< (PUoeifiorf IrkiarK^wTnhT mnnw AoveniSCTieBis. S'f , All lifntlMHH placW la mo Ctualled i aw. will Iw Si-' charged !*r at tk? rata ot one 1 ?*?l * waTi tor ~ct iMartloo. ?pecl?l atu-ntloa paid to all ad? a received Or well .or talaphoaa. Bip'f _ Phono lie. -WHKN VOtJ WAHT rUBB MILK that la clean to drink, try It from the .Star Dairy. Rlug J. B. Peed'a * phone. l-W-tfo for dressed hoga. laaac Buck, WaJFOH RRtrt?Uivn 9HORF FARM 20 a^rec at Public Landlag. AppJ ply to Dr. John C. Rodman PIStrTPAUbNlPd, GRAFF FRUIT, Potatoes, Cabbages at Central Market. Pfeone, 488. 10-S0-ltc FOR IttBfVT?GOOD DWRLIINQ house. East Bud street, on South side. See H. B. Mayo. ?ll-0-tfc EXPERT nUTCHHR WANTS FOHtlaa at once. All-round man. & Phone lit. 10t Oiaddea street. Washington, N. C. . ltg SXOgPTIONAli VALUES OFFKR*d in Ladles' Coat Salts. Cloaks sad Dresses, Wednesday and Thursdty. J. K. Hoyt. id LOOT?RBD BVLIj TIARUKG; wen* a war daring May; marked, crop right ear and split left. Please import any (hforasatiau ta T. H. WWtaker. R. F. D. 2, Washington N. C. lt-T-lmc pko"'?? U-I-Ue 89 T I *?Z AZ'T U A*? ??8 wtSSS?? *$s?.r?3?& i new Mish vrinn o V*? ** ; I r- -3^vu-rs ES,J ll-l-tfe K' T?tiisk OBBHUS(. __ "? Coitru M*k?TaZ;, r;,oai?D*w--?^P:r ??-??-?tc H j - ' set ajr:r,KM ?tkonc **. ft. *" w<* ?Ua4i ' " '-Ml tfl f**** 'RICCBX8 for BAI_ f.r.r'*'"- ?--T?^uo,u^ uom R?.*r w,r to mi- ? T n-Mt. i'*T^? ?? , ' wmuuweii. ko? mix?raw bunu kioi apple*, cheap. H. B. HlM. ll-8-Uc . L 1^ ^ FKW TURKEY R FOR BALK. H. B Mayo. > 11-lllti W WOMEN ? A MONEY MAKER W Guaranteed Hosiery to wearer Oar propositions beats all others *; *110 per day- Write Immediately QUAKER CITY MILLS, 34 So J? 19th St.. Philadelphia. Pa. 11-11-16tp v A Boston woman of stghty-four bai "been winning prises for both farm an< art exhibits at a country rair. Thli shows that energy and determlnatloi Iv- 'are among the Ingredients, at leasi of the draught producing perpetoa ' youth. " NOTICE. BLlv. . Treasury Department, V Office of Supervising Architect, Washington, D. C.r Oct It, 1011 Sealed proposals wilt be receiver at this bfflce until 3 o'clock p. m. oi the 23d day of November, 1912, an ~ ; then opened, toV the Installation com piste of an electric passenger eleva tor In the Vnlted States postofflc *04 Court HOVM, WMhlBgtou. .N C.. lu accordance with the drawin ^ aad apeclflcatlon, copies of whlcl mar be hod at thl, oOce or at th oflee of thp auperlateadeat 'of coa ' J traction, at the discretion of th Snperrlala, Architect, _ . I I BM*! LEEDEB VISITS MEMOA I 81 I i . um W I n mc D I te> di lf I HI II H to an do ab H so. to ill tic k? ^Bam fei B/v ed Abdul Baha Abbas, head of the sect of the Bahalsts, has come to the United States for a visit.and to deliver several addresses. He has been lionized la Prance and England, and has several hundred thousand followers in 1 this country, a large majority of whom are women. Abdul has been leader ( of the movement since the death of Baha Ullah in 1892 and Is deeply loved t and reverenced by the Bahalsts. 1 ' i Am* *nni? m.. nnv,nM n?.Mv- Those deaf -ran tee who were Just 1 e ? fJStun,led ln * bond? of wedlock are at llvL L?Z\.XZ,\ u"t ?-"" ?* ?"* m^1-1 ?" Thtrn to ihortnc* In lh? cranborry oroj>. bat thai far no ahortatn In tbn \T^ nSTtSttawitl turkar crop baa b?en reported. foo ""boat 1U dana.rm. _ hn^tSViS^SrSS ^report-. boycott on fu.Ur .?*. " tb. laaitor ba^Maocona axUnct. X^uTSL^T ?. ? j That electricity can cure hunger has ***** er been _ demonstrated by many a man . j ^ dttd at S wuo ... -urn- win . UT. wfrm ?. .< ~t w^tT" TU. ? Once apon tt time m mu thca.ht <:erUlnl^, MU ?"? * , b? knew a mushroom from a toad- . . tool. A lar,. family ..rt.ri him. Futtnl society women are called to bad life Insurance risks. Germany wi refuses to Insure aria tors. Both arc How Vienna Helps Brides. flyers. "Lectures for Brides" Is the name at ut the latest course started bj the Visa- Boston now has the articulated th acse Institute* for popular Instrue- itreet car. but It Is certain that the tloo known as the Urania, and now ad- Boston articulation of "car" leaves off vertiasd ell over the city. The lee- rhe final "r." ,v tures\ will cover ouch subjects as ? house-keeping. cooking, hygiene, ele- announcement Is thst the United mantary physiology and the care of 8tates mint Is to resume the manufaochildren. ture of gold coins. We wondered why Though malnjy Intended for those 'hey had been so scarce lately. but J* who are about to be or hare Just been thought they had an been sperm. married, all girls over 17 will be ad- :? mitted. The course will last for elgta Parts has a new ballet which baa i months, there being lectures on twe so shocked some of the critics that evenings a week. A small fee Is they refuse to review 1L The an charged for the course, but tl* poor aouneement of their refusal haa. or 17 ' can obtain tickets frso. course, led to overflowing audiences. rc ' | A Large and complete line of Ladles and Mioses Cloaks In Navvy, Gray, Brown and Tan which we will offer at special prices ranging from m $6.00 to $15.00 ' ALSO AN ASSORTMENT OF v SWEATERS : si In Alack, White, Navey and Red In all sizes. prices from $1.00 to $0.00. Buy early and J get the best selection. m SPENCER BROS. S i Agt. For McCall Patterns. : J Corn ^j^F?,hi* ' y?iar oppor- J1 e MF Kijlll PogUl or Expreaa Money Order, Retfatertd Leter or CerlJi-l RuA f*1 Check Guaranteed to plesM or mocny refunded. Complete price ^ t *" n^.TT "&r nii'ii ! * i ; ...; CONSUMPTION YS WAR opto Truth* and Fact* for Our Consumption warns to bo taking >ra poo pie each year. It la a d laMi that is baffling the Medical Proislon. It was discovered some ira ago however, that it la a germ lease and ia not inherited as was ce thought The people that are rdened with consumption are ;h day setting free a lot of these uercull germs and as there are re people than ever before Huffer\ with this horrible disease, of arse more germs are froed each y and thereby causing more new tea. If our readers would pay >re attention to the weak members their family by keeping their ays. n and langs in a good healthy conion. the high ratio of Consumptive itims would be greatly decreased, consumption Is a germ and the rm only acts on weak lungs, why t keep your lungs In .good condin? Never go through the winter th & hacking cough, nor from day day with pains through your lungs d your system in a nervous rnnwn condition. Negligence on the ove which is ofthnee not considered *tous, many times turns out to be A remedy by the name of Bear's lulslon has recently been brought our attention 'by numerous arles appearing in the papers wrltx by prominent people that have wl the remedy, who have been suf- i *ers of luag trouble. If this remy proves to act on every one as it s on those who hi?reNwritten tesaonials, It will .be a great thing r our country, as Consumption has lied more people, in four years since s Civil War than were killed dur5 the 4 years of the Civil War. Jicycles! Bicycles! New. Bioyelee I1B and up. We are agenta for the Ravycle, leading, Btandard, Iver Johnson, 'olumbla. Rambler. Emblem Nnlonal and Day tea Bfteyelea. Md or eesb of on time. We else carry i fall line of repairs at all tlmsa. D. R. CUTLER 11 A CI (HVBCl UL WASHINGTON. N. C Phone 283 ' Insanity Is to be the plea of ChiiSo's society burglar. Crazy for otb people's jewelry, no doubt. A woman left the. Arctic circle to it . man-fed in Boatdn ProbjMj^ ten up there toget acclimated. ? t. Men accuse women of being slaves fashion and still wear straw bats ben It Is cold pnough for earmufls. Eating lunch every day In ten mines Is another form of speed mania at Is responsible for many deaths. What puzzles us Is that any on* lould try to awlm the English cbae> si when It Is so cheap to ride across. Once more the last of the passenger geons has died. That bird will acrapllsh the feat once too often some y. Lightning has come to the front as euro for rheumatism. But It Is hardlikely many will be struck with the imedy. In abolishing child labor the reforms should be careful not to make other wash all the dishes and wipe em, too. Scientists have discovered how to ske artificial daylight They need st expect to see any of it In the leber Dal aces. People who lore their fellow men 111 note with pleasure that some rlatora are learning to fall without ling Injured. The numerous diamond disappearicea now reported Indicate the presice of some clever thieves or clever press agents. The average college yell may be a elrd affair, but it la as dignified as a jioral In comparison with the averre campaign yell. One Harvard scientist has succeed I in making hot ice. which would be no use at all on the morning after e night preceding. A Brooklyn man who was bltfen by pickerel wants to know If fish csn ive hydrophobia. Not unless It's a 3gflsh. we should say. aide whiskers are to come Into faab n again and the youth who cannot rise a mustache will thus find that to has Its compeasatlons. Professor Metchnikoff saysone may Y eating carrots prolong one's life, ffc!*, la U that everything which promts life Is so unpleasant? A Jeweler Informs ns that the averse watch has 175 pieces. And In our articular watch each piece ban a rudge against Its neighbor. Verily there is something worse tan eapttAy' punishment Ftor innate, a Chicago Judge has sentenced ' man to SO days In Plttsbnfg. Nevada boasts of a spring whose ater tastes like chicked soup, but istnurauts have been nerving the itdo stuff for lo, these many y'ars. Wtonlx* with WtUon DM. nx>r. *?n,\.T"n Vir'?r> " t . ; fSociety * The DAILY NEWS will 6e * pleased to receive Items, such as * engagements, weddings, parties, * teas and other news .of personal * Interest, with the names of those * present, for the Society News" * column. The Itedxs should be * Indorsed with the uamo and ad* dress of the sender?not for * publication, but as a matter of * good faith. PERSONALS. Mr. R. A. White, of Norfolk. Vi Is a Washington visitor today. Mr. D. F. Bell, of New Bern, N. C la a business visitor to ^ie city b day. t t t t Mr. C. L. Qrigsley, of Ashevlll N. C., is registered at Hotel Ir. Phone 261 128 South Market Si. I | >n lg ? Do Not Wait for Frost 1 But purchase your Stoves and Heaters to uow and avoid the rush and delay In * having them put up. xa Ur * Large Stock and Assortment to ^ Select Froqu = HARRIS HARDWARE CO. 1 " THE DIFFERENCE= 1 ? Have you ever observed the difference betwen a dark murky day and ay a bright "sunshiny" one when all nature aeems "a-ahlning." Hare yew noticed the difference between your disposition, capacity, etc., oa a Una Monday and then on a beautiful balmy Thursday? sh In one ca?e, everything goes wrong?in the other, everything la &d "Just right" an deverybody feels fire. ?*- That is exactly the difference between good light and poor light? M the difference between Foatorla Ma-da light and any other light. Tear _| nomo^Tor^o^ractorywllI be a different place if you hare PotUih Masdas. r. This life ia short?too short to go without the good things Chad tn ' j can h?"? at no greater expense than the poor ones yon am getting. Let us help you figure out just what you can hare In the a h_ line for what you are now paying and what you can have for a lot has. iy Get In touch with us?find out what "Foetoria" the Natiosd ^nltty Masda lamp can do for you. Washington Municipal Electric tlift I ^ PHONE 393. lis 5 Try the Daily News And Hot Rpualfs I / \i 1U Utwl I%t?lli9llci