CM **nnt lu i? ??| MM* amp u t carrier o( Karma Wa Uma tba craaaila nakaa a cUai in the way of f natft-klaeing crnsada la that moat E fmrTTl* n>UMr t0BklBMd UlM *ha man who threatens to lot hla f. *" llhtii i iiow If hla favorite candfr f d*e *? not elected now has tha cantes L * the stage. Hm political tentacles of tha third tana candidate hare beam extended tm nay direction from which might ha attarad water* Irrespective of sex. ' raea, color or previous condition, of all waaatftooa, factions and trades Into tha Fiegresslve fold. By specious promlaaa canning))' adapted to each the oaioael bee Irons them to follow with Meeting approval whereaoever hia bellwether adjutants may lead in order that Theodore Rex may again alt In tha White House. Tempting bait Is thrown to the working people In the mlmlmum wage, to the Socialists In the enlargement of government ownership, to the women in the furtherance of suffrage aspirations. to tha farmer in blissful butferment of rural life, etc. Now be appeals to the Quacks, those true and hitherto deapised men of predatory wealth, offering them tenderest regard aad freedom from prejudice "for or against." The following "blanket policy** la offered for protection of our most precious possesslcns?health and life: "We favor the union of all the existnig agencies for fundamental government dealing with the public health into a single national health service without discrimination against or for any one act of thetapeutlc methods, school of medicine of school of healing, with such additional powers as may he necessary to enable It to perform efficiently such duties In the protection of the public from preventable diseases as may be properly undertaken by the fundamental authorities, in craaing cn? book. "Hone Treatment or Women," seal in p.lift ?rjpper on request A DORP I The man who drops h a serious indiscretion?hi much." Keep up your Insuran get some - the BRAGA1 P ' First Insurance I L 3 ( I Big Ass yp uiiyiUAMCD I W?fi Logki tor WHoon. STABILITY WHAT WE NEED Pull Mwm H Pruupurtty Cuinot a? RtullMO Until Country U Satlffl.4 With Oonulno Tariff Buform. IBOuard *. Fllrau la MUM or E* ysLNSsr Asr&55S!?a*3 tho country. H? la a former praaldaat of the Bool on chamber of commerce, mora* ber of the National Council of Commerce National Civic Mtntioa. National N?wesss. . ? sk and other orvanlaationa: la tha author of many articles on business. Olvlc. labor a?4 Indue trial relational To the Merchants and Business Men of the United States. John Wanamalter's appeal to yon In the New York Herald of Oct. 4, calling for a continent wide rally to the fupi port of Mr. Taft on the part of The merchants and business men of the country, has no doubt reoeired your serious attention. It has seemed to me that those of ub Id hastes? who believe Mr. Wanamakgx^s position Is mistaken should make known our po sltionu and the reasons for our firm belief that the business of the country will be best served by the election of ' Governor Wilson to the presidency. There is every reason to believe that we are on the eve of abundant prosperity. and in my opinion one thing likely to prevent the setting in of such a period woirid be the re-election of President Taft and the one thing that would make prosperity most certain would be the election of Governor Wilson. This opinion Is based upon my. belief that for tbo business world nothing else Is so important as stability. Stability is Impossible with Mr. Tafi as president: there has been no feeling of stability during his administration. It Is not that the BM??ll!#nt Is ? Alt. turbcr of conditions or that he 1* not I sufficiently careful of the business Interests of the country. The absence of any feeling of stability during the Taft administration has been and is due to a widespread belief that there arc certain reforma which the great body of people want and that the general feeling of unrest will not materially lessen until these reforms are accomplished. President Taft's re-election would not create any feeling of assurance that there would he a satisfactory solution of the tarlS question. By a satisfactory solution I mean a removal of . unjust and unnecessary taxation. Entirely apart from his veto of tariff legislation the -mere fact that the president signed the Payne-AJdrlch tariff bill and later declared that tt was the best tariff bill ever written, has made it impossible for the public to have any considerable confidence that they may expect real relief from him. Roosevelt's Record. Upon this matter Mr. Roosevelt's record is got jguch better than that of Mr. T&ft, "nor Is his present position on thfl tarlfT rapcb more promising than that w cool enough thing that will id we natural' v I v - I RS | t ( r ' i a attractive stock and e you cee them. We i 1 3sL I a-mki * a) i nd Quilts cm means to buy, so i c--.1 :'& | ( KLRBRATRS BIRTHDAY. ' Mise Laura Leggette celebrated ler 15 th birthday last Saturday < light at her hpme. The following were preeent: j diasea Neta Hardison, Lucie Hard!- j on, Llllie Perry. Minnie Perry, tuby Leggette. Bettie Wlllard. | lyrtle Leggette. Martha LeggeO*. ( dr. and Mrt. J. J l^eggette. Meeern. , 'earl Daniel and Bruce Leggette. Simon Dojrel and Josh Hardlaon. )avid Martin, Albert and Sam Wllard, Ralph, Dave and Floyd Perry. | ^rank Cherry. Roy and Luther | 5erry. Bennie Hardison, Alexander leach am, Joe Wlllai'd, Luke and 1 farahall Jackson. Sam Williams. * .eslie Hodges. Norman Oliver, Jaa. .1 lall, N. L. Jackson, and others too lumerous to mention. ~ , No soolal function or the season v-as enjoyed more and everybody oted the hostess both charming and ntertalnlng. The rooms were deeoated In oream and red -rosea. Many ;ames were played and the guest rere served with delleious refreshaents. Messrs. R. H. Pearl and Iruce Leggette were the musicians. Miss Lucie Hardison, assisted the lostesa in receiving the guest. Miss y birthday*. r ?'1 , 1 1 " * \ . -Uxhtoln*," a maitra phD*? ipher. W bwlut,, ,tn It tea DTtUm to do; tt am Mralcbt to tka nark." Our observation, is that light* ilng does nothing of the tort, bnt It nakes an atrodoukly crooked tratk. . J. I>. PAUL NOT A CANDIDATE. High Point, N. C.. Oct. 19. dr. Editor: i would like to ask space In your laper to maae a tew statements to ii y friends in Beaufort county. In my mail today I received'the Daily News for Oct. IX, in which I tee tbat my name is put down as the lominee of the Depublican party for .he office of representative of Beautort county. Some of my friends In :he county have written me informng me of the same; therefore, 1 suppose I am the "Paul" that was inended. I want to say to my friends that mx employment is such now that I im certainly in no position to take more responsibilities and hence I :annot accept the nomination. Howsver, 1 wish to kindly thank tbera for ihe courtesy shown me. I believe 1 feel as loyal to my home county as anyone, but I know tbat we have plenty of good men in the county who would make worthy representatives In our legislature and I rather aee them go there. 1 think our county Is getting in a better condition politically now. I am glad to see tbat so many people of the old parties are throwing off some of their old party allegiance snd coming out more as independent thinkers and voters (snd I think. Mr. Editor, that you have done much to bring about such a condition.) Until our. people do this we can expect nothing but "bosslsm" and "ring rule" domination In our county government. Sincerely, " J. D. PAUL. ored . the Newest T , Was*1*3 " ursir fcj rail r? 1TI FLlTVWtS j r K.1 I Station.) Km. H. B. Soarlght putor. a?K9Kg Jr., Supt. But Soeond atroot. ^OT. Robert (T. Hope, nilntatar. Berrlcna at 11:0? l. m. and |i0?' 9. m. 8traht-. ud dan a Blbl. claas, H. 8. Ward laadar, it 9*45 am. W1 Pint Baptlat Chora* Pint Baptlat Church (Market I treat, bateau Second ud Third Jta). Preaching every 8undmy 11 A. **j iH and t P. M.. Rev. H. P. Dalton, C jastor. J Sunday School ?:< A. M.. Mr. 8. f*j K Willis. Superintendent. We coriially invite strangers, visitor* and ffl ill people to these nefrtien. Oolaaad Churckea. U~>?--*~U~- ? LT U- ? - - f I?Btor. breaching every llrtt and fourth Sundays. Morning wc^ship at J ^ 11 o'clock; evening service at 7:30. JJJ Lord's Bay school I yiHsi, Thdmaa 3pcncer, 8 opt. Vial to ra am Invited ?* ind cordially welcomed. YOVI SHIP BILL s ANH YOUft BALLOT ^ ? ttwn*v id It Costs 55.50 For Woek's Necessaries; $4 In 1904. |V - - ? Th? houf*ka?p?r u< thi mm ??n- 0o" ?r au wtttiluHlmreea salted hides, IS 1-3 eta. *1 j t tarn*. ... ?o to < ?n Hide? . . 11c. ? *' > "t" *" a l*IB W[ ID ir.klu fllni t*e| 4 Ootton Sit lb ?. IW ?L,llu Mi*. Nc?*ltu >* .i km. dr. 3. V. T.yloe return.*! from wnvllle, N. C . yesterday evenfn*. DEMOCRATIC BPBAUIO. rhe Democratic aomlaecs for inty office* will address the cltls of sBaafort County at the folia* tiates and placet. Other Donatio speakers will meet With the id Mates la the various precincts. Thaisday. Oct SI. llount'a Creek at It a. p. hocowinlty at 3 p. a. (Mill.) Friday. Nor. U r ranter'a Creek at 7:30 p. a. Saturday, Kov. 4. leaver Dam at 7'p. a. LINDSAY C. WARREN. Chalnaaa Oea. Exec. Com. Seaufort County. ntY A DAILY NKWB WAlfl AS | . .!. ; - - ? . Tea j ? or 3 dorses ? #111 brook aay * dt Chills A r?T?r; u< H tahss n Ht toslo ths Tpnr will Ml >? i,l rhf ??. '.y: ve will mak, you si i2|j&??ki?ju5 MU. Soclttag k Reflata* CMfMjr ESTABLISHED SOVBAltL 843 Chestteft Si. . h. s s"mNOTICE OP ELECTION. All ?t the land owners within thread Crank Drainage District; Bad1 parties to the proceeding entitled . A. Wilkinson and others tb. W. B., dman and ethers, whose lands- arc isslfted and assessed therein are reby notified that an election aril* held at Acre Station on this 29th r of October, 19 Jr. for threo peria to be appointed, .as the Hoard Drainage Coram iaaloners of said strict, pursuant te the decree this y made In said proceeding. Said >ctlon will be conducted under the perrlstan of Rev. Thos. Oreen and a three persons receiving the hlghl rote will he entitled to appoint;nt as such commlslsoners. The ting box will open at 9 a. m. and tse at 4 p. m. ea the day of electa r This October 7th. 1912. OWB. A. PAUD, Clerk Superior Court. lS-ld-Swa ' "I ?r Fsiu ^ I xm. JL o ison is fiow on * coat is a necesy. Do not take cting pneumonia. \ e ^ Too Late Good Clothes , ISISMMSHtpSMBSBISHrasy . <& "' ' i ft- . ? .; ' ' ' - !? TM aw5Son#of r U*M ataat Wr - ^ %miKtte*t ?** vppt im** T, hmpa to ptwroat pmaaa {rem {mar to* U mmaetd'lD th* imtwot offleo. 5 jj ' M nw cocTtow) tkot i,d Japan Paitara Mama Indnitrtaa. 3 MJI?iM iir MUI p?il n <-to?M of wool re (codr (Sot On/ !? aiatka* la May*- --- - ' J* . "" '' '' } Freckled Girls la tA? om*1 sorer* mnb ?ompietolr cm gmhnii i ti^i lit ?nd ibwIotriyhwnlBK'^y WBBShBM S*ot bj Mil if Wnd hi ?%. Sffirs^r?s.ovarr"*6 HARDY DRUU 8T0R* til THEATRE Today. ?z== ? U ' '70c. ?t lOc OPEN FROM 7:3B to 11M P. M Tkk. Ad u ciks?f*d Vmh HIRSCRIHU T? DAILY NEWS. J lit 3 || t II lt *#"* I d