Mary Rhodes and Annie Thomas hrchbell. Recitation?Jesus Our Helper?By lix girls. ? Recitation?The Savior and the Children?Mary Robblns. Address The work of the Baraca -lass and tstwork and mission, by -apt. J. H. Harris. Collection?Mr. C. F. Bland at this . part or the program made a very ' earnest appeal for aid in the furtherance of missions and the result was " that a large collection was tsihen. After the collection the orchestra renrl AI-AH m vapv An* *nJ ftk* benediction was pronounced preceded With prayer by Mr. C. F. Bland. Thus came to a cloee a moat delightful service. MET. OPERA COHPARY THE AnRACTlONMM i The attraction at the Public School Auditorium will be the Metropolitan Opera Company. It being the first attraction of the Lyceum Couree for i side of the regular season tickets The performance is to begin promptly at I.SO o'clock and all those who re not present at that time will be required to remain at the main entrance until the number on the platform baa bean concluded. Tickets ace now on sale at the Hardy drag store not only for thoee who are holding season tickets but all others who deslr to witness this first class performance this evening. The Metropolitan Opera Company Is one of the most attractive musical attractions on the road and no doubt will < be heard by a large audience. ON MARKET TODAY. Mr. B. L. Busman, president Washington Horse Exchange, Is in SL Louis today, purchasing a carload of , joung mules and tomorrow will purchase a carload of young horses. This stock is expected to arrive Monday. October 28th. 10-21tfc IE OF 1 II Oil FRIDAY our boyB are confident that they are Just as good as they are if not a little better. A very close, low-score game is at least tp be expected. All the admirers of tbe game of football who possibly can, will witness this game and it is to be hoped that all others who are interested in the High School or in the young manhood of the town will be present. Many of our cltisens have not seen a game of football within tbe last few years, since the changes in the rules has eliminated most of the dangers and has tranaformed the game from being merely a series of uninteresting mass plays into the interesting open style play, where one can follow the progress of the ball at all times and see how the individual players do their part. If you do not understand the game, get someone who does to go with you to explain it. Of the' people who do not like football, in most cases. It is because they do not understand the game. Let everybody remember that there is to be a big game here this coming Friday afternoon and make their arrangements to be there when the whistle blows for the game to berth. mE' /v-A-'f ffiftii TsfGiT? WASHINGTON, NORTH CAJ Rain Toi \ E '*v *<* -PUBLIC SPEAKIf JOINT DEBATE FOR 1 Tonight at the Court House there will 1 Wiley C. Rodman, Democratic nominee rnd Mr. B. H. Thompson, Independent c slature. The discussion will occur at 8 o nvited to* be present. The respective ci )ate at Chocowinity Tuesday October 22 October 22, at 8 p. m.; Aurora, Wednesi iaveu, Thursday, October 24, 8 p.m.; ] B. ' . All voters of the county are cordially tehed gentlemen discuss the political issu Bounty is concerned. KVWMHWSF BAMtSfTtl CBORCI NEXT SUNBAY ? A series of revival meetings will Begin at the First Baptist church on the Sunday, October 27. (next Sunday), The pastor, Rfev. H. P. Dalton, will hen Be assisted by Rer. C. M. Rock, paslor of the First Baptist Church of mei Sreenville, N. C. of ( Mr. Rock is a preacher of great gra] power and deep consecration. He baa at , bad wide experience, and fine success HeI as an evangelist, and also as a pas- cen lor. por The Baptist cause has greatly prospered under his wise leadership COQ st Greenville, N. C., during his pas- w0] torate, and his coming to Washington is expected to result in much ^ ooO- rea The neonle of Washington are in , - - - - - ? &IU vlted to embrace the opportunity of hearing Mr. Rock. j 1 1 SICKENING SPECTACLES. tod Mr. Thomas B. Davidson. the dor- cou er trareling representative of the la- pa| ternatlonal Harvester Engine Co., J was at Reldsville last week during the the performance of Sun Bros. Clrcns, gxl and tel1* ns he saw a sight that sick- the ened the hearts of a number of thoeo sot who had civic pride sufficient to a p. jc predate the ahamefnl performance et He said in the parade the elephant*,) 5^ zebras and Jackasses were adorned I t!cu with doth4 banners upon which was- |,ox painted or printed the sign "rote for. j Klfchin, he is with you always.*' He; to said the idea of using the animals of {the a circus to advertise the polltcal aa-; del pirations of the (ioveraor of North) Kr? Car?lina to one of the highest offices : at in the gift of the State was one of j the moat disgusting and nauseating| specter]en It had been hla misfortune tin to witness in a long time. Nor did the the thing end here, the down took It ty np and championed Mr. Kitchia's cause under canvass.?The Me bane AN Leader. \ PASTOR INDISPOSED. at On account of the indisposition of ma Rev. R. H. Broom, pastor of the aft Pirat Methodist Church, the pulpit of the Pirat Methodist Church was he! filled on 8unday morning by Rev. iB| W. H. Call. The service waa much all enjoyed aa Mr. Call pieached a acr- an men full of thought and logic. The to lilnaoa of Rev. Mr. Broom to recto- Oc illneae of Rev. Mr. Broom ia regretted by his numeroua friends ur throughout the oity and It ia to be toi hoped that he will aooa be convatoecent. - g| I & if. ^- fy ' f.V . V . , - B B tO LIN A, MONDAY AFTERNO< night and Tomoi i .. SWAT 'EM UNCLE " sIG TONIGH r CO i . * 'HE LEIGSLATURE ~ f: >e a joint debate between Major for member of th? legislature. thn andidate for member of tbe leg- P*ll 'clock. All to tore ere cordially tba LQdidates will apeak te joint de- the at 11 a. m.; Bdwardfg Tuesday, ?rb: lay, October 28, 9 p. m.; Bel- dIdl Pungo, Friday. October 25, 8 p. leu Invited to hear tbeey dlatingu- ed 68 of the day ao far gp Beaufort * or on t try JETIIT fflBtimm r EXPECTED lEflE TUESDAY J ' por >r. Thomas Nicholson, Secretary of wee Oeaeral Board of Education of on Methodist Episcopal church, of Pa., r York City, Is expected to arrive at s tomorrow, October 22nd, for the tior pose of making final arrange- Inst its looking towards tbe erection Pol the proposed college recently try ated for Washington to be located 100 Washington Park. Bishop Theo. ter< iderson, as an outcome of his re- will t visit here, made a favorable re- mei t as to its location to the general ^ rd and Dr. Nicholson comee to ten summate the final arrangements, the 'k upon which is looked for to Brc In on or about January 1 next. of ( Tie Dally News hopes to give Its tak ders a more detailed statement the ir Dr. Nicholson's visit. edu . try. DISTINGUISHED SPEAKERS. 1 rhree distinguished speakers are Thi "U.CIIITOU VV ! 111 HI ID ain nty before the close of the cam- of gn. v mei Ion. Francis D. Winston, one of pip big guns sent oat by the State of ?cutive Committee, wijl address 1 t citizens of Aurora on October the h. Mr. Winston la the Democrat- brll nominee for Presidential Elector In Largo. Beaufort County has had the h of these candidates on the Na- Tin n?l ticket. Mr. O. Kills Gardner up 'lug already spoken at Belharen. one ion. F. C. Harding is well known 1 the people of this county, and Is bal i Democratic nominee for Presi Bei ittal Elector from the First Con- gar isaional District. He will speak we< Edward on October S^th. cor rhe people of Chocowinlty will Bel re the pleasure of hearing our dis- ser guished Congressman, who speaks bal ire on October Slst with the coun- Do: candidates. oni NOUNCKMBNT8 FOR THE ha FEEK FIR8T BAPTIST CHURCH da; rhe Ladies' Aid Society will meet sot the residence of Mrs. R .E. Hoff- Inc m on West 8econd street, Tuesday in ernoon at 3:80 o'clock. sh< Midweek prayer service will be Id at the charch Wednesday even- we r at 7: SO o'clock, and there will Fa o be a prayer service on Thursday AJ d Friday at 7:SO p. m. preparatory At the revival which begins Sunday, Be tober 27th. of All members of the dhnrch are trl ged to be present at these preparary meetings. 8f The church will be glad to welme all who may desire to attend. | m AILV 3N, OCTOBER 21, 1912. tow m gga Li |B Kmc WEES FORECAST OF INFORM HEWS i: pr Vashington, D. C., Oct. 21.?AL ugh election day itself is only *' se weeks off. the national cam- P.r m gn occasions no more excitement n It did two months ago. As yet re are no indications of the provlal "whirlwind finish." The canates, Roosevelt and Johnson, Jt| son and Marshall, with a hoat of flU ler lights who have been intrust- ce by the several parties with the k of spVI-binding, w'll continue co the stum?, but as tho ent're coun- ^ has now been pretty well covered hardly to be experrcd that the tpaign toer-j wilt attract uaore at- M LJoh than. heretofore. * lo far as bit plans have been aninced President Taft has no im- Jn tant public eugagements for the w| ik. It is expected he will journey Saturday to Cambridge Springs, It , to deliver the principal address ^ the dedication of the Polish Na- jla lal Alliance College there. The itution is the first college of the ish National Alliance in this coun. ^ and the total membership of ,000 of that organization scat- Cu ?d throughout the United States m) I unite to make the dedication a Sq morable event. mi mother event of the week of inset in educational circles will be tn inauguration of Dr. Stratton D. m) toks as president of the University uj Oklahoma. The inauguration Vlll c& e place today and will be made w) occasion for a gathering of noted icatorn from all parts of the coun- Ja! ^he Commerce Court has fixed irsday as the time for hearing uments on the constitutionality 1S the order of the Interstate Com. ^ rce Commission requiring the oil M e line companies to file schedules t heir-rates for transporting oil. rhe caSe of Clarence S. Darrow,lg? noted attorney charged with Jury ot bing as a result of developments the trials of the McNamaras for Jn dynamiting of the Los Angeles ^ Qes building, is scheduled to come 0 in Los Angeles today for Its sec ' I trial. S' nt rhe entrants in the Internationa': loon race for the James Cordon anett trophy will gather at Stutt- fa t, Germany, at the end of the ln sk in readiness for the Btart of the j itest. The United States, Germany. 11 Iglum, France, Austria and Swit- Z land will be represented by thre? loons each; Italy by two, and nmark. England and Russia by 3 each. The National Dairy Show will re its opening in Chicago Thurs- fc jr. More than a dozen national as. 2' si&ttons connected with the dairy ? lustry will hold their conventions vl Chicago during the week of the DW. Other important gatherings of the iek will be the International Dry trming Conyress, at Lethbridge. ta.; the annual meeting of the nerican Missionary Association, at K iffalo, and the annual contention 11 the Association of Railway Elec. ^ leal Engineers, at Chicago. U 1 CK THOHK SPECIAL LADlEfl' c Hats that J. K. Hoyt is showing at c $1.11, In all colors. 10.11-ltc 1 ? Mil IFFIII . CRUSES SI jeo. Rigges, Color Shoots George ters His Left Side There was a shooting affair near ie Washington Buggy Company lant last Saturday afternoon hereon five and six o'clock and ailough the man's condition is previous, his physicians are hopeful of is ultimate recovery. The facts leading up to the atimpted murder are meagre. The >lored boy who did the shooting, as heard to boast that he was goig to shoot somebody before night ad thj^cnnequence was that George lark, colored, aged about twenty, tteived a load of shot in his left de. George Briggs, colored, a boy t about sixteen years will have to aawer for the crime. The shot man was fir*: 'akeu to 00M BEINC MADE IK ARCRICULIURE Amazing is the agricultural prog- s sa of the South! Not even our ' rn people realise cow rapid is the 1 csent rate of development. i Positively p*touPdlng are the facts f lirl* are bein^ revealed by a com-' j ehonsive investigation throughout t e Southern States. This inquiry |3 is been conducted by the great or-1, nidation of the 7 5-year-old Orange idd Company. The work has been me under the personal direction of ( i president, Herbert Myrick. Under j ch auspices the result can be ac* c pted as authoritative and correct, ^ ,th the same confidence that the c mercial world throughout the ( ilted States and foreign countries s ,re in the Orange Judd crop rerta, which for years have been ac_ | pted as- more reliable than gov- d nment reports. v These -results will be summarized j the September 14 number of their v tekly for the rural South. Orange f dd Southern Farming of Atlanta, is the successor in this region of ? o Southern edition of the old re a hie American Agriculturist. I These reports show that so rapid- ? have the number of people in the uth increased that the gain is now the rate of 33 per cent, for the <3 rrent decade. With the tide of 1m- p gration now beginning to flow d uthward,* the increase may be uch larger in the near future. The ? olition of hookworm disease will 1 tnsform into vigorous health two lllions or more of the present pop- v atlon who have been inefficient be- j use of that malady. Their children ] U be energetic instead of lazy, ? iese two human factors are of large t rge importance. t A million acres of new land have 1 en improved annually in the South irtngtbe three years ending with c 112. Thelmprovod land of our 12 a luthern States, now 127 millions of ] res, will reach 140 millions of t res by 1920. The rate at which nd is now being improved in the i tuth Is more rapid than in any her part of the United States. Even more important is the steady crease in the number of farms hereas the census of 1910 returned 750,000 farms in our 12 States. * >uthern Farming's investigation 5 lows that now the number has In j eased to over 2,800.000. < In other wordB, the number ofj .rms in 'Hp empire South is increasg at the rate of 25.000 annually 1 \ 1920 the federal census will I Is A Candidate Hon. Iredell Meares. Progressive an ?r Governor, will speftk at the Court 3 at eight o'clock. A treat awaits i id North State. All voters are cord Ital polltcal Issues discussed by one 10-21-3t IN EXTREMIS. Tne entire city will learn w'th rcret that Mr. W. L. I-augbinghouse es dangerously ill at his home on Vest Second Btreet and that the end i expected to occur at any moment. Ir. Laughinghouse has long been ne of Beaufort County's esteemed ltlsens and the news of his critical llness is to be deplored. / s i * I iTi-St' . i S No. 4T | sunn IE EJClIBll ed With Shotgun I Clark. Load En- I k I the drug store of Drs. Tar w. where* ' hH he was treated, and from there ta hi* | home on Washington street. Whil* his condit<cn is more favorable today' jfl the snrgcor.** are as yet unable to gtraout encouraging reports. Immedi- a ately after the shooting the police were notified and Policeman R. J. Roberts ordered to investigate the case. Within a few minutes be had located the mar wanted. George 9 Brlggs. and htd placed him safely In the county Jail. The shooting caused no little excitement among the colored people. The preliminary bearing will in all probability t*ik?? ilnce before the Re. corder eUhtr thi-j r.fternocn or toiaor-ow mora< lg. doubtless find 3.125,000 farms in j these Btates. Farm values are increasing even more rapidly than the growth lis their numbers and improved area. Southern Farming of Atlanta says, hat whereas the average value of the farms in the 12 Southern States was ettimed at $16 per acre by the ceuius of 1910, it is now an average of |18 an acre at least. This la a gala .jM it the rate of 12 1-2 per rent, in two ? rears. It believes that this advance 78 will be much more rapid in the next me to Are years. The total value of farm property in he South has Increased to upward of ? 1,500 millions of dollars at this date, -J ompared to 7,265 millions of dollars ty the census of 1910. This is the onservative value of farm land and he Improvements thereon, but exrlu. ive of all crops, live stock, etc. The cereal crops of the Soutn lor 912 are worth over 600 millions ot lollars. Hay and forage repreeent a alue of 100 millions. Tobacco, ruits, vegetables 'and minor crops rill be worth as much as hay and orage. , Should the Soutb's cotton crop for ] his year make only 15 million hales, nd be worth 12 cents per pound, or '] 60 per bale, the fleecy staple alone . ^ rill make a total of 900 millions of ! lollars. Thus, the value of the farm pro- .3 luctions of 1912 in our 12 Southern % Itates will exceed 1,6 00 millions of 3 lolars | The value of domestic anima)sw is | rell up toward 1,200 millions of del- j Ir? The productions of Southern farms rill reach 2,000 millions of dollars n value long before the census of 920, says this authority; her live took will re.ach 1,500 millions, and he value of her farm lands and tuildings will crawl up to nearly 10.000 millions of dollars. The statistics below warrant these (inclusions. The figures for 1912, .uu ?-mimates for 1920, are Southern farmer's; other data are from federal census. VOTICE TO WHITER OF HMALL . NEW*. Tou are hereby requested to be jre'sent on next Wednesday evening it 7:30 o'clock at the school bulldog at which time the Betterment Association will take up your prop>sition offered two weeks ago. Bring tlong your little "change." for we lave you spotted. "Thy speech be[raveth tfcee." .k'2 == 1 For Governor d Roosevelt Republican candidate y| , House Wednesday night. October all who hear this gifted son of the ially invited. Hear the great and who knows whereof he speaks. J *? NEW ADVERTISEMENTS IK TODAY'S KEWfl Washington Horse Exchange. Beck ten's ^8 Doans. + . J. F Jackson. f Ches. M. Little. Chichester PUls. , ,* ??

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