ww v uvh jimnnHB ' " "il Vi OU *- ! ?? I n tV The Democratic C cides After a Prol Which There is ft PUWLITKIN ADOPTED. ? null. That la the optaboa addhs coauolttee, the. wee* 1 -nuM.ii.itlc ticket," MMdh the iearth aad teeth rales attain aha the iwiIiiM pclpiau. by the htete rcareatioa, ehefl he coastraad to pee*t so j trtu, who shell here voted lor ii| mp I ad. the .Ibpaiuiailc ye|| ootj, sad who khsO sot aad ticket la oppoetttoa to the Dummy ?Vi- , ticket, to fete la ? add Primary. vote or 31 to 0. the Stale esseotive oommlttse fj asAad st"their ' last meeting upon S the Mflteep, resolution, Imposing the tt eoadtUeus la the shorn paragraph, at ' It teeh three hours sad s half to lti reach a oooelutlon ,Att would re; th eelte a a alertly rote la faror at "? deflatta action upon tbtc proposition p. Perhaps a seers ot ataaeufoe were yraesali I, many ot them rerr 'stmt- ai IW II Hlin 111 BIHUtl upon *M uon? ? ? or ? , Chairman Wobb thoa atated the W eeaeoHd .for the aaoond caUiad of the III comatttlee. Be aald that a majority of of the committee had aaked the mod- "I Ueatiea of the "ao-cafled Haehett fo aaaolotlea." ?a ? 'Tf day of* too doubt that the ?i Pamauaata uf Worth Carotins under- aj ataad what ible reaolatlon -la. -Jaat th dall at the headq oartere of the Stack ot eieaaftod coafmittee and 1 will .how ei joo low or da* hundred letter* and I kaladraau on thta aubjact, which at- tl pre** the beXef'that the former ao- it 6ob Vraa'Joo drmebc." i Mr. Webb then told how delicata ib tan keen hie *oalUon. , "With all of b! ujo wi?hjibiiukjui? ui ! ? opomnon, jo with mn ?| Ik. tlMUMUM favor-111 able to m, I don ot belter* any chair- m t# deetde *o many dlf- bj !... Ceraat question s or to bea r*o many le Bjffi* eomplahits. It do**- aot loofc good to HPPPV Sot tt* fat are. I beg yon to be pror- *n jBm*d noleJy by the thought off your m party** good an dto act calmly and pi BL. temperately."* " TV H Pi IM.1 A.' & watte then offered a m n?r**-tl: rbaotatron repealing :by at \ llaekeii resolution." H.J H.^ Hayes, <1$ aj Dhatb.ii" offered a liko one <}0dlpff a in V iaPWfiVSltfbn ffo* 'the committee's K coAftfcrntlona It read, thus: . h< * * in1rt?'resolution adbpted at tbp C liSrt meeting ofthe Democratic fetSttt'* y$St&ullr*'' commit tee ? OKAD " ' I - Tta UwUtHM ehtM of Mr. mad flBrm . Pmrmin CkhiMir #pd of menmmmittm mt the horn* of him pmnafievBttsnlCf tut' aw PlMvtllo. HR&i* ?b. ft.rn.fmt Mob tflmee' BunSmr hftmrmoom ml Old ford ooodorted by Rmm. i ^m T"' ^ ijfl' ,i cf V u J ASH1 I I , ? M, ! , ! A ===: Hfff STrU TiPjffiT fUuIllMul IE FN 111 ommittee so Deonged Session in luch Discussion. county and township tickets. I. That any elector tfxall be construed to hare vufiaieatly complied with said rules who , j shall vote the Democratic pree- I Ideatial. congressional, and legialatlrc ticket* la foil, and at least threw-fourths of the Democratic state ticket, one of whom shall be the governor, and at leant three-fojMfri oj Jktm Tj 4 hall w# " hp*?vyt+X : j caadflfttjn running'oh *aay tMkat J etely It mo .at He voted Ibr > repeal end e.eteet'it. explaining at km prany wna. la l*VW 6t the Maim*" reeolatioa'e M? remit. hpt hbwai.ngelnea U- t ... | u u smith, of qfttM. otrtHd torn emortal: Rthotre*. *h??"in l*w dgmeot of thle. committee all elocn who la the coming election Tola e Democratic oetlaonl. ntnte, Mb' irfMtirva. county ana vublp ticket shall have the right r;*>UMa the h^naWrKa ^rlhthrr; vST bo" voter' who mky hkfr 'to 'rot? r every name on hie Mefcet afc.ll ?? K. fluniiM fig lAmii J ( ereoy mi aisqnaimeo irom voting th? Huutkl icIhiIm: #n>TidI. be doeeMet eOM Io bpoaMoa Ur IT r.gul?*'Odm<#TDtt4 t*a< i ie Hayes resolution invites opposite to tbp ticket'at too places and >tbeegbt U ^v^se. ffe&e**o?^ J things everywhere to shoe- that ? abnormal Rendition exists,- save in *| e unusually/large number of ,| i hi leans eh# rare going to rots the * smocrstlc ticket. "V^y foe Dem* rate ? gOlbg tnecrattb vjoodrow j HMD, DO. .1.0 la tbD.sutD. 1 bDr ire. Oa tbe otbdr bagd; bWtdreda ' BD.DfcAM. Wit T?w tre to rote for Marion Bntler or r Thompson." Mr. Smith spoke at some length ? hia mwtntloa. Chairman Webb iked him several questions as to is latitude allowed those who do 1 r.teh the ticket Mr Smith ought a man must vote for at ast one on every ticket and against u*e. 'He sai dthat this made the ipport of the ooagrsssional ticket, it admitted that one might acrateh flwtcr or name on :he Btatc cket. save one. He thought this instruction altogether. fhr-feteVed. ALCYBK CLUB OK FIRST MKUIIS EVENINC Tie Halrjota Club will give IU rM dut.ce u.' the llWW ? *** Hk'? loet Iblf evening The dehce *111 e led by the leed.r, Mx Edmued lerdiug. Quite e etiieber of vie!tore re expected to he rreeeot end the eceaion ?romleeu te he . K.l. ohe """ ? A' Kr,jor,t^'o'B^i Mmrnm ? ' ' NGTi VMBnoraLDDftniM fr'alr T MM Ike Homy Pn | Tkh is entirely a question of ta this campaign there ate ot Aa a result the Interests has) people must combine their moo 1 Ike does not used help, don't weal opposition. The noa-e really on Mr side. , Oa which side ere yset t What Your OOUAR 1 Your dollnr, ftusa leymlly to bsip Wilson and Marshall, will educah notes e. . It will ourrj to these one hundi nhsl itstiee ol tkis rampoign. It will Midi meat. He made Mmaeli mul? i aot in a tW'iHk. a 1 but m fanatic MrtlriUliM hiwumiiiiU m well t r Than ha aepoaeed the Paopie'a I the >lde >>n thedrral the Inadin "Peepie'e Perty" bat fro- the aides ledyn told ma wpawKIM ttiNra fWHComamt. DohcM. Yean became a pat Democratic Gorernc iatered bla office in true Democratic te ao poneriul tree the national effect f. H? ?*??* we believe a pmphltic ' ic of an aptlafcr, ieerlesa adminiati aha On Pheeldwillel chair, proel adarif, boaorable public earviu ' ? ?"# rree w Hv?-j?rhe ?l e. ao^d- a L<- Ha. , Special 'tram To h At Belhaven t ' i Hon. F- M. Simmons, senior Unit- C td State* ronator from North Caromi. w-0 err." a. Bathevv Wadnaa. iwn-*av?icteher.s#;ffi?p. a. rtefcuht ot thi. occasion the vottouF Southern railroad will operite a special train. This train will c are Washington at 6:SO p. m.. g Wednesday erening, stopping at all . intermediate point*, arriving Bel- f iaven at 7 'AS. Leaving B eh even at LI p. ml, arriving at Washington ( 12:15. Every Democrat ebon Id avail themselves of this opportunity to ^ Mar Senator Simmons. The rate *11! be greatly reduced. ( PINE SERVICES AT FIRST ; PRESBYTERIAN SUNDAY 1 V Taargv audience* attended all the a lArvteee at the First Presbyterian " shurch yesterday. The pastor, Rev. * Ft. B. Searlght. preached In the jiornias on "The Fool Hath Said In His Heart There la No Ood," being the second of a series of sermons on 1 Pools. The music was excellent. At * the morning service the rite of bap- r ttaro eras admlnUcv.vM to tvo In- j rants. r ~ t SPEND SUNDAY HERE. 1 t Messrs. David Tayloe and Chartle t Moore, who erp students at the Unl- t verslty of North Carolina, spent a Sunday with their parents.. They frlayed football In Raleigh. N. C? On Saturday. SOUTH CAROLINA STATE FAIR. ] Columbia. B. C.. Oct. SB.?With ' practical!j arorj arallabal foot of azhlbttkm apaca oceapiad, the Soath Carolina State Fair opaaad today tor a waaVa buafnaaa. The oflleara of i tea State Aartcultural and Maohanl- i aal Society. an dor vboaa aaapicaa tea i fair la Shraa. uproaaod tbamaalraa to- i day aa craatly plaaaad with tea pnapact of a raaord-braaklid attendance teroackaat tea waab. - I IgNyfSl ^riteii^fifln'iTr'--'' 1 v' ' ^ ^ ' ixies or I , combined their moneT I1 ey toe hitnTkHdMir TU> le the* Vg-STT^ hove wanted ion W yon ??*' ?eodie?W?- -x d Voui a Om mncii oil Till DO today ? th.eUetio.ot D>?t wail t?t ^TkSStS tit It ba a bar' one nun?? ?hat f" Hife *"lw"ywh.?th ;S;o? 2ITw?w ?X 35^ *.*.rs2a Kta ndyeatatfM "*? SKSftpE .ffig H??r- 3SS tOlM ? Fond. E - Mow to C Mod Mi Ule to C t^,"* sgjSJSS afterward, Im Kwwt??hm ro. n. Ha adoda- Sn luhioo, elicit Haw Jereej. Wood row came goveraor, inv of his echiere- L*1 jg?g ^T52fw A4*~ ado of ml. *-* D la the Whit. Bndoraad by rear Simmons Vednesday Night ERIES OF REETINCS AT FIRST BAPTIST CHURCfi The pastor of the First Baptisl hurch la thia week in conducting a lerlea of meetings at his church oc farket street. The pastor is belnfi isaiated by Rev. Mr. Rock, pastor f -the Memorial Baptist church, Greenville, N. C., who la one of th? i:ost attractive pulpitecra In Eastern arolina. _ ... Rev. Mr. Rock will prea.aa for Irst time tonight at 7: SO clock ai.d he general public is cordially intted to attend. Elaborate pre para ions have been made for the meet ng, especially music. i nere will bt ervlces each evening during the reek and all citisens have a warm nd cordial welcome to apy and all ervlces. fAVAL MKDH AL DIRECTOR HKTIRK8. Washington, D. C., Oct. IS.?Capt. Ieni*r- Oustav Meyer, medical dlrec or. XT. 8. N., was placed on the reIred list today on account of having cached the age limit tor active servce. Capt. Meyer is a native of Germany. He waa appointed to the Medcal Corps of the navy from Nee fork State In 187f. For the pa si wo years he has ben In charge 01 he Naval Medical School and atached to the bureaj of medicine ant inrgery of the navy department. IH OOKVAIJtSGIXT. The many friends of Mrs. E. L ilrooka v'Jl be pleased ? loam of hei onrateacenie. ; MR. W. B. WALUNG OUT. ' The many frlendw of Mr. W. B Walling will be pleaaed to Ifan hat he has inflkieuttv recovered a u to be able to be oot, afteT eerera reeks Indispoeltlon. fc&A? ll/* faU? V Mr. W. O. Austin, of Tarboro. N C.. U a business visitor. r 75TTT" )ATI V OOTOUB SI, 1 tl2. sorrow-Cooler : the Mighty?^ 'eople's MenP rati and that of the Peopled ancial help from questionable ' lieet him. And the cemsooa an, Iki kind of nu the people i quarter of a century >ne dollar?or more?to hie ceaea r Contributions Today | i roe epore to the oaaee el the il tomorrow. Give atar. .1 ' hearsed dollar bill or $2, $6, $10, you cea afiord. Seed It la withroue bout thir great cooetry there ind women wbo can only nflord to But we wont their gifts as much We honor the dollar-giver*, yon con. Wo con put It to good iw that your money can be a great which mesne moat to tbla country. orlptlona For Wilson I get yea* co-workers and friend* yen. il ine bWaliltligid lafe See MWem; ma la mamded. mall a voter wants to miit this resented In the Wilson Campaign contribute to the Wilson WyW^'Fjuipd . 1 Wilson Campaign Fund M.TV GOUPON OPSTiSyjrarofflmagg fRm/.TVtf!? A* ?? *1 . Sat* J ' FINE SERHON BY THE RET R. H. UNI SUNDAY One of the finest sermons heard in Washington in yeare was delivered | by Rev. R. H. Broom, pastor, at the I First Methodist church, Sunday morning, the subject being the "B^ reaved Consoled." The discourse was a masterpiece of thought and logic and breathed a spirit of consolation to all those who have had ' sorrow In their homes. The sermon from beginning to end was lib toned ' to attantlvely by an aojrociaiivt congregation. On next Sunday morn1 ing Rev. Mr. Broom will preach to the children of hie congreeatiua, the j occasion being the sacrament of the Lord's Supper. All are invited. CENTRAL LKAi.lt MKfcrriNti. I " n?? TL'.n.. I ?J A.? ?o 11.-W , ownerB of the Central League of baseI ball cluba rounded up bere today for their annua] meeting. Much important business is slated for transaction. From a financial viewpoint the past season was not a very successful one for the Central and it is regarded as likely that he twelve-club clr. cult may be cut to eight clubs before . next spring. Dr. F. R. Carson, of , South Bend, who has been at the . head of the league for many years, is to retire from the presidency. Louis Hollbronner, of this city, probr ably will be named to succeed him. \ Cl*K HTARH TO PLAY IN LKAUtK. I Pittsburg, Pa., Oet. 28.?Tbe National Three-CuBhion Billiard league, organized last year, opens its second season tonlgtb with contests between Boston and Pittsburg players in this city. Tbe league circuit comprises New York, Brooklyn, Boston and r Philadelphia, In t$e East, and Pittsburg, Chicago, St. Louis and Kansas City, In the West. The schedule provides for three games every two I. weka in each city, the season to close a the second week in April. Last year 9 paly amateur players were alldwed 1 to compete, bat this year It has been decided to admit tbe professional . sad It Is expected that sorb stars as L DeOro, Anson Kline sad others vTUl take part. * ? M '* * ' * r*' - ' NEV CASEWAS LEG, j SAYS L1EUTE ____ New York, Oct. 21. "Legal butchery, it, bow former Police 1 Lieutenant Charles Becker cbarac- * terized his convctlon for the mar- j der of HernaB Rosenthal, In a talk , with newspaper reporters Saturday, i From h?* coll in "Murderers' Row" 1 Id the loiubs, Becker spoke bitterly i of his fat), declaring he had been < "rallroade-I," and that could he hare 1 taken :1i?j wiicoss stand durlu-; his ' trial he rould bare explains J sway i the pub'lc ImpreesloB that be bad acquired a f; ?n ne through levying i graft upon gi ciMers. The ex police- i man '.ait 1 ?u the presence >' bis I brother,'John Pecker, a polk"? lie.;- I tenant. . 1 "T?ns ca#e legal butchery ' i he said. "Koine of the aceountn of I my trial T uot'ce say that I pa. 1 ou; * $26,090 for n?> defense. Twenty- ' ftrc thousand dollars; Why that Is t $2,000 in .)xc*rs of any suns 1 evsr i possessed j; ?v?r hoped to posses*, i According to the newspapers, the * public believes 1 am worth $100,000. ? I ran understand the purpose of this i GREAT EASTERN IAR0LINA ! FAIHT NEW BERN s^(By J. I^on Williams. Secretary.) Everything Is now ready for the 1 greatest Fair in Notrb Carolina tlur- J ing the year 1912. There Is only , one thing that can defeat this Fair ( and that is the weather. Thousands y | are coming from every section of i | Eastern North Carolina for they ( know that Now Hern never advertises j that which It cannot produce. The ( greatest event that was ever palled ( of! in North Carolina was the Dl- ( Centennial at New Bern two years ago. * j We have advertised that New Bern ( would have the greatest latr in North , Carolina this yeaT after visiting all other fairs. , We are offering more attraction* than any other fair. A program the ilhe this has never teen advertised for n fair in North Carolina. Frank Champion, the aviator of international reputation, will By twice daily la his monoplane. i Walter Rauh will ascend each day in his balloon and make three drops ; on Tuesday and Thursday and two on1, Wednesday and Friday. Hardy, the wonderful man of < nerve?the man who walked arross i Niagara Rapids on a tight wire, will i perform twice daily on a tight wire. 1 fifty feet from the ground. 1 White and Lamart, the silent com- < ediaua, the pair that kept forty thou-;1 sand people screaming with laughter i xl Raleigh, wil perform on the platform in front of the grandstand. The Cycling Herberts?possibly the inosst marvelous bicycle act in America today?will appear on the platform. Zarrow?that man with the musi cal baritone voice that can be die- 1 tinctly heard over a great military band, will sing several times each 1 day. i Then come the Chariot Races, two I u?riuu who tour norws eaco win dash around the track at full speed. The Roman standing rare?. Two < rucu each standing on the backs of three horses will dash around (he track. The Drlveless Wonder, a horse without jockej, will rare a horse 1 mounted by jockey. I Cowboy and cowgirl races. j Horse races, motorcycle races, music by Passert's Band. Everyone of the above attractions will absolutely take place each day. Tuesday. Oct. 2tth. wil be 'Mill- J tary Day." There will be a great ( parade in the morning in which there will he ten military companies. The | fair will be opened with a speech by ( Francis D. Winston, Ex-L.ieut. Gov- { ernor of North Carolina. There will be a drilling contest and the com- ( pany making the finest showing will , be awarded a silk flag. The flag will ( be presented by William Dunn, Jr., of tha New Bern bar. Then there will be a sham battle in the center of tbe race course. Wednesday. Oct. 30tb. will be "Edneatloiawl Day." Beery school child In Bastern North Oa roll am has been given a free tk|et for tbe day. There will be many games of interest hp the children in front of tho grand stand. Thursday will he tho "Big Day" Beery factory la New Born and vicinity will mono for the day. All retail stores will eolea for tho aftsmoon. There will he a home show and a fS - -m * -M . ii i A ML BUTCHERY, 1 NANT BECKER i 4ftteUad?- -' ,-.'>! ivtry oast. "Neither Mrs Becker nor noyeeir lave been gives My consideration at ill since this ease began. What's i more, 1 don't expeot any. 1 would not >e surprised if Bhortff Harburger J rosbed me oil iroo the court room ilrect to Sing Stag after Justice Qoff tind sentenced me nest Wednesday, rbat will be the Anal stage of the railroading of Beeker." The strain of waiting Cor the o.utcome of bis trial and the uncertainly ke still faces pending a decision Tj t>y a higher oourt on the appeal hts lawyers will make are telling on Becker'a physical condition, according to friends. Bgcker was visited tor three hours by his wife Etetnr- , lay. "Mrs. Becker is bearing up as well as one could expect under such circumstances," said the convicted nan. "Hot conditions troubles her much mora than my own." John F. Mclntyre, Becker's chief counsel, said be was confident of a new trial for bis client. SMALL FIRE AT WflSIIKTON BUGGY COMPANY On Saturday night last between 7 ind 8 o'clock there came near being -VI a serious fire at the Washington Buggy Company plant. Tbe blaze was first discovered in tbe boiler room and the alarm was by the vatchman blowing the whistle. The first company on tbe scene and wbo 'xtiuguished tbe fire was tbe Wwt Sod Reel Team. Thin company bad :he fire under control and out before tbe remainder of tbe ci'v fl-s apparatus arrived. Tbe fire originated and caught from some beams . ocerbead placed fofere for drying purposes Tbe damage was light. EVERY LADY SHOULfi BE MEMBER JIFJISSOClATIflfl At tbe laet meeting of tbe Woroans' Betterment Association It was voted that we make an earnest appeal to tbe ladies of WA&hlngton to )oin with us In our effort for tbe oplift of our comma[?17 We want every woman in town to become a member. Co-operation ts all we need to enable us to do many things. We meet every two weeks at tbe library on Tuesday at 4 o'clock. .Do :ome join us ladles. We need yon. We want you. We meet tomorrow afternoon at 4 o'clock. 10-28-ltc ALLBN8 IN STATE PRISON. Richmond, Va., Oct. 38. -Floyd A.lieu and Claude Allen, bis son, tbe Killsville gunmen, were brought from tbe Roanoke jail for tbe State penitentiary here today under sentence of electrocution for their part in tbe murders at tbe Carroll court bouse last March. Floyd Alien's wife issued a public appeal for money to aid tbe effort to save the men from death. CHII.lt VERY ILL. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Squires regret to learr of the .1 llne&s of their bod l