j|pj' | Notable Gather^ Persons Presen J Witness the Eve . N?* *.??. Oct. ?._BpU^d" wtU. Ik. t?<mion.i bottl. 0( cbun U w" ? ? ? b.uiMWp New rorkB "" ?"??ullr launehod lodv all ?>. Brofpkl,, narr M(1 on u, Uunch_ 5" "I*"0 "" 8.CMUTT MW I "d 0tW "'?? offloUI. of tb. ""h^rrr''?'Mew T?rk.l *" *<*? *W0r Qa.nor ..o ?kW olker Inritad ao.au " ft! U.^itor""' h*t"-h,p "'l t??, U"o. trw<] ,,y, w|,h tbe 'JTS!** A-"> _ * kail started toI tlie ntn i - ,^****1 oi wine against -'XZZZTA'0? rrd*,h ? ? *'?C.ldItiteiiM i. . -88 Kathleen ?' Rkpr^oubono, ' ^ *,r?d' maid of ^sSS^^i cEKjE ? ** "*? "'? bo?B by l deaea a*wy tusa and gradually towed ao bar mooring near Cob dock. The boctleablp New York and bar mleter ablp tbo Texaa, bow near I up complotloo at Newport Newa, will bo.largsr and more powerful thaa any wanblpa now' afloat. It waa deemed appropriate that tbaaea two , - oaemptare of tba klfhteet aklll of the aklpwrlght and aaral deelgner aboold bear tbd aamee of two wafablpe wbieb dowered tbemaelrea with dory dortaa the Ppenlek-American war. The New Terk wired in commie ton win be manned by abrty-three omeere and win ha era crew of more than !,?*? men. She la its teat lane. I feet ? S I laghoa beam, ao that aba will bare a!meet IS feet to epare la melaf tbrwogh tba Panama Canal loeke. With all her etorea aboard tba Now Toot will dlaplaoe about II,Lena, or 1.000 tone mora than {he htrfeat (dfleablf now Hying the American ld?. One of the feeturee which attracted Urn attention oT the epeetatore at the braaehtar waa the peculiarly ' ? PVIUUR COUPLE KKRRIEB - AT ST. PETER S HECT08Y UMHT Small wood Huuey ^ wer?mBr* rla^SLm. Patera church rectory on ^^^^ fcftreet laat ^venln* PHjfelMd by Rev. Nathaniel H^rdiiyc in,?ho presence of a few In II,. l-awtjpatMy after in. pm.,, Mr. h4 tfS&WtmKtttiro* to their future heme DO IM Mlh street, eatrylafl with them the heat wishes of a host of friends for a llfd'ef happlneee. Tbo bride i? a daughter of the late John W. Smallvood and counts her friends by the aeore, being one of Washington's popular ladies. The groom has been a resident of this eitatog tfee past |g^r.,^pmlng here from Wlllflnnston, ^*C.'**WhlIs , a resident of Martin county he occupied Qut hifcb ^position of sheriff for two years and \ since his residence here has ybeen connected with the Washington Horse Exchange Company. The Dally News Joins their many friends hi congratulations. < -v j AIjIj AAJ1VT8 DAY. ,c \\'A >. ?>?'* ? I . Oa n?at Friday tha occasion belni . All-Salsts Day. there will ha serr lees la ?t. Pstcr"a Bplacopal chore I at II a'tloeh. conducted by the rse tor. Kay. Nathaniel Hard In a All la dies hhttni flowers fay that day an reenested to sand to the church Ol Thursday afternoon. Ul NFNCIAfc IN MMTS HAM A1 11.41. Showa by J. K. Hoyt. lfl-n-tfc I mi HUB I Ml HI) TIB ? of Distinguished f t. 50,000 People ' , int. 1 i shaped swelling at the bow of the New York. The jflder ablpa were ! fitted with a regular ram bow. White I the general ran shape has bean re- I talned ip the Hew York, It Is not ao I aceentlated as in the older shlpa. I Tae change In design was made on Si the theory that the ram la not a real necessity, since the fighting In the lj future Is likely to be at great dlatances. AleO, it has been found by experiment with models that the protuberance forward, such as distinguishes the bow of the Mew York, gives the ship lest reeletance In the water. ! Another notable feature which dietinguisbes the New York from the 1 present dreadnoughts is the sise of I the turret guns. Ten 14-Inch guns | are to.be mounted lnetaed of the ' former 12-incb guns, giving a oonetderable advantage In fighting ? quality over the older battleships. ' The Hew York will also be fitted with . < foar submerged torpedo tubes and < will carry a secondary battery of SI 5-tuch rapid-fire guns and ten small guns for boat servica and saluting purposes. 1 The New York and' the Texas will be the first ships In the world to older battleships, of the class of the Oregon. Illinois and Alabama, have ll-lnch guns, hat all ef tbe rest *t I the American battleships are fitted with the 12-inch guae. The biggest guns now afloat la Ike'British navy are the 11.5-Inch rifles carried by the lateat battleahipc. 1 The New Tark will be protected f with ertnor la plenty: not onlr over [' her Tlule bat eren the ordinarily! expoeed enda of the eblp. The tub armor belt will be about etgkt foot wide, with an average thlckneee of twolre lneheo. Bach torret will bo oJotheddn armor of more thih'm dne^ ; la thtcknaea aad wuf bo auwUH with ammunition br electrical holata from the magaalnee and ballroom. _ Mow. The number sad size of the Runs V la the secondary battery ere about double thoae on tbe batUeobipe of * I decade uo. It io 11mm suae that " must be relied upon for. Tory quick work In meeting the attache ef the torpedo bdata and fait crnlaaca. Cloae subdivision and strong bulkheads will form additional protection against mine and torpedo explosions. LUBE MHKKTTII ~ ? mmm ieetiac : ' " On next Monday erenlpg at the r rlrat Metbodtat church, the' Ladlee' Aid Society ef that church propoae to haro their annual meeting. Af. teg the regular amerclxea hare been " roneladed la the church, rofroeh- ? menu will be nerved all precent at the realdanca o? hfm Mary p. Bang- . ham. cornar 8econd and Reepeaa streets. A wry attractive and interesting program is being arranged and all v who attend will be amply repaid. . The fall program will be published ' fe this paper later In the week. f| sraai mm ib B?iHAVEN LEAVES AT 6 P. I... Quite a number of citizens from (r Washington and intermediate points Will leave on the Norfolk Southern n special train this evening at six T o'clock for the purpose of heading Senator F. M. Simmons speak in w Beihaven tonight. The special train M will return after the speaking. The hl fare for the round trip is $1.00. A x" large number of cltlsena are anxious m ' to hear the senior senator from North Carolina and thte being their 11 opportunity will take advantage of ' : It. Several of our citisens left this morning for BeJbnven on the regelar M 1 train I W. C. T. V. MBBT1NG. f( , There will .be a meeting of the Worn ana' Christian Temperance tin- p. Mod at the residence of lira O. ?. | Car malt tomorrow afternoon at foar la o'clock. ;> v-" | ' J-:v ? '>* ^ WASHINGTON. NORTH CAROUM ? F air Tonight a f ????????? "The People's Effective by the 1 sHfcxg W ' 'iTii?'" * ' 1 ; :;-r \ In these words the Democratic standard Brock tke keynote of the wremsat whicll is so For s.fMottr of a century the money of bills of the nation. And the Interests hare b sf those elected to office by its money. As far as Wilson and Marshall, their tick ire concerned, these things are at an end ^ A National-House Cleaning f Wiln'i program calls lor a National Home CI easing. He hae said to the people?"Break into yooron honm hod live there. And I want poo to examine very critically the character of the tenants who have been occupying It. It ie a very big home and very lew people have been UvW, in It: and the rent has beemdemanded of you and not of them. Yoo have paid the\kowey which enabled them to live in your own boom and dominate your own premises.Election Day is going to be Moving Day for the old tenants. The people are going to move into their own house on November 6th. But first they have got to bouse dean. Not with mops and pniia. scrubbing brushes and pumice foots. But with their dollars, clean; hard-earned dollars which will drive out the tainted ones and pay the moving expenses which the old arrogant avaricious tenants have paid with bribes ln yearn goo? by. Answer to the Rallying Cry The strong-hearted progressive voters of the country, the namad poyWar government. _ They vM f*j tb. bills at th. Damocntk Cunp>l(n. IWy vH h.lylo tprc.d the |wpel oi Wllna ud MuthaU. Ibelf pOtloramat ticket, Mn?Imillias. hi Im Woj ol' paton. they ariB back ap %c rclaael aTWllaoo and MarriuTl ?* accept corporation maty. TWy srM itu4 by Wllaoa a ad Marshall hi their detei mMtllin to wte by the peeple'a eniy or met at all. Will IN |<n ana deller to tlect Woodrow Wilson PrnbdnMal the UnMed Staras ? WW yoa (tea *2, ?, SM I The People's Causa Weeds p- Mttuu Dollars Lss.'-fc ss."j: Mart. There to mo num why the People'* Cane sheeld Cm have ee hlf a campaign tend as the Case* of the Few. ^^aa^lT^^laJ^^'^t.~tkJl hh AethV toCl "ViA RH needld. Witt yoa flea today I i A lew daysaaeae aad the Sgkl will keener. Money wiM h? eeetoes to * thee. Wl MM Ml R )M| M MOa N yw F We wwit pipetor lehwrtfutoe* *| Iron tl .00 m ?00 jto 4slrsy the ?xp*nser ol ptotllf Wilson m4 Marshall, Koto ffcthm ud ticket. clearly mat C?>pfifllD^nlt fojflgr r MI j AMUr'llL ittttyt^ff in. HIS M1 ii HiD-ur mm Muskogee, Ok)*.. Oct. 3k.?Three descriptions given ? >uth(ul robber* held up * south- Wft# ^es lh*n 85 5 mud Missouri, Kan see and Texas Eye-witne**e# cl ' ? " one of the orbbere tin south of Eufnla yesterday. k rrom tw exprees sa impelled the engineer to detach Che hla arm a piled, hist tpreaa and baggage cara and rat agee of ewrraner. Ita ahead, than they bleated and Ilia earlii wrapper lied the exprrea tela. gerhagu which h Company oSeUla tollere the rob- MO, w Hail by tra got edaeral thouaand do)Lara. National Bank of ( Br letting In to t treatla near na Cltr. to the : id town of Wlrth tba bandits bad no OraaaTtllr, Texan, ouhla In lagging tba train to a One at the rabh alt. ' [tar J. Jo Dotoa tm Although the fladn threatened te end puree, which ? sstroy the trestle before their work ter the money wa ae accomplished the robbers moved the conductor wit allbermtelj. "We don't wish to Covering the engineer end fireman train boys." ?:h their revolvers they ordered , nm fiosn the locomotive cab J. nnrni PTTHlf 11 . Oelan, tl.e train conductor, leaped tlUIkL SltWfll om a coach and he was lined up Mniftm I?!de the englnemen. A po-ter alec WlTU JfTlDpi til a victim to his curiosity and was " I u nllU. Ulil ade stand beaide the conductor. While one robber held the line of Mr. W. M. Sun itployts the other two 'unoupted steward at the H? to engine, baggage and express care near meeting with oir t?*r coaches. They then forced late yesterday afte to trainment into the cab and order- ed to enter the Pa 1 t'.e engineer to open the throttle. underneath the fur Uu p romotive, pulling tbelwo ?ra, B. Morton A Co.. lot across the burning bridge. What the trout doors we tmatned of the structure fell Into Uy against them te water a minute after the cars that the heavy pla ad passed. The passenger coaches broken and Mr. i ere left standing at the brink of the the misfortune of ream. hand cut badly ant Half a mile on the other side it cut also. While his ie' bridge the bandits ordered Ihe better today he Is i igineer to stop. The safe in the ex- It was a narrow < rose car was dynamited and ran- friends wish him a Miked. Their work completed, the rob- IN NORTHK Mb ted to the wood-oovecad bills 1th their plunder. Express official* l|r. Orleans, of I tar several thousand dollars was tn Northern oltle tolea. fall and winter st The alarm was soon given sod notions, clothing, usees were sent from Crowder and fufaola. Other poeeee left an hour TheSixth Dlvlsi Iter on special trains from McAlee- Militia returned fr IT and Muskogee. According to the terday, where they ^ A m m A V r a. wbdn^bdat afternoon, octobsr so. ltll. ind "liomorrow*-Cooler People's Money'% ?WOODROW WILSON bww ?ith characteristic inciarrenee*, haa pporting hitn and which ii going to elact him. the Internets haa been paying the political Mtreceivfag in return the legislative favors at and the Democratic National Committee , Win You Be a Missionary for r! Wilson and Marshall? We need thousands of men sod women who will appoint Hi head Mats and get sobscriptkma ior this clean Every where in ottcee and factories, on farms and rail* roads, there is a glorious opportunity to do effective work is Pwt your name nod the smonnt you give at the head of n MstahAgf lyoHr fellow-workers and friends to sign under you. Pin the money to the list and aend it to C. R. Crane, Vice Chairman Finance Committee, Democratic National Coaamittee?>00 Michigan Ave., Chicago, 111. Strike oBt today for the Wilson Cause which will win all the JMOfO overwhelmingly with your support. How to Contribute to the Wiltoo Campaign Fund j Sin h. Coupon In thk nrxt u4 SU In tk. M I ^.r- ?J-a sooay so 100 aeursaa given on tne coupon. CiwMlli'vPsnaoteotluNiil.i il rittiTtOOMkk? Then isrlte o letter to this newspaper giving yoor name so O contributor and stating your reasons why you believe Woo6b*WlMm ohoeid be elected President of the Unhe4 States. 1a this way you will be listed as a Wilson eonSouvsqir Receipt, handsomely lithographed, well worth framing, will be seat to yon. Your letter wfll bole the %hl byehcouragiag your friends. Do tiljiln you can to bold up Wilson's bonds in his et^essygnlar tpepsspie who do the work and fighting < WW?o s WW w II 1 ~LOYAWrr COUTON fefcuttuui vu.n I, Ph.... r m . !? i? ,wmmn-?> dBaBKgsegfgsa-js aa&sgsrstSih?-:" ? * *>, U' -<' i .'t? t IDpCTt C HLCT0H CLOB DANCE D TMII WftSWELL DEB ill I |f|11II The Halcyon Club dance at the 111 I vBallll Elk's Home on Monday night last was largely attended. The following sack of the bandits couples participated: 'ears old. Miss Caddie Fowls with Edmund aim to have seen Harding. i twice make trips Miss Elisabeth Warren with Robif*, each time with art Small. i sill ?ludipmik Miss Kornegle. Mt. Olive, with Posaemea found Dee Davenport. of on* of those Miss Isabell Carter with J. D. Cal*d contained. ft.the nismwnlMB. . Miae Ma* Belle Small with Jay torn mere*. of Kan- Hod gee. National Bank of Miss Katharine Small with William Knight. era mad* Conduc- Miss Wetmore with W. B. Rodrn over hit papers man. Jr. onUlaed life La- MIm Mary C. Haasell with D. M. a turned hack to Carter, Jr. h the assurance:. Miss Mattie Griffin with Henry ' harm any of you Moore. Miss Wlnnifred Nicholson with . " Fyank Drew. m. MppTn I Miss Pannie Umb Kaughton with ill m\l F 3 Worthy. ^ Miss Augusta Charles with Charles RT YESTERDAY m Mor.hoiU CWy, wllh C v Samuel Grist, iner, the efficient Misa Olive Burbank with William ' otel Louise, came Ruraley. 1 a serious accident Miss Allco McCullers with William irnaeon. He atart- Patrick. lace Barber Shop. Miss Mary Hill with William ? niture storeof W. Blount. and thinking that Miss Way, Belhaven, with Stephen 1 re open fell heav- Fowler. with the results Mr. and Mrs. Harry McMullan; te glass pane waa Mr. and Mrs. Claude Carrow; Dr. and I iumner met with- Mrs. J. G. Blount; Mr. and Mrs. Jas! i haying hie right Ellison; Mr. and Mrs. George Hack- ! 1 one of hla limbs ney. ? condition la some Stags: 8am Etherldge, L. C. War- I itlll far from pain, ren, Sam Williams, Charles Morton, . scape. Hta many Herman Carrow. speedy recovery. Chaperones: Mrs. D. T. Tayloe, Mrs. J. B. Powle, Mrs. A. C. HathRN CITIES. away. Mrs. A. M. Damay, Mrs. J. B. ? Moore. 1 the Baaaar, is now i a purchasing his WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENT. 1 ock of dry goods. shoes, etc. Mr. Joseph Daniel Biggs and Mrs. 1 Charles Edward Hnasey, nee Pauline < Ion N. C. Naval Bonner Bmellwood, announce their on New Bern yes- marriage on Tuesday the ttth of took In the fair. October, l?lt, Washington, N. C. ' * | 5 . 5H HON. THOMAS. MAKES STRONI SPEECH AT Om of tha very best political campaign peaches marta la Washington in years was delivered by Hon. Thomas W. Bickett. Attorney General tor the State ol North Carolina, and again a candidate for the same position. The speech was delivered in the Court House to a large and attentive audlecne including several ladies. The speaker of the evening was ornately presented by Mr. E. A. Daniel, Jr. This la the first time that this distinguished North Carolinian has spoken In Washington and the consensus of opinion on the streets today is that his effort has not been surpassed here in years. The speech dealt exclusively with FUNERAL 8F F. W. W6LFENEjjJELD TODAY The funeral of tht late Mr. Fred W Wolfenden took place today at noon at Trinity Episcopal church, Chocowinlty, N. C., of which the deceased was for years ta vestryman and treasurer. The services were conducted by Rev. Nathaniel Harding, of this city. A large number were present to pay their last tribute of respect to the deceased. SALARY OF MR. HU fr L*?l> AT *2.1,900. That the Norfolk Southern Railroad Company felt the Importance of securing a president and operating head fully equipped to take the place of former President E. T. Lamb and generally familiar wttlj Eastern conditions as well as the territory through which the Norfolk Southern operates, la ahown by the high salary that It fixed to obtain the services of Charles H. Hix, who has resigned as vice-preeident ond general manager of the Seaboard Air Ltae Railway Co become president and general manager of the Norfolk Southern. Mr. Hix, when be assumes his duties with the Norfolk Southern on November 1st, will receive 925,000 per annum. This is an advance of $6,000 over bis salary with the Seaboard Air Line. It is generally believed here that H. W. Stanley, now assistant general manager of the Seaboard, will succeed Mr. Hix as general manager of the Seaboard. He Is a man folly equipped for the duties and the Impression is general that Mr. Stanley will be chosen.?Norfolk Ledger Dispatch. ELECTION RETURNS. Mr. Z. M. Potta, manager of the Postal Telegraph. Company here, is making preparations to receive the full election returns on next Tuesday evening in the Court House. A special wire will be fun there for the purpose. Mr. E. C. Potter, traveling passenger and freight agent of the Norfolk Kcllthfirn rsriatau^ at Ua<-1 ? ?I" last evening. To Democracy Of It is the eve of victory. The united Democratic party faces a dirided enemy, and the triumph of Democracy is assured. What are we in Beaufort County going to contribute to this victory? Ftooi every secLion of the county comes the encourRgi&g news that Woodrow Wilson will receive the largest vote hiygt. has ever been given a candidate for President, that men who have never voted a Democratic ticket are rallyInc to his cause. The people of Beaufort county have their first opportunity to vote for a Southern man. bud one whose heart is near to the [*ople of North Carolina. HAH RBTTRNKD HOMR. Mrs. E. L. Brooks, who was some weeks ago operated on at the Washington Hospital, has returned to her borne greatly improved in health, rbls newa is more than gratifying to ber many friends throughout tbe elty. Mr. 8. B. Parsons, of Bllsabeth City, ta here today en business. If 'teg! No. 14 W. BICKETT G DEMOCRATIC ' COURT HOUSE state Aid national politics and was i resented In a way that bo one whs affiliated with other parties could go away feeling tint anything had been said to wound or disturb his way of thinking. The speech was delivered from the standpoint of a statesman and ne speaker never had a more appreciated or attentive audience. Mr. Btckett has been Attorsey Genera) of the State during the present administration and he has filled his exalted office with ability and credit. He made votes for the Democratic party last night in state and nation and he will always receive a warm welcome to this city at all times. REVIVAL INCREASING IN INTEREST BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. C. M. Rock preached another fine sermon at the First Baptist church last night. His subject was "Regeneration." He set forth the nature of regeneration and urged the necessity as essential to salvation. The message was delivered in a masterful manner and deeply impressed his audience. Congregations are increasing; tnterest good. There were a number of requests made by the Christians for prayer for their unsaved loved ones and friends. The people of Washington are cordially invited to attend these meetings. Servkee 7:30 p. m. BOARD SF EXAMINERS TRAINED tlllKK .? ? HVIWklU The board of examiners of Trained Nurses of North Carolina will hold examinations for registered nurses at Charlotte, N. C., No*. 27, 38 and t 128, 1912. Application blanks mar be obtained from the secretary and treasurer, Lois A. Loomer, R. N., ^lmington, N. C. All applications should be in at least 15 days before examination. PASS THROlitH CITl'. Hon. Frank W. Winston, Democratic elector at large, and rf'tn. F. C Harding, congressional elector, were the guests of Mr. Lindsay CWarren today, en route to the lower part of the county. Mr. Winston is |billed to speak at Aurora this evenling and Mr. Harding at Edward, N c KKHTINO HANDSOME HOME. Mrs. L. B. Kutfnell is erecting a handsome home at the corner of iW ashinglon and Seeoni streets. Mr. T. J. Harding baa the contract. When completed it will he one of the meet attractive residences in Washington. Messrs. N. L. Miller. S. L- W a Face, Luther Hardison and J. D. Bailey, of Jamesville, are Washington visitors today. t Beaufort County ? i Mr. Democrat. are yon going to do uuy work on the fifth of November In his behalf? After supporting a < cause for principle that has met defeat for four elections, are you going to lag behind when that principle has triumphed? Woodrow Wilson?a man?a man with a record of achievements?a scholar and a statesman, should appeal to all of us. Will you use your influence in his behalf. Will you do your part to- vfl wards making his majority a gTeat one? yjsM LINDSAY C. WARREN. Chairman Dem. Eiec. Com. NKW ADvnmRmKrra KR TODAY'S XKW8 Jefferson Furniture Co. Haseell Supply Co. * Doom. ? *TTte. 4 , Southern Furniture Company * N. Clark A Bams. J Wm. Brag aw A Co. ?eaaaee

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