vou ** e m NOW CON] ? Great Questions A people as to the J People Should St T? the ??tor: U MHKIh me that a Irate ettuaUoa confronts the people of North Cart MaafkUgl lllllr thoee of the Baetern Section tn the eomlai Senatorial primary. One which ihould not ha dealt with lightly. One which ahooM no hrtajr, the nolae of aaqolaattona and die da?? Into the facta germaoa to tha procraaa "and uplift of our ! SUte. Regrettable as It la tome of .tha heat people wa hare, hare been trippod from their haao of reason i by chance * which they hare J not InuMtlgated and aeemjnilr aye wllllni to Sacrifice a preetage that a Yankee we old enlrker to papeaea. la order to appeal the ambition of da- 1 signing pollttcane?or to TOta again- 1 St noma local condition which thay I fancy will ha strengthened by rams- < lag future reward to a faithful ear- I ant. Perscaallr I was lata In tha 1 . contest, (arming an opinion whom I I would hpfcport. Frankly speaking I . my Ideal wrote his "Immertal yet I lndltldwaf address" and pamed ' from tUp active panorama with * i Golden chain of achievements woven 1 in the lives of all true North Caro- < llalans. When this sad condition was heralded by the brass I bagsa my 1 work alLoeer, My dastre was to sop- I port a >ahdlAate wkosa past record t Inspired confidence, who stands on : the record made by bti&aelf. I find i . two soti* in "ths race, Senator Simmons* a^ Judge Clark. The forasar I wjih service to com- t mand ydlflg aad ability big encash io he designated as mlno(|lil!^iliubr o I the Senate la IJm recent tariff strugle. The latter, a 4*an who's name Is dear to the kearta of the Common people for the enemies ke has mads In hewing a plate'S nr State that he knowa ? riT".' visitors to omr. Mr. G. E. West and wife of Toledo, oirto, formerly of' Van Wert. Ohio, arrived In the city yesterday and are regtrtarsd at Hotel Louise. Mr. an : fc r jfcfc 1* Mftr. I nMnaln gratefully Oct. 30, i?]|. Mffi '*? . '. , iti'.l .... $ -'v. * .>/,? ? I L x . -??rf . .-,.u. . * ^ TJATION 11 FRONTS US i / re Now Before the Senatorial Outlook op and Think. i < ?*?? Atv? .*>* iSMwc/ ?f ? ' -7S : ' ' '* ,1 the dutiee thoroughly and wo nsed him there. On the other head I here searched diligently for something of credit to Governor KitchJn's sixteen ! years of public service and have found nothing that la worthy of a states men. To my mind he carried lye same handle of Inqaneisteacee to (democrats voters that the Bull Re doee to the republican ranks, j he poms send the ability of a man could "do things0 and not been Id to act, it would not be pecesfdf Sim to 'use the same IanI? Jrill+t Senator . Simmons tfe I that hp need against Lock Craig years ago. .He would pot he compelled to attack some one .lie: poluteal atructure la order to draw atlaatloo to hla. Four raara ago took Cmlg wanted to be Ooremor, KltchIn claimed that he (Craig I >aa back- J id by tba internal and bad baca allied with tba Rapabllcana. How dml*r pro tboaa aaatencee uaed now and '3 IkanT How completely the State contention repudiated V* chargaa after I years of Kitchen and reflection.I srasfis'WUEM What has Gov. Kltchln done in reMunition of the confldeace repooed a OildLW ago to any of hi. friend, to cite to H me u ilngla act of bis public uer- .lee that ton the eennnrknof rtataa w nanahlp, so tar no on. baa offered d bo anewer. M ma are aot blindly fol- a owing the band of polttlcnl ragtime, a 3 end to rot It wilt be mr pleainre to e extend my slnoere thanke and peat tl tba aame la my ltmltad book of In- a formation wlmr. tr wMt ha coaepld- * oaaly erldant for f.tare refarence. ? . I* PORTLAND. m tl Portland, Or*., Nor. 1-?Important ^ questions am to to decided by the n niton of P^tland at the special mu- 0 niclpal election tomerftor. The pro- * t|toei the most of them pro riding for bond Issues for parka, boulevards & LEGG&PT i 31 I'tTtf-a: , ti a - . ,.? -. ^ h m* jy a I I ^1 A ?w I ' . I t t cwmaloul Di.trlct at North * inatlon to tho Executlxe Commit' < an party, tar Coo*reaa. Pledging . IB the paat, to the Republican . fair 1 ?=~ i'v-...-. *-? * I i i f : R!5 BEMICB ItlUUlLSBN ? HMD IB FHIHK At the home of Dr. and Mre. Plu?& u>r SDc&ofeoh there fathered laid renins a bevy of happy boys and Irla* to c^lefcinte with Minn Bernioe Icholaoa, the arrival of Hallowee^ hlle the witches and hobgobbllng ere playing hide and seek in ereiv ark corner. The gneste were mat t the ?6or by thegbo?. in flowing rhlte rtibes, and were wared allently I to the unarm, rooms ?I4 (Mr nt trembling, while the dim candle ||pt? flickering..pumpkin faces1 1st a beautiful, est weird halo jjer as Indulged ln>1W awhllay the ndearorlng to oak*' wfth > lon?tj pedestrians. . tc.1 A (M?lll content *u the neat latnrn ot the erea lng, whnh the girls ad bora wars maaked In g?a|Uii ?>- prlmm bpl*^*jjA*USee i race Jonee and Margaret Nlcbolaon ad ea the wee amgjl't*OM VetW (gat rdtaaa ot ... J8E8L- .... eel re to ezpreee our sincere regret t the anttaelt death ot Mr: Wed Volfenden. and also, our apprecjalon of hie efficient services as trees rer of this body. Mr.' Wolfendtnt ad been treasuerr of the vestry Kir I ilrty jears, mad hla loss to the p*rh la moat keenly felt by the vestry Ad pariah. We extend to Mrs. Wolfenden our nee re sympathy in her sore affllcon, with the prayer that our loss \ lay be his gain, aa he now reata ] om hla labors. {Signed.) W. H. PATRICK. Senior Watde*. W. A. BLOUNT. JAME8 O. BRIGHT, BLANY TURNAOE. 'h B TURNAGE, - l> ^ I W. E. F. PATRICK, pproved r . D. MALONE. Minister in Charge. * SIMMONS MEN' A post card has toeaifpnMiMgM the photograph of OodaruoT Kltrht, thlnga ccntMns the following word; '' '-'"Tha pcopla 01 Weatern North a man to tha Senafe who gata bill lb tha FUa(f Kid Third districts This pit cant la manod In tha V ori'deat that tha supporters of Oo Western people that If they wfll , .which Banalor Blmmona ha. dona I rteultural drainage, and other raati dlacontlnucd. Erery voter ahould ( teg hla Tote against Senator Slmmo Why rote against Senator 81mm Is made that bl. work tor the Eaat dr^ag^form^d.'\"? o?r^e d! Vs BBf*/ J "n + \ \.j / :"^S' f!^:;'A NiS' /"j;3L. l?ere Is "a Mw'movmient In Beanfort Clinnjfc. It 4h the Tn erery^ dthj'ccmnfy In the State it h*S nw> ont untie r iu? true nanso, hot tii Been fort alone It la kntaln ad tl?e'uINDHPKVT>KXT PBOIIII ?111 PARTY," orgsntaed for Mhewfort Cdtatiy'* benadt p*lp, : v'j ' ?. n ? ; Do yon know Mr. Voter that when they organised, their chief Pell binder talked ROOtiRVfiXT until hje was hotrttf Do yon know thaievery one of their sna^rsi sine house > Df " ? >? ? . t?l X- t Mien Caddie Woolard and Br. Oa- j tar C. Bodges were happily married j at the home of the Bride's parents, Mr. and Din. J. B. Woolard. near the Siasleton school house on last c Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock. Rot. j Robert V/ Hope, pastor of the Chris- ( tian church, this city, performed the ceremony tn the presence of a few friends and witnesses. Immediately 1 after the marriage the bride and I groom went to the home of the groom where they will In the future reside. fl i, The bride la one of Beaufort county's attractive young lad lag and la * a daughter of Mr. J. B. Woolard, a J prosperous farmer of that section. ! The groom is a son of Mr. Henry 1 fg. Hod?M. superintendent1 of'*- the 1 pounty dull m. and m young man 1 |f weyy promise for a successful cg| Mr. and Mrs. Hodges -will reside j jPor the present at the home of the * groom's parents. The Pally News 1 tends congratulations and best 1 shes. 3 TO BUILD BANK BUUDlNd. 1 " Mr. M. M. Jones, of thhi city, has s kwceiTed the contract to build a * building for the Tranters BanX Com- 1 pony At stokes, K. c. iMawK^a 1 to bfegln at once and wilt; be a crddlt 0 to that town. fl SBB 0PK1AL IN MKN*H HATS AT > $1.4?. Shown by J. K. Hoyt. J . lC^M-trc i n i .1 r ? ' t HOL LA) WORK. t I ?_ 1 Odv. Kltchln's headquarters with * t oh It. This post card, among other * I In writing, signed by a Kitchin * ty -? . Carolina are not going to send * lions to dig agricultural ditches * | l and nothing tor Western North I " Western part ot the Btete. and It la rarnor Kltchln are promising the * lefeat Senator Simmons the work or the Beet, with reference to eg- * < len affecting the former*. will be l bonelder thle queetlon before cast- ] * one. when the threat, or promise. i ball cease with bit defeat. Rrery < ate should work aaeeeelngty until herwlae, ell that he bee don* for i IJirery, for percale pout, or Impror- 1 fe upon which the dcrclopment of . indent, may go tor aeegbt. i ? e ' >AILY X)N, NOVEMBER 1, 1111. arrow- -Cooler I i I, . i " ! < . - 1 1 ? I b peaufott County >. NOMINEKH ar? Cor ROOW- a VELT, with possibly one excep- q tlon? Oo you know tbat tbey a ore the obm that didn't ret the t< PIE" in the Republican party? vi and are now BULL MOOSE? Do n yon know that they think tbey hare yem. Exec. Com. =^=^======^ EXAMINATIONS ? rv * ' VC Among other items. Congress In ' . # he River and Harbor Act approved m uly 25. 1912. provided for the fol- m owing preliminary examinations". ?p 1. Inland Waterway from Pamlio river through Goose Creek to ^ Tones Bay, Pamiico county. North ** Sarolina. 2. Northwest Prong Bay River to 'ubllc Wharf at Dam in town of layboro, N. C. I have been authorised by the Chief f Engineers, United States Army, to al ?old a hearing In connection with ach of the said preliminary exam- . , nations for the purpose of afford- pj ng interested parties an opportun- qj ty of presenting their views on this gt mprovement. It Is understood that you are In- tr erested in the improvements in luestion, and I therefore beg to in- m orm you that a hearing will be held mder this office at the County Court * louse, Rayboro, North Carolina, at t p. m., November 13th, 1912, and to t,( equest that you be present at that BO tme and place for the purpose of ! riving such information as you may 44 lave with reference to the proposed eneflts which would result from w, heee improvements, and stating the ag harapter of the improvement delr?d. It you are not interested In these tri mprovements, it is requested that jn ou furnish me promptly with the tames and addresses of persons who aay be interested; also communicate o them the time and place of these hi tearings, and inform them that the th nvlta't ion extends to all parties hav- ru ng an interest in the matter. ea Very respectfully, H. W. 8TICKLK. Major Corps of Engineers, U. S. A. de ;rand lodge of odd feluwsjtc8eenville1 The Grand Lodge of Odd f Pel lows a viil convene in special session in the 8< own of Greenville on Thanksgiving th )ay, November tt. The deelgates from Washington te ire Thomas Davis, Joseph Pippin ni md C. P. Harris. In addition to the delegates the m 'ollowing are aleo expected to attend: w Resident. T. W. Phillips; treasurer, et f. F. Thomas; supervisor, C. G. Mor- fq Pis; grand general guard, W. D. m rrtui.. . d, "*V VICS-PRWIDBNIH WHO DIKD WHILE IN OFFICE. tiMTfe ClinUin . .. .. . 1818 Mirtdn Owi| 1814 WiOiUi H. Kto| ...... 1888 H?n WOm .. 1878 Vmrrrt A. 1899 J?Bm H. fllill Ml I 1918 gPflflttMg .VKTK-PRKSI. M POSSIBILITIES. ^Sr^Hadley, Miwoirl. Got. Illinois. John Wan maker, Pennsylvania. Senator Borah, Idaho. Senator Cummins, Iowa. Hftor LaFoDStr. Wisconsin. F?rtner Vice-President Fairbanks ncflana. Senator Boot, New York. Senator lodge, MaaaarhuetstK. Washington, Nov. 1.?Beyond rhat has already been said in Wash Qffton dispatches, very little ii mown here concerning the probablt ntcome Of the conferences that wili e held by the Repnhlican party lead re to determine who shall be named t Mr. Sherman's place as the party't Ice-Presldentiai candidate. Under thet erml of n resolution dopted by the Republican National nnvonfIn. a* rhU.M < ?* v.# djournment, tbe National Commlt>e was given authority to Oil any icancy that might occnr on the naon&l ticket. IFTEJMflt STEMS HERE MjMMV NIGHT Hon. W. A. Lucas, of Wlleon, N. , one of North Carolina's most atactive speakers, will address the tlxens of Washington at the Court ouse on n?xt Monday evening, Nona her 4, at S o'clock. Mr. Lucas is to speak in the behalf the candidacy of Hon. F. M. Simons for'the United States Senate, r. Lucas is a powerful and fluent eaker and every Democrat should ar him. The ladies are especially vited. This; will be the last camdgn speech of the season. XKW? FROM PUNGO. Many of our farmers are still isy in their cotton and pea fields. Quite a number of our people are) tending court at Plymouth this I ee'k. , Messrs J. B. Harris and R. W. j ml made a pleasant visit in Mt. I live neighborhood, Hydfe county, I inday. Mr. W. G. Gray made a business ip to ramego Monday. Mihh Lucy HarHs spent Saturday ght with Misses Ruth and FannieI lien. The many friends of Mr. Levi ?oper are galti to welcome him >me for a few- days. He has fori me time been at work in Georgia. Miss Lizzie Daw Is spending a few ly# with Mrs. Jesse B. Harris. Messrs. J. F. Tayloe and Geo. Hill i ere in our community a few days |o. Messrs. Wank Allen and Mathew clton, our noted bear hunters end appers. are making a ^success so far their bear trapping. Mr. Theo Bornette had the misfornc of getting hia foot mashed at r. Morrison's cotton fin Monday. La foot was caught in the cogs of e press, but fortunately they were nning a slack belt whfeh was! sily thrown, or the accident would I ive proven more serious. Master Dennis and Redding Swln 11 were successful a few days agoi capturing a squirrel that had been Baling hickory nuts from their ird. *They used what is known to em as an old-time suatch down ad fall, baited with nuts, with a ng string running from the trap to blind, where the boys were hid. | on Mr. Squirrel came along after e nuts and was caught. Mr. B. H. Thompson made an Inresting speech at this place Monday! ?ht. I am requested to announce to the any friends of Mr. J. D. Paul, who as nominated by the Republican iunly "invention to represent Beauirt county in the next General Aeimbly that he will not he a candlkte as he is otherwise engaged and vs Ho. St ? II TEE ISElffl I JTU WU1 I Chairman Hilles, of tho RepubHI can National Committee, has an- J I nouneed that be has called a meetI la? for November IS, In Chicago, to I select a successor to Mr. Bhersaan. iHfl Should there he any deadlock over I a selection the committee would, of I course, defer tp the wishes of PresiI dent Taft as to the choice of a ruaI ulng mate acceptable to him. 9 I It Is the fixed belief on the part I of the Republican leaders that It I I would be useless to endeavor to inI duce Justice Charles B. Hughes to I retire from the life office that Be I holds as a member of the Supreme , I Court of the United 'States to re-enI ter the field of politics as RepobUI can candidate for Vice-President. J Funeral Service Saturday. I title*. V. y? not. 1.?With th? I end In view of obtaining a larger an- a I ditorium the first decision to hold I the funeral of Vice-President Sber- J I man In the Reformed Dutch church I has been abandoned and the First ;1 I Presbyterian church will be used for Hi that purpaee. jM I. The service will begin at 3 o'clock l| Saturday and. will be conducted I jointly by Dr. Holden, pastor of the Dutch church, and Dr. M. W. Stry- 2 ker, president of Hamilton College, I of which college Mr. Sherman was I an alumnus. The body of the Vice-President 9 I wil] He in sta^e at the Oneida copnI ty court house Friday from 8 p. tn. 'oS p. m., and it is expected that H I will be returned to the Sherman residence for privately!D - ! jurday morning. FINE MUILHIES 110 SOCIETY MONDAY 1 The Ladies' Aid Society of the Plrat Methodist church are to hare 4 their annual meeting at the church on next Monday evening. The members of the society are preparing a fine program for the occasion and all J who are present wil be repaid in more ways than one. ^fter the exercises at the church refreshments will be served at the residence of Mrs. Baugham. corner of Second and Reapeas streets. t- r. -\-U SMITH?SAUNDERS. The Raleigh News and Observer makes the following announcement, which will prove of interest to the people of Washington: Mr. and Mrs. James A. Saunders announce the engagement of their daughter, Mary Louise, to Mr. Mason \ Allen 8mith. The_ marriage of Mias Saunders will take place in December and the announcement will be read with a great deal of interest by the many friends of Miss Saunders, who is one V$ of Raleigh's attractive and well known young ladies. She is the % aaugnter or Mr. and Mrs. James A. Saunders, who reside on Boylan Heights. Mr. Smith is a resident of Washington, N. C.. and has extensive I interests in manufacturing in Eastern North Carolina. FINE SERMON J | I Rev. C. M. Rock preached another excellent sermon at the First Baptist church alst night to a large congregation. His sermons are attract- /yfl ing the attention of the people of (Washington, congregations and inter- *S| I est increasing every evening. 411 are Invited to hea rhim tonight. ' J I will be out of the county for some months yet. This is to fjiform his friends would have voted for him in the |coming election that he will not be ;3 in the race at all. Mr. Thompson ^ land Mr. Rodman will be the oply candidates for the legislature. NEW ADmWSHMETO Of TODAY'S NEWS The Hmb. " y ^ Boston Rubber Shoe Co. 'J3 J.K. Hoyt. Southern Distilling Company. * '.{ Eyrie. " Soother* Furniture Company Washington Horse Exchange. Zemo e a .?,v? j _ n